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转载 The 7 Stages Of Scaling Web Apps--reference

reference from:http://highscalability.com/7-stages-scaling-web-appsTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 AT 4:22AMBy John Engales CTO, Rackspace. Good presentation of the stages a typical successful ...

2014-03-31 09:33:00 67

转载 大型网站架构演变和知识体系--转


2014-03-31 09:09:00 83

转载 Understanding Design And Development Job Titles--reference

If you’re confused about the difference between a front-end developer and a web designer, you’re not alone. Trying to maneuver through the job market is made more difficult by the different job t...

2014-03-31 08:49:00 158

转载 通过分析 JDK 源代码研究 TreeMap 红黑树算法实现--转

TreeMap 和 TreeSet 是 Java Collection Framework 的两个重要成员,其中 TreeMap 是 Map 接口的常用实现类,而 TreeSet 是 Set 接口的常用实现类。虽然 HashMap 和 HashSet 实现的接口规范不同,但 TreeSet 底层是通过 TreeMap 来实现的,因此二者的实现方式完全一样。而 TreeMap 的实现就是红...

2014-03-28 18:35:00 69

转载 探索 ConcurrentHashMap 高并发性的实现机制--转

ConcurrentHashMap 是 Java concurrent 包的重要成员。本文将结合 Java 内存模型,来分析 ConcurrentHashMap 的 JDK 源代码。通过本文,读者将了解到 ConcurrentHashMap 高并发性的具体实现机制。这对于我们在实际应用中更加高效的使用它是很有帮助的。简介ConcurrentHashMap 是 util.concu...

2014-03-28 18:31:00 70

转载 BEA WebLogic Server 10 查看和配置日志

查看和配置日志WebLogic Server 内的每个子系统都可生成日志消息来传达其状态。例如,当启动 WebLogic Server 实例时,安全子系统会输出消息以报告其初始化状态。为了记录其子系统生成的消息,WebLogic Server 会将消息写入日志文件中。服务器日志可记录有关诸如服务器的启动和关闭、新应用程序的部署或一个或多个子系统故障等事件的信息。这些消息包括事...

2014-03-25 16:06:00 282

转载 You Need This One Skill to Succeed in IT--reference

The ability to program in five languages, including one machine-level? Not it.Project management skills, up to and including a PMP certification? Not that either.Excellent oral and written co...

2014-03-24 17:53:00 131

转载 基于 Jenkins 快速搭建持续集成环境--转

源地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-jenkins/持续集成是一种软件开发实践,对于提高软件开发效率并保障软件开发质量提供了理论基础。Jenkins 是一个开源软件项目,旨在提供一个开放易用的软件平台,使持续集成变成可能。本文正是从持续集成的基本概念入手,通过具体实例,介绍了如何基于 Jenkins 快速搭建持续集成环...

2014-03-24 16:49:00 79

转载 搭建属于自己的wiki

1.开源wikimediawiki http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki2. 开发文档http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:MediaWiki_Developer's_Guide3. pdf文档http://hepmdb.soton.ac.uk/wiki/images/0/0b/O...

2014-03-24 16:43:00 196

转载 Implementing the skip list data structure in java --reference

reference:http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/323/Syllabus/Map/skip-list-impl.htmlThe link list element structure used to implement a Skip ListThelink list elementused to imp...

2014-03-24 15:21:00 88

转载 Skip list--reference wiki

Incomputer science, askip listis adata structurethat allows fast search within anordered sequenceof elements. Fast search is made possible by maintaining a linked hierarchy of subsequences...

2014-03-23 21:19:00 179

转载 编程语言拟人化:Java、C++、Python、Ruby、PHP、C#、JS!--隆重推荐转

http://next.rikunabi.com/tech/docs/ct_s03600.jsp?p=002412Java、C++、Python、Ruby、C#、PHP、JavaScript。7つのプログラミング言語を擬人化。プログラミング言語は、みんな若い。(一部言語除く)(文/渡辺将人 総研スタッフ/タニー只野)作成日:13.12.06...

2014-03-21 12:59:00 663

转载 java或者jsp中修复会话标识未更新漏洞

appscan扫描出来的。1. 漏洞产生的原因:AppScan会扫描“登录行为”前后的Cookie,其中会对其中的JSESSIONOID(或者别的cookie id依应用而定)进行记录。在登录行为发生后,如果cookie中这个值没有发生变化,则判定为“会话标识未更新”漏洞。2.AppScan中,对“会话标识未更新”提供了修改建议:一般修订建议 始终生成新的会话,供用户成...

