IOS AddressBook 对contact处理,一般常用到的几个文件(保存,删除,属性获取,group等)



今天准备 做一个和系统自带的 contact 通讯录 交互的软件。

找了很多 资料,发现大部分的开发者 并没有什么简便的方法,都是 把所有的属性 key 罗列出来,一个一个进行处理。

对一些 属性进行分类进行管理,一些前辈写的 文件比较好。不过看了一下时间,发现是两三年前的作品了,让我觉得 是不是还有更好的资源可以使用。。

下面的是 大部分开发者都会使用或者了解的  属性 key 的module,大家根据自己的要求对其使用

为了方便 ,就用了 复制粘贴的方式给大家。本文到此就结束了。谢谢


 Erica Sadun,
 iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 3.0 Edition
 BSD License, Use at your own risk

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AddressBook/AddressBook.h>
#import <AddressBookUI/AddressBookUI.h>

@interface ABContact : NSObject
	ABRecordRef record;

// Convenience allocation methods
+ (id) contact;
+ (id) contactWithRecord: (ABRecordRef) record;
+ (id) contactWithRecordID: (ABRecordID) recordID;

// Class utility methods
+ (NSString *) localizedPropertyName: (ABPropertyID) aProperty;
+ (ABPropertyType) propertyType: (ABPropertyID) aProperty;
+ (NSString *) propertyTypeString: (ABPropertyID) aProperty;
+ (NSString *) propertyString: (ABPropertyID) aProperty;
+ (BOOL) propertyIsMultivalue: (ABPropertyID) aProperty;
+ (NSArray *) arrayForProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID inRecord: (ABRecordRef) record;
+ (id) objectForProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID inRecord: (ABRecordRef) record;

// Creating proper dictionaries
+ (NSDictionary *) dictionaryWithValue: (id) value andLabel: (CFStringRef) label;
+ (NSDictionary *) addressWithStreet: (NSString *) street withCity: (NSString *) city
						   withState:(NSString *) state withZip: (NSString *) zip
						 withCountry: (NSString *) country withCode: (NSString *) code;
+ (NSDictionary *) smsWithService: (CFStringRef) service andUser: (NSString *) userName;

// Instance utility methods
- (BOOL) removeSelfFromAddressBook: (NSError **) error;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) ABRecordRef record;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) ABRecordID recordID;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) ABRecordType recordType;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isPerson;

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *firstname;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *lastname;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *middlename;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *prefix;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *suffix;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *nickname;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *firstnamephonetic;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *lastnamephonetic;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *middlenamephonetic;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *organization;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *jobtitle;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *department;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *note;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *contactName; // my friendly utility
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *compositeName; // via AB

#pragma mark NUMBER
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSNumber *kind;

#pragma mark DATE
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSDate *birthday;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *creationDate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *modificationDate;

#pragma mark MULTIVALUE
// Each of these produces an array of NSStrings
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *emailArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *emailLabels;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *phoneArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *phoneLabels;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *relatedNameArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *relatedNameLabels;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *urlArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *urlLabels;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *dateArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *dateLabels;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *addressArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *addressLabels;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *smsArray;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *smsLabels;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *emailaddresses;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *phonenumbers;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *urls;

// Each of these uses an array of dictionaries
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *emailDictionaries;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *phoneDictionaries;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *relatedNameDictionaries;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *urlDictionaries;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *dateDictionaries;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *addressDictionaries;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSArray *smsDictionaries;

#pragma mark IMAGES
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIImage *image;


// Conversion to dictionary
- (NSDictionary *) baseDictionaryRepresentation; // no image
- (NSDictionary *) dictionaryRepresentation; // image where available

// Conversion to data
- (NSData *) baseDataRepresentation; // no image
- (NSData *) dataRepresentation; // image where available

+ (id) contactWithDictionary: (NSDictionary *) dict;
+ (id) contactWithData: (NSData *) data;
 Erica Sadun,
 iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 3.0 Edition
 BSD License, Use at your own risk

#import "ABContact.h"
#import "ABContactsHelper.h"

#define CFAutorelease(obj) ({CFTypeRef _obj = (obj); (_obj == NULL) ? NULL : [(id)CFMakeCollectable(_obj) autorelease]; })

#define FIRST_NAME_STRING	@"First Name"
#define MIDDLE_NAME_STRING	@"Middle Name"
#define LAST_NAME_STRING	@"Last Name"

#define PREFIX_STRING	@"Prefix"
#define SUFFIX_STRING	@"Suffix"
#define NICKNAME_STRING	@"Nickname"

#define PHONETIC_FIRST_STRING	@"Phonetic First Name"
#define PHONETIC_MIDDLE_STRING	@"Phonetic Middle Name"
#define PHONETIC_LAST_STRING	@"Phonetic Last Name"

#define ORGANIZATION_STRING	@"Organization"
#define JOBTITLE_STRING		@"Job Title"
#define DEPARTMENT_STRING	@"Department"

#define NOTE_STRING	@"Note"

