What is Internet Scanner?
Internet Scanner provides automated security vulnerability detection and analysis for devices on a network. This policy-driven process measures and manages information security risk, allowing administrators to match security policy with rapidly changing demands for open networking applications and increasingly complex network environments.
This version of Internet Scanner runs on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.
什么是Internet Scanner?
Internet Scanner? 提供 自动的网络设备的安全弱点楂查和分析 。策略文件处理和管理信息安全风险,允许超级用户匹配安全策略并快速的改变所需要的开放的网络应用程序和日益增长的复杂网络环境。
这个版本(ISS 6.1)运行在Windows NT 4.0 Workstation或Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.上。
What’s New in Version 6.1 版本6.1的新功能
Command-line report enhancements 增加了命令行报告
Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures (CVE) standard support
标准的CVE(Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures)(公共弱点暴光)支持
Database Scanner 4.0 penetration testing 突破数据库扫描4.0测试
Internet Scanner documentation installed with product 互联网的ISS文档产品安装
New Module View in the Policy Editor 策略编辑器中新模块视图
New Raw Packet Driver 新的RAW 包驱动
Operating system identification enhancements 增加 操作系统鉴定
Perimeter router check/Internal Network Common Setting 路由器周界检查/内网公共设置
RealSecure OS Sensor integration with Active Alerting 真实可靠的 集成的并活动的OS传感器
SessionDelete utility 实用会话删除工具
Vulnerability Catalog accessible from the main window’s Help menu 在主WINDOW 菜单的易理解的详细弱点目录
Vulnerability checks and product updates included from X-Press Updates 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
弱点检查和产品升级包括从X-Press .1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8的升级
Windows 2000 Professional support Windows 2000 Professional的支持
Minimum System Requirements 系统最小需求
(For the most current Internet Scanner system requirements, check the Internet Scanner System Requirements Web page on the ISS WEB site
对于大多数的ISS 系统 来说 ,需要检查ISS的WEB页面在 ISS WEB站点
In addition to these requirements, you should use a dedicated computer to run Internet Scanner. Not only will a dedicated computer maximize performance, but it also protects the computer and the data from unauthorized access.
附加的需求:你应使用专有的计算机来运行ISS,使 用一专用的 计算机能够最大程度地发挥ISS的
International system requirements 互联网系统需 求:
We do not formally support scanning from localized versions of Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000. If you attempt to scan from these systems, report your results to support@iss.net.
我们不是正式的支持局部的Windows NT 4.0 或 Windows 2000系统扫描。如果你企图从其它的系统扫描,报告 你的结果到support@iss.net.。
The US English versions of Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 support the display of other language groups (based on different codepages) shipped with those versions. (For example, the US version does not ship with character-based Asian languages or Arabic). If you are an international user, you can run US English Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 as your OS and still run non-Unicode, non-ISS applications localized for your area.
“语言---代码页支持方面 略”
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation System Requirements Windows NT 4.0 Workstatio系统需求
Processor 处理器
200 MHz Pentium Pro (300 MHz Pentium recommended) 奔滕200 PRO(推荐用奔滕300)
Operating System 操作系统
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation (with Service Pack 6)—preferably a dedicated system
Important: Internet Scanner is not supported on Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows 2000 Server, or
Windows 2000 Advanced Server. 不支持NT SERVER 和WIN 2000 SERVER
RealSecure Integration: Windows 2000 Professional recommended 推荐用Windows 2000 Professional
Other Software 其它软件
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or later required to run HTML Help. (See the information about using Internet Explorer to run HTML Help.)
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or later required to view the PDF files in the ../Scanner6/Manuals folder.
Memory (RAM) For regular scans: 80 MB
For large scans: 128 MB (256 MB recommended)
Hard Disk Installation from file: 180 MB
Installation from CD: 60 MB
Running: 55 MB plus 2.5 MB per 100 hosts
NTFS partition recommended
User privileges Local or Domain Administrator
Network Ethernet or Token Ring connected to an active network
Protocol TCP/IP
MDAC 2.1 or later
Display Monitor that supports 800x600 resolution with a minimum of 256 colors
Additional Product Documentation 附加的产品文档
Viewing the User Guide or the Getting Started Guide 用户向导视图或入门指导
In addition to this help system, the latest Internet Scanner User Guide and Internet Scanner Getting Started Guide are installed with Internet Scanner and are available as PDF files from the ../Scanner6/Manuals folder. 用户向导视图或入门指导的安装位置(PDF文件) ../Scanner6/Manuals
Using Adobe’s Acrobat Reader 阅读器的使用
To view PDF files, install the latest version of Acrobat Reader on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
Starting Internet Scanner 开始使 用Internet Scanner
There are several ways to start Internet Scanner:
这有几个方法学习使用Internet Scanner
From the command line, type iss_winnt and press Enter to start the Internet Scanner graphical user interface (GUI).
在命令行方式: 输入ISS_WINNT按下回车键, 启动图形界面的Internet Scanner
From the command line, type iss_winnt, followed by command-line options. Internet Scanner runs from the command line. This choice is useful for very large networks or when you want to eliminate the added overhead of the user interface. (好处)
Select Start®Programs®ISS®Internet Scanner 6.1®Internet Scanner 6.1 to start the Internet Scanner graphical user interface (GUI). (开始菜单 中的方法)
Use a scheduler to automatically initiate scans or generate reports at a specified date and time.
Startup Window 启动窗口
Displays frequently used choices when you first start Internet Scanner.
当你第一次启动Internet Scanner.的时候显示你 经常使用的选项。
To prevent this window from appearing at startup, select the Don’t show this dialog again check box.
为防止在启动时,这个对话框出现,你选 择Don’t show this dialog again check box
To make this window appear at startup:
Open Registry Editor.
Warning: Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause severe and irreparable damage and may require you to reinstall your operating system. Internet Security Systems cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ISS/Internet Scanner/6.1/General key.
Double-click the NoStartupDlg value to display the String Editor.
To enable the startup window, type Off and click OK.
Entering IP addresses 输入IP地址
You must enter host lists in the following combinations, where IP represents a dotted IP address:
IP,IP: two separate hosts 两 个分离的IP地址 [IP,IP]
IP-IP: a range of hosts 一个范围内的IP地址 [ip-ip]
IP-IP,IP: a range and a single host 一个范围内的IP地址和一个单一的主机 [ip-ip,ip]
IP-IP,IP-IP: two ranges 两个范围内的IP [ip-ip,ip-ip]
Any number of ranges and individual hosts may be combined. No spaces are permitted.