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原创 星号版的平行四边形

Private Sub Command1_Click() Cls Print For n = 1 To 10 Print Tab(n + 20); For m = 1 To 10 Print Spc(1); "*"; Next m Print Next n End Sub

2016-05-26 16:59:35 1309

原创 随机比较10个数大小(从小到大)选择排序法

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(10) As Integer For i = 1 To 10 Randomize a(i) = Int(Rnd * 90) + 10 Next For i = 1 To 9 For j = i + 1 To 10 If a(i) > a(j) Then r = a(i) a(i) = a(j) a(j) =

2016-05-12 18:05:25 1501

原创 16进制

Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Font.Size = 70 Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim s As String Dim yushu As Byte a = 1230: b = 16 While a yushu = a Mod b If yushu s = yushu & s Else

2016-05-07 17:47:18 297

原创 十六进制表示

Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Font.Size = 30 Print shiliujinzhi(230) End Sub Private Function shiliujinzhi(m As Byte) As String Dim n As Byte n = m Const shiliu As Byte = 16 Dim retu

2016-04-28 17:40:54 629

原创 求给定一个正整数的二进制表示

Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Font.Size = 30 Print erjinzhi(23) End Sub Private Function erjinzhi(m As Byte) As String Dim n As Byte n = m Const er As Byte = 2 Dim returnS As String

2016-04-28 17:03:09 965

原创 23的二进制表示

Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Font.Size = 30 Dim n As Byte n = 23 Const er As Byte = 2   Dim shang As Byte Dim yushu(1 To 5) As Byte Dim i As Byte i = 5 shang = n \ er yushu(i) = n M

2016-04-28 16:32:51 1366

原创 乘法-三位数乘两位数

Private Sub 乘法_Click() Me.Font.Size = 40 Cls Dim c As Byte Dim a() As Byte Dim b As String Dim changdu As Long, i As Long changdu = Len(Text1.Text) ReDim a(changdu) For i = 1 To changdu b

2016-04-21 17:42:06 720

原创 乘法1

Private Sub 乘法_Click() Me.Font.Size = 40 Dim a As Byte, c As Byte Dim b As String b = Me.Text1.Text a = Int(Val(b)) b = Me.Text2.Text c = Int(Val(b)) Dim r As Byte r = a * c Print r

2016-04-21 16:25:32 181

原创 阶乘

一节课同时完成多项作业,真的是有很大的成就感啊,啦啦啦 Private Sub Command2_Click() Font.Size = 70 Print 阶乘(11) End Sub Private Function 阶乘(n As Integer) As Long If n = 1 Then 阶乘 = 1 Else 阶乘 = n * 阶乘(n - 1) End If

2016-04-14 17:26:21 252

原创 两位数乘一位数

Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Font.Size = 30 Dim n1() As Byte, n1len As Long Dim n2() As Byte, n2len As Long Dim yushu1 As Byte Dim yushu2 As Byte Dim shang As Byte Dim tempR

2016-04-14 17:18:46 252

原创 两数相乘

加油,慢慢来。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Font.Size = 70 Dim n1 As Byte Dim n2 As Byte Dim yushu As Byte Dim shang As Byte Dim tempResult As Byte n1 = Int(Val(Me.Text1.Text)) n2 = Int(Val

2016-04-14 16:32:06 274

原创 VB作业

Private Sub Command2_Click() Cls Dim n As Integer, s As Integer Dim a(10) As Integer n = 1 While n a(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000) n = n + 1 Wend n = 1 While n Print a(n) n = n + 1 Wend s = 0

2016-04-07 17:54:17 180

原创 VB作业

Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim a(10) As Integer Dim sum As Integer Randomize For i = 1 To 10      a(i) = Int(Rnd * 1000) + 1      sum = sum + a(i) Next i P

2016-04-07 17:51:58 158

原创 把握青春.

Oh,my god......每次vb作业都会剩一个,剩的这一个就总是那么费脑细胞,真是没谁了,有时候做作业做不下去时,想到..那句话,天将降大任于斯人也,顿时有了做作业的勇气.   come on,胜利总是在挫折的后面,哈哈哈哈,反正还是做完了,小小的开心一下......... Option Base 1   Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n As

2016-04-06 14:25:26 245

原创 本人辛苦自创,请勿抄袭

再一次写VB作业,学以致用的feel真的不一样,啊哈哈哈哈哈。。。。。。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Cls Font.Size = 30 Dim n As Integer Dim sierdun(15) As Integer n = 1 While n       sierdun(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)       n

2016-03-31 16:46:16 315

原创 VB作业

终于有VB了,好激动,赶紧写作业 Private Sub Command1_Click() Cls Me.Font.Size = 24 Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim d As Integer Dim e As Integer Dim f As Integer Dim g As Integer Di

2016-03-30 14:09:25 161



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