#define BIRTHDAY_STRING				@"Birthday"
#define CREATION_DATE_STRING		@"Creation Date"
#define MODIFICATION_DATE_STRING	@"Modification Date"

#define KIND_STRING	@"Kind"

#define EMAIL_STRING	@"Email"
#define ADDRESS_STRING	@"Address"
#define DATE_STRING		@"Date"
#define PHONE_STRING	@"Phone"
#define SMS_STRING		@"Instant Message"
#define URL_STRING		@"URL"
#define RELATED_STRING	@"Related Name"

#define IMAGE_STRING	@"Image"

@implementation ABContact
@synthesize record;

// Thanks to Quentarez, Ciaran
- (id) initWithRecord: (ABRecordRef) aRecord
	if (self = [super init]) record = CFRetain(aRecord);
	return self;

+ (id) contactWithRecord: (ABRecordRef) person
	return [[[ABContact alloc] initWithRecord:person] autorelease];

+ (id) contactWithRecordID: (ABRecordID) recordID
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
	ABRecordRef contactrec = ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID(addressBook, recordID);
	ABContact *contact = [self contactWithRecord:contactrec];
	// CFRelease(contactrec); // Thanks Gary Fung
	return contact;

// Thanks to Ciaran
+ (id) contact
	ABRecordRef person = ABPersonCreate();
	id contact = [ABContact contactWithRecord:person];
	return contact;

- (void) dealloc
	if (record) CFRelease(record);
	[super dealloc];

#pragma mark utilities
+ (NSString *) localizedPropertyName: (ABPropertyID) aProperty
	return [(NSString *)ABPersonCopyLocalizedPropertyName(aProperty) autorelease];

+ (ABPropertyType) propertyType: (ABPropertyID) aProperty
	return ABPersonGetTypeOfProperty(aProperty);

// Thanks to Eridius for suggestions re switch
+ (NSString *) propertyTypeString: (ABPropertyID) aProperty
	switch (ABPersonGetTypeOfProperty(aProperty))
		case kABInvalidPropertyType: return @"Invalid Property";
		case kABStringPropertyType: return @"String";
		case kABIntegerPropertyType: return @"Integer";
		case kABRealPropertyType: return @"Float";
		case kABDateTimePropertyType: return DATE_STRING;
		case kABDictionaryPropertyType: return @"Dictionary";
		case kABMultiStringPropertyType: return @"Multi String";
		case kABMultiIntegerPropertyType: return @"Multi Integer";
		case kABMultiRealPropertyType: return @"Multi Float";
		case kABMultiDateTimePropertyType: return @"Multi Date";
		case kABMultiDictionaryPropertyType: return @"Multi Dictionary";
		default: return @"Invalid Property";

+ (NSString *) propertyString: (ABPropertyID) aProperty
	/* switch (aProperty) // Sorry, this won't compile
		case kABPersonFirstNameProperty: return FIRST_NAME_STRING;
		case kABPersonMiddleNameProperty: return MIDDLE_NAME_STRING;
		case kABPersonLastNameProperty: return LAST_NAME_STRING;
		case kABPersonPrefixProperty: return PREFIX_STRING;
		case kABPersonSuffixProperty: return SUFFIX_STRING;
		case kABPersonNicknameProperty: return NICKNAME_STRING;
		case kABPersonFirstNamePhoneticProperty: return PHONETIC_FIRST_STRING;
		case kABPersonMiddleNamePhoneticProperty: return PHONETIC_MIDDLE_STRING;
		case kABPersonLastNamePhoneticProperty: return PHONETIC_LAST_STRING;
		case kABPersonOrganizationProperty: return ORGANIZATION_STRING;
		case kABPersonJobTitleProperty: return JOBTITLE_STRING;
		case kABPersonDepartmentProperty: return DEPARTMENT_STRING;
		case kABPersonNoteProperty: return NOTE_STRING;

		case kABPersonKindProperty: return KIND_STRING;
		case kABPersonBirthdayProperty: return BIRTHDAY_STRING;
		case kABPersonCreationDateProperty: return CREATION_DATE_STRING;
		case kABPersonModificationDateProperty: return MODIFICATION_DATE_STRING;

