
class Matcher;
class Node;
class   RegionNode;
class   TypeNode;
class     PhiNode;
class   GotoNode;
class   MultiNode;
class     MultiBranchNode;
class       IfNode;
class       PCTableNode;
class         JumpNode;
class         CatchNode;
class       NeverBranchNode;
class   ProjNode;
class     CProjNode;
class       IfTrueNode;
class       IfFalseNode;
class       CatchProjNode;
class     JProjNode;
class       JumpProjNode;
class     SCMemProjNode;
class PhaseIdealLoop;

// The class of RegionNodes, which can be mapped to basic blocks in the
// program.  Their inputs point to Control sources.  PhiNodes (described
// below) have an input point to a RegionNode.  Merged data inputs to PhiNodes
// correspond 1-to-1 with RegionNode inputs.  The zero input of a PhiNode is
// the RegionNode, and the zero input of the RegionNode is itself.
class RegionNode : public Node {
  // Node layout (parallels PhiNode):
  enum { Region,                // Generally points to self.
         Control                // Control arcs are [1..len)

  RegionNode( uint required ) : Node(required) {

  Node* is_copy() const {
    const Node* r = _in[Region];
    if (r == NULL)
      return nonnull_req();
    return NULL;  // not a copy!
  PhiNode* has_phi() const;        // returns an arbitrary phi user, or NULL
  PhiNode* has_unique_phi() const; // returns the unique phi user, or NULL
  // Is this region node unreachable from root?
  bool is_unreachable_region(PhaseGVN *phase) const;
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool pinned() const { return (const Node *)in(0) == this; }
  virtual bool  is_CFG   () const { return true; }
  virtual uint hash() const { return NO_HASH; }  // CFG nodes do not hash
  virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const { return false; }
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::CONTROL; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const;
  bool try_clean_mem_phi(PhaseGVN *phase);

// jump projection for node that produces multiple control-flow paths
class JProjNode : public ProjNode {
  JProjNode( Node* ctrl, uint idx ) : ProjNode(ctrl,idx) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool  is_CFG() const { return true; }
  virtual uint  hash() const { return NO_HASH; }  // CFG nodes do not hash
  virtual const Node* is_block_proj() const { return in(0); }
  virtual const RegMask& out_RegMask() const;
  virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return 0; }

// PhiNodes merge values from different Control paths.  Slot 0 points to the
// controlling RegionNode.  Other slots map 1-for-1 with incoming control flow
// paths to the RegionNode.  For speed reasons (to avoid another pass) we
// can turn PhiNodes into copys in-place by NULL'ing out their RegionNode
// input in slot 0.
class PhiNode : public TypeNode {
  const TypePtr* const _adr_type; // non-null only for Type::MEMORY nodes.
  // The following fields are only used for data PhiNodes to indicate
  // that the PhiNode represents the value of a known instance field.
        int _inst_mem_id; // Instance memory id (node index of the memory Phi)
  const int _inst_id;     // Instance id of the memory slice.
  const int _inst_index;  // Alias index of the instance memory slice.
  // Array elements references have the same alias_idx but different offset.
  const int _inst_offset; // Offset of the instance memory slice.
  // Size is bigger to hold the _adr_type field.
  virtual uint hash() const;    // Check the type
  virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }

  // Determine if CMoveNode::is_cmove_id can be used at this join point.
  Node* is_cmove_id(PhaseTransform* phase, int true_path);

  // Node layout (parallels RegionNode):
  enum { Region,                // Control input is the Phi's region.
         Input                  // Input values are [1..len)

  PhiNode( Node *r, const Type *t, const TypePtr* at = NULL,
           const int imid = -1,
           const int iid = TypeOopPtr::InstanceTop,
           const int iidx = Compile::AliasIdxTop,
           const int ioffs = Type::OffsetTop )
    : TypeNode(t,r->req()),
    init_req(0, r);
  // create a new phi with in edges matching r and set (initially) to x
  static PhiNode* make( Node* r, Node* x );
  // extra type arguments override the new phi's bottom_type and adr_type
  static PhiNode* make( Node* r, Node* x, const Type *t, const TypePtr* at = NULL );
  // create a new phi with narrowed memory type
  PhiNode* slice_memory(const TypePtr* adr_type) const;
  PhiNode* split_out_instance(const TypePtr* at, PhaseIterGVN *igvn) const;
  // like make(r, x), but does not initialize the in edges to x
  static PhiNode* make_blank( Node* r, Node* x );

  // Accessors
  RegionNode* region() const { Node* r = in(Region); assert(!r || r->is_Region(), ""); return (RegionNode*)r; }

  Node* is_copy() const {
    // The node is a real phi if _in[0] is a Region node.
    DEBUG_ONLY(const Node* r = _in[Region];)
    assert(r != NULL && r->is_Region(), "Not valid control");
    return NULL;  // not a copy!

  bool is_tripcount() const;

  // Determine a unique non-trivial input, if any.
  // Ignore casts if it helps.  Return NULL on failure.
  Node* unique_input(PhaseTransform *phase);

  // Check for a simple dead loop.
  enum LoopSafety { Safe = 0, Unsafe, UnsafeLoop };
  LoopSafety simple_data_loop_check(Node *in) const;
  // Is it unsafe data loop? It becomes a dead loop if this phi node removed.
  bool is_unsafe_data_reference(Node *in) const;
  int  is_diamond_phi(bool check_control_only = false) const;
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool pinned() const { return in(0) != 0; }
  virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const { verify_adr_type(true); return _adr_type; }

  void  set_inst_mem_id(int inst_mem_id) { _inst_mem_id = inst_mem_id; }
  const int inst_mem_id() const { return _inst_mem_id; }
  const int inst_id()     const { return _inst_id; }
  const int inst_index()  const { return _inst_index; }
  const int inst_offset() const { return _inst_offset; }
  bool is_same_inst_field(const Type* tp, int mem_id, int id, int index, int offset) {
    return type()->basic_type() == tp->basic_type() &&
           inst_mem_id() == mem_id &&
           inst_id()     == id     &&
           inst_index()  == index  &&
           inst_offset() == offset &&

  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const;
  virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
#ifdef ASSERT
  void verify_adr_type(VectorSet& visited, const TypePtr* at) const;
  void verify_adr_type(bool recursive = false) const;
#else //ASSERT
  void verify_adr_type(bool recursive = false) const {}
#endif //ASSERT

// GotoNodes perform direct branches.
class GotoNode : public Node {
  GotoNode( Node *control ) : Node(control) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool pinned() const { return true; }
  virtual bool  is_CFG() const { return true; }
  virtual uint hash() const { return NO_HASH; }  // CFG nodes do not hash
  virtual const Node *is_block_proj() const { return this; }
  virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const { return false; }
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::CONTROL; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const;

// control projection for node that produces multiple control-flow paths
class CProjNode : public ProjNode {
  CProjNode( Node *ctrl, uint idx ) : ProjNode(ctrl,idx) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool  is_CFG() const { return true; }
  virtual uint hash() const { return NO_HASH; }  // CFG nodes do not hash
  virtual const Node *is_block_proj() const { return in(0); }
  virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const;
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return 0; }

// This class defines a MultiBranchNode, a MultiNode which yields multiple
// control values. These are distinguished from other types of MultiNodes
// which yield multiple values, but control is always and only projection #0.
class MultiBranchNode : public MultiNode {
  MultiBranchNode( uint required ) : MultiNode(required) {
  // returns required number of users to be well formed.
  virtual int required_outcnt() const = 0;

// Output selected Control, based on a boolean test
class IfNode : public MultiBranchNode {
  // Size is bigger to hold the probability field.  However, _prob does not
  // change the semantics so it does not appear in the hash & cmp functions.
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }

  // Degrees of branch prediction probability by order of magnitude:
  // PROB_UNLIKELY_1e(N) is a 1 in 1eN chance.
  // PROB_LIKELY_1e(N) is a 1 - PROB_UNLIKELY_1e(N)
#define PROB_UNLIKELY_MAG(N)    (1e- ## N ## f)

  // Maximum and minimum branch prediction probabilties
  // 1 in 1,000,000 (magnitude 6)
  // they are used to distinguish different situations:
  // The name PROB_MAX (PROB_MIN) is for probabilities which correspond to
  // very likely (unlikely) but with a concrete possibility of a rare
  // contrary case.  These constants would be used for pinning
  // measurements, and as measures for assertions that have high
  // confidence, but some evidence of occasional failure.
  // The name PROB_ALWAYS (PROB_NEVER) is to stand for situations for which
  // there is no evidence at all that the contrary case has ever occurred.

#define PROB_NEVER              PROB_UNLIKELY_MAG(6)
#define PROB_ALWAYS             PROB_LIKELY_MAG(6)

#define PROB_MIN                PROB_UNLIKELY_MAG(6)
#define PROB_MAX                PROB_LIKELY_MAG(6)

  // Static branch prediction probabilities
  // 1 in 10 (magnitude 1)

  // Fair probability 50/50
#define PROB_FAIR               (0.5f)

  // Unknown probability sentinel
#define PROB_UNKNOWN            (-1.0f)

  // Probability "constructors", to distinguish as a probability any manifest
  // constant without a names
#define PROB_LIKELY(x)          ((float) (x))
#define PROB_UNLIKELY(x)        (1.0f - (float)(x))

  // Other probabilities in use, but without a unique name, are documented
  // here for lack of a better place:
  // 1 in 1000 probabilities (magnitude 3):
  //     threshold for converting to conditional move
  //     likelihood of null check failure if a null HAS been seen before
  //     likelihood of slow path taken in library calls
  // 1 in 10,000 probabilities (magnitude 4):
  //     threshold for making an uncommon trap probability more extreme
  //     threshold for for making a null check implicit
  //     likelihood of needing a gc if eden top moves during an allocation
  //     likelihood of a predicted call failure
  // 1 in 100,000 probabilities (magnitude 5):
  //     threshold for ignoring counts when estimating path frequency
  //     likelihood of FP clipping failure
  //     likelihood of catching an exception from a try block
  //     likelihood of null check failure if a null has NOT been seen before
  // Magic manifest probabilities such as 0.83, 0.7, ... can be found in
  // gen_subtype_check() and catch_inline_exceptions().

  float _prob;                  // Probability of true path being taken.
  float _fcnt;                  // Frequency counter
  IfNode( Node *control, Node *b, float p, float fcnt )
    : MultiBranchNode(2), _prob(p), _fcnt(fcnt) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool pinned() const { return true; }
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; }
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual int required_outcnt() const { return 2; }
  virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const;
  void dominated_by(Node* prev_dom, PhaseIterGVN* igvn);
  int is_range_check(Node* &range, Node* &index, jint &offset);
  Node* fold_compares(PhaseGVN* phase);
  static Node* up_one_dom(Node* curr, bool linear_only = false);

  // Takes the type of val and filters it through the test represented
  // by if_proj and returns a more refined type if one is produced.
  // Returns NULL is it couldn't improve the type.
  static const TypeInt* filtered_int_type(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* val, Node* if_proj);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;

class IfTrueNode : public CProjNode {
  IfTrueNode( IfNode *ifnode ) : CProjNode(ifnode,1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );

class IfFalseNode : public CProjNode {
  IfFalseNode( IfNode *ifnode ) : CProjNode(ifnode,0) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );

// Build an indirect branch table.  Given a control and a table index,
// control is passed to the Projection matching the table index.  Used to
// implement switch statements and exception-handling capabilities.
// Undefined behavior if passed-in index is not inside the table.
class PCTableNode : public MultiBranchNode {
  virtual uint hash() const;    // Target count; table size
  virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }

  const uint _size;             // Number of targets

  PCTableNode( Node *ctrl, Node *idx, uint size ) : MultiBranchNode(2), _size(size) {
    init_req(0, ctrl);
    init_req(1, idx);
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
  virtual bool pinned() const { return true; }
  virtual int required_outcnt() const { return _size; }

// Indirect branch.  Uses PCTable above to implement a switch statement.
// It emits as a table load and local branch.
class JumpNode : public PCTableNode {
  JumpNode( Node* control, Node* switch_val, uint size) : PCTableNode(control, switch_val, size) {
  virtual int   Opcode() const;
  virtual const RegMask& out_RegMask() const;
  virtual const Node* is_block_proj() const { return this; }

class JumpProjNode : public JProjNode {
  virtual uint hash() const;
  virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }

  const int  _dest_bci;
  const uint _proj_no;
  const int  _switch_val;
  JumpProjNode(Node* jumpnode, uint proj_no, int dest_bci, int switch_val)
    : JProjNode(jumpnode, proj_no), _dest_bci(dest_bci), _proj_no(proj_no), _switch_val(switch_val) {

  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type* bottom_type() const { return Type::CONTROL; }
  int  dest_bci()    const { return _dest_bci; }
  int  switch_val()  const { return _switch_val; }
  uint proj_no()     const { return _proj_no; }
#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;

// Helper node to fork exceptions.  "Catch" catches any exceptions thrown by
// a just-prior call.  Looks like a PCTableNode but emits no code - just the
// table.  The table lookup and branch is implemented by RethrowNode.
class CatchNode : public PCTableNode {
  CatchNode( Node *ctrl, Node *idx, uint size ) : PCTableNode(ctrl,idx,size){
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;

// CatchProjNode controls which exception handler is targetted after a call.
// It is passed in the bci of the target handler, or no_handler_bci in case
// the projection doesn't lead to an exception handler.
class CatchProjNode : public CProjNode {
  virtual uint hash() const;
  virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }

  const int _handler_bci;

  enum {
    fall_through_index =  0,      // the fall through projection index
    catch_all_index    =  1,      // the projection index for catch-alls
    no_handler_bci     = -1       // the bci for fall through or catch-all projs

  CatchProjNode(Node* catchnode, uint proj_no, int handler_bci)
    : CProjNode(catchnode, proj_no), _handler_bci(handler_bci) {
    assert(proj_no != fall_through_index || handler_bci < 0, "fall through case must have bci < 0");

  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::CONTROL; }
  int  handler_bci() const        { return _handler_bci; }
  bool is_handler_proj() const    { return _handler_bci >= 0; }
#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;

// Helper node to create the exception coming back from a call
class CreateExNode : public TypeNode {
  CreateExNode(const Type* t, Node* control, Node* i_o) : TypeNode(t, 2) {
    init_req(0, control);
    init_req(1, i_o);
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  virtual bool pinned() const { return true; }
  uint match_edge(uint idx) const { return 0; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegP; }

// The never-taken branch.  Used to give the appearance of exiting infinite
// loops to those algorithms that like all paths to be reachable.  Encodes
// empty.
class NeverBranchNode : public MultiBranchNode {
  NeverBranchNode( Node *ctrl ) : MultiBranchNode(1) { init_req(0,ctrl); }
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool pinned() const { return true; };
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual int required_outcnt() const { return 2; }
  virtual void emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const { }
  virtual uint size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const { return 0; }
#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void format( PhaseRegAlloc *, outputStream *st ) const;

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/block.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/chaitin.hpp"
#include "opto/coalesce.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/idealGraphPrinter.hpp"
#include "opto/indexSet.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/memnode.hpp"
#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"

#ifndef PRODUCT
void LRG::dump() const {
  ttyLocker ttyl;
  tty->print("%d ",num_regs());
  if( _msize_valid ) {
    if( mask_size() == compute_mask_size() ) tty->print(", #%d ",_mask_size);
    else tty->print(", #!!!_%d_vs_%d ",_mask_size,_mask.Size());
  } else {
    tty->print(", #?(%d) ",_mask.Size());

  tty->print("EffDeg: ");
  if( _degree_valid ) tty->print( "%d ", _eff_degree );
  else tty->print("? ");

  if( is_multidef() ) {
    tty->print("MultiDef ");
    if (_defs != NULL) {
      for (int i = 0; i < _defs->length(); i++) {
        tty->print("N%d ", _defs->at(i)->_idx);
      tty->print(") ");
  else if( _def == 0 ) tty->print("Dead ");
  else tty->print("Def: N%d ",_def->_idx);

  tty->print("Cost:%4.2g Area:%4.2g Score:%4.2g ",_cost,_area, score());
  // Flags
  if( _is_oop ) tty->print("Oop ");
  if( _is_float ) tty->print("Float ");
  if( _is_vector ) tty->print("Vector ");
  if( _was_spilled1 ) tty->print("Spilled ");
  if( _was_spilled2 ) tty->print("Spilled2 ");
  if( _direct_conflict ) tty->print("Direct_conflict ");
  if( _fat_proj ) tty->print("Fat ");
  if( _was_lo ) tty->print("Lo ");
  if( _has_copy ) tty->print("Copy ");
  if( _at_risk ) tty->print("Risk ");

  if( _must_spill ) tty->print("Must_spill ");
  if( _is_bound ) tty->print("Bound ");
  if( _msize_valid ) {
    if( _degree_valid && lo_degree() ) tty->print("Trivial ");


// Compute score from cost and area.  Low score is best to spill.
static double raw_score( double cost, double area ) {
  return cost - (area*RegisterCostAreaRatio) * 1.52588e-5;

double LRG::score() const {
  // Scale _area by RegisterCostAreaRatio/64K then subtract from cost.
  // Bigger area lowers score, encourages spilling this live range.
  // Bigger cost raise score, prevents spilling this live range.
  // (Note: 1/65536 is the magic constant below; I dont trust the C optimizer
  // to turn a divide by a constant into a multiply by the reciprical).
  double score = raw_score( _cost, _area);

  // Account for area.  Basically, LRGs covering large areas are better
  // to spill because more other LRGs get freed up.
  if( _area == 0.0 )            // No area?  Then no progress to spill
    return 1e35;

  if( _was_spilled2 )           // If spilled once before, we are unlikely
    return score + 1e30;        // to make progress again.

  if( _cost >= _area*3.0 )      // Tiny area relative to cost
    return score + 1e17;        // Probably no progress to spill

  if( (_cost+_cost) >= _area*3.0 ) // Small area relative to cost
    return score + 1e10;        // Likely no progress to spill

  return score;

#define NUMBUCKS 3

// Straight out of Tarjan's union-find algorithm
uint LiveRangeMap::find_compress(uint lrg) {
  uint cur = lrg;
  uint next =;
  while (next != cur) { // Scan chain of equivalences
    assert( next < cur, "always union smaller");
    cur = next; // until find a fixed-point
    next =;

  // Core of union-find algorithm: update chain of
  // equivalences to be equal to the root.
  while (lrg != next) {
    uint tmp =;
    _uf_map.at_put(lrg, next);
    lrg = tmp;
  return lrg;

// Reset the Union-Find map to identity
void LiveRangeMap::reset_uf_map(uint max_lrg_id) {
  _max_lrg_id= max_lrg_id;
  // Force the Union-Find mapping to be at least this large
  _uf_map.at_put_grow(_max_lrg_id, 0);
  // Initialize it to be the ID mapping.
  for (uint i = 0; i < _max_lrg_id; ++i) {
    _uf_map.at_put(i, i);

// Make all Nodes map directly to their final live range; no need for
// the Union-Find mapping after this call.
void LiveRangeMap::compress_uf_map_for_nodes() {
  // For all Nodes, compress mapping
  uint unique = _names.length();
  for (uint i = 0; i < unique; ++i) {
    uint lrg =;
    uint compressed_lrg = find(lrg);
    if (lrg != compressed_lrg) {
      _names.at_put(i, compressed_lrg);

// Like Find above, but no path compress, so bad asymptotic behavior
uint LiveRangeMap::find_const(uint lrg) const {
  if (!lrg) {
    return lrg; // Ignore the zero LRG

  // Off the end?  This happens during debugging dumps when you got
  // brand new live ranges but have not told the allocator yet.
  if (lrg >= _max_lrg_id) {
    return lrg;

  uint next =;
  while (next != lrg) { // Scan chain of equivalences
    assert(next < lrg, "always union smaller");
    lrg = next; // until find a fixed-point
    next =;
  return next;

PhaseChaitin::PhaseChaitin(uint unique, PhaseCFG &cfg, Matcher &matcher)
  : PhaseRegAlloc(unique, cfg, matcher,
#ifndef PRODUCT
  , _lrg_map(Thread::current()->resource_area(), unique)
  , _live(0)
  , _spilled_once(Thread::current()->resource_area())
  , _spilled_twice(Thread::current()->resource_area())
  , _lo_degree(0), _lo_stk_degree(0), _hi_degree(0), _simplified(0)
  , _oldphi(unique)
#ifndef PRODUCT
  , _trace_spilling(TraceSpilling || C->method_has_option("TraceSpilling"))
  NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("ctorChaitin", &_t_ctorChaitin, TimeCompiler); )

  _high_frequency_lrg = MIN2(float(OPTO_LRG_HIGH_FREQ), _cfg.get_outer_loop_frequency());

  // Build a list of basic blocks, sorted by frequency
  _blks = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(Block *, _cfg.number_of_blocks());
  // Experiment with sorting strategies to speed compilation
  double  cutoff = BLOCK_FREQUENCY(1.0); // Cutoff for high frequency bucket
  Block **buckets[NUMBUCKS];             // Array of buckets
  uint    buckcnt[NUMBUCKS];             // Array of bucket counters
  double  buckval[NUMBUCKS];             // Array of bucket value cutoffs
  for (uint i = 0; i < NUMBUCKS; i++) {
    buckets[i] = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(Block *, _cfg.number_of_blocks());
    buckcnt[i] = 0;
    // Bump by three orders of magnitude each time
    cutoff *= 0.001;
    buckval[i] = cutoff;
    for (uint j = 0; j < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); j++) {
      buckets[i][j] = NULL;
  // Sort blocks into buckets
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    for (uint j = 0; j < NUMBUCKS; j++) {
      if ((j == NUMBUCKS - 1) || (_cfg.get_block(i)->_freq > buckval[j])) {
        // Assign block to end of list for appropriate bucket
        buckets[j][buckcnt[j]++] = _cfg.get_block(i);
        break; // kick out of inner loop
  // Dump buckets into final block array
  uint blkcnt = 0;
  for (uint i = 0; i < NUMBUCKS; i++) {
    for (uint j = 0; j < buckcnt[i]; j++) {
      _blks[blkcnt++] = buckets[i][j];

  assert(blkcnt == _cfg.number_of_blocks(), "Block array not totally filled");

// union 2 sets together.
void PhaseChaitin::Union( const Node *src_n, const Node *dst_n ) {
  uint src = _lrg_map.find(src_n);
  uint dst = _lrg_map.find(dst_n);
  assert(src, "");
  assert(dst, "");
  assert(src < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "oob");
  assert(dst < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "oob");
  assert(src < dst, "always union smaller");
  _lrg_map.uf_map(dst, src);

void PhaseChaitin::new_lrg(const Node *x, uint lrg) {
  // Make the Node->LRG mapping
  // Make the Union-Find mapping an identity function
  _lrg_map.uf_extend(lrg, lrg);

int PhaseChaitin::clone_projs(Block* b, uint idx, Node* orig, Node* copy, uint& max_lrg_id) {
  assert(b->find_node(copy) == (idx - 1), "incorrect insert index for copy kill projections");
  DEBUG_ONLY( Block* borig = _cfg.get_block_for_node(orig); )
  int found_projs = 0;
  uint cnt = orig->outcnt();
  for (uint i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    Node* proj = orig->raw_out(i);
    if (proj->is_MachProj()) {
      assert(proj->outcnt() == 0, "only kill projections are expected here");
      assert(_cfg.get_block_for_node(proj) == borig, "incorrect block for kill projections");
      // Copy kill projections after the cloned node
      Node* kills = proj->clone();
      kills->set_req(0, copy);
      b->insert_node(kills, idx++);
      _cfg.map_node_to_block(kills, b);
      new_lrg(kills, max_lrg_id++);
  return found_projs;

// Renumber the live ranges to compact them.  Makes the IFG smaller.
void PhaseChaitin::compact() {
  // Current the _uf_map contains a series of short chains which are headed
  // by a self-cycle.  All the chains run from big numbers to little numbers.
  // The Find() call chases the chains & shortens them for the next Find call.
  // We are going to change this structure slightly.  Numbers above a moving
  // wave 'i' are unchanged.  Numbers below 'j' point directly to their
  // compacted live range with no further chaining.  There are no chains or
  // cycles below 'i', so the Find call no longer works.
  uint j=1;
  uint i;
  for (i = 1; i < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i++) {
    uint lr = _lrg_map.uf_live_range_id(i);
    // Ignore unallocated live ranges
    if (!lr) {
    assert(lr <= i, "");
    _lrg_map.uf_map(i, ( lr == i ) ? j++ : _lrg_map.uf_live_range_id(lr));
  // Now change the Node->LR mapping to reflect the compacted names
  uint unique = _lrg_map.size();
  for (i = 0; i < unique; i++) {
    uint lrg_id = _lrg_map.live_range_id(i);, _lrg_map.uf_live_range_id(lrg_id));

  // Reset the Union-Find mapping

void PhaseChaitin::Register_Allocate() {

  // Above the OLD FP (and in registers) are the incoming arguments.  Stack
  // slots in this area are called "arg_slots".  Above the NEW FP (and in
  // registers) is the outgoing argument area; above that is the spill/temp
  // area.  These are all "frame_slots".  Arg_slots start at the zero
  // stack_slots and count up to the known arg_size.  Frame_slots start at
  // the stack_slot #arg_size and go up.  After allocation I map stack
  // slots to actual offsets.  Stack-slots in the arg_slot area are biased
  // by the frame_size; stack-slots in the frame_slot area are biased by 0.

  _trip_cnt = 0;
  _alternate = 0;
  _matcher._allocation_started = true;

  ResourceArea split_arena(mtCompiler);     // Arena for Split local resources
  ResourceArea live_arena(mtCompiler);      // Arena for liveness & IFG info
  ResourceMark rm(&live_arena);

  // Need live-ness for the IFG; need the IFG for coalescing.  If the
  // liveness is JUST for coalescing, then I can get some mileage by renaming
  // all copy-related live ranges low and then using the max copy-related
  // live range as a cut-off for LIVE and the IFG.  In other words, I can
  // build a subset of LIVE and IFG just for copies.
  PhaseLive live(_cfg, _lrg_map.names(), &live_arena);

  // Need IFG for coalescing and coloring
  PhaseIFG ifg(&live_arena);
  _ifg = &ifg;

  // Come out of SSA world to the Named world.  Assign (virtual) registers to
  // Nodes.  Use the same register for all inputs and the output of PhiNodes
  // - effectively ending SSA form.  This requires either coalescing live
  // ranges or inserting copies.  For the moment, we insert "virtual copies"
  // - we pretend there is a copy prior to each Phi in predecessor blocks.
  // We will attempt to coalesce such "virtual copies" before we manifest
  // them for real.

#ifdef ASSERT
  // Veify the graph before RA.

    NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("computeLive", &_t_computeLive, TimeCompiler); )
    _live = NULL;                 // Mark live as being not available
    rm.reset_to_mark();           // Reclaim working storage
    IndexSet::reset_memory(C, &live_arena);
    ifg.init(_lrg_map.max_lrg_id()); // Empty IFG
    gather_lrg_masks( false );    // Collect LRG masks
    live.compute(_lrg_map.max_lrg_id()); // Compute liveness
    _live = &live;                // Mark LIVE as being available

  // Base pointers are currently "used" by instructions which define new
  // derived pointers.  This makes base pointers live up to the where the
  // derived pointer is made, but not beyond.  Really, they need to be live
  // across any GC point where the derived value is live.  So this code looks
  // at all the GC points, and "stretches" the live range of any base pointer
  // to the GC point.
  if (stretch_base_pointer_live_ranges(&live_arena)) {
    NOT_PRODUCT(Compile::TracePhase t3("computeLive (sbplr)", &_t_computeLive, TimeCompiler);)
    // Since some live range stretched, I need to recompute live
    _live = NULL;
    rm.reset_to_mark();         // Reclaim working storage
    IndexSet::reset_memory(C, &live_arena);
    _live = &live;
  // Create the interference graph using virtual copies
  build_ifg_virtual();  // Include stack slots this time

  // Aggressive (but pessimistic) copy coalescing.
  // This pass works on virtual copies.  Any virtual copies which are not
  // coalesced get manifested as actual copies
    // The IFG is/was triangular.  I am 'squaring it up' so Union can run
    // faster.  Union requires a 'for all' operation which is slow on the
    // triangular adjacency matrix (quick reminder: the IFG is 'sparse' -
    // meaning I can visit all the Nodes neighbors less than a Node in time
    // O(# of neighbors), but I have to visit all the Nodes greater than a
    // given Node and search them for an instance, i.e., time O(#MaxLRG)).

