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The GNU Stack Quickstart


1.  Introduction

With the rise of mainstream consumer machines with hardware stack protection (e.g. the NX bit on amd64), we developers have to be doubly sure that our packages build with the correct stack settings. Keep in mind that stack protection is an issue for all architectures, not just x86 or amd64.

The purpose of this document is to help package maintainers fix their packages when they break. We will be focusing our attention on the GNU_STACK ELF marking. ELF is simply a file format which all modern linux distros use. An ELF can be an executable (say /bin/ls) or a library (say /lib/libncurses.so). GNU_STACK is just an ELF program header which tells the system how to control the stack when the ELF is loaded into memory.

Before getting started, you should read through the Wikipedia entry on the NX bit. You can skip it of course if you're already familiar with the concept of executable versus non-executable stacks.

2.  Causes of executable stack markings

ELF files end up with executable stack markings in one of three ways:

  1. GCC generates code that uses executable stack
  2. an object built from assembler source includes a marking indicating to the linker that it needs an executable stack (the GNU-stack note set for executable stack)
  3. an object built from assembler source is missing the GNU-stack note; a very common occurrence especially for code expected to work on many platforms

GCC generates code to be executed on the stack when it implements a trampoline for nested functions. To remove the need for an executable stack in this case, it is necessary to rewrite the code another way. Sometimes this is relatively easy, other times not.

If an assembler source file includes a GNU-stack note that indicates it needs an executable stack, presumably this is by design. Again, in order to remove the need for an executable stack, the code probably needs to be rewritten.

If an assembler source contains no GNU-stack note, the system by default assumes that an executable stack may be required. However, usually if there's no GNU-stack note, this is simply because the author didn't include one, rather than the code actually needing an executable stack.

In the first two cases above, the executable stack marking is correct, and should only be removed by rewriting the code to eliminate the executable stack requirement. Such rewriting has to be considered on a case-by-case basis and is outside the scope of this document, at least for now. Here we focus on the third case, where the upstream author has not indicated whether the assembler object needs an executable stack; fixing this means adding the GNU-stack note to the source to indicate an executable stack is not necessary.

3.  Finding ELFs that ask for an executable stack

Before you can start fixing something, you have to make sure it's broken first, right? For this reason, we've developed a suite of tools named PaX Utilities. If you are not familiar with these utilities, you should read the PaX Utilities Guide now. Gentoo users can simply do emerge pax-utils. Non-Gentoo users s

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