		case kABPersonEmailProperty: return EMAIL_STRING;
		case kABPersonAddressProperty: return ADDRESS_STRING;
		case kABPersonDateProperty: return DATE_STRING;
		case kABPersonPhoneProperty: return PHONE_STRING;
		case kABPersonInstantMessageProperty: return SMS_STRING;
		case kABPersonURLProperty: return URL_STRING;
		case kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty: return RELATED_STRING;			
	} */
	if (aProperty == kABPersonFirstNameProperty) return FIRST_NAME_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonMiddleNameProperty) return MIDDLE_NAME_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonLastNameProperty) return LAST_NAME_STRING;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonPrefixProperty) return PREFIX_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonSuffixProperty) return SUFFIX_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonNicknameProperty) return NICKNAME_STRING;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonFirstNamePhoneticProperty) return PHONETIC_FIRST_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonMiddleNamePhoneticProperty) return PHONETIC_MIDDLE_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonLastNamePhoneticProperty) return PHONETIC_LAST_STRING;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonOrganizationProperty) return ORGANIZATION_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonJobTitleProperty) return JOBTITLE_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonDepartmentProperty) return DEPARTMENT_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonNoteProperty) return NOTE_STRING;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonKindProperty) return KIND_STRING;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonBirthdayProperty) return BIRTHDAY_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonCreationDateProperty) return CREATION_DATE_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonModificationDateProperty) return MODIFICATION_DATE_STRING;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonEmailProperty) return EMAIL_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonAddressProperty) return ADDRESS_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonDateProperty) return DATE_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonPhoneProperty) return PHONE_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonInstantMessageProperty) return SMS_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonURLProperty) return URL_STRING;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty) return RELATED_STRING;

	return nil;

+ (BOOL) propertyIsMultivalue: (ABPropertyID) aProperty;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonFirstNameProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonMiddleNameProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonLastNameProperty) return NO;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonPrefixProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonSuffixProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonNicknameProperty) return NO;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonFirstNamePhoneticProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonMiddleNamePhoneticProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonLastNamePhoneticProperty) return NO;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonOrganizationProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonJobTitleProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonDepartmentProperty) return NO;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonNoteProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonKindProperty) return NO;

	if (aProperty == kABPersonBirthdayProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonCreationDateProperty) return NO;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonModificationDateProperty) return NO;
	return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonEmailProperty) return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonAddressProperty) return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonDateProperty) return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonPhoneProperty) return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonInstantMessageProperty) return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonURLProperty) return YES;
	if (aProperty == kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty) return YES;

+ (NSArray *) arrayForProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID inRecord: (ABRecordRef) record
	// Recover the property for a given record
	CFTypeRef theProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID);
	NSArray *items = (NSArray *)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(theProperty);
	return [items autorelease];

+ (id) objectForProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID inRecord: (ABRecordRef) record
	return [(id) ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID) autorelease];

+ (NSDictionary *) dictionaryWithValue: (id) value andLabel: (CFStringRef) label
	NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
	if (value) [dict setObject:value forKey:@"value"];
	if (label) [dict setObject:(NSString *)label forKey:@"label"];
	return dict;

+ (NSDictionary *) addressWithStreet: (NSString *) street withCity: (NSString *) city
						   withState:(NSString *) state withZip: (NSString *) zip
						 withCountry: (NSString *) country withCode: (NSString *) code
	NSMutableDictionary *md = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
	if (street) [md setObject:street forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonAddressStreetKey];
	if (city) [md setObject:city forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonAddressCityKey];
	if (state) [md setObject:state forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonAddressStateKey];
	if (zip) [md setObject:zip forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonAddressZIPKey];
	if (country) [md setObject:country forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonAddressCountryKey];
	if (code) [md setObject:code forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonAddressCountryCodeKey];
	return md;

+ (NSDictionary *) smsWithService: (CFStringRef) service andUser: (NSString *) userName
	NSMutableDictionary *sms = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
	if (service) [sms setObject:(NSString *) service forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonInstantMessageServiceKey];
	if (userName) [sms setObject:userName forKey:(NSString *) kABPersonInstantMessageUsernameKey];
	return sms;

// Thanks to Eridius for suggestions re: error
- (BOOL) removeSelfFromAddressBook: (NSError **) error
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	if (!ABAddressBookRemoveRecord(addressBook, self.record, (CFErrorRef *) error)) return NO;
	return ABAddressBookSave(addressBook,  (CFErrorRef *) error);

#pragma mark Record ID and Type
- (ABRecordID) recordID {return ABRecordGetRecordID(record);}
- (ABRecordType) recordType {return ABRecordGetRecordType(record);}
- (BOOL) isPerson {return self.recordType == kABPersonType;}

#pragma mark Getting Single Value Strings
- (NSString *) getRecordString:(ABPropertyID) anID
	return [(NSString *) ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID) autorelease];
- (NSString *) firstname {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonFirstNameProperty];}
- (NSString *) middlename {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonMiddleNameProperty];}
- (NSString *) lastname {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonLastNameProperty];}

- (NSString *) prefix {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonPrefixProperty];}
- (NSString *) suffix {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonSuffixProperty];}
- (NSString *) nickname {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonNicknameProperty];}

- (NSString *) firstnamephonetic {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonFirstNamePhoneticProperty];}
- (NSString *) middlenamephonetic {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonMiddleNamePhoneticProperty];}
- (NSString *) lastnamephonetic {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonLastNamePhoneticProperty];}

- (NSString *) organization {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonOrganizationProperty];}
- (NSString *) jobtitle {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonJobTitleProperty];}
- (NSString *) department {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonDepartmentProperty];}
- (NSString *) note {return [self getRecordString:kABPersonNoteProperty];}

