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转载 python基础篇-使用list和tuple

listprint(classmates)classmates.pop()print(classmates)classmates.pop(1)print(classmates)classmates[1] = 'Sarah'print(classmates)L = ['Apple', 123, True]print(L)s = ['pythono', 'java',...

2018-12-28 10:50:00 103

转载 python基础篇-字符串和编码


2018-12-28 09:57:00 110

转载 python基础篇-数据类型和变量

字符串print('I\'m ok.')print('I\'m learning\nPython.')print('\\\n\\')print('\\\t\\')print(r'\\\t\\')print('''linel...line2...line3''')print('''linelline2line3''')# -*- coding: utf-8 _*_print(r...

2018-12-28 09:54:00 108

转载 python基础篇-输入和输出

输出print ('hello, world')print('The quick brown fox', 'jumps over', 'the lazy dog')print(300)print(100+200)print('100 + 200 = ', 100 + 200)输入name = input('please enther your name:')p...

2018-12-28 09:50:00 90

转载 python3.7-初学篇-21

Python源码剖析《Python源码剖析》是2008年06月电子工业出版社出版的图书,作者是陈儒。书名Python源码剖析——深度探索动态语言核心技术作者陈儒ISBN9787121068744类别图书 >> 计算机/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他定价¥69....

2018-12-14 20:05:00 160

转载 python3.7-初学者-20

1、登录,三次登录锁定用户  用户信息的文件  黑名单的文件    1、黑名单里面检测,不让登录    2、用户名单密码判定2、三级菜单  dic = {    "省":{      "市":['县]      }  }  #字典,列表  dic.keys()  dic["省"].keys()  dic["省"]["市"]  d...

2018-12-12 21:05:00 78

转载 python3.7-初学篇-19-良好的习惯

1、Readme 文件,告诉别人如何使用你的程序(必须)2、代码加注释,让别人可以轻松读懂你的代码(必须)3、目录结构要符合规范,每天单独一个目录,如Day1,Day2,Day3..(必须)4、流程图,帮自己理清思路、帮别人更容易了解你的代码设计逻辑(必须)    #推荐ProcessOn5、blog(博客),写好blog,让更多的人知道你,关注你(必须)        ...

2018-12-11 22:44:00 81

转载 python3.7-初学篇-18

变量起名   1. 显示   2. nums_of_alex_gf = 19 这是对的   3. NumsOfAlexGf = 2 这是对的   4. names-of-alex-gf = 22 这是错的   5. 5name = 数字不能开头,na5me=   6. !name 特殊字符不能有,~!@¥%   7. name of teacher = 不能有空格...

2018-12-11 21:33:00 99

转载 python3.7-初学篇-17

import sysimport pygamedef run_game():   #initialize game and create a dispaly object   pygame.init()   screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200,800))   pygame.display.set_caption("Alie...

2018-12-11 21:32:00 90

转载 python3.7-初学篇-16

for i in range(10):   if 1%2 !=0:     print(i)     continue   i += 2   print(i)转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangbannerhulk/p/10105403.html

2018-12-11 21:30:00 121

转载 python3.7-初学篇-15

bingo = '小甲鱼是鳖哥'answer = input ('请输入小甲鱼最想听的一句话:')while True:   if answer == bingo:     break   answer = input('抱歉,错了,请重新输入(答案正确才能退出游戏):') print('哎哟,帅哦~')print('您真是小甲鱼肚子里的蛔虫啊^-^')转载于:https://...

2018-12-11 21:28:00 80

转载 python3.7-初学篇-14

score = int (input ('请输入一个分数:'))if 100 >= score >= 90:   print ('A')elif 90 > score >= 80:   print ('B')elif 80 > score >= 60:   print ('C')elif 60 > score >= 0:   print (...

2018-12-11 21:27:00 72

转载 python3.7-初学篇-13

score = int (input ('请教您的分数:'))if 100 >= score >= 90:   print ('A')else:   if 90 > score >= 80:     print ('B')   else:     if 80 > score >= 60:       print ('C')     else:...

2018-12-11 21:26:00 92

转载 python3.7-初学篇-11

打飞机框架加载背景音乐播放背景音乐(设置成单曲循环)我方飞机诞生interval = 0while True   if 用户是否电击了关闭按钮:     退出程序   interval += 1   if interval == 50:    nterval = 0     小飞机诞生   小飞机移动一个位置   屏幕刷新   if 用户鼠标产生移动: ...

2018-12-11 21:23:00 120

转载 python3.7-初学篇-12

score = int ( input ( '请输入一个分数:' ) )if 100 >= score >= 90:   print('A')if 90 > score >= 80:   print('B')if 80 > score >= 80:   print('C')if 60 > score >= 0:   print('D')if...

2018-12-11 21:23:00 98

转载 python3.7-初学篇-10

import randomsecret = random.randint(1,10)print('-----------------我爱鱼C工作室----------------')temp = input("不妨猜一下小甲鱼现在心里想的是哪个数字:")guess = int(temp)while guess != secret:   temp = input("哎呀,猜错了,请重新输入...

2018-12-11 21:22:00 132

转载 python3.7-初学篇-09

if guess == 8:   print( "哇草,你是小甲鱼心里的蛔虫吗?")   print( "哼,猜中了也没有奖励" )else:     if guess > 8:       print( "哥,大了大了~~~")     else:       print( "嘿,小了!小了!!")print ( "游戏结束,不玩啦~~~~ ")转载于:https...

2018-12-11 21:21:00 100

转载 python3.7-初学篇-07

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-我爱鱼C,正如我爱小甲鱼,他那呱唧呱唧呱唧呱唧呱唧呱唧的声音,总缠绕于我的脑海,久久不肯散去...转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangbannerhulk/p/10105305.html...

2018-12-11 21:20:00 125

转载 python3.7-初学篇-08

from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")def hello():return "Hello World!"if __name__ == '__main__':app.run()转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangbannerhulk/p/10105308...

2018-12-11 21:20:00 65

转载 python3.7-初学篇-06

print('-----------我爱鱼C工作室---------')temp = input("不妨猜一下小甲鱼现在心里想的是哪个数字:")guess = int(temp)if guess == 8:   print("我草,你是小甲鱼心里的蛔虫吗?")   print("哼,猜中了也没有奖励!")else:   print("猜猜啦,小甲鱼现在心里想的是8!")print("游戏...

2018-12-11 21:19:00 65

转载 python3.7-初学篇-05

print("I love fishc.com")print(5+3)print("well water"+" river")print("I love fish.com\n" + 8)转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangbannerhulk/p/10105298.html

2018-12-11 21:19:00 83

转载 python3.7-初学篇-04

print ("I will now count my chickens:")print ("Hens"), 25 + 30 / 6print ("Roosters"), 100 - 25 * 3 % 4print ("Now I will count the eggs:")print (3 + 2 + 1 - 5 + 4 % 2 - 1 / 4 + 6)print ("...

2018-12-11 21:18:00 87

转载 python3.7-初学篇-03

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# A comment, this is so you can read your program later.# Anything after the # is ignored by python.print ("I could have code like this.") # and the comment after is ign...

2018-12-11 21:17:00 86

转载 python3.7-初学篇-02

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-print ("Hello World!你好")print ("Hello Again")print ("I like typing this.")print ("This is fun.")print ('Yay! Printing.')print ("I'd much rather you 'not'")print ('I "said" ...

2018-12-11 21:16:00 77

转载 python3.7-初学篇-01

第一个程序print “Hello World!”print“Hello Again”print “I like type”print "This is fun."转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangbannerhulk/p/10105254.html

2018-12-11 21:13:00 66



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