
  // Counted loops that are guarded should be able to find their guards
  if( _head->is_CountedLoop() && _head->as_CountedLoop()->is_main_loop() ) {
    CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop();
    Node *init = cl->init_trip();
    Node *ctrl = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
    assert( ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue || ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse, "" );
    Node *iff  = ctrl->in(0);
    assert( iff->Opcode() == Op_If, "" );
    Node *bol  = iff->in(1);
    assert( bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool, "" );
    Node *cmp  = bol->in(1);
    assert( cmp->Opcode() == Op_CmpI, "" );
    Node *add  = cmp->in(1);
    Node *opaq;
    if( add->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1 ) {
      opaq = add;
    } else {
      assert( add->Opcode() == Op_AddI || add->Opcode() == Op_ConI , "" );
      assert( add == init, "" );
      opaq = cmp->in(2);
    assert( opaq->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1, "" );


  if (_child != NULL)  _child->verify_tree(loop->_child, this);
  if (_next  != NULL)  _next ->verify_tree(loop->_next,  parent);
  // Innermost loops need to verify loop bodies,
  // but only if no 'major_progress'
  int fail = 0;
  if (!Compile::current()->major_progress() && _child == NULL) {
    for( uint i = 0; i < _body.size(); i++ ) {
      Node *n =;
      if (n->outcnt() == 0)  continue; // Ignore dead
      uint j;
      for( j = 0; j < loop->_body.size(); j++ )
        if( loop-> == n )
      if( j == loop->_body.size() ) { // Not found in loop body
        // Last ditch effort to avoid assertion: Its possible that we
        // have some users (so outcnt not zero) but are still dead.
        // Try to find from root.
        if (Compile::current()->root()->find(n->_idx)) {
          tty->print("We have that verify does not: ");
    for( uint i2 = 0; i2 < loop->_body.size(); i2++ ) {
      Node *n = loop->;
      if (n->outcnt() == 0)  continue; // Ignore dead
      uint j;
      for( j = 0; j < _body.size(); j++ )
        if( == n )
      if( j == _body.size() ) { // Not found in loop body
        // Last ditch effort to avoid assertion: Its possible that we
        // have some users (so outcnt not zero) but are still dead.
        // Try to find from root.
        if (Compile::current()->root()->find(n->_idx)) {
          tty->print("Verify has that we do not: ");
    assert( !fail, "loop body mismatch" );


void PhaseIdealLoop::set_idom(Node* d, Node* n, uint dom_depth) {
  uint idx = d->_idx;
  if (idx >= _idom_size) {
    uint newsize = _idom_size<<1;
    while( idx >= newsize ) {
      newsize <<= 1;
    _idom      = REALLOC_RESOURCE_ARRAY( Node*,     _idom,_idom_size,newsize);
    _dom_depth = REALLOC_RESOURCE_ARRAY( uint, _dom_depth,_idom_size,newsize);
    memset( _dom_depth + _idom_size, 0, (newsize - _idom_size) * sizeof(uint) );
    _idom_size = newsize;
  _idom[idx] = n;
  _dom_depth[idx] = dom_depth;

// The dominator tree is constructed with only parent pointers.
// This recomputes the depth in the tree by first tagging all
// nodes as "no depth yet" marker.  The next pass then runs up
// the dom tree from each node marked "no depth yet", and computes
// the depth on the way back down.
void PhaseIdealLoop::recompute_dom_depth() {
  uint no_depth_marker = C->unique();
  uint i;
  // Initialize depth to "no depth yet"
  for (i = 0; i < _idom_size; i++) {
    if (_dom_depth[i] > 0 && _idom[i] != NULL) {
     _dom_depth[i] = no_depth_marker;
  if (_dom_stk == NULL) {
    uint init_size = C->live_nodes() / 100; // Guess that 1/100 is a reasonable initial size.
    if (init_size < 10) init_size = 10;
    _dom_stk = new GrowableArray<uint>(init_size);
  // Compute new depth for each node.
  for (i = 0; i < _idom_size; i++) {
    uint j = i;
    // Run up the dom tree to find a node with a depth
    while (_dom_depth[j] == no_depth_marker) {
      j = _idom[j]->_idx;
    // Compute the depth on the way back down this tree branch
    uint dd = _dom_depth[j] + 1;
    while (_dom_stk->length() > 0) {
      uint j = _dom_stk->pop();
      _dom_depth[j] = dd;

// Insert 'loop' into the existing loop tree.  'innermost' is a leaf of the
// loop tree, not the root.
IdealLoopTree *PhaseIdealLoop::sort( IdealLoopTree *loop, IdealLoopTree *innermost ) {
  if( !innermost ) return loop; // New innermost loop

  int loop_preorder = get_preorder(loop->_head); // Cache pre-order number
  assert( loop_preorder, "not yet post-walked loop" );
  IdealLoopTree **pp = &innermost;      // Pointer to previous next-pointer
  IdealLoopTree *l = *pp;               // Do I go before or after 'l'?

  // Insert at start of list
  while( l ) {                  // Insertion sort based on pre-order
    if( l == loop ) return innermost; // Already on list!
    int l_preorder = get_preorder(l->_head); // Cache pre-order number
    assert( l_preorder, "not yet post-walked l" );
    // Check header pre-order number to figure proper nesting
    if( loop_preorder > l_preorder )
      break;                    // End of insertion
    // If headers tie (e.g., shared headers) check tail pre-order numbers.
    // Since I split shared headers, you'd think this could not happen.
    // BUT: I must first do the preorder numbering before I can discover I
    // have shared headers, so the split headers all get the same preorder
    // number as the RegionNode they split from.
    if( loop_preorder == l_preorder &&
        get_preorder(loop->_tail) < get_preorder(l->_tail) )
      break;                    // Also check for shared headers (same pre#)
    pp = &l->_parent;           // Chain up list
    l = *pp;
  // Link into list
  // Point predecessor to me
  *pp = loop;
  // Point me to successor
  IdealLoopTree *p = loop->_parent;
  loop->_parent = l;            // Point me to successor
  if( p ) sort( p, innermost ); // Insert my parents into list as well
  return innermost;

// I use a modified Vick/Tarjan algorithm.  I need pre- and a post- visit
// bits.  The _nodes[] array is mapped by Node index and holds a NULL for
// not-yet-pre-walked, pre-order # for pre-but-not-post-walked and holds the
// tightest enclosing IdealLoopTree for post-walked.
// During my forward walk I do a short 1-layer lookahead to see if I can find
// a loop backedge with that doesn't have any work on the backedge.  This
// helps me construct nested loops with shared headers better.
// Once I've done the forward recursion, I do the post-work.  For each child
// I check to see if there is a backedge.  Backedges define a loop!  I
// insert an IdealLoopTree at the target of the backedge.
// During the post-work I also check to see if I have several children
// belonging to different loops.  If so, then this Node is a decision point
// where control flow can choose to change loop nests.  It is at this
// decision point where I can figure out how loops are nested.  At this
// time I can properly order the different loop nests from my children.
// Note that there may not be any backedges at the decision point!
// Since the decision point can be far removed from the backedges, I can't
// order my loops at the time I discover them.  Thus at the decision point
// I need to inspect loop header pre-order numbers to properly nest my
// loops.  This means I need to sort my childrens' loops by pre-order.
// The sort is of size number-of-control-children, which generally limits
// it to size 2 (i.e., I just choose between my 2 target loops).
void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_tree() {
  // Allocate stack of size C->live_nodes()/2 to avoid frequent realloc
  GrowableArray <Node *> bltstack(C->live_nodes() >> 1);
  Node *n = C->root();
  int pre_order = 1;
  int stack_size;

  while ( ( stack_size = bltstack.length() ) != 0 ) {
    n =; // Leave node on stack
    if ( !is_visited(n) ) {
      // ---- Pre-pass Work ----
      // Pre-walked but not post-walked nodes need a pre_order number.

      set_preorder_visited( n, pre_order ); // set as visited

      // ---- Scan over children ----
      // Scan first over control projections that lead to loop headers.
      // This helps us find inner-to-outer loops with shared headers better.

      // Scan children's children for loop headers.
      for ( int i = n->outcnt() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
        Node* m = n->raw_out(i);       // Child
        if( m->is_CFG() && !is_visited(m) ) { // Only for CFG children
          // Scan over children's children to find loop
          for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = m->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
            Node* l = m->fast_out(j);
            if( is_visited(l) &&       // Been visited?
                !is_postvisited(l) &&  // But not post-visited
                get_preorder(l) < pre_order ) { // And smaller pre-order
              // Found!  Scan the DFS down this path before doing other paths
    else if ( !is_postvisited(n) ) {
      // Note: build_loop_tree_impl() adds out edges on rare occasions,
      // such as
      // For non-recursive version, first, process current children.
      // On next iteration, check if additional children were added.
      for ( int k = n->outcnt() - 1; k >= 0; --k ) {
        Node* u = n->raw_out(k);
        if ( u->is_CFG() && !is_visited(u) ) {
      if ( bltstack.length() == stack_size ) {
        // There were no additional children, post visit node now
        (void)bltstack.pop(); // Remove node from stack
        pre_order = build_loop_tree_impl( n, pre_order );
        // Check for bailout
        if (C->failing()) {
        // Check to grow _preorders[] array for the case when
        // build_loop_tree_impl() adds new nodes.
    else {
      (void)bltstack.pop(); // Remove post-visited node from stack

int PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_tree_impl( Node *n, int pre_order ) {
  // ---- Post-pass Work ----
  // Pre-walked but not post-walked nodes need a pre_order number.

  // Tightest enclosing loop for this Node
  IdealLoopTree *innermost = NULL;

  // For all children, see if any edge is a backedge.  If so, make a loop
  // for it.  Then find the tightest enclosing loop for the self Node.
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* m = n->fast_out(i);   // Child
    if( n == m ) continue;      // Ignore control self-cycles
    if( !m->is_CFG() ) continue;// Ignore non-CFG edges

    IdealLoopTree *l;           // Child's loop
    if( !is_postvisited(m) ) {  // Child visited but not post-visited?
      // Found a backedge
      assert( get_preorder(m) < pre_order, "should be backedge" );
      // Check for the RootNode, which is already a LoopNode and is allowed
      // to have multiple "backedges".
      if( m == C->root()) {     // Found the root?
        l = _ltree_root;        // Root is the outermost LoopNode
      } else {                  // Else found a nested loop
        // Insert a LoopNode to mark this loop.
        l = new IdealLoopTree(this, m, n);
      } // End of Else found a nested loop
      if( !has_loop(m) )        // If 'm' does not already have a loop set
        set_loop(m, l);         // Set loop header to loop now

    } else {                    // Else not a nested loop
      if( !_nodes[m->_idx] ) continue; // Dead code has no loop
      l = get_loop(m);          // Get previously determined loop
      // If successor is header of a loop (nest), move up-loop till it
      // is a member of some outer enclosing loop.  Since there are no
      // shared headers (I've split them already) I only need to go up
      // at most 1 level.
      while( l && l->_head == m ) // Successor heads loop?
        l = l->_parent;         // Move up 1 for me
      // If this loop is not properly parented, then this loop
      // has no exit path out, i.e. its an infinite loop.
      if( !l ) {
        // Make loop "reachable" from root so the CFG is reachable.  Basically
        // insert a bogus loop exit that is never taken.  'm', the loop head,
        // points to 'n', one (of possibly many) fall-in paths.  There may be
        // many backedges as well.

        // Here I set the loop to be the root loop.  I could have, after
        // inserting a bogus loop exit, restarted the recursion and found my
        // new loop exit.  This would make the infinite loop a first-class
        // loop and it would then get properly optimized.  What's the use of
        // optimizing an infinite loop?
        l = _ltree_root;        // Oops, found infinite loop

        if (!_verify_only) {
          // Insert the NeverBranch between 'm' and it's control user.
          NeverBranchNode *iff = new (C) NeverBranchNode( m );
          set_loop(iff, l);
          Node *if_t = new (C) CProjNode( iff, 0 );
          set_loop(if_t, l);

          Node* cfg = NULL;       // Find the One True Control User of m
          for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = m->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
            Node* x = m->fast_out(j);
            if (x->is_CFG() && x != m && x != iff)
              { cfg = x; break; }
          assert(cfg != NULL, "must find the control user of m");
          uint k = 0;             // Probably cfg->in(0)
          while( cfg->in(k) != m ) k++; // But check incase cfg is a Region
          cfg->set_req( k, if_t ); // Now point to NeverBranch

          // Now create the never-taken loop exit
          Node *if_f = new (C) CProjNode( iff, 1 );
          set_loop(if_f, l);
          // Find frame ptr for Halt.  Relies on the optimizer
          // V-N'ing.  Easier and quicker than searching through
          // the program structure.
          Node *frame = new (C) ParmNode( C->start(), TypeFunc::FramePtr );
          // Halt & Catch Fire
          Node *halt = new (C) HaltNode( if_f, frame );
          set_loop(halt, l);
        set_loop(C->root(), _ltree_root);
    // Weeny check for irreducible.  This child was already visited (this
    // IS the post-work phase).  Is this child's loop header post-visited
    // as well?  If so, then I found another entry into the loop.
    if (!_verify_only) {
      while( is_postvisited(l->_head) ) {
        // found irreducible
        l->_irreducible = 1; // = true
        l = l->_parent;
        _has_irreducible_loops = true;
        // Check for bad CFG here to prevent crash, and bailout of compile
        if (l == NULL) {
          C->record_method_not_compilable("unhandled CFG detected during loop optimization");
          return pre_order;

    // This Node might be a decision point for loops.  It is only if
    // it's children belong to several different loops.  The sort call
    // does a trivial amount of work if there is only 1 child or all
    // children belong to the same loop.  If however, the children
    // belong to different loops, the sort call will properly set the
    // _parent pointers to show how the loops nest.
    // In any case, it returns the tightest enclosing loop.
    innermost = sort( l, innermost );

  // Def-use info will have some dead stuff; dead stuff will have no
  // loop decided on.

  // Am I a loop header?  If so fix up my parent's child and next ptrs.
  if( innermost && innermost->_head == n ) {
    assert( get_loop(n) == innermost, "" );
    IdealLoopTree *p = innermost->_parent;
    IdealLoopTree *l = innermost;
    while( p && l->_head == n ) {
      l->_next = p->_child;     // Put self on parents 'next child'
      p->_child = l;            // Make self as first child of parent
      l = p;                    // Now walk up the parent chain
      p = l->_parent;
  } else {
    // Note that it is possible for a LoopNode to reach here, if the
    // backedge has been made unreachable (hence the LoopNode no longer
    // denotes a Loop, and will eventually be removed).

    // Record tightest enclosing loop for self.  Mark as post-visited.
    set_loop(n, innermost);
    // Also record has_call flag early on
    if( innermost ) {
      if( n->is_Call() && !n->is_CallLeaf() && !n->is_macro() ) {
        // Do not count uncommon calls
        if( !n->is_CallStaticJava() || !n->as_CallStaticJava()->_name ) {
          Node *iff = n->in(0)->in(0);
          // No any calls for vectorized loops.
          if( UseSuperWord || !iff->is_If() ||
              (n->in(0)->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse &&
               (1.0 - iff->as_If()->_prob) >= 0.01) ||
              (iff->as_If()->_prob >= 0.01) )
            innermost->_has_call = 1;
      } else if( n->is_Allocate() && n->as_Allocate()->_is_scalar_replaceable ) {
        // Disable loop optimizations if the loop has a scalar replaceable
        // allocation. This disabling may cause a potential performance lost
        // if the allocation is not eliminated for some reason.
        innermost->_allow_optimizations = false;
        innermost->_has_call = 1; // = true
      } else if (n->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint) {
        // Record all safepoints in this loop.
        if (innermost->_safepts == NULL) innermost->_safepts = new Node_List();

  // Flag as post-visited now
  return pre_order;

// Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
// First pass computes the earliest controlling node possible.  This is the
// controlling input with the deepest dominating depth.
void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_early( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack ) {
  while (worklist.size() != 0) {
    // Use local variables nstack_top_n & nstack_top_i to cache values
    // on nstack's top.
    Node *nstack_top_n = worklist.pop();
    uint  nstack_top_i = 0;
    while (true) {
      // Get parent node and next input's index from stack's top.
      Node  *n = nstack_top_n;
      uint   i = nstack_top_i;
      uint cnt = n->req(); // Count of inputs
      if (i == 0) {        // Pre-process the node.
        if( has_node(n) &&            // Have either loop or control already?
            !has_ctrl(n) ) {          // Have loop picked out already?
          // During "merge_many_backedges" we fold up several nested loops
          // into a single loop.  This makes the members of the original
          // loop bodies pointing to dead loops; they need to move up
          // to the new UNION'd larger loop.  I set the _head field of these
          // dead loops to NULL and the _parent field points to the owning
          // loop.  Shades of UNION-FIND algorithm.
          IdealLoopTree *ilt;
          while( !(ilt = get_loop(n))->_head ) {
            // Normally I would use a set_loop here.  But in this one special
            // case, it is legal (and expected) to change what loop a Node
            // belongs to.
  >_idx, (Node*)(ilt->_parent) );
          // Remove safepoints ONLY if I've already seen I don't need one.
          // (the old code here would yank a 2nd safepoint after seeing a
          // first one, even though the 1st did not dominate in the loop body
          // and thus could be avoided indefinitely)
          if( !_verify_only && !_verify_me && ilt->_has_sfpt && n->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint &&
              is_deleteable_safept(n)) {
            Node *in = n->in(TypeFunc::Control);
            lazy_replace(n,in);       // Pull safepoint now
            if (ilt->_safepts != NULL) {
            // Carry on with the recursion "as if" we are walking
            // only the control input
            if( !visited.test_set( in->_idx ) ) {
              worklist.push(in);      // Visit this guy later, using worklist
            // Get next node from nstack:
            // - skip n's inputs processing by setting i > cnt;
            // - we also will not call set_early_ctrl(n) since
            //   has_node(n) == true (see the condition above).
            i = cnt + 1;
      } // if (i == 0)

      // Visit all inputs
      bool done = true;       // Assume all n's inputs will be processed
      while (i < cnt) {
        Node *in = n->in(i);
        if (in == NULL) continue;
        if (in->pinned() && !in->is_CFG())
          set_ctrl(in, in->in(0));
        int is_visited = visited.test_set( in->_idx );
        if (!has_node(in)) {  // No controlling input yet?
          assert( !in->is_CFG(), "CFG Node with no controlling input?" );
          assert( !is_visited, "visit only once" );
          nstack.push(n, i);  // Save parent node and next input's index.
          nstack_top_n = in;  // Process current input now.
          nstack_top_i = 0;
          done = false;       // Not all n's inputs processed.
          break; // continue while_nstack_nonempty;
        } else if (!is_visited) {
          // This guy has a location picked out for him, but has not yet
          // been visited.  Happens to all CFG nodes, for instance.
          // Visit him using the worklist instead of recursion, to break
          // cycles.  Since he has a location already we do not need to
          // find his location before proceeding with the current Node.
          worklist.push(in);  // Visit this guy later, using worklist
      if (done) {
        // All of n's inputs have been processed, complete post-processing.

        // Compute earliest point this Node can go.
        // CFG, Phi, pinned nodes already know their controlling input.
        if (!has_node(n)) {
          // Record earliest legal location
          set_early_ctrl( n );
        if (nstack.is_empty()) {
          // Finished all nodes on stack.
          // Process next node on the worklist.
        // Get saved parent node and next input's index.
        nstack_top_n = nstack.node();
        nstack_top_i = nstack.index();
    } // while (true)

// Pair-wise LCA
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::dom_lca_internal( Node *n1, Node *n2 ) const {
  if( !n1 ) return n2;          // Handle NULL original LCA
  assert( n1->is_CFG(), "" );
  assert( n2->is_CFG(), "" );
  // find LCA of all uses
  uint d1 = dom_depth(n1);
  uint d2 = dom_depth(n2);
  while (n1 != n2) {
    if (d1 > d2) {
      n1 =      idom(n1);
      d1 = dom_depth(n1);
    } else if (d1 < d2) {
      n2 =      idom(n2);
      d2 = dom_depth(n2);
    } else {
      // Here d1 == d2.  Due to edits of the dominator-tree, sections
      // of the tree might have the same depth.  These sections have
      // to be searched more carefully.

      // Scan up all the n1's with equal depth, looking for n2.
      Node *t1 = idom(n1);
      while (dom_depth(t1) == d1) {
        if (t1 == n2)  return n2;
        t1 = idom(t1);
      // Scan up all the n2's with equal depth, looking for n1.
      Node *t2 = idom(n2);
      while (dom_depth(t2) == d2) {
        if (t2 == n1)  return n1;
        t2 = idom(t2);
      // Move up to a new dominator-depth value as well as up the dom-tree.
      n1 = t1;
      n2 = t2;
      d1 = dom_depth(n1);
      d2 = dom_depth(n2);
  return n1;

// Locally compute IDOM using dom_lca call.  Correct only if the incoming
// IDOMs are correct.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::compute_idom( Node *region ) const {
  assert( region->is_Region(), "" );
  Node *LCA = NULL;
  for( uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++ ) {
    if( region->in(i) != C->top() )
      LCA = dom_lca( LCA, region->in(i) );
  return LCA;

bool PhaseIdealLoop::verify_dominance(Node* n, Node* use, Node* LCA, Node* early) {
  bool had_error = false;
#ifdef ASSERT
  if (early != C->root()) {
    // Make sure that there's a dominance path from LCA to early
    Node* d = LCA;
    while (d != early) {
      if (d == C->root()) {
        dump_bad_graph("Bad graph detected in compute_lca_of_uses", n, early, LCA);
        tty->print_cr("*** Use %d isn't dominated by def %d ***", use->_idx, n->_idx);
        had_error = true;
      d = idom(d);
  return had_error;

Node* PhaseIdealLoop::compute_lca_of_uses(Node* n, Node* early, bool verify) {
  // Compute LCA over list of uses
  bool had_error = false;
  Node *LCA = NULL;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax && LCA != early; i++) {
    Node* c = n->fast_out(i);
    if (_nodes[c->_idx] == NULL)
      continue;                 // Skip the occasional dead node
    if( c->is_Phi() ) {         // For Phis, we must land above on the path
      for( uint j=1; j<c->req(); j++ ) {// For all inputs
        if( c->in(j) == n ) {   // Found matching input?
          Node *use = c->in(0)->in(j);
          if (_verify_only && use->is_top()) continue;
          LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( LCA, use, n );
          if (verify) had_error = verify_dominance(n, use, LCA, early) || had_error;
    } else {
      // For CFG data-users, use is in the block just prior
      Node *use = has_ctrl(c) ? get_ctrl(c) : c->in(0);
      LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( LCA, use, n );
      if (verify) had_error = verify_dominance(n, use, LCA, early) || had_error;
  assert(!had_error, "bad dominance");
  return LCA;

// Check the shape of the graph at the loop entry. In some cases,
// the shape of the graph does not match the shape outlined below.
// That is caused by the Opaque1 node "protecting" the shape of
// the graph being removed by, for example, the IGVN performed
// in PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize().
// After the Opaque1 node has been removed, optimizations (e.g., split-if,
// loop unswitching, and IGVN, or a combination of them) can freely change
// the graph's shape. As a result, the graph shape outlined below cannot
// be guaranteed anymore.
bool PhaseIdealLoop::is_canonical_main_loop_entry(CountedLoopNode* cl) {
  assert(cl->is_main_loop(), "check should be applied to main loops");
  Node* ctrl = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
  if (ctrl == NULL || (!ctrl->is_IfTrue() && !ctrl->is_IfFalse())) {
    return false;
  Node* iffm = ctrl->in(0);
  if (iffm == NULL || !iffm->is_If()) {
    return false;
  Node* bolzm = iffm->in(1);
  if (bolzm == NULL || !bolzm->is_Bool()) {
    return false;
  Node* cmpzm = bolzm->in(1);
  if (cmpzm == NULL || !cmpzm->is_Cmp()) {
    return false;
  Node* opqzm = cmpzm->in(2);
  if (opqzm == NULL || opqzm->Opcode() != Op_Opaque1) {
    return false;
  return true;

// Compute latest legal control.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::get_late_ctrl( Node *n, Node *early ) {
  assert(early != NULL, "early control should not be NULL");

  Node* LCA = compute_lca_of_uses(n, early);
#ifdef ASSERT
  if (LCA == C->root() && LCA != early) {
    // def doesn't dominate uses so print some useful debugging output
    compute_lca_of_uses(n, early, true);

  // if this is a load, check for anti-dependent stores
  // We use a conservative algorithm to identify potential interfering
  // instructions and for rescheduling the load.  The users of the memory
  // input of this load are examined.  Any use which is not a load and is
  // dominated by early is considered a potentially interfering store.
  // This can produce false positives.
  if (n->is_Load() && LCA != early) {
    Node_List worklist;

    Node *mem = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
    for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = mem->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
      Node* s = mem->fast_out(i);
    while(worklist.size() != 0 && LCA != early) {
      Node* s = worklist.pop();
      if (s->is_Load()) {
      } else if (s->is_MergeMem()) {
        for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
          Node* s1 = s->fast_out(i);
      } else {
        Node *sctrl = has_ctrl(s) ? get_ctrl(s) : s->in(0);
        assert(sctrl != NULL || s->outcnt() == 0, "must have control");
        if (sctrl != NULL && !sctrl->is_top() && is_dominator(early, sctrl)) {
          LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl(LCA, sctrl, n);

  assert(LCA == find_non_split_ctrl(LCA), "unexpected late control");
  return LCA;

// true if CFG node d dominates CFG node n
bool PhaseIdealLoop::is_dominator(Node *d, Node *n) {
  if (d == n)
    return true;
  assert(d->is_CFG() && n->is_CFG(), "must have CFG nodes");
  uint dd = dom_depth(d);
  while (dom_depth(n) >= dd) {
    if (n == d)
      return true;
    n = idom(n);
  return false;

// Pair-wise LCA with tags.
// Tag each index with the node 'tag' currently being processed
// before advancing up the dominator chain using idom().
// Later calls that find a match to 'tag' know that this path has already
// been considered in the current LCA (which is input 'n1' by convention).
// Since get_late_ctrl() is only called once for each node, the tag array
// does not need to be cleared between calls to get_late_ctrl().
// Algorithm trades a larger constant factor for better asymptotic behavior
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl_internal( Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *tag ) {
  uint d1 = dom_depth(n1);
  uint d2 = dom_depth(n2);

  do {
    if (d1 > d2) {
      // current lca is deeper than n2>_idx, tag);
      n1 =      idom(n1);
      d1 = dom_depth(n1);
    } else if (d1 < d2) {
      // n2 is deeper than current lca
      Node *memo = _dom_lca_tags[n2->_idx];
      if( memo == tag ) {
        return n1;    // Return the current LCA
      }>_idx, tag);
      n2 =      idom(n2);
      d2 = dom_depth(n2);
    } else {
      // Here d1 == d2.  Due to edits of the dominator-tree, sections
      // of the tree might have the same depth.  These sections have
      // to be searched more carefully.

      // Scan up all the n1's with equal depth, looking for n2.>_idx, tag);
      Node *t1 = idom(n1);
      while (dom_depth(t1) == d1) {
        if (t1 == n2)  return n2;>_idx, tag);
        t1 = idom(t1);
      // Scan up all the n2's with equal depth, looking for n1.>_idx, tag);
      Node *t2 = idom(n2);
      while (dom_depth(t2) == d2) {
        if (t2 == n1)  return n1;>_idx, tag);
        t2 = idom(t2);
      // Move up to a new dominator-depth value as well as up the dom-tree.
      n1 = t1;
      n2 = t2;
      d1 = dom_depth(n1);
      d2 = dom_depth(n2);
  } while (n1 != n2);
  return n1;

// Tag could be a node's integer index, 32bits instead of 64bits in some cases
// Intended use does not involve any growth for the array, so it could
// be of fixed size.
void PhaseIdealLoop::init_dom_lca_tags() {
  uint limit = C->unique() + 1; limit, NULL );
#ifdef ASSERT
  for( uint i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) {
    assert(_dom_lca_tags[i] == NULL, "Must be distinct from each node pointer");
#endif // ASSERT

// Tag could be a node's integer index, 32bits instead of 64bits in some cases
// Intended use does not involve any growth for the array, so it could
// be of fixed size.
void PhaseIdealLoop::clear_dom_lca_tags() {
  uint limit = C->unique() + 1; limit, NULL );
#ifdef ASSERT
  for( uint i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) {
    assert(_dom_lca_tags[i] == NULL, "Must be distinct from each node pointer");
#endif // ASSERT

// Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
// Second pass finds latest legal placement, and ideal loop placement.
void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack ) {
  while (worklist.size() != 0) {
    Node *n = worklist.pop();
    // Only visit once
    if (visited.test_set(n->_idx)) continue;
    uint cnt = n->outcnt();
    uint   i = 0;
    while (true) {
      assert( _nodes[n->_idx], "no dead nodes" );
      // Visit all children
      if (i < cnt) {
        Node* use = n->raw_out(i);
        // Check for dead uses.  Aggressively prune such junk.  It might be
        // dead in the global sense, but still have local uses so I cannot
        // easily call 'remove_dead_node'.
        if( _nodes[use->_idx] != NULL || use->is_top() ) { // Not dead?
          // Due to cycles, we might not hit the same fixed point in the verify
          // pass as we do in the regular pass.  Instead, visit such phis as
          // simple uses of the loop head.
          if( use->in(0) && (use->is_CFG() || use->is_Phi()) ) {
            if( !visited.test(use->_idx) )
          } else if( !visited.test_set(use->_idx) ) {
            nstack.push(n, i); // Save parent and next use's index.
            n   = use;         // Process all children of current use.
            cnt = use->outcnt();
            i   = 0;
        } else {
          // Do not visit around the backedge of loops via data edges.
          // push dead code onto a worklist
      } else {
        // All of n's children have been processed, complete post-processing.
        if (nstack.is_empty()) {
          // Finished all nodes on stack.
          // Process next node on the worklist.
        // Get saved parent node and next use's index. Visit the rest of uses.
        n   = nstack.node();
        cnt = n->outcnt();
        i   = nstack.index();

// Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
// Second pass finds latest legal placement, and ideal loop placement.
void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post( Node *n ) {

  if (n->req() == 2 && n->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L && !C->major_progress() && !_verify_only) {
    _igvn._worklist.push(n);  // Maybe we'll normalize it, if no more loops.