    PhaseAggressiveCoalesce coalesce(*this);
    // Insert un-coalesced copies.  Visit all Phis.  Where inputs to a Phi do
    // not match the Phi itself, insert a copy.
    if (C->failing()) {

  // After aggressive coalesce, attempt a first cut at coloring.
  // To color, we need the IFG and for that we need LIVE.
    NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("computeLive", &_t_computeLive, TimeCompiler); )
    _live = NULL;
    rm.reset_to_mark();           // Reclaim working storage
    IndexSet::reset_memory(C, &live_arena);
    gather_lrg_masks( true );
    _live = &live;

  // Build physical interference graph
  uint must_spill = 0;
  must_spill = build_ifg_physical(&live_arena);
  // If we have a guaranteed spill, might as well spill now
  if (must_spill) {
    if(!_lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
    // Bail out if unique gets too large (ie - unique > MaxNodeLimit)
    C->check_node_count(10*must_spill, "out of nodes before split");
    if (C->failing()) {

    uint new_max_lrg_id = Split(_lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), &split_arena);  // Split spilling LRG everywhere
    // Bail out if unique gets too large (ie - unique > MaxNodeLimit - 2*NodeLimitFudgeFactor)
    // or we failed to split
    C->check_node_count(2*NodeLimitFudgeFactor, "out of nodes after physical split");
    if (C->failing()) {


    compact();                  // Compact LRGs; return new lower max lrg

      NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("computeLive", &_t_computeLive, TimeCompiler); )
      _live = NULL;
      rm.reset_to_mark();         // Reclaim working storage
      IndexSet::reset_memory(C, &live_arena);
      ifg.init(_lrg_map.max_lrg_id()); // Build a new interference graph
      gather_lrg_masks( true );   // Collect intersect mask
      live.compute(_lrg_map.max_lrg_id()); // Compute LIVE
      _live = &live;
    // Only do conservative coalescing if requested
    if (OptoCoalesce) {
      // Conservative (and pessimistic) copy coalescing of those spills
      PhaseConservativeCoalesce coalesce(*this);
      // If max live ranges greater than cutoff, don't color the stack.
      // This cutoff can be larger than below since it is only done once.

#ifdef ASSERT
    verify(&live_arena, true);
  } else {
#ifdef ASSERT

  // Prepare for Simplify & Select
  cache_lrg_info();           // Count degree of LRGs

  // Simplify the InterFerence Graph by removing LRGs of low degree.
  // LRGs of low degree are trivially colorable.

  // Select colors by re-inserting LRGs back into the IFG in reverse order.
  // Return whether or not something spills.
  uint spills = Select( );

  // If we spill, split and recycle the entire thing
  while( spills ) {
    if( _trip_cnt++ > 24 ) {
      DEBUG_ONLY( dump_for_spill_split_recycle(); )
      if( _trip_cnt > 27 ) {
        C->record_method_not_compilable("failed spill-split-recycle sanity check");

    if (!_lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
    uint new_max_lrg_id = Split(_lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), &split_arena);  // Split spilling LRG everywhere
    // Bail out if unique gets too large (ie - unique > MaxNodeLimit - 2*NodeLimitFudgeFactor)
    C->check_node_count(2 * NodeLimitFudgeFactor, "out of nodes after split");
    if (C->failing()) {

    compact(); // Compact LRGs; return new lower max lrg

    // Nuke the live-ness and interference graph and LiveRanGe info
      NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("computeLive", &_t_computeLive, TimeCompiler); )
      _live = NULL;
      rm.reset_to_mark();         // Reclaim working storage
      IndexSet::reset_memory(C, &live_arena);

      // Create LiveRanGe array.
      // Intersect register masks for all USEs and DEFs
      _live = &live;
    must_spill = build_ifg_physical(&live_arena);

    // Only do conservative coalescing if requested
    if (OptoCoalesce) {
      // Conservative (and pessimistic) copy coalescing
      PhaseConservativeCoalesce coalesce(*this);
      // Check for few live ranges determines how aggressive coalesce is.
#ifdef ASSERT
    verify(&live_arena, true);
    cache_lrg_info();           // Count degree of LRGs

    // Simplify the InterFerence Graph by removing LRGs of low degree.
    // LRGs of low degree are trivially colorable.

    // Select colors by re-inserting LRGs back into the IFG in reverse order.
    // Return whether or not something spills.
    spills = Select();

  // Count number of Simplify-Select trips per coloring success.
  _allocator_attempts += _trip_cnt + 1;
  _allocator_successes += 1;

  // Peephole remove copies

  // Merge multidefs if multiple defs representing the same value are used in a single block.

#ifdef ASSERT
  // Veify the graph after RA.

  // max_reg is past the largest *register* used.
  // Convert that to a frame_slot number.
  if (_max_reg <= _matcher._new_SP) {
    _framesize = C->out_preserve_stack_slots();
  else {
    _framesize = _max_reg -_matcher._new_SP;
  assert((int)(_matcher._new_SP+_framesize) >= (int)_matcher._out_arg_limit, "framesize must be large enough");

  // This frame must preserve the required fp alignment
  _framesize = round_to(_framesize, Matcher::stack_alignment_in_slots());
  assert( _framesize >= 0 && _framesize <= 1000000, "sanity check" );
#ifndef PRODUCT
  _total_framesize += _framesize;
  if ((int)_framesize > _max_framesize) {
    _max_framesize = _framesize;

  // Convert CISC spills

  // Log regalloc results
  CompileLog* log = Compile::current()->log();
  if (log != NULL) {
    log->elem("regalloc attempts='%d' success='%d'", _trip_cnt, !C->failing());

  if (C->failing()) {


  // Move important info out of the live_arena to longer lasting storage.
  for (uint i=0; i < _lrg_map.size(); i++) {
    if (_lrg_map.live_range_id(i)) { // Live range associated with Node?
      LRG &lrg = lrgs(_lrg_map.live_range_id(i));
      if (!lrg.alive()) {
      } else if (lrg.num_regs() == 1) {
        set1(i, lrg.reg());
      } else {                  // Must be a register-set
        if (!lrg._fat_proj) {   // Must be aligned adjacent register set
          // Live ranges record the highest register in their mask.
          // We want the low register for the AD file writer's convenience.
          OptoReg::Name hi = lrg.reg(); // Get hi register
          OptoReg::Name lo = OptoReg::add(hi, (1-lrg.num_regs())); // Find lo
          // We have to use pair [lo,lo+1] even for wide vectors because
          // the rest of code generation works only with pairs. It is safe
          // since for registers encoding only 'lo' is used.
          // Second reg from pair is used in ScheduleAndBundle on SPARC where
          // vector max size is 8 which corresponds to registers pair.
          // It is also used in BuildOopMaps but oop operations are not
          // vectorized.
          set2(i, lo);
        } else {                // Misaligned; extract 2 bits
          OptoReg::Name hi = lrg.reg(); // Get hi register
          lrg.Remove(hi);       // Yank from mask
          int lo = lrg.mask().find_first_elem(); // Find lo
          set_pair(i, hi, lo);
      if( lrg._is_oop ) _node_oops.set(i);
    } else {

  // Done!
  _live = NULL;
  _ifg = NULL;
  C->set_indexSet_arena(NULL);  // ResourceArea is at end of scope

void PhaseChaitin::de_ssa() {
  // Set initial Names for all Nodes.  Most Nodes get the virtual register
  // number.  A few get the ZERO live range number.  These do not
  // get allocated, but instead rely on correct scheduling to ensure that
  // only one instance is simultaneously live at a time.
  uint lr_counter = 1;
  for( uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++ ) {
    Block* block = _cfg.get_block(i);
    uint cnt = block->number_of_nodes();

    // Handle all the normal Nodes in the block
    for( uint j = 0; j < cnt; j++ ) {
      Node *n = block->get_node(j);
      // Pre-color to the zero live range, or pick virtual register
      const RegMask &rm = n->out_RegMask();>_idx, rm.is_NotEmpty() ? lr_counter++ : 0);

  // Reset the Union-Find mapping to be identity

// Gather LiveRanGe information, including register masks.  Modification of
// cisc spillable in_RegMasks should not be done before AggressiveCoalesce.
void PhaseChaitin::gather_lrg_masks( bool after_aggressive ) {

  // Nail down the frame pointer live range
  uint fp_lrg = _lrg_map.live_range_id(_cfg.get_root_node()->in(1)->in(TypeFunc::FramePtr));
  lrgs(fp_lrg)._cost += 1e12;   // Cost is infinite

  // For all blocks
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    Block* block = _cfg.get_block(i);

    // For all instructions
    for (uint j = 1; j < block->number_of_nodes(); j++) {
      Node* n = block->get_node(j);
      uint input_edge_start =1; // Skip control most nodes
      if (n->is_Mach()) {
        input_edge_start = n->as_Mach()->oper_input_base();
      uint idx = n->is_Copy();

      // Get virtual register number, same as LiveRanGe index
      uint vreg = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n);
      LRG& lrg = lrgs(vreg);
      if (vreg) {              // No vreg means un-allocable (e.g. memory)

        // Collect has-copy bit
        if (idx) {
          lrg._has_copy = 1;
          uint clidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(idx));
          LRG& copy_src = lrgs(clidx);
          copy_src._has_copy = 1;

        // Check for float-vs-int live range (used in register-pressure
        // calculations)
        const Type *n_type = n->bottom_type();
        if (n_type->is_floatingpoint()) {
          lrg._is_float = 1;

        // Check for twice prior spilling.  Once prior spilling might have
        // spilled 'soft', 2nd prior spill should have spilled 'hard' and
        // further spilling is unlikely to make progress.
        if (_spilled_once.test(n->_idx)) {
          lrg._was_spilled1 = 1;
          if (_spilled_twice.test(n->_idx)) {
            lrg._was_spilled2 = 1;

#ifndef PRODUCT
        if (trace_spilling() && lrg._def != NULL) {
          // collect defs for MultiDef printing
          if (lrg._defs == NULL) {
            lrg._defs = new (_ifg->_arena) GrowableArray<Node*>(_ifg->_arena, 2, 0, NULL);

        // Check for a single def LRG; these can spill nicely
        // via rematerialization.  Flag as NULL for no def found
        // yet, or 'n' for single def or -1 for many defs.
        lrg._def = lrg._def ? NodeSentinel : n;

        // Limit result register mask to acceptable registers
        const RegMask &rm = n->out_RegMask();
        lrg.AND( rm );

        uint ireg = n->ideal_reg();
        assert( !n->bottom_type()->isa_oop_ptr() || ireg == Op_RegP,
                "oops must be in Op_RegP's" );

        // Check for vector live range (only if vector register is used).
        // On SPARC vector uses RegD which could be misaligned so it is not
        // processes as vector in RA.
        if (RegMask::is_vector(ireg))
          lrg._is_vector = 1;
        assert(n_type->isa_vect() == NULL || lrg._is_vector || ireg == Op_RegD || ireg == Op_RegL,
               "vector must be in vector registers");

        // Check for bound register masks
        const RegMask &lrgmask = lrg.mask();
        if (lrgmask.is_bound(ireg)) {
          lrg._is_bound = 1;

        // Check for maximum frequency value
        if (lrg._maxfreq < block->_freq) {
          lrg._maxfreq = block->_freq;

        // Check for oop-iness, or long/double
        // Check for multi-kill projection
        switch (ireg) {
        case MachProjNode::fat_proj:
          // Fat projections have size equal to number of registers killed
          lrg._fat_proj = 1;
          lrg._is_bound = 1;
        case Op_RegP:
#ifdef _LP64
          lrg.set_num_regs(2);  // Size is 2 stack words
          lrg.set_num_regs(1);  // Size is 1 stack word
          // Register pressure is tracked relative to the maximum values
          // suggested for that platform, INTPRESSURE and FLOATPRESSURE,
          // and relative to other types which compete for the same regs.
          // The following table contains suggested values based on the
          // architectures as defined in each .ad file.
          // INTPRESSURE and FLOATPRESSURE may be tuned differently for
          // compile-speed or performance.
          // Note1:
          // SPARC and SPARCV9 reg_pressures are at 2 instead of 1
          // since .ad registers are defined as high and low halves.
          // These reg_pressure values remain compatible with the code
          // in is_high_pressure() which relates get_invalid_mask_size(),
          // Block::_reg_pressure and INTPRESSURE, FLOATPRESSURE.
          // Note2:
          // SPARC -d32 has 24 registers available for integral values,
          // but only 10 of these are safe for 64-bit longs.
          // Using set_reg_pressure(2) for both int and long means
          // the allocator will believe it can fit 26 longs into
          // registers.  Using 2 for longs and 1 for ints means the
          // allocator will attempt to put 52 integers into registers.
          // The settings below limit this problem to methods with
          // many long values which are being run on 32-bit SPARC.
          // ------------------- reg_pressure --------------------
          // Each entry is reg_pressure_per_value,number_of_regs
          //         RegL  RegI  RegFlags   RegF RegD    INTPRESSURE  FLOATPRESSURE
          // IA32     2     1     1          1    1          6           6
          // IA64     1     1     1          1    1         50          41
          // SPARC    2     2     2          2    2         48 (24)     52 (26)
          // SPARCV9  2     2     2          2    2         48 (24)     52 (26)
          // AMD64    1     1     1          1    1         14          15
          // -----------------------------------------------------
#if defined(SPARC)
          lrg.set_reg_pressure(2);  // use for v9 as well
          lrg.set_reg_pressure(1);  // normally one value per register
          if( n_type->isa_oop_ptr() ) {
            lrg._is_oop = 1;
        case Op_RegL:           // Check for long or double
        case Op_RegD:
          // Define platform specific register pressure
#if defined(SPARC) || defined(ARM32)
#elif defined(IA32)
          if( ireg == Op_RegL ) {
          } else {
          lrg.set_reg_pressure(1);  // normally one value per register
          // If this def of a double forces a mis-aligned double,
          // flag as '_fat_proj' - really flag as allowing misalignment
          // AND changes how we count interferences.  A mis-aligned
          // double can interfere with TWO aligned pairs, or effectively
          // FOUR registers!
          if (rm.is_misaligned_pair()) {
            lrg._fat_proj = 1;
            lrg._is_bound = 1;
        case Op_RegF:
        case Op_RegI:
        case Op_RegN:
        case Op_RegFlags:
        case 0:                 // not an ideal register
#ifdef SPARC
        case Op_VecS:
          assert(Matcher::vector_size_supported(T_BYTE,4), "sanity");
          assert(RegMask::num_registers(Op_VecS) == RegMask::SlotsPerVecS, "sanity");
        case Op_VecD:
          assert(Matcher::vector_size_supported(T_FLOAT,RegMask::SlotsPerVecD), "sanity");
          assert(RegMask::num_registers(Op_VecD) == RegMask::SlotsPerVecD, "sanity");
          assert(lrgmask.is_aligned_sets(RegMask::SlotsPerVecD), "vector should be aligned");
        case Op_VecX:
          assert(Matcher::vector_size_supported(T_FLOAT,RegMask::SlotsPerVecX), "sanity");
          assert(RegMask::num_registers(Op_VecX) == RegMask::SlotsPerVecX, "sanity");
          assert(lrgmask.is_aligned_sets(RegMask::SlotsPerVecX), "vector should be aligned");
        case Op_VecY:
          assert(Matcher::vector_size_supported(T_FLOAT,RegMask::SlotsPerVecY), "sanity");
          assert(RegMask::num_registers(Op_VecY) == RegMask::SlotsPerVecY, "sanity");
          assert(lrgmask.is_aligned_sets(RegMask::SlotsPerVecY), "vector should be aligned");

      // Now do the same for inputs
      uint cnt = n->req();
      // Setup for CISC SPILLING
      uint inp = (uint)AdlcVMDeps::Not_cisc_spillable;
      if( UseCISCSpill && after_aggressive ) {
        inp = n->cisc_operand();
        if( inp != (uint)AdlcVMDeps::Not_cisc_spillable )
          // Convert operand number to edge index number
          inp = n->as_Mach()->operand_index(inp);
      // Prepare register mask for each input
      for( uint k = input_edge_start; k < cnt; k++ ) {
        uint vreg = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(k));
        if (!vreg) {

        // If this instruction is CISC Spillable, add the flags
        // bit to its appropriate input
        if( UseCISCSpill && after_aggressive && inp == k ) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( TraceCISCSpill ) {
            tty->print("  use_cisc_RegMask: ");

        LRG &lrg = lrgs(vreg);
        // // Testing for floating point code shape
        // Node *test = n->in(k);
        // if( test->is_Mach() ) {
        //   MachNode *m = test->as_Mach();
        //   int  op = m->ideal_Opcode();
        //   if (n->is_Call() && (op == Op_AddF || op == Op_MulF) ) {
        //     int zzz = 1;
        //   }
        // }

        // Limit result register mask to acceptable registers.
        // Do not limit registers from uncommon uses before
        // AggressiveCoalesce.  This effectively pre-virtual-splits
        // around uncommon uses of common defs.
        const RegMask &rm = n->in_RegMask(k);
        if (!after_aggressive && _cfg.get_block_for_node(n->in(k))->_freq > 1000 * block->_freq) {
          // Since we are BEFORE aggressive coalesce, leave the register
          // mask untrimmed by the call.  This encourages more coalescing.
          // Later, AFTER aggressive, this live range will have to spill
          // but the spiller handles slow-path calls very nicely.
        } else {
          lrg.AND( rm );

        // Check for bound register masks
        const RegMask &lrgmask = lrg.mask();
        uint kreg = n->in(k)->ideal_reg();
        bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(kreg);
        assert(n->in(k)->bottom_type()->isa_vect() == NULL ||
               is_vect || kreg == Op_RegD || kreg == Op_RegL,
               "vector must be in vector registers");
        if (lrgmask.is_bound(kreg))
          lrg._is_bound = 1;

        // If this use of a double forces a mis-aligned double,
        // flag as '_fat_proj' - really flag as allowing misalignment
        // AND changes how we count interferences.  A mis-aligned
        // double can interfere with TWO aligned pairs, or effectively
        // FOUR registers!
#ifdef ASSERT
        if (is_vect) {
          assert(lrgmask.is_aligned_sets(lrg.num_regs()), "vector should be aligned");
          assert(!lrg._fat_proj, "sanity");
          assert(RegMask::num_registers(kreg) == lrg.num_regs(), "sanity");
        if (!is_vect && lrg.num_regs() == 2 && !lrg._fat_proj && rm.is_misaligned_pair()) {
          lrg._fat_proj = 1;
          lrg._is_bound = 1;
        // if the LRG is an unaligned pair, we will have to spill
        // so clear the LRG's register mask if it is not already spilled
        if (!is_vect && !n->is_SpillCopy() &&
            (lrg._def == NULL || lrg.is_multidef() || !lrg._def->is_SpillCopy()) &&
            lrgmask.is_misaligned_pair()) {

        // Check for maximum frequency value
        if (lrg._maxfreq < block->_freq) {
          lrg._maxfreq = block->_freq;

      } // End for all allocated inputs
    } // end for all instructions
  } // end for all blocks

  // Final per-liverange setup
  for (uint i2 = 0; i2 < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i2++) {
    LRG &lrg = lrgs(i2);
    assert(!lrg._is_vector || !lrg._fat_proj, "sanity");
    if (lrg.num_regs() > 1 && !lrg._fat_proj) {
    if (lrg.not_free()) {      // Handle case where we lose from the start
      lrg._direct_conflict = 1;
    lrg.set_degree(0);          // no neighbors in IFG yet

// Set the was-lo-degree bit.  Conservative coalescing should not change the
// colorability of the graph.  If any live range was of low-degree before
// coalescing, it should Simplify.  This call sets the was-lo-degree bit.
// The bit is checked in Simplify.
void PhaseChaitin::set_was_low() {
#ifdef ASSERT
  for (uint i = 1; i < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i++) {
    int size = lrgs(i).num_regs();
    uint old_was_lo = lrgs(i)._was_lo;
    lrgs(i)._was_lo = 0;
    if( lrgs(i).lo_degree() ) {
      lrgs(i)._was_lo = 1;      // Trivially of low degree
    } else {                    // Else check the Brigg's assertion
      // Brigg's observation is that the lo-degree neighbors of a
      // hi-degree live range will not interfere with the color choices
      // of said hi-degree live range.  The Simplify reverse-stack-coloring
      // order takes care of the details.  Hence you do not have to count
      // low-degree neighbors when determining if this guy colors.
      int briggs_degree = 0;
      IndexSet *s = _ifg->neighbors(i);
      IndexSetIterator elements(s);
      uint lidx;
      while((lidx = != 0) {
        if( !lrgs(lidx).lo_degree() )
          briggs_degree += MAX2(size,lrgs(lidx).num_regs());
      if( briggs_degree < lrgs(i).degrees_of_freedom() )
        lrgs(i)._was_lo = 1;    // Low degree via the briggs assertion
    assert(old_was_lo <= lrgs(i)._was_lo, "_was_lo may not decrease");


// Compute cost/area ratio, in case we spill.  Build the lo-degree list.
void PhaseChaitin::cache_lrg_info( ) {

  for (uint i = 1; i < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i++) {
    LRG &lrg = lrgs(i);

    // Check for being of low degree: means we can be trivially colored.
    // Low degree, dead or must-spill guys just get to simplify right away
    if( lrg.lo_degree() ||
       !lrg.alive() ||
        lrg._must_spill ) {
      // Split low degree list into those guys that must get a
      // register and those that can go to register or stack.
      // The idea is LRGs that can go register or stack color first when
      // they have a good chance of getting a register.  The register-only
      // lo-degree live ranges always get a register.
      OptoReg::Name hi_reg = lrg.mask().find_last_elem();
      if( OptoReg::is_stack(hi_reg)) { // Can go to stack?
        lrg._next = _lo_stk_degree;
        _lo_stk_degree = i;
      } else {
        lrg._next = _lo_degree;
        _lo_degree = i;
    } else {                    // Else high degree
      lrgs(_hi_degree)._prev = i;
      lrg._next = _hi_degree;
      lrg._prev = 0;
      _hi_degree = i;

// Simplify the IFG by removing LRGs of low degree that have NO copies
void PhaseChaitin::Pre_Simplify( ) {

  // Warm up the lo-degree no-copy list
  int lo_no_copy = 0;
  for (uint i = 1; i < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i++) {
    if ((lrgs(i).lo_degree() && !lrgs(i)._has_copy) ||
        !lrgs(i).alive() ||
        lrgs(i)._must_spill) {
      lrgs(i)._next = lo_no_copy;
      lo_no_copy = i;

  while( lo_no_copy ) {
    uint lo = lo_no_copy;
    lo_no_copy = lrgs(lo)._next;
    int size = lrgs(lo).num_regs();

    // Put the simplified guy on the simplified list.
    lrgs(lo)._next = _simplified;
    _simplified = lo;

    // Yank this guy from the IFG.
    IndexSet *adj = _ifg->remove_node( lo );

    // If any neighbors' degrees fall below their number of
    // allowed registers, then put that neighbor on the low degree
    // list.  Note that 'degree' can only fall and 'numregs' is
    // unchanged by this action.  Thus the two are equal at most once,
    // so LRGs hit the lo-degree worklists at most once.
    IndexSetIterator elements(adj);
    uint neighbor;
    while ((neighbor = != 0) {
      LRG *n = &lrgs(neighbor);
      assert( _ifg->effective_degree(neighbor) == n->degree(), "" );

      // Check for just becoming of-low-degree
      if( n->just_lo_degree() && !n->_has_copy ) {
        assert(!(*_ifg->_yanked)[neighbor],"Cannot move to lo degree twice");
        // Put on lo-degree list
        n->_next = lo_no_copy;
        lo_no_copy = neighbor;
  } // End of while lo-degree no_copy worklist not empty

  // No more lo-degree no-copy live ranges to simplify

// Simplify the IFG by removing LRGs of low degree.
void PhaseChaitin::Simplify( ) {

  while( 1 ) {                  // Repeat till simplified it all
    // May want to explore simplifying lo_degree before _lo_stk_degree.
    // This might result in more spills coloring into registers during
    // Select().
    while( _lo_degree || _lo_stk_degree ) {
      // If possible, pull from lo_stk first
      uint lo;
      if( _lo_degree ) {
        lo = _lo_degree;
        _lo_degree = lrgs(lo)._next;
      } else {
        lo = _lo_stk_degree;
        _lo_stk_degree = lrgs(lo)._next;

      // Put the simplified guy on the simplified list.
      lrgs(lo)._next = _simplified;
      _simplified = lo;
      // If this guy is "at risk" then mark his current neighbors
      if( lrgs(lo)._at_risk ) {
        IndexSetIterator elements(_ifg->neighbors(lo));
        uint datum;
        while ((datum = != 0) {
          lrgs(datum)._risk_bias = lo;

      // Yank this guy from the IFG.
      IndexSet *adj = _ifg->remove_node( lo );

      // If any neighbors' degrees fall below their number of
      // allowed registers, then put that neighbor on the low degree
      // list.  Note that 'degree' can only fall and 'numregs' is
      // unchanged by this action.  Thus the two are equal at most once,
      // so LRGs hit the lo-degree worklist at most once.
      IndexSetIterator elements(adj);
      uint neighbor;
      while ((neighbor = != 0) {
        LRG *n = &lrgs(neighbor);
#ifdef ASSERT
        if( VerifyOpto || VerifyRegisterAllocator ) {
          assert( _ifg->effective_degree(neighbor) == n->degree(), "" );

        // Check for just becoming of-low-degree just counting registers.
        // _must_spill live ranges are already on the low degree list.
        if( n->just_lo_degree() && !n->_must_spill ) {
          assert(!(*_ifg->_yanked)[neighbor],"Cannot move to lo degree twice");
          // Pull from hi-degree list
          uint prev = n->_prev;
          uint next = n->_next;
          if( prev ) lrgs(prev)._next = next;
          else _hi_degree = next;
          lrgs(next)._prev = prev;
          n->_next = _lo_degree;
          _lo_degree = neighbor;
    } // End of while lo-degree/lo_stk_degree worklist not empty

    // Check for got everything: is hi-degree list empty?
    if( !_hi_degree ) break;

    // Time to pick a potential spill guy
    uint lo_score = _hi_degree;
    double score = lrgs(lo_score).score();
    double area = lrgs(lo_score)._area;
    double cost = lrgs(lo_score)._cost;
    bool bound = lrgs(lo_score)._is_bound;

    // Find cheapest guy
    debug_only( int lo_no_simplify=0; );
    for( uint i = _hi_degree; i; i = lrgs(i)._next ) {
      assert( !(*_ifg->_yanked)[i], "" );
      // It's just vaguely possible to move hi-degree to lo-degree without
      // going through a just-lo-degree stage: If you remove a double from
      // a float live range it's degree will drop by 2 and you can skip the
      // just-lo-degree stage.  It's very rare (shows up after 5000+ methods
      // in -Xcomp of Java2Demo).  So just choose this guy to simplify next.
      if( lrgs(i).lo_degree() ) {
        lo_score = i;
      debug_only( if( lrgs(i)._was_lo ) lo_no_simplify=i; );
      double iscore = lrgs(i).score();
      double iarea = lrgs(i)._area;
      double icost = lrgs(i)._cost;
      bool ibound = lrgs(i)._is_bound;

      // Compare cost/area of i vs cost/area of lo_score.  Smaller cost/area
      // wins.  Ties happen because all live ranges in question have spilled
      // a few times before and the spill-score adds a huge number which
      // washes out the low order bits.  We are choosing the lesser of 2
      // evils; in this case pick largest area to spill.
      // Ties also happen when live ranges are defined and used only inside
      // one block. In which case their area is 0 and score set to max.
      // In such case choose bound live range over unbound to free registers
      // or with smaller cost to spill.
      if( iscore < score ||
          (iscore == score && iarea > area && lrgs(lo_score)._was_spilled2) ||
          (iscore == score && iarea == area &&
           ( (ibound && !bound) || ibound == bound && (icost < cost) )) ) {
        lo_score = i;
        score = iscore;
        area = iarea;
        cost = icost;
        bound = ibound;
    LRG *lo_lrg = &lrgs(lo_score);
    // The live range we choose for spilling is either hi-degree, or very
    // rarely it can be low-degree.  If we choose a hi-degree live range
    // there better not be any lo-degree choices.
    assert( lo_lrg->lo_degree() || !lo_no_simplify, "Live range was lo-degree before coalesce; should simplify" );

    // Pull from hi-degree list
    uint prev = lo_lrg->_prev;
    uint next = lo_lrg->_next;
    if( prev ) lrgs(prev)._next = next;
    else _hi_degree = next;
    lrgs(next)._prev = prev;
    // Jam him on the lo-degree list, despite his high degree.
    // Maybe he'll get a color, and maybe he'll spill.
    // Only Select() will know.
    lrgs(lo_score)._at_risk = true;
    _lo_degree = lo_score;
    lo_lrg->_next = 0;