#pragma mark Contact Name Utility
- (NSString *) contactName
	NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString string];
	if (self.firstname || self.lastname)
		if (self.prefix) [string appendFormat:@"%@ ", self.prefix];
		if (self.firstname) [string appendFormat:@"%@ ", self.firstname];
		if (self.nickname) [string appendFormat:@"\"%@\" ", self.nickname];
		if (self.lastname) [string appendFormat:@"%@", self.lastname];
		if (self.suffix && string.length)
			[string appendFormat:@", %@ ", self.suffix];
			[string appendFormat:@" "];
	if (self.organization) [string appendString:self.organization];
	return [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];

- (NSString *) compositeName
	NSString *string = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyCompositeName(record);
	return [string autorelease];

#pragma mark NUMBER
- (NSNumber *) getRecordNumber: (ABPropertyID) anID
	return [(NSNumber *) ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID) autorelease];

- (NSNumber *) kind {return [self getRecordNumber:kABPersonKindProperty];}

#pragma mark Dates
- (NSDate *) getRecordDate:(ABPropertyID) anID
	return [(NSDate *) ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID) autorelease];

- (NSDate *) birthday {return [self getRecordDate:kABPersonBirthdayProperty];}
- (NSDate *) creationDate {return [self getRecordDate:kABPersonCreationDateProperty];}
- (NSDate *) modificationDate {return [self getRecordDate:kABPersonModificationDateProperty];}

#pragma mark Getting MultiValue Elements
- (NSArray *) arrayForProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID
	CFTypeRef theProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID);
	NSArray *items = (NSArray *)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(theProperty);
	return [items autorelease];

- (NSArray *) labelsForProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID
	CFTypeRef theProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID);
	NSMutableArray *labels = [NSMutableArray array];
	for (int i = 0; i < ABMultiValueGetCount(theProperty); i++)
		NSString *label = (NSString *)ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex(theProperty, i);
		[labels addObject:label];
		[label release];
	return labels;

- (NSArray *) emailArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonEmailProperty];}
- (NSArray *) emailLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonEmailProperty];}
- (NSArray *) phoneArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonPhoneProperty];}
- (NSArray *) phoneLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonPhoneProperty];}
- (NSArray *) relatedNameArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty];}
- (NSArray *) relatedNameLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty];}
- (NSArray *) urlArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonURLProperty];}
- (NSArray *) urlLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonURLProperty];}
- (NSArray *) dateArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonDateProperty];}
- (NSArray *) dateLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonDateProperty];}
- (NSArray *) addressArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonAddressProperty];}
- (NSArray *) addressLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonAddressProperty];}
- (NSArray *) smsArray {return [self arrayForProperty:kABPersonInstantMessageProperty];}
- (NSArray *) smsLabels {return [self labelsForProperty:kABPersonInstantMessageProperty];}

- (NSString *) phonenumbers {return [self.phoneArray componentsJoinedByString:@" "];}
- (NSString *) emailaddresses {return [self.emailArray componentsJoinedByString:@" "];}
- (NSString *) urls {return [self.urlArray componentsJoinedByString:@" "];}

- (NSArray *) dictionaryArrayForProperty: (ABPropertyID) aProperty
	NSArray *valueArray = [self arrayForProperty:aProperty];
	NSArray *labelArray = [self labelsForProperty:aProperty];
	int num = MIN(valueArray.count, labelArray.count);
	NSMutableArray *items = [NSMutableArray array];
	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		NSMutableDictionary *md = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
		[md setObject:[valueArray objectAtIndex:i] forKey:@"value"];
		[md setObject:[labelArray objectAtIndex:i] forKey:@"label"];
		[items addObject:md];
	return items;

- (NSArray *) emailDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonEmailProperty];

- (NSArray *) phoneDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonPhoneProperty];

- (NSArray *) relatedNameDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty];

- (NSArray *) urlDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonURLProperty];

- (NSArray *) dateDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonDateProperty];

- (NSArray *) addressDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonAddressProperty];

- (NSArray *) smsDictionaries
	return [self dictionaryArrayForProperty:kABPersonInstantMessageProperty];

#pragma mark Setting Strings
- (BOOL) setString: (NSString *) aString forProperty:(ABPropertyID) anID
	CFErrorRef error;
	BOOL success = ABRecordSetValue(record, anID, (CFStringRef) aString, &error);
	if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);
	return success;

- (void) setFirstname: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonFirstNameProperty];}
- (void) setMiddlename: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonMiddleNameProperty];}
- (void) setLastname: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonLastNameProperty];}

- (void) setPrefix: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonPrefixProperty];}
- (void) setSuffix: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonSuffixProperty];}
- (void) setNickname: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonNicknameProperty];}

- (void) setFirstnamephonetic: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonFirstNamePhoneticProperty];}
- (void) setMiddlenamephonetic: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonMiddleNamePhoneticProperty];}
- (void) setLastnamephonetic: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonLastNamePhoneticProperty];}

