
create or replace procedure gws_sdata(
i_begintime in varchar2, --时间
i_endtime in varchar2,  --时间
i_scan in varchar2, --渠道即场景scane
i_cityid in varchar2, --地市cityid
i_querytype in varchar2,
i_startcount in integer,
i_endcount in integer,
o_result out sys_refcursor

v_sql  varchar2(5000);
v_sql1  varchar2(5000);
v_sql2  varchar2(5000);
v_sql3  varchar2(5000);
v_sql4  varchar2(5000) :='';
v_sql5  varchar2(5000) :='';
v_where varchar2(5000);
v_p  varchar2(64);
v_p1 varchar2(64);
v_begintime varchar2(64);
v_endtime varchar2(64);
v_querytype varchar2(64);
v_startcount number;
v_endcount number;
v_sqlhead varchar2(128);
v_sqltail varchar2(128);
v_sqlscane varchar2(32);
v_sqlscane1 varchar2(32);
v_error  varchar2(5000);
v_minpartname varchar(64);
  v_querytype := nvl(i_querytype, '2');
  v_begintime := i_begintime;
  v_endtime := i_endtime;

  if i_scan is null then
   v_sqlscane := '1=1';
   v_sqlscane1 := '1=1';
   v_sqlscane := 't.scane='||'''' || i_scan || '''';
   v_sqlscane1 := 't1.scane='||'''' || i_scan || '''';
  end if;

  if to_char(to_date(i_begintime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM') = to_char(to_date(i_endtime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM') then
    --v_p := to_char(add_months(to_date(i_begintime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),1),'yyyyMM');
    v_p := to_char(to_date(i_begintime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM');
    if i_cityid is null or i_cityid = '000' then
      v_p := 'partition (P_' || v_p;
      v_p := 'subpartition (P_' || v_p || '_P_' || i_cityid;
    end if;
    --v_sql := 'select * from t_pub_scanandattentionlog subpartition( P_' || v_p || 'P_' || i_cityid || ') where ';
       v_sql :='select cityid,scane,increNum,a canlNum,increNum-a incre,c bindNum,d canlbindNum, c-d calbind from
        select cityid,scane,sum(ddd.increNum) increNum,sum(ddd.a) a,sum(ddd.b) b,sum(ddd.c) c,sum(ddd.d) d from
        select cityid,scane,count(*) increNum,0 a,0 b,0 c,0 d from  t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') t
        where  '|| v_sqlscane ||'
          and t.scan_flag = ''0''
          and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
          and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
          group by cityid,scane)';

       v_sql1 := 'union all
         ( select cityid,scane,0 increNum,count(*) a,0 b,0 c,0 d from t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') t
          where  '|| v_sqlscane ||'
          and t.scan_flag = ''2''
          and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
          and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
          group by cityid,scane)';

        v_sql2 := 'union all

        (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,0 a,0 b,count(scane) c,0 d from
        t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') t left join icdsocial_wxkf.T_WX_BINDINGINFO p
        on t.open_id = p.OPENID
        where p.ISVALIDATE = ''1''
          and '|| v_sqlscane ||'
          and t.scan_flag = ''0''
          and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
          and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
          and t.create_time =(select MAX(bb.create_time) from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') bb where t.open_id =bb.open_id)
          group by cityid,scane)';

       v_sql3 := 'union all

         (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,0 a,0 b,0 c,count(*) d from
         t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') t left join icdsocial_wxkf.T_WX_BINDINGINFO p
        on t.open_id = p.OPENID
        where p.ISVALIDATE = ''0''
          and '|| v_sqlscane ||'
          and t.scan_flag = ''2''
          and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
          and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
          and t.create_time =(select MAX(bb.create_time) from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') bb where t.open_id =bb.open_id) 
          group by cityid,scane))ddd group by cityid,scane)';

    --v_p := to_char(add_months(to_date(i_begintime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),1),'yyyyMM');
    --v_p1 := to_char(add_months(to_date(i_endtime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),1),'yyyyMM');
    v_p := to_char(to_date(i_begintime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM');
    v_p1 := to_char(to_date(i_endtime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM');
    if i_cityid is null or i_cityid = '000' then
      v_p := 'partition (P_' || v_p;
      v_p1 := 'partition (P_' || v_p1;
      v_p := 'subpartition (P_' || v_p || '_P_' || i_cityid;
      v_p1 := 'subpartition (P_' || v_p1 || '_P_' || i_cityid;
    end if;
    --v_sql := 'select * from t_pub_scanandattentionlog subpartition( P_' || v_p || 'P_' || i_cityid || ') where ';
      v_sql :='select cityid,scane,increNum,a canlNum,increNum-a incre,c bindNum,d canlbindNum, c-d calbind from
              select cityid,scane,sum(ddd.increNum) increNum,sum(ddd.a) a,sum(ddd.c) c,sum(ddd.d) d from
              select cityid,scane,count(*) increNum,0 a,0 c,0 d from (
              select * from t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') t
              where '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''0''
                and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
              union all
               select * from t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') t1
              where  '|| v_sqlscane1 ||'
                and t1.scan_flag = ''0''
                and t1.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
                and t1.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || ') group by cityid,scane

