今天用VMWare的时候误操作了,登录Windows 2003 Server的时候需要按Ctrl+Alt+Delete,然后不小心点到哪里(自己也没看清!!),造成虚拟机死锁,运行虚拟机出现下图:
点击Take Ownership后,出现下图:
When I clicked on the lock button (which had replaced VMWare Fusion’s normal “play” button), I got an error message indicating “The virtual machine appears to be in use”:
Seeing as how I was not using the VM (…at least to the best of my knowledge), I clicked on “Take Ownership”, and got an error message that said “Taking ownership of this virtual machine failed”:
What to do? I started googling for the error messages to see if I could find a resource or VMWare support document that described how to troubleshoot them, but to my surprise it took me awhile and some digging to find something. Luckily, which in essence recommended removing VMWare’s lock files on the virtual machine.