
package com.shisoft.Pager;


public class Pager {


    private int totalRows = 0; // 记录总数


    private int totalPages = 0; // 总页数


    private int pageSize = 10; // 每页显示数据条数,默认为 10 条记录


    private int currentPage = 1; // 当前页数


    private boolean hasPrevious = false ; // 是否有上一页


    private boolean hasNext = false ; // 是否有下一页


    public Pager() {





      * Initialize Pager


      * @param totalRows

      *             totalrecord rows

      * @param pageSize

      *             totalrecord is hold by every page


    public void init( int totalRows, int pageSize) {

       this . totalRows = totalRows;

       this . pageSize = pageSize;

       totalPages = ((totalRows + pageSize) - 1) / pageSize;

       refresh(); // 刷新当前页面信息





      * @return Returns thecurrentPage.




    public int getCurrentPage() {


       return currentPage ;






      * @param currentPagecurrent

      *             page




    public void setCurrentPage( int currentPage) {


       this . currentPage = currentPage;








      * @return Returns thepageSize.




    public int getPageSize() {


       return pageSize ;






      * @param pageSize

      *             ThepageSize to set.




    public void setPageSize( int pageSize) {


       this . pageSize = pageSize;








      * @return Returns thetotalPages.




    public int getTotalPages() {


       return totalPages ;






      * @param totalPages

      *             ThetotalPages to set.




    public void setTotalPages( int totalPages) {


       this . totalPages = totalPages;








      * @return Returns thetotalRows.




    public int getTotalRows() {


       return totalRows ;






      * @param totalRows

      *             ThetotalRows to set.




    public void setTotalRows( int totalRows) {


       this . totalRows = totalRows;






    // 跳到第一页


    public void first() {


       currentPage = 1;


       this .setHasPrevious( false );






    // 取得上一页(重新设定当前页面即可)


    public void previous() {


       currentPage --;






    // 取得下一页


    public void next() {


       if ( currentPage < totalPages ) {


           currentPage ++;








    public void doAction(String action) {


       if (action != null ) {


           // 根据传递进来的参数控制页面的前进后退


           if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( "previous" )) {


              this .previous();


           } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( "next" )) {


              this .next();


           } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( "first" )) {


              this .first();


           } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase( "last" )) {


              this .last();


           } else {

              this .setCurrentPage(Integer.parseInt (action));








    // 跳到最后一页


    public void last() {


       currentPage = totalPages ;


       this .setHasNext( false );






    public boolean isHasNext() {


       return hasNext ;






      * @param hasNext

      *             ThehasNext to set.




    public void setHasNext( boolean hasNext) {


       this . hasNext = hasNext;




    public boolean isHasPrevious() {


       return hasPrevious ;






      * @param hasPrevious

      *             ThehasPrevious to set.




    public void setHasPrevious( boolean hasPrevious) {


       this . hasPrevious = hasPrevious;




    // 刷新当前页面信息


    public void refresh() {


       if ( totalPages <= 1) {


           hasPrevious = false ;


           hasNext = false ;


       } else if ( currentPage == 1) {


           hasPrevious = false ;


           hasNext = true ;


       } else if ( currentPage == totalPages ) {


           hasPrevious = true ;


           hasNext = false ;


       } else {


           hasPrevious = true ;


           hasNext = true ;








package com.shisoft.Pager;


import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;

import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;



  * 通用分页标签的处理类


public class PagerTag extends TagSupport {

    private String value = "" ;


    private String url = "" ;


    private String pagerStr = "" ;


    JspWriter out = null ;


    public int doStartTag() throws JspException {

       try {

           out = pageContext .getOut();

       } catch (Exception e) {




       return SKIP_BODY ;



    public int doEndTag() {

       return EVAL_PAGE ;



    private void BuildPagerBar() {

       Pager pager = (Pager) pageContext .getSession().getAttribute( pagerStr );

       StringBuffer toolbar = new StringBuffer();


              .append( "<table table align=''center'' title='' 通用分页标签 '' width=''100%'' align=''center'' cellpadding=''0'' cellspacing=''0'' style=''FONT-SIZE: 9pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse''>" );

       toolbar.append( "<tr>" );

       toolbar.append( "<td width=60% > 共 " );

       toolbar.append( new Integer(pager.getTotalRows()).toString());

       toolbar.append( " 条记录 &nbsp; 第 " );

       toolbar.append( new Integer(pager.getCurrentPage()).toString());

       toolbar.append( "/" );

       toolbar.append( new Integer(pager.getTotalPages()).toString());

       toolbar.append( " 页 </td>" );

       toolbar.append( "<td align=right width=5%>" );

       toolbar.append( "<a href=''" );

       toolbar.append( url );

       toolbar.append( "?action=first''> 首页 </a>" );

       toolbar.append( "</td>" );

       toolbar.append( "<td align=''center'' width=''10%''>" );

       if (pager.isHasPrevious()) {

           toolbar.append( "<a href=''" );

           toolbar.append( url );

           toolbar.append( "?action=previous''> 上一页 </a>" );

