本文主要介绍算法中贪心算法的思想: 保证每次操作都是局部最优的,并且最后得到的结果是全局最优的。
# 贪心思想相关题目
# 分配饼干
455. Assign Cookies (Easy)在新窗口打开
Input: [1,2], [1,2,3]
Output: 2
Explanation: You have 2 children and 3 cookies. The greed factors of 2 children are 1, 2.
You have 3 cookies and their sizes are big enough to gratify all of the children,
You need to output 2.
题目描述: 每个孩子都有一个满足度,每个饼干都有一个大小,只有饼干的大小大于等于一个孩子的满足度,该孩子才会获得满足。求解最多可以获得满足的孩子数量。
证明: 假设在某次选择中,贪心策略选择给当前满足度最小的孩子分配第 m 个饼干,第 m 个饼干为可以满足该孩子的最小饼干。假设存在一种最优策略,给该孩子分配第 n 个饼干,并且 m < n。我们可以发现,经过这一轮分配,贪心策略分配后剩下的饼干一定有一个比最优策略来得大。因此在后续的分配中,贪心策略一定能满足更多的孩子。也就是说不存在比贪心策略更优的策略,即贪心策略就是最优策略。
public int findContentChildren(int[] g, int[] s) {
int gi = 0, si = 0;
while (gi < g.length && si < s.length) {
if (g[gi] <= s[si]) {
return gi;
# 不重叠的区间个数
435. Non-overlapping Intervals (Medium)在新窗口打开
Input: [ [1,2], [1,2], [1,2] ]
Output: 2
Explanation: You need to remove two [1,2] to make the rest of intervals non-overlapping.
Input: [ [1,2], [2,3] ]
Output: 0
Explanation: You don't need to remove any of the intervals since they're already non-overlapping.
题目描述: 计算让一组区间不重叠所需要移除的区间个数。
public int eraseOverlapIntervals(Interval[] intervals) {
if (intervals.length == 0) {
return 0;
Arrays.sort(intervals, Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o.end));
int cnt = 1;
int end = intervals[0].end;
for (int i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) {
if (intervals[i].start < end) {
end = intervals[i].end;
return intervals.length - cnt;
使用 lambda 表示式创建 Comparator 会导致算法运行时间过长,如果注重运行时间,可以修改为普通创建 Comparator 语句:
Arrays.sort(intervals, new Comparator<Interval>() {
public int compare(Interval o1, Interval o2) {
return o1.end - o2.end;
# 投飞镖刺破气球
452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (Medium)在新窗口打开
[[10,16], [2,8], [1,6], [7,12]]
题目描述: 气球在一个水平数轴上摆放,可以重叠,飞镖垂直投向坐标轴,使得路径上的气球都会刺破。求解最小的投飞镖次数使所有气球都被刺破。
也是计算不重叠的区间个数,不过和 Non-overlapping Intervals 的区别在于,[1, 2] 和 [2, 3] 在本题中算是重叠区间。
public int findMinArrowShots(int[][] points) {
if (points.length == 0) {
return 0;
Arrays.sort(points, Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o[1]));
int cnt = 1, end = points[0][1];
for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
if (points[i][0] <= end) {
end = points[i][1];
return cnt;
# 根据身高和序号重组队列
406. Queue Reconstruction by Height(Medium)在新窗口打开
[[7,0], [4,4], [7,1], [5,0], [6,1], [5,2]]
[[5,0], [7,0], [5,2], [6,1], [4,4], [7,1]]
题目描述: 一个学生用两个分量 (h, k) 描述,h 表示身高,k 表示排在前面的有 k 个学生的身高比他高或者和他一样高。
为了在每次插入操作时不影响后续的操作,身高较高的学生应该先做插入操作,否则身高较小的学生原先正确插入第 k 个位置可能会变成第 k+1 个位置。
身高降序、k 值升序,然后按排好序的顺序插入队列的第 k 个位置中。
public int[][] reconstructQueue(int[][] people) {
if (people == null || people.length == 0 || people[0].length == 0) {
return new int[0][0];
Arrays.sort(people, (a, b) -> (a[0] == b[0] ? a[1] - b[1] : b[0] - a[0]));
List<int[]> queue = new ArrayList<>();
for (int[] p : people) {
queue.add(p[1], p);
return queue.toArray(new int[queue.size()][]);
# 分隔字符串使同种字符出现在一起
763. Partition Labels (Medium)在新窗口打开
Input: S = "ababcbacadefegdehijhklij"
Output: [9,7,8]
The partition is "ababcbaca", "defegde", "hijhklij".
