- 博客(12)
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原创 Codeforces103D Time to Raid Cowavans(分块+离线处理)
Codeforces103D Time to Raid Cowavans(分块+离线处理)
2016-07-29 19:08:02 427
原创 Codeforces 444C DZY Loves Colors(线段树)
Codeforces 444C DZY Loves Colors(线段树)
2016-07-21 00:08:55 321
原创 Codeforces 580D Kefa and Dishes(dp+状态压缩)
Codeforces 580D Kefa and Dishes(dp+状态压缩)
2016-07-18 22:25:20 248
原创 Codeforces 601A The Two Routes(最短路径)
Codeforces 601A The Two Routes(最短路径)
2016-07-18 21:03:36 386
原创 Codeforces 590B Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers(二分)
Codeforces 590B Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers(二分)
2016-07-18 18:18:34 288
原创 Codeforces 387E George and Cards(二分+树状数组)
Codeforces 387E George and Cards(二分+树状数组)
2016-07-18 00:44:53 368
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