【转】 Linux那些事儿之我是U盘(12)从协议中来,到协议中去(中)


星爷说,人有人他妈,妖有妖他妈.说的就是任何事物都有其要遵守的规矩.usb设备要遵循的就是usb协议. 不管是软件还是硬件,在设计的伊始,总是要参考usb协议.怎么设计硬件,如何编写软件,不看usb协议,谁也不可能凭空想象出来.毕竟不是写小说,有几人能像海岩那样,光凭想象就能写出便衣警察,永不瞑目,玉观音这些经典的爱情加案情的作品来呢.

usb协议规定了,每个usb设备都得有些基本的元素,称为描述符,有四类描述符是任何一种usb设备都得有的.他们是,device descriptor,configuration descriptor,interface descriptor,endpoint descriptor.描述符里的冬冬是一个设备出厂的时候就被厂家给固化在设备里了.这种东西不管怎样也改变不了,比如我有个IntelU,那里边的固有的信息肯定是在Intel出厂的时候就被烙在里边了,厂家早已把它的一切,烙上Intel.所以当我插入U,cat /proc/scsi/scsi命令看一下的话,"Vendor"那一项显示的肯定是Intel. 关于这几种描述符,usb core在总线扫描那会就会去读取,会去获得里边的信息,其中,device描述符描述的是整个device,注意了,这个device和咱们一直讲的devicedriver那里的device是不一样的.因为一个usb device实际上指的是一种宏观上的概念,它可以是一种多功能的设备,改革开放之后,多功能的东西越来越多了,比如外企常见的多功能一体机,就是集打印机,复印机,扫描仪,传真机于一体的设备, 当然,这不属于usb设备,但是usb设备当然也有这种情况,比如电台DJ可能会用到的,一个键盘,上边带一个扬声器,它们用两个usb接口接到usb hub上去,device描述符描述的就是这整个设备的特点.那么configuration描述符呢,老实说,对我们了解U盘驱动真是没有什么意义,但是作为一个有责任心的男人,此刻,我必须为它多说几句,虽然只是很简单的说几句.一个设备可以有一种或者几种配置,这能理解吧?没见过具体的usb设备?那么好,手机见过吧,每个手机都会有多种配置,或者说"设定",比如,我的这款,Nokia6300,手机语言,可以设定为English,繁体中文,简体中文,一旦选择了其中一种,那么手机里边所显示的所有的信息都是该种语言/字体.还有最简单的例子,操作模式也有好几种,标准,无声,会议,etc.基本上如果我设为"会议",那么就是只振动不发声,要是设为无声,那么就啥动静也不会有,只能凭感觉了,以前去公司面试的话通常就是设为无声,因为觉得振动也不好,让人家面试官听到了还是不合适.那么usb设备的配置也是如此,不同的usb设备当然有不同的配置了,或者说需要配置哪些东西也会不一样.好了,关于配置,就说这么多,更多的我们暂时也不需要了解了.

对于usb设备驱动程序编写者来说,更为关键的是下面两个,interfaceendpoint.先说,interface.第一句,一个interface对应一个usb设备驱动程序.没错,还说前边那个例子,一个usb设备,两种功能,一个键盘,上面带一个扬声器,两个接口,那这样肯定得要两个驱动程序,一个是键盘驱动程序,一个是音频流驱动程序.道上的兄弟喜欢把这样两个整合在一起的东西叫做一个设备,那好,让他们去叫吧,我门用interface来区分这两者行了吧.于是有了我们前面提到的那个数据结构,struct usb_interface.它定义于include/linux/usb.h:

     71 /**
     72  * struct usb_interface - what usb device drivers talk to
     73  * @altsetting: array of interface structures, one for each alternate
     74  *      setting that may be selected.  Each one includes a set of
     75  *      endpoint configurations.  They will be in no particular order.
     76  * @num_altsetting: number of altsettings defined.
     77  * @cur_altsetting: the current altsetting.
     78  * @driver: the USB driver that is bound to this interface.
     79  * @minor: the minor number assigned to this interface, if this
     80  *      interface is bound to a driver that uses the USB major number.
     81  *      If this interface does not use the USB major, this field should
     82  *      be unused.  The driver should set this value in the probe()
     83  *      function of the driver, after it has been assigned a minor
     84  *      number from the USB core by calling usb_register_dev().
     85  * @condition: binding state of the interface: not bound, binding
     86  *      (in probe()), bound to a driver, or unbinding (in disconnect())
     87  * @dev: driver model's view of this device
     88  * @class_dev: driver model's class view of this device.
     89  *
     90  * USB device drivers attach to interfaces on a physical device.  Each
     91  * interface encapsulates a single high level function, such as feeding
     92  * an audio stream to a speaker or reporting a change in a volume control.
     93  * Many USB devices only have one interface.  The protocol used to talk to
     94  * an interface's endpoints can be defined in a usb "class" specification,
     95  * or by a product's vendor.  The (default) control endpoint is part of
     96  * every interface, but is never listed among the interface's descriptors.
     97  *
     98  * The driver that is bound to the interface can use standard driver model
     99  * calls such as dev_get_drvdata() on the dev member of this structure.
    100  *
    101  * Each interface may have alternate settings.  The initial configuration
    102  * of a device sets altsetting 0, but the device driver can change
    103  * that setting using usb_set_interface().  Alternate settings are often
    104  * used to control the the use of periodic endpoints, such as by having
    105  * different endpoints use different amounts of reserved USB bandwidth.
    106  * All standards-conformant USB devices that use isochronous endpoints
    107  * will use them in non-default settings.
    108  *
    109  * The USB specification says that alternate setting numbers must run from
    110  * 0 to one less than the total number of alternate settings.  But some
    111  * devices manage to mess this up, and the structures aren't necessarily
    112  * stored in numerical order anyhow.  Use usb_altnum_to_altsetting() to
    113  * look up an alternate setting in the altsetting array based on its number.
    114  */
    115 struct usb_interface {
    116         /* array of alternate settings for this interface,
    117          * stored in no particular order */
    118         struct usb_host_interface *altsetting;
    120         struct usb_host_interface *cur_altsetting;      /* the currently
    121                                          * active alternate setting */
    122         unsigned num_altsetting;        /* number of alternate settings */
    124         int minor;                      /* minor number this interface is bound to */
    125         enum usb_interface_condition condition;         /* state of binding */
    126         struct device dev;              /* interface specific device info */
    127         struct class_device *class_dev;
    128 };
    129 #define to_usb_interface(d) container_of(d, struct usb_interface, dev)
    130 #define interface_to_usbdev(intf) /
    131         container_of(intf->dev.parent, struct usb_device, dev)
,贴这么长一段,怎么又是注释为主啊?知足吧,Linux代码中注释实在是太少了,等你真的需要认真看某一个模块的时候你就会嫌注释少了.这个结构体是一个贯穿整个U盘驱动程序的,所以虽然我们不用去深入了解,但是需要记住,整个U盘驱动程序在后面任何一处提到的struct usb_interface都是同一个变量,这个变量是在usb core总线扫描的时候就申请好了的.我们只需贯彻鲁迅先生的拿来主义即可,直接用就是了.比如前面说过的storage_probe(struct usb_interface *intf,const struct usb_device_id *id),storage_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf)这两个函数中的那个参数intf.

而这里130行这个宏-interface_to_usbdev,也会用得着的,顾名思义,就是从一个struct usb_interface转换成一个struct usb_device,我们说过了,有些函数需要的参数就是struct usb_device,而不是usb_interface,所以这种转换是经常会用到的,而这个宏,usb core的设计者们也为我们准备好了,除了感激,我们还能说什么呢?





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