Radmin Viewer Command-Line

Command-Line Switches

Radmin Viewer Command-Line Switches

radmin.exe /copyphonebook - makes a Radmin 2.x phonebook from a Radmin 1.11 phonebook.

Radmin viewer has command line options, which enable you to get connected to the host without using a phonebook.

Usage: radmin.exe /connect:xxxxx:nnnn other_options
radmin.exe /connect:server:1000 /fullscreen /encrypt
radmin.exe /connect: /telnet
radmin.exe /connect:server /through:gate
/connect:xxxxx:nnnn - specify an address and a port of the server. This option is required for a connection without a phonebook.

/through:xxxxx:nnnn  - specify an address and a port of an intermediate server

The default connection mode is 'Full control' (to see the remote screen, send local mouse and keyboard input)
To specify other connection modes use switches:
/noinput - specify a View only connection mode (view of remote screen).
/shutdown -  specify a Shutdown connection mode
/file -  specify a File connection mode
/telnet - specify a Telnet connection mode

These switches are used in 'Full control' and 'View only' modes:

/fullscreen - specify the fullscreen view mode
/hicolor - specify a 65536 color format, while transferring via a network.
/locolor - specify a 16 color format, while transferring via a network.
/updates:nn - specify a maximum number of screen updates per second
/encrypt - specify to encrypt the data stream

Other switches:
/unregister - delete an already entered key for Radmin.
/? - shows help screen

Radmin Server Command-Line Switches

Radmin server has several command line switches. Normally, all settings can be set through the installation process or by using 'Radmin server setup' and the user need not use any command line switches.

These switches are intended to be used by System Administrators. With these switches you can manually install\uninstall parts of Radmin, such as the service and the driver, or set a password or port number.

Usage: r_server.exe <switches>
/setup - shows a dialog box in which you can install the service and a driver or set a password or port number for the server.
Example: r_server.exe /setup
[/port:xxxx] [/pass:xxxxx] - if there are no other switches specified, except /port or /pass, r_server runs as the Radmin server with a password and a port from the command line or from the registry, if those corresponding switches are omitted.

Example: r_server.exe
Example: r_server.exe /pass:mypass
Example: r_server.exe /port:5505
Example: r_server.exe /port:3333 /pass:qwerty
/save [/port:xxxx] [/pass:xxxxx] - saves the password and/or the port in the default program settings in the registry. If you do not specify the port and/or the password using this option, the default port and/or the empty password is saved. 
Example: r_server.exe /port:5505 /pass:qwerty /save 
This saves values of the port and password in the registry. These values will be used when r_server.exe is executed without parameters (/pass or /port) in the command line.

Example: r_server.exe /save
This saves the default port and the empty password in the registry.
/install - install the service (Win95/98 or NT4.0 and Win2k) and a driver (WinNT only)
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be installed, the driver (raddrv.dll) must be placed in the System32 directory in your Windows directory.
Example: r_server.exe /install

/uninstall - uninstall the service and a driver, if present.
Example: r_server.exe /uninstall

/installservice - install the service only (Win95/98 or WinNT)

Example: r_server.exe /installservice

/uninstallservice - uninstall the service only
NOTE : Failure to remove the service usually indicates that it was not installed. 
Example: r_server.exe /uninstallservice

/installdrv - to install the driver (works only in NT 4.0)
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be installed, the driver (raddrv.dll) must be placed in System32 directory in your Windows directory
Example: r_server.exe /installdrv

/uninstalldrv - uninstall the driver only.
NOTE : Failure to remove the driver usually indicates that it was not installed. 

Example: r_server.exe /uninstalldrv

/silence - do not show 'error' or 'ok' message boxes,
in /install, /uninstall or /save commands.

/stop - stops Radmin server. This command can stop the service and application as well. To stop the service under WinNT/Win2k your user must have rights to do it.

/unregister - delete an already entered key for Radmin.

/? - shows a help screen.

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### 回答1: Radmin Viewer3.5是一款远程控制软件,用于远程访问和控制其他计算机。授权码是用于激活软件的一串字符。 Radmin Viewer3.5的授权码可以通过购买正版软件或者使用授权码生成器获得。购买正版软件是最可靠的方式,因为它会为您提供一个唯一的授权码,有效期内可以无限制地使用该软件。 使用授权码生成器产生的授权码是非法的行为,这违反了软件的使用许可协议,并且可能会导致法律责任。 因此,我建议您购买正版的Radmin Viewer3.5软件,以获得合法有效的授权码。这样不仅可以遵守软件的使用规则,还可以获得完整的技术支持和软件的更新。 ### 回答2: Radmin Viewer3.5是一款远程控制软件,可以帮助用户远程访问和控制其他计算机。授权码是软件使用的许可证,可以让用户在安装和使用软件时合法使用。 Radmin Viewer3.5的授权码是由开发者提供的,用户需要将其输入到软件的授权码激活界面中。只有在正确输入有效的授权码后,用户才能完全使用软件的所有功能。 购买Radmin Viewer3.5的用户通常会获得一个授权码,可以在安装过程中或者在软件界面的相应位置进行激活。用户可以在购买时获得正版授权码,也可以通过其他正式渠道购买授权码,以确保软件的合法性和可靠性。 用户在使用过程中应妥善保管授权码,避免泄露给他人,以免被他人非法使用软件。如果遗失了授权码,用户可以联系Radmin Viewer3.5的售后服务人员,提供相关购买信息并进行申诉,以重新获得授权码。 总之,Radmin Viewer3.5的授权码在软件的安装和使用过程中起到了重要的作用,用户需要合法获取并妥善保管授权码,以确保能够正常使用软件。


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