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转载 Jenkins配置基于角色的项目权限管理--转

本文将介绍如何配置jenkins,使其可以支持基于角色的项目权限管理。由于jenkins默认的权限管理体系不支持用户组或角色的配置,因此需要安装第三发插件来支持角色的配置,本文将使用Role Strategy Plugin,介绍页面:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Role+Strategy+Plugin一、配置插件安装...

2014-04-30 18:42:00 77

转载 Memcached source code analysis (threading model)--reference

Look under the start memcahcedthreadingprocessmemcached multi-threaded mainly by instantiating multiple libevent, are a main thread and n workers thread is the main thread or workers thread al...

2014-04-30 18:11:00 66

转载 Memcached source code analysis -- Analysis of change of state--reference

This article mainly introduces the process of Memcached, libevent structure of the main thread and worker thread based on the processing of the connection state of mutual conversion (not involvin...

2014-04-30 17:49:00 101



2014-04-30 17:36:00 55

转载 How-to Dump Keys from Memcache--reference

Submitted by Lars Windolf on 19. October 2012 - 21:53http://lzone.de/dump%20memcache%20keysYou spent already 50GB on the memcache cluster, but you still see many evictions and the cache...

2014-04-30 11:06:00 101

转载 Fast portable non-blocking network programming with Libevent--转

Learning LibeventChapter 0: About this documentChapter 1: A tiny introduction to asynchronous IO.A Libevent Reference ManualR0: PreliminariesR1: Setting ...

2014-04-27 00:01:00 65

转载 codereview介绍

1. 定义:Code reviewis systematic examination (often known aspeer review) of computersource code. It is intended to find and fixmistakesoverlooked in theinitial development phase, improving ...

2014-04-26 23:40:00 138

转载 使用apache common-io 监控文件变化--转

package common.io;import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.FileFilterUtils;import org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListener;import org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterati...

2014-04-25 18:58:00 124

转载 FactoryBean的使用--转

一般情况下,Spring通过反射机制利用bean的class属性指定实现类来实例化bean 。在某些情况下,实例化bean过程比较复杂,如果按照传统的方式,则需要在<bean>中提供大量的配置信息,配置方式的灵活性是受限的,这时采用编码的方式可能会得到一个简单的方案。Spring为此提供了一个org.Springframework.bean.factory.FactoryBe...

2014-04-25 11:01:00 52

转载 XMemcached使用示例--转

Memcached 是一个高性能的分布式内存对象的key-value缓存系统,用于动态Web应用以减轻数据库负载,现在也有很多人将它作为内存式数据库在使用,memcached通过它的自定义协议与客户端交互,而XMemcached就是它的一个java客户端实现。XMemcached使用示例(本示例基于xmemcached-1.3.8.jar),总结一个,如下:packag...

2014-04-25 10:56:00 90

转载 rsync+inotify实现实时同步案例--转


2014-04-24 10:57:00 58

转载 nginx---reference

nginx (pronounced "engine x") is a free open source web server written by Igor Sysoev, a Russian software engineer. Since its public launch in 2004, nginx has focused on high performance, high co...

2014-04-23 10:28:00 159

转载 OAuth 2 Developers Guide--reference

IntroductionThis is the user guide for the support forOAuth 2.0. For OAuth 1.0, everything is different, sosee its user guide.This user guide is divided into two parts, the first for the OA...

2014-04-22 16:25:00 111

转载 深入探索 Java 热部署--转

在 Java 开发领域,热部署一直是一个难以解决的问题,目前的 Java 虚拟机只能实现方法体的修改热部署,对于整个类的结构修改,仍然需要重启虚拟机,对类重新加载才能完成更新操作。本文将探索如何在不破坏 Java 虚拟机现有行为的前提下,实现某个单一类的热部署,让系统无需重启就完成某个类的更新。简介在 Java 开发领域,热部署一直是一个难以解决的问题,目前的 Java 虚拟机只...