2014-03-21 10:29:00 122

转载 weblogic 10域结构

Domain Directory ContentsBy default, Oracle WebLogic Server creates domain directories under Oracle MiddlewareMW_HOME/user_projects/domainsdirectory. This section describes the contents of ...

2014-03-20 15:00:00 194

转载 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)--spring security -转

http://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/3.2.0.CI-SNAPSHOT/reference/html/csrf.html13.Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)This section discusses Spring Security'sCross Site ...

2014-03-19 17:04:00 278

转载 redis终于有比较大的进展了,redis3.0.1 稳定版本发布,支持集群。

原文地址:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antirez/redis/3.0/00-RELEASENOTESRedis 3.0 release notes--[ Redis 3.0.1 ] Release date: 5 May 2015--[ Redis 3.0.0 ] Release date: 1 Apr 2015--[ Redi...

2014-03-18 21:17:00 237

转载 [Security] Automatically adding CSRF tokens to ajax calls when using jQuery--转

地址:http://erlend.oftedal.no/blog/?blogid=118When building a ajax based application, you want to protect any POST request againstCSRF attacks. If you are using jQuery, then jQuery provides a lo...

2014-03-18 11:57:00 65

转载 Linux内核--网络栈实现分析(二)--数据包的传递过程--转

转载地址http://blog.csdn.net/yming0221/article/details/7492423作者:闫明本文分析基于Linux Kernel 1.2.13注:标题中的”(上)“,”(下)“表示分析过程基于数据包的传递方向:”(上)“表示分析是从底层向上分析、”(下)“表示分析是从上向下分析。上篇:上一篇博文中我们从宏观上分析了Linux内核...

2014-03-16 22:46:00 109

转载 Linux内核--网络栈实现分析(一)--网络栈初始化--转

转载地址http://blog.csdn.net/yming0221/article/details/7488828作者:闫明本文分析基于内核Linux Kernel 1.2.13以后的系列博文将深入分析Linux内核的网络栈实现原理,这里看到曹桂平博士的分析后,也决定选择Linux内核1.2.13版本进行分析。原因如下:1.功能和网络栈层次已经非常清晰...

2014-03-16 22:42:00 83

转载 Maven 修改本地存储库位置--转

step1:默认会放在~/.m2/repository目录下 (“~”代表用户的目录,比如windows下一般都是C:\Documents and Settings\[你的用户名]\),step2:修改配置文件,位置为%MAVEN_HOME%/conf/setting.xml,<!-- localRepository | The path to the local re...

2014-03-15 23:23:00 84

转载 20+ Rsync command’s switches and common usages with examples – Unix/Linux--reference

reference:http://crybit.com/rsync-commands-switches/The “rsync” is a powerful command under the Linux environment. The rsync stands for Remote Sync. Normally rsync is used to transfer file from...

2014-03-15 22:08:00 87

转载 DDNS 的工作原理及其在 Linux 上的实现--转

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/1305_wanghz_ddns/index.htmlDDNS (Dynamic DNS) 扩展了 DNS 将客户端 IP 与其域名进行静态映射的功能,它可以将同一域名实时地解析为不同的动态 IP,而不需要额外的人工干预。这在客户端 IP 地址不断发生变化的情况下,尤其是在无线网络和 DHCP 环境...

2014-03-12 23:22:00 85

转载 探索 Linux 内存模型--转

引用:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-memmod/index.html理解 Linux 使用的内存模型是从更大程度上掌握 Linux 设计和实现的第一步,因此本文将概述 Linux 内存模型和管理。Linux 使用的是单一整体式结构 (Monolithic),其中定义了一组原语或系统调用以实现操作系统的服务,例如在几个模...

2014-03-12 23:17:00 57

转载 Linux 进程管理剖析--转

地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-linux-process-management/index.htmlLinux 是一种动态系统,能够适应不断变化的计算需求。Linux 计算需求的表现是以进程的通用抽象为中心的。进程可以是短期的(从命令行执行的一个命令),也可以是长期的(一种网络服务)。因此,对进程及其调度进行一般管理...

2014-03-12 23:09:00 72

转载 10+ commonly using find command switches with example Unix/Linux

http://crybit.com/find-command-usage-with-example-unixlinux/find command is one of the best search tool under UNIX/LINUX. Here I’m discussing some common switches of find command with detailed ...