- (void) setOrganization: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonOrganizationProperty];}
- (void) setJobtitle: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonJobTitleProperty];}
- (void) setDepartment: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonDepartmentProperty];}

- (void) setNote: (NSString *) aString {[self setString: aString forProperty: kABPersonNoteProperty];}

#pragma mark Setting Numbers
- (BOOL) setNumber: (NSNumber *) aNumber forProperty:(ABPropertyID) anID
	CFErrorRef error;
	BOOL success = ABRecordSetValue(record, anID, (CFNumberRef) aNumber, &error);
	if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);
	return success;

// const CFNumberRef kABPersonKindPerson;
// const CFNumberRef kABPersonKindOrganization;
- (void) setKind: (NSNumber *) aKind {[self setNumber:aKind forProperty: kABPersonKindProperty];}

#pragma mark Setting Dates

- (BOOL) setDate: (NSDate *) aDate forProperty:(ABPropertyID) anID
	CFErrorRef error;
	BOOL success = ABRecordSetValue(record, anID, (CFDateRef) aDate, &error);
	if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);
	return success;

- (void) setBirthday: (NSDate *) aDate {[self setDate: aDate forProperty: kABPersonBirthdayProperty];}

#pragma mark Setting MultiValue

- (BOOL) setMulti: (ABMutableMultiValueRef) multi forProperty: (ABPropertyID) anID
	CFErrorRef error;
	BOOL success = ABRecordSetValue(record, anID, multi, &error);
	if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);
	return success;

- (ABMutableMultiValueRef) createMultiValueFromArray: (NSArray *) anArray withType: (ABPropertyType) aType
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = ABMultiValueCreateMutable(aType);
	for (NSDictionary *dict in anArray)
		ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(multi, (CFTypeRef) [dict objectForKey:@"value"], (CFTypeRef) [dict objectForKey:@"label"], NULL);
	return CFAutorelease(multi);

- (void) setEmailDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiStringPropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonEmailProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

- (void) setPhoneDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel
	// kABPersonPhoneMobileLabel, kABPersonPhoneIPhoneLabel, kABPersonPhoneMainLabel
	// kABPersonPhoneHomeFAXLabel, kABPersonPhoneWorkFAXLabel, kABPersonPhonePagerLabel
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiStringPropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonPhoneProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

- (void) setUrlDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel
	// kABPersonHomePageLabel
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiStringPropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonURLProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

// Not used/shown on iPhone
- (void) setRelatedNameDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel
	// kABPersonMotherLabel, kABPersonFatherLabel, kABPersonParentLabel, 
	// kABPersonSisterLabel, kABPersonBrotherLabel, kABPersonChildLabel, 
	// kABPersonFriendLabel, kABPersonSpouseLabel, kABPersonPartnerLabel, 
	// kABPersonManagerLabel, kABPersonAssistantLabel
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiStringPropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonRelatedNamesProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

- (void) setDateDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel
	// kABPersonAnniversaryLabel
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiDateTimePropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonDateProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

- (void) setAddressDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABPersonAddressStreetKey, kABPersonAddressCityKey, kABPersonAddressStateKey
	// kABPersonAddressZIPKey, kABPersonAddressCountryKey, kABPersonAddressCountryCodeKey
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiDictionaryPropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonAddressProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

- (void) setSmsDictionaries: (NSArray *) dictionaries
	// kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel, 
	// kABPersonInstantMessageServiceKey, kABPersonInstantMessageUsernameKey
	// kABPersonInstantMessageServiceYahoo, kABPersonInstantMessageServiceJabber
	// kABPersonInstantMessageServiceMSN, kABPersonInstantMessageServiceICQ
	// kABPersonInstantMessageServiceAIM, 
	ABMutableMultiValueRef multi = [self createMultiValueFromArray:dictionaries withType:kABMultiDictionaryPropertyType];
	[self setMulti:multi forProperty:kABPersonInstantMessageProperty];
	// CFRelease(multi);

#pragma mark Images
- (UIImage *) image
	if (!ABPersonHasImageData(record)) return nil;
	CFDataRef imageData = ABPersonCopyImageData(record);
	UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:(NSData *) imageData];
	return image;

- (void) setImage: (UIImage *) image
	CFErrorRef error;
	BOOL success;
	if (image == nil) // remove
		if (!ABPersonHasImageData(record)) return; // no image to remove
		success = ABPersonRemoveImageData(record, &error);
		if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);
	NSData *data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
	success = ABPersonSetImageData(record, (CFDataRef) data, &error);
	if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);

