Windows 7 - ODBC for Office 2010 64 bit - MS ODBC Driver for Oracle

I am trying to link a table from an oracle rac 64 bit install.
I have windows 7 with the oracle 64 bit client.
in odbc i can create a datasource using the oracle driver 
and when i try to link a table i get an error :
Reserved error (-7732); there is no message for this error.

I would like to use the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Driver but it doesnt exist on my computer.
the old one on windows xp used file MSORCL32.DLL is there a MSORCL64.DLL now?
Anyone have any help?


It would be nice if someone could answer this question. I am having the same issue.



here is currently no Oracle software supported on Win7.

For Windows 7 support information refer to the following notes on My Oracle Support:

Statement of Direction: Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Client on Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Read My Oracle Support Note 1061272.1 to learn about Oracle Database Client planned support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. 

Statement of Direction: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 on Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Read My Oracle Support Note 867040.1 to learn about Oracle Database's planned support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. 

32 bit software requires 32 bit odbc driver and 32 bit client.
64 bit software requires 64 bit odbc driver and 64 bit client.
Office2010 comes in both 32 bit and 64 bit flavors as I understand it, so you'll need the right version of odbc/client depending on which you have installed.
Microsoft only makes a 32 bit ODBC driver for Oracle.

Hope it helps,

Edited by: gdarling on Mar 2, 2010 11:13 AM

Here's the solution.

My operating system is Windows 7 64-bit, using Office 2010 64-bit. Trying to connect to an ODBC data source through Excel. The data source is an Oracle9i 32-bit database on a Windows Server 2003 32-bit server. However, the database version or server operating system is arbitrary; it could be an 8i, 9i, 10g, or even an 11g 32-bit or 64-bit database on a UNIX or Windows server. If you're using Windows 7 64-bit and you want to connect to an ODBC data source through Excel to an Oracle database, you must use Office 2010 64-bit. You cannot use Office 2003 or 2007, for example.

Follow these steps on your Windows 7 64-bit PC to connect to your ODBC data source.

1. Through Oracle's web site, go to Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64). Currently, the address to that page is:

2. Download the two following files, found under the version heading:
Instant Client Package - Basic (
Instant Client Package - ODBC (

3. Extract both zip files to the same directory (such as c:\oracle\instantclient_11_1).

4. Launch the Command Prompt (DOS command window) by running it as administrator. Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories, then right click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.

5. From within the Command Prompt, navigate to c:\oracle\instantclient_11_1, and run odbc_install.exe. You should receive a message saying Oracle ODBC Driver is installed successfully. The name of the new ODBC driver that was just installed is Oracle in instantclient11_1 -- use this driver when creating your ODBC connection. 

6. Create a new system environment variable. Set the value of the variable name as TNS_ADMIN, and the value of the variable path as the directory that contains the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files. On my PC, I have another Oracle client already installed which has its own tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files. Therefore, I set the value of variable path as c:\orant\net80\admin (the directory that contains my tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files). If you don't have another Oracle client installed on your PC, create a new directory such as c:\oracle\instantclient_11_1\network\admin, and place the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files in that directory. Then, set c:\oracle\instantclient_11_1\network\admin as the value for the variable path.

7. To create the ODBC connection, go Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). Alternatively, you can create the connection right from within Excel.


I think this link makes these excellent details more clear:

This describes how to verify 32/64 bit ODBC connections (because they are treated separately) on Win7 64-bit.

I downloaded both 32/64 bit Oracle clients + their ODBC driver to my computer, and I was able to register both ODBC driver successfully based on your explanation.

So now, I can use my Office 2007 with the 32bit Instantclient ODBC package, and probably I could use Office 2010 with the 64bit one (I don't have Office 2010 :) )

So don't forget. Setup 32bit ODBC connections with %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
and use %WINDIR%\System32\odbcad32.exe for the 64bit driver.



I have to say I am pleased people are trying to help; however, I can not get this solution to work.

I followed Jam The Man's instructions completely. I am getting the following error:
TNS:lost contact

I am running Windows 7 64 bit OS. 


When you say, So don't forget. Setup 32bit ODBC connections with %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
and use %WINDIR%\System32\odbcad32.exe for the 64bit driver. I simply don't know what you mean...