#ifdef ASSERT
  if (_verify_only && !n->is_CFG()) {
    // Check def-use domination.
    compute_lca_of_uses(n, get_ctrl(n), true /* verify */);

  // CFG and pinned nodes already handled
  if( n->in(0) ) {
    if( n->in(0)->is_top() ) return; // Dead?

    // We'd like +VerifyLoopOptimizations to not believe that Mod's/Loads
    // _must_ be pinned (they have to observe their control edge of course).
    // Unlike Stores (which modify an unallocable resource, the memory
    // state), Mods/Loads can float around.  So free them up.
    bool pinned = true;
    switch( n->Opcode() ) {
    case Op_DivI:
    case Op_DivF:
    case Op_DivD:
    case Op_ModI:
    case Op_ModF:
    case Op_ModD:
    case Op_LoadB:              // Same with Loads; they can sink
    case Op_LoadUB:             // during loop optimizations.
    case Op_LoadUS:
    case Op_LoadD:
    case Op_LoadF:
    case Op_LoadI:
    case Op_LoadKlass:
    case Op_LoadNKlass:
    case Op_LoadL:
    case Op_LoadS:
    case Op_LoadP:
    case Op_LoadN:
    case Op_LoadRange:
    case Op_LoadD_unaligned:
    case Op_LoadL_unaligned:
    case Op_StrComp:            // Does a bunch of load-like effects
    case Op_StrEquals:
    case Op_StrIndexOf:
    case Op_AryEq:
      pinned = false;
    if( pinned ) {
      IdealLoopTree *chosen_loop = get_loop(n->is_CFG() ? n : get_ctrl(n));
      if( !chosen_loop->_child )       // Inner loop?
        chosen_loop->_body.push(n); // Collect inner loops
  } else {                      // No slot zero
    if( n->is_CFG() ) {         // CFG with no slot 0 is dead>_idx,0);    // No block setting, it's globally dead
    assert(!n->is_CFG() || n->outcnt() == 0, "");

  // Do I have a "safe range" I can select over?
  Node *early = get_ctrl(n);// Early location already computed

  // Compute latest point this Node can go
  Node *LCA = get_late_ctrl( n, early );
  // LCA is NULL due to uses being dead
  if( LCA == NULL ) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    for (DUIterator i1 = n->outs(); n->has_out(i1); i1++) {
      assert( _nodes[n->out(i1)->_idx] == NULL, "all uses must also be dead");
#endif>_idx, 0);     // This node is useless
  assert(LCA != NULL && !LCA->is_top(), "no dead nodes");

  Node *legal = LCA;            // Walk 'legal' up the IDOM chain
  Node *least = legal;          // Best legal position so far
  while( early != legal ) {     // While not at earliest legal
#ifdef ASSERT
    if (legal->is_Start() && !early->is_Root()) {
      // Bad graph. Print idom path and fail.
      dump_bad_graph("Bad graph detected in build_loop_late", n, early, LCA);
      assert(false, "Bad graph detected in build_loop_late");
    // Find least loop nesting depth
    legal = idom(legal);        // Bump up the IDOM tree
    // Check for lower nesting depth
    if( get_loop(legal)->_nest < get_loop(least)->_nest )
      least = legal;
  assert(early == legal || legal != C->root(), "bad dominance of inputs");

  // Try not to place code on a loop entry projection
  // which can inhibit range check elimination.
  if (least != early) {
    Node* ctrl_out = least->unique_ctrl_out();
    if (ctrl_out && ctrl_out->is_CountedLoop() &&
        least == ctrl_out->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) {
      Node* least_dom = idom(least);
      if (get_loop(least_dom)->is_member(get_loop(least))) {
        least = least_dom;

#ifdef ASSERT
  // If verifying, verify that 'verify_me' has a legal location
  // and choose it as our location.
  if( _verify_me ) {
    Node *v_ctrl = _verify_me->get_ctrl_no_update(n);
    Node *legal = LCA;
    while( early != legal ) {   // While not at earliest legal
      if( legal == v_ctrl ) break;  // Check for prior good location
      legal = idom(legal)      ;// Bump up the IDOM tree
    // Check for prior good location
    if( legal == v_ctrl ) least = legal; // Keep prior if found

  // Assign discovered "here or above" point
  least = find_non_split_ctrl(least);
  set_ctrl(n, least);

  // Collect inner loop bodies
  IdealLoopTree *chosen_loop = get_loop(least);
  if( !chosen_loop->_child )   // Inner loop?
    chosen_loop->_body.push(n);// Collect inner loops

#ifdef ASSERT
void PhaseIdealLoop::dump_bad_graph(const char* msg, Node* n, Node* early, Node* LCA) {
  tty->print_cr("%s", msg);
  tty->print("n: "); n->dump();
  tty->print("early(n): "); early->dump();
  if (n->in(0) != NULL  && !n->in(0)->is_top() &&
      n->in(0) != early && !n->in(0)->is_Root()) {
    tty->print("n->in(0): "); n->in(0)->dump();
  for (uint i = 1; i < n->req(); i++) {
    Node* in1 = n->in(i);
    if (in1 != NULL && in1 != n && !in1->is_top()) {
      tty->print("n->in(%d): ", i); in1->dump();
      Node* in1_early = get_ctrl(in1);
      tty->print("early(n->in(%d)): ", i); in1_early->dump();
      if (in1->in(0) != NULL     && !in1->in(0)->is_top() &&
          in1->in(0) != in1_early && !in1->in(0)->is_Root()) {
        tty->print("n->in(%d)->in(0): ", i); in1->in(0)->dump();
      for (uint j = 1; j < in1->req(); j++) {
        Node* in2 = in1->in(j);
        if (in2 != NULL && in2 != n && in2 != in1 && !in2->is_top()) {
          tty->print("n->in(%d)->in(%d): ", i, j); in2->dump();
          Node* in2_early = get_ctrl(in2);
          tty->print("early(n->in(%d)->in(%d)): ", i, j); in2_early->dump();
          if (in2->in(0) != NULL     && !in2->in(0)->is_top() &&
              in2->in(0) != in2_early && !in2->in(0)->is_Root()) {
            tty->print("n->in(%d)->in(%d)->in(0): ", i, j); in2->in(0)->dump();
  tty->print("LCA(n): "); LCA->dump();
  for (uint i = 0; i < n->outcnt(); i++) {
    Node* u1 = n->raw_out(i);
    if (u1 == n)
    tty->print("n->out(%d): ", i); u1->dump();
    if (u1->is_CFG()) {
      for (uint j = 0; j < u1->outcnt(); j++) {
        Node* u2 = u1->raw_out(j);
        if (u2 != u1 && u2 != n && u2->is_CFG()) {
          tty->print("n->out(%d)->out(%d): ", i, j); u2->dump();
    } else {
      Node* u1_later = get_ctrl(u1);
      tty->print("later(n->out(%d)): ", i); u1_later->dump();
      if (u1->in(0) != NULL     && !u1->in(0)->is_top() &&
          u1->in(0) != u1_later && !u1->in(0)->is_Root()) {
        tty->print("n->out(%d)->in(0): ", i); u1->in(0)->dump();
      for (uint j = 0; j < u1->outcnt(); j++) {
        Node* u2 = u1->raw_out(j);
        if (u2 == n || u2 == u1)
        tty->print("n->out(%d)->out(%d): ", i, j); u2->dump();
        if (!u2->is_CFG()) {
          Node* u2_later = get_ctrl(u2);
          tty->print("later(n->out(%d)->out(%d)): ", i, j); u2_later->dump();
          if (u2->in(0) != NULL     && !u2->in(0)->is_top() &&
              u2->in(0) != u2_later && !u2->in(0)->is_Root()) {
            tty->print("n->out(%d)->in(0): ", i); u2->in(0)->dump();
  int ct = 0;
  Node *dbg_legal = LCA;
  while(!dbg_legal->is_Start() && ct < 100) {
    tty->print("idom[%d] ",ct); dbg_legal->dump();
    dbg_legal = idom(dbg_legal);

#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseIdealLoop::dump( ) const {
  ResourceMark rm;
  Arena* arena = Thread::current()->resource_area();
  Node_Stack stack(arena, C->live_nodes() >> 2);
  Node_List rpo_list;
  VectorSet visited(arena);
  rpo( C->root(), stack, visited, rpo_list );
  // Dump root loop indexed by last element in PO order
  dump( _ltree_root, rpo_list.size(), rpo_list );

void PhaseIdealLoop::dump( IdealLoopTree *loop, uint idx, Node_List &rpo_list ) const {

  // Now scan for CFG nodes in the same loop
  for( uint j=idx; j > 0;  j-- ) {
    Node *n = rpo_list[j-1];
    if( !_nodes[n->_idx] )      // Skip dead nodes
    if( get_loop(n) != loop ) { // Wrong loop nest
      if( get_loop(n)->_head == n &&    // Found nested loop?
          get_loop(n)->_parent == loop )
        dump(get_loop(n),rpo_list.size(),rpo_list);     // Print it nested-ly

    // Dump controlling node
    for( uint x = 0; x < loop->_nest; x++ )
      tty->print("  ");
    if( n == C->root() ) {
    } else {
      Node* cached_idom   = idom_no_update(n);
      Node *computed_idom = n->in(0);
      if( n->is_Region() ) {
        computed_idom = compute_idom(n);
        // computed_idom() will return n->in(0) when idom(n) is an IfNode (or
        // any MultiBranch ctrl node), so apply a similar transform to
        // the cached idom returned from idom_no_update.
        cached_idom = find_non_split_ctrl(cached_idom);
      tty->print(" ID:%d",computed_idom->_idx);
      if( cached_idom != computed_idom ) {
        tty->print_cr("*** BROKEN IDOM!  Computed as: %d, cached as: %d",
                      computed_idom->_idx, cached_idom->_idx);
    // Dump nodes it controls
    for( uint k = 0; k < _nodes.Size(); k++ ) {
      // (k < C->unique() && get_ctrl(find(k)) == n)
      if (k < C->unique() && _nodes[k] == (Node*)((intptr_t)n + 1)) {
        Node *m = C->root()->find(k);
        if( m && m->outcnt() > 0 ) {
          if (!(has_ctrl(m) && get_ctrl_no_update(m) == n)) {
            tty->print_cr("*** BROKEN CTRL ACCESSOR!  _nodes[k] is %p, ctrl is %p",
                          _nodes[k], has_ctrl(m) ? get_ctrl_no_update(m) : NULL);
          for( uint j = 0; j < loop->_nest; j++ )
            tty->print("  ");
          tty->print(" ");

// Collect a R-P-O for the whole CFG.
// Result list is in post-order (scan backwards for RPO)
void PhaseIdealLoop::rpo( Node *start, Node_Stack &stk, VectorSet &visited, Node_List &rpo_list ) const {
  stk.push(start, 0);

  while (stk.is_nonempty()) {
    Node* m   = stk.node();
    uint  idx = stk.index();
    if (idx < m->outcnt()) {
      stk.set_index(idx + 1);
      Node* n = m->raw_out(idx);
      if (n->is_CFG() && !visited.test_set(n->_idx)) {
        stk.push(n, 0);
    } else {


// Advance to next loop tree using a preorder, left-to-right traversal.
void LoopTreeIterator::next() {
  assert(!done(), "must not be done.");
  if (_curnt->_child != NULL) {
    _curnt = _curnt->_child;
  } else if (_curnt->_next != NULL) {
    _curnt = _curnt->_next;
  } else {
    while (_curnt != _root && _curnt->_next == NULL) {
      _curnt = _curnt->_parent;
    if (_curnt == _root) {
      _curnt = NULL;
      assert(done(), "must be done.");
    } else {
      assert(_curnt->_next != NULL, "must be more to do");
      _curnt = _curnt->_next;
 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.


#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/multnode.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "opto/type.hpp"

class CmpNode;
class CountedLoopEndNode;
class CountedLoopNode;
class IdealLoopTree;
class LoopNode;
class Node;
class PhaseIdealLoop;
class VectorSet;
class Invariance;
struct small_cache;

//                  I D E A L I Z E D   L O O P S
// Idealized loops are the set of loops I perform more interesting
// transformations on, beyond simple hoisting.

// Simple loop header.  Fall in path on left, loop-back path on right.
class LoopNode : public RegionNode {
  // Size is bigger to hold the flags.  However, the flags do not change
  // the semantics so it does not appear in the hash & cmp functions.
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }
  short _loop_flags;
  // Names for flag bitfields
  enum { Normal=0, Pre=1, Main=2, Post=3, PreMainPostFlagsMask=3,
         PartialPeelFailed=64 };
  char _unswitch_count;
  enum { _unswitch_max=3 };

  // Names for edge indices
  enum { Self=0, EntryControl, LoopBackControl };

  int is_inner_loop() const { return _loop_flags & InnerLoop; }
  void set_inner_loop() { _loop_flags |= InnerLoop; }

  int is_partial_peel_loop() const { return _loop_flags & PartialPeelLoop; }
  void set_partial_peel_loop() { _loop_flags |= PartialPeelLoop; }
  int partial_peel_has_failed() const { return _loop_flags & PartialPeelFailed; }
  void mark_partial_peel_failed() { _loop_flags |= PartialPeelFailed; }

  int unswitch_max() { return _unswitch_max; }
  int unswitch_count() { return _unswitch_count; }
  void set_unswitch_count(int val) {
    assert (val <= unswitch_max(), "too many unswitches");
    _unswitch_count = val;

  LoopNode( Node *entry, Node *backedge ) : RegionNode(3), _loop_flags(0), _unswitch_count(0) {
    init_req(EntryControl, entry);
    init_req(LoopBackControl, backedge);

  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  bool can_be_counted_loop(PhaseTransform* phase) const {
    return req() == 3 && in(0) != NULL &&
      in(1) != NULL && phase->type(in(1)) != Type::TOP &&
      in(2) != NULL && phase->type(in(2)) != Type::TOP;
  bool is_valid_counted_loop() const;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;

//------------------------------Counted Loops----------------------------------
// Counted loops are all trip-counted loops, with exactly 1 trip-counter exit
// path (and maybe some other exit paths).  The trip-counter exit is always
// last in the loop.  The trip-counter have to stride by a constant;
// the exit value is also loop invariant.

// CountedLoopNodes and CountedLoopEndNodes come in matched pairs.  The
// CountedLoopNode has the incoming loop control and the loop-back-control
// which is always the IfTrue before the matching CountedLoopEndNode.  The
// CountedLoopEndNode has an incoming control (possibly not the
// CountedLoopNode if there is control flow in the loop), the post-increment
// trip-counter value, and the limit.  The trip-counter value is always of
// the form (Op old-trip-counter stride).  The old-trip-counter is produced
// by a Phi connected to the CountedLoopNode.  The stride is constant.
// The Op is any commutable opcode, including Add, Mul, Xor.  The
// CountedLoopEndNode also takes in the loop-invariant limit value.

// From a CountedLoopNode I can reach the matching CountedLoopEndNode via the
// loop-back control.  From CountedLoopEndNodes I can reach CountedLoopNodes
// via the old-trip-counter from the Op node.

// CountedLoopNodes head simple counted loops.  CountedLoopNodes have as
// inputs the incoming loop-start control and the loop-back control, so they
// act like RegionNodes.  They also take in the initial trip counter, the
// loop-invariant stride and the loop-invariant limit value.  CountedLoopNodes
// produce a loop-body control and the trip counter value.  Since
// CountedLoopNodes behave like RegionNodes I still have a standard CFG model.

class CountedLoopNode : public LoopNode {
  // Size is bigger to hold _main_idx.  However, _main_idx does not change
  // the semantics so it does not appear in the hash & cmp functions.
  virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); }

  // For Pre- and Post-loops during debugging ONLY, this holds the index of
  // the Main CountedLoop.  Used to assert that we understand the graph shape.
  node_idx_t _main_idx;

  // Known trip count calculated by compute_exact_trip_count()
  uint  _trip_count;

  // Expected trip count from profile data
  float _profile_trip_cnt;

  // Log2 of original loop bodies in unrolled loop
  int _unrolled_count_log2;

  // Node count prior to last unrolling - used to decide if
  // unroll,optimize,unroll,optimize,... is making progress
  int _node_count_before_unroll;

  CountedLoopNode( Node *entry, Node *backedge )
    : LoopNode(entry, backedge), _main_idx(0), _trip_count(max_juint),
      _profile_trip_cnt(COUNT_UNKNOWN), _unrolled_count_log2(0),
      _node_count_before_unroll(0) {
    // Initialize _trip_count to the largest possible value.
    // Will be reset (lower) if the loop's trip count is known.

  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);

  Node *init_control() const { return in(EntryControl); }
  Node *back_control() const { return in(LoopBackControl); }
  CountedLoopEndNode *loopexit() const;
  Node *init_trip() const;
  Node *stride() const;
  int   stride_con() const;
  bool  stride_is_con() const;
  Node *limit() const;
  Node *incr() const;
  Node *phi() const;

  // Match increment with optional truncation
  static Node* match_incr_with_optional_truncation(Node* expr, Node** trunc1, Node** trunc2, const TypeInt** trunc_type);

  // A 'main' loop has a pre-loop and a post-loop.  The 'main' loop
  // can run short a few iterations and may start a few iterations in.
  // It will be RCE'd and unrolled and aligned.

  // A following 'post' loop will run any remaining iterations.  Used
  // during Range Check Elimination, the 'post' loop will do any final
  // iterations with full checks.  Also used by Loop Unrolling, where
  // the 'post' loop will do any epilog iterations needed.  Basically,
  // a 'post' loop can not profitably be further unrolled or RCE'd.

  // A preceding 'pre' loop will run at least 1 iteration (to do peeling),
  // it may do under-flow checks for RCE and may do alignment iterations
  // so the following main loop 'knows' that it is striding down cache
  // lines.

  // A 'main' loop that is ONLY unrolled or peeled, never RCE'd or
  // Aligned, may be missing it's pre-loop.
  int is_normal_loop() const { return (_loop_flags&PreMainPostFlagsMask) == Normal; }
  int is_pre_loop   () const { return (_loop_flags&PreMainPostFlagsMask) == Pre;    }
  int is_main_loop  () const { return (_loop_flags&PreMainPostFlagsMask) == Main;   }
  int is_post_loop  () const { return (_loop_flags&PreMainPostFlagsMask) == Post;   }
  int is_main_no_pre_loop() const { return _loop_flags & MainHasNoPreLoop; }
  void set_main_no_pre_loop() { _loop_flags |= MainHasNoPreLoop; }

  int main_idx() const { return _main_idx; }

  void set_pre_loop  (CountedLoopNode *main) { assert(is_normal_loop(),""); _loop_flags |= Pre ; _main_idx = main->_idx; }
  void set_main_loop (                     ) { assert(is_normal_loop(),""); _loop_flags |= Main;                         }
  void set_post_loop (CountedLoopNode *main) { assert(is_normal_loop(),""); _loop_flags |= Post; _main_idx = main->_idx; }
  void set_normal_loop(                    ) { _loop_flags &= ~PreMainPostFlagsMask; }

  void set_trip_count(uint tc) { _trip_count = tc; }
  uint trip_count()            { return _trip_count; }

  bool has_exact_trip_count() const { return (_loop_flags & HasExactTripCount) != 0; }
  void set_exact_trip_count(uint tc) {
    _trip_count = tc;
    _loop_flags |= HasExactTripCount;
  void set_nonexact_trip_count() {
    _loop_flags &= ~HasExactTripCount;

  void set_profile_trip_cnt(float ptc) { _profile_trip_cnt = ptc; }
  float profile_trip_cnt()             { return _profile_trip_cnt; }

  void double_unrolled_count() { _unrolled_count_log2++; }
  int  unrolled_count()        { return 1 << MIN2(_unrolled_count_log2, BitsPerInt-3); }

  void set_node_count_before_unroll(int ct) { _node_count_before_unroll = ct; }
  int  node_count_before_unroll()           { return _node_count_before_unroll; }

#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;

// CountedLoopEndNodes end simple trip counted loops.  They act much like
// IfNodes.
class CountedLoopEndNode : public IfNode {
  enum { TestControl, TestValue };

  CountedLoopEndNode( Node *control, Node *test, float prob, float cnt )
    : IfNode( control, test, prob, cnt) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;

  Node *cmp_node() const            { return (in(TestValue)->req() >=2) ? in(TestValue)->in(1) : NULL; }
  Node *incr() const                { Node *tmp = cmp_node(); return (tmp && tmp->req()==3) ? tmp->in(1) : NULL; }
  Node *limit() const               { Node *tmp = cmp_node(); return (tmp && tmp->req()==3) ? tmp->in(2) : NULL; }
  Node *stride() const              { Node *tmp = incr    (); return (tmp && tmp->req()==3) ? tmp->in(2) : NULL; }
  Node *init_trip() const           { Node *tmp = phi     (); return (tmp && tmp->req()==3) ? tmp->in(1) : NULL; }
  int stride_con() const;
  bool stride_is_con() const        { Node *tmp = stride  (); return (tmp != NULL && tmp->is_Con()); }
  BoolTest::mask test_trip() const  { return in(TestValue)->as_Bool()->_test._test; }
  PhiNode *phi() const {
    Node *tmp = incr();
    if (tmp && tmp->req() == 3) {
      Node* phi = tmp->in(1);
      if (phi->is_Phi()) {
        return phi->as_Phi();
    return NULL;
  CountedLoopNode *loopnode() const {
    // The CountedLoopNode that goes with this CountedLoopEndNode may
    // have been optimized out by the IGVN so be cautious with the
    // pattern matching on the graph
    PhiNode* iv_phi = phi();
    if (iv_phi == NULL) {
      return NULL;
    assert(iv_phi->is_Phi(), "should be PhiNode");
    Node *ln = iv_phi->in(0);
    if (ln->is_CountedLoop() && ln->as_CountedLoop()->loopexit() == this) {
      return (CountedLoopNode*)ln;
    return NULL;

#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;

inline CountedLoopEndNode *CountedLoopNode::loopexit() const {
  Node *bc = back_control();
  if( bc == NULL ) return NULL;
  Node *le = bc->in(0);
  if( le->Opcode() != Op_CountedLoopEnd )
    return NULL;
  return (CountedLoopEndNode*)le;
inline Node *CountedLoopNode::init_trip() const { return loopexit() ? loopexit()->init_trip() : NULL; }
inline Node *CountedLoopNode::stride() const { return loopexit() ? loopexit()->stride() : NULL; }
inline int CountedLoopNode::stride_con() const { return loopexit() ? loopexit()->stride_con() : 0; }
inline bool CountedLoopNode::stride_is_con() const { return loopexit() && loopexit()->stride_is_con(); }
inline Node *CountedLoopNode::limit() const { return loopexit() ? loopexit()->limit() : NULL; }
inline Node *CountedLoopNode::incr() const { return loopexit() ? loopexit()->incr() : NULL; }
inline Node *CountedLoopNode::phi() const { return loopexit() ? loopexit()->phi() : NULL; }

// Counted Loop limit node which represents exact final iterator value:
// trip_count = (limit - init_trip + stride - 1)/stride
// final_value= trip_count * stride + init_trip.
// Use HW instructions to calculate it when it can overflow in integer.
// Note, final_value should fit into integer since counted loop has
// limit check: limit <= max_int-stride.
class LoopLimitNode : public Node {
  enum { Init=1, Limit=2, Stride=3 };
  LoopLimitNode( Compile* C, Node *init, Node *limit, Node *stride ) : Node(0,init,limit,stride) {
    // Put it on the Macro nodes list to optimize during macro nodes expansion.
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::INT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );

// -----------------------------IdealLoopTree----------------------------------
class IdealLoopTree : public ResourceObj {
  IdealLoopTree *_parent;       // Parent in loop tree
  IdealLoopTree *_next;         // Next sibling in loop tree
  IdealLoopTree *_child;        // First child in loop tree

  // The head-tail backedge defines the loop.
  // If tail is NULL then this loop has multiple backedges as part of the
  // same loop.  During cleanup I'll peel off the multiple backedges; merge
  // them at the loop bottom and flow 1 real backedge into the loop.
  Node *_head;                  // Head of loop
  Node *_tail;                  // Tail of loop
  inline Node *tail();          // Handle lazy update of _tail field
  PhaseIdealLoop* _phase;

  Node_List _body;              // Loop body for inner loops

  uint8 _nest;                  // Nesting depth
  uint8 _irreducible:1,         // True if irreducible
        _has_call:1,            // True if has call safepoint
        _has_sfpt:1,            // True if has non-call safepoint
        _rce_candidate:1;       // True if candidate for range check elimination

  Node_List* _safepts;          // List of safepoints in this loop
  Node_List* _required_safept;  // A inner loop cannot delete these safepts;
  bool  _allow_optimizations;   // Allow loop optimizations

  IdealLoopTree( PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node *head, Node *tail )
    : _parent(0), _next(0), _child(0),
      _head(head), _tail(tail),
      _nest(0), _irreducible(0), _has_call(0), _has_sfpt(0), _rce_candidate(0)
  { }

  // Is 'l' a member of 'this'?
  int is_member( const IdealLoopTree *l ) const; // Test for nested membership

  // Set loop nesting depth.  Accumulate has_call bits.
  int set_nest( uint depth );

  // Split out multiple fall-in edges from the loop header.  Move them to a
  // private RegionNode before the loop.  This becomes the loop landing pad.
  void split_fall_in( PhaseIdealLoop *phase, int fall_in_cnt );

  // Split out the outermost loop from this shared header.
  void split_outer_loop( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Merge all the backedges from the shared header into a private Region.
  // Feed that region as the one backedge to this loop.
  void merge_many_backedges( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Split shared headers and insert loop landing pads.
  // Insert a LoopNode to replace the RegionNode.
  // Returns TRUE if loop tree is structurally changed.
  bool beautify_loops( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Perform optimization to use the loop predicates for null checks and range checks.
  // Applies to any loop level (not just the innermost one)
  bool loop_predication( PhaseIdealLoop *phase);

  // Perform iteration-splitting on inner loops.  Split iterations to
  // avoid range checks or one-shot null checks.  Returns false if the
  // current round of loop opts should stop.
  bool iteration_split( PhaseIdealLoop *phase, Node_List &old_new );

  // Driver for various flavors of iteration splitting.  Returns false
  // if the current round of loop opts should stop.
  bool iteration_split_impl( PhaseIdealLoop *phase, Node_List &old_new );

  // Given dominators, try to find loops with calls that must always be
  // executed (call dominates loop tail).  These loops do not need non-call
  // safepoints (ncsfpt).
  void check_safepts(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &stack);

  // Allpaths backwards scan from loop tail, terminating each path at first safepoint
  // encountered.
  void allpaths_check_safepts(VectorSet &visited, Node_List &stack);

  // Remove safepoints from loop. Optionally keeping one.
  void remove_safepoints(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, bool keep_one);

  // Convert to counted loops where possible
  void counted_loop( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Check for Node being a loop-breaking test
  Node *is_loop_exit(Node *iff) const;

  // Returns true if ctrl is executed on every complete iteration
  bool dominates_backedge(Node* ctrl);

  // Remove simplistic dead code from loop body
  void DCE_loop_body();

  // Look for loop-exit tests with my 50/50 guesses from the Parsing stage.
  // Replace with a 1-in-10 exit guess.
  void adjust_loop_exit_prob( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should never be RCE'd or aligned.
  // Useful for unrolling loops with NO array accesses.
  bool policy_peel_only( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be unswitched -- clone
  // loop with an invariant test
  bool policy_unswitching( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Micro-benchmark spamming.  Remove empty loops.
  bool policy_do_remove_empty_loop( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Convert one iteration loop into normal code.
  bool policy_do_one_iteration_loop( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be peeled or not.  Peel if we can
  // make some loop-invariant test (usually a null-check) happen before the
  // loop.
  bool policy_peeling( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be maximally unrolled. Stash any
  // known trip count in the counted loop node.
  bool policy_maximally_unroll( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be unrolled or not.  Unroll if
  // the loop is a CountedLoop and the body is small enough.
  bool policy_unroll( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be range-check-eliminated.
  // Gather a list of IF tests that are dominated by iteration splitting;
  // also gather the end of the first split and the start of the 2nd split.
  bool policy_range_check( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be cache-line aligned.
  // Gather the expression that does the alignment.  Note that only
  // one array base can be aligned in a loop (unless the VM guarantees
  // mutual alignment).  Note that if we vectorize short memory ops
  // into longer memory ops, we may want to increase alignment.
  bool policy_align( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const;

