

 (2017-03-19 17:29:43)




分类: CNC



#ifndef nuts_bolts_h

#define nuts_bolts_h


#define false 0

#define true 1


// Axis array index values. Must start with 0 and be continuous.轴数组索引值。从0开始,必须连续

#define N_AXIS 3 // 轴数组

#define X_AXIS 0 // Axis indexing value. 

#define Y_AXIS 1

#define Z_AXIS 2

// #define A_AXIS 3


// CoreXY motor assignments. DO NOT ALTER.

// NOTE: If the A and B motor axis bindings are changed, this effects the CoreXY equations.

// CoreXY电动机作业。不改变。

// 注意:如果A和B电机轴绑定是改变,这影响CoreXY方程。


#ifdef COREXY

 #define A_MOTOR X_AXIS // Must be X_AXIS

 #define B_MOTOR Y_AXIS // Must be Y_AXIS



// Conversions

#define MM_PER_INCH (25.40)

#define INCH_PER_MM (0.0393701)

#define TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND (F_CPU/1000000)  //滴答延时微秒


// Useful macros 宏命令

#define clear_vector(a) memset(a, 0, sizeof(a))  //用零清除整形数组a

#define clear_vector_float(a) memset(a, 0.0, sizeof(float)*N_AXIS)

// #define clear_vector_long(a) memset(a, 0.0, sizeof(long)*N_AXIS)

#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) //返回最大值

#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) //返回最小值


// Bit field and masking macros 有些字段和掩蔽宏

#define bit(n) (1 << n)

#define bit_true_atomic(x,mask) {uint8_t sreg = SREG; cli(); (x) |= (mask); SREG = sreg; }

#define bit_false_atomic(x,mask) {uint8_t sreg = SREG; cli(); (x) &= ~(mask); SREG = sreg; }

#define bit_toggle_atomic(x,mask) {uint8_t sreg = SREG; cli(); (x) ^= (mask); SREG = sreg; }

#define bit_true(x,mask) (x) |= (mask)

#define bit_false(x,mask) (x) &= ~(mask)

#define bit_istrue(x,mask) ((x & mask) != 0)

#define bit_isfalse(x,mask) ((x & mask) == 0)


// Read a floating point value from a string. Line points to the input buffer, char_counter 

// is the indexer pointing to the current character of the line, while float_ptr is 

// a pointer to the result variable. Returns true when it succeeds





uint8_t read_float(char *line, uint8_t *char_counter, float *float_ptr);


// Delays variable-defined milliseconds. Compiler compatibility fix for _delay_ms().

void delay_ms(uint16_t ms);


// Delays variable-defined microseconds. Compiler compatibility fix for _delay_us().

void delay_us(uint32_t us);


// Computes hypotenuse, avoiding avr-gcc's bloated version and the extra error checking.

float hypot_f(float x, float y);   //计算直角三角形的斜边长







#include "grbl.h"



#define MAX_INT_DIGITS 8 // Maximum number of digits in int32 (and float)



// Extracts a floating point value from a string. The following code is based loosely on

// the avr-libc strtod() function by Michael Stumpf and Dmitry Xmelkov and many freely

// available conversion method examples, but has been highly optimized for Grbl. For known

// CNC applications, the typical decimal value is expected to be in the range of E0 to E-4.

// Scientific notation is officially not supported by g-code, and the 'E' character may

// be a g-code word on some CNC systems. So, 'E' notation will not be recognized. 

// NOTE: Thanks to Radu-Eosif Mihailescu for identifying the issues with using strtod().


// avr-libc strtod()函数由迈克尔·Stumpf和德米特里?Xmelkov和许多自由





//注意:由于Radu-Eosif Mihailescu使用strtod识别问题()。


//下面的代码是松散地基于avr-libc strtod()函数由迈克尔·Stumpf和德米特里?Xmelkov和许多免费转换方法的例子,但是对于Grbl一直高度优化。




//注意:由于Radu-Eosif Mihailescu使用strtod识别问题()。

uint8_t read_float(char *line, uint8_t *char_counter, float *float_ptr)                  


  char *ptr = line + *char_counter; //指针line + char_counter值

  unsigned char c;


  // Grab first character and increment pointer. No spaces assumed in line.

  // 抓住第一个字符和增量指针。假定没有空格。

  c = *ptr++;


  // Capture initial positive/minus character

  // 获取初始正/负的性格

  bool isnegative = false;   //负数标志

  if (c == '-') {

    isnegative = true;

    c = *ptr++;

  } else if (c == '+') {

    c = *ptr++;



  // Extract number into fast integer. Track decimal in terms of exponent value. 快速提取数字整数。跟踪十进制的指数的值。

  uint32_t intval = 0;     //转为整数 整数变量

  int8_t exp = 0;

  uint8_t ndigit = 0; //第几位

  bool isdecimal = false;

  while(1) {

    c -= '0';

    if (c <= 9) {


      if (ndigit <= MAX_INT_DIGITS) { //最大位数

        if (isdecimal) { exp--; }

        intval = (((intval << 2) + intval) << 1) + c; // intval*10 + c

      } else {

        if (!(isdecimal)) { exp++; }  // Drop overflow digits 溢出位下降


    } else if (c == (('.'-'0') & 0xff)  &&  !(isdecimal)) {

      isdecimal = true;

    } else {



    c = *ptr++;



  // Return if no digits have been read.

  if (!ndigit) { return(false); };


  // Convert integer into floating point.将整数转换为浮点数。

  float fval;

  fval = (float)intval;


  // Apply decimal. Should perform no more than two floating point multiplications for the

  // expected range of E0 to E-4.


  // E0预期范围的军医。

  if (fval != 0) {

    while (exp <= -2) {

      fval *= 0.01; 

      exp += 2;


    if (exp < 0) { 

      fval *= 0.1; 

    } else if (exp > 0) {

      do {

        fval *= 10.0;

      } while (--exp > 0);




  // Assign floating point value with correct sign.   指定浮点值与正确的信号。 

  if (isnegative) {

    *float_ptr = -fval;

  } else {

    *float_ptr = fval;



  *char_counter = ptr - line - 1; // Set char_counter to next statement






// Delays variable defined milliseconds. Compiler compatibility fix for _delay_ms(),

// which only accepts constants in future compiler releases.




void delay_ms(uint16_t ms) 


  while ( ms-- ) { _delay_ms(1); }




// Delays variable defined microseconds. Compiler compatibility fix for _delay_us(),

// which only accepts constants in future compiler releases. Written to perform more 

// efficiently with larger delays, as the counter adds parasitic time in each iteration.





void delay_us(uint32_t us) 


  while (us) {

    if (us < 10) { 



    } else if (us < 100) {


      us -= 10;

    } else if (us < 1000) {


      us -= 100;

    } else {


      us -= 1000;






// Simple hypotenuse computation function.



float hypot_f(float x, float y) { return(sqrt(x*x + y*y)); }





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


