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原创 zoj 3946 Highway Project

Edward, the emperor of the Marjar Empire, wants to build some bidirectional highways so that he can reach other cities from the capital as fast as possible. Thus, he proposed the highway project.The Ma

2016-04-25 13:48:30 929

原创 zoj 3938 Defuse the Bomb

The bomb is about to explode! Please defuse it as soon as possible!There is a display showing a number from 1 to 4 on the bomb. Besides this, there are 4 buttons under the display. Each button is label

2016-04-23 23:58:13 447

原创 zoj 3944 People Counting

In a BG (dinner gathering) for ZJU ICPC team, the coaches wanted to count the number of people present at the BG. They did that by having the waitress take a photo for them. Everyone was in the photo a

2016-04-23 23:41:12 932

原创 hdu5670Machine

Problem Description There is a machine with m(2≤m≤30) coloured bulbs and a button.When the button is pushed, the rightmost bulb changes. For any changed bulb,if it is red now it will be green;if it i

2016-04-23 19:12:12 617

原创 fzuProblem 1010 Beavergnaw

Problem DescriptionWhen chomping a tree the beaver cuts a very specific shape out of the tree trunk. What is left in the tree trunk looks like two frustums of a cone joined by a cylinder with the diame

2016-04-21 17:59:00 420

原创 hdu 1129 Diophantus of Alexandria

Problem Description Diophantus of Alexandria was an egypt mathematician living in Alexandria. He was one of the first mathematicians to study equations where variables were restricted to integral valu

2016-04-17 15:05:14 392

原创 hdu 1102A + B Problem II

Problem Description I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is to calculate the Sum of A + B.Input The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which

2016-04-12 21:16:38 243

原创 fzu 2128 最长子串

Problem 2128 最长子串 Accept: 184 Submit: 693 Time Limit: 3000 mSec Memory Limit : 65536 KB Problem Description 问题很简单,给你一个字符串s,问s的子串中不包含s1,s2…sn的最长串有多长。 Input输入包含多组数据。第一行为字符串s,字符串s的长度1到10^6次方,第二

2016-04-11 20:17:23 674

原创 湖南省多校对抗赛 Refract Facts

题意就是:给定飞机高度,潜艇深度,和折射,求最适合角度。 开始公式解不出,队友就2分法 求角度。#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>#define pi 3.1415926535#define eps 1e-6double d,h,x,n1,n2;double find(double l,double r){ double q1,q2,mid;

2016-04-10 20:14:34 421

原创 湖南省多校对抗赛 Morse

题意:就是给定字符翻译。这算是常规题了。我的第一想法就map#include"iostream"#include"cstdio"#include"cstring" using namespace std;#define N 350char al[N][50],biao[N][1000];char s[N][N];int n;void fun(){ //26个字母处理 int

2016-04-10 19:43:37 374

原创 Positive Con Sequences

题意就是:4个等比或等差的数,缺了一个,你要求出那个数。 思路:对每个位置考虑下#include"iostream"#include"cstdlib"#include"cmath"using namespace std;int main(){ long long a,b,c,d,t,x;while(cin>>a>>b>>c>>d,a!=-1||b!=-1||c!=-1||d!=-

2016-04-10 19:31:39 579

原创 fzu 养鸡场

Problem DescriptionJason买来了n米长的竹篱笆,打算将n米长的竹篱笆全部用来围成一个三角形的养鸡场。为方便起见,养鸡场三条边的长度都为正整数。同时,他想让自己的养鸡场看起来更美观一些,要求三条边的长度分别在一个区间范围内。现在,他想知道有多少种不同的方案使得围成的养鸡场满足要求? Input输入包含多组数据。输入数据第一行是一个正整数n,表示竹篱笆的长度。在接下来三行中,第i

2016-04-09 23:40:10 521

原创 hdu1390Binary Numbers

Problem Description Given a positive integer n, find the positions of all 1’s in its binary representation. The position of the least significant bit is 0.ExampleThe positions of 1’s in the binary rep

2016-04-09 17:14:16 463

原创 hdu1021 Fibonacci Again

Problem Description There are another kind of Fibonacci numbers: F(0) = 7, F(1) = 11, F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) (n>=2).Input Input consists of a sequence of lines, each containing an integer n. (n < 1,0

2016-04-09 16:34:12 321

转载 不用+,-,×,/做加法

转载于:http://www.cnblogs.com/python27/archive/2011/12/20/2295207.htmla=2进制的异或:保留本位,不进位。b= 2进制的或:刚好是保留进位。 a+b不会再有进位了。#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;/*****************************

2016-04-09 10:47:46 303

转载 2叉树的非递归实现

装载于:http://blog.csdn.net/qq_20581563/article/details/51095639 //深度优先算法: void depthFirstSearch(Tree* root){ stack<Tree *> nodeStack; //使用C++的STL标准模板库 nodeStack.push(root);

2016-04-09 10:42:37 334

原创 面试题

int型数组,将数组里的元素连接拼成最大的数字,如[12,132,89,15]的输出是一个string:“891513212”。 分析:将int数组的元素化成char型的,然后进行字典序反排序。我的代码好像有点麻烦。#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<string>using namespace st

2016-04-09 10:38:37 433

原创 单片机 计数/定时 中断实验

计数/定时实验:方式2的计数器:T0来自P3.4引脚。方式2可以自动重装数进入,比较好用。 ORG 0000H LJMP STARTSTART: MOV TMOD,#00000110B MOV TH0,#255//初值 MOV TL0,#255 SETB TR0// 打开T0计数器 LP: JNB TF0,LP //没有溢

2016-04-09 10:31:34 1953

原创 hdu1379DNA Sorting

Problem Description One measure of unsortedness'' in a sequence is the number of pairs of entries that are out of order with respect to each other. For instance, in the letter sequenceDAABEC”, this me

2016-04-08 20:35:18 725

原创 hdu5437Alisha’s Party

Problem Description Princess Alisha invites her friends to come to her birthday party. Each of her friends will bring a gift of some value v, and all of them will come at a different time. Because the

2016-04-08 17:26:52 381

原创 FZU 2125 简单的等式

Problem Description 现在有一个等式如下:x^2+s(x,m)x-n=0。其中s(x,m)表示把x写成m进制时,每个位数相加的和。现在,在给定n,m的情况下,求出满足等式的最小的正整数x。如果不存在,请输出-1。 Input 有T组测试数据。以下有T(T<=100)行,每行代表一组测试数据。每个测试数据有n(1<=n<=10^18),m(2<=m<=16)。 分析:s(x,

2016-04-06 23:40:29 403

原创 hdu 1288Hat's Tea

Problem Description Hat is a member of PG Studio. Hat codes a lot and so he often buys tea at tea vending machine. But the tea vending machine just eat coins and spit out tea, if you feed the machine

2016-04-06 22:44:20 750

原创 fzu 2122 又见LKity


2016-04-03 16:18:12 590



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