  // Return TRUE if "iff" is a range check.
  bool is_range_check_if(IfNode *iff, PhaseIdealLoop *phase, Invariance& invar) const;

  // Compute loop exact trip count if possible
  void compute_exact_trip_count( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Compute loop trip count from profile data
  void compute_profile_trip_cnt( PhaseIdealLoop *phase );

  // Reassociate invariant expressions.
  void reassociate_invariants(PhaseIdealLoop *phase);
  // Reassociate invariant add and subtract expressions.
  Node* reassociate_add_sub(Node* n1, PhaseIdealLoop *phase);
  // Return nonzero index of invariant operand if invariant and variant
  // are combined with an Add or Sub. Helper for reassociate_invariants.
  int is_invariant_addition(Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop *phase);

  // Return true if n is invariant
  bool is_invariant(Node* n) const;

  // Put loop body on igvn work list
  void record_for_igvn();

  bool is_loop()    { return !_irreducible && _tail && !_tail->is_top(); }
  bool is_inner()   { return is_loop() && _child == NULL; }
  bool is_counted() { return is_loop() && _head != NULL && _head->is_CountedLoop(); }

#ifndef PRODUCT
  void dump_head( ) const;      // Dump loop head only
  void dump() const;            // Dump this loop recursively
  void verify_tree(IdealLoopTree *loop, const IdealLoopTree *parent) const;


// -----------------------------PhaseIdealLoop---------------------------------
// Computes the mapping from Nodes to IdealLoopTrees.  Organizes IdealLoopTrees into a
// loop tree.  Drives the loop-based transformations on the ideal graph.
class PhaseIdealLoop : public PhaseTransform {
  friend class IdealLoopTree;
  friend class SuperWord;
  // Pre-computed def-use info
  PhaseIterGVN &_igvn;

  // Head of loop tree
  IdealLoopTree *_ltree_root;

  // Array of pre-order numbers, plus post-visited bit.
  // ZERO for not pre-visited.  EVEN for pre-visited but not post-visited.
  // ODD for post-visited.  Other bits are the pre-order number.
  uint *_preorders;
  uint _max_preorder;

  const PhaseIdealLoop* _verify_me;
  bool _verify_only;

  // Allocate _preorders[] array
  void allocate_preorders() {
    _max_preorder = C->unique()+8;
    _preorders = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, _max_preorder);
    memset(_preorders, 0, sizeof(uint) * _max_preorder);

  // Allocate _preorders[] array
  void reallocate_preorders() {
    if ( _max_preorder < C->unique() ) {
      _preorders = REALLOC_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, _preorders, _max_preorder, C->unique());
      _max_preorder = C->unique();
    memset(_preorders, 0, sizeof(uint) * _max_preorder);

  // Check to grow _preorders[] array for the case when build_loop_tree_impl()
  // adds new nodes.
  void check_grow_preorders( ) {
    if ( _max_preorder < C->unique() ) {
      uint newsize = _max_preorder<<1;  // double size of array
      _preorders = REALLOC_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uint, _preorders, _max_preorder, newsize);
      _max_preorder = newsize;
  // Check for pre-visited.  Zero for NOT visited; non-zero for visited.
  int is_visited( Node *n ) const { return _preorders[n->_idx]; }
  // Pre-order numbers are written to the Nodes array as low-bit-set values.
  void set_preorder_visited( Node *n, int pre_order ) {
    assert( !is_visited( n ), "already set" );
    _preorders[n->_idx] = (pre_order<<1);
  // Return pre-order number.
  int get_preorder( Node *n ) const { assert( is_visited(n), "" ); return _preorders[n->_idx]>>1; }

  // Check for being post-visited.
  // Should be previsited already (checked with assert(is_visited(n))).
  int is_postvisited( Node *n ) const { assert( is_visited(n), "" ); return _preorders[n->_idx]&1; }

  // Mark as post visited
  void set_postvisited( Node *n ) { assert( !is_postvisited( n ), "" ); _preorders[n->_idx] |= 1; }

  // Set/get control node out.  Set lower bit to distinguish from IdealLoopTree
  // Returns true if "n" is a data node, false if it's a control node.
  bool has_ctrl( Node *n ) const { return ((intptr_t)_nodes[n->_idx]) & 1; }

  // clear out dead code after build_loop_late
  Node_List _deadlist;

  // Support for faster execution of get_late_ctrl()/dom_lca()
  // when a node has many uses and dominator depth is deep.
  Node_Array _dom_lca_tags;
  void   init_dom_lca_tags();
  void   clear_dom_lca_tags();

  // Helper for debugging bad dominance relationships
  bool verify_dominance(Node* n, Node* use, Node* LCA, Node* early);

  Node* compute_lca_of_uses(Node* n, Node* early, bool verify = false);

  // Inline wrapper for frequent cases:
  // 1) only one use
  // 2) a use is the same as the current LCA passed as 'n1'
  Node *dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( Node *lca, Node *n, Node *tag ) {
    assert( n->is_CFG(), "" );
    // Fast-path NULL lca
    if( lca != NULL && lca != n ) {
      assert( lca->is_CFG(), "" );
      // find LCA of all uses
      n = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl_internal( lca, n, tag );
    return find_non_split_ctrl(n);
  Node *dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl_internal( Node *lca, Node *n, Node *tag );

  // Helper function for directing control inputs away from CFG split
  // points.
  Node *find_non_split_ctrl( Node *ctrl ) const {
    if (ctrl != NULL) {
      if (ctrl->is_MultiBranch()) {
        ctrl = ctrl->in(0);
      assert(ctrl->is_CFG(), "CFG");
    return ctrl;

  bool cast_incr_before_loop(Node* incr, Node* ctrl, Node* loop);


  static bool is_canonical_main_loop_entry(CountedLoopNode* cl);

  bool has_node( Node* n ) const {
    guarantee(n != NULL, "No Node.");
    return _nodes[n->_idx] != NULL;
  // check if transform created new nodes that need _ctrl recorded
  Node *get_late_ctrl( Node *n, Node *early );
  Node *get_early_ctrl( Node *n );
  Node *get_early_ctrl_for_expensive(Node *n, Node* earliest);
  void set_early_ctrl( Node *n );
  void set_subtree_ctrl( Node *root );
  void set_ctrl( Node *n, Node *ctrl ) {
    assert( !has_node(n) || has_ctrl(n), "" );
    assert( ctrl->in(0), "cannot set dead control node" );
    assert( ctrl == find_non_split_ctrl(ctrl), "must set legal crtl" ); n->_idx, (Node*)((intptr_t)ctrl + 1) );
  // Set control and update loop membership
  void set_ctrl_and_loop(Node* n, Node* ctrl) {
    IdealLoopTree* old_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(n));
    IdealLoopTree* new_loop = get_loop(ctrl);
    if (old_loop != new_loop) {
      if (old_loop->_child == NULL) old_loop->_body.yank(n);
      if (new_loop->_child == NULL) new_loop->_body.push(n);
    set_ctrl(n, ctrl);
  // Control nodes can be replaced or subsumed.  During this pass they
  // get their replacement Node in slot 1.  Instead of updating the block
  // location of all Nodes in the subsumed block, we lazily do it.  As we
  // pull such a subsumed block out of the array, we write back the final
  // correct block.
  Node *get_ctrl( Node *i ) {
    assert(has_node(i), "");
    Node *n = get_ctrl_no_update(i); i->_idx, (Node*)((intptr_t)n + 1) );
    assert(has_node(i) && has_ctrl(i), "");
    assert(n == find_non_split_ctrl(n), "must return legal ctrl" );
    return n;
  // true if CFG node d dominates CFG node n
  bool is_dominator(Node *d, Node *n);
  // return get_ctrl for a data node and self(n) for a CFG node
  Node* ctrl_or_self(Node* n) {
    if (has_ctrl(n))
      return get_ctrl(n);
    else {
      assert (n->is_CFG(), "must be a CFG node");
      return n;

  Node *get_ctrl_no_update_helper(Node *i) const {
    assert(has_ctrl(i), "should be control, not loop");
    return (Node*)(((intptr_t)_nodes[i->_idx]) & ~1);

  Node *get_ctrl_no_update(Node *i) const {
    assert( has_ctrl(i), "" );
    Node *n = get_ctrl_no_update_helper(i);
    if (!n->in(0)) {
      // Skip dead CFG nodes
      do {
        n = get_ctrl_no_update_helper(n);
      } while (!n->in(0));
      n = find_non_split_ctrl(n);
    return n;

  // Check for loop being set
  // "n" must be a control node. Returns true if "n" is known to be in a loop.
  bool has_loop( Node *n ) const {
    assert(!has_node(n) || !has_ctrl(n), "");
    return has_node(n);
  // Set loop
  void set_loop( Node *n, IdealLoopTree *loop ) {>_idx, (Node*)loop);
  // Lazy-dazy update of 'get_ctrl' and 'idom_at' mechanisms.  Replace
  // the 'old_node' with 'new_node'.  Kill old-node.  Add a reference
  // from old_node to new_node to support the lazy update.  Reference
  // replaces loop reference, since that is not needed for dead node.
  void lazy_update(Node *old_node, Node *new_node) {
    assert(old_node != new_node, "no cycles please");
    // Re-use the side array slot for this node to provide the
    // forwarding pointer.>_idx, (Node*)((intptr_t)new_node + 1));
  void lazy_replace(Node *old_node, Node *new_node) {
    _igvn.replace_node(old_node, new_node);
    lazy_update(old_node, new_node);


  // Place 'n' in some loop nest, where 'n' is a CFG node
  void build_loop_tree();
  int build_loop_tree_impl( Node *n, int pre_order );
  // Insert loop into the existing loop tree.  'innermost' is a leaf of the
  // loop tree, not the root.
  IdealLoopTree *sort( IdealLoopTree *loop, IdealLoopTree *innermost );

  // Place Data nodes in some loop nest
  void build_loop_early( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack );
  void build_loop_late ( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack );
  void build_loop_late_post ( Node* n );

  // Array of immediate dominance info for each CFG node indexed by node idx
  uint _idom_size;
  Node **_idom;                 // Array of immediate dominators
  uint *_dom_depth;           // Used for fast LCA test
  GrowableArray<uint>* _dom_stk; // For recomputation of dom depth

  Node* idom_no_update(Node* d) const {
    assert(d->_idx < _idom_size, "oob");
    Node* n = _idom[d->_idx];
    assert(n != NULL,"Bad immediate dominator info.");
    while (n->in(0) == NULL) {  // Skip dead CFG nodes
      //n = n->in(1);
      n = (Node*)(((intptr_t)_nodes[n->_idx]) & ~1);
      assert(n != NULL,"Bad immediate dominator info.");
    return n;
  Node *idom(Node* d) const {
    uint didx = d->_idx;
    Node *n = idom_no_update(d);
    _idom[didx] = n;            // Lazily remove dead CFG nodes from table.
    return n;
  uint dom_depth(Node* d) const {
    guarantee(d != NULL, "Null dominator info.");
    guarantee(d->_idx < _idom_size, "");
    return _dom_depth[d->_idx];
  void set_idom(Node* d, Node* n, uint dom_depth);
  // Locally compute IDOM using dom_lca call
  Node *compute_idom( Node *region ) const;
  // Recompute dom_depth
  void recompute_dom_depth();

  // Is safept not required by an outer loop?
  bool is_deleteable_safept(Node* sfpt);

  // Replace parallel induction variable (parallel to trip counter)
  void replace_parallel_iv(IdealLoopTree *loop);

  // Perform verification that the graph is valid.
  PhaseIdealLoop( PhaseIterGVN &igvn) :
    _dom_lca_tags(arena()), // Thread::resource_area
    _verify_only(true) {
    build_and_optimize(false, false);

  // build the loop tree and perform any requested optimizations
  void build_and_optimize(bool do_split_if, bool skip_loop_opts);

  // Dominators for the sea of nodes
  void Dominators();
  Node *dom_lca( Node *n1, Node *n2 ) const {
    return find_non_split_ctrl(dom_lca_internal(n1, n2));
  Node *dom_lca_internal( Node *n1, Node *n2 ) const;

  // Compute the Ideal Node to Loop mapping
  PhaseIdealLoop( PhaseIterGVN &igvn, bool do_split_ifs, bool skip_loop_opts = false) :
    _dom_lca_tags(arena()), // Thread::resource_area
    _verify_only(false) {
    build_and_optimize(do_split_ifs, skip_loop_opts);

  // Verify that verify_me made the same decisions as a fresh run.
  PhaseIdealLoop( PhaseIterGVN &igvn, const PhaseIdealLoop *verify_me) :
    _dom_lca_tags(arena()), // Thread::resource_area
    _verify_only(false) {
    build_and_optimize(false, false);

  // Build and verify the loop tree without modifying the graph.  This
  // is useful to verify that all inputs properly dominate their uses.
  static void verify(PhaseIterGVN& igvn) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    PhaseIdealLoop v(igvn);

  // True if the method has at least 1 irreducible loop
  bool _has_irreducible_loops;

  // Per-Node transform
  virtual Node *transform( Node *a_node ) { return 0; }

  bool is_counted_loop( Node *x, IdealLoopTree *loop );

  Node* exact_limit( IdealLoopTree *loop );

  // Return a post-walked LoopNode
  IdealLoopTree *get_loop( Node *n ) const {
    // Dead nodes have no loop, so return the top level loop instead
    if (!has_node(n))  return _ltree_root;
    assert(!has_ctrl(n), "");
    return (IdealLoopTree*)_nodes[n->_idx];

  // Is 'n' a (nested) member of 'loop'?
  int is_member( const IdealLoopTree *loop, Node *n ) const {
    return loop->is_member(get_loop(n)); }

  // This is the basic building block of the loop optimizations.  It clones an
  // entire loop body.  It makes an old_new loop body mapping; with this
  // mapping you can find the new-loop equivalent to an old-loop node.  All
  // new-loop nodes are exactly equal to their old-loop counterparts, all
  // edges are the same.  All exits from the old-loop now have a RegionNode
  // that merges the equivalent new-loop path.  This is true even for the
  // normal "loop-exit" condition.  All uses of loop-invariant old-loop values
  // now come from (one or more) Phis that merge their new-loop equivalents.
  // Parameter side_by_side_idom:
  //   When side_by_size_idom is NULL, the dominator tree is constructed for
  //      the clone loop to dominate the original.  Used in construction of
  //      pre-main-post loop sequence.
  //   When nonnull, the clone and original are side-by-side, both are
  //      dominated by the passed in side_by_side_idom node.  Used in
  //      construction of unswitched loops.
  void clone_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, int dom_depth,
                   Node* side_by_side_idom = NULL);

  // If we got the effect of peeling, either by actually peeling or by
  // making a pre-loop which must execute at least once, we can remove
  // all loop-invariant dominated tests in the main body.
  void peeled_dom_test_elim( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new );

  // Generate code to do a loop peel for the given loop (and body).
  // old_new is a temp array.
  void do_peeling( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new );

  // Add pre and post loops around the given loop.  These loops are used
  // during RCE, unrolling and aligning loops.
  void insert_pre_post_loops( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, bool peel_only );
  // If Node n lives in the back_ctrl block, we clone a private version of n
  // in preheader_ctrl block and return that, otherwise return n.
  Node *clone_up_backedge_goo( Node *back_ctrl, Node *preheader_ctrl, Node *n, VectorSet &visited, Node_Stack &clones );

  // Take steps to maximally unroll the loop.  Peel any odd iterations, then
  // unroll to do double iterations.  The next round of major loop transforms
  // will repeat till the doubled loop body does all remaining iterations in 1
  // pass.
  void do_maximally_unroll( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new );

  // Unroll the loop body one step - make each trip do 2 iterations.
  void do_unroll( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, bool adjust_min_trip );

  // Return true if exp is a constant times an induction var
  bool is_scaled_iv(Node* exp, Node* iv, int* p_scale);

  // Return true if exp is a scaled induction var plus (or minus) constant
  bool is_scaled_iv_plus_offset(Node* exp, Node* iv, int* p_scale, Node** p_offset, int depth = 0);

  // Create a new if above the uncommon_trap_if_pattern for the predicate to be promoted
  ProjNode* create_new_if_for_predicate(ProjNode* cont_proj, Node* new_entry,
                                        Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason);
  void register_control(Node* n, IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* pred);

  // Clone loop predicates to cloned loops (peeled, unswitched)
  static ProjNode* clone_predicate(ProjNode* predicate_proj, Node* new_entry,
                                   Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
                                   PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase,
                                   PhaseIterGVN* igvn);

  static Node* clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry,
                                         bool clone_limit_check,
                                         PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase,
                                         PhaseIterGVN* igvn);
  Node* clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check);

  static Node* skip_loop_predicates(Node* entry);

  // Find a good location to insert a predicate
  static ProjNode* find_predicate_insertion_point(Node* start_c, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason);
  // Find a predicate
  static Node* find_predicate(Node* entry);
  // Construct a range check for a predicate if
  BoolNode* rc_predicate(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* ctrl,
                         int scale, Node* offset,
                         Node* init, Node* limit, jint stride,
                         Node* range, bool upper, bool &overflow);

  // Implementation of the loop predication to promote checks outside the loop
  bool loop_predication_impl(IdealLoopTree *loop);

  // Helper function to collect predicate for eliminating the useless ones
  void collect_potentially_useful_predicates(IdealLoopTree *loop, Unique_Node_List &predicate_opaque1);
  void eliminate_useless_predicates();

  // Change the control input of expensive nodes to allow commoning by
  // IGVN when it is guaranteed to not result in a more frequent
  // execution of the expensive node. Return true if progress.
  bool process_expensive_nodes();

  // Check whether node has become unreachable
  bool is_node_unreachable(Node *n) const {
    return !has_node(n) || n->is_unreachable(_igvn);

  // Eliminate range-checks and other trip-counter vs loop-invariant tests.
  void do_range_check( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new );

  // Create a slow version of the loop by cloning the loop
  // and inserting an if to select fast-slow versions.
  ProjNode* create_slow_version_of_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop,
                                        Node_List &old_new);

  // Clone loop with an invariant test (that does not exit) and
  // insert a clone of the test that selects which version to
  // execute.
  void do_unswitching (IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new);

  // Find candidate "if" for unswitching
  IfNode* find_unswitching_candidate(const IdealLoopTree *loop) const;

  // Range Check Elimination uses this function!
  // Constrain the main loop iterations so the affine function:
  //    low_limit <= scale_con * I + offset  <  upper_limit
  // always holds true.  That is, either increase the number of iterations in
  // the pre-loop or the post-loop until the condition holds true in the main
  // loop.  Scale_con, offset and limit are all loop invariant.
  void add_constraint(jlong stride_con, jlong scale_con, Node* offset, Node* low_limit, Node* upper_limit, Node* pre_ctrl, Node** pre_limit, Node** main_limit);
  // Helper function for add_constraint().
  Node* adjust_limit(bool reduce, Node* scale, Node* offset, Node* rc_limit, Node* old_limit, Node* pre_ctrl, bool round);

  // Partially peel loop up through last_peel node.
  bool partial_peel( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new );

  // Create a scheduled list of nodes control dependent on ctrl set.
  void scheduled_nodelist( IdealLoopTree *loop, VectorSet& ctrl, Node_List &sched );
  // Has a use in the vector set
  bool has_use_in_set( Node* n, VectorSet& vset );
  // Has use internal to the vector set (ie. not in a phi at the loop head)
  bool has_use_internal_to_set( Node* n, VectorSet& vset, IdealLoopTree *loop );
  // clone "n" for uses that are outside of loop
  int  clone_for_use_outside_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* n, Node_List& worklist );
  // clone "n" for special uses that are in the not_peeled region
  void clone_for_special_use_inside_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* n,
                                          VectorSet& not_peel, Node_List& sink_list, Node_List& worklist );
  // Insert phi(lp_entry_val, back_edge_val) at use->in(idx) for loop lp if phi does not already exist
  void insert_phi_for_loop( Node* use, uint idx, Node* lp_entry_val, Node* back_edge_val, LoopNode* lp );
#ifdef ASSERT
  // Validate the loop partition sets: peel and not_peel
  bool is_valid_loop_partition( IdealLoopTree *loop, VectorSet& peel, Node_List& peel_list, VectorSet& not_peel );
  // Ensure that uses outside of loop are of the right form
  bool is_valid_clone_loop_form( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List& peel_list,
                                 uint orig_exit_idx, uint clone_exit_idx);
  bool is_valid_clone_loop_exit_use( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* use, uint exit_idx);

  // Returns nonzero constant stride if-node is a possible iv test (otherwise returns zero.)
  int stride_of_possible_iv( Node* iff );
  bool is_possible_iv_test( Node* iff ) { return stride_of_possible_iv(iff) != 0; }
  // Return the (unique) control output node that's in the loop (if it exists.)
  Node* stay_in_loop( Node* n, IdealLoopTree *loop);
  // Insert a signed compare loop exit cloned from an unsigned compare.
  IfNode* insert_cmpi_loop_exit(IfNode* if_cmpu, IdealLoopTree *loop);
  void remove_cmpi_loop_exit(IfNode* if_cmp, IdealLoopTree *loop);
  // Utility to register node "n" with PhaseIdealLoop
  void register_node(Node* n, IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* pred, int ddepth);
  // Utility to create an if-projection
  ProjNode* proj_clone(ProjNode* p, IfNode* iff);
  // Force the iff control output to be the live_proj
  Node* short_circuit_if(IfNode* iff, ProjNode* live_proj);
  // Insert a region before an if projection
  RegionNode* insert_region_before_proj(ProjNode* proj);
  // Insert a new if before an if projection
  ProjNode* insert_if_before_proj(Node* left, bool Signed, BoolTest::mask relop, Node* right, ProjNode* proj);

  // Passed in a Phi merging (recursively) some nearly equivalent Bool/Cmps.
  // "Nearly" because all Nodes have been cloned from the original in the loop,
  // but the fall-in edges to the Cmp are different.  Clone bool/Cmp pairs
  // through the Phi recursively, and return a Bool.
  BoolNode *clone_iff( PhiNode *phi, IdealLoopTree *loop );
  CmpNode *clone_bool( PhiNode *phi, IdealLoopTree *loop );

  // Rework addressing expressions to get the most loop-invariant stuff
  // moved out.  We'd like to do all associative operators, but it's especially
  // important (common) to do address expressions.
  Node *remix_address_expressions( Node *n );

  // Attempt to use a conditional move instead of a phi/branch
  Node *conditional_move( Node *n );

  // Reorganize offset computations to lower register pressure.
  // Mostly prevent loop-fallout uses of the pre-incremented trip counter
  // (which are then alive with the post-incremented trip counter
  // forcing an extra register move)
  void reorg_offsets( IdealLoopTree *loop );

  // Check for aggressive application of 'split-if' optimization,
  // using basic block level info.
  void  split_if_with_blocks     ( VectorSet &visited, Node_Stack &nstack );
  Node *split_if_with_blocks_pre ( Node *n );
  void  split_if_with_blocks_post( Node *n );
  Node *has_local_phi_input( Node *n );
  // Mark an IfNode as being dominated by a prior test,
  // without actually altering the CFG (and hence IDOM info).
  void dominated_by( Node *prevdom, Node *iff, bool flip = false, bool exclude_loop_predicate = false );

  // Split Node 'n' through merge point
  Node *split_thru_region( Node *n, Node *region );
  // Split Node 'n' through merge point if there is enough win.
  Node *split_thru_phi( Node *n, Node *region, int policy );
  // Found an If getting its condition-code input from a Phi in the
  // same block.  Split thru the Region.
  void do_split_if( Node *iff );

  // Conversion of fill/copy patterns into intrisic versions
  bool do_intrinsify_fill();
  bool intrinsify_fill(IdealLoopTree* lpt);
  bool match_fill_loop(IdealLoopTree* lpt, Node*& store, Node*& store_value,
                       Node*& shift, Node*& offset);

  // Return a type based on condition control flow
  const TypeInt* filtered_type( Node *n, Node* n_ctrl);
  const TypeInt* filtered_type( Node *n ) { return filtered_type(n, NULL); }
 // Helpers for filtered type
  const TypeInt* filtered_type_from_dominators( Node* val, Node *val_ctrl);

  // Helper functions
  Node *spinup( Node *iff, Node *new_false, Node *new_true, Node *region, Node *phi, small_cache *cache );
  Node *find_use_block( Node *use, Node *def, Node *old_false, Node *new_false, Node *old_true, Node *new_true );
  void handle_use( Node *use, Node *def, small_cache *cache, Node *region_dom, Node *new_false, Node *new_true, Node *old_false, Node *old_true );
  bool split_up( Node *n, Node *blk1, Node *blk2 );
  void sink_use( Node *use, Node *post_loop );
  Node *place_near_use( Node *useblock ) const;

  bool _created_loop_node;
  void set_created_loop_node() { _created_loop_node = true; }
  bool created_loop_node()     { return _created_loop_node; }
  void register_new_node( Node *n, Node *blk );

#ifdef ASSERT
  void dump_bad_graph(const char* msg, Node* n, Node* early, Node* LCA);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  void dump( ) const;
  void dump( IdealLoopTree *loop, uint rpo_idx, Node_List &rpo_list ) const;
  void rpo( Node *start, Node_Stack &stk, VectorSet &visited, Node_List &rpo_list ) const;
  void verify() const;          // Major slow  :-)
  void verify_compare( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *loop_verify, VectorSet &visited ) const;
  IdealLoopTree *get_loop_idx(Node* n) const {
    // Dead nodes have no loop, so return the top level loop instead
    return _nodes[n->_idx] ? (IdealLoopTree*)_nodes[n->_idx] : _ltree_root;
  // Print some stats
  static void print_statistics();
  static int _loop_invokes;     // Count of PhaseIdealLoop invokes
  static int _loop_work;        // Sum of PhaseIdealLoop x _unique

inline Node* IdealLoopTree::tail() {
// Handle lazy update of _tail field
  Node *n = _tail;
  //while( !n->in(0) )  // Skip dead CFG nodes
    //n = n->in(1);
  if (n->in(0) == NULL)
    n = _phase->get_ctrl(n);
  _tail = n;
  return n;

// Iterate over the loop tree using a preorder, left-to-right traversal.
// Example that visits all counted loops from within PhaseIdealLoop
//  for (LoopTreeIterator iter(_ltree_root); !iter.done(); {
//   IdealLoopTree* lpt = iter.current();
//   if (!lpt->is_counted()) continue;
//   ...
class LoopTreeIterator : public StackObj {
  IdealLoopTree* _root;
  IdealLoopTree* _curnt;

  LoopTreeIterator(IdealLoopTree* root) : _root(root), _curnt(root) {}

  bool done() { return _curnt == NULL; }       // Finished iterating?

  void next();                                 // Advance to next loop tree

  IdealLoopTree* current() { return _curnt; }  // Return current value of iterator.