Any help is appreciated.


I've implemented that solution for a number of clients of ours, so I know those steps work. The error you're getting, TNS:lost contact, may be indicative of another problem. What is the database (or data source) that you're trying to connect to? Can you connect to it from another machine, for example? Are you getting that error through the ODBC Administrator panel when trying to do a test connection, or were you getting that error through Excel? What is your connection to the network, I've seen issues when the client PC was on a wireless network trying to connect to an Oracle db?

The other question you had. On Windows 7 64-bit, there are two ODBC Administrator control panels. There's a 32-bit one, and a 64-bit one. 32-bit apps (like Office 2007) cannot use the 64-bit ODBC drivers. 64-bit apps (like Office 2010 64-bit) cannot use 32-bit ODBC drivers. So in Windows 7 64-bit, Microsoft created two ODBC Administrator consoles for setting up the appropriate drivers.

32-bit ODBC connections are setup in %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe - this you can launch from the Command Prompt
64-bit ODBC connections are setup in %WINDIR%\System32\odbcad32.exe - this is what launches when you go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)

I tried using the standard 32-bit ODBC driver "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" when I attempted to try to connect to an ODBC source through Excel 2007 (32-bit) or Office 2010 (32-bit), yet it was failing to connect (on Windows XP 32-bit or Windows 7 32-bit, that driver works). I did create the DSN through %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. Since it didn't work, that lead me to believe that using a 32-bit ODBC driver on Windows 7 64-bit to connect to your data source through Office 2007 is not possible. Just to be clear, the 32-bit ODBC driver you used to connect through Office 2007 was the one installed by using the 32-bit Instant Client Basic and ODBC packages? If so, I'll give it a try and let you know.


Thanks for steps. I am trying to create ODBC connection for windows 7 64 bit as per the steps you described but i am getting the error 

"Unable to connect SQLState=08004 ORA-12154:TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified".

TNS Service Name in ODBC setup shows the junk character instead of my service name. May be I missed some configuration.

what i am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Sumit Agarwal

64位系统安装ODBC驱动的方法 标签: C#64位系统安装ODBC驱动的方法 2013-04-22 09:24 17085人阅读 评论(2) 收藏 举报 分类: C#(25) 为了更充分的利用硬件资源,我想很多人都开使用64位操作系统了,同时你可以也发现了在64位操作系统上ODBC的驱动找不到了,所以ODBC的东西都没法用了。 因为2007以前版本的Office只有32位版本,所以我们不能在64位系统上使用ODBC。使用Autodesk 64位产品的用户,包括64位的MapGuide Enterpr和 Map3D,肯定也正为这个问题深感苦恼。一个好消息是Office 2010 有了64位版本,同时微软也发布了64为的ODBC驱动程序,这个驱动可以从下面的地址下载: 多少情况下我们的机器上可能都已经安装了Office 2007等32位的Office,下载AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe安装时多半会碰到下面的错误信息,从而无法继续。 clip_image002 莫非我真的只有升级到Office 2010 64位版一条路可以走了么?可是貌似微软都建议我们用32位的而不是64位的,我可不想就为这一个ODBC去升级惹麻烦。下面是Microsoft关于是用Office 32还是64的回答。 Yes, 64-bit Office 2010 product upgrades will be available. However we strongly recommend most users install 32-bit version of Office 2010 on both 32 and 64-bit Operating Systems because currently many common add-ins for Office will not function in the 64-bit edition. The 64-bit installation of Microsoft Office 2010 products will be available for users who commonly use verylarge documents or data set and need Excel 2010 programs to access greater than 2GB of memory. There may be technical issues with the 64-bit version and in order to install a 64-bit version of Office 2010 product users must have a 64-bit supported operating system on their PC. 所以应该找个办法能在安装了32位Office的机器上安装这个64位的ODBC驱动。下面是更改方法: 先用7zip把AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe接压缩,里面会有一个AceRedist.msi安装文件,然后用Orca(下载地址打开这个MSI,找到LaunchCondition里面的BLOCKINSTALLATION,删掉,保存。现在在运行AceRedist.msi,哈哈,非常顺利。经过我的测试,使用上也完全没问题。




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