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转载 五年软件开发的一点自我总结
下周就要去新公司报道了,换城市(离开北京)+换职业(不做开发),这个决定下得其实还是蛮艰难的。最近一直在反思自己毕业后的这五年工作,自感惭愧,找个地方记录下(主要是这里谁都不认识我),也算是自己的一种反醒以及给过来人提点建议,少走点弯路吧。 08年顶着名校硕士的光环加入了一家非常有名的非软件公司做软件开发,刚开始一切其实都很美好。大外企的各种好在头一年给自己带来了很多光环,当然...
2013-05-15 16:28:00 242
转载 公司effective concurrency培训笔记 by Herb Sutter
三天的培训,第一天去发现讲师是个c++牛人:Herb Sutter,公司花了一个人2000多刀,感觉不是很值,废话少说,记点笔记先,也算是学过,以后用到也好reference下: 题目是《Effecitve Concurrency Introduction and Overview》 1. Three Pillars of Dawn Concurrency For Isolat...
2013-04-03 17:09:00 154
转载 CLR Garbage Collection
1.Memory architecture 2.Generations Generation 0 : Short lived objects (Collected frequently) Generation 1 : Medium lived objects (Collected less frequently) Generation 2 : Long lived o...
2013-02-05 11:00:00 114
转载 CLR Debugging
1. CLR Process Source code -> Compiler -> .NET Assembly -> CLR JIT Application domains (System, Shared, Default) Assemblies (Private, Shared) (logical constructs) Modules (physical...
2013-01-30 16:13:00 140
转载 Windows Debugging 学习笔记
1. Debugging Tools For Windows: Ntsd.exe : Console based debugger with new console Cdb.exe : Console based debugger with existing console Windbg.exe : GUI based debugger Kd.exe : Consol...
2013-01-24 10:46:00 167
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