2014-04-21 19:54:00 70

转载 漫说模板方法模式---学生时代的烦恼

1. 你过了吗?多么令人抓狂的四六级考试呀有多少人曾经殚精竭虑?有多少人溯夜难眠?就是为了仅仅通过而已。2. 考试之前,匆忙的需找这2B铅笔,考试之中的答题卡,多么熟悉的过程呀,多么多的选择题,由我们来涂写,一次次的皱眉,只为胜利的那一刻。你看,只有一套题目(其实分AB卷),一套答题纸(也分为AB),多么简单的流程呀,可是为什么我们的分数差别那么大呢??4....

2014-04-21 18:37:00 61

转载 linux vi 撤销重做于前进后退--转

在vi中按u可以撤销一次操作u 撤销上一步的操作Ctrl+r 恢复上一步被撤销的操作注意:如果你输入“u”两次,你的文本恢复原样,那应该是你的Vim被配置在Vi兼容模式了。重做如果你撤销得太多,你可以输入CTRL-R(redo)回退前一个命令。换句话说,它撤销一个撤销。要看执行的例子,输入CTRL-R两次。字符A和它后面的空格就出现了:young intelligent tu...

2014-04-21 16:33:00 190

转载 10 Technologies That will Shape Future Education--reference

http://dizyne.net/technologies-that-will-shape-future-education/Technology is on the rise and with each passing day, something new is coming up. Of course, not all the projects see the daylight...

2014-04-19 22:58:00 119

转载 How to Tune Java Garbage Collection--reference

reference:http://architects.dzone.com/articles/how-tune-java-garbageThePerformance Zoneis supported byNew RelicandAppDynamics. Both are leaders in the APM space withhigh-profile cus...

2014-04-18 17:59:00 196

转载 Regular Expressions --正则表达式官方教程

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/index.htmlThis lesson explains how to use thejava.util.regexAPI for pattern matching with regular expressions. Although the syntax accep...

2014-04-17 18:05:00 1283

转载 java 并发官方教程

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/index.htmlConcurrencyComputer users take it for granted that their systems can do more than one thing at a time. They assume...

2014-04-17 11:44:00 522

转载 Common Linux log files name and usage--reference

If you spend lot of time in Linux environment, it is essential that you know where the log files are located, and what is contained in each and every log file.When your system is running smooth...

2014-04-16 15:08:00 124

转载 漫说代理模式---给宝宝成长护航

1. 宝宝还很小,外面的世界可不安全,现在宝宝的护航者宝宝的监护人爸爸妈妈闪亮登场。2,监护过程:有了监护人,宝宝就比较安全了,如果谁想和宝宝一起玩就需要先找到监护人,经过监护人同意才可以和宝宝一起玩。还比如过年了,宝宝收到很多压岁钱,需要把钱存到银行,就需要父母帮忙才可以。3. 上面就用到了代理模式。As described by GoF:"Pro...

2014-04-15 15:43:00 124

转载 Understanding transient variables in Java and how they are practically used in HashMap---reference

What is the significance of the transient keyword inJava? If you know the answer, good! you are a person who uses this a lot or a person who has read this very recently. If this seems like a wor...

2014-04-15 09:11:00 108

转载 memcached client --ref

ClientsClient API's / librariesUpdatedJul 14, 2012bydorma...@rydia.netref:https://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/ClientsC / C++libmemcachedhttp://libmemcached.org/by...

2014-04-14 15:53:00 135

转载 OpenCms Application dev-ref

OpenCms Application OverviewBefore undertaking development, it will be helpful to understand the basic design of OpenCms. OpenCms is structured as a typical J2EE web application conforming to a...

2014-04-14 10:34:00 106

转载 OpenCMS integration with Spring MVC--reference

ref from:http://blogs.indrajitpingale.com/?p=8http://blog.shinetech.com/2013/04/09/integrating-springmvc-with-opencms/It is assumed that you have successfully deploted OpenCMS 8.x on eith...

