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转载 大作业
f = open('歌词.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') fText = f.read() f.close() print(fText) If I got down on my knees And I pleaded with you If I cross a million oceans Just to be with y...
2018-06-13 21:49:00 177
转载 递归,汉诺塔游戏
def hanoi(n,a,b,c): if n==1: print(n,a+'->'+c) else: hanoi(n-1,a,c,b) print(n,a+'->'+c) hanoi(n-1,b,a,c) hanoi(5,'A','B','C') 1 A->...
2018-06-13 20:29:00 116
转载 列表、元组、字典、集合的定义与操作
l = ['Michael','Bob','Tracy'] l.append('Rose') l.pop() t = ('Michael','Bob','Tracy') print(l) ['Michael', 'Bob', 'Tracy'] scores = [90,80,70] d = {'Michael':90,'Bob':80,'Tracy'...
2018-06-06 21:43:00 173
转载 列表实例NiceHexSpiral
classmates = ['Michael','Bob','Tracy'] classmates.append('Rose') classmates.insert(1,'Jack') classmates.pop() classmates.pop(0) classmates[0] = 'Tom' print(classmates) ['Tom', 'B...
2018-05-30 21:37:00 97
转载 文件操作,列表实例NiceHexSpiral
fr = open('letter.txt.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') plaincode = fr.read() print('明文:' + plaincode) print('密文:', end='') for c in plaincode: print(chr(ord(c)+3),e...
2018-05-30 21:29:00 118
转载 凯撒密码
s = input('明文:') for c in s: print(chr(ord(c)+3),end='') 明文:i love you l#oryh#|rx Process finished with exit code 0 s = input('密文:') for c in s: print(chr(ord(c)-3),end=...
2018-05-23 21:09:00 189
转载 字符的Unicode编码
for i in range(12): print(i,chr(9800+i)) 0 ♈ 1 ♉ 2 ♊ 3 ♋ 4 ♌ 5 ♍ 6 ♎ 7 ♏ 8 ♐ 9 ♑ 10 ♒ 11 ♓ 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Millie/p/9079123.html...
2018-05-23 20:19:00 252
转载 字符串操作
id = '440711199809024227' area = id[0:6] birthday = id[6:14] sex = id[-2] print(area,birthday,sex) if (int(sex) % 2 == 0): print('girl') else: print('boy') 年级是:2017 专业...
2018-05-23 20:15:00 82
转载 作业2
stuNum = '201709090008' print('年级是:'+stuNum[0:4]) print('专业编号是:'+stuNum[4:9] print('序号是:'+stuNum[-3:]) IDNo = '440711199809024227' print('性别是:'+IDNo[2]) print('市区是:'+IDNo[0:6]) print('...
2018-05-16 21:50:00 76
转载 函数定义与使用
import turtle #画一个五角星 turtle. setup(600,400,0,0) turtle.bgcolor('red') turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') def mygoto(x,y): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) ...
2018-05-16 21:20:00 106
转载 for循环:用turtle画一颗五角星
import turtle turtle.bgcolor('red') turtle.pencolor('yellow') turtle.fillcolor('yellow') turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(5): turtle.forward(100) turtle.right...
2018-05-09 20:49:00 140
转载 程序执行流程/布尔类型与布尔:运算猜数字游戏;库的使用:turtle
import turtle turtle.circle(50) turtle.circle(52) turtle.circle(54) turtle.circle(56) turtle.circle(58) turtle.done 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Millie/p/8982720.html
2018-05-02 21:52:00 79
转载 程序执行流程/布尔类型与布尔:运算猜数字游戏;
myNumber = 5 while True: guess = int(input('请输入一个数字')) if guess > myNumber: print('大了') elif guess < myNumber: print('小了') else: print('恭...
2018-05-02 21:28:00 157
转载 条件语句,while循环语句:完整的温度转换程序
while True: a = input('1.摄氏转华氏 \n 2.华氏转摄氏') if a =='1': c=input('请输入摄氏温度:') f=float('{}摄氏温度转为华氏温度是{}'.format(c,'f'))*9/5+32 print(f) elif: a =='2': ...
2018-04-25 21:44:00 237
转载 温度
a = input('1.摄氏转华氏 \n 2.华氏转摄氏') if a =='1': c=input('请输入摄氏温度:') f=float('{}摄氏温度转为华氏温度是{}'.format(c,f))*9/5+32 print(f) else: f = float(input('请输入华氏温度:')) c=5/9*(f-32)...
2018-04-25 21:12:00 128
转载 理解数据类型与数学运算:求和、温度转换
a = input('请输入一个数') b = input('请输入第二个数') sum2=int(a) + int(b) print('两个数的和是:{}'.format(sum2)) a = input('请输入一个摄氏温度') sum2=int(a) * 9/5 +32 print('转换的华氏温度是:{} '.format(sum2)) ...
2018-04-18 21:53:00 102
转载 输入、输出与Mad Libs 游戏
name1 = input ('请输入一个人的名字') name2 = input ('再输入一个人的名字') print('一个叫{}的女生,在和{}吃鸡'.format(name1, name2)) 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Millie/p/8877702.html...
2018-04-18 21:27:00 87
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