       } else {

           toolbar.append( " 上一页 " );


       toolbar.append( "|" );

       if (pager.isHasNext()) {

           toolbar.append( "<a href=''" );

           toolbar.append( url );

           toolbar.append( "?action=next''> 下一页 </a>" );

       } else {

           toolbar.append( " 下一页 " );


       toolbar.append( "</td>" );

       toolbar.append( "<td align=left width=5%>" );

       toolbar.append( "<a href=''" );

       toolbar.append( url );

       toolbar.append( "?action=last''> 末页 </a>" );

       toolbar.append( "</td>" );

       toolbar.append( " <td align=''center'' width=20%>" );

       toolbar.append( "<FORM action=''" + url + "''>" );

       toolbar.append( " 跳转到 " + "<input name=''action'' size=''3'' />" );

       toolbar.append( "<INPUT type=''submit'' value=''GO''/>" );

       toolbar.append( "</FORM>" );

       toolbar.append( "</td>" );

       toolbar.append( "</tr></table>" );

       try {

           out .println(toolbar.toString());

       } catch (Exception e) {





    public String getUrl() {

       return url ;



    public void setUrl(String url) {

       this . url = url;



    public String getValue() {

       return value ;



    public void setValue(String value) {

       this . value = value;




      * @return the pagerStr


    public String getPagerStr() {

       return pagerStr ;




      * @param pagerStr the pagerStr to set


    public void setPagerStr(String pagerStr) {

       this . pagerStr = pagerStr;



分页标签的 tld 文件: mylib.tld

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>

<! DOCTYPE taglib

  PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"

  "" >

< taglib >

< tlibversion > 1.0 </ tlibversion >

  < jspversion > 1.1 </ jspversion >

  < shortname > utiltag </ shortname >

    < uri > </ uri >

    < tag >

       < name > pager </ name >

       < tagclass > com.shisoft.Pager.PagerTag </ tagclass >

       < bodycontent > empty </ bodycontent >

       < attribute >

           < name > value </ name >

           < required > true </ required >

           < rtexprvalue > true </ rtexprvalue >

       </ attribute >

       < attribute >

           < name > url </ name >

           < required > true </ required >

           < rtexprvalue > true </ rtexprvalue >

       </ attribute >

       < attribute >

          < name > pagerStr </ name >

          < required > true </ required >

          < rtexprvalue > true </ rtexprvalue >

       </ attribute >

    </ tag >

</ taglib >

实体 bean :

package com.shisoft.bean;



  * Bookand generated by MyEclipse Persistence Tools



public class Bookand implements {


    // Fields


    private Integer id ;

    private String bookname ;

    private String author ;

    private Double price ;


    // Constructors


    /** default constructor */

    public Bookand() {



    /** full constructor */

    public Bookand(String bookname, String author, Double price) {

       this . bookname = bookname;

       this . author = author;

       this . price = price;



    // Property accessors


    public Integer getId() {

       return this . id ;



    public void setId(Integer id) {

       this . id = id;



    public String getBookname() {

       return this . bookname ;



    public void setBookname(String bookname) {

       this . bookname = bookname;



    public String getAuthor() {

       return this . author ;



    public void setAuthor(String author) {

       this . author = author;



    public Double getPrice() {

       return this . price ;



    public void setPrice(Double price) {

       this . price = price;




实体操作类: dao 文件

package com.shisoft.bean;


import java.util.List;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.hibernate.LockMode;

import org.hibernate.Query;

import org.hibernate.Session;

import org.hibernate.criterion.Example;



  * Data access object (DAO) for domain model class Bookand.


  * @see com.shisoft.bean.Bookand

  * @author MyEclipse Persistence Tools



public class BookandDAO extends BaseHibernateDAO {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog (BookandDAO. class );

    // property constants

    public static final String BOOKNAME = "bookname" ;

    public static final String AUTHOR = "author" ;

    public static final String PRICE = "price" ;


    public void save(Bookand transientInstance) {

       log .debug( "saving Bookand instance" );

       try {


           log .debug( "save successful" );

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "save failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public void delete(Bookand persistentInstance) {

       log .debug( "deleting Bookand instance" );

       try {


           log .debug( "delete successful" );

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "delete failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public Bookand findById(java.lang.Integer id) {

       log .debug( "getting Bookand instance with id: " + id);

       try {

           Bookand instance = (Bookand) getSession().get(

                  "com.shisoft.bean.Bookand" , id);

           return instance;

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "get failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public List findByExample(Bookand instance) {

       log .debug( "finding Bookand instance by example" );

       try {

           List results = getSession().createCriteria(

                  "com.shisoft.bean.Bookand" ).add(Example.create (instance))


           log .debug( "find by example successful, result size: "

                  + results.size());

           return results;

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "find by example failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public List findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) {

       log .debug( "finding Bookand instance with property: " + propertyName

              + ", value: " + value);

       try {

           String queryString = "from Bookand as model where model."