 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"

// Split Node 'n' through merge point if there is enough win.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_phi( Node *n, Node *region, int policy ) {
  if (n->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L && n->bottom_type() != TypeLong::LONG) {
    // ConvI2L may have type information on it which is unsafe to push up
    // so disable this for now
    return NULL;

  // Splitting range check CastIIs through a loop induction Phi can
  // cause new Phis to be created that are left unrelated to the loop
  // induction Phi and prevent optimizations (vectorization)
  if (n->Opcode() == Op_CastII && n->as_CastII()->has_range_check() &&
      region->is_CountedLoop() && n->in(1) == region->as_CountedLoop()->phi()) {
    return NULL;

  int wins = 0;
  assert(!n->is_CFG(), "");
  assert(region->is_Region(), "");

  const Type* type = n->bottom_type();
  const TypeOopPtr *t_oop = _igvn.type(n)->isa_oopptr();
  Node *phi;
  if (t_oop != NULL && t_oop->is_known_instance_field()) {
    int iid    = t_oop->instance_id();
    int index  = C->get_alias_index(t_oop);
    int offset = t_oop->offset();
    phi = new (C) PhiNode(region, type, NULL, iid, index, offset);
  } else {
    phi = PhiNode::make_blank(region, n);
  uint old_unique = C->unique();
  for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
    Node *x;
    Node* the_clone = NULL;
    if (region->in(i) == C->top()) {
      x = C->top();             // Dead path?  Use a dead data op
    } else {
      x = n->clone();           // Else clone up the data op
      the_clone = x;            // Remember for possible deletion.
      // Alter data node to use pre-phi inputs
      if (n->in(0) == region)
        x->set_req( 0, region->in(i) );
      for (uint j = 1; j < n->req(); j++) {
        Node *in = n->in(j);
        if (in->is_Phi() && in->in(0) == region)
          x->set_req( j, in->in(i) ); // Use pre-Phi input for the clone
    // Check for a 'win' on some paths
    const Type *t = x->Value(&_igvn);

    bool singleton = t->singleton();

    // A TOP singleton indicates that there are no possible values incoming
    // along a particular edge. In most cases, this is OK, and the Phi will
    // be eliminated later in an Ideal call. However, we can't allow this to
    // happen if the singleton occurs on loop entry, as the elimination of
    // the PhiNode may cause the resulting node to migrate back to a previous
    // loop iteration.
    if (singleton && t == Type::TOP) {
      // Is_Loop() == false does not confirm the absence of a loop (e.g., an
      // irreducible loop may not be indicated by an affirmative is_Loop());
      // therefore, the only top we can split thru a phi is on a backedge of
      // a loop.
      singleton &= region->is_Loop() && (i != LoopNode::EntryControl);

    if (singleton) {
      x = ((PhaseGVN&)_igvn).makecon(t);
    } else {
      // We now call Identity to try to simplify the cloned node.
      // Note that some Identity methods call phase->type(this).
      // Make sure that the type array is big enough for
      // our new node, even though we may throw the node away.
      // (Note: This tweaking with igvn only works because x is a new node.)
      _igvn.set_type(x, t);
      // If x is a TypeNode, capture any more-precise type permanently into Node
      // otherwise it will be not updated during igvn->transform since
      // igvn->type(x) is set to x->Value() already.
      Node *y = x->Identity(&_igvn);
      if (y != x) {
        x = y;
      } else {
        y = _igvn.hash_find(x);
        if (y) {
          x = y;
        } else {
          // Else x is a new node we are keeping
          // We do not need register_new_node_with_optimizer
          // because set_type has already been called.
    if (x != the_clone && the_clone != NULL)
    phi->set_req( i, x );
  // Too few wins?
  if (wins <= policy) {
    return NULL;

  // Record Phi
  register_new_node( phi, region );

  for (uint i2 = 1; i2 < phi->req(); i2++) {
    Node *x = phi->in(i2);
    // If we commoned up the cloned 'x' with another existing Node,
    // the existing Node picks up a new use.  We need to make the
    // existing Node occur higher up so it dominates its uses.
    Node *old_ctrl;
    IdealLoopTree *old_loop;

    if (x->is_Con()) {
      // Constant's control is always root.
      set_ctrl(x, C->root());
    // The occasional new node
    if (x->_idx >= old_unique) {     // Found a new, unplaced node?
      old_ctrl = NULL;
      old_loop = NULL;               // Not in any prior loop
    } else {
      old_ctrl = get_ctrl(x);
      old_loop = get_loop(old_ctrl); // Get prior loop
    // New late point must dominate new use
    Node *new_ctrl = dom_lca(old_ctrl, region->in(i2));
    if (new_ctrl == old_ctrl) // Nothing is changed

    IdealLoopTree *new_loop = get_loop(new_ctrl);

    // Don't move x into a loop if its uses are
    // outside of loop. Otherwise x will be cloned
    // for each use outside of this loop.
    IdealLoopTree *use_loop = get_loop(region);
    if (!new_loop->is_member(use_loop) &&
        (old_loop == NULL || !new_loop->is_member(old_loop))) {
      // Take early control, later control will be recalculated
      // during next iteration of loop optimizations.
      new_ctrl = get_early_ctrl(x);
      new_loop = get_loop(new_ctrl);
    // Set new location
    set_ctrl(x, new_ctrl);
    // If changing loop bodies, see if we need to collect into new body
    if (old_loop != new_loop) {
      if (old_loop && !old_loop->_child)
      if (!new_loop->_child)
        new_loop->_body.push(x);  // Collect body info

  return phi;

// Replace the dominated test with an obvious true or false.  Place it on the
// IGVN worklist for later cleanup.  Move control-dependent data Nodes on the
// live path up to the dominating control.
void PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by( Node *prevdom, Node *iff, bool flip, bool exclude_loop_predicate ) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (VerifyLoopOptimizations && PrintOpto) tty->print_cr("dominating test");

  // prevdom is the dominating projection of the dominating test.
  assert( iff->is_If(), "" );
  assert( iff->Opcode() == Op_If || iff->Opcode() == Op_CountedLoopEnd, "Check this code when new subtype is added");
  int pop = prevdom->Opcode();
  assert( pop == Op_IfFalse || pop == Op_IfTrue, "" );
  if (flip) {
    if (pop == Op_IfTrue)
      pop = Op_IfFalse;
      pop = Op_IfTrue;
  // 'con' is set to true or false to kill the dominated test.
  Node *con = _igvn.makecon(pop == Op_IfTrue ? TypeInt::ONE : TypeInt::ZERO);
  set_ctrl(con, C->root()); // Constant gets a new use
  // Hack the dominated test
  _igvn.replace_input_of(iff, 1, con);

  // If I dont have a reachable TRUE and FALSE path following the IfNode then
  // I can assume this path reaches an infinite loop.  In this case it's not
  // important to optimize the data Nodes - either the whole compilation will
  // be tossed or this path (and all data Nodes) will go dead.
  if (iff->outcnt() != 2) return;

  // Make control-dependent data Nodes on the live path (path that will remain
  // once the dominated IF is removed) become control-dependent on the
  // dominating projection.
  Node* dp = iff->as_If()->proj_out(pop == Op_IfTrue);

  // Loop predicates may have depending checks which should not
  // be skipped. For example, range check predicate has two checks
  // for lower and upper bounds.
  if (dp == NULL)

  ProjNode* dp_proj  = dp->as_Proj();
  ProjNode* unc_proj = iff->as_If()->proj_out(1 - dp_proj->_con)->as_Proj();
  if (exclude_loop_predicate &&
      (unc_proj->is_uncommon_trap_proj(Deoptimization::Reason_predicate) ||
       unc_proj->is_uncommon_trap_proj(Deoptimization::Reason_range_check))) {
    // If this is a range check (IfNode::is_range_check), do not
    // reorder because Compile::allow_range_check_smearing might have
    // changed the check.
    return; // Let IGVN transformation change control dependence.

  IdealLoopTree *old_loop = get_loop(dp);

  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = dp->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* cd = dp->fast_out(i); // Control-dependent node
    if (cd->depends_only_on_test()) {
      assert(cd->in(0) == dp, "");
      _igvn.replace_input_of(cd, 0, prevdom);
      IdealLoopTree *new_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(cd));
      if (old_loop != new_loop) {
        if (!old_loop->_child) old_loop->_body.yank(cd);
        if (!new_loop->_child) new_loop->_body.push(cd);

// Return TRUE if 'n' has Phi inputs from its local block and no other
// block-local inputs (all non-local-phi inputs come from earlier blocks)
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::has_local_phi_input( Node *n ) {
  Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
  // See if some inputs come from a Phi in this block, or from before
  // this block.
  uint i;
  for( i = 1; i < n->req(); i++ ) {
    Node *phi = n->in(i);
    if( phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == n_ctrl )
  if( i >= n->req() )
    return NULL;                // No Phi inputs; nowhere to clone thru

  // Check for inputs created between 'n' and the Phi input.  These
  // must split as well; they have already been given the chance
  // (courtesy of a post-order visit) and since they did not we must
  // recover the 'cost' of splitting them by being very profitable
  // when splitting 'n'.  Since this is unlikely we simply give up.
  for( i = 1; i < n->req(); i++ ) {
    Node *m = n->in(i);
    if( get_ctrl(m) == n_ctrl && !m->is_Phi() ) {
      // We allow the special case of AddP's with no local inputs.
      // This allows us to split-up address expressions.
      if (m->is_AddP() &&
          get_ctrl(m->in(2)) != n_ctrl &&
          get_ctrl(m->in(3)) != n_ctrl) {
        // Move the AddP up to dominating point
        set_ctrl_and_loop(m, find_non_split_ctrl(idom(n_ctrl)));
      return NULL;
    assert(n->is_Phi() || m->is_Phi() || is_dominator(get_ctrl(m), n_ctrl), "m has strange control");

  return n_ctrl;

// Rework addressing expressions to get the most loop-invariant stuff
// moved out.  We'd like to do all associative operators, but it's especially
// important (common) to do address expressions.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::remix_address_expressions( Node *n ) {
  if (!has_ctrl(n))  return NULL;
  Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
  IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);

  // See if 'n' mixes loop-varying and loop-invariant inputs and
  // itself is loop-varying.

  // Only interested in binary ops (and AddP)
  if( n->req() < 3 || n->req() > 4 ) return NULL;

  Node *n1_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(                    1));
  Node *n2_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(                    2));
  Node *n3_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(n->req() == 3 ? 2 : 3));
  IdealLoopTree *n1_loop = get_loop( n1_ctrl );
  IdealLoopTree *n2_loop = get_loop( n2_ctrl );
  IdealLoopTree *n3_loop = get_loop( n3_ctrl );

  // Does one of my inputs spin in a tighter loop than self?
  if( (n_loop->is_member( n1_loop ) && n_loop != n1_loop) ||
      (n_loop->is_member( n2_loop ) && n_loop != n2_loop) ||
      (n_loop->is_member( n3_loop ) && n_loop != n3_loop) )
    return NULL;                // Leave well enough alone

  // Is at least one of my inputs loop-invariant?
  if( n1_loop == n_loop &&
      n2_loop == n_loop &&
      n3_loop == n_loop )
    return NULL;                // No loop-invariant inputs

  int n_op = n->Opcode();

  // Replace expressions like ((V+I) << 2) with (V<<2 + I<<2).
  if( n_op == Op_LShiftI ) {
    // Scale is loop invariant
    Node *scale = n->in(2);
    Node *scale_ctrl = get_ctrl(scale);
    IdealLoopTree *scale_loop = get_loop(scale_ctrl );
    if( n_loop == scale_loop || !scale_loop->is_member( n_loop ) )
      return NULL;
    const TypeInt *scale_t = scale->bottom_type()->isa_int();
    if( scale_t && scale_t->is_con() && scale_t->get_con() >= 16 )
      return NULL;              // Dont bother with byte/short masking
    // Add must vary with loop (else shift would be loop-invariant)
    Node *add = n->in(1);
    Node *add_ctrl = get_ctrl(add);
    IdealLoopTree *add_loop = get_loop(add_ctrl);
    //assert( n_loop == add_loop, "" );
    if( n_loop != add_loop ) return NULL;  // happens w/ evil ZKM loops

    // Convert I-V into I+ (0-V); same for V-I
    if( add->Opcode() == Op_SubI &&
        _igvn.type( add->in(1) ) != TypeInt::ZERO ) {
      Node *zero = _igvn.intcon(0);
      set_ctrl(zero, C->root());
      Node *neg = new (C) SubINode( _igvn.intcon(0), add->in(2) );
      register_new_node( neg, get_ctrl(add->in(2) ) );
      add = new (C) AddINode( add->in(1), neg );
      register_new_node( add, add_ctrl );
    if( add->Opcode() != Op_AddI ) return NULL;
    // See if one add input is loop invariant
    Node *add_var = add->in(1);
    Node *add_var_ctrl = get_ctrl(add_var);
    IdealLoopTree *add_var_loop = get_loop(add_var_ctrl );
    Node *add_invar = add->in(2);
    Node *add_invar_ctrl = get_ctrl(add_invar);
    IdealLoopTree *add_invar_loop = get_loop(add_invar_ctrl );
    if( add_var_loop == n_loop ) {
    } else if( add_invar_loop == n_loop ) {
      // Swap to find the invariant part
      add_invar = add_var;
      add_invar_ctrl = add_var_ctrl;
      add_invar_loop = add_var_loop;
      add_var = add->in(2);
      Node *add_var_ctrl = get_ctrl(add_var);
      IdealLoopTree *add_var_loop = get_loop(add_var_ctrl );
    } else                      // Else neither input is loop invariant
      return NULL;
    if( n_loop == add_invar_loop || !add_invar_loop->is_member( n_loop ) )
      return NULL;              // No invariant part of the add?

    // Yes!  Reshape address expression!
    Node *inv_scale = new (C) LShiftINode( add_invar, scale );
    Node *inv_scale_ctrl =
      dom_depth(add_invar_ctrl) > dom_depth(scale_ctrl) ?
      add_invar_ctrl : scale_ctrl;
    register_new_node( inv_scale, inv_scale_ctrl );
    Node *var_scale = new (C) LShiftINode( add_var, scale );
    register_new_node( var_scale, n_ctrl );
    Node *var_add = new (C) AddINode( var_scale, inv_scale );
    register_new_node( var_add, n_ctrl );
    _igvn.replace_node( n, var_add );
    return var_add;

  // Replace (I+V) with (V+I)
  if( n_op == Op_AddI ||
      n_op == Op_AddL ||
      n_op == Op_AddF ||
      n_op == Op_AddD ||
      n_op == Op_MulI ||
      n_op == Op_MulL ||
      n_op == Op_MulF ||
      n_op == Op_MulD ) {
    if( n2_loop == n_loop ) {
      assert( n1_loop != n_loop, "" );
      n->swap_edges(1, 2);

  // Replace ((I1 +p V) +p I2) with ((I1 +p I2) +p V),
  // but not if I2 is a constant.
  if( n_op == Op_AddP ) {
    if( n2_loop == n_loop && n3_loop != n_loop ) {
      if( n->in(2)->Opcode() == Op_AddP && !n->in(3)->is_Con() ) {
        Node *n22_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(2)->in(2));
        Node *n23_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(2)->in(3));
        IdealLoopTree *n22loop = get_loop( n22_ctrl );
        IdealLoopTree *n23_loop = get_loop( n23_ctrl );
        if( n22loop != n_loop && n22loop->is_member(n_loop) &&
            n23_loop == n_loop ) {
          Node *add1 = new (C) AddPNode( n->in(1), n->in(2)->in(2), n->in(3) );
          // Stuff new AddP in the loop preheader
          register_new_node( add1, n_loop->_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl) );
          Node *add2 = new (C) AddPNode( n->in(1), add1, n->in(2)->in(3) );
          register_new_node( add2, n_ctrl );
          _igvn.replace_node( n, add2 );
          return add2;

    // Replace (I1 +p (I2 + V)) with ((I1 +p I2) +p V)
    if( n2_loop != n_loop && n3_loop == n_loop ) {
      if( n->in(3)->Opcode() == Op_AddI ) {
        Node *V = n->in(3)->in(1);
        Node *I = n->in(3)->in(2);
        if( is_member(n_loop,get_ctrl(V)) ) {
        } else {
          Node *tmp = V; V = I; I = tmp;
        if( !is_member(n_loop,get_ctrl(I)) ) {
          Node *add1 = new (C) AddPNode( n->in(1), n->in(2), I );
          // Stuff new AddP in the loop preheader
          register_new_node( add1, n_loop->_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl) );
          Node *add2 = new (C) AddPNode( n->in(1), add1, V );
          register_new_node( add2, n_ctrl );
          _igvn.replace_node( n, add2 );
          return add2;

  return NULL;

// Attempt to replace a Phi with a conditional move.  We have some pretty
// strict profitability requirements.  All Phis at the merge point must
// be converted, so we can remove the control flow.  We need to limit the
// number of c-moves to a small handful.  All code that was in the side-arms
// of the CFG diamond is now speculatively executed.  This code has to be
// "cheap enough".  We are pretty much limited to CFG diamonds that merge
// 1 or 2 items with a total of 1 or 2 ops executed speculatively.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::conditional_move( Node *region ) {

  assert(region->is_Region(), "sanity check");
  if (region->req() != 3) return NULL;

  // Check for CFG diamond
  Node *lp = region->in(1);
  Node *rp = region->in(2);
  if (!lp || !rp) return NULL;
  Node *lp_c = lp->in(0);
  if (lp_c == NULL || lp_c != rp->in(0) || !lp_c->is_If()) return NULL;
  IfNode *iff = lp_c->as_If();

  // Check for ops pinned in an arm of the diamond.
  // Can't remove the control flow in this case
  if (lp->outcnt() > 1) return NULL;
  if (rp->outcnt() > 1) return NULL;

  IdealLoopTree* r_loop = get_loop(region);
  assert(r_loop == get_loop(iff), "sanity");
  // Always convert to CMOVE if all results are used only outside this loop.
  bool used_inside_loop = (r_loop == _ltree_root);

  // Check profitability
  int cost = 0;
  int phis = 0;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node *out = region->fast_out(i);
    if (!out->is_Phi()) continue; // Ignore other control edges, etc
    PhiNode* phi = out->as_Phi();
    BasicType bt = phi->type()->basic_type();
    switch (bt) {
    case T_FLOAT:
    case T_DOUBLE: {
      cost += Matcher::float_cmove_cost(); // Could be very expensive
    case T_LONG: {
      cost += Matcher::long_cmove_cost(); // May encodes as 2 CMOV's
    case T_INT:                 // These all CMOV fine
    case T_ADDRESS: {           // (RawPtr)
    case T_NARROWOOP: // Fall through
    case T_OBJECT: {            // Base oops are OK, but not derived oops
      const TypeOopPtr *tp = phi->type()->make_ptr()->isa_oopptr();
      // Derived pointers are Bad (tm): what's the Base (for GC purposes) of a
      // CMOVE'd derived pointer?  It's a CMOVE'd derived base.  Thus
      // CMOVE'ing a derived pointer requires we also CMOVE the base.  If we
      // have a Phi for the base here that we convert to a CMOVE all is well
      // and good.  But if the base is dead, we'll not make a CMOVE.  Later
      // the allocator will have to produce a base by creating a CMOVE of the
      // relevant bases.  This puts the allocator in the business of
      // manufacturing expensive instructions, generally a bad plan.
      // Just Say No to Conditionally-Moved Derived Pointers.
      if (tp && tp->offset() != 0)
        return NULL;
      return NULL;              // In particular, can't do memory or I/O
    // Add in cost any speculative ops
    for (uint j = 1; j < region->req(); j++) {
      Node *proj = region->in(j);
      Node *inp = phi->in(j);
      if (get_ctrl(inp) == proj) { // Found local op
        // Check for a chain of dependent ops; these will all become
        // speculative in a CMOV.
        for (uint k = 1; k < inp->req(); k++)
          if (get_ctrl(inp->in(k)) == proj)
            cost += ConditionalMoveLimit; // Too much speculative goo
    // See if the Phi is used by a Cmp or Narrow oop Decode/Encode.
    // This will likely Split-If, a higher-payoff operation.
    for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = phi->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
      Node* use = phi->fast_out(k);
      if (use->is_Cmp() || use->is_DecodeNarrowPtr() || use->is_EncodeNarrowPtr())
        cost += ConditionalMoveLimit;
      // Is there a use inside the loop?
      // Note: check only basic types since CMoveP is pinned.
      if (!used_inside_loop && is_java_primitive(bt)) {
        IdealLoopTree* u_loop = get_loop(has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use);
        if (r_loop == u_loop || r_loop->is_member(u_loop)) {
          used_inside_loop = true;
  Node* bol = iff->in(1);
  assert(bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool, "");
  int cmp_op = bol->in(1)->Opcode();
  // It is expensive to generate flags from a float compare.
  // Avoid duplicated float compare.
  if (phis > 1 && (cmp_op == Op_CmpF || cmp_op == Op_CmpD)) return NULL;

  float infrequent_prob = PROB_UNLIKELY_MAG(3);
  // Ignore cost and blocks frequency if CMOVE can be moved outside the loop.
  if (used_inside_loop) {
    if (cost >= ConditionalMoveLimit) return NULL; // Too much goo

    // BlockLayoutByFrequency optimization moves infrequent branch
    // from hot path. No point in CMOV'ing in such case (110 is used
    // instead of 100 to take into account not exactness of float value).
    if (BlockLayoutByFrequency) {
      infrequent_prob = MAX2(infrequent_prob, (float)BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage/110.0f);
  // Check for highly predictable branch.  No point in CMOV'ing if
  // we are going to predict accurately all the time.
  if (iff->_prob < infrequent_prob ||
      iff->_prob > (1.0f - infrequent_prob))
    return NULL;

  // --------------
  // Now replace all Phis with CMOV's
  Node *cmov_ctrl = iff->in(0);
  uint flip = (lp->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue);
  Node_List wq;
  while (1) {
    PhiNode* phi = NULL;
    for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
      Node *out = region->fast_out(i);
      if (out->is_Phi()) {
        phi = out->as_Phi();
    if (phi == NULL)  break;
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations) tty->print_cr("CMOV");
    // Move speculative ops
    while (wq.size() > 0) {
      Node *n = wq.pop();
      for (uint j = 1; j < n->req(); j++) {
        Node* m = n->in(j);
        if (m != NULL && !is_dominator(get_ctrl(m), cmov_ctrl)) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if (PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations) {
            tty->print("  speculate: ");
          set_ctrl(m, cmov_ctrl);
    Node *cmov = CMoveNode::make( C, cmov_ctrl, iff->in(1), phi->in(1+flip), phi->in(2-flip), _igvn.type(phi) );
    register_new_node( cmov, cmov_ctrl );
    _igvn.replace_node( phi, cmov );
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (TraceLoopOpts) {
      tty->print("CMOV  ");
      if (Verbose) {
    if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) verify();

  // The useless CFG diamond will fold up later; see the optimization in
  // RegionNode::Ideal.

  return iff->in(1);

// Do the real work in a non-recursive function.  Data nodes want to be
// cloned in the pre-order so they can feed each other nicely.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_pre( Node *n ) {
  // Cloning these guys is unlikely to win
  int n_op = n->Opcode();
  if( n_op == Op_MergeMem ) return n;
  if( n->is_Proj() ) return n;
  // Do not clone-up CmpFXXX variations, as these are always
  // followed by a CmpI
  if( n->is_Cmp() ) return n;
  // Attempt to use a conditional move instead of a phi/branch
  if( ConditionalMoveLimit > 0 && n_op == Op_Region ) {
    Node *cmov = conditional_move( n );
    if( cmov ) return cmov;
  if( n->is_CFG() || n->is_LoadStore() )
    return n;
  if( n_op == Op_Opaque1 ||     // Opaque nodes cannot be mod'd
      n_op == Op_Opaque2 ) {
    if( !C->major_progress() )   // If chance of no more loop opts...
      _igvn._worklist.push(n);  // maybe we'll remove them
    return n;

  if( n->is_Con() ) return n;   // No cloning for Con nodes

  Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
  if( !n_ctrl ) return n;       // Dead node

  // Attempt to remix address expressions for loop invariants
  Node *m = remix_address_expressions( n );
  if( m ) return m;

  // Determine if the Node has inputs from some local Phi.
  // Returns the block to clone thru.
  Node *n_blk = has_local_phi_input( n );
  if( !n_blk ) return n;
  // Do not clone the trip counter through on a CountedLoop
  // (messes up the canonical shape).
  if( n_blk->is_CountedLoop() && n->Opcode() == Op_AddI ) return n;

  // Check for having no control input; not pinned.  Allow
  // dominating control.
  if( n->in(0) ) {
    Node *dom = idom(n_blk);
    if( dom_lca( n->in(0), dom ) != n->in(0) )
      return n;
  // Policy: when is it profitable.  You must get more wins than
  // policy before it is considered profitable.  Policy is usually 0,
  // so 1 win is considered profitable.  Big merges will require big
  // cloning, so get a larger policy.
  int policy = n_blk->req() >> 2;

  // If the loop is a candidate for range check elimination,
  // delay splitting through it's phi until a later loop optimization
  if (n_blk->is_CountedLoop()) {
    IdealLoopTree *lp = get_loop(n_blk);
    if (lp && lp->_rce_candidate) {
      return n;

  // Use same limit as split_if_with_blocks_post
  if( C->unique() > 35000 ) return n; // Method too big

  // Split 'n' through the merge point if it is profitable
  Node *phi = split_thru_phi( n, n_blk, policy );
  if (!phi) return n;

  // Found a Phi to split thru!
  // Replace 'n' with the new phi
  _igvn.replace_node( n, phi );
  // Moved a load around the loop, 'en-registering' something.
  if (n_blk->is_Loop() && n->is_Load() &&

  return phi;

static bool merge_point_too_heavy(Compile* C, Node* region) {
  // Bail out if the region and its phis have too many users.
  int weight = 0;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    weight += region->fast_out(i)->outcnt();
  int nodes_left = C->max_node_limit() - C->live_nodes();
  if (weight * 8 > nodes_left) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (PrintOpto)
      tty->print_cr("*** Split-if bails out:  %d nodes, region weight %d", C->unique(), weight);
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

static bool merge_point_safe(Node* region) {
  // 4799512: Stop split_if_with_blocks from splitting a block with a ConvI2LNode
  // having a PhiNode input. This sidesteps the dangerous case where the split
  // ConvI2LNode may become TOP if the input Value() does not
  // overlap the ConvI2L range, leaving a node which may not dominate its
  // uses.
  // A better fix for this problem can be found in the BugTraq entry, but
  // expediency for Mantis demands this hack.
  // 6855164: If the merge point has a FastLockNode with a PhiNode input, we stop
  // split_if_with_blocks from splitting a block because we could not move around
  // the FastLockNode.
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* n = region->fast_out(i);
    if (n->is_Phi()) {
      for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
        Node* m = n->fast_out(j);
        if (m->is_FastLock())
          return false;
#ifdef _LP64
        if (m->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L)
          return false;
        if (m->is_CastII() && m->isa_CastII()->has_range_check()) {
          return false;
  return true;

// Place some computation next to use but not inside inner loops.
// For inner loop uses move it to the preheader area.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::place_near_use( Node *useblock ) const {
  IdealLoopTree *u_loop = get_loop( useblock );
  return (u_loop->_irreducible || u_loop->_child)
    ? useblock
    : u_loop->_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);

// Do the real work in a non-recursive function.  CFG hackery wants to be
// in the post-order, so it can dirty the I-DOM info and not use the dirtied
// info.
void PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_post( Node *n ) {

  // Cloning Cmp through Phi's involves the split-if transform.
  // FastLock is not used by an If
  if( n->is_Cmp() && !n->is_FastLock() ) {
    if( C->unique() > 35000 ) return; // Method too big

    // Do not do 'split-if' if irreducible loops are present.
    if( _has_irreducible_loops )

    Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
    // Determine if the Node has inputs from some local Phi.
    // Returns the block to clone thru.
    Node *n_blk = has_local_phi_input( n );
    if( n_blk != n_ctrl ) return;

    if( merge_point_too_heavy(C, n_ctrl) )

    if( n->outcnt() != 1 ) return; // Multiple bool's from 1 compare?
    Node *bol = n->unique_out();
    assert( bol->is_Bool(), "expect a bool here" );
    if( bol->outcnt() != 1 ) return;// Multiple branches from 1 compare?
    Node *iff = bol->unique_out();

    // Check some safety conditions
    if( iff->is_If() ) {        // Classic split-if?
      if( iff->in(0) != n_ctrl ) return; // Compare must be in same blk as if
    } else if (iff->is_CMove()) { // Trying to split-up a CMOVE
      // Can't split CMove with different control edge.
      if (iff->in(0) != NULL && iff->in(0) != n_ctrl ) return;
      if( get_ctrl(iff->in(2)) == n_ctrl ||
          get_ctrl(iff->in(3)) == n_ctrl )
        return;                 // Inputs not yet split-up
      if ( get_loop(n_ctrl) != get_loop(get_ctrl(iff)) ) {
        return;                 // Loop-invar test gates loop-varying CMOVE
    } else {
      return;  // some other kind of node, such as an Allocate

    // Do not do 'split-if' if some paths are dead.  First do dead code
    // elimination and then see if its still profitable.
    for( uint i = 1; i < n_ctrl->req(); i++ )
      if( n_ctrl->in(i) == C->top() )

    // When is split-if profitable?  Every 'win' on means some control flow
    // goes dead, so it's almost always a win.
    int policy = 0;
    // If trying to do a 'Split-If' at the loop head, it is only
    // profitable if the cmp folds up on BOTH paths.  Otherwise we
    // risk peeling a loop forever.