  } // End of while not simplified everything


// Is 'reg' register legal for 'lrg'?
static bool is_legal_reg(LRG &lrg, OptoReg::Name reg, int chunk) {
  if (reg >= chunk && reg < (chunk + RegMask::CHUNK_SIZE) &&
      lrg.mask().Member(OptoReg::add(reg,-chunk))) {
    // RA uses OptoReg which represent the highest element of a registers set.
    // For example, vectorX (128bit) on x86 uses [XMM,XMMb,XMMc,XMMd] set
    // in which XMMd is used by RA to represent such vectors. A double value
    // uses [XMM,XMMb] pairs and XMMb is used by RA for it.
    // The register mask uses largest bits set of overlapping register sets.
    // On x86 with AVX it uses 8 bits for each XMM registers set.
    // The 'lrg' already has cleared-to-set register mask (done in Select()
    // before calling choose_color()). Passing mask.Member(reg) check above
    // indicates that the size (num_regs) of 'reg' set is less or equal to
    // 'lrg' set size.
    // For set size 1 any register which is member of 'lrg' mask is legal.
    if (lrg.num_regs()==1)
      return true;
    // For larger sets only an aligned register with the same set size is legal.
    int mask = lrg.num_regs()-1;
    if ((reg&mask) == mask)
      return true;
  return false;

// Choose a color using the biasing heuristic
OptoReg::Name PhaseChaitin::bias_color( LRG &lrg, int chunk ) {

  // Check for "at_risk" LRG's
  uint risk_lrg = _lrg_map.find(lrg._risk_bias);
  if( risk_lrg != 0 ) {
    // Walk the colored neighbors of the "at_risk" candidate
    // Choose a color which is both legal and already taken by a neighbor
    // of the "at_risk" candidate in order to improve the chances of the
    // "at_risk" candidate of coloring
    IndexSetIterator elements(_ifg->neighbors(risk_lrg));
    uint datum;
    while ((datum = != 0) {
      OptoReg::Name reg = lrgs(datum).reg();
      // If this LRG's register is legal for us, choose it
      if (is_legal_reg(lrg, reg, chunk))
        return reg;

  uint copy_lrg = _lrg_map.find(lrg._copy_bias);
  if( copy_lrg != 0 ) {
    // If he has a color,
    if( !(*(_ifg->_yanked))[copy_lrg] ) {
      OptoReg::Name reg = lrgs(copy_lrg).reg();
      //  And it is legal for you,
      if (is_legal_reg(lrg, reg, chunk))
        return reg;
    } else if( chunk == 0 ) {
      // Choose a color which is legal for him
      RegMask tempmask = lrg.mask();
      OptoReg::Name reg = tempmask.find_first_set(lrg.num_regs());
      if (OptoReg::is_valid(reg))
        return reg;

  // If no bias info exists, just go with the register selection ordering
  if (lrg._is_vector || lrg.num_regs() == 2) {
    // Find an aligned set
    return OptoReg::add(lrg.mask().find_first_set(lrg.num_regs()),chunk);

  // CNC - Fun hack.  Alternate 1st and 2nd selection.  Enables post-allocate
  // copy removal to remove many more copies, by preventing a just-assigned
  // register from being repeatedly assigned.
  OptoReg::Name reg = lrg.mask().find_first_elem();
  if( (++_alternate & 1) && OptoReg::is_valid(reg) ) {
    // This 'Remove; find; Insert' idiom is an expensive way to find the
    // SECOND element in the mask.
    OptoReg::Name reg2 = lrg.mask().find_first_elem();
    if( OptoReg::is_reg(reg2))
      reg = reg2;
  return OptoReg::add( reg, chunk );

// Choose a color in the current chunk
OptoReg::Name PhaseChaitin::choose_color( LRG &lrg, int chunk ) {
  assert( C->in_preserve_stack_slots() == 0 || chunk != 0 || lrg._is_bound || lrg.mask().is_bound1() || !lrg.mask().Member(OptoReg::Name(_matcher._old_SP-1)), "must not allocate stack0 (inside preserve area)");
  assert(C->out_preserve_stack_slots() == 0 || chunk != 0 || lrg._is_bound || lrg.mask().is_bound1() || !lrg.mask().Member(OptoReg::Name(_matcher._old_SP+0)), "must not allocate stack0 (inside preserve area)");

  if( lrg.num_regs() == 1 ||    // Common Case
      !lrg._fat_proj )          // Aligned+adjacent pairs ok
    // Use a heuristic to "bias" the color choice
    return bias_color(lrg, chunk);

  assert(!lrg._is_vector, "should be not vector here" );
  assert( lrg.num_regs() >= 2, "dead live ranges do not color" );

  // Fat-proj case or misaligned double argument.
  assert(lrg.compute_mask_size() == lrg.num_regs() ||
         lrg.num_regs() == 2,"fat projs exactly color" );
  assert( !chunk, "always color in 1st chunk" );
  // Return the highest element in the set.
  return lrg.mask().find_last_elem();

// Select colors by re-inserting LRGs back into the IFG.  LRGs are re-inserted
// in reverse order of removal.  As long as nothing of hi-degree was yanked,
// everything going back is guaranteed a color.  Select that color.  If some
// hi-degree LRG cannot get a color then we record that we must spill.
uint PhaseChaitin::Select( ) {
  uint spill_reg = LRG::SPILL_REG;
  _max_reg = OptoReg::Name(0);  // Past max register used
  while( _simplified ) {
    // Pull next LRG from the simplified list - in reverse order of removal
    uint lidx = _simplified;
    LRG *lrg = &lrgs(lidx);
    _simplified = lrg->_next;

#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (trace_spilling()) {
      ttyLocker ttyl;
      tty->print_cr("L%d selecting degree %d degrees_of_freedom %d", lidx, lrg->degree(),

    // Re-insert into the IFG
    if( !lrg->alive() ) continue;
    // capture allstackedness flag before mask is hacked
    const int is_allstack = lrg->mask().is_AllStack();

    // Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know.  I can refactor this
    // to avoid the GOTO, although the refactored code will not
    // be much clearer.  We arrive here IFF we have a stack-based
    // live range that cannot color in the current chunk, and it
    // has to move into the next free stack chunk.
    int chunk = 0;              // Current chunk is first chunk

    // Remove neighbor colors
    IndexSet *s = _ifg->neighbors(lidx);

    debug_only(RegMask orig_mask = lrg->mask();)
    IndexSetIterator elements(s);
    uint neighbor;
    while ((neighbor = != 0) {
      // Note that neighbor might be a spill_reg.  In this case, exclusion
      // of its color will be a no-op, since the spill_reg chunk is in outer
      // space.  Also, if neighbor is in a different chunk, this exclusion
      // will be a no-op.  (Later on, if lrg runs out of possible colors in
      // its chunk, a new chunk of color may be tried, in which case
      // examination of neighbors is started again, at retry_next_chunk.)
      LRG &nlrg = lrgs(neighbor);
      OptoReg::Name nreg = nlrg.reg();
      // Only subtract masks in the same chunk
      if( nreg >= chunk && nreg < chunk + RegMask::CHUNK_SIZE ) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
        uint size = lrg->mask().Size();
        RegMask rm = lrg->mask();
#ifndef PRODUCT
        if (trace_spilling() && lrg->mask().Size() != size) {
          ttyLocker ttyl;
          tty->print("L%d ", lidx);
          tty->print(" intersected L%d ", neighbor);
          tty->print(" removed ");
          tty->print(" leaving ");
    //assert(is_allstack == lrg->mask().is_AllStack(), "nbrs must not change AllStackedness");
    // Aligned pairs need aligned masks
    assert(!lrg->_is_vector || !lrg->_fat_proj, "sanity");
    if (lrg->num_regs() > 1 && !lrg->_fat_proj) {

    // Check if a color is available and if so pick the color
    OptoReg::Name reg = choose_color( *lrg, chunk );
#ifdef SPARC
    assert(lrg->num_regs() < 2 || lrg->is_bound() || is_even(reg-1), "allocate all doubles aligned");

    // If we fail to color and the AllStack flag is set, trigger
    // a chunk-rollover event
    if(!OptoReg::is_valid(OptoReg::add(reg,-chunk)) && is_allstack) {
      // Bump register mask up to next stack chunk
      chunk += RegMask::CHUNK_SIZE;

      goto retry_next_chunk;

    // Did we get a color?
    else if( OptoReg::is_valid(reg)) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      RegMask avail_rm = lrg->mask();

      // Record selected register

      if( reg >= _max_reg )     // Compute max register limit
        _max_reg = OptoReg::add(reg,1);
      // Fold reg back into normal space
      reg = OptoReg::add(reg,-chunk);

      // If the live range is not bound, then we actually had some choices
      // to make.  In this case, the mask has more bits in it than the colors
      // chosen.  Restrict the mask to just what was picked.
      int n_regs = lrg->num_regs();
      assert(!lrg->_is_vector || !lrg->_fat_proj, "sanity");
      if (n_regs == 1 || !lrg->_fat_proj) {
        assert(!lrg->_is_vector || n_regs <= RegMask::SlotsPerVecY, "sanity");
        lrg->Clear();           // Clear the mask
        lrg->Insert(reg);       // Set regmask to match selected reg
        // For vectors and pairs, also insert the low bit of the pair
        for (int i = 1; i < n_regs; i++)
      } else {                  // Else fatproj
        // mask must be equal to fatproj bits, by definition
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (trace_spilling()) {
        ttyLocker ttyl;
        tty->print("L%d selected ", lidx);
        tty->print(" from ");
      // Note that reg is the highest-numbered register in the newly-bound mask.
    } // end color available case

    // Live range is live and no colors available
    else {
      assert( lrg->alive(), "" );
      assert( !lrg->_fat_proj || lrg->is_multidef() ||
              lrg->_def->outcnt() > 0, "fat_proj cannot spill");
      assert( !orig_mask.is_AllStack(), "All Stack does not spill" );

      // Assign the special spillreg register
      // Do not empty the regmask; leave mask_size lying around
      // for use during Spilling
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if( trace_spilling() ) {
        ttyLocker ttyl;
        tty->print("L%d spilling with neighbors: ", lidx);
        debug_only(tty->print(" original mask: "));
    } // end spill case


  return spill_reg-LRG::SPILL_REG;      // Return number of spills

// Copy 'was_spilled'-edness from the source Node to the dst Node.
void PhaseChaitin::copy_was_spilled( Node *src, Node *dst ) {
  if( _spilled_once.test(src->_idx) ) {
    lrgs(_lrg_map.find(dst))._was_spilled1 = 1;
    if( _spilled_twice.test(src->_idx) ) {
      lrgs(_lrg_map.find(dst))._was_spilled2 = 1;

// Set the 'spilled_once' or 'spilled_twice' flag on a node.
void PhaseChaitin::set_was_spilled( Node *n ) {
  if( _spilled_once.test_set(n->_idx) )

// Convert Ideal spill instructions into proper FramePtr + offset Loads and
// Stores.  Use-def chains are NOT preserved, but Node->LRG->reg maps are.
void PhaseChaitin::fixup_spills() {
  // This function does only cisc spill work.
  if( !UseCISCSpill ) return;

  NOT_PRODUCT( Compile::TracePhase t3("fixupSpills", &_t_fixupSpills, TimeCompiler); )

  // Grab the Frame Pointer
  Node *fp = _cfg.get_root_block()->head()->in(1)->in(TypeFunc::FramePtr);

  // For all blocks
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    Block* block = _cfg.get_block(i);

    // For all instructions in block
    uint last_inst = block->end_idx();
    for (uint j = 1; j <= last_inst; j++) {
      Node* n = block->get_node(j);

      // Dead instruction???
      assert( n->outcnt() != 0 ||// Nothing dead after post alloc
              C->top() == n ||  // Or the random TOP node
              n->is_Proj(),     // Or a fat-proj kill node
              "No dead instructions after post-alloc" );

      int inp = n->cisc_operand();
      if( inp != AdlcVMDeps::Not_cisc_spillable ) {
        // Convert operand number to edge index number
        MachNode *mach = n->as_Mach();
        inp = mach->operand_index(inp);
        Node *src = n->in(inp);   // Value to load or store
        LRG &lrg_cisc = lrgs(_lrg_map.find_const(src));
        OptoReg::Name src_reg = lrg_cisc.reg();
        // Doubles record the HIGH register of an adjacent pair.
        src_reg = OptoReg::add(src_reg,1-lrg_cisc.num_regs());
        if( OptoReg::is_stack(src_reg) ) { // If input is on stack
          // This is a CISC Spill, get stack offset and construct new node
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( TraceCISCSpill ) {
            tty->print("    reg-instr:  ");
          int stk_offset = reg2offset(src_reg);
          // Bailout if we might exceed node limit when spilling this instruction
          C->check_node_count(0, "out of nodes fixing spills");
          if (C->failing())  return;
          // Transform node
          MachNode *cisc = mach->cisc_version(stk_offset, C)->as_Mach();
          cisc->set_req(inp,fp);          // Base register is frame pointer
          if( cisc->oper_input_base() > 1 && mach->oper_input_base() <= 1 ) {
            assert( cisc->oper_input_base() == 2, "Only adding one edge");
            cisc->ins_req(1,src);         // Requires a memory edge
          block->map_node(cisc, j);          // Insert into basic block
          n->subsume_by(cisc, C); // Correct graph
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( TraceCISCSpill ) {
            tty->print("    cisc-instr: ");
        } else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( TraceCISCSpill ) {
            tty->print("    using reg-instr: ");
          ++_unused_cisc_instructions;    // input can be on stack

    } // End of for all instructions

  } // End of for all blocks

// Helper to stretch above; recursively discover the base Node for a
// given derived Node.  Easy for AddP-related machine nodes, but needs
// to be recursive for derived Phis.
Node *PhaseChaitin::find_base_for_derived( Node **derived_base_map, Node *derived, uint &maxlrg ) {
  // See if already computed; if so return it
  if( derived_base_map[derived->_idx] )
    return derived_base_map[derived->_idx];

  // See if this happens to be a base.
  // NOTE: we use TypePtr instead of TypeOopPtr because we can have
  // pointers derived from NULL!  These are always along paths that
  // can't happen at run-time but the optimizer cannot deduce it so
  // we have to handle it gracefully.
  assert(!derived->bottom_type()->isa_narrowoop() ||
          derived->bottom_type()->make_ptr()->is_ptr()->_offset == 0, "sanity");
  const TypePtr *tj = derived->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
  // If its an OOP with a non-zero offset, then it is derived.
  if( tj == NULL || tj->_offset == 0 ) {
    derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = derived;
    return derived;
  // Derived is NULL+offset?  Base is NULL!
  if( derived->is_Con() ) {
    Node *base = _matcher.mach_null();
    assert(base != NULL, "sanity");
    if (base->in(0) == NULL) {
      // Initialize it once and make it shared:
      // set control to _root and place it into Start block
      // (where top() node is placed).
      base->init_req(0, _cfg.get_root_node());
      Block *startb = _cfg.get_block_for_node(C->top());
      uint node_pos = startb->find_node(C->top());
      startb->insert_node(base, node_pos);
      _cfg.map_node_to_block(base, startb);
      assert(_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) == 0, "should not have LRG yet");

      // The loadConP0 might have projection nodes depending on architecture
      // Add the projection nodes to the CFG
      for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = base->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
        Node* use = base->fast_out(i);
        if (use->is_MachProj()) {
          startb->insert_node(use, ++node_pos);
          _cfg.map_node_to_block(use, startb);
          new_lrg(use, maxlrg++);
    if (_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) == 0) {
      new_lrg(base, maxlrg++);
    assert(base->in(0) == _cfg.get_root_node() && _cfg.get_block_for_node(base) == _cfg.get_block_for_node(C->top()), "base NULL should be shared");
    derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
    return base;

  // Check for AddP-related opcodes
  if (!derived->is_Phi()) {
    assert(derived->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP, err_msg_res("but is: %s", derived->Name()));
    Node *base = derived->in(AddPNode::Base);
    derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
    return base;

  // Recursively find bases for Phis.
  // First check to see if we can avoid a base Phi here.
  Node *base = find_base_for_derived( derived_base_map, derived->in(1),maxlrg);
  uint i;
  for( i = 2; i < derived->req(); i++ )
    if( base != find_base_for_derived( derived_base_map,derived->in(i),maxlrg))
  // Went to the end without finding any different bases?
  if( i == derived->req() ) {   // No need for a base Phi here
    derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
    return base;

  // Now we see we need a base-Phi here to merge the bases
  const Type *t = base->bottom_type();
  base = new (C) PhiNode( derived->in(0), t );
  for( i = 1; i < derived->req(); i++ ) {
    base->init_req(i, find_base_for_derived(derived_base_map, derived->in(i), maxlrg));
    t = t->meet(base->in(i)->bottom_type());

  // Search the current block for an existing base-Phi
  Block *b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(derived);
  for( i = 1; i <= b->end_idx(); i++ ) {// Search for matching Phi
    Node *phi = b->get_node(i);
    if( !phi->is_Phi() ) {      // Found end of Phis with no match?
      b->insert_node(base,  i); // Must insert created Phi here as base
      _cfg.map_node_to_block(base, b);
    // See if Phi matches.
    uint j;
    for( j = 1; j < base->req(); j++ )
      if( phi->in(j) != base->in(j) &&
          !(phi->in(j)->is_Con() && base->in(j)->is_Con()) ) // allow different NULLs
    if( j == base->req() ) {    // All inputs match?
      base = phi;               // Then use existing 'phi' and drop 'base'

  // Cache info for later passes
  derived_base_map[derived->_idx] = base;
  return base;

// At each Safepoint, insert extra debug edges for each pair of derived value/
// base pointer that is live across the Safepoint for oopmap building.  The
// edge pairs get added in after sfpt->jvmtail()->oopoff(), but are in the
// required edge set.
bool PhaseChaitin::stretch_base_pointer_live_ranges(ResourceArea *a) {
  int must_recompute_live = false;
  uint maxlrg = _lrg_map.max_lrg_id();
  Node **derived_base_map = (Node**)a->Amalloc(sizeof(Node*)*C->unique());
  memset( derived_base_map, 0, sizeof(Node*)*C->unique() );

  // For all blocks in RPO do...
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    Block* block = _cfg.get_block(i);
    // Note use of deep-copy constructor.  I cannot hammer the original
    // liveout bits, because they are needed by the following coalesce pass.
    IndexSet liveout(_live->live(block));

    for (uint j = block->end_idx() + 1; j > 1; j--) {
      Node* n = block->get_node(j - 1);

      // Pre-split compares of loop-phis.  Loop-phis form a cycle we would
      // like to see in the same register.  Compare uses the loop-phi and so
      // extends its live range BUT cannot be part of the cycle.  If this
      // extended live range overlaps with the update of the loop-phi value
      // we need both alive at the same time -- which requires at least 1
      // copy.  But because Intel has only 2-address registers we end up with
      // at least 2 copies, one before the loop-phi update instruction and
      // one after.  Instead we split the input to the compare just after the
      // phi.
      if( n->is_Mach() && n->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_CmpI ) {
        Node *phi = n->in(1);
        if( phi->is_Phi() && phi->as_Phi()->region()->is_Loop() ) {
          Block *phi_block = _cfg.get_block_for_node(phi);
          if (_cfg.get_block_for_node(phi_block->pred(2)) == block) {
            const RegMask *mask = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[Op_RegI];
            Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( phi, *mask, *mask );
            insert_proj( phi_block, 1, spill, maxlrg++ );
            must_recompute_live = true;

      // Get value being defined
      uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n);
      // Ignore the occasional brand-new live range
      if (lidx && lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
        // Remove from live-out set

        // Copies do not define a new value and so do not interfere.
        // Remove the copies source from the liveout set before interfering.
        uint idx = n->is_Copy();
        if (idx) {

      // Found a safepoint?
      JVMState *jvms = n->jvms();
      if( jvms ) {
        // Now scan for a live derived pointer
        IndexSetIterator elements(&liveout);
        uint neighbor;
        while ((neighbor = != 0) {
          // Find reaching DEF for base and derived values
          // This works because we are still in SSA during this call.
          Node *derived = lrgs(neighbor)._def;
          const TypePtr *tj = derived->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
          assert(!derived->bottom_type()->isa_narrowoop() ||
                  derived->bottom_type()->make_ptr()->is_ptr()->_offset == 0, "sanity");
          // If its an OOP with a non-zero offset, then it is derived.
          if( tj && tj->_offset != 0 && tj->isa_oop_ptr() ) {
            Node *base = find_base_for_derived(derived_base_map, derived, maxlrg);
            assert(base->_idx < _lrg_map.size(), "");
            // Add reaching DEFs of derived pointer and base pointer as a
            // pair of inputs

            // See if the base pointer is already live to this point.
            // Since I'm working on the SSA form, live-ness amounts to
            // reaching def's.  So if I find the base's live range then
            // I know the base's def reaches here.
            if ((_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) >= _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() || // (Brand new base (hence not live) or
                 !liveout.member(_lrg_map.live_range_id(base))) && // not live) AND
                 (_lrg_map.live_range_id(base) > 0) && // not a constant
                 _cfg.get_block_for_node(base) != block) { // base not def'd in blk)
              // Base pointer is not currently live.  Since I stretched
              // the base pointer to here and it crosses basic-block
              // boundaries, the global live info is now incorrect.
              // Recompute live.
              must_recompute_live = true;
            } // End of if base pointer is not live to debug info
        } // End of scan all live data for derived ptrs crossing GC point
      } // End of if found a GC point

      // Make all inputs live
      if (!n->is_Phi()) {      // Phi function uses come from prior block
        for (uint k = 1; k < n->req(); k++) {
          uint lidx = _lrg_map.live_range_id(n->in(k));
          if (lidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {

    } // End of forall instructions in block
    liveout.clear();  // Free the memory used by liveout.

  } // End of forall blocks

  // If I created a new live range I need to recompute live
  if (maxlrg != _ifg->_maxlrg) {
    must_recompute_live = true;

  return must_recompute_live != 0;

// Extend the node to LRG mapping

void PhaseChaitin::add_reference(const Node *node, const Node *old_node) {
  _lrg_map.extend(node->_idx, _lrg_map.live_range_id(old_node));

#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseChaitin::dump(const Node *n) const {
  uint r = (n->_idx < _lrg_map.size()) ? _lrg_map.find_const(n) : 0;
  if (r && n->Opcode() != Op_Phi) {
    if( _node_regs ) {          // Got a post-allocation copy of allocation?
      OptoReg::Name second = get_reg_second(n);
      if( OptoReg::is_valid(second) ) {
        if( OptoReg::is_reg(second) )
          tty->print("%s+%d:",OptoReg::regname(OptoReg::c_frame_pointer), reg2offset_unchecked(second));
      OptoReg::Name first = get_reg_first(n);
      if( OptoReg::is_reg(first) )
         tty->print("%s+%d]",OptoReg::regname(OptoReg::c_frame_pointer), reg2offset_unchecked(first));
    } else
  tty->print("%s === ", n->Name());
  uint k;
  for (k = 0; k < n->req(); k++) {
    Node *m = n->in(k);
    if (!m) {
      tty->print("_ ");
    else {
      uint r = (m->_idx < _lrg_map.size()) ? _lrg_map.find_const(m) : 0;
      // Data MultiNode's can have projections with no real registers.
      // Don't die while dumping them.
      int op = n->Opcode();
      if( r && op != Op_Phi && op != Op_Proj && op != Op_SCMemProj) {
        if( _node_regs ) {
          OptoReg::Name second = get_reg_second(n->in(k));
          if( OptoReg::is_valid(second) ) {
            if( OptoReg::is_reg(second) )
          OptoReg::Name first = get_reg_first(n->in(k));
          if( OptoReg::is_reg(first) )
        } else
      tty->print("/N%d ",m->_idx);
  if( k < n->len() && n->in(k) ) tty->print("| ");
  for( ; k < n->len(); k++ ) {
    Node *m = n->in(k);
    if(!m) {
    uint r = (m->_idx < _lrg_map.size()) ? _lrg_map.find_const(m) : 0;
    tty->print("/N%d ",m->_idx);
  if( n->is_Mach() ) n->as_Mach()->dump_spec(tty);
  else n->dump_spec(tty);
  if( _spilled_once.test(n->_idx ) ) {
    tty->print(" Spill_1");
    if( _spilled_twice.test(n->_idx ) )
      tty->print(" Spill_2");

void PhaseChaitin::dump(const Block *b) const {

  // For all instructions
  for( uint j = 0; j < b->number_of_nodes(); j++ )
  // Print live-out info at end of block
  if( _live ) {
    tty->print("Liveout: ");
    IndexSet *live = _live->live(b);
    IndexSetIterator elements(live);
    uint i;
    while ((i = != 0) {
      tty->print("L%d ", _lrg_map.find_const(i));

void PhaseChaitin::dump() const {
  tty->print( "--- Chaitin -- argsize: %d  framesize: %d ---\n",
              _matcher._new_SP, _framesize );

  // For all blocks
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
  // End of per-block dump

  if (!_ifg) {
    tty->print("(No IFG.)\n");

  // Dump LRG array
  tty->print("--- Live RanGe Array ---\n");
  for (uint i2 = 1; i2 < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); i2++) {
    tty->print("L%d: ",i2);
    if (i2 < _ifg->_maxlrg) {
    else {
      tty->print_cr("new LRG");

  // Dump lo-degree list
  tty->print("Lo degree: ");
  for(uint i3 = _lo_degree; i3; i3 = lrgs(i3)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i3);

  // Dump lo-stk-degree list
  tty->print("Lo stk degree: ");
  for(uint i4 = _lo_stk_degree; i4; i4 = lrgs(i4)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i4);

  // Dump lo-degree list
  tty->print("Hi degree: ");
  for(uint i5 = _hi_degree; i5; i5 = lrgs(i5)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i5);

void PhaseChaitin::dump_degree_lists() const {
  // Dump lo-degree list
  tty->print("Lo degree: ");
  for( uint i = _lo_degree; i; i = lrgs(i)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i);

  // Dump lo-stk-degree list
  tty->print("Lo stk degree: ");
  for(uint i2 = _lo_stk_degree; i2; i2 = lrgs(i2)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i2);

  // Dump lo-degree list
  tty->print("Hi degree: ");
  for(uint i3 = _hi_degree; i3; i3 = lrgs(i3)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i3);

void PhaseChaitin::dump_simplified() const {
  tty->print("Simplified: ");
  for( uint i = _simplified; i; i = lrgs(i)._next )
    tty->print("L%d ",i);

static char *print_reg( OptoReg::Name reg, const PhaseChaitin *pc, char *buf ) {
  if ((int)reg < 0)
    sprintf(buf, "<OptoReg::%d>", (int)reg);
  else if (OptoReg::is_reg(reg))
    strcpy(buf, Matcher::regName[reg]);
    sprintf(buf,"%s + #%d",OptoReg::regname(OptoReg::c_frame_pointer),
  return buf+strlen(buf);

// Dump a register name into a buffer.  Be intelligent if we get called
// before allocation is complete.
char *PhaseChaitin::dump_register( const Node *n, char *buf  ) const {
  if( this == NULL ) {          // Not got anything?
    sprintf(buf,"N%d",n->_idx); // Then use Node index
  } else if( _node_regs ) {
    // Post allocation, use direct mappings, no LRG info available
    print_reg( get_reg_first(n), this, buf );
  } else {
    uint lidx = _lrg_map.find_const(n); // Grab LRG number
    if( !_ifg ) {
      sprintf(buf,"L%d",lidx);  // No register binding yet
    } else if( !lidx ) {        // Special, not allocated value
    } else {
      if (lrgs(lidx)._is_vector) {
        if (lrgs(lidx).mask().is_bound_set(lrgs(lidx).num_regs()))
          print_reg( lrgs(lidx).reg(), this, buf ); // a bound machine register
          sprintf(buf,"L%d",lidx); // No register binding yet
      } else if( (lrgs(lidx).num_regs() == 1)
                 ? lrgs(lidx).mask().is_bound1()
                 : lrgs(lidx).mask().is_bound_pair() ) {
        // Hah!  We have a bound machine register
        print_reg( lrgs(lidx).reg(), this, buf );
      } else {
        sprintf(buf,"L%d",lidx); // No register binding yet
  return buf+strlen(buf);

void PhaseChaitin::dump_for_spill_split_recycle() const {
  if( WizardMode && (PrintCompilation || PrintOpto) ) {
    // Display which live ranges need to be split and the allocator's state
    tty->print_cr("Graph-Coloring Iteration %d will split the following live ranges", _trip_cnt);
    for (uint bidx = 1; bidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); bidx++) {
      if( lrgs(bidx).alive() && lrgs(bidx).reg() >= LRG::SPILL_REG ) {
        tty->print("L%d: ", bidx);

void PhaseChaitin::dump_frame() const {
  const char *fp = OptoReg::regname(OptoReg::c_frame_pointer);
  const TypeTuple *domain = C->tf()->domain();
  const int        argcnt = domain->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms;

