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转载 正则tips

正则tips http://parkmy.javaeye.com/blog/423440然后上网一查,虽然没有查出上述规则到底是什么地方出问题了,但是查出了一个解决办法,经过一试,果然可以匹配包括换行符在内的任意字符,以下为正确的正则表达式匹配规则: ([\s\S]...

2010-07-31 13:31:00 44

转载 online gzip test tool

online gzip test tool http://www.whatsmyip.org/http_compression/http://www.gidnetwork.com/tools/gzip-test.php ...

2010-07-31 10:52:00 68

转载 solr tip

solr tip http://localhost:8080/solr/core0/select?q=收纳&rows=0&facet=true&facet.field=price&facet.query=price:[*+TO+20]...

2010-07-31 10:01:00 49

转载 python tip

python tip a="2" if False else "3" posted on 2010-07-30 21:04lexus 阅读(...) 评论(....

2010-07-30 21:04:00 55

转载 gthread-2.0 install

gthread-2.0 install http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=857320You need libglib2.0-dev (use synaptic to install it).pygobject-2.0...

2010-07-29 23:49:00 544

转载 python tips

python tips file(path.basename(url), 'wb').write(httpc.get(url))http://ulaluma.com/pyx/archives/2008/12/lxml_eventlet_m.html...

2010-07-29 15:39:00 60

转载 Scale Stack vs node.js vs Twisted vs Eventlet

Scale Stack vs node.js vs Twisted vs Eventlet http://oddments.org/?p=494 posted o...

2010-07-29 15:22:00 48

转载 比较工具on ubuntu

比较工具on ubuntu sudo apt-get install meld posted on 2010-07-28 16:58lexus 阅读(......

2010-07-28 16:58:00 43

转载 pool=eventlet.GreenPool(20)

pool=eventlet.GreenPool(20) 默认是1000,可能是我在 ubuntu下unlimit -n没有调 ,或是python的httplib有问题,抓同一个站就抱错 r = h.getresponse() File "/usr/lib/p...

2010-07-28 15:04:00 69

转载 utf8库,gb2312心得

utf8库,gb2312心得 这个python的一个难题,大部分开源的python包或是其它的程序,目前和未来都会采用utf8,因此建议你用utf8,但是我们又用到gb2312,因为我们要做面向百度友好的站,因此我们只要保证,程序的输入和输出是gb2312内部还是u...

2010-07-27 23:40:00 55

转载 nginx最新部署

nginx最新部署 <span style="color: rgb(194, 12, 185); font-weight: bold;">sudo</span> <span style="color: rgb(194, 12, 185)...

2010-07-27 01:30:00 63

转载 ubuntu查看进程占用端口命令

ubuntu查看进程占用端口命令 netstat -tlnp|grep 80http://fly5.com.cn/t/t-chicken/linux-%E6%9F%A5%E7%9C%8B%E8%BF%9B%E7%A8%8B%E5%8D%A0%E7%94%A8%E...

2010-07-26 20:53:00 80

转载 bottle support gb2312

bottle support gb2312 in template first line type code as follows:%# -*- coding: gb2312 -*-in controller writeresponse.content_type =...

2010-07-25 23:44:00 38

转载 bottle support gb2312

bottle support gb2312 in template first line type code as follows:%# -*- coding: gb2312 -*-in controller writeresponse.content_type =...

2010-07-25 23:41:00 49

转载 bottle support gb2312

bottle support gb2312 in template first line type code as follows:%# -*- coding: gb2312 -*-in controller writeresponse.content_type =...

2010-07-25 23:39:00 38

转载 seo

seo 关于百度收录gb2312页面http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=tag%3A%B0%D9%B6%C8&pn=10#!/usr/bin/env python#encoding=gb18030a="百度主题推广"import urllib...

2010-07-25 21:31:00 54

转载 .egg文件安装

.egg文件安装 你下载的.egg包就可以运行./easy_install xxx.egg来安装了reference:http://bigtoy4boy.com/blog/tag/python/ ...

2010-07-25 08:38:00 151

转载 solrpy pagnator batch

solrpy pagnator batch i use solr1.4.1 version,and the return xml is changed,the original return xml is like this 0 ...

2010-07-24 19:52:00 37

转载 solrpy pagnator batch

solrpy pagnator batch i use solr1.4.1 version,and the return xml is changed,the original return xml is like this 0 ...

2010-07-24 18:48:00 62

转载 solr中使用IKAnalysizer的自定义词典的配置

solr中使用IKAnalysizer的自定义词典的配置 参看:IKAnalyzer 中文分词器 V3.2 使用手册IK Analyzer 安装包包含:1. 《IKAnalyzer 中文分词器 V3.X 使用手册》 ...