    // CNC - Disabled for now.  Requires careful handling of loop
    // body selection for the cloned code.  Also, make sure we check
    // for any input path not being in the same loop as n_ctrl.  For
    // irreducible loops we cannot check for 'n_ctrl->is_Loop()'
    // because the alternative loop entry points won't be converted
    // into LoopNodes.
    IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
    for( uint j = 1; j < n_ctrl->req(); j++ )
      if( get_loop(n_ctrl->in(j)) != n_loop )

    // Check for safety of the merge point.
    if( !merge_point_safe(n_ctrl) ) {

    // Split compare 'n' through the merge point if it is profitable
    Node *phi = split_thru_phi( n, n_ctrl, policy );
    if( !phi ) return;

    // Found a Phi to split thru!
    // Replace 'n' with the new phi
    _igvn.replace_node( n, phi );

    // Now split the bool up thru the phi
    Node *bolphi = split_thru_phi( bol, n_ctrl, -1 );
    guarantee(bolphi != NULL, "null boolean phi node");

    _igvn.replace_node( bol, bolphi );
    assert( iff->in(1) == bolphi, "" );

    if( bolphi->Value(&_igvn)->singleton() )

    // Conditional-move?  Must split up now
    if( !iff->is_If() ) {
      Node *cmovphi = split_thru_phi( iff, n_ctrl, -1 );
      _igvn.replace_node( iff, cmovphi );

    // Now split the IF
    do_split_if( iff );

  // Check for an IF ready to split; one that has its
  // condition codes input coming from a Phi at the block start.
  int n_op = n->Opcode();

  // Check for an IF being dominated by another IF same test
  if (n_op == Op_If) {
    Node *bol = n->in(1);
    uint max = bol->outcnt();
    // Check for same test used more than once?
    if (max > 1 && bol->is_Bool()) {
      // Search up IDOMs to see if this IF is dominated.
      Node *cutoff = get_ctrl(bol);

      // Now search up IDOMs till cutoff, looking for a dominating test
      Node *prevdom = n;
      Node *dom = idom(prevdom);
      while (dom != cutoff) {
        if (dom->req() > 1 && dom->in(1) == bol && prevdom->in(0) == dom) {
          // Replace the dominated test with an obvious true or false.
          // Place it on the IGVN worklist for later cleanup.
          dominated_by(prevdom, n, false, true);
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
        prevdom = dom;
        dom = idom(prevdom);

  // See if a shared loop-varying computation has no loop-varying uses.
  // Happens if something is only used for JVM state in uncommon trap exits,
  // like various versions of induction variable+offset.  Clone the
  // computation per usage to allow it to sink out of the loop.
  if (has_ctrl(n) && !n->in(0)) {// n not dead and has no control edge (can float about)
    Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
    IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
    if( n_loop != _ltree_root ) {
      DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax);
      for (; i < imax; i++) {
        Node* u = n->fast_out(i);
        if( !has_ctrl(u) )     break; // Found control user
        IdealLoopTree *u_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(u));
        if( u_loop == n_loop ) break; // Found loop-varying use
        if( n_loop->is_member( u_loop ) ) break; // Found use in inner loop
        if( u->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1 ) break; // Found loop limit, bugfix for 4677003
      bool did_break = (i < imax);  // Did we break out of the previous loop?
      if (!did_break && n->outcnt() > 1) { // All uses in outer loops!
        Node *late_load_ctrl = NULL;
        if (n->is_Load()) {
          // If n is a load, get and save the result from get_late_ctrl(),
          // to be later used in calculating the control for n's clones.
          late_load_ctrl = get_late_ctrl(n, n_ctrl);
        // If n is a load, and the late control is the same as the current
        // control, then the cloning of n is a pointless exercise, because
        // GVN will ensure that we end up where we started.
        if (!n->is_Load() || late_load_ctrl != n_ctrl) {
          for (DUIterator_Last jmin, j = n->last_outs(jmin); j >= jmin; ) {
            Node *u = n->last_out(j); // Clone private computation per use
            Node *x = n->clone(); // Clone computation
            Node *x_ctrl = NULL;
            if( u->is_Phi() ) {
              // Replace all uses of normal nodes.  Replace Phi uses
              // individually, so the separate Nodes can sink down
              // different paths.
              uint k = 1;
              while( u->in(k) != n ) k++;
              u->set_req( k, x );
              // x goes next to Phi input path
              x_ctrl = u->in(0)->in(k);
            } else {              // Normal use
              // Replace all uses
              for( uint k = 0; k < u->req(); k++ ) {
                if( u->in(k) == n ) {
                  u->set_req( k, x );
              x_ctrl = get_ctrl(u);

            // Find control for 'x' next to use but not inside inner loops.
            // For inner loop uses get the preheader area.
            x_ctrl = place_near_use(x_ctrl);

            if (n->is_Load()) {
              // For loads, add a control edge to a CFG node outside of the loop
              // to force them to not combine and return back inside the loop
              // during GVN optimization (4641526).
              // Because we are setting the actual control input, factor in
              // the result from get_late_ctrl() so we respect any
              // anti-dependences. (6233005).
              x_ctrl = dom_lca(late_load_ctrl, x_ctrl);

              // Don't allow the control input to be a CFG splitting node.
              // Such nodes should only have ProjNodes as outs, e.g. IfNode
              // should only have IfTrueNode and IfFalseNode (4985384).
              x_ctrl = find_non_split_ctrl(x_ctrl);
              assert(dom_depth(n_ctrl) <= dom_depth(x_ctrl), "n is later than its clone");

              x->set_req(0, x_ctrl);
            register_new_node(x, x_ctrl);

            // Some institutional knowledge is needed here: 'x' is
            // yanked because if the optimizer runs GVN on it all the
            // cloned x's will common up and undo this optimization and
            // be forced back in the loop.  This is annoying because it
            // makes +VerifyOpto report false-positives on progress.  I
            // tried setting control edges on the x's to force them to
            // not combine, but the matching gets worried when it tries
            // to fold a StoreP and an AddP together (as part of an
            // address expression) and the AddP and StoreP have
            // different controls.
            if (!x->is_Load() && !x->is_DecodeNarrowPtr()) _igvn._worklist.yank(x);

  // Check for Opaque2's who's loop has disappeared - who's input is in the
  // same loop nest as their output.  Remove 'em, they are no longer useful.
  if( n_op == Op_Opaque2 &&
      n->in(1) != NULL &&
      get_loop(get_ctrl(n)) == get_loop(get_ctrl(n->in(1))) ) {
    _igvn.replace_node( n, n->in(1) );

// Check for aggressive application of 'split-if' optimization,
// using basic block level info.
void PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks( VectorSet &visited, Node_Stack &nstack ) {
  Node *n = C->root();
  visited.set(n->_idx); // first, mark node as visited
  // Do pre-visit work for root
  n = split_if_with_blocks_pre( n );
  uint cnt = n->outcnt();
  uint i   = 0;
  while (true) {
    // Visit all children
    if (i < cnt) {
      Node* use = n->raw_out(i);
      if (use->outcnt() != 0 && !visited.test_set(use->_idx)) {
        // Now do pre-visit work for this use
        use = split_if_with_blocks_pre( use );
        nstack.push(n, i); // Save parent and next use's index.
        n   = use;         // Process all children of current use.
        cnt = use->outcnt();
        i   = 0;
    else {
      // All of n's children have been processed, complete post-processing.
      if (cnt != 0 && !n->is_Con()) {
        assert(has_node(n), "no dead nodes");
        split_if_with_blocks_post( n );
      if (nstack.is_empty()) {
        // Finished all nodes on stack.
      // Get saved parent node and next use's index. Visit the rest of uses.
      n   = nstack.node();
      cnt = n->outcnt();
      i   = nstack.index();

//                   C L O N E   A   L O O P   B O D Y

// Passed in a Phi merging (recursively) some nearly equivalent Bool/Cmps.
// "Nearly" because all Nodes have been cloned from the original in the loop,
// but the fall-in edges to the Cmp are different.  Clone bool/Cmp pairs
// through the Phi recursively, and return a Bool.
BoolNode *PhaseIdealLoop::clone_iff( PhiNode *phi, IdealLoopTree *loop ) {

  // Convert this Phi into a Phi merging Bools
  uint i;
  for( i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++ ) {
    Node *b = phi->in(i);
    if( b->is_Phi() ) {
      _igvn.replace_input_of(phi, i, clone_iff( b->as_Phi(), loop ));
    } else {
      assert( b->is_Bool(), "" );

  Node *sample_bool = phi->in(1);
  Node *sample_cmp  = sample_bool->in(1);

  // Make Phis to merge the Cmp's inputs.
  PhiNode *phi1 = new (C) PhiNode( phi->in(0), Type::TOP );
  PhiNode *phi2 = new (C) PhiNode( phi->in(0), Type::TOP );
  for( i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++ ) {
    Node *n1 = phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1);
    Node *n2 = phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(2);
    phi1->set_req( i, n1 );
    phi2->set_req( i, n2 );
    phi1->set_type( phi1->type()->meet_speculative(n1->bottom_type()));
    phi2->set_type( phi2->type()->meet_speculative(n2->bottom_type()));
  // See if these Phis have been made before.
  // Register with optimizer
  Node *hit1 = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi1);
  if( hit1 ) {                  // Hit, toss just made Phi
    _igvn.remove_dead_node(phi1); // Remove new phi
    assert( hit1->is_Phi(), "" );
    phi1 = (PhiNode*)hit1;      // Use existing phi
  } else {                      // Miss
  Node *hit2 = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi2);
  if( hit2 ) {                  // Hit, toss just made Phi
    _igvn.remove_dead_node(phi2); // Remove new phi
    assert( hit2->is_Phi(), "" );
    phi2 = (PhiNode*)hit2;      // Use existing phi
  } else {                      // Miss
  // Register Phis with loop/block info
  set_ctrl(phi1, phi->in(0));
  set_ctrl(phi2, phi->in(0));
  // Make a new Cmp
  Node *cmp = sample_cmp->clone();
  cmp->set_req( 1, phi1 );
  cmp->set_req( 2, phi2 );
  set_ctrl(cmp, phi->in(0));

  // Make a new Bool
  Node *b = sample_bool->clone();
  set_ctrl(b, phi->in(0));

  assert( b->is_Bool(), "" );
  return (BoolNode*)b;

// Passed in a Phi merging (recursively) some nearly equivalent Bool/Cmps.
// "Nearly" because all Nodes have been cloned from the original in the loop,
// but the fall-in edges to the Cmp are different.  Clone bool/Cmp pairs
// through the Phi recursively, and return a Bool.
CmpNode *PhaseIdealLoop::clone_bool( PhiNode *phi, IdealLoopTree *loop ) {
  uint i;
  // Convert this Phi into a Phi merging Bools
  for( i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++ ) {
    Node *b = phi->in(i);
    if( b->is_Phi() ) {
      _igvn.replace_input_of(phi, i, clone_bool( b->as_Phi(), loop ));
    } else {
      assert( b->is_Cmp() || b->is_top(), "inputs are all Cmp or TOP" );

  Node *sample_cmp = phi->in(1);

  // Make Phis to merge the Cmp's inputs.
  PhiNode *phi1 = new (C) PhiNode( phi->in(0), Type::TOP );
  PhiNode *phi2 = new (C) PhiNode( phi->in(0), Type::TOP );
  for( uint j = 1; j < phi->req(); j++ ) {
    Node *cmp_top = phi->in(j); // Inputs are all Cmp or TOP
    Node *n1, *n2;
    if( cmp_top->is_Cmp() ) {
      n1 = cmp_top->in(1);
      n2 = cmp_top->in(2);
    } else {
      n1 = n2 = cmp_top;
    phi1->set_req( j, n1 );
    phi2->set_req( j, n2 );

  // See if these Phis have been made before.
  // Register with optimizer
  Node *hit1 = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi1);
  if( hit1 ) {                  // Hit, toss just made Phi
    _igvn.remove_dead_node(phi1); // Remove new phi
    assert( hit1->is_Phi(), "" );
    phi1 = (PhiNode*)hit1;      // Use existing phi
  } else {                      // Miss
  Node *hit2 = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi2);
  if( hit2 ) {                  // Hit, toss just made Phi
    _igvn.remove_dead_node(phi2); // Remove new phi
    assert( hit2->is_Phi(), "" );
    phi2 = (PhiNode*)hit2;      // Use existing phi
  } else {                      // Miss
  // Register Phis with loop/block info
  set_ctrl(phi1, phi->in(0));
  set_ctrl(phi2, phi->in(0));
  // Make a new Cmp
  Node *cmp = sample_cmp->clone();
  cmp->set_req( 1, phi1 );
  cmp->set_req( 2, phi2 );
  set_ctrl(cmp, phi->in(0));

  assert( cmp->is_Cmp(), "" );
  return (CmpNode*)cmp;

// If 'use' was in the loop-exit block, it now needs to be sunk
// below the post-loop merge point.
void PhaseIdealLoop::sink_use( Node *use, Node *post_loop ) {
  if (!use->is_CFG() && get_ctrl(use) == post_loop->in(2)) {
    set_ctrl(use, post_loop);
    for (DUIterator j = use->outs(); use->has_out(j); j++)
      sink_use(use->out(j), post_loop);

//                   C L O N E   A   L O O P   B O D Y
// This is the basic building block of the loop optimizations.  It clones an
// entire loop body.  It makes an old_new loop body mapping; with this mapping
// you can find the new-loop equivalent to an old-loop node.  All new-loop
// nodes are exactly equal to their old-loop counterparts, all edges are the
// same.  All exits from the old-loop now have a RegionNode that merges the
// equivalent new-loop path.  This is true even for the normal "loop-exit"
// condition.  All uses of loop-invariant old-loop values now come from (one
// or more) Phis that merge their new-loop equivalents.
// This operation leaves the graph in an illegal state: there are two valid
// control edges coming from the loop pre-header to both loop bodies.  I'll
// definitely have to hack the graph after running this transform.
// From this building block I will further edit edges to perform loop peeling
// or loop unrolling or iteration splitting (Range-Check-Elimination), etc.
// Parameter side_by_size_idom:
//   When side_by_size_idom is NULL, the dominator tree is constructed for
//      the clone loop to dominate the original.  Used in construction of
//      pre-main-post loop sequence.
//   When nonnull, the clone and original are side-by-side, both are
//      dominated by the side_by_side_idom node.  Used in construction of
//      unswitched loops.
void PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, int dd,
                                 Node* side_by_side_idom) {

  // Step 1: Clone the loop body.  Make the old->new mapping.
  uint i;
  for( i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *old = loop->;
    Node *nnn = old->clone(); old->_idx, nnn );

  // Step 2: Fix the edges in the new body.  If the old input is outside the
  // loop use it.  If the old input is INside the loop, use the corresponding
  // new node instead.
  for( i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *old = loop->;
    Node *nnn = old_new[old->_idx];
    // Fix CFG/Loop controlling the new node
    if (has_ctrl(old)) {
      set_ctrl(nnn, old_new[get_ctrl(old)->_idx]);
    } else {
      set_loop(nnn, loop->_parent);
      if (old->outcnt() > 0) {
        set_idom( nnn, old_new[idom(old)->_idx], dd );
    // Correct edges to the new node
    for( uint j = 0; j < nnn->req(); j++ ) {
        Node *n = nnn->in(j);
        if( n ) {
          IdealLoopTree *old_in_loop = get_loop( has_ctrl(n) ? get_ctrl(n) : n );
          if( loop->is_member( old_in_loop ) )
            nnn->set_req(j, old_new[n->_idx]);
  Node *newhead = old_new[loop->_head->_idx];
  set_idom(newhead, newhead->in(LoopNode::EntryControl), dd);

  // Step 3: Now fix control uses.  Loop varying control uses have already
  // been fixed up (as part of all input edges in Step 2).  Loop invariant
  // control uses must be either an IfFalse or an IfTrue.  Make a merge
  // point to merge the old and new IfFalse/IfTrue nodes; make the use
  // refer to this.
  ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
  Node_List worklist(area);
  uint new_counter = C->unique();
  for( i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node* old = loop->;
    if( !old->is_CFG() ) continue;
    Node* nnn = old_new[old->_idx];

    // Copy uses to a worklist, so I can munge the def-use info
    // with impunity.
    for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = old->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++)

    while( worklist.size() ) {  // Visit all uses
      Node *use = worklist.pop();
      if (!has_node(use))  continue; // Ignore dead nodes
      IdealLoopTree *use_loop = get_loop( has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use );
      if( !loop->is_member( use_loop ) && use->is_CFG() ) {
        // Both OLD and USE are CFG nodes here.
        assert( use->is_Proj(), "" );

        // Clone the loop exit control projection
        Node *newuse = use->clone();
        set_loop(newuse, use_loop);
        set_idom(newuse, nnn, dom_depth(nnn) + 1 );

        // We need a Region to merge the exit from the peeled body and the
        // exit from the old loop body.
        RegionNode *r = new (C) RegionNode(3);
        // Map the old use to the new merge point use->_idx, r );
        uint dd_r = MIN2(dom_depth(newuse),dom_depth(use));
        assert( dd_r >= dom_depth(dom_lca(newuse,use)), "" );

        // The original user of 'use' uses 'r' instead.
        for (DUIterator_Last lmin, l = use->last_outs(lmin); l >= lmin;) {
          Node* useuse = use->last_out(l);
          uint uses_found = 0;
          if( useuse->in(0) == use ) {
            useuse->set_req(0, r);
            if( useuse->is_CFG() ) {
              assert( dom_depth(useuse) > dd_r, "" );
              set_idom(useuse, r, dom_depth(useuse));
          for( uint k = 1; k < useuse->req(); k++ ) {
            if( useuse->in(k) == use ) {
              useuse->set_req(k, r);
          l -= uses_found;    // we deleted 1 or more copies of this edge

        // Now finish up 'r'
        r->set_req( 1, newuse );
        r->set_req( 2,    use );
        set_loop(r, use_loop);
        set_idom(r, !side_by_side_idom ? newuse->in(0) : side_by_side_idom, dd_r);
      } // End of if a loop-exit test

  // Step 4: If loop-invariant use is not control, it must be dominated by a
  // loop exit IfFalse/IfTrue.  Find "proper" loop exit.  Make a Region
  // there if needed.  Make a Phi there merging old and new used values.
  Node_List *split_if_set = NULL;
  Node_List *split_bool_set = NULL;
  Node_List *split_cex_set = NULL;
  for( i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node* old = loop->;
    Node* nnn = old_new[old->_idx];
    // Copy uses to a worklist, so I can munge the def-use info
    // with impunity.
    for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = old->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++)

    while( worklist.size() ) {
      Node *use = worklist.pop();
      if (!has_node(use))  continue; // Ignore dead nodes
      if (use->in(0) == C->top())  continue;
      IdealLoopTree *use_loop = get_loop( has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use );
      // Check for data-use outside of loop - at least one of OLD or USE
      // must not be a CFG node.
      if( !loop->is_member( use_loop ) && (!old->is_CFG() || !use->is_CFG())) {

        // If the Data use is an IF, that means we have an IF outside of the
        // loop that is switching on a condition that is set inside of the
        // loop.  Happens if people set a loop-exit flag; then test the flag
        // in the loop to break the loop, then test is again outside of the
        // loop to determine which way the loop exited.
        // Loop predicate If node connects to Bool node through Opaque1 node.
        if (use->is_If() || use->is_CMove() || C->is_predicate_opaq(use)) {
          // Since this code is highly unlikely, we lazily build the worklist
          // of such Nodes to go split.
          if( !split_if_set )
            split_if_set = new Node_List(area);
        if( use->is_Bool() ) {
          if( !split_bool_set )
            split_bool_set = new Node_List(area);
        if( use->Opcode() == Op_CreateEx ) {
          if( !split_cex_set )
            split_cex_set = new Node_List(area);

        // Get "block" use is in
        uint idx = 0;
        while( use->in(idx) != old ) idx++;
        Node *prev = use->is_CFG() ? use : get_ctrl(use);
        assert( !loop->is_member( get_loop( prev ) ), "" );
        Node *cfg = prev->_idx >= new_counter
          ? prev->in(2)
          : idom(prev);
        if( use->is_Phi() )     // Phi use is in prior block
          cfg = prev->in(idx);  // NOT in block of Phi itself
        if (cfg->is_top()) {    // Use is dead?
          _igvn.replace_input_of(use, idx, C->top());

        while( !loop->is_member( get_loop( cfg ) ) ) {
          prev = cfg;
          cfg = cfg->_idx >= new_counter ? cfg->in(2) : idom(cfg);
        // If the use occurs after merging several exits from the loop, then
        // old value must have dominated all those exits.  Since the same old
        // value was used on all those exits we did not need a Phi at this
        // merge point.  NOW we do need a Phi here.  Each loop exit value
        // is now merged with the peeled body exit; each exit gets its own
        // private Phi and those Phis need to be merged here.
        Node *phi;
        if( prev->is_Region() ) {
          if( idx == 0 ) {      // Updating control edge?
            phi = prev;         // Just use existing control
          } else {              // Else need a new Phi
            phi = PhiNode::make( prev, old );
            // Now recursively fix up the new uses of old!
            for( uint i = 1; i < prev->req(); i++ ) {
              worklist.push(phi); // Onto worklist once for each 'old' input
        } else {
          // Get new RegionNode merging old and new loop exits
          prev = old_new[prev->_idx];
          assert( prev, "just made this in step 7" );
          if( idx == 0 ) {      // Updating control edge?
            phi = prev;         // Just use existing control
          } else {              // Else need a new Phi
            // Make a new Phi merging data values properly
            phi = PhiNode::make( prev, old );
            phi->set_req( 1, nnn );
        // If inserting a new Phi, check for prior hits
        if( idx != 0 ) {
          Node *hit = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi);
          if( hit == NULL ) {
           _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(phi); // Register new phi
          } else {                                      // or
            // Remove the new phi from the graph and use the hit
            phi = hit;                                  // Use existing phi
          set_ctrl(phi, prev);
        // Make 'use' use the Phi instead of the old loop body exit value
        _igvn.replace_input_of(use, idx, phi);
        if( use->_idx >= new_counter ) { // If updating new phis
          // Not needed for correctness, but prevents a weak assert
          // in AddPNode from tripping (when we end up with different
          // base & derived Phis that will become the same after
          // IGVN does CSE).
          Node *hit = _igvn.hash_find_insert(use);
          if( hit )             // Go ahead and re-hash for hits.
            _igvn.replace_node( use, hit );

        // If 'use' was in the loop-exit block, it now needs to be sunk
        // below the post-loop merge point.
        sink_use( use, prev );

  // Check for IFs that need splitting/cloning.  Happens if an IF outside of
  // the loop uses a condition set in the loop.  The original IF probably
  // takes control from one or more OLD Regions (which in turn get from NEW
  // Regions).  In any case, there will be a set of Phis for each merge point
  // from the IF up to where the original BOOL def exists the loop.
  if( split_if_set ) {
    while( split_if_set->size() ) {
      Node *iff = split_if_set->pop();
      if( iff->in(1)->is_Phi() ) {
        BoolNode *b = clone_iff( iff->in(1)->as_Phi(), loop );
        _igvn.replace_input_of(iff, 1, b);
  if( split_bool_set ) {
    while( split_bool_set->size() ) {
      Node *b = split_bool_set->pop();
      Node *phi = b->in(1);
      assert( phi->is_Phi(), "" );
      CmpNode *cmp = clone_bool( (PhiNode*)phi, loop );
      _igvn.replace_input_of(b, 1, cmp);
  if( split_cex_set ) {
    while( split_cex_set->size() ) {
      Node *b = split_cex_set->pop();
      assert( b->in(0)->is_Region(), "" );
      assert( b->in(1)->is_Phi(), "" );
      assert( b->in(0)->in(0) == b->in(1)->in(0), "" );
      split_up( b, b->in(0), NULL );


//---------------------- stride_of_possible_iv -------------------------------------
// Looks for an iff/bool/comp with one operand of the compare
// being a cycle involving an add and a phi,
// with an optional truncation (left-shift followed by a right-shift)
// of the add. Returns zero if not an iv.
int PhaseIdealLoop::stride_of_possible_iv(Node* iff) {
  Node* trunc1 = NULL;
  Node* trunc2 = NULL;
  const TypeInt* ttype = NULL;
  if (!iff->is_If() || iff->in(1) == NULL || !iff->in(1)->is_Bool()) {
    return 0;
  BoolNode* bl = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
  Node* cmp = bl->in(1);
  if (!cmp || cmp->Opcode() != Op_CmpI && cmp->Opcode() != Op_CmpU) {
    return 0;
  // Must have an invariant operand
  if (is_member(get_loop(iff), get_ctrl(cmp->in(2)))) {
    return 0;
  Node* add2 = NULL;
  Node* cmp1 = cmp->in(1);
  if (cmp1->is_Phi()) {
    // (If (Bool (CmpX phi:(Phi ...(Optional-trunc(AddI phi add2))) )))
    Node* phi = cmp1;
    for (uint i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++) {
      Node* in = phi->in(i);
      Node* add = CountedLoopNode::match_incr_with_optional_truncation(in,
                                &trunc1, &trunc2, &ttype);
      if (add && add->in(1) == phi) {
        add2 = add->in(2);
  } else {
    // (If (Bool (CmpX addtrunc:(Optional-trunc((AddI (Phi ...addtrunc...) add2)) )))
    Node* addtrunc = cmp1;
    Node* add = CountedLoopNode::match_incr_with_optional_truncation(addtrunc,
                                &trunc1, &trunc2, &ttype);
    if (add && add->in(1)->is_Phi()) {
      Node* phi = add->in(1);
      for (uint i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++) {
        if (phi->in(i) == addtrunc) {
          add2 = add->in(2);
  if (add2 != NULL) {
    const TypeInt* add2t = _igvn.type(add2)->is_int();
    if (add2t->is_con()) {
      return add2t->get_con();
  return 0;

//---------------------- stay_in_loop -------------------------------------
// Return the (unique) control output node that's in the loop (if it exists.)
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::stay_in_loop( Node* n, IdealLoopTree *loop) {
  Node* unique = NULL;
  if (!n) return NULL;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* use = n->fast_out(i);
    if (!has_ctrl(use) && loop->is_member(get_loop(use))) {
      if (unique != NULL) {
        return NULL;
      unique = use;
  return unique;

//------------------------------ register_node -------------------------------------
// Utility to register node "n" with PhaseIdealLoop
void PhaseIdealLoop::register_node(Node* n, IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* pred, int ddepth) {
  if (n->is_CFG()) {
    set_loop(n, loop);
    set_idom(n, pred, ddepth);
  } else {
    set_ctrl(n, pred);

//------------------------------ proj_clone -------------------------------------
// Utility to create an if-projection
ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::proj_clone(ProjNode* p, IfNode* iff) {
  ProjNode* c = p->clone()->as_Proj();
  c->set_req(0, iff);
  return c;

//------------------------------ short_circuit_if -------------------------------------
// Force the iff control output to be the live_proj
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::short_circuit_if(IfNode* iff, ProjNode* live_proj) {
  guarantee(live_proj != NULL, "null projection");
  int proj_con = live_proj->_con;
  assert(proj_con == 0 || proj_con == 1, "false or true projection");
  Node *con = _igvn.intcon(proj_con);
  set_ctrl(con, C->root());
  if (iff) {
    iff->set_req(1, con);
  return con;

//------------------------------ insert_if_before_proj -------------------------------------
// Insert a new if before an if projection (* - new node)
// before
//           if(test)
//           /     \
//          v       v
//    other-proj   proj (arg)
// after
//           if(test)
//           /     \
//          /       v
//         |      * proj-clone
//         v          |
//    other-proj      v
//                * new_if(relop(cmp[IU](left,right)))
//                  /  \
//                 v    v
//         * new-proj  proj
//         (returned)
ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::insert_if_before_proj(Node* left, bool Signed, BoolTest::mask relop, Node* right, ProjNode* proj) {
  IfNode* iff = proj->in(0)->as_If();
  IdealLoopTree *loop = get_loop(proj);
  ProjNode *other_proj = iff->proj_out(!proj->is_IfTrue())->as_Proj();
  int ddepth = dom_depth(proj);


  proj->set_req(0, NULL);  // temporary disconnect
  ProjNode* proj2 = proj_clone(proj, iff);
  register_node(proj2, loop, iff, ddepth);

  Node* cmp = Signed ? (Node*) new (C)CmpINode(left, right) : (Node*) new (C)CmpUNode(left, right);
  register_node(cmp, loop, proj2, ddepth);

  BoolNode* bol = new (C)BoolNode(cmp, relop);
  register_node(bol, loop, proj2, ddepth);

  IfNode* new_if = new (C)IfNode(proj2, bol, iff->_prob, iff->_fcnt);
  register_node(new_if, loop, proj2, ddepth);

  proj->set_req(0, new_if); // reattach
  set_idom(proj, new_if, ddepth);

  ProjNode* new_exit = proj_clone(other_proj, new_if)->as_Proj();
  guarantee(new_exit != NULL, "null exit node");
  register_node(new_exit, get_loop(other_proj), new_if, ddepth);

  return new_exit;

//------------------------------ insert_region_before_proj -------------------------------------
// Insert a region before an if projection (* - new node)
// before
//           if(test)
//          /      |
//         v       |
//       proj      v
//               other-proj
// after
//           if(test)
//          /      |
//         v       |
// * proj-clone    v
//         |     other-proj
//         v
// * new-region
//         |
//         v
// *      dum_if
//       /     \
//      v       \
// * dum-proj    v
//              proj
RegionNode* PhaseIdealLoop::insert_region_before_proj(ProjNode* proj) {
  IfNode* iff = proj->in(0)->as_If();
  IdealLoopTree *loop = get_loop(proj);
  ProjNode *other_proj = iff->proj_out(!proj->is_IfTrue())->as_Proj();
  int ddepth = dom_depth(proj);


  proj->set_req(0, NULL);  // temporary disconnect
  ProjNode* proj2 = proj_clone(proj, iff);
  register_node(proj2, loop, iff, ddepth);

  RegionNode* reg = new (C)RegionNode(2);
  reg->set_req(1, proj2);
  register_node(reg, loop, iff, ddepth);

  IfNode* dum_if = new (C)IfNode(reg, short_circuit_if(NULL, proj), iff->_prob, iff->_fcnt);
  register_node(dum_if, loop, reg, ddepth);

  proj->set_req(0, dum_if); // reattach
  set_idom(proj, dum_if, ddepth);

  ProjNode* dum_proj = proj_clone(other_proj, dum_if);
  register_node(dum_proj, loop, dum_if, ddepth);

  return reg;

//------------------------------ insert_cmpi_loop_exit -------------------------------------
// Clone a signed compare loop exit from an unsigned compare and
// insert it before the unsigned cmp on the stay-in-loop path.
// All new nodes inserted in the dominator tree between the original
// if and it's projections.  The original if test is replaced with
// a constant to force the stay-in-loop path.
// This is done to make sure that the original if and it's projections
// still dominate the same set of control nodes, that the ctrl() relation
// from data nodes to them is preserved, and that their loop nesting is
// preserved.
// before
//          if(i <u limit)    unsigned compare loop exit
//         /       |
//        v        v
//   exit-proj   stay-in-loop-proj
// after
//          if(stay-in-loop-const)  original if
//         /       |
//        /        v
//       /  if(i <  limit)    new signed test
//      /  /       |
//     /  /        v
//    /  /  if(i <u limit)    new cloned unsigned test
//   /  /   /      |
//   v  v  v       |
//    region       |
//        |        |
//      dum-if     |
//     /  |        |
// ether  |        |
//        v        v
//   exit-proj   stay-in-loop-proj
IfNode* PhaseIdealLoop::insert_cmpi_loop_exit(IfNode* if_cmpu, IdealLoopTree *loop) {
  const bool Signed   = true;
  const bool Unsigned = false;