  // Incoming arguments in registers dump
  for( int k = 0; k < argcnt; k++ ) {
    OptoReg::Name parmreg = _matcher._parm_regs[k].first();
    if( OptoReg::is_reg(parmreg))  {
      const char *reg_name = OptoReg::regname(parmreg);
      tty->print("#r%3.3d %s", parmreg, reg_name);
      parmreg = _matcher._parm_regs[k].second();
      if( OptoReg::is_reg(parmreg))  {
        tty->print(":%s", OptoReg::regname(parmreg));
      tty->print("   : parm %d: ", k);
      domain->field_at(k + TypeFunc::Parms)->dump();

  // Check for un-owned padding above incoming args
  OptoReg::Name reg = _matcher._new_SP;
  if( reg > _matcher._in_arg_limit ) {
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
    tty->print_cr("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: pad0, owned by CALLER", reg, fp, reg2offset_unchecked(reg));

  // Incoming argument area dump
  OptoReg::Name begin_in_arg = OptoReg::add(_matcher._old_SP,C->out_preserve_stack_slots());
  while( reg > begin_in_arg ) {
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
    tty->print("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: ",reg,fp,reg2offset_unchecked(reg));
    int j;
    for( j = 0; j < argcnt; j++) {
      if( _matcher._parm_regs[j].first() == reg ||
          _matcher._parm_regs[j].second() == reg ) {
        tty->print("parm %d: ",j);
        domain->field_at(j + TypeFunc::Parms)->dump();
    if( j >= argcnt )
      tty->print_cr("HOLE, owned by SELF");

  // Old outgoing preserve area
  while( reg > _matcher._old_SP ) {
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
    tty->print_cr("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: old out preserve",reg,fp,reg2offset_unchecked(reg));

  // Old SP
  tty->print_cr("# -- Old %s -- Framesize: %d --",fp,
    reg2offset_unchecked(OptoReg::add(_matcher._old_SP,-1)) - reg2offset_unchecked(_matcher._new_SP)+jintSize);

  // Preserve area dump
  int fixed_slots = C->fixed_slots();
  OptoReg::Name begin_in_preserve = OptoReg::add(_matcher._old_SP, -(int)C->in_preserve_stack_slots());
  OptoReg::Name return_addr = _matcher.return_addr();

  reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
  while (OptoReg::is_stack(reg)) {
    tty->print("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: ",reg,fp,reg2offset_unchecked(reg));
    if (return_addr == reg) {
      tty->print_cr("return address");
    } else if (reg >= begin_in_preserve) {
      // Preserved slots are present on x86
      if (return_addr == OptoReg::add(reg, VMRegImpl::slots_per_word))
        tty->print_cr("saved fp register");
      else if (return_addr == OptoReg::add(reg, 2*VMRegImpl::slots_per_word) &&
        tty->print_cr("0xBADB100D   +VerifyStackAtCalls");
    } else if ((int)OptoReg::reg2stack(reg) < fixed_slots) {
      tty->print_cr("Fixed slot %d", OptoReg::reg2stack(reg));
    } else {
      tty->print_cr("pad2, stack alignment");
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);

  // Spill area dump
  reg = OptoReg::add(_matcher._new_SP, _framesize );
  while( reg > _matcher._out_arg_limit ) {
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
    tty->print_cr("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: spill",reg,fp,reg2offset_unchecked(reg));

  // Outgoing argument area dump
  while( reg > OptoReg::add(_matcher._new_SP, C->out_preserve_stack_slots()) ) {
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
    tty->print_cr("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: outgoing argument",reg,fp,reg2offset_unchecked(reg));

  // Outgoing new preserve area
  while( reg > _matcher._new_SP ) {
    reg = OptoReg::add(reg, -1);
    tty->print_cr("#r%3.3d %s+%2d: new out preserve",reg,fp,reg2offset_unchecked(reg));

void PhaseChaitin::dump_bb( uint pre_order ) const {
  tty->print_cr("---dump of B%d---",pre_order);
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    Block* block = _cfg.get_block(i);
    if (block->_pre_order == pre_order) {

void PhaseChaitin::dump_lrg( uint lidx, bool defs_only ) const {
  tty->print_cr("---dump of L%d---",lidx);

  if (_ifg) {
    if (lidx >= _lrg_map.max_lrg_id()) {
      tty->print("Attempt to print live range index beyond max live range.\n");
    tty->print("L%d: ",lidx);
    if (lidx < _ifg->_maxlrg) {
    } else {
      tty->print_cr("new LRG");
  if( _ifg && lidx < _ifg->_maxlrg) {
    tty->print("Neighbors: %d - ", _ifg->neighbor_cnt(lidx));
  // For all blocks
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    Block* block = _cfg.get_block(i);
    int dump_once = 0;

    // For all instructions
    for( uint j = 0; j < block->number_of_nodes(); j++ ) {
      Node *n = block->get_node(j);
      if (_lrg_map.find_const(n) == lidx) {
        if (!dump_once++) {
      if (!defs_only) {
        uint cnt = n->req();
        for( uint k = 1; k < cnt; k++ ) {
          Node *m = n->in(k);
          if (!m)  {
            continue;  // be robust in the dumper
          if (_lrg_map.find_const(m) == lidx) {
            if (!dump_once++) {
  } // End of per-block dump
#endif // not PRODUCT

int PhaseChaitin::_final_loads  = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_final_stores = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_final_memoves= 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_final_copies = 0;
double PhaseChaitin::_final_load_cost  = 0;
double PhaseChaitin::_final_store_cost = 0;
double PhaseChaitin::_final_memove_cost= 0;
double PhaseChaitin::_final_copy_cost  = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_conserv_coalesce = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_conserv_coalesce_pair = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_conserv_coalesce_trie = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_conserv_coalesce_quad = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_post_alloc = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_lost_opp_pp_coalesce = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_lost_opp_cflow_coalesce = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_used_cisc_instructions   = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_unused_cisc_instructions = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_allocator_attempts       = 0;
int PhaseChaitin::_allocator_successes      = 0;

#ifndef PRODUCT
uint PhaseChaitin::_high_pressure           = 0;
uint PhaseChaitin::_low_pressure            = 0;

void PhaseChaitin::print_chaitin_statistics() {
  tty->print_cr("Inserted %d spill loads, %d spill stores, %d mem-mem moves and %d copies.", _final_loads, _final_stores, _final_memoves, _final_copies);
  tty->print_cr("Total load cost= %6.0f, store cost = %6.0f, mem-mem cost = %5.2f, copy cost = %5.0f.", _final_load_cost, _final_store_cost, _final_memove_cost, _final_copy_cost);
  tty->print_cr("Adjusted spill cost = %7.0f.",
                _final_load_cost*4.0 + _final_store_cost  * 2.0 +
                _final_copy_cost*1.0 + _final_memove_cost*12.0);
  tty->print("Conservatively coalesced %d copies, %d pairs",
                _conserv_coalesce, _conserv_coalesce_pair);
  if( _conserv_coalesce_trie || _conserv_coalesce_quad )
    tty->print(", %d tries, %d quads", _conserv_coalesce_trie, _conserv_coalesce_quad);
  tty->print_cr(", %d post alloc.", _post_alloc);
  if( _lost_opp_pp_coalesce || _lost_opp_cflow_coalesce )
    tty->print_cr("Lost coalesce opportunity, %d private-private, and %d cflow interfered.",
                  _lost_opp_pp_coalesce, _lost_opp_cflow_coalesce );
  if( _used_cisc_instructions || _unused_cisc_instructions )
    tty->print_cr("Used cisc instruction  %d,  remained in register %d",
                   _used_cisc_instructions, _unused_cisc_instructions);
  if( _allocator_successes != 0 )
    tty->print_cr("Average allocation trips %f", (float)_allocator_attempts/(float)_allocator_successes);
  tty->print_cr("High Pressure Blocks = %d, Low Pressure Blocks = %d", _high_pressure, _low_pressure);
#endif // not PRODUCT
 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.


#include "code/vmreg.hpp"
#include "libadt/port.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/live.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/phase.hpp"
#include "opto/regalloc.hpp"
#include "opto/regmask.hpp"

class LoopTree;
class MachCallNode;
class MachSafePointNode;
class Matcher;
class PhaseCFG;
class PhaseLive;
class PhaseRegAlloc;
class   PhaseChaitin;


// Live-RanGe structure.
class LRG : public ResourceObj {
  friend class VMStructs;
  static const uint AllStack_size = 0xFFFFF; // This mask size is used to tell that the mask of this LRG supports stack positions
  enum { SPILL_REG=29999 };     // Register number of a spilled LRG

  double _cost;                 // 2 for loads/1 for stores times block freq
  double _area;                 // Sum of all simultaneously live values
  double score() const;         // Compute score from cost and area
  double _maxfreq;              // Maximum frequency of any def or use

  Node *_def;                   // Check for multi-def live ranges
#ifndef PRODUCT
  GrowableArray<Node*>* _defs;

  uint _risk_bias;              // Index of LRG which we want to avoid color
  uint _copy_bias;              // Index of LRG which we want to share color

  uint _next;                   // Index of next LRG in linked list
  uint _prev;                   // Index of prev LRG in linked list
  uint _reg;                    // Chosen register; undefined if mask is plural
  // Return chosen register for this LRG.  Error if the LRG is not bound to
  // a single register.
  OptoReg::Name reg() const { return OptoReg::Name(_reg); }
  void set_reg( OptoReg::Name r ) { _reg = r; }

  uint _eff_degree;             // Effective degree: Sum of neighbors _num_regs
  int degree() const { assert( _degree_valid , "" ); return _eff_degree; }
  // Degree starts not valid and any change to the IFG neighbor
  // set makes it not valid.
  void set_degree( uint degree ) {
    _eff_degree = degree;
    debug_only(_degree_valid = 1;)
    assert(!_mask.is_AllStack() || (_mask.is_AllStack() && lo_degree()), "_eff_degree can't be bigger than AllStack_size - _num_regs if the mask supports stack registers");
  // Made a change that hammered degree
  void invalid_degree() { debug_only(_degree_valid=0;) }
  // Incrementally modify degree.  If it was correct, it should remain correct
  void inc_degree( uint mod ) {
    _eff_degree += mod;
    assert(!_mask.is_AllStack() || (_mask.is_AllStack() && lo_degree()), "_eff_degree can't be bigger than AllStack_size - _num_regs if the mask supports stack registers");
  // Compute the degree between 2 live ranges
  int compute_degree( LRG &l ) const;

  RegMask _mask;                // Allowed registers for this LRG
  uint _mask_size;              // cache of _mask.Size();
  int compute_mask_size() const { return _mask.is_AllStack() ? AllStack_size : _mask.Size(); }
  void set_mask_size( int size ) {
    assert((size == (int)AllStack_size) || (size == (int)_mask.Size()), "");
    _mask_size = size;
#ifdef ASSERT
    if (_is_vector) {
      assert(!_fat_proj, "sanity");
    } else if (_num_regs == 2 && !_fat_proj) {
  void compute_set_mask_size() { set_mask_size(compute_mask_size()); }
  int mask_size() const { assert( _msize_valid, "mask size not valid" );
                          return _mask_size; }
  // Get the last mask size computed, even if it does not match the
  // count of bits in the current mask.
  int get_invalid_mask_size() const { return _mask_size; }
  const RegMask &mask() const { return _mask; }
  void set_mask( const RegMask &rm ) { _mask = rm; debug_only(_msize_valid=0;)}
  void AND( const RegMask &rm ) { _mask.AND(rm); debug_only(_msize_valid=0;)}
  void SUBTRACT( const RegMask &rm ) { _mask.SUBTRACT(rm); debug_only(_msize_valid=0;)}
  void Clear()   { _mask.Clear()  ; debug_only(_msize_valid=1); _mask_size = 0; }
  void Set_All() { _mask.Set_All(); debug_only(_msize_valid=1); _mask_size = RegMask::CHUNK_SIZE; }
  void Insert( OptoReg::Name reg ) { _mask.Insert(reg);  debug_only(_msize_valid=0;) }
  void Remove( OptoReg::Name reg ) { _mask.Remove(reg);  debug_only(_msize_valid=0;) }
  void clear_to_pairs() { _mask.clear_to_pairs(); debug_only(_msize_valid=0;) }
  void clear_to_sets()  { _mask.clear_to_sets(_num_regs); debug_only(_msize_valid=0;) }

  // Number of registers this live range uses when it colors
  uint8 _num_regs;              // 2 for Longs and Doubles, 1 for all else
                                // except _num_regs is kill count for fat_proj
  int num_regs() const { return _num_regs; }
  void set_num_regs( int reg ) { assert( _num_regs == reg || !_num_regs, "" ); _num_regs = reg; }

  // Number of physical registers this live range uses when it colors
  // Architecture and register-set dependent
  uint8 _reg_pressure;
  void set_reg_pressure(int i)  { _reg_pressure = i; }
  int      reg_pressure() const { return _reg_pressure; }

  // How much 'wiggle room' does this live range have?
  // How many color choices can it make (scaled by _num_regs)?
  int degrees_of_freedom() const { return mask_size() - _num_regs; }
  // Bound LRGs have ZERO degrees of freedom.  We also count
  // must_spill as bound.
  bool is_bound  () const { return _is_bound; }
  // Negative degrees-of-freedom; even with no neighbors this
  // live range must spill.
  bool not_free() const { return degrees_of_freedom() <  0; }
  // Is this live range of "low-degree"?  Trivially colorable?
  bool lo_degree () const { return degree() <= degrees_of_freedom(); }
  // Is this live range just barely "low-degree"?  Trivially colorable?
  bool just_lo_degree () const { return degree() == degrees_of_freedom(); }

  uint   _is_oop:1,             // Live-range holds an oop
         _is_float:1,           // True if in float registers
         _is_vector:1,          // True if in vector registers
         _was_spilled1:1,       // True if prior spilling on def
         _was_spilled2:1,       // True if twice prior spilling on def
         _is_bound:1,           // live range starts life with no
                                // degrees of freedom.
         _direct_conflict:1,    // True if def and use registers in conflict
         _must_spill:1,         // live range has lost all degrees of freedom
    // If _fat_proj is set, live range does NOT require aligned, adjacent
    // registers and has NO interferences.
    // If _fat_proj is clear, live range requires num_regs() to be a power of
    // 2, and it requires registers to form an aligned, adjacent set.
         _fat_proj:1,           //
         _was_lo:1,             // Was lo-degree prior to coalesce
         _msize_valid:1,        // _mask_size cache valid
         _degree_valid:1,       // _degree cache valid
         _has_copy:1,           // Adjacent to some copy instruction
         _at_risk:1;            // Simplify says this guy is at risk to spill

  // Alive if non-zero, dead if zero
  bool alive() const { return _def != NULL; }
  bool is_multidef() const { return _def == NodeSentinel; }
  bool is_singledef() const { return _def != NodeSentinel; }

#ifndef PRODUCT
  void dump( ) const;

//                         InterFerence Graph
// An undirected graph implementation.  Created with a fixed number of
// vertices.  Edges can be added & tested.  Vertices can be removed, then
// added back later with all edges intact.  Can add edges between one vertex
// and a list of other vertices.  Can union vertices (and their edges)
// together.  The IFG needs to be really really fast, and also fairly
// abstract!  It needs abstraction so I can fiddle with the implementation to
// get even more speed.
class PhaseIFG : public Phase {
  friend class VMStructs;
  // Current implementation: a triangular adjacency list.

  // Array of adjacency-lists, indexed by live-range number
  IndexSet *_adjs;

  // Assertion bit for proper use of Squaring
  bool _is_square;

  // Live range structure goes here
  LRG *_lrgs;                   // Array of LRG structures

  // Largest live-range number
  uint _maxlrg;

  Arena *_arena;

  // Keep track of inserted and deleted Nodes
  VectorSet *_yanked;

  PhaseIFG( Arena *arena );
  void init( uint maxlrg );

  // Add edge between a and b.  Returns true if actually addded.
  int add_edge( uint a, uint b );

  // Add edge between a and everything in the vector
  void add_vector( uint a, IndexSet *vec );

  // Test for edge existance
  int test_edge( uint a, uint b ) const;

  // Square-up matrix for faster Union
  void SquareUp();

  // Return number of LRG neighbors
  uint neighbor_cnt( uint a ) const { return _adjs[a].count(); }
  // Union edges of b into a on Squared-up matrix
  void Union( uint a, uint b );
  // Test for edge in Squared-up matrix
  int test_edge_sq( uint a, uint b ) const;
  // Yank a Node and all connected edges from the IFG.  Be prepared to
  // re-insert the yanked Node in reverse order of yanking.  Return a
  // list of neighbors (edges) yanked.
  IndexSet *remove_node( uint a );
  // Reinsert a yanked Node
  void re_insert( uint a );
  // Return set of neighbors
  IndexSet *neighbors( uint a ) const { return &_adjs[a]; }

#ifndef PRODUCT
  // Dump the IFG
  void dump() const;
  void stats() const;
  void verify( const PhaseChaitin * ) const;

  //--------------- Live Range Accessors
  LRG &lrgs(uint idx) const { assert(idx < _maxlrg, "oob"); return _lrgs[idx]; }

  // Compute and set effective degree.  Might be folded into SquareUp().
  void Compute_Effective_Degree();

  // Compute effective degree as the sum of neighbors' _sizes.
  int effective_degree( uint lidx ) const;

// The LiveRangeMap class is responsible for storing node to live range id mapping.
// Each node is mapped to a live range id (a virtual register). Nodes that are
// not considered for register allocation are given live range id 0.
class LiveRangeMap VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {


  uint _max_lrg_id;

  // Union-find map.  Declared as a short for speed.
  // Indexed by live-range number, it returns the compacted live-range number
  LRG_List _uf_map;

  // Map from Nodes to live ranges
  LRG_List _names;

  // Straight out of Tarjan's union-find algorithm
  uint find_compress(const Node *node) {
    uint lrg_id = find_compress(>_idx));
    _names.at_put(node->_idx, lrg_id);
    return lrg_id;

  uint find_compress(uint lrg);


  const LRG_List& names() {
    return _names;

  uint max_lrg_id() const {
    return _max_lrg_id;

  void set_max_lrg_id(uint max_lrg_id) {
    _max_lrg_id = max_lrg_id;

  uint size() const {
    return _names.length();

  uint live_range_id(uint idx) const {

  uint live_range_id(const Node *node) const {

  uint uf_live_range_id(uint lrg_id) const {

  void map(uint idx, uint lrg_id) {
    _names.at_put(idx, lrg_id);

  void uf_map(uint dst_lrg_id, uint src_lrg_id) {
    _uf_map.at_put(dst_lrg_id, src_lrg_id);

  void extend(uint idx, uint lrg_id) {
    _names.at_put_grow(idx, lrg_id);

  void uf_extend(uint dst_lrg_id, uint src_lrg_id) {
    _uf_map.at_put_grow(dst_lrg_id, src_lrg_id);

  LiveRangeMap(Arena* arena, uint unique)
  : _names(arena, unique, unique, 0)
  , _uf_map(arena, unique, unique, 0)
  , _max_lrg_id(0) {}

  uint find_id( const Node *n ) {
    uint retval = live_range_id(n);
    assert(retval == find(n),"Invalid node to lidx mapping");
    return retval;

  // Reset the Union-Find map to identity
  void reset_uf_map(uint max_lrg_id);

  // Make all Nodes map directly to their final live range; no need for
  // the Union-Find mapping after this call.
  void compress_uf_map_for_nodes();

  uint find(uint lidx) {
    uint uf_lidx =;
    return (uf_lidx == lidx) ? uf_lidx : find_compress(lidx);

  // Convert a Node into a Live Range Index - a lidx
  uint find(const Node *node) {
    uint lidx = live_range_id(node);
    uint uf_lidx =;
    return (uf_lidx == lidx) ? uf_lidx : find_compress(node);

  // Like Find above, but no path compress, so bad asymptotic behavior
  uint find_const(uint lrg) const;

  // Like Find above, but no path compress, so bad asymptotic behavior
  uint find_const(const Node *node) const {
    if(node->_idx >= (uint)_names.length()) {
      return 0; // not mapped, usual for debug dump
    return find_const(>_idx));

// Briggs-Chaitin style allocation, mostly.
class PhaseChaitin : public PhaseRegAlloc {
  friend class VMStructs;

  int _trip_cnt;
  int _alternate;

  LRG &lrgs(uint idx) const { return _ifg->lrgs(idx); }
  PhaseLive *_live;             // Liveness, used in the interference graph
  PhaseIFG *_ifg;               // Interference graph (for original chunk)
  Node_List **_lrg_nodes;       // Array of node; lists for lrgs which spill
  VectorSet _spilled_once;      // Nodes that have been spilled
  VectorSet _spilled_twice;     // Nodes that have been spilled twice

  // Combine the Live Range Indices for these 2 Nodes into a single live
  // range.  Future requests for any Node in either live range will
  // return the live range index for the combined live range.
  void Union( const Node *src, const Node *dst );

  void new_lrg( const Node *x, uint lrg );

  // Compact live ranges, removing unused ones.  Return new maxlrg.
  void compact();

  uint _lo_degree;              // Head of lo-degree LRGs list
  uint _lo_stk_degree;          // Head of lo-stk-degree LRGs list
  uint _hi_degree;              // Head of hi-degree LRGs list
  uint _simplified;             // Linked list head of simplified LRGs

  // Helper functions for Split()
  uint split_DEF( Node *def, Block *b, int loc, uint max, Node **Reachblock, Node **debug_defs, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx );
  uint split_USE( Node *def, Block *b, Node *use, uint useidx, uint max, bool def_down, bool cisc_sp, GrowableArray<uint> splits, int slidx );

  // After cloning some rematerialized instruction, clone any MachProj's that
  // follow it.  Example: Intel zero is XOR, kills flags.  Sparc FP constants
  // use G3 as an address temp.
  int clone_projs(Block* b, uint idx, Node* orig, Node* copy, uint& max_lrg_id);

  int clone_projs(Block* b, uint idx, Node* orig, Node* copy, LiveRangeMap& lrg_map) {
    uint max_lrg_id = lrg_map.max_lrg_id();
    int found_projs = clone_projs(b, idx, orig, copy, max_lrg_id);
    if (found_projs > 0) {
      // max_lrg_id is updated during call above
    return found_projs;

  Node *split_Rematerialize(Node *def, Block *b, uint insidx, uint &maxlrg, GrowableArray<uint> splits,
                            int slidx, uint *lrg2reach, Node **Reachblock, bool walkThru);
  // True if lidx is used before any real register is def'd in the block
  bool prompt_use( Block *b, uint lidx );
  Node *get_spillcopy_wide( Node *def, Node *use, uint uidx );
  // Insert the spill at chosen location.  Skip over any intervening Proj's or
  // Phis.  Skip over a CatchNode and projs, inserting in the fall-through block
  // instead.  Update high-pressure indices.  Create a new live range.
  void insert_proj( Block *b, uint i, Node *spill, uint maxlrg );

  bool is_high_pressure( Block *b, LRG *lrg, uint insidx );

  uint _oldphi;                 // Node index which separates pre-allocation nodes

  Block **_blks;                // Array of blocks sorted by frequency for coalescing

  float _high_frequency_lrg;    // Frequency at which LRG will be spilled for debug info

#ifndef PRODUCT
  bool _trace_spilling;

  PhaseChaitin( uint unique, PhaseCFG &cfg, Matcher &matcher );
  ~PhaseChaitin() {}

  LiveRangeMap _lrg_map;

  // Do all the real work of allocate
  void Register_Allocate();

  float high_frequency_lrg() const { return _high_frequency_lrg; }

#ifndef PRODUCT
  bool trace_spilling() const { return _trace_spilling; }

  // De-SSA the world.  Assign registers to Nodes.  Use the same register for
  // all inputs to a PhiNode, effectively coalescing live ranges.  Insert
  // copies as needed.
  void de_ssa();

  // Add edge between reg and everything in the vector.
  // Same as _ifg->add_vector(reg,live) EXCEPT use the RegMask
  // information to trim the set of interferences.  Return the
  // count of edges added.
  void interfere_with_live( uint reg, IndexSet *live );
  // Count register pressure for asserts
  uint count_int_pressure( IndexSet *liveout );
  uint count_float_pressure( IndexSet *liveout );

  // Build the interference graph using virtual registers only.
  // Used for aggressive coalescing.
  void build_ifg_virtual( );

  // Build the interference graph using physical registers when available.
  // That is, if 2 live ranges are simultaneously alive but in their
  // acceptable register sets do not overlap, then they do not interfere.
  uint build_ifg_physical( ResourceArea *a );

  // Gather LiveRanGe information, including register masks and base pointer/
  // derived pointer relationships.
  void gather_lrg_masks( bool mod_cisc_masks );

  // Force the bases of derived pointers to be alive at GC points.
  bool stretch_base_pointer_live_ranges( ResourceArea *a );
  // Helper to stretch above; recursively discover the base Node for
  // a given derived Node.  Easy for AddP-related machine nodes, but
  // needs to be recursive for derived Phis.
  Node *find_base_for_derived( Node **derived_base_map, Node *derived, uint &maxlrg );

  // Set the was-lo-degree bit.  Conservative coalescing should not change the
  // colorability of the graph.  If any live range was of low-degree before
  // coalescing, it should Simplify.  This call sets the was-lo-degree bit.
  void set_was_low();

  // Split live-ranges that must spill due to register conflicts (as opposed
  // to capacity spills).  Typically these are things def'd in a register
  // and used on the stack or vice-versa.
  void pre_spill();

  // Init LRG caching of degree, numregs.  Init lo_degree list.
  void cache_lrg_info( );

  // Simplify the IFG by removing LRGs of low degree with no copies
  void Pre_Simplify();

  // Simplify the IFG by removing LRGs of low degree
  void Simplify();

  // Select colors by re-inserting edges into the IFG.
  // Return TRUE if any spills occurred.
  uint Select( );
  // Helper function for select which allows biased coloring
  OptoReg::Name choose_color( LRG &lrg, int chunk );
  // Helper function which implements biasing heuristic
  OptoReg::Name bias_color( LRG &lrg, int chunk );

  // Split uncolorable live ranges
  // Return new number of live ranges
  uint Split(uint maxlrg, ResourceArea* split_arena);

  // Copy 'was_spilled'-edness from one Node to another.
  void copy_was_spilled( Node *src, Node *dst );
  // Set the 'spilled_once' or 'spilled_twice' flag on a node.
  void set_was_spilled( Node *n );

  // Convert ideal spill-nodes into machine loads & stores
  // Set C->failing when fixup spills could not complete, node limit exceeded.
  void fixup_spills();

  // Post-Allocation peephole copy removal
  void post_allocate_copy_removal();
  Node *skip_copies( Node *c );
  // Replace the old node with the current live version of that value
  // and yank the old value if it's dead.
  int replace_and_yank_if_dead( Node *old, OptoReg::Name nreg,
                                Block *current_block, Node_List& value, Node_List& regnd ) {
    Node* v = regnd[nreg];
    assert(v->outcnt() != 0, "no dead values");
    return yank_if_dead(old, current_block, &value, &regnd);

  int yank_if_dead( Node *old, Block *current_block, Node_List *value, Node_List *regnd ) {
    return yank_if_dead_recurse(old, old, current_block, value, regnd);
  int yank_if_dead_recurse(Node *old, Node *orig_old, Block *current_block,
                           Node_List *value, Node_List *regnd);
  int yank( Node *old, Block *current_block, Node_List *value, Node_List *regnd );
  int elide_copy( Node *n, int k, Block *current_block, Node_List &value, Node_List &regnd, bool can_change_regs );
  int use_prior_register( Node *copy, uint idx, Node *def, Block *current_block, Node_List &value, Node_List &regnd );
  bool may_be_copy_of_callee( Node *def ) const;

  // If nreg already contains the same constant as val then eliminate it
  bool eliminate_copy_of_constant(Node* val, Node* n,
                                  Block *current_block, Node_List& value, Node_List &regnd,
                                  OptoReg::Name nreg, OptoReg::Name nreg2);
  // Extend the node to LRG mapping
  void add_reference( const Node *node, const Node *old_node);

  // Record the first use of a def in the block for a register.
  class RegDefUse {
    Node* _def;
    Node* _first_use;
    RegDefUse() : _def(NULL), _first_use(NULL) { }
    Node* def() const       { return _def;       }
    Node* first_use() const { return _first_use; }

    void update(Node* def, Node* use) {
      if (_def != def) {
        _def = def;
        _first_use = use;
    void clear() {
      _def = NULL;
      _first_use = NULL;
  typedef GrowableArray<RegDefUse> RegToDefUseMap;
  int possibly_merge_multidef(Node *n, uint k, Block *block, RegToDefUseMap& reg2defuse);

  // Merge nodes that are a part of a multidef lrg and produce the same value within a block.
  void merge_multidefs();


  static int _final_loads, _final_stores, _final_copies, _final_memoves;
  static double _final_load_cost, _final_store_cost, _final_copy_cost, _final_memove_cost;
  static int _conserv_coalesce, _conserv_coalesce_pair;
  static int _conserv_coalesce_trie, _conserv_coalesce_quad;
  static int _post_alloc;
  static int _lost_opp_pp_coalesce, _lost_opp_cflow_coalesce;
  static int _used_cisc_instructions, _unused_cisc_instructions;
  static int _allocator_attempts, _allocator_successes;

#ifndef PRODUCT
  static uint _high_pressure, _low_pressure;

  void dump() const;
  void dump( const Node *n ) const;
  void dump( const Block * b ) const;
  void dump_degree_lists() const;
  void dump_simplified() const;
  void dump_lrg( uint lidx, bool defs_only) const;
  void dump_lrg( uint lidx) const {
    // dump defs and uses by default
    dump_lrg(lidx, false);
  void dump_bb( uint pre_order ) const;

  // Verify that base pointers and derived pointers are still sane
  void verify_base_ptrs( ResourceArea *a ) const;

  void verify( ResourceArea *a, bool verify_ifg = false ) const;

  void dump_for_spill_split_recycle() const;

  void dump_frame() const;
  char *dump_register( const Node *n, char *buf  ) const;
  static void print_chaitin_statistics();
  friend class PhaseCoalesce;
  friend class PhaseAggressiveCoalesce;
  friend class PhaseConservativeCoalesce;

 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/locknode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/memnode.hpp"
#include "opto/mathexactnode.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/multnode.hpp"
#include "opto/node.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "opto/vectornode.hpp"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a table of virtual functions to map from Nodes to dense integer
// opcode names.
int Node::Opcode() const { return Op_Node; }
#define macro(x) int x##Node::Opcode() const { return Op_##x; }
#include "classes.hpp"
#undef macro
 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

// The giant table of Node classes.
// One entry per class, sorted by class name.

