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原创 将博客搬至CSDN


2022-02-25 13:29:00 91

原创 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 解决数据大于5000时,页面上只能导出5000+数据。

转载!!版权为原作者!页面显示:update [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[DeploymentProperties] set IntColumn=10000 --调整成10000+页面导出:一、在CRM2011中如果想要导出超过10000记录数据,做法如下:针对CRM2011导出Excel时,默认只能导出10000的限制在CRM2011产品中的MSCRM对应的组织数据...

2017-10-10 09:40:00 237

原创 AX7 VM can not starting

这个问题跟很多人遇到的一样,VM下载,一开始使用正常,特然某个时候,就挂了,直接引用老外的描述吧http://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/p/203984/529631When trying to access the Ax I get the following error:There is a problem with the serverSorry...

2016-07-11 10:41:00 116

原创 AX3空Invoice明细问题

用户反映出现invoice无法打印明细问题,看截图考虑再三,去查看invoice ID,居然出现类似ABABAB\的字符,就是最后一个\有问题,修改VendInvoiceJour,VendInvoiceTrans, VendInvoicePurchLink 中Invoice ID字段,直接解决。留文备查!!...

2015-12-10 15:12:00 123

原创 Solution to “VirtualBox can't operate in VMX root mode” error in Windows 7

I was trying out various virtualization solutions on Windows 7, including Microsoft Virtual PC and VirtualBox. I booted a VM in Virtual PC and felt that it wasn't good enough, so later I installed V...

2015-11-20 15:34:00 171

原创 Inventory of the materials to teach you how to query a date certain combination of dimensions

Please correct me if any omission or errorFrom theInventory Management-> journals-> Item Counting> Countingcan enter the inventory:Linescan create a new inventory record, click into the...

2014-11-21 10:42:00 60

原创 How to Debug Enterprise Portal Code in Dynamics AX 2009

转载To set up debugging for pages1. Log into the server that is running the AOS.2. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools &gt...

2014-08-13 15:37:00 68

原创 Axapta 3 COM Connector

Axapta 3 COM ConnectorCopy from blogAxapta 3 SP3Eventually did the following to get it to work:1. Created a domain account for the service to use2. Add the domain user as the dbo for the Axapta d...

2014-08-13 14:42:00 50

原创 AX 与Citrix打印机问题


2014-05-15 15:54:00 52

原创 AX ERP 真正的自动批处理

AX real batch job- AX ERP 真正的批处理在AX3标准功能中,自动化任务是利用Batch来进行自动化处理任务,标准功能的局限是无法真正做到无人值守。比如服务器重启,必须手动去开一个Client,然后手动去执行Batch Job。 如何可以真正做到自动化,就需要利用到AX的本身机制和windows的服务机制,也就是说需要2方面的设置。AX的配置启动主要利用AX的客户...

2014-04-01 10:05:00 52

原创 SQL语句转摘


2014-02-14 16:23:00 99

原创 AX2012 R2 打开EP站点时提示503 Service Unavailable错误。

参考段兄http://www.cnblogs.com/duanshuiliu/archive/2013/03/13/2955910.html,以及国外文档http://axaptainfo.blogspot.in/2012/02/http-error-503-service-unavailable.html。重启Application Pool还是错误。同时出现WAS错误,参考文档http:...

2013-05-06 10:32:00 59

原创 AX2012 R2安装

近日总算折腾完R2的安装,发帖庆祝一下吧!!安装之后的效果如下有几个问题记录下来,以后备查!1.EP安装。第一次安装过程,EP没有问题。等我强制导入2012版本的Demo数据之后,AIF不能启动,提示监听器重复。手动删除所有监听器,重新安装EP,重新手动启动AIF的inbound。如下图,EP正常。EP卸载截图EP重新安装截图:2 RS的安装,第一次死活不成功。等系统安装编译结...

2013-03-26 15:17:00 85

原创 AX3在window8下兼容性


2012-11-28 09:54:00 51

原创 转:Configure system accounts-AX2009

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd309681(v=ax.50).aspxConfigure system accountsThis topic has not yet been rated-Rate this topicConfigure the accounts that the system uses. This in...

2012-09-10 10:51:00 60

原创 转:Workflow iPhone Application

8112010Hi all.Today’s post is hopefully going to be a little different from all the normal posts that I have here at workflowax. I am very excited to post a short demo of some R&D I have been ...

2012-09-10 10:49:00 51

原创 转:Dynamics AX2009 Workflow – Checklist-Mail alert

Dynamics AX2009 Workflow –ChecklistPosted onMay 1, 2010I was going through the the workflow implementation with a client and could notice that there is a need of a check list for consultants u...

2012-09-10 10:48:00 60 1

原创 转:AX 2009 Workflows: A Quick overview

AX 2009 Workflows: A Quick overviewHere is a quick overview on AX 2009 Workflow...a feature long awaited :)Workflow - "Machine readible code for a business process"-Feature of Base AX 2009-Wor...

2012-09-10 10:46:00 52

原创 转 Request for the permission of type 'InteropPermission' failed.


2012-08-27 13:50:00 87

原创 Dynamics AX2009 Report step by step

AX2009报表演示AX2009里面支持两大类型的报表,一个是以前版本一直支持AX Morphx Report,另外一个是基于Report Service的报表。其中第二类型报表是后续发展的方向,在AX2012里面只推荐使用RS,也是我们需要详细介绍的方法。1.Morphx Report此报表完全在AOT里面开发,比较方便简单,不足之处是无法做图形显示,也无法方便在外部调用。创建新的M...