  BoolNode* bol = if_cmpu->in(1)->as_Bool();
  if (bol->_test._test != BoolTest::lt) return NULL;
  CmpNode* cmpu = bol->in(1)->as_Cmp();
  if (cmpu->Opcode() != Op_CmpU) return NULL;
  int stride = stride_of_possible_iv(if_cmpu);
  if (stride == 0) return NULL;

  Node* lp_proj = stay_in_loop(if_cmpu, loop);
  guarantee(lp_proj != NULL, "null loop node");

  ProjNode* lp_continue = lp_proj->as_Proj();
  ProjNode* lp_exit     = if_cmpu->proj_out(!lp_continue->is_IfTrue())->as_Proj();

  Node* limit = NULL;
  if (stride > 0) {
    limit = cmpu->in(2);
  } else {
    limit = _igvn.makecon(TypeInt::ZERO);
    set_ctrl(limit, C->root());
  // Create a new region on the exit path
  RegionNode* reg = insert_region_before_proj(lp_exit);
  guarantee(reg != NULL, "null region node");

  // Clone the if-cmpu-true-false using a signed compare
  BoolTest::mask rel_i = stride > 0 ? bol->_test._test : BoolTest::ge;
  ProjNode* cmpi_exit = insert_if_before_proj(cmpu->in(1), Signed, rel_i, limit, lp_continue);

  // Clone the if-cmpu-true-false
  BoolTest::mask rel_u = bol->_test._test;
  ProjNode* cmpu_exit = insert_if_before_proj(cmpu->in(1), Unsigned, rel_u, cmpu->in(2), lp_continue);

  // Force original if to stay in loop.
  short_circuit_if(if_cmpu, lp_continue);

  return cmpi_exit->in(0)->as_If();

//------------------------------ remove_cmpi_loop_exit -------------------------------------
// Remove a previously inserted signed compare loop exit.
void PhaseIdealLoop::remove_cmpi_loop_exit(IfNode* if_cmp, IdealLoopTree *loop) {
  Node* lp_proj = stay_in_loop(if_cmp, loop);
  assert(if_cmp->in(1)->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_CmpI &&
         stay_in_loop(lp_proj, loop)->is_If() &&
         stay_in_loop(lp_proj, loop)->in(1)->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_CmpU, "inserted cmpi before cmpu");
  Node *con = _igvn.makecon(lp_proj->is_IfTrue() ? TypeInt::ONE : TypeInt::ZERO);
  set_ctrl(con, C->root());
  if_cmp->set_req(1, con);

//------------------------------ scheduled_nodelist -------------------------------------
// Create a post order schedule of nodes that are in the
// "member" set.  The list is returned in "sched".
// The first node in "sched" is the loop head, followed by
// nodes which have no inputs in the "member" set, and then
// followed by the nodes that have an immediate input dependence
// on a node in "sched".
void PhaseIdealLoop::scheduled_nodelist( IdealLoopTree *loop, VectorSet& member, Node_List &sched ) {

  assert(member.test(loop->_head->_idx), "loop head must be in member set");
  Arena *a = Thread::current()->resource_area();
  VectorSet visited(a);
  Node_Stack nstack(a, loop->_body.size());

  Node* n  = loop->_head;  // top of stack is cached in "n"
  uint idx = 0;

  // Initially push all with no inputs from within member set
  for(uint i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *elt = loop->;
    if (member.test(elt->_idx)) {
      bool found = false;
      for (uint j = 0; j < elt->req(); j++) {
        Node* def = elt->in(j);
        if (def && member.test(def->_idx) && def != elt) {
          found = true;
      if (!found && elt != loop->_head) {
        nstack.push(n, idx);
        n = elt;
        assert(!visited.test(n->_idx), "not seen yet");

  // traverse out's that are in the member set
  while (true) {
    if (idx < n->outcnt()) {
      Node* use = n->raw_out(idx);
      if (!visited.test_set(use->_idx)) {
        if (member.test(use->_idx)) {
          nstack.push(n, idx);
          n = use;
          idx = 0;
    } else {
      // All outputs processed
      if (nstack.is_empty()) break;
      n   = nstack.node();
      idx = nstack.index();

//------------------------------ has_use_in_set -------------------------------------
// Has a use in the vector set
bool PhaseIdealLoop::has_use_in_set( Node* n, VectorSet& vset ) {
  for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
    Node* use = n->fast_out(j);
    if (vset.test(use->_idx)) {
      return true;
  return false;

//------------------------------ has_use_internal_to_set -------------------------------------
// Has use internal to the vector set (ie. not in a phi at the loop head)
bool PhaseIdealLoop::has_use_internal_to_set( Node* n, VectorSet& vset, IdealLoopTree *loop ) {
  Node* head  = loop->_head;
  for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
    Node* use = n->fast_out(j);
    if (vset.test(use->_idx) && !(use->is_Phi() && use->in(0) == head)) {
      return true;
  return false;

//------------------------------ clone_for_use_outside_loop -------------------------------------
// clone "n" for uses that are outside of loop
int PhaseIdealLoop::clone_for_use_outside_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* n, Node_List& worklist ) {
  int cloned = 0;
  assert(worklist.size() == 0, "should be empty");
  for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
    Node* use = n->fast_out(j);
    if( !loop->is_member(get_loop(has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use)) ) {
  while( worklist.size() ) {
    Node *use = worklist.pop();
    if (!has_node(use) || use->in(0) == C->top()) continue;
    uint j;
    for (j = 0; j < use->req(); j++) {
      if (use->in(j) == n) break;
    assert(j < use->req(), "must be there");

    // clone "n" and insert it between the inputs of "n" and the use outside the loop
    Node* n_clone = n->clone();
    _igvn.replace_input_of(use, j, n_clone);
    Node* use_c;
    if (!use->is_Phi()) {
      use_c = has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use->in(0);
    } else {
      // Use in a phi is considered a use in the associated predecessor block
      use_c = use->in(0)->in(j);
    set_ctrl(n_clone, use_c);
    assert(!loop->is_member(get_loop(use_c)), "should be outside loop");
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
    if (TracePartialPeeling) {
      tty->print_cr("loop exit cloning old: %d new: %d newbb: %d", n->_idx, n_clone->_idx, get_ctrl(n_clone)->_idx);
  return cloned;

//------------------------------ clone_for_special_use_inside_loop -------------------------------------
// clone "n" for special uses that are in the not_peeled region.
// If these def-uses occur in separate blocks, the code generator
// marks the method as not compilable.  For example, if a "BoolNode"
// is in a different basic block than the "IfNode" that uses it, then
// the compilation is aborted in the code generator.
void PhaseIdealLoop::clone_for_special_use_inside_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* n,
                                                        VectorSet& not_peel, Node_List& sink_list, Node_List& worklist ) {
  if (n->is_Phi() || n->is_Load()) {
  assert(worklist.size() == 0, "should be empty");
  for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
    Node* use = n->fast_out(j);
    if ( not_peel.test(use->_idx) &&
         (use->is_If() || use->is_CMove() || use->is_Bool()) &&
         use->in(1) == n)  {
  if (worklist.size() > 0) {
    // clone "n" and insert it between inputs of "n" and the use
    Node* n_clone = n->clone();
    set_ctrl(n_clone, get_ctrl(n));
    not_peel <<= n_clone->_idx;  // add n_clone to not_peel set.
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
    if (TracePartialPeeling) {
      tty->print_cr("special not_peeled cloning old: %d new: %d", n->_idx, n_clone->_idx);
    while( worklist.size() ) {
      Node *use = worklist.pop();
      for (uint j = 1; j < use->req(); j++) {
        if (use->in(j) == n) {
          use->set_req(j, n_clone);

//------------------------------ insert_phi_for_loop -------------------------------------
// Insert phi(lp_entry_val, back_edge_val) at use->in(idx) for loop lp if phi does not already exist
void PhaseIdealLoop::insert_phi_for_loop( Node* use, uint idx, Node* lp_entry_val, Node* back_edge_val, LoopNode* lp ) {
  Node *phi = PhiNode::make(lp, back_edge_val);
  phi->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, lp_entry_val);
  // Use existing phi if it already exists
  Node *hit = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi);
  if( hit == NULL ) {
    set_ctrl(phi, lp);
  } else {
    // Remove the new phi from the graph and use the hit
    phi = hit;
  _igvn.replace_input_of(use, idx, phi);

#ifdef ASSERT
//------------------------------ is_valid_loop_partition -------------------------------------
// Validate the loop partition sets: peel and not_peel
bool PhaseIdealLoop::is_valid_loop_partition( IdealLoopTree *loop, VectorSet& peel, Node_List& peel_list,
                                              VectorSet& not_peel ) {
  uint i;
  // Check that peel_list entries are in the peel set
  for (i = 0; i < peel_list.size(); i++) {
    if (!peel.test(>_idx)) {
      return false;
  // Check at loop members are in one of peel set or not_peel set
  for (i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *def  = loop->;
    uint di = def->_idx;
    // Check that peel set elements are in peel_list
    if (peel.test(di)) {
      if (not_peel.test(di)) {
        return false;
      // Must be in peel_list also
      bool found = false;
      for (uint j = 0; j < peel_list.size(); j++) {
        if (>_idx == di) {
          found = true;
      if (!found) {
        return false;
    } else if (not_peel.test(di)) {
      if (peel.test(di)) {
        return false;
    } else {
      return false;
  return true;

//------------------------------ is_valid_clone_loop_exit_use -------------------------------------
// Ensure a use outside of loop is of the right form
bool PhaseIdealLoop::is_valid_clone_loop_exit_use( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* use, uint exit_idx) {
  Node *use_c = has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use;
  return (use->is_Phi() &&
          use_c->is_Region() && use_c->req() == 3 &&
          (use_c->in(exit_idx)->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue ||
           use_c->in(exit_idx)->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse ||
           use_c->in(exit_idx)->Opcode() == Op_JumpProj) &&
          loop->is_member( get_loop( use_c->in(exit_idx)->in(0) ) ) );

//------------------------------ is_valid_clone_loop_form -------------------------------------
// Ensure that all uses outside of loop are of the right form
bool PhaseIdealLoop::is_valid_clone_loop_form( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List& peel_list,
                                               uint orig_exit_idx, uint clone_exit_idx) {
  uint len = peel_list.size();
  for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    Node *def =;

    for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = def->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
      Node *use = def->fast_out(j);
      Node *use_c = has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use;
      if (!loop->is_member(get_loop(use_c))) {
        // use is not in the loop, check for correct structure
        if (use->in(0) == def) {
          // Okay
        } else if (!is_valid_clone_loop_exit_use(loop, use, orig_exit_idx)) {
          return false;
  return true;

//------------------------------ partial_peel -------------------------------------
// Partially peel (aka loop rotation) the top portion of a loop (called
// the peel section below) by cloning it and placing one copy just before
// the new loop head and the other copy at the bottom of the new loop.
//    before                       after                where it came from
//    stmt1                        stmt1
//  loop:                          stmt2                     clone
//    stmt2                        if condA goto exitA       clone
//    if condA goto exitA        new_loop:                   new
//    stmt3                        stmt3                     clone
//    if !condB goto loop          if condB goto exitB       clone
//  exitB:                         stmt2                     orig
//    stmt4                        if !condA goto new_loop   orig
//  exitA:                         goto exitA
//                               exitB:
//                                 stmt4
//                               exitA:
// Step 1: find the cut point: an exit test on probable
//         induction variable.
// Step 2: schedule (with cloning) operations in the peel
//         section that can be executed after the cut into
//         the section that is not peeled.  This may need
//         to clone operations into exit blocks.  For
//         instance, a reference to A[i] in the not-peel
//         section and a reference to B[i] in an exit block
//         may cause a left-shift of i by 2 to be placed
//         in the peel block.  This step will clone the left
//         shift into the exit block and sink the left shift
//         from the peel to the not-peel section.
// Step 3: clone the loop, retarget the control, and insert
//         phis for values that are live across the new loop
//         head.  This is very dependent on the graph structure
//         from clone_loop.  It creates region nodes for
//         exit control and associated phi nodes for values
//         flow out of the loop through that exit.  The region
//         node is dominated by the clone's control projection.
//         So the clone's peel section is placed before the
//         new loop head, and the clone's not-peel section is
//         forms the top part of the new loop.  The original
//         peel section forms the tail of the new loop.
// Step 4: update the dominator tree and recompute the
//         dominator depth.
//                   orig
//                   stmt1
//                     |
//                     v
//               loop predicate
//                     |
//                     v
//                   loop<----+
//                     |      |
//                   stmt2    |
//                     |      |
//                     v      |
//                    ifA     |
//                   / |      |
//                  v  v      |
//               false true   ^  <-- last_peel
//               /     |      |
//              /   ===|==cut |
//             /     stmt3    |  <-- first_not_peel
//            /        |      |
//            |        v      |
//            v       ifB     |
//          exitA:   / \      |
//                  /   \     |
//                 v     v    |
//               false true   |
//               /       \    |
//              /         ----+
//             |
//             v
//           exitB:
//           stmt4
//            after clone loop
//                   stmt1
//                     |
//                     v
//               loop predicate
//                 /       \
//        clone   /         \   orig
//               /           \
//              /             \
//             v               v
//   +---->loop                loop<----+
//   |      |                    |      |
//   |    stmt2                stmt2    |
//   |      |                    |      |
//   |      v                    v      |
//   |      ifA                 ifA     |
//   |      | \                / |      |
//   |      v  v              v  v      |
//   ^    true  false      false true   ^  <-- last_peel
//   |      |   ^   \       /    |      |
//   | cut==|==  \   \     /  ===|==cut |
//   |    stmt3   \   \   /    stmt3    |  <-- first_not_peel
//   |      |    dom   | |       |      |
//   |      v      \  1v v2      v      |
//   |      ifB     regionA     ifB     |
//   |      / \        |       / \      |
//   |     /   \       v      /   \     |
//   |    v     v    exitA:  v     v    |
//   |    true  false      false true   |
//   |    /     ^   \      /       \    |
//   +----       \   \    /         ----+
//               dom  \  /
//                 \  1v v2
//                  regionB
//                     |
//                     v
//                   exitB:
//                   stmt4
//           after partial peel
//                  stmt1
//                     |
//                     v
//               loop predicate
//                 /
//        clone   /             orig
//               /          TOP
//              /             \
//             v               v
//    TOP->loop                loop----+
//          |                    |      |
//        stmt2                stmt2    |
//          |                    |      |
//          v                    v      |
//          ifA                 ifA     |
//          | \                / |      |
//          v  v              v  v      |
//        true  false      false true   |     <-- last_peel
//          |   ^   \       /    +------|---+
//  +->newloop   \   \     /  === ==cut |   |
//  |     stmt3   \   \   /     TOP     |   |
//  |       |    dom   | |      stmt3   |   | <-- first_not_peel
//  |       v      \  1v v2      v      |   |
//  |       ifB     regionA     ifB     ^   v
//  |       / \        |       / \      |   |
//  |      /   \       v      /   \     |   |
//  |     v     v    exitA:  v     v    |   |
//  |     true  false      false true   |   |
//  |     /     ^   \      /       \    |   |
//  |    |       \   \    /         v   |   |
//  |    |       dom  \  /         TOP  |   |
//  |    |         \  1v v2             |   |
//  ^    v          regionB             |   |
//  |    |             |                |   |
//  |    |             v                ^   v
//  |    |           exitB:             |   |
//  |    |           stmt4              |   |
//  |    +------------>-----------------+   |
//  |                                       |
//  +-----------------<---------------------+
//              final graph
//                  stmt1
//                    |
//                    v
//               loop predicate
//                    |
//                    v
//                  stmt2 clone
//                    |
//                    v
//         ........> ifA clone
//         :        / |
//        dom      /  |
//         :      v   v
//         :  false   true
//         :  |       |
//         :  |       v
//         :  |    newloop<-----+
//         :  |        |        |
//         :  |     stmt3 clone |
//         :  |        |        |
//         :  |        v        |
//         :  |       ifB       |
//         :  |      / \        |
//         :  |     v   v       |
//         :  |  false true     |
//         :  |   |     |       |
//         :  |   v    stmt2    |
//         :  | exitB:  |       |
//         :  | stmt4   v       |
//         :  |       ifA orig  |
//         :  |      /  \       |
//         :  |     /    \      |
//         :  |    v     v      |
//         :  |  false  true    |
//         :  |  /        \     |
//         :  v  v         -----+
//          RegionA
//             |
//             v
//           exitA
bool PhaseIdealLoop::partial_peel( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new ) {

  assert(!loop->_head->is_CountedLoop(), "Non-counted loop only");
  if (!loop->_head->is_Loop()) {
    return false;  }

  LoopNode *head  = loop->_head->as_Loop();

  if (head->is_partial_peel_loop() || head->partial_peel_has_failed()) {
    return false;

  // Check for complex exit control
  for(uint ii = 0; ii < loop->_body.size(); ii++ ) {
    Node *n = loop->;
    int opc = n->Opcode();
    if (n->is_Call()        ||
        opc == Op_Catch     ||
        opc == Op_CatchProj ||
        opc == Op_Jump      ||
        opc == Op_JumpProj) {
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
      if (TracePartialPeeling) {
        tty->print_cr("\nExit control too complex: lp: %d", head->_idx);
      return false;

  int dd = dom_depth(head);

  // Step 1: find cut point

  // Walk up dominators to loop head looking for first loop exit
  // which is executed on every path thru loop.
  IfNode *peel_if = NULL;
  IfNode *peel_if_cmpu = NULL;

  Node *iff = loop->tail();
  while( iff != head ) {
    if( iff->is_If() ) {
      Node *ctrl = get_ctrl(iff->in(1));
      if (ctrl->is_top()) return false; // Dead test on live IF.
      // If loop-varying exit-test, check for induction variable
      if( loop->is_member(get_loop(ctrl)) &&
          loop->is_loop_exit(iff) &&
          is_possible_iv_test(iff)) {
        Node* cmp = iff->in(1)->in(1);
        if (cmp->Opcode() == Op_CmpI) {
          peel_if = iff->as_If();
        } else {
          assert(cmp->Opcode() == Op_CmpU, "must be CmpI or CmpU");
          peel_if_cmpu = iff->as_If();
    iff = idom(iff);
  // Prefer signed compare over unsigned compare.
  IfNode* new_peel_if = NULL;
  if (peel_if == NULL) {
    if (!PartialPeelAtUnsignedTests || peel_if_cmpu == NULL) {
      return false;   // No peel point found
    new_peel_if = insert_cmpi_loop_exit(peel_if_cmpu, loop);
    if (new_peel_if == NULL) {
      return false;   // No peel point found
    peel_if = new_peel_if;
  Node* last_peel        = stay_in_loop(peel_if, loop);
  Node* first_not_peeled = stay_in_loop(last_peel, loop);
  if (first_not_peeled == NULL || first_not_peeled == head) {
    return false;

#if !defined(PRODUCT)
  if (TraceLoopOpts) {
    tty->print("PartialPeel  ");

  if (TracePartialPeeling) {
    tty->print_cr("before partial peel one iteration");
    Node_List wl;
    Node* t = head->in(2);
    while (true) {
      if (t == head) break;
      t = idom(t);
    while (wl.size() > 0) {
      Node* tt = wl.pop();
      if (tt == last_peel) tty->print_cr("-- cut --");
  ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
  VectorSet peel(area);
  VectorSet not_peel(area);
  Node_List peel_list(area);
  Node_List worklist(area);
  Node_List sink_list(area);

  // Set of cfg nodes to peel are those that are executable from
  // the head through last_peel.
  assert(worklist.size() == 0, "should be empty");
  while (worklist.size() > 0) {
    Node *n = worklist.pop();
    if (n != last_peel) {
      for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
        Node* use = n->fast_out(j);
        if (use->is_CFG() &&
            loop->is_member(get_loop(use)) &&
            !peel.test_set(use->_idx)) {

  // Set of non-cfg nodes to peel are those that are control
  // dependent on the cfg nodes.
  uint i;
  for(i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *n = loop->;
    Node *n_c = has_ctrl(n) ? get_ctrl(n) : n;
    if (peel.test(n_c->_idx)) {
    } else {

  // Step 2: move operations from the peeled section down into the
  //         not-peeled section

  // Get a post order schedule of nodes in the peel region
  // Result in right-most operand.
  scheduled_nodelist(loop, peel, peel_list );

  assert(is_valid_loop_partition(loop, peel, peel_list, not_peel), "bad partition");

  // For future check for too many new phis
  uint old_phi_cnt = 0;
  for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = head->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
    Node* use = head->fast_out(j);
    if (use->is_Phi()) old_phi_cnt++;

#if !defined(PRODUCT)
  if (TracePartialPeeling) {
    tty->print_cr("\npeeled list");

  // Evacuate nodes in peel region into the not_peeled region if possible
  uint new_phi_cnt = 0;
  uint cloned_for_outside_use = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < peel_list.size();) {
    Node* n =;
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
  if (TracePartialPeeling) n->dump();
    bool incr = true;
    if ( !n->is_CFG() ) {

      if ( has_use_in_set(n, not_peel) ) {

        // If not used internal to the peeled region,
        // move "n" from peeled to not_peeled region.

        if ( !has_use_internal_to_set(n, peel, loop) ) {

          // if not pinned and not a load (which maybe anti-dependent on a store)
          // and not a CMove (Matcher expects only bool->cmove).
          if ( n->in(0) == NULL && !n->is_Load() && !n->is_CMove() ) {
            cloned_for_outside_use += clone_for_use_outside_loop( loop, n, worklist );
            peel     >>= n->_idx; // delete n from peel set.
            not_peel <<= n->_idx; // add n to not_peel set.
            incr = false;
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
            if (TracePartialPeeling) {
              tty->print_cr("sink to not_peeled region: %d newbb: %d",
                            n->_idx, get_ctrl(n)->_idx);
        } else {
          // Otherwise check for special def-use cases that span
          // the peel/not_peel boundary such as bool->if
          clone_for_special_use_inside_loop( loop, n, not_peel, sink_list, worklist );
    if (incr) i++;

  if (new_phi_cnt > old_phi_cnt + PartialPeelNewPhiDelta) {
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
    if (TracePartialPeeling) {
      tty->print_cr("\nToo many new phis: %d  old %d new cmpi: %c",
                    new_phi_cnt, old_phi_cnt, new_peel_if != NULL?'T':'F');
    if (new_peel_if != NULL) {
      remove_cmpi_loop_exit(new_peel_if, loop);
    // Inhibit more partial peeling on this loop
    assert(!head->is_partial_peel_loop(), "not partial peeled");
    if (cloned_for_outside_use > 0) {
      // Terminate this round of loop opts because
      // the graph outside this loop was changed.
      return true;
    return false;

  // Step 3: clone loop, retarget control, and insert new phis

  // Create new loop head for new phis and to hang
  // the nodes being moved (sinked) from the peel region.
  LoopNode* new_head = new (C) LoopNode(last_peel, last_peel);
  new_head->set_unswitch_count(head->unswitch_count()); // Preserve
  assert(first_not_peeled->in(0) == last_peel, "last_peel <- first_not_peeled");
  first_not_peeled->set_req(0, new_head);
  set_loop(new_head, loop);
  set_idom(new_head, last_peel, dom_depth(first_not_peeled));
  set_idom(first_not_peeled, new_head, dom_depth(first_not_peeled));

  while (sink_list.size() > 0) {
    Node* n = sink_list.pop();
    set_ctrl(n, new_head);

  assert(is_valid_loop_partition(loop, peel, peel_list, not_peel), "bad partition");

  clone_loop( loop, old_new, dd );

  const uint clone_exit_idx = 1;
  const uint orig_exit_idx  = 2;
  assert(is_valid_clone_loop_form( loop, peel_list, orig_exit_idx, clone_exit_idx ), "bad clone loop");

  Node* head_clone             = old_new[head->_idx];
  LoopNode* new_head_clone     = old_new[new_head->_idx]->as_Loop();
  Node* orig_tail_clone        = head_clone->in(2);

  // Add phi if "def" node is in peel set and "use" is not

  for(i = 0; i < peel_list.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *def  =;
    if (!def->is_CFG()) {
      for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = def->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
        Node *use = def->fast_out(j);
        if (has_node(use) && use->in(0) != C->top() &&
            (!peel.test(use->_idx) ||
             (use->is_Phi() && use->in(0) == head)) ) {
      while( worklist.size() ) {
        Node *use = worklist.pop();
        for (uint j = 1; j < use->req(); j++) {
          Node* n = use->in(j);
          if (n == def) {

            // "def" is in peel set, "use" is not in peel set
            // or "use" is in the entry boundary (a phi) of the peel set

            Node* use_c = has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use;

            if ( loop->is_member(get_loop( use_c )) ) {
              // use is in loop
              if (old_new[use->_idx] != NULL) { // null for dead code
                Node* use_clone = old_new[use->_idx];
                _igvn.replace_input_of(use, j, C->top());
                insert_phi_for_loop( use_clone, j, old_new[def->_idx], def, new_head_clone );
            } else {
              assert(is_valid_clone_loop_exit_use(loop, use, orig_exit_idx), "clone loop format");
              // use is not in the loop, check if the live range includes the cut
              Node* lp_if = use_c->in(orig_exit_idx)->in(0);
              if (not_peel.test(lp_if->_idx)) {
                assert(j == orig_exit_idx, "use from original loop");
                insert_phi_for_loop( use, clone_exit_idx, old_new[def->_idx], def, new_head_clone );

  // Step 3b: retarget control

  // Redirect control to the new loop head if a cloned node in
  // the not_peeled region has control that points into the peeled region.
  // This necessary because the cloned peeled region will be outside
  // the loop.
  //                            from    to
  //          cloned-peeled    <---+
  //    new_head_clone:            |    <--+
  //          cloned-not_peeled  in(0)    in(0)
  //          orig-peeled

  for(i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *n = loop->;
    if (!n->is_CFG()           && n->in(0) != NULL        &&
        not_peel.test(n->_idx) && peel.test(n->in(0)->_idx)) {
      Node* n_clone = old_new[n->_idx];
      _igvn.replace_input_of(n_clone, 0, new_head_clone);

  // Backedge of the surviving new_head (the clone) is original last_peel
  _igvn.replace_input_of(new_head_clone, LoopNode::LoopBackControl, last_peel);

  // Cut first node in original not_peel set
  _igvn.rehash_node_delayed(new_head);                     // Multiple edge updates:
  new_head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl,    C->top());  //   use rehash_node_delayed / set_req instead of
  new_head->set_req(LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());  //   multiple replace_input_of calls

  // Copy head_clone back-branch info to original head
  // and remove original head's loop entry and
  // clone head's back-branch
  _igvn.rehash_node_delayed(head); // Multiple edge updates
  head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl,    head_clone->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl));
  head->set_req(LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());
  _igvn.replace_input_of(head_clone, LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());

  // Similarly modify the phis
  for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = head->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
    Node* use = head->fast_out(k);
    if (use->is_Phi() && use->outcnt() > 0) {
      Node* use_clone = old_new[use->_idx];
      _igvn.rehash_node_delayed(use); // Multiple edge updates
      use->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl,    use_clone->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl));
      use->set_req(LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());
      _igvn.replace_input_of(use_clone, LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());

  // Step 4: update dominator tree and dominator depth

  set_idom(head, orig_tail_clone, dd);

  // Inhibit more partial peeling on this loop

#if !defined(PRODUCT)
  if (TracePartialPeeling) {
    tty->print_cr("\nafter partial peel one iteration");
    Node_List wl(area);
    Node* t = last_peel;
    while (true) {
      if (t == head_clone) break;
      t = idom(t);
    while (wl.size() > 0) {
      Node* tt = wl.pop();
      if (tt == head) tty->print_cr("orig head");
      else if (tt == new_head_clone) tty->print_cr("new head");
      else if (tt == head_clone) tty->print_cr("clone head");
  return true;

// Reorganize offset computations to lower register pressure.  Mostly
// prevent loop-fallout uses of the pre-incremented trip counter (which are
// then alive with the post-incremented trip counter forcing an extra
// register move)
void PhaseIdealLoop::reorg_offsets(IdealLoopTree *loop) {
  // Perform it only for canonical counted loops.
  // Loop's shape could be messed up by iteration_split_impl.
  if (!loop->_head->is_CountedLoop())
  if (!loop->_head->as_Loop()->is_valid_counted_loop())

  CountedLoopNode *cl = loop->_head->as_CountedLoop();
  CountedLoopEndNode *cle = cl->loopexit();
  Node *exit = cle->proj_out(false);
  Node *phi = cl->phi();

  // Check for the special case of folks using the pre-incremented
  // trip-counter on the fall-out path (forces the pre-incremented
  // and post-incremented trip counter to be live at the same time).
  // Fix this by adjusting to use the post-increment trip counter.

