Some simple examples:
simple.bat @echo off set _var1=3 set _var2=5 set /a _result=%_var1%+%_var2% echo Result is %_result%
@echo off if "%1" == "" goto :help if "%2" == "" goto :help set /a result=%1 * %2 echo Result is %result% goto :eof :help echo Usage: mult X Y (Multiply X by Y)
power.bat @echo off if "%1" == "" goto :help if "%2" == "" goto :help set _result=%1 for /L %%G in (2,1,%2) do set /a "_result*=%1" echo %1 to the power of %2 is %_result% goto :eof :help echo Usage: power X Y (Calculate X to the power of Y.)
functions.bat @echo off set /p _num1=Number1: set /p _num2=Number2: call :plusfunc %_num1% %_num2% call :output call :subfunc %_num1% %_num2% call :output goto :eof :plusfunc setlocal set /a _num1=%1 + %2 endlocal & set _result=%_num1% goto :eof :subfunc setlocal set /a result=%1 - %2 endlocal & set _result=%result% goto :eof :output echo Result is %_result% goto :eof