#pragma mark Representations

// No Image
- (NSDictionary *) baseDictionaryRepresentation
	NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
	if (self.firstname) [dict setObject:self.firstname forKey:FIRST_NAME_STRING];
	if (self.middlename) [dict setObject:self.middlename forKey:MIDDLE_NAME_STRING];
	if (self.lastname) [dict setObject:self.lastname forKey:LAST_NAME_STRING];

	if (self.prefix) [dict setObject:self.prefix forKey:PREFIX_STRING];
	if (self.suffix) [dict setObject:self.suffix forKey:SUFFIX_STRING];
	if (self.nickname) [dict setObject:self.nickname forKey:NICKNAME_STRING];
	if (self.firstnamephonetic) [dict setObject:self.firstnamephonetic forKey:PHONETIC_FIRST_STRING];
	if (self.middlenamephonetic) [dict setObject:self.middlenamephonetic forKey:PHONETIC_MIDDLE_STRING];
	if (self.lastnamephonetic) [dict setObject:self.lastnamephonetic forKey:PHONETIC_LAST_STRING];
	if (self.organization) [dict setObject:self.organization forKey:ORGANIZATION_STRING];
	if (self.jobtitle) [dict setObject:self.jobtitle forKey:JOBTITLE_STRING];
	if (self.department) [dict setObject:self.department forKey:DEPARTMENT_STRING];
	if (self.note) [dict setObject:self.note forKey:NOTE_STRING];

	if (self.kind) [dict setObject:self.kind forKey:KIND_STRING];

	if (self.birthday) [dict setObject:self.birthday forKey:BIRTHDAY_STRING];
	if (self.creationDate) [dict setObject:self.creationDate forKey:CREATION_DATE_STRING];
	if (self.modificationDate) [dict setObject:self.modificationDate forKey:MODIFICATION_DATE_STRING];

	[dict setObject:self.emailDictionaries forKey:EMAIL_STRING];
	[dict setObject:self.addressDictionaries forKey:ADDRESS_STRING];
	[dict setObject:self.dateDictionaries forKey:DATE_STRING];
	[dict setObject:self.phoneDictionaries forKey:PHONE_STRING];
	[dict setObject:self.smsDictionaries forKey:SMS_STRING];
	[dict setObject:self.urlDictionaries forKey:URL_STRING];
	[dict setObject:self.relatedNameDictionaries forKey:RELATED_STRING];
	return dict;

// With image where available
- (NSDictionary *) dictionaryRepresentation
	NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[[self baseDictionaryRepresentation] mutableCopy] autorelease];
	if (ABPersonHasImageData(record)) 
		CFDataRef imageData = ABPersonCopyImageData(record);
		[dict setObject:(NSData *)imageData forKey:IMAGE_STRING];
	return dict;

// No Image
- (NSData *) baseDataRepresentation
	NSString *errorString;
	NSDictionary *dict = [self baseDictionaryRepresentation];
	NSData *data = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:dict format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:&errorString];
	if (!data) CFShow(errorString);
	return data; 

// With image where available
- (NSData *) dataRepresentation
	NSString *errorString;
	NSDictionary *dict = [self dictionaryRepresentation];
	NSData *data = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:dict format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:&errorString];
	if (!data) CFShow(errorString);
	return data;

+ (id) contactWithDictionary: (NSDictionary *) dict
	ABContact *contact = [ABContact contact];
	if ([dict objectForKey:FIRST_NAME_STRING]) contact.firstname = [dict objectForKey:FIRST_NAME_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:MIDDLE_NAME_STRING]) contact.middlename = [dict objectForKey:MIDDLE_NAME_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:LAST_NAME_STRING]) contact.lastname = [dict objectForKey:LAST_NAME_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:PREFIX_STRING]) contact.prefix = [dict objectForKey:PREFIX_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:SUFFIX_STRING]) contact.suffix = [dict objectForKey:SUFFIX_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:NICKNAME_STRING]) contact.nickname = [dict objectForKey:NICKNAME_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:PHONETIC_FIRST_STRING]) contact.firstnamephonetic = [dict objectForKey:PHONETIC_FIRST_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:PHONETIC_MIDDLE_STRING]) contact.middlenamephonetic = [dict objectForKey:PHONETIC_MIDDLE_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:PHONETIC_LAST_STRING]) contact.lastnamephonetic = [dict objectForKey:PHONETIC_LAST_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:ORGANIZATION_STRING]) contact.organization = [dict objectForKey:ORGANIZATION_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:JOBTITLE_STRING]) contact.jobtitle = [dict objectForKey:JOBTITLE_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:DEPARTMENT_STRING]) contact.department = [dict objectForKey:DEPARTMENT_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:NOTE_STRING]) contact.note = [dict objectForKey:NOTE_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:KIND_STRING]) contact.kind = [dict objectForKey:KIND_STRING];

	if ([dict objectForKey:EMAIL_STRING]) contact.emailDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:EMAIL_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:ADDRESS_STRING]) contact.addressDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:ADDRESS_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:DATE_STRING]) contact.dateDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:DATE_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:PHONE_STRING]) contact.phoneDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:PHONE_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:SMS_STRING]) contact.smsDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:SMS_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:URL_STRING]) contact.urlDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:URL_STRING];
	if ([dict objectForKey:RELATED_STRING]) contact.relatedNameDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:RELATED_STRING];

	if ([dict objectForKey:IMAGE_STRING]) 
		CFErrorRef error;
 		BOOL success = ABPersonSetImageData(contact.record, (CFDataRef) [dict objectForKey:IMAGE_STRING], &error);
		if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);

	return contact;