2012-08-23 10:22:00 90

原创 AX2009 EP user control development step by step

2012-08-22AX 2009企业门户用户控件开发详细步聚使用AOT创建data set使用VS2008创建User ControlSharePoint中创建新的PageAOT创建WEB Menu Item指向第三步创建的PageAOT使用Import创建第四步的Page definition把第四步的WEB Menu Item放入WEB Menu中指定各个对象的权限T...

2012-08-22 10:35:00 36

原创 转 Install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 on Windows 7

Install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 on Windows 7By {Rahul Sharma} on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 12:33 PM Tags: MS Dynamics Ax 2009 inShare1I know this post is a bit late as we are al...

2012-08-21 16:33:00 53

原创 转:How to troubleshoot Enterprise Portal error ”Unable to render content due to an error. Please cont...


2012-08-21 13:31:00 62

原创 AX2009 的EP开发要点

AX2009(下简称AX)的EP(enterprise Portal)开发是相对比较高级和比较困难的技术,需要完全理解完整概念和多个技术基础,综合以下三方面知识,掌握开发流程和交互,才能做出自己页面。a) SharePoint的开发技术(需要掌握SP或者SPS的界面和站点技术,可以更改模块和增加WEB part)b) Morphx的WEB开发(Web menu...

2012-08-20 13:37:00 61

原创 RS2008初步

初步接触RS2008R2,利用SQL server business intelligence development studio开发还是很方便的。以前用过一点Report builder.感觉还是新的工具更强大。来个Demo的信手涂鸦,看看效果。...

2012-06-13 15:28:00 45

原创 折腾AX2012,安装成功,发帖庆祝

先看看系统成功的截图。1. 按照AX2012的安装手册,大体看了,实际使用就直接按那个先决条件全部解决,没有错误(Warn是有的)之后就可以进行下去了。我是几乎全部选中安装条件。2. 重要的一点,需要Complie系统之后再去装EP,就没有错误了看看EP界面...

2012-02-16 15:52:00 47

原创 SSRS 2008 Domain User Issue

http://calebs71.blogspot.com/2010/09/ssrs-2008-domain-user-issue.htmlScenario: I have a new SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 x64 instance that works if you are the local administrator. Once I ...

2011-07-18 10:24:00 51

原创 AX2012 table


2011-06-23 10:52:00 70

原创 AX2012 初步


2011-06-23 08:41:00 32

原创 给女儿博客拉票!!


2011-04-11 16:18:00 37

原创 SO and PO numbers

1. Number SequenceIn Axapta, all the order numbers for the deferenttypes are set by number sequence in basic module. There is an important optionof number sequence create.The checked conti...

2010-07-08 15:31:00 41

原创 Week of year bug in Ax3


2010-03-01 15:33:00 45

原创 AX4的杂项费用税率问题

AX4 杂项费用的税率设置最近在客户做AX4实施,遇到杂项费用的税率设置问题,特此留文记录,以备后查。事情的起因是,客户设置了杂项费用,然后选择17的Vat,就出现tax不能计算的错误。然后就直接电话我,我自己本机设置完全没有错误,百思不得其解,就远程连接上客户系统直接自作聪明跟踪代码。发现系统一直去判断此处Vat一定要设置为零,我实际去修改一下,设置Vat0,果然能保存,难道有...

2009-07-30 09:33:00 76

原创 第一次用AX2009正式版!


2008-07-08 16:09:00 31

原创 可以自己设计和定的报表工具!

ADOppReportBuilder user’s GuideCopyright Ó 2002-09-05 byAcloudy 目录:1、声明2、概述3、使用指南3.1安装指南3.2调用指南3.3使用指南4、注意点5、faq一、 声明本报表设计控件是在delphi5.0、windows2000环境下,利用Digital Metaphors公司的ReportBui...

2007-09-23 10:02:00 99

原创 居然看看APS了


2007-09-20 17:05:00 41

原创 Ax的NT用户验证搞定!


2007-09-17 16:46:00 48

原创 Differences and data exchange between Ax3 & AX4

Differences and data exchange between AX 3.0 & AX 4.0 1. New general features1. Common functionality l Global searchIn 4.0, you can search for data anywhere in AX 4.0 by u...

2007-09-04 10:16:00 921

原创 AX4名词解释

1099 report / 1099 报表 在 1099 表格上向美国国税局 (IRS) 进行的申报。1099 表格用于申报非员工收入,并且按日历年度归档。IRS 生成不同类型的 1099 表格,包括红利 (1099-DIV)、利息 (1099-INT)、杂项 (1099-MISC) 和退休金 (1099-R)。 21 CFR Part 11 食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 规章的联邦会议记...

2007-08-31 14:09:00 64

原创 全球两大阵营ERP系统的技术分析-被转摘了很多次。


2007-08-30 16:39:00 69




Visual Foxpro 6.0




This is the development trunk of Openbravo ERP. * Installation First, download the setup binary corresponding to your system: ant setup Next run the downloaded file in the config directory. For example in x86 Linux: ./setup-properties-linux.bin If there is no setup binary for your operating system and architecture, send a request to <staff.rm at openbravo dot com>. Then, to install it run: ant install.source It creates the database structure, builds the core, compiles Openbravo and generates a war file. Deploy this war file into the tomcat/webapps directory. * Documentation See http://wiki.openbravo.com for more documentation. * Helping out If you'd like to help out, great! Have a look to our Contributor's Guide: http://wiki.openbravo.com/wiki/Contributor%27s_Guide There is also a list of on-going community projects: http://wiki.openbravo.com/wiki/Community_Projects Please share your changes so others can benefit. Please use svn diff to prepare patches. * Contact IRC: #openbravo in freenode



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