                  + propertyName + "= ?" ;

           Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString);

           queryObject.setParameter(0, value);

           return queryObject.list();

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "find by property name failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public List findByBookname(Object bookname) {

       return findByProperty( BOOKNAME , bookname);



    public List findByAuthor(Object author) {

       return findByProperty( AUTHOR , author);



    public List findByPrice(Object price) {

       return findByProperty( PRICE , price);



    public List findAll() {

       log .debug( "finding all Bookand instances" );

       try {

           Session s=getSession();

           String queryString = "from Bookand" ;

           Query queryObject = s.createQuery(queryString);

           List l=queryObject.list();


           return l;

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {


           log .error( "find all failed" , re);

           throw re;



    public List findAllByPage( int firstrows, int pagesize) {

       log .debug( "finding all Bookand instances" );

       try {

           Session s=getSession();

           String queryString = "from Bookand" ;

           Query queryObject = s.createQuery(queryString);



           List l=queryObject.list();


           return l;

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {


           log .error( "find all failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public Bookand merge(Bookand detachedInstance) {

       log .debug( "merging Bookand instance" );

       try {

           Bookand result = (Bookand) getSession().merge(detachedInstance);

           log .debug( "merge successful" );

           return result;

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "merge failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public void attachDirty(Bookand instance) {

       log .debug( "attaching dirty Bookand instance" );

       try {


           log .debug( "attach successful" );

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "attach failed" , re);

           throw re;




    public void attachClean(Bookand instance) {

       log .debug( "attaching clean Bookand instance" );

       try {

           getSession().lock(instance, LockMode. NONE );

           log .debug( "attach successful" );

       } catch (RuntimeException re) {

           log .error( "attach failed" , re);

           throw re;



    public static void main(String [] args){

       BookandDAO dao = new BookandDAO();

       System. out .println( "-=----" );

       List results = dao.findAll();

       System. out .println(results.size());

       for ( int i=0;i<results.size();i++) {


           Bookand bookand= new Bookand();

           System. out .println( "===========" );

           System. out .println(bookand.getBookname());




Action 中代码:

package com.shisoft.struts.action;


import java.util.List;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


import org.apache.struts.action.Action;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;


import com.shisoft.Pager.Pager;

import com.shisoft.bean.BookandDAO;


public class PagerAction extends Action {


    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,

           HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){

       Pager pager= null ;

       BookandDAO dao = new BookandDAO();

       List results = dao.findAll();

       try {


           if (request.getSession().getAttribute( "pagerstruts" ) == null ) {

              pager = new Pager();


              int totalRows =results.size();


           } else {

              pager = (Pager) request.getSession().getAttribute( "pagerstruts" );


           if (request.getParameter( "action" ) != null ) {

              pager.doAction(request.getParameter( "action" ).toString());



           List list = dao.findAllByPage((pager.getCurrentPage() - 1)* pager.getPageSize(),pager.getPageSize());

           request.getSession().setAttribute( "pagerstruts" ,pager);

           request.setAttribute( "list" , list);

           } catch (Exception re) {



       return mapping.findForward( "success" );




Jsp 页面:

<%@ page language = "java" import = "java.util.*" pageEncoding = "gb2312" %>

<%@ taglib uri = "" prefix = "bean" %>

<%@ taglib uri = "" prefix = "html" %>

<%@ taglib uri = "" prefix = "logic" %>

<%@ taglib uri = "/WEB-INF/mylib.tld" prefix = "pager" %>

< html >

  < head >

    < title > 分页 </ title >


    < meta http-equiv = "pragma" content = "no-cache" >

    < meta http-equiv = "cache-control" content = "no-cache" >

    < meta http-equiv = "expires" content = "0" >    

    < meta http-equiv = "keywords" content = "keyword1,keyword2,keyword3" >

    < meta http-equiv = "description" content = "This is my page" >


    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">



  </ head >


  < body >

   < table width = "100%" align = "center" border = "1" cellpadding = "0"

           cellspacing = "0" bordercolor = "#ffc46c" >

           < tr >

              < td align = "center" >


              </ td >

              < td align = "center" >


              </ td >

              < td align = "center" >


              </ td >

           </ tr >

           < logic:iterate id = "u" name = "list" >

              < tr >

                  < td >

                     < bean:write name = "u" property = "bookname" />

                  </ td >

                  < td align = "center" >

                     < bean:write name = "u" property = "author" />

                  </ td >

                  < td align = "center" >

                     < bean:write name = "u" property = "price" />

                  </ td >

              </ tr >


           </ logic:iterate >

           < tr >

                 < td colspan = "3" >


                   < pager:pager value = "pager" url = "" pagerStr = "pagerstruts" />


                 </ td >

              </ tr >

       </ table >

  </ body >

</ html >

Struts 配置文件

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>

<! DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.3//EN" "" >


< struts-config >

  < form-beans >

     < form-bean name = "pagerForm" type = "com.shisoft.struts.form.PagerForm" />

  </ form-beans >

  < global-exceptions />

  < global-forwards >

   < forward name = "pager" path = "/" ></ forward >

  </ global-forwards >

  < action-mappings >

    < action path = "/pager"

    type = "com.shisoft.struts.action.PagerAction"

    scope = "request" >

       < forward name = "success"

       path = "/ok.jsp" ></ forward >

    </ action >

  </ action-mappings >

  < message-resources parameter = "com.shisoft.struts.ApplicationResources" />

</ struts-config >







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