How to run RedBoot on SkyEye's SMDK2410 simulation(2)

Anthony Lee don.anthony.lee+program at
Thu Apr 5 06:52:51 CST 2007


Hi Mike,

RedBoot now can run on SkyEye from current SVN head source,
it's the bug of SkyEye, and I already fixed it.
Please try again followed by the step and step shown below.

Platform: CygWin
SkyEye: current SVN trunk
arm-elf-gcc: 2.95.3
ecos: 2.0-b1

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ cd /usr/local
$ tar zxvf ~/arm-elf-tools-cygwin-aj0.tgz

$ mkdir -p /opt/ecos/bin
$ cd /opt/ecos
$ cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at login
$ cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs at co -P ecos
$ mv ecos ecos-cvs
$ wget
$ bzip2 -d ecosconfig-060710.exe.bz2
$ mv ecosconfig-060710.exe bin/ecosconfig.exe
$ chmod +x bin/ecosconfig.exe

$ export ECOS_REPOSITORY=/opt/ecos/ecos-cvs/packages
$ export PATH=/opt/ecos/bin:$PATH

$ mkdir -p /opt/ecos/redboot
$ cd /opt/ecos/redboot
$ ecosconfig new smdk2410 redboot
$ ecosconfig import
$ ecosconfig tree
$ make OLDGCC=1

$ cd /opt
$ svn co
$ cd skyeye-v1-svn
$ make

$ mkdir -p /opt/smdk2410-redboot
$ cp /opt/ecos/redboot/install/bin/redboot.bin .

$ cat >> skyeye.conf <<_______EOF
> # skyeye config file for SMDK2410
> cpu: arm920t
> mach: s3c2410x
> # physical memory
> mem_bank: map=M, type=R,  addr=0x00000000, size=0x01000000, file=./
> mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x30000000, size=0x01000000
> # all peripherals I/O mapping area
> mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x48000000, size=0x20000000
> _______EOF

$ /opt/skyeye-v1-svn/binary/skyeye.exe

**************************** WARNING **********************************
If you want to run ELF image, you should use -e option to indicate
your elf-format image filename. Or you only want to run binary image,
you need to set the filename of the image and its entry in skyeye.conf.