 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/block.hpp"
#include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/chaitin.hpp"
#include "opto/coalesce.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/indexSet.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/regmask.hpp"

#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseCoalesce::dump(Node *n) const {
  // Being a const function means I cannot use 'Find'
  uint r = _phc._lrg_map.find(n);
  tty->print("L%d/N%d ",r,n->_idx);

void PhaseCoalesce::dump() const {
  // I know I have a block layout now, so I can print blocks in a loop
  for( uint i=0; i<_phc._cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++ ) {
    uint j;
    Block* b = _phc._cfg.get_block(i);
    // Print a nice block header
    tty->print("B%d: ",b->_pre_order);
    for( j=1; j<b->num_preds(); j++ )
      tty->print("B%d ", _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(j))->_pre_order);
    tty->print("-> ");
    for( j=0; j<b->_num_succs; j++ )
      tty->print("B%d ",b->_succs[j]->_pre_order);
    tty->print(" IDom: B%d/#%d\n", b->_idom ? b->_idom->_pre_order : 0, b->_dom_depth);
    uint cnt = b->number_of_nodes();
    for( j=0; j<cnt; j++ ) {
      Node *n = b->get_node(j);
      dump( n );

      // Dump the inputs
      uint k;                   // Exit value of loop
      for( k=0; k<n->req(); k++ ) // For all required inputs
        if( n->in(k) ) dump( n->in(k) );
        else tty->print("_ ");
      int any_prec = 0;
      for( ; k<n->len(); k++ )          // For all precedence inputs
        if( n->in(k) ) {
          if( !any_prec++ ) tty->print(" |");
          dump( n->in(k) );

      // Dump node-specific info


// Combine the live ranges def'd by these 2 Nodes.  N2 is an input to N1.
void PhaseCoalesce::combine_these_two(Node *n1, Node *n2) {
  uint lr1 = _phc._lrg_map.find(n1);
  uint lr2 = _phc._lrg_map.find(n2);
  if( lr1 != lr2 &&             // Different live ranges already AND
      !_phc._ifg->test_edge_sq( lr1, lr2 ) ) {  // Do not interfere
    LRG *lrg1 = &_phc.lrgs(lr1);
    LRG *lrg2 = &_phc.lrgs(lr2);
    // Not an oop->int cast; oop->oop, int->int, AND int->oop are OK.

    // Now, why is int->oop OK?  We end up declaring a raw-pointer as an oop
    // and in general that's a bad thing.  However, int->oop conversions only
    // happen at GC points, so the lifetime of the misclassified raw-pointer
    // is from the CheckCastPP (that converts it to an oop) backwards up
    // through a merge point and into the slow-path call, and around the
    // diamond up to the heap-top check and back down into the slow-path call.
    // The misclassified raw pointer is NOT live across the slow-path call,
    // and so does not appear in any GC info, so the fact that it is
    // misclassified is OK.

    if( (lrg1->_is_oop || !lrg2->_is_oop) && // not an oop->int cast AND
        // Compatible final mask
        lrg1->mask().overlap( lrg2->mask() ) ) {
      // Merge larger into smaller.
      if( lr1 > lr2 ) {
        uint  tmp =  lr1;  lr1 =  lr2;  lr2 =  tmp;
        Node   *n =   n1;   n1 =   n2;   n2 =    n;
        LRG *ltmp = lrg1; lrg1 = lrg2; lrg2 = ltmp;
      // Union lr2 into lr1
      _phc.Union( n1, n2 );
      if (lrg1->_maxfreq < lrg2->_maxfreq)
        lrg1->_maxfreq = lrg2->_maxfreq;
      // Merge in the IFG
      _phc._ifg->Union( lr1, lr2 );
      // Combine register restrictions

// Copy coalescing
void PhaseCoalesce::coalesce_driver() {
  // Coalesce from high frequency to low
  for (uint i = 0; i < _phc._cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {

// I am inserting copies to come out of SSA form.  In the general case, I am
// doing a parallel renaming.  I'm in the Named world now, so I can't do a
// general parallel renaming.  All the copies now use  "names" (live-ranges)
// to carry values instead of the explicit use-def chains.  Suppose I need to
// insert 2 copies into the same block.  They copy L161->L128 and L128->L132.
// If I insert them in the wrong order then L128 will get clobbered before it
// can get used by the second copy.  This cannot happen in the SSA model;
// direct use-def chains get me the right value.  It DOES happen in the named
// model so I have to handle the reordering of copies.
// In general, I need to topo-sort the placed copies to avoid conflicts.
// Its possible to have a closed cycle of copies (e.g., recirculating the same
// values around a loop).  In this case I need a temp to break the cycle.
void PhaseAggressiveCoalesce::insert_copy_with_overlap( Block *b, Node *copy, uint dst_name, uint src_name ) {

  // Scan backwards for the locations of the last use of the dst_name.
  // I am about to clobber the dst_name, so the copy must be inserted
  // after the last use.  Last use is really first-use on a backwards scan.
  uint i = b->end_idx()-1;
  while(1) {
    Node *n = b->get_node(i);
    // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the
    // parallel renaming effort.
    if (n->_idx < _unique) {
    uint idx = n->is_Copy();
    assert( idx || n->is_Con() || n->is_MachProj(), "Only copies during parallel renaming" );
    if (idx && _phc._lrg_map.find(n->in(idx)) == dst_name) {
  uint last_use_idx = i;

  // Also search for any kill of src_name that exits the block.
  // Since the copy uses src_name, I have to come before any kill.
  uint kill_src_idx = b->end_idx();
  // There can be only 1 kill that exits any block and that is
  // the last kill.  Thus it is the first kill on a backwards scan.
  i = b->end_idx()-1;
  while (1) {
    Node *n = b->get_node(i);
    // Check for end of virtual copies; this is also the end of the
    // parallel renaming effort.
    if (n->_idx < _unique) {
    assert( n->is_Copy() || n->is_Con() || n->is_MachProj(), "Only copies during parallel renaming" );
    if (_phc._lrg_map.find(n) == src_name) {
      kill_src_idx = i;
  // Need a temp?  Last use of dst comes after the kill of src?
  if (last_use_idx >= kill_src_idx) {
    // Need to break a cycle with a temp
    uint idx = copy->is_Copy();
    Node *tmp = copy->clone();
    uint max_lrg_id = _phc._lrg_map.max_lrg_id();
    _phc.new_lrg(tmp, max_lrg_id);
    _phc._lrg_map.set_max_lrg_id(max_lrg_id + 1);

    // Insert new temp between copy and source
    tmp ->set_req(idx,copy->in(idx));
    // Save source in temp early, before source is killed
    b->insert_node(tmp, kill_src_idx);
    _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(tmp, b);

  // Insert just after last use
  b->insert_node(copy, last_use_idx + 1);

void PhaseAggressiveCoalesce::insert_copies( Matcher &matcher ) {
  // We do LRGs compressing and fix a liveout data only here since the other
  // place in Split() is guarded by the assert which we never hit.
  // Fix block's liveout data for compressed live ranges.
  for (uint lrg = 1; lrg < _phc._lrg_map.max_lrg_id(); lrg++) {
    uint compressed_lrg = _phc._lrg_map.find(lrg);
    if (lrg != compressed_lrg) {
      for (uint bidx = 0; bidx < _phc._cfg.number_of_blocks(); bidx++) {
        IndexSet *liveout = _phc._live->live(_phc._cfg.get_block(bidx));
        if (liveout->member(lrg)) {

  // All new nodes added are actual copies to replace virtual copies.
  // Nodes with index less than '_unique' are original, non-virtual Nodes.
  _unique = C->unique();

  for (uint i = 0; i < _phc._cfg.number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, "out of nodes in coalesce");
    if (C->failing()) return;
    Block *b = _phc._cfg.get_block(i);
    uint cnt = b->num_preds();  // Number of inputs to the Phi

    for( uint l = 1; l<b->number_of_nodes(); l++ ) {
      Node *n = b->get_node(l);

      // Do not use removed-copies, use copied value instead
      uint ncnt = n->req();
      for( uint k = 1; k<ncnt; k++ ) {
        Node *copy = n->in(k);
        uint cidx = copy->is_Copy();
        if( cidx ) {
          Node *def = copy->in(cidx);
          if (_phc._lrg_map.find(copy) == _phc._lrg_map.find(def)) {
            n->set_req(k, def);

      // Remove any explicit copies that get coalesced.
      uint cidx = n->is_Copy();
      if( cidx ) {
        Node *def = n->in(cidx);
        if (_phc._lrg_map.find(n) == _phc._lrg_map.find(def)) {

      if (n->is_Phi()) {
        // Get the chosen name for the Phi
        uint phi_name = _phc._lrg_map.find(n);
        // Ignore the pre-allocated specials
        if (!phi_name) {
        // Check for mismatch inputs to Phi
        for (uint j = 1; j < cnt; j++) {
          Node *m = n->in(j);
          uint src_name = _phc._lrg_map.find(m);
          if (src_name != phi_name) {
            Block *pred = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(j));
            Node *copy;
            assert(!m->is_Con() || m->is_Mach(), "all Con must be Mach");
            // Rematerialize constants instead of copying them.
            // We do this only for immediate constants, we avoid constant table loads
            // because that will unsafely extend the live range of the constant table base.
            if (m->is_Mach() && m->as_Mach()->is_Con() && !m->as_Mach()->is_MachConstant() &&
                m->as_Mach()->rematerialize()) {
              copy = m->clone();
              // Insert the copy in the predecessor basic block
              // Copy any flags as well
              _phc.clone_projs(pred, pred->end_idx(), m, copy, _phc._lrg_map);
            } else {
              int ireg = m->ideal_reg();
              if (ireg == 0 || ireg == Op_RegFlags) {
                if (C->subsume_loads()) {
                } else {
                  assert(false, err_msg("attempted to spill a non-spillable item: %d: %s, ireg = %d",
                                        m->_idx, m->Name(), ireg));
                  C->record_method_not_compilable("attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
              const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[ireg];
              copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(m, *rm, *rm);
              // Find a good place to insert.  Kinda tricky, use a subroutine
            // Insert the copy in the use-def chain
            n->set_req(j, copy);
            _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(copy, pred);
            // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy.
            _phc._lrg_map.extend(copy->_idx, phi_name);
          } // End of if Phi names do not match
        } // End of for all inputs to Phi
      } else { // End of if Phi

        // Now check for 2-address instructions
        uint idx;
        if( n->is_Mach() && (idx=n->as_Mach()->two_adr()) ) {
          // Get the chosen name for the Node
          uint name = _phc._lrg_map.find(n);
          assert (name, "no 2-address specials");
          // Check for name mis-match on the 2-address input
          Node *m = n->in(idx);
          if (_phc._lrg_map.find(m) != name) {
            Node *copy;
            assert(!m->is_Con() || m->is_Mach(), "all Con must be Mach");
            // At this point it is unsafe to extend live ranges (6550579).
            // Rematerialize only constants as we do for Phi above.
            if (m->is_Mach() && m->as_Mach()->is_Con() && !m->as_Mach()->is_MachConstant() &&
                m->as_Mach()->rematerialize()) {
              copy = m->clone();
              // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us
              b->insert_node(copy, l++);
              l += _phc.clone_projs(b, l, m, copy, _phc._lrg_map);
            } else {
              int ireg = m->ideal_reg();
              if (ireg == 0 || ireg == Op_RegFlags) {
                assert(false, err_msg("attempted to spill a non-spillable item: %d: %s, ireg = %d",
                                      m->_idx, m->Name(), ireg));
                C->record_method_not_compilable("attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
              const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[ireg];
              copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(m, *rm, *rm);
              // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us
              b->insert_node(copy, l++);
            // Insert the copy in the use-def chain
            n->set_req(idx, copy);
            // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy.
            _phc._lrg_map.extend(copy->_idx, name);
            _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(copy, b);

        } // End of is two-adr

        // Insert a copy at a debug use for a lrg which has high frequency
        if (b->_freq < OPTO_DEBUG_SPLIT_FREQ || _phc._cfg.is_uncommon(b)) {
          // Walk the debug inputs to the node and check for lrg freq
          JVMState* jvms = n->jvms();
          uint debug_start = jvms ? jvms->debug_start() : 999999;
          uint debug_end   = jvms ? jvms->debug_end()   : 999999;
          for(uint inpidx = debug_start; inpidx < debug_end; inpidx++) {
            // Do not split monitors; they are only needed for debug table
            // entries and need no code.
            if (jvms->is_monitor_use(inpidx)) {
            Node *inp = n->in(inpidx);
            uint nidx = _phc._lrg_map.live_range_id(inp);
            LRG &lrg = lrgs(nidx);

            // If this lrg has a high frequency use/def
            if( lrg._maxfreq >= _phc.high_frequency_lrg() ) {
              // If the live range is also live out of this block (like it
              // would be for a fast/slow idiom), the normal spill mechanism
              // does an excellent job.  If it is not live out of this block
              // (like it would be for debug info to uncommon trap) splitting
              // the live range now allows a better allocation in the high
              // frequency blocks.
              //   Build_IFG_virtual has converted the live sets to
              // live-IN info, not live-OUT info.
              uint k;
              for( k=0; k < b->_num_succs; k++ )
                if( _phc._live->live(b->_succs[k])->member( nidx ) )
                  break;      // Live in to some successor block?
              if( k < b->_num_succs )
                continue;     // Live out; do not pre-split
              // Split the lrg at this use
              int ireg = inp->ideal_reg();
              if (ireg == 0 || ireg == Op_RegFlags) {
                assert(false, err_msg("attempted to spill a non-spillable item: %d: %s, ireg = %d",
                                      inp->_idx, inp->Name(), ireg));
                C->record_method_not_compilable("attempted to spill a non-spillable item");
              const RegMask *rm = C->matcher()->idealreg2spillmask[ireg];
              Node *copy = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode( inp, *rm, *rm );
              // Insert the copy in the use-def chain
              n->set_req(inpidx, copy );
              // Insert the copy in the basic block, just before us
              b->insert_node(copy,  l++);
              // Extend ("register allocate") the names array for the copy.
              uint max_lrg_id = _phc._lrg_map.max_lrg_id();
              _phc.new_lrg(copy, max_lrg_id);
              _phc._lrg_map.set_max_lrg_id(max_lrg_id + 1);
              _phc._cfg.map_node_to_block(copy, b);
              //tty->print_cr("Split a debug use in Aggressive Coalesce");
            }  // End of if high frequency use/def
          }  // End of for all debug inputs
        }  // End of if low frequency safepoint

      } // End of if Phi

    } // End of for all instructions
  } // End of for all blocks

// Aggressive (but pessimistic) copy coalescing of a single block

// The following coalesce pass represents a single round of aggressive
// pessimistic coalesce.  "Aggressive" means no attempt to preserve
// colorability when coalescing.  This occasionally means more spills, but
// it also means fewer rounds of coalescing for better code - and that means
// faster compiles.

// "Pessimistic" means we do not hit the fixed point in one pass (and we are
// reaching for the least fixed point to boot).  This is typically solved
// with a few more rounds of coalescing, but the compiler must run fast.  We
// could optimistically coalescing everything touching PhiNodes together
// into one big live range, then check for self-interference.  Everywhere
// the live range interferes with self it would have to be split.  Finding
// the right split points can be done with some heuristics (based on
// expected frequency of edges in the live range).  In short, it's a real
// research problem and the timeline is too short to allow such research.
// Further thoughts: (1) build the LR in a pass, (2) find self-interference
// in another pass, (3) per each self-conflict, split, (4) split by finding
// the low-cost cut (min-cut) of the LR, (5) edges in the LR are weighted
// according to the GCM algorithm (or just exec freq on CFG edges).

void PhaseAggressiveCoalesce::coalesce( Block *b ) {
  // Copies are still "virtual" - meaning we have not made them explicitly
  // copies.  Instead, Phi functions of successor blocks have mis-matched
  // live-ranges.  If I fail to coalesce, I'll have to insert a copy to line
  // up the live-ranges.  Check for Phis in successor blocks.
  uint i;
  for( i=0; i<b->_num_succs; i++ ) {
    Block *bs = b->_succs[i];
    // Find index of 'b' in 'bs' predecessors
    uint j=1;
    while (_phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(bs->pred(j)) != b) {

    // Visit all the Phis in successor block
    for( uint k = 1; k<bs->number_of_nodes(); k++ ) {
      Node *n = bs->get_node(k);
      if( !n->is_Phi() ) break;
      combine_these_two( n, n->in(j) );
  } // End of for all successor blocks

  // Check _this_ block for 2-address instructions and copies.
  uint cnt = b->end_idx();
  for( i = 1; i<cnt; i++ ) {
    Node *n = b->get_node(i);
    uint idx;
    // 2-address instructions have a virtual Copy matching their input
    // to their output
    if (n->is_Mach() && (idx = n->as_Mach()->two_adr())) {
      MachNode *mach = n->as_Mach();
      combine_these_two(mach, mach->in(idx));
  } // End of for all instructions in block

PhaseConservativeCoalesce::PhaseConservativeCoalesce(PhaseChaitin &chaitin) : PhaseCoalesce(chaitin) {

void PhaseConservativeCoalesce::verify() {
#ifdef ASSERT

void PhaseConservativeCoalesce::union_helper( Node *lr1_node, Node *lr2_node, uint lr1, uint lr2, Node *src_def, Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex ) {
  // Join live ranges.  Merge larger into smaller.  Union lr2 into lr1 in the
  // union-find tree
  _phc.Union( lr1_node, lr2_node );

  // Single-def live range ONLY if both live ranges are single-def.
  // If both are single def, then src_def powers one live range
  // and def_copy powers the other.  After merging, src_def powers
  // the combined live range.
  lrgs(lr1)._def = (lrgs(lr1).is_multidef() ||
                        lrgs(lr2).is_multidef() )
    ? NodeSentinel : src_def;
  lrgs(lr2)._def = NULL;    // No def for lrg 2
  lrgs(lr2).Clear();        // Force empty mask for LRG 2
  //lrgs(lr2)._size = 0;      // Live-range 2 goes dead
  lrgs(lr1)._is_oop |= lrgs(lr2)._is_oop;
  lrgs(lr2)._is_oop = 0;    // In particular, not an oop for GC info

  if (lrgs(lr1)._maxfreq < lrgs(lr2)._maxfreq)
    lrgs(lr1)._maxfreq = lrgs(lr2)._maxfreq;

  // Copy original value instead.  Intermediate copies go dead, and
  // the dst_copy becomes useless.
  int didx = dst_copy->is_Copy();
  dst_copy->set_req( didx, src_def );
  // Add copy to free list
  // _phc.free_spillcopy(b->_nodes[bindex]);
  assert( b->get_node(bindex) == dst_copy, "" );
  dst_copy->replace_by( dst_copy->in(didx) );
  dst_copy->set_req( didx, NULL);
  if( bindex < b->_ihrp_index ) b->_ihrp_index--;
  if( bindex < b->_fhrp_index ) b->_fhrp_index--;

  // Stretched lr1; add it to liveness of intermediate blocks
  Block *b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(src_copy);
  while( b != b2 ) {
    b = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(1));

// Factored code from copy_copy that computes extra interferences from
// lengthening a live range by double-coalescing.
uint PhaseConservativeCoalesce::compute_separating_interferences(Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex, RegMask &rm, uint reg_degree, uint rm_size, uint lr1, uint lr2 ) {

  assert(!lrgs(lr1)._fat_proj, "cannot coalesce fat_proj");
  assert(!lrgs(lr2)._fat_proj, "cannot coalesce fat_proj");
  Node *prev_copy = dst_copy->in(dst_copy->is_Copy());
  Block *b2 = b;
  uint bindex2 = bindex;
  while( 1 ) {
    // Find previous instruction
    bindex2--;                  // Chain backwards 1 instruction
    while( bindex2 == 0 ) {     // At block start, find prior block
      assert( b2->num_preds() == 2, "cannot double coalesce across c-flow" );
      b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b2->pred(1));
      bindex2 = b2->end_idx()-1;
    // Get prior instruction
    assert(bindex2 < b2->number_of_nodes(), "index out of bounds");
    Node *x = b2->get_node(bindex2);
    if( x == prev_copy ) {      // Previous copy in copy chain?
      if( prev_copy == src_copy)// Found end of chain and all interferences
        break;                  // So break out of loop
      // Else work back one in copy chain
      prev_copy = prev_copy->in(prev_copy->is_Copy());
    } else {                    // Else collect interferences
      uint lidx = _phc._lrg_map.find(x);
      // Found another def of live-range being stretched?
      if(lidx == lr1) {
        return max_juint;
      if(lidx == lr2) {
        return max_juint;

      // If we attempt to coalesce across a bound def
      if( lrgs(lidx).is_bound() ) {
        // Do not let the coalesced LRG expect to get the bound color
        rm.SUBTRACT( lrgs(lidx).mask() );
        // Recompute rm_size
        rm_size = rm.Size();
        //if( rm._flags ) rm_size += 1000000;
        if( reg_degree >= rm_size ) return max_juint;
      if( rm.overlap(lrgs(lidx).mask()) ) {
        // Insert lidx into union LRG; returns TRUE if actually inserted
        if( _ulr.insert(lidx) ) {
          // Infinite-stack neighbors do not alter colorability, as they
          // can always color to some other color.
          if( !lrgs(lidx).mask().is_AllStack() ) {
            // If this coalesce will make any new neighbor uncolorable,
            // do not coalesce.
            if( lrgs(lidx).just_lo_degree() )
              return max_juint;
            // Bump our degree
            if( ++reg_degree >= rm_size )
              return max_juint;
          } // End of if not infinite-stack neighbor
        } // End of if actually inserted
      } // End of if live range overlaps
    } // End of else collect interferences for 1 node
  } // End of while forever, scan back for interferences
  return reg_degree;

void PhaseConservativeCoalesce::update_ifg(uint lr1, uint lr2, IndexSet *n_lr1, IndexSet *n_lr2) {
  // Some original neighbors of lr1 might have gone away
  // because the constrained register mask prevented them.
  // Remove lr1 from such neighbors.
  IndexSetIterator one(n_lr1);
  uint neighbor;
  LRG &lrg1 = lrgs(lr1);
  while ((neighbor = != 0)
    if( !_ulr.member(neighbor) )
      if( _phc._ifg->neighbors(neighbor)->remove(lr1) )
        lrgs(neighbor).inc_degree( -lrg1.compute_degree(lrgs(neighbor)) );

  // lr2 is now called (coalesced into) lr1.
  // Remove lr2 from the IFG.
  IndexSetIterator two(n_lr2);
  LRG &lrg2 = lrgs(lr2);
  while ((neighbor = != 0)
    if( _phc._ifg->neighbors(neighbor)->remove(lr2) )
      lrgs(neighbor).inc_degree( -lrg2.compute_degree(lrgs(neighbor)) );

  // Some neighbors of intermediate copies now interfere with the
  // combined live range.
  IndexSetIterator three(&_ulr);
  while ((neighbor = != 0)
    if( _phc._ifg->neighbors(neighbor)->insert(lr1) )
      lrgs(neighbor).inc_degree( lrg1.compute_degree(lrgs(neighbor)) );

static void record_bias( const PhaseIFG *ifg, int lr1, int lr2 ) {
  // Tag copy bias here
  if( !ifg->lrgs(lr1)._copy_bias )
    ifg->lrgs(lr1)._copy_bias = lr2;
  if( !ifg->lrgs(lr2)._copy_bias )
    ifg->lrgs(lr2)._copy_bias = lr1;

// See if I can coalesce a series of multiple copies together.  I need the
// final dest copy and the original src copy.  They can be the same Node.
// Compute the compatible register masks.
bool PhaseConservativeCoalesce::copy_copy(Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex) {

  if (!dst_copy->is_SpillCopy()) {
    return false;
  if (!src_copy->is_SpillCopy()) {
    return false;
  Node *src_def = src_copy->in(src_copy->is_Copy());
  uint lr1 = _phc._lrg_map.find(dst_copy);
  uint lr2 = _phc._lrg_map.find(src_def);

  // Same live ranges already?
  if (lr1 == lr2) {
    return false;

  // Interfere?
  if (_phc._ifg->test_edge_sq(lr1, lr2)) {
    return false;

  // Not an oop->int cast; oop->oop, int->int, AND int->oop are OK.
  if (!lrgs(lr1)._is_oop && lrgs(lr2)._is_oop) { // not an oop->int cast
    return false;

  // Coalescing between an aligned live range and a mis-aligned live range?
  // No, no!  Alignment changes how we count degree.
  if (lrgs(lr1)._fat_proj != lrgs(lr2)._fat_proj) {
    return false;

  // Sort; use smaller live-range number
  Node *lr1_node = dst_copy;
  Node *lr2_node = src_def;
  if (lr1 > lr2) {
    uint tmp = lr1; lr1 = lr2; lr2 = tmp;
    lr1_node = src_def;  lr2_node = dst_copy;

  // Check for compatibility of the 2 live ranges by
  // intersecting their allowed register sets.
  RegMask rm = lrgs(lr1).mask();
  // Number of bits free
  uint rm_size = rm.Size();

  if (UseFPUForSpilling && rm.is_AllStack() ) {
    // Don't coalesce when frequency difference is large
    Block *dst_b = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(dst_copy);
    Block *src_def_b = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(src_def);
    if (src_def_b->_freq > 10*dst_b->_freq )
      return false;

  // If we can use any stack slot, then effective size is infinite
  if( rm.is_AllStack() ) rm_size += 1000000;
  // Incompatible masks, no way to coalesce
  if( rm_size == 0 ) return false;

  // Another early bail-out test is when we are double-coalescing and the
  // 2 copies are separated by some control flow.
  if( dst_copy != src_copy ) {
    Block *src_b = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(src_copy);
    Block *b2 = b;
    while( b2 != src_b ) {
      if( b2->num_preds() > 2 ){// Found merge-point
        // extra record_bias commented out because Chris believes it is not
        // productive.  Since we can record only 1 bias, we want to choose one
        // that stands a chance of working and this one probably does not.
        //record_bias( _phc._lrgs, lr1, lr2 );
        return false;           // To hard to find all interferences
      b2 = _phc._cfg.get_block_for_node(b2->pred(1));

  // Union the two interference sets together into '_ulr'
  uint reg_degree = _ulr.lrg_union( lr1, lr2, rm_size, _phc._ifg, rm );

  if( reg_degree >= rm_size ) {
    record_bias( _phc._ifg, lr1, lr2 );
    return false;

  // Now I need to compute all the interferences between dst_copy and
  // src_copy.  I'm not willing visit the entire interference graph, so
  // I limit my search to things in dst_copy's block or in a straight
  // line of previous blocks.  I give up at merge points or when I get
  // more interferences than my degree.  I can stop when I find src_copy.
  if( dst_copy != src_copy ) {
    reg_degree = compute_separating_interferences(dst_copy, src_copy, b, bindex, rm, rm_size, reg_degree, lr1, lr2 );
    if( reg_degree == max_juint ) {
      record_bias( _phc._ifg, lr1, lr2 );
      return false;
  } // End of if dst_copy & src_copy are different


  // YEAH - Now coalesce this copy away
  assert( lrgs(lr1).num_regs() == lrgs(lr2).num_regs(),   "" );

  IndexSet *n_lr1 = _phc._ifg->neighbors(lr1);
  IndexSet *n_lr2 = _phc._ifg->neighbors(lr2);

  // Update the interference graph
  update_ifg(lr1, lr2, n_lr1, n_lr2);


  // Uncomment the following code to trace Coalescing in great detail.
  //if (false) {
  //  tty->cr();
  //  tty->print_cr("#######################################");
  //  tty->print_cr("union %d and %d", lr1, lr2);
  //  n_lr1->dump();
  //  n_lr2->dump();
  //  tty->print_cr("resulting set is");
  //  _ulr.dump();

  // Replace n_lr1 with the new combined live range.  _ulr will use
  // n_lr1's old memory on the next iteration.  n_lr2 is cleared to
  // send its internal memory to the free list.

  lrgs(lr1).set_degree( _phc._ifg->effective_degree(lr1) );
  lrgs(lr2).set_degree( 0 );

  // Join live ranges.  Merge larger into smaller.  Union lr2 into lr1 in the
  // union-find tree
  union_helper( lr1_node, lr2_node, lr1, lr2, src_def, dst_copy, src_copy, b, bindex );
  // Combine register restrictions
  lrgs(lr1)._cost += lrgs(lr2)._cost;
  lrgs(lr1)._area += lrgs(lr2)._area;

  // While its uncommon to successfully coalesce live ranges that started out
  // being not-lo-degree, it can happen.  In any case the combined coalesced
  // live range better Simplify nicely.
  lrgs(lr1)._was_lo = 1;

  // kinda expensive to do all the time
  //tty->print_cr("warning: slow verify happening");
  //_phc._ifg->verify( &_phc );
  return true;

// Conservative (but pessimistic) copy coalescing of a single block
void PhaseConservativeCoalesce::coalesce( Block *b ) {
  // Bail out on infrequent blocks
  if (_phc._cfg.is_uncommon(b)) {
  // Check this block for copies.
  for( uint i = 1; i<b->end_idx(); i++ ) {
    // Check for actual copies on inputs.  Coalesce a copy into its
    // input if use and copy's input are compatible.
    Node *copy1 = b->get_node(i);
    uint idx1 = copy1->is_Copy();
    if( !idx1 ) continue;       // Not a copy

    if( copy_copy(copy1,copy1,b,i) ) {
      i--;                      // Retry, same location in block
      PhaseChaitin::_conserv_coalesce++;  // Collect stats on success
 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.