+ (id) contactWithData: (NSData *) data
	// Otherwise handle points
	CFStringRef errorString;
	CFPropertyListRef plist = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFDataRef)data, kCFPropertyListMutableContainers, &errorString);
	if (!plist) 
		return nil;
	NSDictionary *dict = (NSDictionary *) plist;
	[dict autorelease];
	return [self contactWithDictionary:dict];

 Erica Sadun,
 iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 3.0 Edition
 BSD License, Use at your own risk

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AddressBook/AddressBook.h>
#import <AddressBookUI/AddressBookUI.h>
#import "ABContact.h"
#import "ABGroup.h"

@interface ABContactsHelper : NSObject

// Address Book
+ (ABAddressBookRef) addressBook;

// Address Book Contacts and Groups
+ (NSArray *) contacts; // people
+ (NSArray *) groups; // groups

// Counting
+ (int) contactsCount;
+ (int) contactsWithImageCount;
+ (int) contactsWithoutImageCount;
+ (int) numberOfGroups;

// Sorting
+ (BOOL) firstNameSorting;

// Add contacts and groups
+ (BOOL) addContact: (ABContact *) aContact withError: (NSError **) error;
+ (BOOL) addGroup: (ABGroup *) aGroup withError: (NSError **) error;

// Find contacts
+ (NSArray *) contactsMatchingName: (NSString *) fname;
+ (NSArray *) contactsMatchingName: (NSString *) fname andName: (NSString *) lname;
+ (NSArray *) contactsMatchingPhone: (NSString *) number;

// Find groups
+ (NSArray *) groupsMatchingName: (NSString *) fname;

// For the simple utility of it. Feel free to comment out if desired
@interface NSString (cstring)
@property (readonly) char *UTF8String;

 Erica Sadun,
 iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 3.0 Edition
 BSD License, Use at your own risk

#import "ABContactsHelper.h"

#define CFAutorelease(obj) ({CFTypeRef _obj = (obj); (_obj == NULL) ? NULL : [(id)CFMakeCollectable(_obj) autorelease]; })

@implementation ABContactsHelper
 Note: You cannot CFRelease the addressbook after CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
+ (ABAddressBookRef) addressBook
	return CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());

+ (NSArray *) contacts
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	NSArray *thePeople = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
	NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:thePeople.count];
	for (id person in thePeople)
		[array addObject:[ABContact contactWithRecord:(ABRecordRef)person]];
	[thePeople release];
	return array;

+ (int) contactsCount
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	return ABAddressBookGetPersonCount(addressBook);

+ (int) contactsWithImageCount
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	NSArray *peopleArray = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
	int ncount = 0;
	for (id person in peopleArray) if (ABPersonHasImageData(person)) ncount++;
	[peopleArray release];
	return ncount;

+ (int) contactsWithoutImageCount
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	NSArray *peopleArray = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
	int ncount = 0;
	for (id person in peopleArray) if (!ABPersonHasImageData(person)) ncount++;
	[peopleArray release];
	return ncount;

// Groups
+ (int) numberOfGroups
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	NSArray *groups = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllGroups(addressBook);
	int ncount = groups.count;
	[groups release];
	return ncount;

+ (NSArray *) groups
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	NSArray *groups = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllGroups(addressBook);
	NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:groups.count];
	for (id group in groups)
		[array addObject:[ABGroup groupWithRecord:(ABRecordRef)group]];
	[groups release];
	return array;

// Sorting
+ (BOOL) firstNameSorting
	return (ABPersonGetCompositeNameFormat() == kABPersonCompositeNameFormatFirstNameFirst);

#pragma mark Contact Management

// Thanks to Eridius for suggestions re: error
+ (BOOL) addContact: (ABContact *) aContact withError: (NSError **) error
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	if (!ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBook, aContact.record, (CFErrorRef *) error)) return NO;
	return ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, (CFErrorRef *) error);

+ (BOOL) addGroup: (ABGroup *) aGroup withError: (NSError **) error
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	if (!ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBook, aGroup.record, (CFErrorRef *) error)) return NO;
	return ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, (CFErrorRef *) error);

+ (NSArray *) contactsMatchingName: (NSString *) fname
	NSPredicate *pred;
	NSArray *contacts = [ABContactsHelper contacts];
	pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"firstname contains[cd] %@ OR lastname contains[cd] %@ OR nickname contains[cd] %@ OR middlename contains[cd] %@", fname, fname, fname, fname];
	return [contacts filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];

+ (NSArray *) contactsMatchingName: (NSString *) fname andName: (NSString *) lname
	NSPredicate *pred;
	NSArray *contacts = [ABContactsHelper contacts];
	pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"firstname contains[cd] %@ OR lastname contains[cd] %@ OR nickname contains[cd] %@ OR middlename contains[cd] %@", fname, fname, fname, fname];
	contacts = [contacts filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];
	pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"firstname contains[cd] %@ OR lastname contains[cd] %@ OR nickname contains[cd] %@ OR middlename contains[cd] %@", lname, lname, lname, lname];
	contacts = [contacts filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];
	return contacts;