  bool progress = true;
  while (progress) {
    progress = false;
    for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = phi->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
      Node* use = phi->fast_out(i);   // User of trip-counter
      if (!has_ctrl(use))  continue;
      Node *u_ctrl = get_ctrl(use);
      if (use->is_Phi()) {
        u_ctrl = NULL;
        for (uint j = 1; j < use->req(); j++)
          if (use->in(j) == phi)
            u_ctrl = dom_lca(u_ctrl, use->in(0)->in(j));
      IdealLoopTree *u_loop = get_loop(u_ctrl);
      // Look for loop-invariant use
      if (u_loop == loop) continue;
      if (loop->is_member(u_loop)) continue;
      // Check that use is live out the bottom.  Assuming the trip-counter
      // update is right at the bottom, uses of of the loop middle are ok.
      if (dom_lca(exit, u_ctrl) != exit) continue;
      // Hit!  Refactor use to use the post-incremented tripcounter.
      // Compute a post-increment tripcounter.
      Node *opaq = new (C) Opaque2Node( C, cle->incr() );
      register_new_node(opaq, exit);
      Node *neg_stride = _igvn.intcon(-cle->stride_con());
      set_ctrl(neg_stride, C->root());
      Node *post = new (C) AddINode( opaq, neg_stride);
      register_new_node(post, exit);
      for (uint j = 1; j < use->req(); j++) {
        if (use->in(j) == phi)
          use->set_req(j, post);
      // Since DU info changed, rerun loop
      progress = true;

 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"

 * The general idea of Loop Predication is to insert a predicate on the entry
 * path to a loop, and raise a uncommon trap if the check of the condition fails.
 * The condition checks are promoted from inside the loop body, and thus
 * the checks inside the loop could be eliminated. Currently, loop predication
 * optimization has been applied to remove array range check and loop invariant
 * checks (such as null checks).

void PhaseIdealLoop::register_control(Node* n, IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* pred) {
  assert(n->is_CFG(), "must be control node");
  set_loop(n, loop);
  // When called from beautify_loops() idom is not constructed yet.
  if (_idom != NULL) {
    set_idom(n, pred, dom_depth(pred));

// create a new if above the uct_if_pattern for the predicate to be promoted.
//          before                                after
//        ----------                           ----------
//           ctrl                                 ctrl
//            |                                     |
//            |                                     |
//            v                                     v
//           iff                                 new_iff
//          /    \                                /      \
//         /      \                              /        \
//        v        v                            v          v
//  uncommon_proj cont_proj                   if_uct     if_cont
// \      |        |                           |          |
//  \     |        |                           |          |
//   v    v        v                           |          v
//     rgn       loop                          |         iff
//      |                                      |        /     \
//      |                                      |       /       \
//      v                                      |      v         v
// uncommon_trap                               | uncommon_proj cont_proj
//                                           \  \    |           |
//                                            \  \   |           |
//                                             v  v  v           v
//                                               rgn           loop
//                                                |
//                                                |
//                                                v
//                                           uncommon_trap
// We will create a region to guard the uct call if there is no one there.
// The true projecttion (if_cont) of the new_iff is returned.
// This code is also used to clone predicates to clonned loops.
ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::create_new_if_for_predicate(ProjNode* cont_proj, Node* new_entry,
                                                      Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason) {
  assert(cont_proj->is_uncommon_trap_if_pattern(reason), "must be a uct if pattern!");
  IfNode* iff = cont_proj->in(0)->as_If();

  ProjNode *uncommon_proj = iff->proj_out(1 - cont_proj->_con);
  Node     *rgn   = uncommon_proj->unique_ctrl_out();
  assert(rgn->is_Region() || rgn->is_Call(), "must be a region or call uct");

  uint proj_index = 1; // region's edge corresponding to uncommon_proj
  if (!rgn->is_Region()) { // create a region to guard the call
    assert(rgn->is_Call(), "must be call uct");
    CallNode* call = rgn->as_Call();
    IdealLoopTree* loop = get_loop(call);
    rgn = new (C) RegionNode(1);
    register_control(rgn, loop, uncommon_proj);
    call->set_req(0, rgn);
    // When called from beautify_loops() idom is not constructed yet.
    if (_idom != NULL) {
      set_idom(call, rgn, dom_depth(rgn));
  } else {
    // Find region's edge corresponding to uncommon_proj
    for (; proj_index < rgn->req(); proj_index++)
      if (rgn->in(proj_index) == uncommon_proj) break;
    assert(proj_index < rgn->req(), "sanity");

  Node* entry = iff->in(0);
  if (new_entry != NULL) {
    // Clonning the predicate to new location.
    entry = new_entry;
  // Create new_iff
  IdealLoopTree* lp = get_loop(entry);
  IfNode *new_iff = iff->clone()->as_If();
  new_iff->set_req(0, entry);
  register_control(new_iff, lp, entry);
  Node *if_cont = new (C) IfTrueNode(new_iff);
  Node *if_uct  = new (C) IfFalseNode(new_iff);
  if (cont_proj->is_IfFalse()) {
    // Swap
    Node* tmp = if_uct; if_uct = if_cont; if_cont = tmp;
  register_control(if_cont, lp, new_iff);
  register_control(if_uct, get_loop(rgn), new_iff);

  // if_uct to rgn
  // When called from beautify_loops() idom is not constructed yet.
  if (_idom != NULL) {
    Node* ridom = idom(rgn);
    Node* nrdom = dom_lca(ridom, new_iff);
    set_idom(rgn, nrdom, dom_depth(rgn));

  // If rgn has phis add new edges which has the same
  // value as on original uncommon_proj pass.
  assert(rgn->in(rgn->req() -1) == if_uct, "new edge should be last");
  bool has_phi = false;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = rgn->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* use = rgn->fast_out(i);
    if (use->is_Phi() && use->outcnt() > 0) {
      assert(use->in(0) == rgn, "");
      has_phi = true;
  assert(!has_phi || rgn->req() > 3, "no phis when region is created");

  if (new_entry == NULL) {
    // Attach if_cont to iff
    iff->set_req(0, if_cont);
    if (_idom != NULL) {
      set_idom(iff, if_cont, dom_depth(iff));
  return if_cont->as_Proj();

// Create a new if below new_entry for the predicate to be cloned (IGVN optimization)
ProjNode* PhaseIterGVN::create_new_if_for_predicate(ProjNode* cont_proj, Node* new_entry,
                                                    Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason) {
  assert(new_entry != 0, "only used for clone predicate");
  assert(cont_proj->is_uncommon_trap_if_pattern(reason), "must be a uct if pattern!");
  IfNode* iff = cont_proj->in(0)->as_If();

  ProjNode *uncommon_proj = iff->proj_out(1 - cont_proj->_con);
  Node     *rgn   = uncommon_proj->unique_ctrl_out();
  assert(rgn->is_Region() || rgn->is_Call(), "must be a region or call uct");

  uint proj_index = 1; // region's edge corresponding to uncommon_proj
  if (!rgn->is_Region()) { // create a region to guard the call
    assert(rgn->is_Call(), "must be call uct");
    CallNode* call = rgn->as_Call();
    rgn = new (C) RegionNode(1);
    call->set_req(0, rgn);
  } else {
    // Find region's edge corresponding to uncommon_proj
    for (; proj_index < rgn->req(); proj_index++)
      if (rgn->in(proj_index) == uncommon_proj) break;
    assert(proj_index < rgn->req(), "sanity");

  // Create new_iff in new location.
  IfNode *new_iff = iff->clone()->as_If();
  new_iff->set_req(0, new_entry);

  Node *if_cont = new (C) IfTrueNode(new_iff);
  Node *if_uct  = new (C) IfFalseNode(new_iff);
  if (cont_proj->is_IfFalse()) {
    // Swap
    Node* tmp = if_uct; if_uct = if_cont; if_cont = tmp;

  // if_uct to rgn

  // If rgn has phis add corresponding new edges which has the same
  // value as on original uncommon_proj pass.
  assert(rgn->in(rgn->req() -1) == if_uct, "new edge should be last");
  bool has_phi = false;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = rgn->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* use = rgn->fast_out(i);
    if (use->is_Phi() && use->outcnt() > 0) {
      has_phi = true;
  assert(!has_phi || rgn->req() > 3, "no phis when region is created");

  return if_cont->as_Proj();

ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_predicate(ProjNode* predicate_proj, Node* new_entry,
                                          Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
                                          PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase,
                                          PhaseIterGVN* igvn) {
  ProjNode* new_predicate_proj;
  if (loop_phase != NULL) {
    new_predicate_proj = loop_phase->create_new_if_for_predicate(predicate_proj, new_entry, reason);
  } else {
    new_predicate_proj =       igvn->create_new_if_for_predicate(predicate_proj, new_entry, reason);
  IfNode* iff = new_predicate_proj->in(0)->as_If();
  Node* ctrl  = iff->in(0);

  // Match original condition since predicate's projections could be swapped.
  assert(predicate_proj->in(0)->in(1)->in(1)->Opcode()==Op_Opaque1, "must be");
  Node* opq = new (igvn->C) Opaque1Node(igvn->C, predicate_proj->in(0)->in(1)->in(1)->in(1));

  Node* bol = new (igvn->C) Conv2BNode(opq);
  if (loop_phase != NULL) {
    loop_phase->register_new_node(opq, ctrl);
    loop_phase->register_new_node(bol, ctrl);
  } else {
  iff->set_req(1, bol);
  return new_predicate_proj;

// Interface from IGVN
Node* PhaseIterGVN::clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check) {
  return PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, clone_limit_check, NULL, this);

// Interface from PhaseIdealLoop
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry, bool clone_limit_check) {
  return clone_loop_predicates(old_entry, new_entry, clone_limit_check, this, &this->_igvn);

// Clone loop predicates to cloned loops (peeled, unswitched, split_if).
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_predicates(Node* old_entry, Node* new_entry,
                                                bool clone_limit_check,
                                                PhaseIdealLoop* loop_phase,
                                                PhaseIterGVN* igvn) {
#ifdef ASSERT
  if (new_entry == NULL || !(new_entry->is_Proj() || new_entry->is_Region() || new_entry->is_SafePoint())) {
    if (new_entry != NULL)
    assert(false, "not IfTrue, IfFalse, Region or SafePoint");
  // Search original predicates
  Node* entry = old_entry;
  ProjNode* limit_check_proj = NULL;
  if (LoopLimitCheck) {
    limit_check_proj = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check);
    if (limit_check_proj != NULL) {
      entry = entry->in(0)->in(0);
  if (UseLoopPredicate) {
    ProjNode* predicate_proj = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate);
    if (predicate_proj != NULL) { // right pattern that can be used by loop predication
      // clone predicate
      new_entry = clone_predicate(predicate_proj, new_entry,
                                  loop_phase, igvn);
      assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_Proj(), "IfTrue or IfFalse after clone predicate");
      if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
        tty->print("Loop Predicate cloned: ");
        debug_only( new_entry->in(0)->dump(); )
  if (limit_check_proj != NULL && clone_limit_check) {
    // Clone loop limit check last to insert it before loop.
    // Don't clone a limit check which was already finalized
    // for this counted loop (only one limit check is needed).
    new_entry = clone_predicate(limit_check_proj, new_entry,
                                loop_phase, igvn);
    assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_Proj(), "IfTrue or IfFalse after clone limit check");
    if (TraceLoopLimitCheck) {
      tty->print("Loop Limit Check cloned: ");
      debug_only( new_entry->in(0)->dump(); )
  return new_entry;

// Skip related predicates.
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::skip_loop_predicates(Node* entry) {
  Node* predicate = NULL;
  if (LoopLimitCheck) {
    predicate = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check);
    if (predicate != NULL) {
      entry = entry->in(0)->in(0);
  if (UseLoopPredicate) {
    predicate = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate);
    if (predicate != NULL) { // right pattern that can be used by loop predication
      IfNode* iff = entry->in(0)->as_If();
      ProjNode* uncommon_proj = iff->proj_out(1 - entry->as_Proj()->_con);
      Node* rgn = uncommon_proj->unique_ctrl_out();
      assert(rgn->is_Region() || rgn->is_Call(), "must be a region or call uct");
      entry = entry->in(0)->in(0);
      while (entry != NULL && entry->is_Proj() && entry->in(0)->is_If()) {
        uncommon_proj = entry->in(0)->as_If()->proj_out(1 - entry->as_Proj()->_con);
        if (uncommon_proj->unique_ctrl_out() != rgn)
        entry = entry->in(0)->in(0);
  return entry;

// Find a good location to insert a predicate
ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate_insertion_point(Node* start_c, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason) {
  if (start_c == NULL || !start_c->is_Proj())
    return NULL;
  if (start_c->as_Proj()->is_uncommon_trap_if_pattern(reason)) {
    return start_c->as_Proj();
  return NULL;

// Find a predicate
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate(Node* entry) {
  Node* predicate = NULL;
  if (LoopLimitCheck) {
    predicate = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check);
    if (predicate != NULL) { // right pattern that can be used by loop predication
      return entry;
  if (UseLoopPredicate) {
    predicate = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate);
    if (predicate != NULL) { // right pattern that can be used by loop predication
      return entry;
  return NULL;

// Helper class for loop_predication_impl to compute invariance on the fly and
// clone invariants.
class Invariance : public StackObj {
  VectorSet _visited, _invariant;
  Node_Stack _stack;
  VectorSet _clone_visited;
  Node_List _old_new; // map of old to new (clone)
  IdealLoopTree* _lpt;
  PhaseIdealLoop* _phase;

  // Helper function to set up the invariance for invariance computation
  // If n is a known invariant, set up directly. Otherwise, look up the
  // the possibility to push n onto the stack for further processing.
  void visit(Node* use, Node* n) {
    if (_lpt->is_invariant(n)) { // known invariant
    } else if (!n->is_CFG()) {
      Node *n_ctrl = _phase->ctrl_or_self(n);
      Node *u_ctrl = _phase->ctrl_or_self(use); // self if use is a CFG
      if (_phase->is_dominator(n_ctrl, u_ctrl)) {
        _stack.push(n, n->in(0) == NULL ? 1 : 0);

  // Compute invariance for "the_node" and (possibly) all its inputs recursively
  // on the fly
  void compute_invariance(Node* n) {
    assert(_visited.test(n->_idx), "must be");
    visit(n, n);
    while (_stack.is_nonempty()) {
      Node*  n = _stack.node();
      uint idx = _stack.index();
      if (idx == n->req()) { // all inputs are processed
        // n is invariant if it's inputs are all invariant
        bool all_inputs_invariant = true;
        for (uint i = 0; i < n->req(); i++) {
          Node* in = n->in(i);
          if (in == NULL) continue;
          assert(_visited.test(in->_idx), "must have visited input");
          if (!_invariant.test(in->_idx)) { // bad guy
            all_inputs_invariant = false;
        if (all_inputs_invariant) {
          // If n's control is a predicate that was moved out of the
          // loop, it was marked invariant but n is only invariant if
          // it depends only on that test. Otherwise, unless that test
          // is out of the loop, it's not invariant.
          if (n->is_CFG() || n->depends_only_on_test() || n->in(0) == NULL || !_phase->is_member(_lpt, n->in(0))) {
            _invariant.set(n->_idx); // I am a invariant too
      } else { // process next input
        _stack.set_index(idx + 1);
        Node* m = n->in(idx);
        if (m != NULL && !_visited.test_set(m->_idx)) {
          visit(n, m);

  // Helper function to set up _old_new map for clone_nodes.
  // If n is a known invariant, set up directly ("clone" of n == n).
  // Otherwise, push n onto the stack for real cloning.
  void clone_visit(Node* n) {
    assert(_invariant.test(n->_idx), "must be invariant");
    if (_lpt->is_invariant(n)) { // known invariant>_idx, n);
    } else { // to be cloned
      assert(!n->is_CFG(), "should not see CFG here");
      _stack.push(n, n->in(0) == NULL ? 1 : 0);

  // Clone "n" and (possibly) all its inputs recursively
  void clone_nodes(Node* n, Node* ctrl) {
    while (_stack.is_nonempty()) {
      Node*  n = _stack.node();
      uint idx = _stack.index();
      if (idx == n->req()) { // all inputs processed, clone n!
        // clone invariant node
        Node* n_cl = n->clone();>_idx, n_cl);
        _phase->register_new_node(n_cl, ctrl);
        for (uint i = 0; i < n->req(); i++) {
          Node* in = n_cl->in(i);
          if (in == NULL) continue;
          n_cl->set_req(i, _old_new[in->_idx]);
      } else { // process next input
        _stack.set_index(idx + 1);
        Node* m = n->in(idx);
        if (m != NULL && !_clone_visited.test_set(m->_idx)) {
          clone_visit(m); // visit the input

  Invariance(Arena* area, IdealLoopTree* lpt) :
    _lpt(lpt), _phase(lpt->_phase),
    _visited(area), _invariant(area), _stack(area, 10 /* guess */),
    _clone_visited(area), _old_new(area)
    Node* head = _lpt->_head;
    Node* entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
    if (entry->outcnt() != 1) {
      // If a node is pinned between the predicates and the loop
      // entry, we won't be able to move any node in the loop that
      // depends on it above it in a predicate. Mark all those nodes
      // as non loop invariatnt.
      Unique_Node_List wq;
      for (uint next = 0; next < wq.size(); ++next) {
        Node *n =;
        for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
          Node* u = n->fast_out(i);
          if (!u->is_CFG()) {
            Node* c = _phase->get_ctrl(u);
            if (_lpt->is_member(_phase->get_loop(c)) || _phase->is_dominator(c, head)) {

  // Map old to n for invariance computation and clone
  void map_ctrl(Node* old, Node* n) {
    assert(old->is_CFG() && n->is_CFG(), "must be");>_idx, n); // "clone" of old is n
    _invariant.set(old->_idx);  // old is invariant

  // Driver function to compute invariance
  bool is_invariant(Node* n) {
    if (!_visited.test_set(n->_idx))
    return (_invariant.test(n->_idx) != 0);

  // Driver function to clone invariant
  Node* clone(Node* n, Node* ctrl) {
    assert(ctrl->is_CFG(), "must be");
    assert(_invariant.test(n->_idx), "must be an invariant");
    if (!_clone_visited.test(n->_idx))
      clone_nodes(n, ctrl);
    return _old_new[n->_idx];

//------------------------------is_range_check_if -----------------------------------
// Returns true if the predicate of iff is in "scale*iv + offset u< load_range(ptr)" format
// Note: this function is particularly designed for loop predication. We require load_range
//       and offset to be loop invariant computed on the fly by "invar"
bool IdealLoopTree::is_range_check_if(IfNode *iff, PhaseIdealLoop *phase, Invariance& invar) const {
  if (!is_loop_exit(iff)) {
    return false;
  if (!iff->in(1)->is_Bool()) {
    return false;
  const BoolNode *bol = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
  if (bol->_test._test != BoolTest::lt) {
    return false;
  if (!bol->in(1)->is_Cmp()) {
    return false;
  const CmpNode *cmp = bol->in(1)->as_Cmp();
  if (cmp->Opcode() != Op_CmpU) {
    return false;
  Node* range = cmp->in(2);
  if (range->Opcode() != Op_LoadRange) {
    const TypeInt* tint = phase->_igvn.type(range)->isa_int();
    if (tint == NULL || tint->empty() || tint->_lo < 0) {
      // Allow predication on positive values that aren't LoadRanges.
      // This allows optimization of loops where the length of the
      // array is a known value and doesn't need to be loaded back
      // from the array.
      return false;
  if (!invar.is_invariant(range)) {
    return false;
  Node *iv     = _head->as_CountedLoop()->phi();
  int   scale  = 0;
  Node *offset = NULL;
  if (!phase->is_scaled_iv_plus_offset(cmp->in(1), iv, &scale, &offset)) {
    return false;
  if (offset && !invar.is_invariant(offset)) { // offset must be invariant
    return false;
  return true;

// Create a range check predicate
// for (i = init; i < limit; i += stride) {
//    a[scale*i+offset]
// }
// Compute max(scale*i + offset) for init <= i < limit and build the predicate
// as "max(scale*i + offset) u< a.length".
// There are two cases for max(scale*i + offset):
// (1) stride*scale > 0
//   max(scale*i + offset) = scale*(limit-stride) + offset
// (2) stride*scale < 0
//   max(scale*i + offset) = scale*init + offset
BoolNode* PhaseIdealLoop::rc_predicate(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node* ctrl,
                                       int scale, Node* offset,
                                       Node* init, Node* limit, jint stride,
                                       Node* range, bool upper, bool &overflow) {
  jint con_limit  = limit->is_Con()  ? limit->get_int()  : 0;
  jint con_init   = init->is_Con()   ? init->get_int()   : 0;
  jint con_offset = offset->is_Con() ? offset->get_int() : 0;

  stringStream* predString = NULL;
  if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
    predString = new stringStream();
    predString->print("rc_predicate ");

  overflow = false;
  Node* max_idx_expr = NULL;
  const TypeInt* idx_type = TypeInt::INT;
  if ((stride > 0) == (scale > 0) == upper) {
    if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
      if (limit->is_Con()) {
        predString->print("(%d ", con_limit);
      } else {
        predString->print("(limit ");
      predString->print("- %d) ", stride);
    // Check if (limit - stride) may overflow
    const TypeInt* limit_type = _igvn.type(limit)->isa_int();
    jint limit_lo = limit_type->_lo;
    jint limit_hi = limit_type->_hi;
    jint res_lo = limit_lo - stride;
    jint res_hi = limit_hi - stride;
    if ((stride > 0 && (res_lo < limit_lo)) ||
        (stride < 0 && (res_hi > limit_hi))) {
      // No overflow possible
      ConINode* con_stride = _igvn.intcon(stride);
      set_ctrl(con_stride, C->root());
      max_idx_expr = new (C) SubINode(limit, con_stride);
      idx_type = TypeInt::make(limit_lo - stride, limit_hi - stride, limit_type->_widen);
    } else {
      // May overflow
      overflow = true;
      limit = new (C) ConvI2LNode(limit);
      register_new_node(limit, ctrl);
      ConLNode* con_stride = _igvn.longcon(stride);
      set_ctrl(con_stride, C->root());
      max_idx_expr = new (C) SubLNode(limit, con_stride);
    register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);
  } else {
    if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
      if (init->is_Con()) {
        predString->print("%d ", con_init);
      } else {
        predString->print("init ");
    idx_type = _igvn.type(init)->isa_int();
    max_idx_expr = init;

  if (scale != 1) {
    ConNode* con_scale = _igvn.intcon(scale);
    set_ctrl(con_scale, C->root());
    if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
      predString->print("* %d ", scale);
    // Check if (scale * max_idx_expr) may overflow
    const TypeInt* scale_type = TypeInt::make(scale);
    MulINode* mul = new (C) MulINode(max_idx_expr, con_scale);
    idx_type = (TypeInt*)mul->mul_ring(idx_type, scale_type);
    if (overflow || TypeInt::INT->higher_equal(idx_type)) {
      // May overflow
      if (!overflow) {
        max_idx_expr = new (C) ConvI2LNode(max_idx_expr);
        register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);
      overflow = true;
      con_scale = _igvn.longcon(scale);
      set_ctrl(con_scale, C->root());
      max_idx_expr = new (C) MulLNode(max_idx_expr, con_scale);
    } else {
      // No overflow possible
      max_idx_expr = mul;
    register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);

  if (offset && (!offset->is_Con() || con_offset != 0)){
    if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
      if (offset->is_Con()) {
        predString->print("+ %d ", con_offset);
      } else {
        predString->print("+ offset");
    // Check if (max_idx_expr + offset) may overflow
    const TypeInt* offset_type = _igvn.type(offset)->isa_int();
    jint lo = idx_type->_lo + offset_type->_lo;
    jint hi = idx_type->_hi + offset_type->_hi;
    if (overflow || (lo > hi) ||
        ((idx_type->_lo & offset_type->_lo) < 0 && lo >= 0) ||
        ((~(idx_type->_hi | offset_type->_hi)) < 0 && hi < 0)) {
      // May overflow
      if (!overflow) {
        max_idx_expr = new (C) ConvI2LNode(max_idx_expr);
        register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);
      overflow = true;
      offset = new (C) ConvI2LNode(offset);
      register_new_node(offset, ctrl);
      max_idx_expr = new (C) AddLNode(max_idx_expr, offset);
    } else {
      // No overflow possible
      max_idx_expr = new (C) AddINode(max_idx_expr, offset);
    register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);

  CmpNode* cmp = NULL;
  if (overflow) {
    // Integer expressions may overflow, do long comparison
    range = new (C) ConvI2LNode(range);
    register_new_node(range, ctrl);
    if (!Matcher::has_match_rule(Op_CmpUL)) {
      // We don't support unsigned long comparisons. Set 'max_idx_expr'
      // to max_julong if < 0 to make the signed comparison fail.
      ConINode* sign_pos = _igvn.intcon(BitsPerLong - 1);
      set_ctrl(sign_pos, C->root());
      Node* sign_bit_mask = new (C) RShiftLNode(max_idx_expr, sign_pos);
      register_new_node(sign_bit_mask, ctrl);
      // OR with sign bit to set all bits to 1 if negative (otherwise no change)
      max_idx_expr = new (C) OrLNode(max_idx_expr, sign_bit_mask);
      register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);
      // AND with 0x7ff... to unset the sign bit
      ConLNode* remove_sign_mask = _igvn.longcon(max_jlong);
      set_ctrl(remove_sign_mask, C->root());
      max_idx_expr = new (C) AndLNode(max_idx_expr, remove_sign_mask);
      register_new_node(max_idx_expr, ctrl);

      cmp = new (C) CmpLNode(max_idx_expr, range);
    } else {
      cmp = new (C) CmpULNode(max_idx_expr, range);
  } else {
    cmp = new (C) CmpUNode(max_idx_expr, range);
  register_new_node(cmp, ctrl);
  BoolNode* bol = new (C) BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::lt);
  register_new_node(bol, ctrl);

  if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
    predString->print_cr("<u range");
    tty->print("%s", predString->as_string());
  return bol;

//------------------------------ loop_predication_impl--------------------------
// Insert loop predicates for null checks and range checks
bool PhaseIdealLoop::loop_predication_impl(IdealLoopTree *loop) {
  if (!UseLoopPredicate) return false;

  if (!loop->_head->is_Loop()) {
    // Could be a simple region when irreducible loops are present.
    return false;
  LoopNode* head = loop->_head->as_Loop();

  if (head->unique_ctrl_out()->Opcode() == Op_NeverBranch) {
    // do nothing for infinite loops
    return false;

  CountedLoopNode *cl = NULL;
  if (head->is_valid_counted_loop()) {
    cl = head->as_CountedLoop();
    // do nothing for iteration-splitted loops
    if (!cl->is_normal_loop()) return false;
    // Avoid RCE if Counted loop's test is '!='.
    BoolTest::mask bt = cl->loopexit()->test_trip();
    if (bt != BoolTest::lt && bt != BoolTest::gt)
      cl = NULL;

  Node* entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
  ProjNode *predicate_proj = NULL;
  // Loop limit check predicate should be near the loop.
  if (LoopLimitCheck) {
    predicate_proj = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check);
    if (predicate_proj != NULL)
      entry = predicate_proj->in(0)->in(0);

  predicate_proj = find_predicate_insertion_point(entry, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate);
  if (!predicate_proj) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
      tty->print("missing predicate:");
    return false;
  ConNode* zero = _igvn.intcon(0);
  set_ctrl(zero, C->root());

  ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
  Invariance invar(area, loop);

  // Create list of if-projs such that a newer proj dominates all older
  // projs in the list, and they all dominate loop->tail()
  Node_List if_proj_list(area);
  Node *current_proj = loop->tail(); //start from tail
  while (current_proj != head) {
    if (loop == get_loop(current_proj) && // still in the loop ?
        current_proj->is_Proj()        && // is a projection  ?
        current_proj->in(0)->Opcode() == Op_If) { // is a if projection ?
    current_proj = idom(current_proj);

  bool hoisted = false; // true if at least one proj is promoted
  while (if_proj_list.size() > 0) {
    // Following are changed to nonnull when a predicate can be hoisted
    ProjNode* new_predicate_proj = NULL;

    ProjNode* proj = if_proj_list.pop()->as_Proj();
    IfNode*   iff  = proj->in(0)->as_If();

    if (!proj->is_uncommon_trap_if_pattern(Deoptimization::Reason_none)) {
      if (loop->is_loop_exit(iff)) {
        // stop processing the remaining projs in the list because the execution of them
        // depends on the condition of "iff" (iff->in(1)).
      } else {
        // Both arms are inside the loop. There are two cases:
        // (1) there is one backward branch. In this case, any remaining proj
        //     in the if_proj list post-dominates "iff". So, the condition of "iff"
        //     does not determine the execution the remining projs directly, and we
        //     can safely continue.
        // (2) both arms are forwarded, i.e. a diamond shape. In this case, "proj"
        //     does not dominate loop->tail(), so it can not be in the if_proj list.