#include "opto/phase.hpp"

class LoopTree;
class LRG;
class Matcher;
class PhaseIFG;
class PhaseCFG;

class PhaseCoalesce : public Phase {
  PhaseChaitin &_phc;

  // Coalesce copies
  PhaseCoalesce(PhaseChaitin &phc)
  : Phase(Coalesce)
  , _phc(phc) {}

  virtual void verify() = 0;

  // Coalesce copies
  void coalesce_driver();

  // Coalesce copies in this block
  virtual void coalesce(Block *b) = 0;

  // Attempt to coalesce live ranges defined by these 2
  void combine_these_two(Node *n1, Node *n2);

  LRG &lrgs(uint lidx) { return _phc.lrgs(lidx); }
#ifndef PRODUCT
  // Dump internally name
  void dump(Node *n) const;
  // Dump whole shebang
  void dump() const;

// Aggressively, pessimistic coalesce copies.  Aggressive means ignore graph
// colorability; perhaps coalescing to the point of forcing a spill.
// Pessimistic means we cannot coalesce if 2 live ranges interfere.  This
// implies we do not hit a fixed point right away.
class PhaseAggressiveCoalesce : public PhaseCoalesce {
  uint _unique;
  // Coalesce copies
  PhaseAggressiveCoalesce( PhaseChaitin &chaitin ) : PhaseCoalesce(chaitin) {}

  virtual void verify() { };

  // Aggressively coalesce copies in this block
  virtual void coalesce( Block *b );

  // Where I fail to coalesce, manifest virtual copies as the Real Thing
  void insert_copies( Matcher &matcher );

  // Copy insertion needs some smarts in case live ranges overlap
  void insert_copy_with_overlap( Block *b, Node *copy, uint dst_name, uint src_name );

// Conservatively, pessimistic coalesce copies.  Conservative means do not
// coalesce if the resultant live range will be uncolorable.  Pessimistic
// means we cannot coalesce if 2 live ranges interfere.  This implies we do
// not hit a fixed point right away.
class PhaseConservativeCoalesce : public PhaseCoalesce {
  IndexSet _ulr;               // Union live range interferences
  // Coalesce copies
  PhaseConservativeCoalesce( PhaseChaitin &chaitin );

  virtual void verify();

  // Conservatively coalesce copies in this block
  virtual void coalesce( Block *b );

  // Coalesce this chain of copies away
  bool copy_copy( Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex );

  void union_helper( Node *lr1_node, Node *lr2_node, uint lr1, uint lr2, Node *src_def, Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex );

  uint compute_separating_interferences(Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex, RegMask &rm, uint rm_size, uint reg_degree, uint lr1, uint lr2);

  void update_ifg(uint lr1, uint lr2, IndexSet *n_lr1, IndexSet *n_lr2);

 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "asm/macroAssembler.hpp"
#include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
#include "ci/ciReplay.hpp"
#include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
#include "code/exceptionHandlerTable.hpp"
#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
#include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
#include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/block.hpp"
#include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
#include "opto/callGenerator.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/chaitin.hpp"
#include "opto/compile.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/escape.hpp"
#include "opto/idealGraphPrinter.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/macro.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/mathexactnode.hpp"
#include "opto/memnode.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/node.hpp"
#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"
#include "opto/output.hpp"
#include "opto/parse.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
#include "opto/stringopts.hpp"
#include "opto/type.hpp"
#include "opto/vectornode.hpp"
#include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
#include "runtime/timer.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"
#if defined AD_MD_HPP
# include AD_MD_HPP
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_32
# include "adfiles/ad_x86_32.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_64
# include "adfiles/ad_x86_64.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_aarch64
# include "adfiles/ad_aarch64.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_sparc
# include "adfiles/ad_sparc.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_zero
# include "adfiles/ad_zero.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_ppc_64
# include "adfiles/ad_ppc_64.hpp"

// -------------------- Compile::mach_constant_base_node -----------------------
// Constant table base node singleton.
MachConstantBaseNode* Compile::mach_constant_base_node() {
  if (_mach_constant_base_node == NULL) {
    _mach_constant_base_node = new (C) MachConstantBaseNode();
  return _mach_constant_base_node;

/// Support for intrinsics.

// Return the index at which m must be inserted (or already exists).
// The sort order is by the address of the ciMethod, with is_virtual as minor key.
int Compile::intrinsic_insertion_index(ciMethod* m, bool is_virtual) {
#ifdef ASSERT
  for (int i = 1; i < _intrinsics->length(); i++) {
    CallGenerator* cg1 = _intrinsics->at(i-1);
    CallGenerator* cg2 = _intrinsics->at(i);
    assert(cg1->method() != cg2->method()
           ? cg1->method()     < cg2->method()
           : cg1->is_virtual() < cg2->is_virtual(),
           "compiler intrinsics list must stay sorted");
  // Binary search sorted list, in decreasing intervals [lo, hi].
  int lo = 0, hi = _intrinsics->length()-1;
  while (lo <= hi) {
    int mid = (uint)(hi + lo) / 2;
    ciMethod* mid_m = _intrinsics->at(mid)->method();
    if (m < mid_m) {
      hi = mid-1;
    } else if (m > mid_m) {
      lo = mid+1;
    } else {
      // look at minor sort key
      bool mid_virt = _intrinsics->at(mid)->is_virtual();
      if (is_virtual < mid_virt) {
        hi = mid-1;
      } else if (is_virtual > mid_virt) {
        lo = mid+1;
      } else {
        return mid;  // exact match
  return lo;  // inexact match

void Compile::register_intrinsic(CallGenerator* cg) {
  if (_intrinsics == NULL) {
    _intrinsics = new (comp_arena())GrowableArray<CallGenerator*>(comp_arena(), 60, 0, NULL);
  // This code is stolen from ciObjectFactory::insert.
  // Really, GrowableArray should have methods for
  // insert_at, remove_at, and binary_search.
  int len = _intrinsics->length();
  int index = intrinsic_insertion_index(cg->method(), cg->is_virtual());
  if (index == len) {
  } else {
#ifdef ASSERT
    CallGenerator* oldcg = _intrinsics->at(index);
    assert(oldcg->method() != cg->method() || oldcg->is_virtual() != cg->is_virtual(), "don't register twice");
    int pos;
    for (pos = len-2; pos >= index; pos--) {
    _intrinsics->at_put(index, cg);
  assert(find_intrinsic(cg->method(), cg->is_virtual()) == cg, "registration worked");

CallGenerator* Compile::find_intrinsic(ciMethod* m, bool is_virtual) {
  assert(m->is_loaded(), "don't try this on unloaded methods");
  if (_intrinsics != NULL) {
    int index = intrinsic_insertion_index(m, is_virtual);
    if (index < _intrinsics->length()
        && _intrinsics->at(index)->method() == m
        && _intrinsics->at(index)->is_virtual() == is_virtual) {
      return _intrinsics->at(index);
  // Lazily create intrinsics for intrinsic IDs well-known in the runtime.
  if (m->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_none &&
      m->intrinsic_id() <= vmIntrinsics::LAST_COMPILER_INLINE) {
    CallGenerator* cg = make_vm_intrinsic(m, is_virtual);
    if (cg != NULL) {
      // Save it for next time:
      return cg;
    } else {
      gather_intrinsic_statistics(m->intrinsic_id(), is_virtual, _intrinsic_disabled);
  return NULL;

// Compile:: register_library_intrinsics and make_vm_intrinsic are defined
// in library_call.cpp.

#ifndef PRODUCT
// statistics gathering...

juint  Compile::_intrinsic_hist_count[vmIntrinsics::ID_LIMIT] = {0};
jubyte Compile::_intrinsic_hist_flags[vmIntrinsics::ID_LIMIT] = {0};

bool Compile::gather_intrinsic_statistics(vmIntrinsics::ID id, bool is_virtual, int flags) {
  assert(id > vmIntrinsics::_none && id < vmIntrinsics::ID_LIMIT, "oob");
  int oflags = _intrinsic_hist_flags[id];
  assert(flags != 0, "what happened?");
  if (is_virtual) {
    flags |= _intrinsic_virtual;
  bool changed = (flags != oflags);
  if ((flags & _intrinsic_worked) != 0) {
    juint count = (_intrinsic_hist_count[id] += 1);
    if (count == 1) {
      changed = true;           // first time
    // increment the overall count also:
    _intrinsic_hist_count[vmIntrinsics::_none] += 1;
  if (changed) {
    if (((oflags ^ flags) & _intrinsic_virtual) != 0) {
      // Something changed about the intrinsic's virtuality.
      if ((flags & _intrinsic_virtual) != 0) {
        // This is the first use of this intrinsic as a virtual call.
        if (oflags != 0) {
          // We already saw it as a non-virtual, so note both cases.
          flags |= _intrinsic_both;
      } else if ((oflags & _intrinsic_both) == 0) {
        // This is the first use of this intrinsic as a non-virtual
        flags |= _intrinsic_both;
    _intrinsic_hist_flags[id] = (jubyte) (oflags | flags);
  // update the overall flags also:
  _intrinsic_hist_flags[vmIntrinsics::_none] |= (jubyte) flags;
  return changed;

static char* format_flags(int flags, char* buf) {
  buf[0] = 0;
  if ((flags & Compile::_intrinsic_worked) != 0)    strcat(buf, ",worked");
  if ((flags & Compile::_intrinsic_failed) != 0)    strcat(buf, ",failed");
  if ((flags & Compile::_intrinsic_disabled) != 0)  strcat(buf, ",disabled");
  if ((flags & Compile::_intrinsic_virtual) != 0)   strcat(buf, ",virtual");
  if ((flags & Compile::_intrinsic_both) != 0)      strcat(buf, ",nonvirtual");
  if (buf[0] == 0)  strcat(buf, ",");
  assert(buf[0] == ',', "must be");
  return &buf[1];

void Compile::print_intrinsic_statistics() {
  char flagsbuf[100];
  ttyLocker ttyl;
  if (xtty != NULL)  xtty->head("statistics type='intrinsic'");
  tty->print_cr("Compiler intrinsic usage:");
  juint total = _intrinsic_hist_count[vmIntrinsics::_none];
  if (total == 0)  total = 1;  // avoid div0 in case of no successes
  #define PRINT_STAT_LINE(name, c, f) \
    tty->print_cr("  %4d (%4.1f%%) %s (%s)", (int)(c), ((c) * 100.0) / total, name, f);
  for (int index = 1 + (int)vmIntrinsics::_none; index < (int)vmIntrinsics::ID_LIMIT; index++) {
    vmIntrinsics::ID id = (vmIntrinsics::ID) index;
    int   flags = _intrinsic_hist_flags[id];
    juint count = _intrinsic_hist_count[id];
    if ((flags | count) != 0) {
      PRINT_STAT_LINE(vmIntrinsics::name_at(id), count, format_flags(flags, flagsbuf));
  PRINT_STAT_LINE("total", total, format_flags(_intrinsic_hist_flags[vmIntrinsics::_none], flagsbuf));
  if (xtty != NULL)  xtty->tail("statistics");

void Compile::print_statistics() {
  { ttyLocker ttyl;
    if (xtty != NULL)  xtty->head("statistics type='opto'");
    if (xtty != NULL)  xtty->tail("statistics");
  if (_intrinsic_hist_flags[vmIntrinsics::_none] != 0) {
    // put this under its own <statistics> element.
#endif //PRODUCT

// Support for bundling info
Bundle* Compile::node_bundling(const Node *n) {
  assert(valid_bundle_info(n), "oob");
  return &_node_bundling_base[n->_idx];

bool Compile::valid_bundle_info(const Node *n) {
  return (_node_bundling_limit > n->_idx);

void Compile::gvn_replace_by(Node* n, Node* nn) {
  for (DUIterator_Last imin, i = n->last_outs(imin); i >= imin; ) {
    Node* use = n->last_out(i);
    bool is_in_table = initial_gvn()->hash_delete(use);
    uint uses_found = 0;
    for (uint j = 0; j < use->len(); j++) {
      if (use->in(j) == n) {
        if (j < use->req())
          use->set_req(j, nn);
          use->set_prec(j, nn);
    if (is_in_table) {
      // reinsert into table
    i -= uses_found;    // we deleted 1 or more copies of this edge

static inline bool not_a_node(const Node* n) {
  if (n == NULL)                   return true;
  if (((intptr_t)n & 1) != 0)      return true;  // uninitialized, etc.
  if (*(address*)n == badAddress)  return true;  // kill by Node::destruct
  return false;

// Identify all nodes that are reachable from below, useful.
// Use breadth-first pass that records state in a Unique_Node_List,
// recursive traversal is slower.
void Compile::identify_useful_nodes(Unique_Node_List &useful) {
  int estimated_worklist_size = live_nodes(); estimated_worklist_size, NULL );  // preallocate space

  // Initialize worklist
  if (root() != NULL)     { useful.push(root()); }
  // If 'top' is cached, declare it useful to preserve cached node
  if( cached_top_node() ) { useful.push(cached_top_node()); }

  // Push all useful nodes onto the list, breadthfirst
  for( uint next = 0; next < useful.size(); ++next ) {
    assert( next < unique(), "Unique useful nodes < total nodes");
    Node *n  =;
    uint max = n->len();
    for( uint i = 0; i < max; ++i ) {
      Node *m = n->in(i);
      if (not_a_node(m))  continue;

// Update dead_node_list with any missing dead nodes using useful
// list. Consider all non-useful nodes to be useless i.e., dead nodes.
void Compile::update_dead_node_list(Unique_Node_List &useful) {
  uint max_idx = unique();
  VectorSet& useful_node_set = useful.member_set();

  for (uint node_idx = 0; node_idx < max_idx; node_idx++) {
    // If node with index node_idx is not in useful set,
    // mark it as dead in dead node list.
    if (! useful_node_set.test(node_idx) ) {

void Compile::remove_useless_late_inlines(GrowableArray<CallGenerator*>* inlines, Unique_Node_List &useful) {
  int shift = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < inlines->length(); i++) {
    CallGenerator* cg = inlines->at(i);
    CallNode* call = cg->call_node();
    if (shift > 0) {
      inlines->at_put(i-shift, cg);
    if (!useful.member(call)) {

// Disconnect all useless nodes by disconnecting those at the boundary.
void Compile::remove_useless_nodes(Unique_Node_List &useful) {
  uint next = 0;
  while (next < useful.size()) {
    Node *n =;
    if (n->is_SafePoint()) {
      // We're done with a parsing phase. Replaced nodes are not valid
      // beyond that point.
    // Use raw traversal of out edges since this code removes out edges
    int max = n->outcnt();
    for (int j = 0; j < max; ++j) {
      Node* child = n->raw_out(j);
      if (! useful.member(child)) {
        assert(!child->is_top() || child != top(),
               "If top is cached in Compile object it is in useful list");
        // Only need to remove this out-edge to the useless node
    if (n->outcnt() == 1 && n->has_special_unique_user()) {
  // Remove useless macro and predicate opaq nodes
  for (int i = C->macro_count()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Node* n = C->macro_node(i);
    if (!useful.member(n)) {
  // Remove useless CastII nodes with range check dependency
  for (int i = range_check_cast_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Node* cast = range_check_cast_node(i);
    if (!useful.member(cast)) {
  // Remove useless expensive node
  for (int i = C->expensive_count()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Node* n = C->expensive_node(i);
    if (!useful.member(n)) {
  // clean up the late inline lists
  remove_useless_late_inlines(&_string_late_inlines, useful);
  remove_useless_late_inlines(&_boxing_late_inlines, useful);
  remove_useless_late_inlines(&_late_inlines, useful);
  debug_only(verify_graph_edges(true/*check for no_dead_code*/);)

// frame_slots in units of words
int Compile::frame_size_in_words() const {
  // shift is 0 in LP32 and 1 in LP64
  const int shift = (LogBytesPerWord - LogBytesPerInt);
  int words = _frame_slots >> shift;
  assert( words << shift == _frame_slots, "frame size must be properly aligned in LP64" );
  return words;

// To bang the stack of this compiled method we use the stack size
// that the interpreter would need in case of a deoptimization. This
// removes the need to bang the stack in the deoptimization blob which
// in turn simplifies stack overflow handling.
int Compile::bang_size_in_bytes() const {
  return MAX2(_interpreter_frame_size, frame_size_in_bytes());

// ============================================================================
class CompileWrapper : public StackObj {
  Compile *const _compile;
  CompileWrapper(Compile* compile);


CompileWrapper::CompileWrapper(Compile* compile) : _compile(compile) {
  // the Compile* pointer is stored in the current ciEnv:
  ciEnv* env = compile->env();
  assert(env == ciEnv::current(), "must already be a ciEnv active");
  assert(env->compiler_data() == NULL, "compile already active?");
  assert(compile == Compile::current(), "sanity");

  compile->set_last_tf(NULL, NULL);
CompileWrapper::~CompileWrapper() {
  if (_compile->scratch_buffer_blob() != NULL)

void Compile::print_compile_messages() {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  // Check if recompiling
  if (_subsume_loads == false && PrintOpto) {
    // Recompiling without allowing machine instructions to subsume loads
    tty->print_cr("** Bailout: Recompile without subsuming loads          **");
  if (_do_escape_analysis != DoEscapeAnalysis && PrintOpto) {
    // Recompiling without escape analysis
    tty->print_cr("** Bailout: Recompile without escape analysis          **");
  if (_eliminate_boxing != EliminateAutoBox && PrintOpto) {
    // Recompiling without boxing elimination
    tty->print_cr("** Bailout: Recompile without boxing elimination       **");
  if (env()->break_at_compile()) {
    // Open the debugger when compiling this method.
    tty->print("### Breaking when compiling: ");

  if( PrintOpto ) {
    if (is_osr_compilation()) {
      tty->print("[OSR]%3d", _compile_id);
    } else {
      tty->print("%3d", _compile_id);

// Construct a temporary BufferBlob and cache it for this compile.
void Compile::init_scratch_buffer_blob(int const_size) {
  // If there is already a scratch buffer blob allocated and the
  // constant section is big enough, use it.  Otherwise free the
  // current and allocate a new one.
  BufferBlob* blob = scratch_buffer_blob();
  if ((blob != NULL) && (const_size <= _scratch_const_size)) {
    // Use the current blob.
  } else {
    if (blob != NULL) {

    ResourceMark rm;
    _scratch_const_size = const_size;
    int size = (MAX_inst_size + MAX_stubs_size + _scratch_const_size);
    blob = BufferBlob::create("Compile::scratch_buffer", size);
    // Record the buffer blob for next time.
    // Have we run out of code space?
    if (scratch_buffer_blob() == NULL) {
      // Let CompilerBroker disable further compilations.
      record_failure("Not enough space for scratch buffer in CodeCache");

  // Initialize the relocation buffers
  relocInfo* locs_buf = (relocInfo*) blob->content_end() - MAX_locs_size;

// Helper function that computes size by emitting code
uint Compile::scratch_emit_size(const Node* n) {
  // Start scratch_emit_size section.

  // Emit into a trash buffer and count bytes emitted.
  // This is a pretty expensive way to compute a size,
  // but it works well enough if seldom used.
  // All common fixed-size instructions are given a size
  // method by the AD file.
  // Note that the scratch buffer blob and locs memory are
  // allocated at the beginning of the compile task, and
  // may be shared by several calls to scratch_emit_size.
  // The allocation of the scratch buffer blob is particularly
  // expensive, since it has to grab the code cache lock.
  BufferBlob* blob = this->scratch_buffer_blob();
  assert(blob != NULL, "Initialize BufferBlob at start");
  assert(blob->size() > MAX_inst_size, "sanity");
  relocInfo* locs_buf = scratch_locs_memory();
  address blob_begin = blob->content_begin();
  address blob_end   = (address)locs_buf;
  assert(blob->content_contains(blob_end), "sanity");
  CodeBuffer buf(blob_begin, blob_end - blob_begin);
  assert(locs_buf != NULL, "sanity");
  int lsize = MAX_locs_size / 3;
  buf.consts()->initialize_shared_locs(&locs_buf[lsize * 0], lsize);
  buf.insts()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 1], lsize);
  buf.stubs()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 2], lsize);

  // Do the emission.

  Label fakeL; // Fake label for branch instructions.
  Label*   saveL = NULL;
  uint save_bnum = 0;
  bool is_branch = n->is_MachBranch();
  if (is_branch) {
    MacroAssembler masm(&buf);
    n->as_MachBranch()->save_label(&saveL, &save_bnum);
    n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(&fakeL, 0);
  n->emit(buf, this->regalloc());

  // Emitting into the scratch buffer should not fail
  assert (!failing(), err_msg_res("Must not have pending failure. Reason is: %s", failure_reason()));

  if (is_branch) // Restore label.
    n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(saveL, save_bnum);

  // End scratch_emit_size section.

  return buf.insts_size();

// ============================================================================
//------------------------------Compile standard-------------------------------
debug_only( int Compile::_debug_idx = 100000; )

// Compile a method.  entry_bci is -1 for normal compilations and indicates
// the continuation bci for on stack replacement.

Compile::Compile( ciEnv* ci_env, C2Compiler* compiler, ciMethod* target, int osr_bci,
                  bool subsume_loads, bool do_escape_analysis, bool eliminate_boxing )
                : Phase(Compiler),
#ifndef PRODUCT
                  _trace_opto_output(TraceOptoOutput || method()->has_option("TraceOptoOutput")),
                  _late_inlines(comp_arena(), 2, 0, NULL),
                  _string_late_inlines(comp_arena(), 2, 0, NULL),
                  _boxing_late_inlines(comp_arena(), 2, 0, NULL),
                  _max_node_limit(MaxNodeLimit) {
  C = this;

  CompileWrapper cw(this);
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TimeCompiler2) {
    tty->print(" ");
    tty->print("  ");
  TraceTime t1("Total compilation time", &_t_totalCompilation, TimeCompiler, TimeCompiler2);
  TraceTime t2(NULL, &_t_methodCompilation, TimeCompiler, false);
  bool print_opto_assembly = PrintOptoAssembly || _method->has_option("PrintOptoAssembly");
  if (!print_opto_assembly) {
    bool print_assembly = (PrintAssembly || _method->should_print_assembly());
    if (print_assembly && !Disassembler::can_decode()) {
      tty->print_cr("PrintAssembly request changed to PrintOptoAssembly");
      print_opto_assembly = true;

  if (method()->has_option("ReplayInline")) {
    _replay_inline_data = ciReplay::load_inline_data(method(), entry_bci(), ci_env->comp_level());
  set_print_inlining(PrintInlining || method()->has_option("PrintInlining") NOT_PRODUCT( || PrintOptoInlining));
  set_print_intrinsics(PrintIntrinsics || method()->has_option("PrintIntrinsics"));
  set_has_irreducible_loop(true); // conservative until build_loop_tree() reset it

  if (ProfileTraps RTM_OPT_ONLY( || UseRTMLocking )) {
    // Make sure the method being compiled gets its own MDO,
    // so we can at least track the decompile_count().
    // Need MDO to record RTM code generation state.



  _ilt = InlineTree::build_inline_tree_root();

  // Even if NO memory addresses are used, MergeMem nodes must have at least 1 slice
  assert(num_alias_types() >= AliasIdxRaw, "");

#define MINIMUM_NODE_HASH  1023
  // Node list that Iterative GVN will start with
  Unique_Node_List for_igvn(comp_arena());

  // GVN that will be run immediately on new nodes
  uint estimated_size = method()->code_size()*4+64;
  estimated_size = (estimated_size < MINIMUM_NODE_HASH ? MINIMUM_NODE_HASH : estimated_size);
  PhaseGVN gvn(node_arena(), estimated_size);

  if (print_inlining() || print_intrinsics()) {
    _print_inlining_list = new (comp_arena())GrowableArray<PrintInliningBuffer>(comp_arena(), 1, 1, PrintInliningBuffer());
  { // Scope for timing the parser
    TracePhase t3("parse", &_t_parser, true);

    // Put top into the hash table ASAP.