This is a partition so that each letter appears in at most one part.
A partition like "ababcbacadefegde", "hijhklij" is incorrect, because it splits S into less parts.
public List<Integer> partitionLabels(String S) {
int[] lastIndexsOfChar = new int[26];
for (int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++) {
lastIndexsOfChar[char2Index(S.charAt(i))] = i;
List<Integer> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
int firstIndex = 0;
while (firstIndex < S.length()) {
int lastIndex = firstIndex;
for (int i = firstIndex; i < S.length() && i <= lastIndex; i++) {
int index = lastIndexsOfChar[char2Index(S.charAt(i))];
if (index > lastIndex) {
lastIndex = index;
partitions.add(lastIndex - firstIndex + 1);
firstIndex = lastIndex + 1;
return partitions;
private int char2Index(char c) {
return c - 'a';
# 种植花朵
605. Can Place Flowers (Easy)在新窗口打开
Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 1
Output: True
题目描述: 花朵之间至少需要一个单位的间隔,求解是否能种下 n 朵花。
public boolean canPlaceFlowers(int[] flowerbed, int n) {
int len = flowerbed.length;
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len && cnt < n; i++) {
if (flowerbed[i] == 1) {
int pre = i == 0 ? 0 : flowerbed[i - 1];
int next = i == len - 1 ? 0 : flowerbed[i + 1];
if (pre == 0 && next == 0) {
flowerbed[i] = 1;
return cnt >= n;
# 判断是否为子序列
392. Is Subsequence (Medium)在新窗口打开
s = "abc", t = "ahbgdc"
Return true.
public boolean isSubsequence(String s, String t) {
int index = -1;
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
index = t.indexOf(c, index + 1);
if (index == -1) {
return false;
return true;
# 修改一个数成为非递减数组
665. Non-decreasing Array (Easy)在新窗口打开
Input: [4,2,3]
Output: True
Explanation: You could modify the first 4 to 1 to get a non-decreasing array.
题目描述: 判断一个数组能不能只修改一个数就成为非递减数组。
在出现 nums[i] < nums[i - 1] 时,需要考虑的是应该修改数组的哪个数,使得本次修改能使 i 之前的数组成为非递减数组,并且 不影响后续的操作 。优先考虑令 nums[i - 1] = nums[i],因为如果修改 nums[i] = nums[i - 1] 的话,那么 nums[i] 这个数会变大,就有可能比 nums[i + 1] 大,从而影响了后续操作。还有一个比较特别的情况就是 nums[i] < nums[i - 2],只修改 nums[i - 1] = nums[i] 不能使数组成为非递减数组,只能修改 nums[i] = nums[i - 1]。
public boolean checkPossibility(int[] nums) {
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < nums.length && cnt < 2; i++) {
if (nums[i] >= nums[i - 1]) {
if (i - 2 >= 0 && nums[i - 2] > nums[i]) {
nums[i] = nums[i - 1];
} else {
nums[i - 1] = nums[i];
return cnt <= 1;
# 股票的最大收益
122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (Easy)在新窗口打开
题目描述: 一次股票交易包含买入和卖出,多个交易之间不能交叉进行。
对于 [a, b, c, d],如果有 a <= b <= c <= d ,那么最大收益为 d - a。而 d - a = (d - c) + (c - b) + (b - a) ,因此当访问到一个 prices[i] 且 prices[i] - prices[i-1] > 0,那么就把 prices[i] - prices[i-1] 添加到收益中,从而在局部最优的情况下也保证全局最优。
public int maxProfit(int[] prices) {
int profit = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < prices.length; i++) {
if (prices[i] > prices[i - 1]) {
profit += (prices[i] - prices[i - 1]);
return profit;