    Node*     test = iff->in(1);
    if (!test->is_Bool()){ //Conv2B, ...
    BoolNode* bol = test->as_Bool();
    if (invar.is_invariant(bol)) {
      // Invariant test
      new_predicate_proj = create_new_if_for_predicate(predicate_proj, NULL,
      Node* ctrl = new_predicate_proj->in(0)->as_If()->in(0);
      BoolNode* new_predicate_bol = invar.clone(bol, ctrl)->as_Bool();

      // Negate test if necessary
      bool negated = false;
      if (proj->_con != predicate_proj->_con) {
        new_predicate_bol = new (C) BoolNode(new_predicate_bol->in(1), new_predicate_bol->_test.negate());
        register_new_node(new_predicate_bol, ctrl);
        negated = true;
      IfNode* new_predicate_iff = new_predicate_proj->in(0)->as_If();
      new_predicate_iff->set_req(1, new_predicate_bol);
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (TraceLoopPredicate) {
        tty->print("Predicate invariant if%s: %d ", negated ? " negated" : "", new_predicate_iff->_idx);
      } else if (TraceLoopOpts) {
        tty->print("Predicate IC ");
    } else if ((cl != NULL) && (proj->_con == predicate_proj->_con) &&
               loop->is_range_check_if(iff, this, invar)) {

      // Range check for counted loops
      const Node*    cmp    = bol->in(1)->as_Cmp();
      Node*          idx    = cmp->in(1);
      assert(!invar.is_invariant(idx), "index is variant");
      Node* rng = cmp->in(2);
      assert(rng->Opcode() == Op_LoadRange || _igvn.type(rng)->is_int()->_lo >= 0, "must be");
      assert(invar.is_invariant(rng), "range must be invariant");
      int scale    = 1;
      Node* offset = zero;
      bool ok = is_scaled_iv_plus_offset(idx, cl->phi(), &scale, &offset);
      assert(ok, "must be index expression");

      Node* init    = cl->init_trip();
      // Limit is not exact.
      // Calculate exact limit here.
      // Note, counted loop's test is '<' or '>'.
      Node* limit   = exact_limit(loop);
      int  stride   = cl->stride()->get_int();

      // Build if's for the upper and lower bound tests.  The
      // lower_bound test will dominate the upper bound test and all
      // cloned or created nodes will use the lower bound test as
      // their declared control.
      ProjNode* lower_bound_proj = create_new_if_for_predicate(predicate_proj, NULL, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate);
      ProjNode* upper_bound_proj = create_new_if_for_predicate(predicate_proj, NULL, Deoptimization::Reason_predicate);
      assert(upper_bound_proj->in(0)->as_If()->in(0) == lower_bound_proj, "should dominate");
      Node *ctrl = lower_bound_proj->in(0)->as_If()->in(0);

      // Perform cloning to keep Invariance state correct since the
      // late schedule will place invariant things in the loop.
      rng = invar.clone(rng, ctrl);
      if (offset && offset != zero) {
        assert(invar.is_invariant(offset), "offset must be loop invariant");
        offset = invar.clone(offset, ctrl);
      // If predicate expressions may overflow in the integer range, longs are used.
      bool overflow = false;

      // Test the lower bound
      Node*  lower_bound_bol = rc_predicate(loop, ctrl, scale, offset, init, limit, stride, rng, false, overflow);
      IfNode* lower_bound_iff = lower_bound_proj->in(0)->as_If();
      lower_bound_iff->set_req(1, lower_bound_bol);
      if (TraceLoopPredicate) tty->print_cr("lower bound check if: %d", lower_bound_iff->_idx);

      // Test the upper bound
      Node* upper_bound_bol = rc_predicate(loop, lower_bound_proj, scale, offset, init, limit, stride, rng, true, overflow);
      IfNode* upper_bound_iff = upper_bound_proj->in(0)->as_If();
      upper_bound_iff->set_req(1, upper_bound_bol);
      if (TraceLoopPredicate) tty->print_cr("upper bound check if: %d", lower_bound_iff->_idx);

      // Fall through into rest of the clean up code which will move
      // any dependent nodes onto the upper bound test.
      new_predicate_proj = upper_bound_proj;

#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (TraceLoopOpts && !TraceLoopPredicate) {
        tty->print("Predicate RC ");
    } else {
      // Loop variant check (for example, range check in non-counted loop)
      // with uncommon trap.
    assert(new_predicate_proj != NULL, "sanity");
    // Success - attach condition (new_predicate_bol) to predicate if
    invar.map_ctrl(proj, new_predicate_proj); // so that invariance test can be appropriate

    // Eliminate the old If in the loop body
    dominated_by( new_predicate_proj, iff, proj->_con != new_predicate_proj->_con );

    hoisted = true;
  } // end while

#ifndef PRODUCT
  // report that the loop predication has been actually performed
  // for this loop
  if (TraceLoopPredicate && hoisted) {
    tty->print("Loop Predication Performed:");

  return hoisted;

// driver routine for loop predication optimization
bool IdealLoopTree::loop_predication( PhaseIdealLoop *phase) {
  bool hoisted = false;
  // Recursively promote predicates
  if (_child) {
    hoisted = _child->loop_predication( phase);

  // self
  if (!_irreducible && !tail()->is_top()) {
    hoisted |= phase->loop_predication_impl(this);

  if (_next) { //sibling
    hoisted |= _next->loop_predication( phase);

  return hoisted;
 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"

// Given an IfNode, return the loop-exiting projection or NULL if both
// arms remain in the loop.
Node *IdealLoopTree::is_loop_exit(Node *iff) const {
  if( iff->outcnt() != 2 ) return NULL; // Ignore partially dead tests
  PhaseIdealLoop *phase = _phase;
  // Test is an IfNode, has 2 projections.  If BOTH are in the loop
  // we need loop unswitching instead of peeling.
  if( !is_member(phase->get_loop( iff->raw_out(0) )) )
    return iff->raw_out(0);
  if( !is_member(phase->get_loop( iff->raw_out(1) )) )
    return iff->raw_out(1);
  return NULL;


// Put loop body on igvn work list
void IdealLoopTree::record_for_igvn() {
  for( uint i = 0; i < _body.size(); i++ ) {
    Node *n =;

// Compute loop exact trip count if possible. Do not recalculate trip count for
// split loops (pre-main-post) which have their limits and inits behind Opaque node.
void IdealLoopTree::compute_exact_trip_count( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) {
  if (!_head->as_Loop()->is_valid_counted_loop()) {
  CountedLoopNode* cl = _head->as_CountedLoop();
  // Trip count may become nonexact for iteration split loops since
  // RCE modifies limits. Note, _trip_count value is not reset since
  // it is used to limit unrolling of main loop.

  // Loop's test should be part of loop.
  if (!phase->is_member(this, phase->get_ctrl(cl->loopexit()->in(CountedLoopEndNode::TestValue))))
    return; // Infinite loop

#ifdef ASSERT
  BoolTest::mask bt = cl->loopexit()->test_trip();
  assert(bt == BoolTest::lt || bt == BoolTest::gt ||
         bt == BoolTest::ne, "canonical test is expected");

  Node* init_n = cl->init_trip();
  Node* limit_n = cl->limit();
  if (init_n  != NULL &&  init_n->is_Con() &&
      limit_n != NULL && limit_n->is_Con()) {
    // Use longs to avoid integer overflow.
    int stride_con  = cl->stride_con();
    jlong init_con   = cl->init_trip()->get_int();
    jlong limit_con  = cl->limit()->get_int();
    int stride_m    = stride_con - (stride_con > 0 ? 1 : -1);
    jlong trip_count = (limit_con - init_con + stride_m)/stride_con;
    if (trip_count > 0 && (julong)trip_count < (julong)max_juint) {
      // Set exact trip count.

// Compute loop trip count from profile data as
//    (backedge_count + loop_exit_count) / loop_exit_count
void IdealLoopTree::compute_profile_trip_cnt( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) {
  if (!_head->is_CountedLoop()) {
  CountedLoopNode* head = _head->as_CountedLoop();
  if (head->profile_trip_cnt() != COUNT_UNKNOWN) {
    return; // Already computed
  float trip_cnt = (float)max_jint; // default is big

  Node* back = head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl);
  while (back != head) {
    if ((back->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue || back->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) &&
        back->in(0) &&
        back->in(0)->is_If() &&
        back->in(0)->as_If()->_fcnt != COUNT_UNKNOWN &&
        back->in(0)->as_If()->_prob != PROB_UNKNOWN) {
    back = phase->idom(back);
  if (back != head) {
    assert((back->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue || back->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) &&
           back->in(0), "if-projection exists");
    IfNode* back_if = back->in(0)->as_If();
    float loop_back_cnt = back_if->_fcnt * back_if->_prob;

    // Now compute a loop exit count
    float loop_exit_cnt = 0.0f;
    for( uint i = 0; i < _body.size(); i++ ) {
      Node *n = _body[i];
      if( n->is_If() ) {
        IfNode *iff = n->as_If();
        if( iff->_fcnt != COUNT_UNKNOWN && iff->_prob != PROB_UNKNOWN ) {
          Node *exit = is_loop_exit(iff);
          if( exit ) {
            float exit_prob = iff->_prob;
            if (exit->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) exit_prob = 1.0 - exit_prob;
            if (exit_prob > PROB_MIN) {
              float exit_cnt = iff->_fcnt * exit_prob;
              loop_exit_cnt += exit_cnt;
    if (loop_exit_cnt > 0.0f) {
      trip_cnt = (loop_back_cnt + loop_exit_cnt) / loop_exit_cnt;
    } else {
      // No exit count so use
      trip_cnt = loop_back_cnt;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceProfileTripCount) {
    tty->print_cr("compute_profile_trip_cnt  lp: %d cnt: %f\n", head->_idx, trip_cnt);

// Return nonzero index of invariant operand for an Add or Sub
// of (nonconstant) invariant and variant values. Helper for reassociate_invariants.
int IdealLoopTree::is_invariant_addition(Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop *phase) {
  int op = n->Opcode();
  if (op == Op_AddI || op == Op_SubI) {
    bool in1_invar = this->is_invariant(n->in(1));
    bool in2_invar = this->is_invariant(n->in(2));
    if (in1_invar && !in2_invar) return 1;
    if (!in1_invar && in2_invar) return 2;
  return 0;

// Reassociate invariant add and subtract expressions:
// inv1 + (x + inv2)  =>  ( inv1 + inv2) + x
// (x + inv2) + inv1  =>  ( inv1 + inv2) + x
// inv1 + (x - inv2)  =>  ( inv1 - inv2) + x
// inv1 - (inv2 - x)  =>  ( inv1 - inv2) + x
// (x + inv2) - inv1  =>  (-inv1 + inv2) + x
// (x - inv2) + inv1  =>  ( inv1 - inv2) + x
// (x - inv2) - inv1  =>  (-inv1 - inv2) + x
// inv1 + (inv2 - x)  =>  ( inv1 + inv2) - x
// inv1 - (x - inv2)  =>  ( inv1 + inv2) - x
// (inv2 - x) + inv1  =>  ( inv1 + inv2) - x
// (inv2 - x) - inv1  =>  (-inv1 + inv2) - x
// inv1 - (x + inv2)  =>  ( inv1 - inv2) - x
Node* IdealLoopTree::reassociate_add_sub(Node* n1, PhaseIdealLoop *phase) {
  if (!n1->is_Add() && !n1->is_Sub() || n1->outcnt() == 0) return NULL;
  if (is_invariant(n1)) return NULL;
  int inv1_idx = is_invariant_addition(n1, phase);
  if (!inv1_idx) return NULL;
  // Don't mess with add of constant (igvn moves them to expression tree root.)
  if (n1->is_Add() && n1->in(2)->is_Con()) return NULL;
  Node* inv1 = n1->in(inv1_idx);
  Node* n2 = n1->in(3 - inv1_idx);
  int inv2_idx = is_invariant_addition(n2, phase);
  if (!inv2_idx) return NULL;
  Node* x    = n2->in(3 - inv2_idx);
  Node* inv2 = n2->in(inv2_idx);

  bool neg_x    = n2->is_Sub() && inv2_idx == 1;
  bool neg_inv2 = n2->is_Sub() && inv2_idx == 2;
  bool neg_inv1 = n1->is_Sub() && inv1_idx == 2;
  if (n1->is_Sub() && inv1_idx == 1) {
    neg_x    = !neg_x;
    neg_inv2 = !neg_inv2;
  Node* inv1_c = phase->get_ctrl(inv1);
  Node* inv2_c = phase->get_ctrl(inv2);
  Node* n_inv1;
  if (neg_inv1) {
    Node *zero = phase->_igvn.intcon(0);
    phase->set_ctrl(zero, phase->C->root());
    n_inv1 = new (phase->C) SubINode(zero, inv1);
    phase->register_new_node(n_inv1, inv1_c);
  } else {
    n_inv1 = inv1;
  Node* inv;
  if (neg_inv2) {
    inv = new (phase->C) SubINode(n_inv1, inv2);
  } else {
    inv = new (phase->C) AddINode(n_inv1, inv2);
  phase->register_new_node(inv, phase->get_early_ctrl(inv));

  Node* addx;
  if (neg_x) {
    addx = new (phase->C) SubINode(inv, x);
  } else {
    addx = new (phase->C) AddINode(x, inv);
  phase->register_new_node(addx, phase->get_ctrl(x));
  phase->_igvn.replace_node(n1, addx);
  assert(phase->get_loop(phase->get_ctrl(n1)) == this, "");
  return addx;

// Reassociate invariant expressions:
void IdealLoopTree::reassociate_invariants(PhaseIdealLoop *phase) {
  for (int i = _body.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Node *n =;
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
      Node* nn = reassociate_add_sub(n, phase);
      if (nn == NULL) break;
      n = nn; // again

// Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be peeled or not.  Peel if we can
// make some loop-invariant test (usually a null-check) happen before the loop.
bool IdealLoopTree::policy_peeling( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const {
  Node *test = ((IdealLoopTree*)this)->tail();
  int  body_size = ((IdealLoopTree*)this)->_body.size();
  // Peeling does loop cloning which can result in O(N^2) node construction
  if( body_size > 255 /* Prevent overflow for large body_size */
      || (body_size * body_size + phase->C->live_nodes()) > phase->C->max_node_limit() ) {
    return false;           // too large to safely clone
  while( test != _head ) {      // Scan till run off top of loop
    if( test->is_If() ) {       // Test?
      Node *ctrl = phase->get_ctrl(test->in(1));
      if (ctrl->is_top())
        return false;           // Found dead test on live IF?  No peeling!
      // Standard IF only has one input value to check for loop invariance
      assert( test->Opcode() == Op_If || test->Opcode() == Op_CountedLoopEnd, "Check this code when new subtype is added");
      // Condition is not a member of this loop?
      if( !is_member(phase->get_loop(ctrl)) &&
          is_loop_exit(test) )
        return true;            // Found reason to peel!
    // Walk up dominators to loop _head looking for test which is
    // executed on every path thru loop.
    test = phase->idom(test);
  return false;

// If we got the effect of peeling, either by actually peeling or by making
// a pre-loop which must execute at least once, we can remove all
// loop-invariant dominated tests in the main body.
void PhaseIdealLoop::peeled_dom_test_elim( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new ) {
  bool progress = true;
  while( progress ) {
    progress = false;           // Reset for next iteration
    Node *prev = loop->_head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl);//loop->tail();
    Node *test = prev->in(0);
    while( test != loop->_head ) { // Scan till run off top of loop

      int p_op = prev->Opcode();
      if( (p_op == Op_IfFalse || p_op == Op_IfTrue) &&
          test->is_If() &&      // Test?
          !test->in(1)->is_Con() && // And not already obvious?
          // Condition is not a member of this loop?
        // Walk loop body looking for instances of this test
        for( uint i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++ ) {
          Node *n = loop->;
          if( n->is_If() && n->in(1) == test->in(1) /*&& n != loop->tail()->in(0)*/ ) {
            // IfNode was dominated by version in peeled loop body
            progress = true;
            dominated_by( old_new[prev->_idx], n );
      prev = test;
      test = idom(test);
    } // End of scan tests in loop

  } // End of while( progress )

// Peel the first iteration of the given loop.
// Step 1: Clone the loop body.  The clone becomes the peeled iteration.
//         The pre-loop illegally has 2 control users (old & new loops).
// Step 2: Make the old-loop fall-in edges point to the peeled iteration.
//         Do this by making the old-loop fall-in edges act as if they came
//         around the loopback from the prior iteration (follow the old-loop
//         backedges) and then map to the new peeled iteration.  This leaves
//         the pre-loop with only 1 user (the new peeled iteration), but the
//         peeled-loop backedge has 2 users.
// Step 3: Cut the backedge on the clone (so its not a loop) and remove the
//         extra backedge user.
//                   orig
//                  stmt1
//                    |
//                    v
//              loop predicate
//                    |
//                    v
//                   loop<----+
//                     |      |
//                   stmt2    |
//                     |      |
//                     v      |
//                    if      ^
//                   / \      |
//                  /   \     |
//                 v     v    |
//               false true   |
//               /       \    |
//              /         ----+
//             |
//             v
//           exit
//            after clone loop
//                   stmt1
//                     |
//                     v
//               loop predicate
//                 /       \
//        clone   /         \   orig
//               /           \
//              /             \
//             v               v
//   +---->loop clone          loop<----+
//   |      |                    |      |
//   |    stmt2 clone          stmt2    |
//   |      |                    |      |
//   |      v                    v      |
//   ^      if clone            If      ^
//   |      / \                / \      |
//   |     /   \              /   \     |
//   |    v     v            v     v    |
//   |    true  false      false true   |
//   |    /         \      /       \    |
//   +----           \    /         ----+
//                    \  /
//                    1v v2
//                  region
//                     |
//                     v
//                   exit
//         after peel and predicate move
//                   stmt1
//                    /
//                   /
//        clone     /            orig
//                 /
//                /              +----------+
//               /               |          |
//              /          loop predicate   |
//             /                 |          |
//            v                  v          |
//   TOP-->loop clone          loop<----+   |
//          |                    |      |   |
//        stmt2 clone          stmt2    |   |
//          |                    |      |   ^
//          v                    v      |   |
//          if clone            If      ^   |
//          / \                / \      |   |
//         /   \              /   \     |   |
//        v     v            v     v    |   |
//      true   false      false  true   |   |
//        |         \      /       \    |   |
//        |          \    /         ----+   ^
//        |           \  /                  |
//        |           1v v2                 |
//        v         region                  |
//        |            |                    |
//        |            v                    |
//        |          exit                   |
//        |                                 |
//        +--------------->-----------------+
//              final graph
//                  stmt1
//                    |
//                    v
//                  stmt2 clone
//                    |
//                    v
//                   if clone
//                  / |
//                 /  |
//                v   v
//            false  true
//             |      |
//             |      v
//             | loop predicate
//             |      |
//             |      v
//             |     loop<----+
//             |      |       |
//             |    stmt2     |
//             |      |       |
//             |      v       |
//             v      if      ^
//             |     /  \     |
//             |    /    \    |
//             |   v     v    |
//             | false  true  |
//             |  |        \  |
//             v  v         --+
//            region
//              |
//              v
//             exit
void PhaseIdealLoop::do_peeling( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new ) {

  // Peeling a 'main' loop in a pre/main/post situation obfuscates the
  // 'pre' loop from the main and the 'pre' can no longer have it's
  // iterations adjusted.  Therefore, we need to declare this loop as
  // no longer a 'main' loop; it will need new pre and post loops before
  // we can do further RCE.
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLoopOpts) {
    tty->print("Peel         ");
  Node* head = loop->_head;
  bool counted_loop = head->is_CountedLoop();
  if (counted_loop) {
    CountedLoopNode *cl = head->as_CountedLoop();
    assert(cl->trip_count() > 0, "peeling a fully unrolled loop");
    cl->set_trip_count(cl->trip_count() - 1);
    if (cl->is_main_loop()) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations) {
        tty->print("Peeling a 'main' loop; resetting to 'normal' ");
  Node* entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);

  // Step 1: Clone the loop body.  The clone becomes the peeled iteration.
  //         The pre-loop illegally has 2 control users (old & new loops).
  clone_loop( loop, old_new, dom_depth(head) );

  // Step 2: Make the old-loop fall-in edges point to the peeled iteration.
  //         Do this by making the old-loop fall-in edges act as if they came
  //         around the loopback from the prior iteration (follow the old-loop
  //         backedges) and then map to the new peeled iteration.  This leaves
  //         the pre-loop with only 1 user (the new peeled iteration), but the
  //         peeled-loop backedge has 2 users.
  Node* new_entry = old_new[head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx];
  head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, new_entry);
  for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = head->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
    Node* old = head->fast_out(j);
    if (old->in(0) == loop->_head && old->req() == 3 && old->is_Phi()) {
      Node* new_exit_value = old_new[old->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx];
      if (!new_exit_value )     // Backedge value is ALSO loop invariant?
        // Then loop body backedge value remains the same.
        new_exit_value = old->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl);
      old->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, new_exit_value);

  // Step 3: Cut the backedge on the clone (so its not a loop) and remove the
  //         extra backedge user.
  Node* new_head = old_new[head->_idx];
  new_head->set_req(LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());
  for (DUIterator_Fast j2max, j2 = new_head->fast_outs(j2max); j2 < j2max; j2++) {
    Node* use = new_head->fast_out(j2);
    if (use->in(0) == new_head && use->req() == 3 && use->is_Phi()) {
      use->set_req(LoopNode::LoopBackControl, C->top());

  // Step 4: Correct dom-depth info.  Set to loop-head depth.
  int dd = dom_depth(head);
  set_idom(head, head->in(1), dd);
  for (uint j3 = 0; j3 < loop->_body.size(); j3++) {
    Node *old = loop->;
    Node *nnn = old_new[old->_idx];
    if (!has_ctrl(nnn))
      set_idom(nnn, idom(nnn), dd-1);

  // Now force out all loop-invariant dominating tests.  The optimizer
  // finds some, but we _know_ they are all useless.


#define EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE 7 // number of nodes in an empty loop

// Calculate exact loop trip count and return true if loop can be maximally
// unrolled.
bool IdealLoopTree::policy_maximally_unroll( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const {
  CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop();
  assert(cl->is_normal_loop(), "");
  if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop())
    return false; // Malformed counted loop

  if (!cl->has_exact_trip_count()) {
    // Trip count is not exact.
    return false;

  uint trip_count = cl->trip_count();
  // Note, max_juint is used to indicate unknown trip count.
  assert(trip_count > 1, "one iteration loop should be optimized out already");
  assert(trip_count < max_juint, "exact trip_count should be less than max_uint.");

  // Real policy: if we maximally unroll, does it get too big?
  // Allow the unrolled mess to get larger than standard loop
  // size.  After all, it will no longer be a loop.
  uint body_size    = _body.size();
  uint unroll_limit = (uint)LoopUnrollLimit * 4;
  assert( (intx)unroll_limit == LoopUnrollLimit * 4, "LoopUnrollLimit must fit in 32bits");
  if (trip_count > unroll_limit || body_size > unroll_limit) {
    return false;

  // Fully unroll a loop with few iterations regardless next
  // conditions since following loop optimizations will split
  // such loop anyway (pre-main-post).
  if (trip_count <= 3)
    return true;

  // Take into account that after unroll conjoined heads and tails will fold,
  // otherwise policy_unroll() may allow more unrolling than max unrolling.
  uint new_body_size = EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE + (body_size - EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE) * trip_count;
  uint tst_body_size = (new_body_size - EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE) / trip_count + EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE;
  if (body_size != tst_body_size) // Check for int overflow
    return false;
  if (new_body_size > unroll_limit ||
      // Unrolling can result in a large amount of node construction
      new_body_size >= phase->C->max_node_limit() - phase->C->live_nodes()) {
    return false;

  // Do not unroll a loop with String intrinsics code.
  // String intrinsics are large and have loops.
  for (uint k = 0; k < _body.size(); k++) {
    Node* n =;
    switch (n->Opcode()) {
      case Op_StrComp:
      case Op_StrEquals:
      case Op_StrIndexOf:
      case Op_EncodeISOArray:
      case Op_AryEq: {
        return false;
      case Op_FastLock:
      case Op_FastUnlock: {
        // Don't unroll RTM locking code because it is large.
        if (UseRTMLocking) {
          return false;
    } // switch

  return true; // Do maximally unroll

// Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be unrolled or not.  Unroll if
// the loop is a CountedLoop and the body is small enough.
bool IdealLoopTree::policy_unroll( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const {

  CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop();
  assert(cl->is_normal_loop() || cl->is_main_loop(), "");

  if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop())
    return false; // Malformed counted loop

  // Protect against over-unrolling.
  // After split at least one iteration will be executed in pre-loop.
  if (cl->trip_count() <= (uint)(cl->is_normal_loop() ? 2 : 1)) return false;

  int future_unroll_ct = cl->unrolled_count() * 2;
  if (future_unroll_ct > LoopMaxUnroll) return false;

  // Check for initial stride being a small enough constant
  if (abs(cl->stride_con()) > (1<<2)*future_unroll_ct) return false;

  // Don't unroll if the next round of unrolling would push us
  // over the expected trip count of the loop.  One is subtracted
  // from the expected trip count because the pre-loop normally
  // executes 1 iteration.
  if (UnrollLimitForProfileCheck > 0 &&
      cl->profile_trip_cnt() != COUNT_UNKNOWN &&
      future_unroll_ct        > UnrollLimitForProfileCheck &&
      (float)future_unroll_ct > cl->profile_trip_cnt() - 1.0) {
    return false;

  // When unroll count is greater than LoopUnrollMin, don't unroll if:
  //   the residual iterations are more than 10% of the trip count
  //   and rounds of "unroll,optimize" are not making significant progress
  //   Progress defined as current size less than 20% larger than previous size.
  if (UseSuperWord && cl->node_count_before_unroll() > 0 &&
      future_unroll_ct > LoopUnrollMin &&
      (future_unroll_ct - 1) * 10.0 > cl->profile_trip_cnt() &&
      1.2 * cl->node_count_before_unroll() < (double)_body.size()) {
    return false;

  Node *init_n = cl->init_trip();
  Node *limit_n = cl->limit();
  int stride_con = cl->stride_con();
  // Non-constant bounds.
  // Protect against over-unrolling when init or/and limit are not constant
  // (so that trip_count's init value is maxint) but iv range is known.
  if (init_n   == NULL || !init_n->is_Con()  ||
      limit_n  == NULL || !limit_n->is_Con()) {
    Node* phi = cl->phi();
    if (phi != NULL) {
      assert(phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == _head, "Counted loop should have iv phi.");
      const TypeInt* iv_type = phase->_igvn.type(phi)->is_int();
      int next_stride = stride_con * 2; // stride after this unroll
      if (next_stride > 0) {
        if (iv_type->_lo + next_stride <= iv_type->_lo || // overflow
            iv_type->_lo + next_stride >  iv_type->_hi) {
          return false;  // over-unrolling
      } else if (next_stride < 0) {
        if (iv_type->_hi + next_stride >= iv_type->_hi || // overflow
            iv_type->_hi + next_stride <  iv_type->_lo) {
          return false;  // over-unrolling

  // After unroll limit will be adjusted: new_limit = limit-stride.
  // Bailout if adjustment overflow.
  const TypeInt* limit_type = phase->_igvn.type(limit_n)->is_int();
  if (stride_con > 0 && ((limit_type->_hi - stride_con) >= limit_type->_hi) ||
      stride_con < 0 && ((limit_type->_lo - stride_con) <= limit_type->_lo))
    return false;  // overflow

  // Adjust body_size to determine if we unroll or not
  uint body_size = _body.size();
  // Key test to unroll loop in CRC32 java code
  int xors_in_loop = 0;
  // Also count ModL, DivL and MulL which expand mightly
  for (uint k = 0; k < _body.size(); k++) {
    Node* n =;
    switch (n->Opcode()) {
      case Op_XorI: xors_in_loop++; break; // CRC32 java code
      case Op_ModL: body_size += 30; break;
      case Op_DivL: body_size += 30; break;
      case Op_MulL: body_size += 10; break;
      case Op_StrComp:
      case Op_StrEquals:
      case Op_StrIndexOf:
      case Op_EncodeISOArray:
      case Op_AryEq: {
        // Do not unroll a loop with String intrinsics code.
        // String intrinsics are large and have loops.
        return false;
      case Op_FastLock:
      case Op_FastUnlock: {
        // Don't unroll RTM locking code because it is large.
        if (UseRTMLocking) {
          return false;
    } // switch

  // Check for being too big
  if (body_size > (uint)LoopUnrollLimit) {
    if (xors_in_loop >= 4 && body_size < (uint)LoopUnrollLimit*4) return true;
    // Normal case: loop too big
    return false;

  // Unroll once!  (Each trip will soon do double iterations)
  return true;

// Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be cache-line aligned.  Gather the
// expression that does the alignment.  Note that only one array base can be
// aligned in a loop (unless the VM guarantees mutual alignment).  Note that
// if we vectorize short memory ops into longer memory ops, we may want to
// increase alignment.
bool IdealLoopTree::policy_align( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const {
  return false;

// Return TRUE or FALSE if the loop should be range-check-eliminated.
// Actually we do iteration-splitting, a more powerful form of RCE.
bool IdealLoopTree::policy_range_check( PhaseIdealLoop *phase ) const {
  if (!RangeCheckElimination) return false;

  CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop();
  // If we unrolled with no intention of doing RCE and we later
  // changed our minds, we got no pre-loop.  Either we need to
  // make a new pre-loop, or we gotta disallow RCE.
  if (cl->is_main_no_pre_loop()) return false; // Disallowed for now.
  Node *trip_counter = cl->phi();

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