    // Set up tf(), start(), and find a CallGenerator.
    CallGenerator* cg = NULL;
    if (is_osr_compilation()) {
      const TypeTuple *domain = StartOSRNode::osr_domain();
      const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make_range(method()->signature());
      init_tf(TypeFunc::make(domain, range));
      StartNode* s = new (this) StartOSRNode(root(), domain);
      cg = CallGenerator::for_osr(method(), entry_bci());
    } else {
      // Normal case.
      StartNode* s = new (this) StartNode(root(), tf()->domain());
      if (method()->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_Reference_get && UseG1GC) {
        // With java.lang.ref.reference.get() we must go through the
        // intrinsic when G1 is enabled - even when get() is the root
        // method of the compile - so that, if necessary, the value in
        // the referent field of the reference object gets recorded by
        // the pre-barrier code.
        // Specifically, if G1 is enabled, the value in the referent
        // field is recorded by the G1 SATB pre barrier. This will
        // result in the referent being marked live and the reference
        // object removed from the list of discovered references during
        // reference processing.
        cg = find_intrinsic(method(), false);
      if (cg == NULL) {
        float past_uses = method()->interpreter_invocation_count();
        float expected_uses = past_uses;
        cg = CallGenerator::for_inline(method(), expected_uses);
    if (failing())  return;
    if (cg == NULL) {
      record_method_not_compilable_all_tiers("cannot parse method");
    JVMState* jvms = build_start_state(start(), tf());
    if ((jvms = cg->generate(jvms)) == NULL) {
      if (!failure_reason_is(C2Compiler::retry_class_loading_during_parsing())) {
        record_method_not_compilable("method parse failed");
    GraphKit kit(jvms);

    if (!kit.stopped()) {
      // Accept return values, and transfer control we know not where.
      // This is done by a special, unique ReturnNode bound to root.

    if (kit.has_exceptions()) {
      // Any exceptions that escape from this call must be rethrown
      // to whatever caller is dynamically above us on the stack.
      // This is done by a special, unique RethrowNode bound to root.

    assert(IncrementalInline || (_late_inlines.length() == 0 && !has_mh_late_inlines()), "incremental inlining is off");

    if (_late_inlines.length() == 0 && !has_mh_late_inlines() && !failing() && has_stringbuilder()) {

    if (failing())  return;

    print_method(PHASE_BEFORE_REMOVEUSELESS, 3);

    // Remove clutter produced by parsing.
    if (!failing()) {
      ResourceMark rm;
      PhaseRemoveUseless pru(initial_gvn(), &for_igvn);

  // Note:  Large methods are capped off in do_one_bytecode().
  if (failing())  return;

  // After parsing, node notes are no longer automagic.
  // They must be propagated by register_new_node_with_optimizer(),
  // clone(), or the like.

  for (;;) {
    int successes = Inline_Warm();
    if (failing())  return;
    if (successes == 0)  break;

  // Drain the list.
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (_printer) {

  if (failing())  return;
  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )

  // Now optimize
  if (failing())  return;
  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (PrintIdeal) {
    ttyLocker ttyl;  // keep the following output all in one block
    // This output goes directly to the tty, not the compiler log.
    // To enable tools to match it up with the compilation activity,
    // be sure to tag this tty output with the compile ID.
    if (xtty != NULL) {
      xtty->head("ideal compile_id='%d'%s", compile_id(),
                 is_osr_compilation()    ? " compile_kind='osr'" :
    if (xtty != NULL) {

  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_barriers(); )

  // Dump compilation data to replay it.
  if (method()->has_option("DumpReplay")) {
  if (method()->has_option("DumpInline") && (ilt() != NULL)) {

  // Now that we know the size of all the monitors we can add a fixed slot
  // for the original deopt pc.

  _orig_pc_slot =  fixed_slots();
  int next_slot = _orig_pc_slot + (sizeof(address) / VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size);

  // Compute when to use implicit null checks. Used by matching trap based
  // nodes and NullCheck optimization.

  // Now generate code
  if (failing())  return;

  // Check if we want to skip execution of all compiled code.
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (OptoNoExecute) {
      record_method_not_compilable("+OptoNoExecute");  // Flag as failed
    TracePhase t2("install_code", &_t_registerMethod, TimeCompiler);

    if (is_osr_compilation()) {
      _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry, 0);
      _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::OSR_Entry, _first_block_size);
    } else {
      _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry, _first_block_size);
      _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::OSR_Entry, 0);

    env()->register_method(_method, _entry_bci,
                           frame_size_in_words(), _oop_map_set,
                           &_handler_table, &_inc_table,

    if (log() != NULL) // Print code cache state into compiler log

// Compile a runtime stub
Compile::Compile( ciEnv* ci_env,
                  TypeFunc_generator generator,
                  address stub_function,
                  const char *stub_name,
                  int is_fancy_jump,
                  bool pass_tls,
                  bool save_arg_registers,
                  bool return_pc )
  : Phase(Compiler),
#ifndef PRODUCT
    _max_node_limit(MaxNodeLimit) {
  C = this;

#ifndef PRODUCT
  TraceTime t1(NULL, &_t_totalCompilation, TimeCompiler, false);
  TraceTime t2(NULL, &_t_stubCompilation, TimeCompiler, false);
  set_has_irreducible_loop(false); // no loops

  CompileWrapper cw(this);
  Init(/*AliasLevel=*/ 0);

    // The following is a dummy for the sake of GraphKit::gen_stub
    Unique_Node_List for_igvn(comp_arena());
    set_for_igvn(&for_igvn);  // not used, but some GraphKit guys push on this
    PhaseGVN gvn(Thread::current()->resource_area(),255);
    set_initial_gvn(&gvn);    // not significant, but GraphKit guys use it pervasively

    GraphKit kit;
    kit.gen_stub(stub_function, stub_name, is_fancy_jump, pass_tls, return_pc);

  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )
  if (failing())  return;

  // Entry point will be accessed using compile->stub_entry_point();
  if (code_buffer() == NULL) {
  } else {
    if (PrintAssembly && (WizardMode || Verbose))
      tty->print_cr("### Stub::%s", stub_name);

    if (!failing()) {
      assert(_fixed_slots == 0, "no fixed slots used for runtime stubs");

      // Make the NMethod
      // For now we mark the frame as never safe for profile stackwalking
      RuntimeStub *rs = RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub(stub_name,
                                                      // _code_offsets.value(CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete),
      assert(rs != NULL && rs->is_runtime_stub(), "sanity check");

      _stub_entry_point = rs->entry_point();

// Prepare for a single compilation
void Compile::Init(int aliaslevel) {
  _unique  = 0;
  _regalloc = NULL;

  _tf      = NULL;  // filled in later
  _top     = NULL;  // cached later
  _matcher = NULL;  // filled in later
  _cfg     = NULL;  // filled in later

  set_24_bit_selection_and_mode(Use24BitFP, false);

  _node_note_array = NULL;
  _default_node_notes = NULL;

  _immutable_memory = NULL; // filled in at first inquiry

  // Globally visible Nodes
  // First set TOP to NULL to give safe behavior during creation of RootNode
  set_root(new (this) RootNode());
  // Now that you have a Root to point to, create the real TOP
  set_cached_top_node( new (this) ConNode(Type::TOP) );
  set_recent_alloc(NULL, NULL);

  // Create Debug Information Recorder to record scopes, oopmaps, etc.
  env()->set_oop_recorder(new OopRecorder(env()->arena()));
  env()->set_debug_info(new DebugInformationRecorder(env()->oop_recorder()));
  env()->set_dependencies(new Dependencies(env()));

  _fixed_slots = 0;
  set_has_loops(has_method() && method()->has_loops()); // first approximation
  _trap_can_recompile = false;  // no traps emitted yet
  _major_progress = true; // start out assuming good things will happen
  Copy::zero_to_bytes(_trap_hist, sizeof(_trap_hist));

  set_do_freq_based_layout(BlockLayoutByFrequency || method_has_option("BlockLayoutByFrequency"));
  set_rtm_state(NoRTM); // No RTM lock eliding by default
  method_has_option_value("MaxNodeLimit", _max_node_limit);
  if (UseRTMLocking && has_method() && (method()->method_data_or_null() != NULL)) {
    int rtm_state = method()->method_data()->rtm_state();
    if (method_has_option("NoRTMLockEliding") || ((rtm_state & NoRTM) != 0)) {
      // Don't generate RTM lock eliding code.
    } else if (method_has_option("UseRTMLockEliding") || ((rtm_state & UseRTM) != 0) || !UseRTMDeopt) {
      // Generate RTM lock eliding code without abort ratio calculation code.
    } else if (UseRTMDeopt) {
      // Generate RTM lock eliding code and include abort ratio calculation
      // code if UseRTMDeopt is on.
  if (debug_info()->recording_non_safepoints()) {
    set_node_note_array(new(comp_arena()) GrowableArray<Node_Notes*>
                        (comp_arena(), 8, 0, NULL));

  // // -- Initialize types before each compile --
  // // Update cached type information
  // if( _method && _method->constants() )
  //   Type::update_loaded_types(_method, _method->constants());

  // Init alias_type map.
  if (!_do_escape_analysis && aliaslevel == 3)
    aliaslevel = 2;  // No unique types without escape analysis
  _AliasLevel = aliaslevel;
  const int grow_ats = 16;
  _max_alias_types = grow_ats;
  _alias_types   = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(comp_arena(), AliasType*, grow_ats);
  AliasType* ats = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(comp_arena(), AliasType,  grow_ats);
  Copy::zero_to_bytes(ats, sizeof(AliasType)*grow_ats);
    for (int i = 0; i < grow_ats; i++)  _alias_types[i] = &ats[i];
  // Initialize the first few types.
  _alias_types[AliasIdxTop]->Init(AliasIdxTop, NULL);
  _alias_types[AliasIdxBot]->Init(AliasIdxBot, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
  _alias_types[AliasIdxRaw]->Init(AliasIdxRaw, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM);
  _num_alias_types = AliasIdxRaw+1;
  // Zero out the alias type cache.
  Copy::zero_to_bytes(_alias_cache, sizeof(_alias_cache));
  // A NULL adr_type hits in the cache right away.  Preload the right answer.
  probe_alias_cache(NULL)->_index = AliasIdxTop;

  _intrinsics = NULL;
  _macro_nodes = new(comp_arena()) GrowableArray<Node*>(comp_arena(), 8,  0, NULL);
  _predicate_opaqs = new(comp_arena()) GrowableArray<Node*>(comp_arena(), 8,  0, NULL);
  _expensive_nodes = new(comp_arena()) GrowableArray<Node*>(comp_arena(), 8,  0, NULL);
  _range_check_casts = new(comp_arena()) GrowableArray<Node*>(comp_arena(), 8,  0, NULL);
#ifdef ASSERT
  _type_verify_symmetry = true;

// Install the StartNode on this compile object.
void Compile::init_start(StartNode* s) {
  if (failing())
    return; // already failing
  assert(s == start(), "");

StartNode* Compile::start() const {
  assert(!failing(), "");
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = root()->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* start = root()->fast_out(i);
    if( start->is_Start() )
      return start->as_Start();
  fatal("Did not find Start node!");
  return NULL;

// Access immutable memory
Node* Compile::immutable_memory() {
  if (_immutable_memory != NULL) {
    return _immutable_memory;
  StartNode* s = start();
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s->fast_outs(imax); true; i++) {
    Node *p = s->fast_out(i);
    if (p != s && p->as_Proj()->_con == TypeFunc::Memory) {
      _immutable_memory = p;
      return _immutable_memory;
  return NULL;

// Install the cached top node, and make sure Node::is_top works correctly.
void Compile::set_cached_top_node(Node* tn) {
  if (tn != NULL)  verify_top(tn);
  Node* old_top = _top;
  _top = tn;
  // Calling Node::setup_is_top allows the nodes the chance to adjust
  // their _out arrays.
  if (_top != NULL)     _top->setup_is_top();
  if (old_top != NULL)  old_top->setup_is_top();
  assert(_top == NULL || top()->is_top(), "");

#ifdef ASSERT
uint Compile::count_live_nodes_by_graph_walk() {
  Unique_Node_List useful(comp_arena());
  // Get useful node list by walking the graph.
  return useful.size();

void Compile::print_missing_nodes() {

  // Return if CompileLog is NULL and PrintIdealNodeCount is false.
  if ((_log == NULL) && (! PrintIdealNodeCount)) {

  // This is an expensive function. It is executed only when the user
  // specifies VerifyIdealNodeCount option or otherwise knows the
  // additional work that needs to be done to identify reachable nodes
  // by walking the flow graph and find the missing ones using
  // _dead_node_list.

  Unique_Node_List useful(comp_arena());
  // Get useful node list by walking the graph.

  uint l_nodes = C->live_nodes();
  uint l_nodes_by_walk = useful.size();

  if (l_nodes != l_nodes_by_walk) {
    if (_log != NULL) {
      _log->begin_head("mismatched_nodes count='%d'", abs((int) (l_nodes - l_nodes_by_walk)));
    VectorSet& useful_member_set = useful.member_set();
    int last_idx = l_nodes_by_walk;
    for (int i = 0; i < last_idx; i++) {
      if (useful_member_set.test(i)) {
        if (_dead_node_list.test(i)) {
          if (_log != NULL) {
            _log->elem("mismatched_node_info node_idx='%d' type='both live and dead'", i);
          if (PrintIdealNodeCount) {
            // Print the log message to tty
              tty->print_cr("mismatched_node idx='%d' both live and dead'", i);
      else if (! _dead_node_list.test(i)) {
        if (_log != NULL) {
          _log->elem("mismatched_node_info node_idx='%d' type='neither live nor dead'", i);
        if (PrintIdealNodeCount) {
          // Print the log message to tty
          tty->print_cr("mismatched_node idx='%d' type='neither live nor dead'", i);
    if (_log != NULL) {

#ifndef PRODUCT
void Compile::verify_top(Node* tn) const {
  if (tn != NULL) {
    assert(tn->is_Con(), "top node must be a constant");
    assert(((ConNode*)tn)->type() == Type::TOP, "top node must have correct type");
    assert(tn->in(0) != NULL, "must have live top node");

///-------------------Managing Per-Node Debug & Profile Info-------------------

void Compile::grow_node_notes(GrowableArray<Node_Notes*>* arr, int grow_by) {
  guarantee(arr != NULL, "");
  int num_blocks = arr->length();
  if (grow_by < num_blocks)  grow_by = num_blocks;
  int num_notes = grow_by * _node_notes_block_size;
  Node_Notes* notes = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(node_arena(), Node_Notes, num_notes);
  Copy::zero_to_bytes(notes, num_notes * sizeof(Node_Notes));
  while (num_notes > 0) {
    notes     += _node_notes_block_size;
    num_notes -= _node_notes_block_size;
  assert(num_notes == 0, "exact multiple, please");

bool Compile::copy_node_notes_to(Node* dest, Node* source) {
  if (source == NULL || dest == NULL)  return false;

  if (dest->is_Con())
    return false;               // Do not push debug info onto constants.

#ifdef ASSERT
  // Leave a bread crumb trail pointing to the original node:
  if (dest != NULL && dest != source && dest->debug_orig() == NULL) {

  if (node_note_array() == NULL)
    return false;               // Not collecting any notes now.

  // This is a copy onto a pre-existing node, which may already have notes.
  // If both nodes have notes, do not overwrite any pre-existing notes.
  Node_Notes* source_notes = node_notes_at(source->_idx);
  if (source_notes == NULL || source_notes->is_clear())  return false;
  Node_Notes* dest_notes   = node_notes_at(dest->_idx);
  if (dest_notes == NULL || dest_notes->is_clear()) {
    return set_node_notes_at(dest->_idx, source_notes);

  Node_Notes merged_notes = (*source_notes);
  // The order of operations here ensures that dest notes will win...
  return set_node_notes_at(dest->_idx, &merged_notes);

// Gating condition for coalescing similar range checks.
// Sometimes we try 'speculatively' replacing a series of a range checks by a
// single covering check that is at least as strong as any of them.
// If the optimization succeeds, the simplified (strengthened) range check
// will always succeed.  If it fails, we will deopt, and then give up
// on the optimization.
bool Compile::allow_range_check_smearing() const {
  // If this method has already thrown a range-check,
  // assume it was because we already tried range smearing
  // and it failed.
  uint already_trapped = trap_count(Deoptimization::Reason_range_check);
  return !already_trapped;

const TypePtr *Compile::flatten_alias_type( const TypePtr *tj ) const {
  int offset = tj->offset();
  TypePtr::PTR ptr = tj->ptr();

  // Known instance (scalarizable allocation) alias only with itself.
  bool is_known_inst = tj->isa_oopptr() != NULL &&

  // Process weird unsafe references.
  if (offset == Type::OffsetBot && (tj->isa_instptr() /*|| tj->isa_klassptr()*/)) {
    assert(InlineUnsafeOps, "indeterminate pointers come only from unsafe ops");
    assert(!is_known_inst, "scalarizable allocation should not have unsafe references");
    tj = TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM;
    ptr = tj->ptr();
    offset = tj->offset();

  // Array pointers need some flattening
  const TypeAryPtr *ta = tj->isa_aryptr();
  if (ta && ta->is_stable()) {
    // Erase stability property for alias analysis.
    tj = ta = ta->cast_to_stable(false);
  if( ta && is_known_inst ) {
    if ( offset != Type::OffsetBot &&
         offset > arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() ) {
      offset = Type::OffsetBot; // Flatten constant access into array body only
      tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr, ta->ary(), ta->klass(), true, offset, ta->instance_id());
  } else if( ta && _AliasLevel >= 2 ) {
    // For arrays indexed by constant indices, we flatten the alias
    // space to include all of the array body.  Only the header, klass
    // and array length can be accessed un-aliased.
    if( offset != Type::OffsetBot ) {
      if( ta->const_oop() ) { // MethodData* or Method*
        offset = Type::OffsetBot;   // Flatten constant access into array body
        tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr,ta->const_oop(),ta->ary(),ta->klass(),false,offset);
      } else if( offset == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() ) {
        // range is OK as-is.
        tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::RANGE;
      } else if( offset == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes() ) {
        tj = TypeInstPtr::KLASS; // all klass loads look alike
        ta = TypeAryPtr::RANGE; // generic ignored junk
        ptr = TypePtr::BotPTR;
      } else if( offset == oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() ) {
        tj = TypeInstPtr::MARK;
        ta = TypeAryPtr::RANGE; // generic ignored junk
        ptr = TypePtr::BotPTR;
      } else {                  // Random constant offset into array body
        offset = Type::OffsetBot;   // Flatten constant access into array body
        tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr,ta->ary(),ta->klass(),false,offset);
    // Arrays of fixed size alias with arrays of unknown size.
    if (ta->size() != TypeInt::POS) {
      const TypeAry *tary = TypeAry::make(ta->elem(), TypeInt::POS);
      tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr,ta->const_oop(),tary,ta->klass(),false,offset);
    // Arrays of known objects become arrays of unknown objects.
    if (ta->elem()->isa_narrowoop() && ta->elem() != TypeNarrowOop::BOTTOM) {
      const TypeAry *tary = TypeAry::make(TypeNarrowOop::BOTTOM, ta->size());
      tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr,ta->const_oop(),tary,NULL,false,offset);
    if (ta->elem()->isa_oopptr() && ta->elem() != TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM) {
      const TypeAry *tary = TypeAry::make(TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM, ta->size());
      tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr,ta->const_oop(),tary,NULL,false,offset);
    // Arrays of bytes and of booleans both use 'bastore' and 'baload' so
    // cannot be distinguished by bytecode alone.
    if (ta->elem() == TypeInt::BOOL) {
      const TypeAry *tary = TypeAry::make(TypeInt::BYTE, ta->size());
      ciKlass* aklass = ciTypeArrayKlass::make(T_BYTE);
      tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(ptr,ta->const_oop(),tary,aklass,false,offset);
    // During the 2nd round of IterGVN, NotNull castings are removed.
    // Make sure the Bottom and NotNull variants alias the same.
    // Also, make sure exact and non-exact variants alias the same.
    if (ptr == TypePtr::NotNull || ta->klass_is_exact() || ta->speculative() != NULL) {
      tj = ta = TypeAryPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR,ta->ary(),ta->klass(),false,offset);

  // Oop pointers need some flattening
  const TypeInstPtr *to = tj->isa_instptr();
  if( to && _AliasLevel >= 2 && to != TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM ) {
    ciInstanceKlass *k = to->klass()->as_instance_klass();
    if( ptr == TypePtr::Constant ) {
      if (to->klass() != ciEnv::current()->Class_klass() ||
          offset < k->size_helper() * wordSize) {
        // No constant oop pointers (such as Strings); they alias with
        // unknown strings.
        assert(!is_known_inst, "not scalarizable allocation");
        tj = to = TypeInstPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR,to->klass(),false,0,offset);
    } else if( is_known_inst ) {
      tj = to; // Keep NotNull and klass_is_exact for instance type
    } else if( ptr == TypePtr::NotNull || to->klass_is_exact() ) {
      // During the 2nd round of IterGVN, NotNull castings are removed.
      // Make sure the Bottom and NotNull variants alias the same.
      // Also, make sure exact and non-exact variants alias the same.
      tj = to = TypeInstPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR,to->klass(),false,0,offset);
    if (to->speculative() != NULL) {
      tj = to = TypeInstPtr::make(to->ptr(),to->klass(),to->klass_is_exact(),to->const_oop(),to->offset(), to->instance_id());
    // Canonicalize the holder of this field
    if (offset >= 0 && offset < instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes()) {
      // First handle header references such as a LoadKlassNode, even if the
      // object's klass is unloaded at compile time (4965979).
      if (!is_known_inst) { // Do it only for non-instance types
        tj = to = TypeInstPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR, env()->Object_klass(), false, NULL, offset);
    } else if (offset < 0 || offset >= k->size_helper() * wordSize) {
      // Static fields are in the space above the normal instance
      // fields in the java.lang.Class instance.
      if (to->klass() != ciEnv::current()->Class_klass()) {
        to = NULL;
        tj = TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM;
        offset = tj->offset();
    } else {
      ciInstanceKlass *canonical_holder = k->get_canonical_holder(offset);
      if (!k->equals(canonical_holder) || tj->offset() != offset) {
        if( is_known_inst ) {
          tj = to = TypeInstPtr::make(to->ptr(), canonical_holder, true, NULL, offset, to->instance_id());
        } else {
          tj = to = TypeInstPtr::make(to->ptr(), canonical_holder, false, NULL, offset);

  // Klass pointers to object array klasses need some flattening
  const TypeKlassPtr *tk = tj->isa_klassptr();
  if( tk ) {
    // If we are referencing a field within a Klass, we need
    // to assume the worst case of an Object.  Both exact and
    // inexact types must flatten to the same alias class so
    // use NotNull as the PTR.
    if ( offset == Type::OffsetBot || (offset >= 0 && (size_t)offset < sizeof(Klass)) ) {

      tj = tk = TypeKlassPtr::make(TypePtr::NotNull,

    ciKlass* klass = tk->klass();
    if( klass->is_obj_array_klass() ) {
      ciKlass* k = TypeAryPtr::OOPS->klass();
      if( !k || !k->is_loaded() )                  // Only fails for some -Xcomp runs
        k = TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM->klass();
      tj = tk = TypeKlassPtr::make( TypePtr::NotNull, k, offset );

    // Check for precise loads from the primary supertype array and force them
    // to the supertype cache alias index.  Check for generic array loads from
    // the primary supertype array and also force them to the supertype cache
    // alias index.  Since the same load can reach both, we need to merge
    // these 2 disparate memories into the same alias class.  Since the
    // primary supertype array is read-only, there's no chance of confusion
    // where we bypass an array load and an array store.
    int primary_supers_offset = in_bytes(Klass::primary_supers_offset());
    if (offset == Type::OffsetBot ||
        (offset >= primary_supers_offset &&
         offset < (int)(primary_supers_offset + Klass::primary_super_limit() * wordSize)) ||
        offset == (int)in_bytes(Klass::secondary_super_cache_offset())) {
      offset = in_bytes(Klass::secondary_super_cache_offset());
      tj = tk = TypeKlassPtr::make( TypePtr::NotNull, tk->klass(), offset );

  // Flatten all Raw pointers together.
  if (tj->base() == Type::RawPtr)
    tj = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;

  if (tj->base() == Type::AnyPtr)
    tj = TypePtr::BOTTOM;      // An error, which the caller must check for.

  // Flatten all to bottom for now
  switch( _AliasLevel ) {
  case 0:
    tj = TypePtr::BOTTOM;
  case 1:                       // Flatten to: oop, static, field or array
    switch (tj->base()) {
    //case Type::AryPtr: tj = TypeAryPtr::RANGE;    break;
    case Type::RawPtr:   tj = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;   break;
    case Type::AryPtr:   // do not distinguish arrays at all
    case Type::InstPtr:  tj = TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM;  break;
    case Type::KlassPtr: tj = TypeKlassPtr::OBJECT; break;
    case Type::AnyPtr:   tj = TypePtr::BOTTOM;      break;  // caller checks it
    default: ShouldNotReachHere();
  case 2:                       // No collapsing at level 2; keep all splits
  case 3:                       // No collapsing at level 3; keep all splits

  offset = tj->offset();
  assert( offset != Type::OffsetTop, "Offset has fallen from constant" );

  assert( (offset != Type::OffsetBot && tj->base() != Type::AryPtr) ||
          (offset == Type::OffsetBot && tj->base() == Type::AryPtr) ||
          (offset == Type::OffsetBot && tj == TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM) ||
          (offset == Type::OffsetBot && tj == TypePtr::BOTTOM) ||
          (offset == oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() && tj->base() == Type::AryPtr) ||
          (offset == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes() && tj->base() == Type::AryPtr) ||
          (offset == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() && tj->base() == Type::AryPtr)  ,
          "For oops, klasses, raw offset must be constant; for arrays the offset is never known" );
  assert( tj->ptr() != TypePtr::TopPTR &&
          tj->ptr() != TypePtr::AnyNull &&
          tj->ptr() != TypePtr::Null, "No imprecise addresses" );
//    assert( tj->ptr() != TypePtr::Constant ||
//            tj->base() == Type::RawPtr ||
//            tj->base() == Type::KlassPtr, "No constant oop addresses" );

  return tj;

void Compile::AliasType::Init(int i, const TypePtr* at) {
  _index = i;
  _adr_type = at;
  _field = NULL;
  _element = NULL;
  _is_rewritable = true; // default
  const TypeOopPtr *atoop = (at != NULL) ? at->isa_oopptr() : NULL;
  if (atoop != NULL && atoop->is_known_instance()) {
    const TypeOopPtr *gt = atoop->cast_to_instance_id(TypeOopPtr::InstanceBot);
    _general_index = Compile::current()->get_alias_index(gt);
  } else {
    _general_index = 0;

BasicType Compile::AliasType::basic_type() const {
  if (element() != NULL) {
    const Type* element = adr_type()->is_aryptr()->elem();
    return element->isa_narrowoop() ? T_OBJECT : element->array_element_basic_type();
  } if (field() != NULL) {
    return field()->layout_type();
  } else {
    return T_ILLEGAL; // unknown

#ifndef PRODUCT
void Compile::AliasType::print_on(outputStream* st) {
  if (index() < 10)
        st->print("@ <%d> ", index());
  else  st->print("@ <%d>",  index());
  st->print(is_rewritable() ? "   " : " RO");
  int offset = adr_type()->offset();
  if (offset == Type::OffsetBot)
        st->print(" +any");
  else  st->print(" +%-3d", offset);
  st->print(" in ");
  const TypeOopPtr* tjp = adr_type()->isa_oopptr();
  if (field() != NULL && tjp) {
    if (tjp->klass()  != field()->holder() ||
        tjp->offset() != field()->offset_in_bytes()) {
      st->print(" != ");
      st->print(" ***");

void print_alias_types() {
  Compile* C = Compile::current();
  tty->print_cr("--- Alias types, AliasIdxBot .. %d", C->num_alias_types()-1);
  for (int idx = Compile::AliasIdxBot; idx < C->num_alias_types(); idx++) {

Compile::AliasCacheEntry* Compile::probe_alias_cache(const TypePtr* adr_type) {
  intptr_t key = (intptr_t) adr_type;
  key ^= key >> logAliasCacheSize;
  return &_alias_cache[key & right_n_bits(logAliasCacheSize)];

void Compile::grow_alias_types() {
  const int old_ats  = _max_alias_types; // how many before?
  const int new_ats  = old_ats;          // how many more?
  const int grow_ats = old_ats+new_ats;  // how many now?
  _max_alias_types = grow_ats;
  _alias_types =  REALLOC_ARENA_ARRAY(comp_arena(), AliasType*, _alias_types, old_ats, grow_ats);
  AliasType* ats =    NEW_ARENA_ARRAY(comp_arena(), AliasType, new_ats);
  Copy::zero_to_bytes(ats, sizeof(AliasType)*new_ats);
  for (int i = 0; i < new_ats; i++)  _alias_types[old_ats+i] = &ats[i];

Compile::AliasType* Compile::find_alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type, bool no_create, ciField* original_field) {
  if (_AliasLevel == 0)
    return alias_type(AliasIdxBot);

  AliasCacheEntry* ace = probe_alias_cache(adr_type);
  if (ace->_adr_type == adr_type) {
    return alias_type(ace->_index);

  // Handle special cases.
  if (adr_type == NULL)             return alias_type(AliasIdxTop);
  if (adr_type == TypePtr::BOTTOM)  return alias_type(AliasIdxBot);

  // Do it the slow way.
  const TypePtr* flat = flatten_alias_type(adr_type);

#ifdef ASSERT
    ResourceMark rm;
    assert(flat == flatten_alias_type(flat),
           err_msg("not idempotent: adr_type = %s; flat = %s => %s", Type::str(adr_type),
                   Type::str(flat), Type::str(flatten_alias_type(flat))));
    assert(flat != TypePtr::BOTTOM,
           err_msg("cannot alias-analyze an untyped ptr: adr_type = %s", Type::str(adr_type)));
    if (flat->isa_oopptr() && !flat->isa_klassptr()) {
      const TypeOopPtr* foop = flat->is_oopptr();
      // Scalarizable allocations have exact klass always.
      bool exact = !foop->klass_is_exact() || foop->is_known_instance();
      const TypePtr* xoop = foop->cast_to_exactness(exact)->is_ptr();
      assert(foop == flatten_alias_type(xoop),
             err_msg("exactness must not affect alias type: foop = %s; xoop = %s",
                     Type::str(foop), Type::str(xoop)));

  int idx = AliasIdxTop;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_alias_types(); i++) {
    if (alias_type(i)->adr_type() == flat) {
      idx = i;

  if (idx == AliasIdxTop) {
    if (no_create)  return NULL;
    // Grow the array if necessary.
    if (_num_alias_types == _max_alias_types)  grow_alias_types();
    // Add a new alias type.
    idx = _num_alias_types++;
    _alias_types[idx]->Init(idx, flat);
    if (flat == TypeInstPtr::KLASS)  alias_type(idx)->set_rewritable(false);
    if (flat == TypeAryPtr::RANGE)   alias_type(idx)->set_rewritable(false);
    if (flat->isa_instptr()) {
      if (flat->offset() == java_lang_Class::klass_offset_in_bytes()
          && flat->is_instptr()->klass() == env()->Class_klass())
    if (flat->isa_aryptr()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
      const int header_size_min  = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE);
      // (T_BYTE has the weakest alignment and size restrictions...)
      assert(flat->offset() < header_size_min, "array body reference must be OffsetBot");
      if (flat->offset() == TypePtr::OffsetBot) {
    if (flat->isa_klassptr()) {
      if (flat->offset() == in_bytes(Klass::super_check_offset_offset()))
      if (flat->offset() == in_bytes(Klass::modifier_flags_offset()))
      if (flat->offset() == in_bytes(Klass::access_flags_offset()))
      if (flat->offset() == in_bytes(Klass::java_mirror_offset()))
    // %%% (We would like to finalize JavaThread::threadObj_offset(),
    // but the base pointer type is not distinctive enough to identify
    // references into JavaThread.)