2014-04-14 09:54:00 218

转载 安装opencms时遇到问题及解决方法

1.MySQL system variable 'max_allowed_packet'http://blog.csdn.net/hqa_ii/article/details/6872367安装opencms时出现如下错误: MySQL system variable 'max_allowed_packet' is set to 1048576 Byte (1MB)....

2014-04-13 22:41:00 141

转载 Java ZIP File Example---refernce

In this tutorial we are going to see how to ZIP a file in Java. ZIP is an archive file format that enables data compression and it is mostly used on files and folders. A ZIP file may contain one ...

2014-04-13 11:33:00 113

转载 Top 10 Algorithms for Coding Interview--reference

ByX WangUpdate History:Web Versionlatest update: 4/6/2014PDF Versionlatest update: 1/16/2014The following are top 10 algorithms related topics for coding interviews. As understanding tho...

2014-04-11 10:52:00 142

转载 JVMInternals--reference

This article explains the internal architecture of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The following diagram show the key internal components of a typical JVM that conforms toThe Java Virtual Machi...

2014-04-11 09:15:00 113

转载 java code to byte code--partone--reference

Understanding how Java code is compiled into byte code and executed on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is critical because it helps you understand what is happening as your program executes. This ...

2014-04-11 09:02:00 100

转载 How to allow/block PING on Linux server – IPTables rules for icmp---reference

BYADMIN-APRIL, 9TH 2014The ‘PING’, it’s a command-line tool to check a host is reachable or not. We can manage it by the help of ‘iptables’. The ‘ping’ is using ICMP to communicate...

2014-04-11 08:47:00 101

转载 Step-by-Step XML Free Spring MVC 3 Configuration--reference

The release of Spring 2.5 reduce the burden of XML by introduction annotation based configuration, but you still needed to bootstrap Spring in XML. However in Servlet 3 and Spring 3.1 we can now ...

2014-04-09 08:45:00 104

转载 Spring Security Hello World Example--reference

In this tutorial, we will see how we can use Spring security to protect specific resources. This Hello World tutorial will give you a quick start to Spring Security.We will use Spring’s Java Conf...

2014-04-09 08:41:00 148

转载 How to Check if an Array Contains a Value in Java Efficiently?---reference

How to check if an array (unsorted) contains a certain value? This is a very useful and frequently used operation in Java. It is also a top voted question on Stack Overflow. As shown in top voted...

2014-04-09 08:39:00 78

转载 Linux下*.tar.bz2等文件如何解压--转

如果tar不支持j这个参数就先用bzip2 -d xxx.tar.bz2把它解压成.tar文件,然后再用tar xvf xxx.tar拆包。压缩解压linux下怎么解后缀名是gzip的文件?1.以.a为扩展名的文件:#tar xv file.a2.以.z为扩展名的文件:#uncompress file.Z3.以.gz为扩展名的文件:#gunzip file.gz4...

2014-04-08 15:06:00 91

转载 oracle时间格式转换问题 ORA-01810: format code appears twice--转

今天在做报表查询的时候Oracle报错:信息为 ORA-01810: format code appears twice原因:由于想java一样转化时间格式,但是Oracle中是不区分大小写的,所以格式最终为select count(*) as k2 ,t.cityid as k1 fromportal_user t wheret.createtime >= to_da...

2014-04-08 10:48:00 514

转载 Pass value from child popup window to parent page window using JavaScript--reference

Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to pass value from child popup window to parent page window using JavaScript.The child popup window must be opened using JavaScript window.open function...

2014-04-08 08:56:00 96

转载 115 Java Interview Questions and Answers – The ULTIMATE List--reference

In this tutorial we will discuss about different types of questions that can be used in a Java interview, in order for the employer to test your skills in Java and object-oriented programming in ...

2014-04-08 08:50:00 650

转载 linux乱码问题

命令输入:export LANG=zh_CN.GBKgrep匹配时高亮先执行:export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto';后执行:grep 匹配内容 文件;描述:匹配部分将高亮显示,export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' 这条命令添加到 ~/.bash_profile 的最后,重启,就不用...

2014-04-04 15:55:00 87



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