big_endian is false.
arch: arm
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
mach info: name s3c2410x, mach_init addr 00421A20
uart_mod:0, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
Loaded ROM   ./redboot.bin
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x53000000) = 0x00000000
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4c000000) = 0x00ffffff
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000000) = 0x22111120
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000004) = 0x00000700
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000008) = 0x00000700
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4800000c) = 0x00000700
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000010) = 0x00000700
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000014) = 0x00000700
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000018) = 0x00000700
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4800001c) = 0x00018005
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000020) = 0x00018005
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000024) = 0x008e0459
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000028) = 0x00000032
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4800002c) = 0x00000030
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x48000030) = 0x00000030
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4c000004) = 0x00054011
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x0 of 0xea00000e @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x4 of 0xe59ff018 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x8 of 0xe59ff018 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xc of 0xe59ff018 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x10 of 0xe59ff018 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x14 of 0x0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x18 of 0xe59ff018 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x1c of 0xe59ff018 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x100 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x104 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x108 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x10c of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x110 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x114 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x118 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x11c of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa700 of 0x50 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa704 of 0x3d090 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa708 of 0xe1a0c00d @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa70c of 0xe92dd800 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa710 of 0xe24cb004 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa714 of 0xe2800008 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa718 of 0xe3500007 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa71c of 0x979ff100 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x50 of 0x80017 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x54 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x58 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x5c of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x140 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x144 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x148 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x14c of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x60 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x64 of 0x24da0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x68 of 0x24da0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x6c of 0x10d90 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x70 of 0x10d80 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x74 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x78 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x7c of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa660 of 0xe1a0f002 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa664 of 0xe5943000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa668 of 0xe5930000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa66c of 0xe593200c @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa670 of 0xe3a01008 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa674 of 0xe1a0e00f @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa678 of 0xe1a0f002 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa67c of 0xe5943000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x80 of 0x10bc8 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x84 of 0x10cd4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x88 of 0x0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x8c of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x90 of 0x10b7c @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x94 of 0x0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x98 of 0x10b68 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0x9c of 0x0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa680 of 0xe5930000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa684 of 0xe593200c @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa688 of 0xe3a01008 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa68c of 0xe1a0e00f @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa690 of 0xe1a0f002 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa694 of 0xe5943000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa698 of 0xe5930000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa69c of 0xe593200c @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa0 of 0x10894 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa4 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa8 of 0x10910 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xac of 0x109ac @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xb0 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xb4 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xb8 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xbc of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6a0 of 0xe3a01008 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6a4 of 0xe1a0e00f @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6a8 of 0xe1a0f002 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6ac of 0xe5943000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6b0 of 0xe5930000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6b4 of 0xe593200c @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6b8 of 0xe3a01008 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6bc of 0xe1a0e00f @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xc0 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xc4 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xc8 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xcc of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xd0 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xd4 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xd8 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xdc of 0x1a4a8 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6c0 of 0xe1a0f002 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6c4 of 0xebfffd74 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6c8 of 0xe3a03001 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6cc of 0xe584342c @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6d0 of 0xe91ba810 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6d4 of 0xe1a0e00f @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6d8 of 0xe1a0f004 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6dc of 0xe3500000 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xe0 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xe4 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xe8 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xec of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xf0 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xf4 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xf8 of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xfc of 0x10bb4 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6e0 of 0xaafffffb @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6e4 of 0xe59f3014 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6e8 of 0xe59f0014 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6ec of 0xe5932048 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6f0 of 0xe1a0e00f @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6f4 of 0xe1a0f002 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6f8 of 0xe91ba810 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write word to 0xa6fc of 0x23090 @ 0x0
+SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write halfword to 0xaaa of 0xf0 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write halfword to 0xaaa of 0xaa @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write halfword to 0x554 of 0x55 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write halfword to 0xaaa of 0x90 @ 0x0
SKYEYE: WARNING: illegal write halfword to 0x0 of 0xf0 @ 0x0
FLASH: driver init failed: Driver does not support device
Sorry, FLASH config exceeds available space in FIS directory

RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROMRAM]
Non-certified release, version UNKNOWN - built 05:49:39, Apr  5 2007

Platform: SMDK2410 system (ARM9)
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 eCosCentric Limited

RAM: 0x00000000-0x04000000, [0x00027440-0x03ff1000] available
FLASH: 0x00000000 - 0x1, 0 blocks of 0x00000000 bytes each.
RedBoot> help
Manage aliases kept in FLASH memory
   alias name [value]
Manage machine caches
   cache [ON | OFF]
Display/switch console channel
   channel [-1|<channel number>]
Compute a 32bit checksum [POSIX algorithm] for a range of memory
   cksum -b <location> -l <length>
Display (hex dump) a range of memory
   dump -b <location> [-l <length>] [-s] [-1|-2|-4]
Execute an image - with MMU off
   exec [-w timeout] [-b <load addr> [-l <length>]]
        [-r <ramdisk addr> [-s <ramdisk length>]]
        [-c "kernel command line"] [-t <target> ] [<entry_point>]
Manage FLASH images
   fis {cmds}
Manage configuration kept in FLASH memory
   fconfig [-i] [-l] [-n] [-f] [-d] | [-d] nickname [value]
Execute code at a location
   go [-w <timeout>] [-c] [entry]
Help about help?
   help [<topic>]
Display command history
Load a file
   load [-r] [-v] [-d] [-m <varies>] [-c <channel_number>]
        [-b <base_address>] <file_name>
Compare two blocks of memory
   mcmp -s <location> -d <location> -l <length> [-1|-2|-4]
Copy memory from one address to another
   mcopy -s <location> -d <location> -l <length> [-1|-2|-4]
Fill a block of memory with a pattern
   mfill -b <location> -l <length> -p <pattern> [-1|-2|-4]
Reset the system
Display RedBoot version information
Display (hex dump) a range of memory
   x -b <location> [-l <length>] [-s] [-1|-2|-4]




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