+ (NSArray *) contactsMatchingPhone: (NSString *) number
	NSPredicate *pred;
	NSArray *contacts = [ABContactsHelper contacts];
	pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"phonenumbers contains[cd] %@", number];
	return [contacts filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];

+ (NSArray *) groupsMatchingName: (NSString *) fname
	NSPredicate *pred;
	NSArray *groups = [ABContactsHelper groups];
	pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name contains[cd] %@ ", fname];
	return [groups filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];

 Erica Sadun,
 iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 3.0 Edition
 BSD License, Use at your own risk

#import <AddressBook/AddressBook.h>
#import <AddressBookUI/AddressBookUI.h>
#import "ABContact.h"

@interface ABGroup : NSObject 
	ABRecordRef record;

+ (id) group;
+ (id) groupWithRecord: (ABRecordRef) record;
+ (id) groupWithRecordID: (ABRecordID) recordID;
- (BOOL) removeSelfFromAddressBook: (NSError **) error;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) ABRecordRef record;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) ABRecordID recordID;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) ABRecordType recordType;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isPerson;

- (NSArray *) membersWithSorting: (ABPersonSortOrdering) ordering;
- (BOOL) addMember: (ABContact *) contact withError: (NSError **) error;
- (BOOL) removeMember: (ABContact *) contact withError: (NSError **) error;

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *members; 


 Erica Sadun,
 iPhone Developer's Cookbook, 3.0 Edition
 BSD License, Use at your own risk

#import "ABGroup.h"
#import "ABContactsHelper.h"

#define CFAutorelease(obj) ({CFTypeRef _obj = (obj); (_obj == NULL) ? NULL : [(id)CFMakeCollectable(_obj) autorelease]; })

@implementation ABGroup
@synthesize record;

// Thanks to Quentarez, Ciaran
- (id) initWithRecord: (ABRecordRef) aRecord
	if (self = [super init]) record = CFRetain(aRecord);
	return self;

+ (id) groupWithRecord: (ABRecordRef) grouprec
	return [[[ABGroup alloc] initWithRecord:grouprec] autorelease];

+ (id) groupWithRecordID: (ABRecordID) recordID
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	ABRecordRef grouprec = ABAddressBookGetGroupWithRecordID(addressBook, recordID);
	ABGroup *group = [self groupWithRecord:grouprec];
	return group;

// Thanks to Ciaran
+ (id) group
	ABRecordRef grouprec = ABGroupCreate();
	id group = [ABGroup groupWithRecord:grouprec];
	return group;

- (void) dealloc
	if (record) CFRelease(record);
	[super dealloc];

- (BOOL) removeSelfFromAddressBook: (NSError **) error
	ABAddressBookRef addressBook = CFAutorelease(ABAddressBookCreate());
	if (!ABAddressBookRemoveRecord(addressBook, self.record, (CFErrorRef *) error)) return NO;
	return ABAddressBookSave(addressBook,  (CFErrorRef *) error);

#pragma mark Record ID and Type
- (ABRecordID) recordID {return ABRecordGetRecordID(record);}
- (ABRecordType) recordType {return ABRecordGetRecordType(record);}
- (BOOL) isPerson {return self.recordType == kABPersonType;}

#pragma mark management
- (NSArray *) members
	NSArray *contacts = (NSArray *)ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllMembers(self.record);
	NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:contacts.count];
	for (id contact in contacts)
		[array addObject:[ABContact contactWithRecord:(ABRecordRef)contact]];
	[contacts release];
	return array;

// kABPersonSortByFirstName = 0, kABPersonSortByLastName  = 1
- (NSArray *) membersWithSorting: (ABPersonSortOrdering) ordering
	NSArray *contacts = (NSArray *)ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllMembersWithSortOrdering(self.record, ordering);
	NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:contacts.count];
	for (id contact in contacts)
		[array addObject:[ABContact contactWithRecord:(ABRecordRef)contact]];
	[contacts release];
	return array;

- (BOOL) addMember: (ABContact *) contact withError: (NSError **) error
	return ABGroupAddMember(self.record, contact.record, (CFErrorRef *) error);

- (BOOL) removeMember: (ABContact *) contact withError: (NSError **) error
	return ABGroupRemoveMember(self.record, contact.record, (CFErrorRef *) error);

#pragma mark name

- (NSString *) getRecordString:(ABPropertyID) anID
	return [(NSString *) ABRecordCopyValue(record, anID) autorelease];

- (NSString *) name
	NSString *string = [self getRecordString:kABGroupNameProperty];
	return string;

- (void) setName: (NSString *) aString
	CFErrorRef error;
	BOOL success = ABRecordSetValue(record, kABGroupNameProperty, (CFStringRef) aString, &error);
	if (!success) NSLog(@"Error: %@", [(NSError *)error localizedDescription]);





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