    // Check for final fields.
    const TypeInstPtr* tinst = flat->isa_instptr();
    if (tinst && tinst->offset() >= instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes()) {
      ciField* field;
      if (tinst->const_oop() != NULL &&
          tinst->klass() == ciEnv::current()->Class_klass() &&
          tinst->offset() >= (tinst->klass()->as_instance_klass()->size_helper() * wordSize)) {
        // static field
        ciInstanceKlass* k = tinst->const_oop()->as_instance()->java_lang_Class_klass()->as_instance_klass();
        field = k->get_field_by_offset(tinst->offset(), true);
      } else {
        ciInstanceKlass *k = tinst->klass()->as_instance_klass();
        field = k->get_field_by_offset(tinst->offset(), false);
      assert(field == NULL ||
             original_field == NULL ||
             (field->holder() == original_field->holder() &&
              field->offset() == original_field->offset() &&
              field->is_static() == original_field->is_static()), "wrong field?");
      // Set field() and is_rewritable() attributes.
      if (field != NULL)  alias_type(idx)->set_field(field);

  // Fill the cache for next time.
  ace->_adr_type = adr_type;
  ace->_index    = idx;
  assert(alias_type(adr_type) == alias_type(idx),  "type must be installed");

  // Might as well try to fill the cache for the flattened version, too.
  AliasCacheEntry* face = probe_alias_cache(flat);
  if (face->_adr_type == NULL) {
    face->_adr_type = flat;
    face->_index    = idx;
    assert(alias_type(flat) == alias_type(idx), "flat type must work too");

  return alias_type(idx);

Compile::AliasType* Compile::alias_type(ciField* field) {
  const TypeOopPtr* t;
  if (field->is_static())
    t = TypeInstPtr::make(field->holder()->java_mirror());
    t = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass_raw(field->holder());
  AliasType* atp = alias_type(t->add_offset(field->offset_in_bytes()), field);
  assert((field->is_final() || field->is_stable()) == !atp->is_rewritable(), "must get the rewritable bits correct");
  return atp;

bool Compile::have_alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type) {
  AliasCacheEntry* ace = probe_alias_cache(adr_type);
  if (ace->_adr_type == adr_type) {
    return true;

  // Handle special cases.
  if (adr_type == NULL)             return true;
  if (adr_type == TypePtr::BOTTOM)  return true;

  return find_alias_type(adr_type, true, NULL) != NULL;

// True if all values of the given address type are in the given alias category.
bool Compile::must_alias(const TypePtr* adr_type, int alias_idx) {
  if (alias_idx == AliasIdxBot)         return true;  // the universal category
  if (adr_type == NULL)                 return true;  // NULL serves as TypePtr::TOP
  if (alias_idx == AliasIdxTop)         return false; // the empty category
  if (adr_type->base() == Type::AnyPtr) return false; // TypePtr::BOTTOM or its twins

  // the only remaining possible overlap is identity
  int adr_idx = get_alias_index(adr_type);
  assert(adr_idx != AliasIdxBot && adr_idx != AliasIdxTop, "");
  assert(adr_idx == alias_idx ||
         (alias_type(alias_idx)->adr_type() != TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM
          && adr_type                       != TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM),
         "should not be testing for overlap with an unsafe pointer");
  return adr_idx == alias_idx;

// True if any values of the given address type are in the given alias category.
bool Compile::can_alias(const TypePtr* adr_type, int alias_idx) {
  if (alias_idx == AliasIdxTop)         return false; // the empty category
  if (adr_type == NULL)                 return false; // NULL serves as TypePtr::TOP
  if (alias_idx == AliasIdxBot)         return true;  // the universal category
  if (adr_type->base() == Type::AnyPtr) return true;  // TypePtr::BOTTOM or its twins

  // the only remaining possible overlap is identity
  int adr_idx = get_alias_index(adr_type);
  assert(adr_idx != AliasIdxBot && adr_idx != AliasIdxTop, "");
  return adr_idx == alias_idx;

WarmCallInfo* Compile::pop_warm_call() {
  WarmCallInfo* wci = _warm_calls;
  if (wci != NULL)  _warm_calls = wci->remove_from(wci);
  return wci;

int Compile::Inline_Warm() {
  // If there is room, try to inline some more warm call sites.
  // %%% Do a graph index compaction pass when we think we're out of space?
  if (!InlineWarmCalls)  return 0;

  int calls_made_hot = 0;
  int room_to_grow   = NodeCountInliningCutoff - unique();
  int amount_to_grow = MIN2(room_to_grow, (int)NodeCountInliningStep);
  int amount_grown   = 0;
  WarmCallInfo* call;
  while (amount_to_grow > 0 && (call = pop_warm_call()) != NULL) {
    int est_size = (int)call->size();
    if (est_size > (room_to_grow - amount_grown)) {
      // This one won't fit anyway.  Get rid of it.
    amount_grown   += est_size;
    amount_to_grow -= est_size;

  if (calls_made_hot > 0)  set_major_progress();
  return calls_made_hot;

void Compile::Finish_Warm() {
  if (!InlineWarmCalls)  return;
  if (failing())  return;
  if (warm_calls() == NULL)  return;

  // Clean up loose ends, if we are out of space for inlining.
  WarmCallInfo* call;
  while ((call = pop_warm_call()) != NULL) {

// Remove the opaque nodes that protect the predicates so that all unused
// checks and uncommon_traps will be eliminated from the ideal graph
void Compile::cleanup_loop_predicates(PhaseIterGVN &igvn) {
  if (predicate_count()==0) return;
  for (int i = predicate_count(); i > 0; i--) {
    Node * n = predicate_opaque1_node(i-1);
    assert(n->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1, "must be");
    igvn.replace_node(n, n->in(1));
  assert(predicate_count()==0, "should be clean!");

void Compile::add_range_check_cast(Node* n) {
  assert(n->isa_CastII()->has_range_check(), "CastII should have range check dependency");
  assert(!_range_check_casts->contains(n), "duplicate entry in range check casts");

// Remove all range check dependent CastIINodes.
void Compile::remove_range_check_casts(PhaseIterGVN &igvn) {
  for (int i = range_check_cast_count(); i > 0; i--) {
    Node* cast = range_check_cast_node(i-1);
    assert(cast->isa_CastII()->has_range_check(), "CastII should have range check dependency");
    igvn.replace_node(cast, cast->in(1));
  assert(range_check_cast_count() == 0, "should be empty");

// StringOpts and late inlining of string methods
void Compile::inline_string_calls(bool parse_time) {
    // remove useless nodes to make the usage analysis simpler
    ResourceMark rm;
    PhaseRemoveUseless pru(initial_gvn(), for_igvn());

    ResourceMark rm;
    print_method(PHASE_BEFORE_STRINGOPTS, 3);
    PhaseStringOpts pso(initial_gvn(), for_igvn());
    print_method(PHASE_AFTER_STRINGOPTS, 3);

  // now inline anything that we skipped the first time around
  if (!parse_time) {
    _late_inlines_pos = _late_inlines.length();

  while (_string_late_inlines.length() > 0) {
    CallGenerator* cg = _string_late_inlines.pop();
    if (failing())  return;

// Late inlining of boxing methods
void Compile::inline_boxing_calls(PhaseIterGVN& igvn) {
  if (_boxing_late_inlines.length() > 0) {
    assert(has_boxed_value(), "inconsistent");

    PhaseGVN* gvn = initial_gvn();

    assert( igvn._worklist.size() == 0, "should be done with igvn" );

    _late_inlines_pos = _late_inlines.length();

    while (_boxing_late_inlines.length() > 0) {
      CallGenerator* cg = _boxing_late_inlines.pop();
      if (failing())  return;

      ResourceMark rm;
      PhaseRemoveUseless pru(gvn, for_igvn());

    igvn = PhaseIterGVN(gvn);


void Compile::inline_incrementally_one(PhaseIterGVN& igvn) {
  assert(IncrementalInline, "incremental inlining should be on");
  PhaseGVN* gvn = initial_gvn();


  int i = 0;

  for (; i <_late_inlines.length() && !inlining_progress(); i++) {
    CallGenerator* cg =;
    _late_inlines_pos = i+1;
    if (failing())  return;
  int j = 0;
  for (; i < _late_inlines.length(); i++, j++) {

    ResourceMark rm;
    PhaseRemoveUseless pru(gvn, for_igvn());

  igvn = PhaseIterGVN(gvn);

// Perform incremental inlining until bound on number of live nodes is reached
void Compile::inline_incrementally(PhaseIterGVN& igvn) {
  PhaseGVN* gvn = initial_gvn();

  uint low_live_nodes = 0;

  while(inlining_progress() && _late_inlines.length() > 0) {

    if (live_nodes() > (uint)LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff) {
      if (low_live_nodes < (uint)LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff * 8 / 10) {
        // PhaseIdealLoop is expensive so we only try it once we are
        // out of live nodes and we only try it again if the previous
        // helped got the number of nodes down significantly
        PhaseIdealLoop ideal_loop( igvn, false, true );
        if (failing())  return;
        low_live_nodes = live_nodes();
        _major_progress = true;

      if (live_nodes() > (uint)LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff) {


    if (failing())  return;


    if (failing())  return;

  assert( igvn._worklist.size() == 0, "should be done with igvn" );

  if (_string_late_inlines.length() > 0) {
    assert(has_stringbuilder(), "inconsistent");


    if (failing())  return;

      ResourceMark rm;
      PhaseRemoveUseless pru(initial_gvn(), for_igvn());

    igvn = PhaseIterGVN(gvn);



// Remove edges from "root" to each SafePoint at a backward branch.
// They were inserted during parsing (see add_safepoint()) to make
// infinite loops without calls or exceptions visible to root, i.e.,
// useful.
void Compile::remove_root_to_sfpts_edges(PhaseIterGVN& igvn) {
  Node *r = root();
  if (r != NULL) {
    for (uint i = r->req(); i < r->len(); ++i) {
      Node *n = r->in(i);
      if (n != NULL && n->is_SafePoint()) {
        if (n->outcnt() == 0) {

// Given a graph, optimize it.
void Compile::Optimize() {
  TracePhase t1("optimizer", &_t_optimizer, true);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (env()->break_at_compile()) {


  ResourceMark rm;
  int          loop_opts_cnt;

  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )


  // Iterative Global Value Numbering, including ideal transforms
  // Initialize IterGVN with types and values from parse-time GVN
  PhaseIterGVN igvn(initial_gvn());
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("iterGVN", &_t_iterGVN, TimeCompiler); )

  print_method(PHASE_ITER_GVN1, 2);

  if (failing())  return;

    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("incrementalInline", &_t_incrInline, TimeCompiler); )

  print_method(PHASE_INCREMENTAL_INLINE, 2);

  if (failing())  return;

  if (eliminate_boxing()) {
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("incrementalInline", &_t_incrInline, TimeCompiler); )
    // Inline valueOf() methods now.

    if (AlwaysIncrementalInline) {


    if (failing())  return;

  // Now that all inlining is over, cut edge from root to loop
  // safepoints

  // Remove the speculative part of types and clean up the graph from
  // the extra CastPP nodes whose only purpose is to carry them. Do
  // that early so that optimizations are not disrupted by the extra
  // CastPP nodes.

  // No more new expensive nodes will be added to the list from here
  // so keep only the actual candidates for optimizations.

  if (!failing() && RenumberLiveNodes && live_nodes() + NodeLimitFudgeFactor < unique()) {
    NOT_PRODUCT(Compile::TracePhase t2("", &_t_renumberLive, TimeCompiler);)
    Unique_Node_List new_worklist(C->comp_arena());
      ResourceMark rm;
      PhaseRenumberLive prl = PhaseRenumberLive(initial_gvn(), for_igvn(), &new_worklist);
    igvn = PhaseIterGVN(initial_gvn());

  // Perform escape analysis
  if (_do_escape_analysis && ConnectionGraph::has_candidates(this)) {
    if (has_loops()) {
      // Cleanup graph (remove dead nodes).
      TracePhase t2("idealLoop", &_t_idealLoop, true);
      PhaseIdealLoop ideal_loop( igvn, false, true );
      if (major_progress()) print_method(PHASE_PHASEIDEAL_BEFORE_EA, 2);
      if (failing())  return;
    ConnectionGraph::do_analysis(this, &igvn);

    if (failing())  return;

    // Optimize out fields loads from scalar replaceable allocations.
    print_method(PHASE_ITER_GVN_AFTER_EA, 2);

    if (failing())  return;

    if (congraph() != NULL && macro_count() > 0) {
      NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("macroEliminate", &_t_macroEliminate, TimeCompiler); )
      PhaseMacroExpand mexp(igvn);

      print_method(PHASE_ITER_GVN_AFTER_ELIMINATION, 2);

      if (failing())  return;

  // Loop transforms on the ideal graph.  Range Check Elimination,
  // peeling, unrolling, etc.

  // Set loop opts counter
  loop_opts_cnt = num_loop_opts();
  if((loop_opts_cnt > 0) && (has_loops() || has_split_ifs())) {
      TracePhase t2("idealLoop", &_t_idealLoop, true);
      PhaseIdealLoop ideal_loop( igvn, true );
      if (major_progress()) print_method(PHASE_PHASEIDEALLOOP1, 2);
      if (failing())  return;
    // Loop opts pass if partial peeling occurred in previous pass
    if(PartialPeelLoop && major_progress() && (loop_opts_cnt > 0)) {
      TracePhase t3("idealLoop", &_t_idealLoop, true);
      PhaseIdealLoop ideal_loop( igvn, false );
      if (major_progress()) print_method(PHASE_PHASEIDEALLOOP2, 2);
      if (failing())  return;
    // Loop opts pass for loop-unrolling before CCP
    if(major_progress() && (loop_opts_cnt > 0)) {
      TracePhase t4("idealLoop", &_t_idealLoop, true);
      PhaseIdealLoop ideal_loop( igvn, false );
      if (major_progress()) print_method(PHASE_PHASEIDEALLOOP3, 2);
    if (!failing()) {
      // Verify that last round of loop opts produced a valid graph
      NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("idealLoopVerify", &_t_idealLoopVerify, TimeCompiler); )
  if (failing())  return;

  // Conditional Constant Propagation;
  PhaseCCP ccp( &igvn );
  assert( true, "Break here to ccp.dump_nodes_and_types(_root,999,1)");
    TracePhase t2("ccp", &_t_ccp, true);
  print_method(PHASE_CPP1, 2);

  assert( true, "Break here to ccp.dump_old2new_map()");

  // Iterative Global Value Numbering, including ideal transforms
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("iterGVN2", &_t_iterGVN2, TimeCompiler); )
    igvn = ccp;

  print_method(PHASE_ITER_GVN2, 2);

  if (failing())  return;

  // Loop transforms on the ideal graph.  Range Check Elimination,
  // peeling, unrolling, etc.
  if(loop_opts_cnt > 0) {
    debug_only( int cnt = 0; );
    while(major_progress() && (loop_opts_cnt > 0)) {
      TracePhase t2("idealLoop", &_t_idealLoop, true);
      assert( cnt++ < 40, "infinite cycle in loop optimization" );
      PhaseIdealLoop ideal_loop( igvn, true);
      if (major_progress()) print_method(PHASE_PHASEIDEALLOOP_ITERATIONS, 2);
      if (failing())  return;

    // Verify that all previous optimizations produced a valid graph
    // at least to this point, even if no loop optimizations were done.
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("idealLoopVerify", &_t_idealLoopVerify, TimeCompiler); )

  if (range_check_cast_count() > 0) {
    // No more loop optimizations. Remove all range check dependent CastIINodes.

    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("macroExpand", &_t_macroExpand, TimeCompiler); )
    PhaseMacroExpand  mex(igvn);
    if (mex.expand_macro_nodes()) {
      assert(failing(), "must bail out w/ explicit message");

 } // (End scope of igvn; run destructor if necessary for asserts.)

  // A method with only infinite loops has no edges entering loops from root
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("graphReshape", &_t_graphReshaping, TimeCompiler); )
    if (final_graph_reshaping()) {
      assert(failing(), "must bail out w/ explicit message");

  print_method(PHASE_OPTIMIZE_FINISHED, 2);

// Given a graph, generate code for it
void Compile::Code_Gen() {
  if (failing()) {

  // Perform instruction selection.  You might think we could reclaim Matcher
  // memory PDQ, but actually the Matcher is used in generating spill code.
  // Internals of the Matcher (including some VectorSets) must remain live
  // for awhile - thus I cannot reclaim Matcher memory lest a VectorSet usage
  // set a bit in reclaimed memory.

  // In debug mode can dump m._nodes.dump() for mapping of ideal to machine
  // nodes.  Mapping is only valid at the root of each matched subtree.
  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )

  Matcher matcher;
  _matcher = &matcher;
    TracePhase t2("matcher", &_t_matcher, true);
  // In debug mode can dump m._nodes.dump() for mapping of ideal to machine
  // nodes.  Mapping is only valid at the root of each matched subtree.
  NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )

  // If you have too many nodes, or if matching has failed, bail out
  check_node_count(0, "out of nodes matching instructions");
  if (failing()) {

  // Build a proper-looking CFG
  PhaseCFG cfg(node_arena(), root(), matcher);
  _cfg = &cfg;
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("scheduler", &_t_scheduler, TimeCompiler); )
    bool success = cfg.do_global_code_motion();
    if (!success) {

    print_method(PHASE_GLOBAL_CODE_MOTION, 2);
    NOT_PRODUCT( verify_graph_edges(); )
    debug_only( cfg.verify(); )

  PhaseChaitin regalloc(unique(), cfg, matcher);
  _regalloc = &regalloc;
    TracePhase t2("regalloc", &_t_registerAllocation, true);
    // Perform register allocation.  After Chaitin, use-def chains are
    // no longer accurate (at spill code) and so must be ignored.
    // Node->LRG->reg mappings are still accurate.

    // Bail out if the allocator builds too many nodes
    if (failing()) {

  // Prior to register allocation we kept empty basic blocks in case the
  // the allocator needed a place to spill.  After register allocation we
  // are not adding any new instructions.  If any basic block is empty, we
  // can now safely remove it.
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("blockOrdering", &_t_blockOrdering, TimeCompiler); )
    if (do_freq_based_layout()) {
      PhaseBlockLayout layout(cfg);
    } else {

  // Apply peephole optimizations
  if( OptoPeephole ) {
    NOT_PRODUCT( TracePhase t2("peephole", &_t_peephole, TimeCompiler); )
    PhasePeephole peep( _regalloc, cfg);

  // Do late expand if CPU requires this.
  if (Matcher::require_postalloc_expand) {
    NOT_PRODUCT(TracePhase t2c("postalloc_expand", &_t_postalloc_expand, true));

  // Convert Nodes to instruction bits in a buffer
    // %%%% workspace merge brought two timers together for one job
    TracePhase t2a("output", &_t_output, true);
    NOT_PRODUCT( TraceTime t2b(NULL, &_t_codeGeneration, TimeCompiler, false); )


  // He's dead, Jim.
  _cfg     = (PhaseCFG*)((intptr_t)0xdeadbeef);
  _regalloc = (PhaseChaitin*)((intptr_t)0xdeadbeef);

// Dump formatted assembly
#ifndef PRODUCT
void Compile::dump_asm(int *pcs, uint pc_limit) {
  bool cut_short = false;
  tty->print("#  ");  _tf->dump();  tty->cr();

  // For all blocks
  int pc = 0x0;                 // Program counter
  char starts_bundle = ' ';

  Node *n = NULL;
  for (uint i = 0; i < _cfg->number_of_blocks(); i++) {
    if (VMThread::should_terminate()) {
      cut_short = true;
    Block* block = _cfg->get_block(i);
    if (block->is_connector() && !Verbose) {
    n = block->head();
    if (pcs && n->_idx < pc_limit) {
      tty->print("%3.3x   ", pcs[n->_idx]);
    } else {
      tty->print("      ");
    if (block->is_connector()) {
      tty->print_cr("        # Empty connector block");
    } else if (block->num_preds() == 2 && block->pred(1)->is_CatchProj() && block->pred(1)->as_CatchProj()->_con == CatchProjNode::fall_through_index) {
      tty->print_cr("        # Block is sole successor of call");

    // For all instructions
    Node *delay = NULL;
    for (uint j = 0; j < block->number_of_nodes(); j++) {
      if (VMThread::should_terminate()) {
        cut_short = true;
      n = block->get_node(j);
      if (valid_bundle_info(n)) {
        Bundle* bundle = node_bundling(n);
        if (bundle->used_in_unconditional_delay()) {
          delay = n;
        if (bundle->starts_bundle()) {
          starts_bundle = '+';

      if (WizardMode) {

      if( !n->is_Region() &&    // Dont print in the Assembly
          !n->is_Phi() &&       // a few noisely useless nodes
          !n->is_Proj() &&
          !n->is_MachTemp() &&
          !n->is_SafePointScalarObject() &&
          !n->is_Catch() &&     // Would be nice to print exception table targets
          !n->is_MergeMem() &&  // Not very interesting
          !n->is_top() &&       // Debug info table constants
          !(n->is_Con() && !n->is_Mach())// Debug info table constants
          ) {
        if (pcs && n->_idx < pc_limit)
          tty->print("%3.3x", pcs[n->_idx]);
          tty->print("   ");
        tty->print(" %c ", starts_bundle);
        starts_bundle = ' ';
        n->format(_regalloc, tty);

      // If we have an instruction with a delay slot, and have seen a delay,
      // then back up and print it
      if (valid_bundle_info(n) && node_bundling(n)->use_unconditional_delay()) {
        assert(delay != NULL, "no unconditional delay instruction");
        if (WizardMode) delay->dump();

        if (node_bundling(delay)->starts_bundle())
          starts_bundle = '+';
        if (pcs && n->_idx < pc_limit)
          tty->print("%3.3x", pcs[n->_idx]);
          tty->print("   ");
        tty->print(" %c ", starts_bundle);
        starts_bundle = ' ';
        delay->format(_regalloc, tty);
        delay = NULL;

      // Dump the exception table as well
      if( n->is_Catch() && (Verbose || WizardMode) ) {
        // Print the exception table for this offset

    if (pcs && n->_idx < pc_limit)
      tty->print_cr("%3.3x", pcs[n->_idx]);

    assert(cut_short || delay == NULL, "no unconditional delay branch");

  } // End of per-block dump

  if (cut_short)  tty->print_cr("*** disassembly is cut short ***");

// This class defines counters to help identify when a method
// may/must be executed using hardware with only 24-bit precision.
struct Final_Reshape_Counts : public StackObj {
  int  _call_count;             // count non-inlined 'common' calls
  int  _float_count;            // count float ops requiring 24-bit precision
  int  _double_count;           // count double ops requiring more precision
  int  _java_call_count;        // count non-inlined 'java' calls
  int  _inner_loop_count;       // count loops which need alignment
  VectorSet _visited;           // Visitation flags
  Node_List _tests;             // Set of IfNodes & PCTableNodes

  Final_Reshape_Counts() :
    _call_count(0), _float_count(0), _double_count(0),
    _java_call_count(0), _inner_loop_count(0),
    _visited( Thread::current()->resource_area() ) { }

  void inc_call_count  () { _call_count  ++; }
  void inc_float_count () { _float_count ++; }
  void inc_double_count() { _double_count++; }
  void inc_java_call_count() { _java_call_count++; }
  void inc_inner_loop_count() { _inner_loop_count++; }

  int  get_call_count  () const { return _call_count  ; }
  int  get_float_count () const { return _float_count ; }
  int  get_double_count() const { return _double_count; }
  int  get_java_call_count() const { return _java_call_count; }
  int  get_inner_loop_count() const { return _inner_loop_count; }

#ifdef ASSERT
static bool oop_offset_is_sane(const TypeInstPtr* tp) {
  ciInstanceKlass *k = tp->klass()->as_instance_klass();
  // Make sure the offset goes inside the instance layout.
  return k->contains_field_offset(tp->offset());
  // Note that OffsetBot and OffsetTop are very negative.

// Eliminate trivially redundant StoreCMs and accumulate their
// precedence edges.
void Compile::eliminate_redundant_card_marks(Node* n) {
  assert(n->Opcode() == Op_StoreCM, "expected StoreCM");
  if (n->in(MemNode::Address)->outcnt() > 1) {
    // There are multiple users of the same address so it might be
    // possible to eliminate some of the StoreCMs
    Node* mem = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
    Node* adr = n->in(MemNode::Address);
    Node* val = n->in(MemNode::ValueIn);
    Node* prev = n;
    bool done = false;
    // Walk the chain of StoreCMs eliminating ones that match.  As
    // long as it's a chain of single users then the optimization is
    // safe.  Eliminating partially redundant StoreCMs would require
    // cloning copies down the other paths.
    while (mem->Opcode() == Op_StoreCM && mem->outcnt() == 1 && !done) {
      if (adr == mem->in(MemNode::Address) &&
          val == mem->in(MemNode::ValueIn)) {
        // redundant StoreCM
        if (mem->req() > MemNode::OopStore) {
          // Hasn't been processed by this code yet.
        } else {
          // Already converted to precedence edge
          for (uint i = mem->req(); i < mem->len(); i++) {
            // Accumulate any precedence edges
            if (mem->in(i) != NULL) {
          // Everything above this point has been processed.
          done = true;
        // Eliminate the previous StoreCM
        prev->set_req(MemNode::Memory, mem->in(MemNode::Memory));
        assert(mem->outcnt() == 0, "should be dead");
        mem->disconnect_inputs(NULL, this);
      } else {
        prev = mem;
      mem = prev->in(MemNode::Memory);

// Implement items 1-5 from final_graph_reshaping below.
void Compile::final_graph_reshaping_impl( Node *n, Final_Reshape_Counts &frc) {

  if ( n->outcnt() == 0 ) return; // dead node
  uint nop = n->Opcode();

  // Check for 2-input instruction with "last use" on right input.
  // Swap to left input.  Implements item (2).
  if( n->req() == 3 &&          // two-input instruction
      n->in(1)->outcnt() > 1 && // left use is NOT a last use
      (!n->in(1)->is_Phi() || n->in(1)->in(2) != n) && // it is not data loop
      n->in(2)->outcnt() == 1 &&// right use IS a last use
      !n->in(2)->is_Con() ) {   // right use is not a constant
    // Check for commutative opcode
    switch( nop ) {
    case Op_AddI:  case Op_AddF:  case Op_AddD:  case Op_AddL:
    case Op_MaxI:  case Op_MinI:
    case Op_MulI:  case Op_MulF:  case Op_MulD:  case Op_MulL:
    case Op_AndL:  case Op_XorL:  case Op_OrL:
    case Op_AndI:  case Op_XorI:  case Op_OrI: {
      // Move "last use" input to left by swapping inputs
      n->swap_edges(1, 2);





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