2014-03-12 09:28:00 77

转载 对request.getSession(false)的理解(附程序员常疏忽的一个漏洞)--转

出处:http://blog.csdn.net/xxd851116/archive/2009/06/25/4296866.aspx【前面的话】在网上经常看到有人对request.getSession(false)提出疑问,我第一次也很迷惑,看了一下J2EE1.3 API,看一下官网是怎么解释的。【官方解释】 getSessionpublicHttpSessio...

2014-03-11 16:58:00 80

转载 Session fixation--wiki

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_fixationIn computer network security,session fixation attacksattempt toexploitthe vulnerability of a system which allows one person to fixate (set) anot...

2014-03-11 11:58:00 170

转载 Lambdas in Java 8--reference

Part 1reference:http://jaxenter.com/lambdas-in-java-8-part-1-49700.htmlGet to know lambda expressions in Java 8.Few things excite a community of software developers more than a new release ...

2014-03-11 09:03:00 383

转载 IP, TCP, and HTTP--reference

IP, TCP, and HTTPIssue #10Syncing Data, March 2014ByDaniel EggertWhen an app communicates with a server, more often than not, that communication happens over HTTP. HTTP was developed fo...

2014-03-11 08:52:00 407

转载 Linux 2.4调度系统分析--转

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/kernel/l-k24sch/index.html杨沙洲(pubb@163.net)国防科技大学计算机学院简介:本文详尽地分析了Linux 2.4内核中调度系统的工作原理,特别是i386体系结构下SMP系统的调度表现。通过对2.4调度系统实现原理及其细节的分析,文章在文末指出了2.4...

2014-03-10 19:28:00 119

转载 基于Linux的集群系统(八)--转

引用位置:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/cluster/linux_cluster/part8/index.htmlOSI参考模型及TCP/IP参考模型OSI模型(open system interconnection reference model)是基于国际标准化组织(ISO)的建议而发展起来的,它分为如图3-1所示的七...

2014-03-10 19:06:00 65

转载 40 JavaScript Chart and Graph Libraries for Developers--reference

reference:http://www.egrappler.com/javascript-chart-and-graph-libraries-for-developers/BYTEAMEGRAPPLER· MARCH 4, 2014Graphs and charts are used to simplify complex data and make it e...

2014-03-10 16:03:00 175

转载 Java String Class Example--reference

reference:http://examples.javacodegeeks.com/core-java/lang/string/java-string-class-example/1. IntroductionIn this example we are going to discuss about the basic characteristics ofJava Stri...

2014-03-10 14:59:00 137

转载 Caching Best Practices--reference

reference:http://java.dzone.com/articles/caching-best-practicesThere is an irresistible attraction to writing custom caching solutions, since it seems to be the easiest path to “improving” th...

2014-03-10 14:58:00 97

转载 Topology: The Architecture of Distributed Systems--reference

reference:http://blog.couchbase.com/topology-architecture-distributed-systemsYou can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can judge the architecture of a distributed system by its topology.If...

2014-03-10 09:58:00 82

转载 facade pattern

1. 定义Facade Patternprovides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in subsystems. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.p. 185, Design Patterns, El...

2014-03-10 09:47:00 83

转载 10 ways to be a faster code reviewer--reference

reference:http://blog.codacy.com/top-10-faster-code-reviews/This is a blog post of ourCode Reading Wednesdaysfrom Codacy (http://www.codacy.com): we make code reviews easier and automatic....

2014-03-10 09:26:00 140

转载 Common Linux log files name and usage--reference

reference:http://www.coolcoder.in/2013/12/common-linux-log-files-name-and-usage.htmlif you spend lot of time in Linux environment, it is essential that you know where the log files are located,...

2014-03-10 09:14:00 139

转载 15+ tar command usages with examples – Unix/Linux--reference

reference :http://crybit.com/tar-command-usages-with-examples/The ‘tar’ saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive. It is ve...

2014-03-10 08:53:00 100

转载 DOS攻击之详解--转载

源地址没有找到,间接引用地址:http://wushank.blog.51cto.com/3489095/1156004DoS到底是什么?接触PC机较早的同志会直接想到微软磁盘操作系统的DOS--DiskOperationSystem?不,此DoS非彼DOS也,DoS即DenialOfService,拒绝服务的缩写。 DoS是Denial of Service的简称,即拒绝...

2014-03-09 22:50:00 745



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