2010-07-24 17:01:00 102

转载 multi-core solr deploy process(not complete)

multi-core solr deploy process(not complete) How to set up Solr on Ubuntu 10.04 (or whatever)0 Comments | Tags: solr searchApache...

2010-07-23 19:13:00 49

转载 How to set up Solr on Ubuntu 10.04 (or whatever)

How to set up Solr on Ubuntu 10.04 (or whatever) How to set up Solr on Ubuntu 10.04 (or whatever)| Tags: solr searchApache Solr i...

2010-07-23 19:11:00 86

转载 multi-core solr deploy process(not complete)

multi-core solr deploy process(not complete) 根据/etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml中部署的solr.home的位置上创建mkdir solrmsudo chgrp mlzbo...

2010-07-23 18:58:00 58

转载 solr 1.4.0 multi core deploy

solr 1.4.0 multi core deploy i cost one day and half to accomplish it.i read all relevent articles in internets.finally get success.t...

2010-07-23 18:19:00 41

转载 ubuntu不能更新包

ubuntu不能更新包 无 法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: 资源临时不可用) 问题: 运行程序更新时出现报错: 无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open...

2010-07-23 15:17:00 86

转载 view file encoding on ubuntu

view file encoding on ubuntu gvim file:set fileencodinghttp://wrsuifeng.javaeye.com/blog/560632 ...

2010-07-23 10:54:00 41

转载 SOLR Performance Benchmarks – Single vs. Multi-core Index Shards

SOLR Performance Benchmarks – Single vs. Multi-core Index Shards http://www.derivante.com/2009/05/05/solr-performance-benchmarks-si...

2010-07-23 10:23:00 60

转载 eZ Publish — Enterprise Open Source Web Content Management

eZ Publish — Enterprise Open Source Web Content Management eZ Publish — Enterprise Open Source Web Content Management http://ez.no/ez...

2010-07-23 10:22:00 59

转载 SOLR Performance Benchmarks – Single vs. Multi-core Index Shards

SOLR Performance Benchmarks – Single vs. Multi-core Index Shards http://www.derivante.com/2009/05/05/solr-performance-benchmarks-si...

2010-07-23 09:40:00 44

转载 How-To: UFW - Ucomplicated Firewall

How-To: UFW - Ucomplicated Firewall Securing Solr administrative consolehttp://drupal.org/node/658466sudo apt-get install gufw ...

2010-07-23 09:07:00 52

转载 bdb虽好,不要忘了monetDB哦

bdb虽好,不要忘了monetDB哦 也是一个内存型数据库,支持sql,bdb是商业的,另外新版的sql支持,还没有python的wrap,加上我的c/c++功力一点也没有,也没法写wrap,所以这个或许可以做为一个代替,万不利己可以用用. ...

2010-07-22 20:50:00 81

转载 solr python client

solr python client i found two python wrap of solr,http://github.com/toastdriven/pysolrhttp://code.google.com/p/solrpy/currently i us...

2010-07-22 20:18:00 60

转载 杜拉拉升职记连续剧

杜拉拉升职记连续剧 整个一个爱情剧了,里边的黛西来处hk,hk真是出风尘的地方,导演选人太强了,整个作品一般,但是导演能够借<杜拉拉>的名声来上位,也是不错的选择,就像张纪中,虽然感觉拍的很烂,像天龙八部,还有倚天什么的,但是反正名声也赚了,呵呵发现义乌...

2010-07-22 19:42:00 95

转载 20100722

20100722 不管大站小站都爱美女策略另外看一下同行是如何做淘宝的 posted on 2010-07-22 01:42lexus 阅读(...) 评论(...

2010-07-22 01:42:00 35

转载 deploy uwsgi with niginx on ubuntu

deploy uwsgi with niginx on ubuntu first download stable version uwsgi from http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/then follow the article ht...

2010-07-20 22:57:00 40

转载 install git on ubuntu

install git on ubuntu sudo apt-get install git-core posted on 2010-07-20 19:21l...

2010-07-20 19:21:00 85

转载 deploy uwsgi with niginx on ubuntu

deploy uwsgi with niginx on ubuntu first download stable version uwsgi from http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/then follow the article ht...

2010-07-20 19:19:00 62

转载 solr relevent project

solr relevent project solr 周边的一些开发与扩展http://code.google.com/p/solr-side/http://code.google.com/p/solrmarc/solr python clienthttp://c...

2010-07-20 06:48:00 45

转载 solr relevent project

solr relevent project solr 周边的一些开发与扩展http://code.google.com/p/solr-side/http://code.google.com/p/solrmarc/solr python clienthttp://c...

2010-07-20 06:30:00 53

转载 ubuntu下部署solr

ubuntu下部署solr IKAnalyzerlinliangyi2007.javaeye.comhttp://code.google.com/p/ik-analyzerreference:http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorial...

2010-07-19 14:19:00 43



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