        v_sql1 :=      'union all
          (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,count(*) a,0 c,0 d from
                   (select * from t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ') t
              where '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''2''
                and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
              union all
               select * from t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') t1
              where  '|| v_sqlscane1 ||'
                and t1.scan_flag = ''2''
                and t1.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
                and t1.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || ') group by cityid,scane

          v_sql2 :=     'union all

              (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,0 a,count(*) c,0 d from (
              select * from (select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ')
                    union all
                    select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ')) t left join icdsocial_wxkf.T_WX_BINDINGINFO p
              on t.open_id = p.OPENID
              where p.ISVALIDATE = ''1''
                and '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''0''
                and t.create_time <' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >' || v_begintime ||  '
                and t.create_time =(select MAX(bb.create_time) from 
                    (select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ')
                    union all
                    select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ')) bb where t.open_id =bb.open_id)
                ) group by cityid,scane

          v_sql3 :=     'union all
                 (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,0 a,0 c,count(*) d from (
              select * from (select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ')
                    union all
                    select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ')) t left join icdsocial_wxkf.T_WX_BINDINGINFO p
              on t.open_id = p.OPENID
              where p.ISVALIDATE = ''2''
                and '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''0''
                and t.create_time <' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >' || v_begintime ||  '
                and t.create_time =(select MAX(bb.create_time) from 
                    (select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p || ')
                    union all
                    select * from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ')) bb where t.open_id =bb.open_id)
                ) group by cityid,scane
              ) ) ddd group by cityid,scane)';
          select min(t.partition_name) min_partname into v_minpartname from user_tab_partitions t where t.table_name = 'T_PUB_SCANANDATTENTIONLOG';  
          if to_char(to_date(i_begintime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM') <SUBSTR(v_minpartname,3,6) and to_char(to_date(i_endtime,'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:Mi:ss'),'yyyyMM')=SUBSTR(v_minpartname,3,6) then
            v_sql :='select cityid,scane,increNum,a canlNum,increNum-a incre,c bindNum,d canlbindNum, c-d calbind from
              select cityid,scane,sum(ddd.increNum) increNum,sum(ddd.a) a,sum(ddd.b) b,sum(ddd.c) c,sum(ddd.d) d from
              select cityid,scane,count(*) increNum,0 a,0 b,0 c,0 d from  t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') t
              where  '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''0''
                and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
                group by cityid,scane)';

             v_sql1 := 'union all
               ( select cityid,scane,0 increNum,count(*) a,0 b,0 c,0 d from t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') t
                where  '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''2''
                and t.create_time <= ' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >= ' || v_begintime || '
                group by cityid,scane)';

              v_sql2 := 'union all

              (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,0 a,0 b,count(scane) c,0 d from
              t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') t left join icdsocial_wxkf.T_WX_BINDINGINFO p
              on t.open_id = p.OPENID
              where p.ISVALIDATE = ''1''
                and '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''0''
                and t.create_time =<' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >=' || v_begintime || '
                and t.create_time =(select MAX(bb.create_time) from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') bb where t.open_id =bb.open_id)
                group by cityid,scane)';

             v_sql3 := 'union all

               (select cityid,scane,0 increNum,0 a,0 b,0 c,count(*) d from
               t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') t left join icdsocial_wxkf.T_WX_BINDINGINFO p
              on t.open_id = p.OPENID
              where p.ISVALIDATE = ''0''
                and '|| v_sqlscane ||'
                and t.scan_flag = ''2''
                and t.create_time <=' || v_endtime || '
                and t.create_time >=' || v_begintime || '
                and t.create_time =(select MAX(bb.create_time) from
                    t_pub_scanandattentionlog ' || v_p1 || ') bb where t.open_id =bb.open_id)
                group by cityid,scane))ddd group by cityid,scane)';
          end if;

  end if;

  if v_querytype ='2' then
    v_startcount := nvl(i_startcount, 1);
    v_endcount := nvl(i_endcount, 10);
    v_sqlhead := 'select * from (select t.*, rownum rn from (' ;
    v_sqltail := ') t where rownum <= ' || v_endcount || ') where rn >= ' || v_startcount;
    v_sql :=v_sqlhead || v_sql || v_sql1 || v_sql4 || v_sql2 || v_sql3 || v_sql5 || v_sqltail;
    --v_sql := 'select * from (select t.*, rownum rn from (' || v_sql || ') t where rownum <= ' || v_endcount || ') where rn >= ' || v_startcount;
    if v_querytype ='3' then
      v_sql :=v_sql || v_sql1 || v_sql4 || v_sql2 || v_sql3 || v_sql5;
      v_sql :='select count(1) as totalcount from (' || v_sql || v_sql1 || v_sql4 || v_sql2 || v_sql3 || v_sql5 ||')';
    end if;
    --v_sql :='select count(1) as totalcount from (' || v_sql || v_sql1 || v_sql4 || v_sql2 || v_sql3 || v_sql5 ||')';
  end if;
  open o_result for v_sql;

  when others then
    open o_result for select 'x' from dual where 1 = 0;
    --v_error := substr(sqlerrm,0,1000);
    --insert into t_c_sheetstatus values(sysdate,'','','','','','','',v_error);
end gws_sdata;





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