The Secret Garden——3、Finding the secret garden

When Mary woke up two days later,the wind and rain had all disappeared,and the sky was a beautiful blue.'Spring will be here soon,'said Martha happily.'You'll love the moor then,when it's full of flowers and birds.'
'Could I get to the moor?'asked Mary.
'You've never done much walking,have you?I don't think you could walk the five miles to our cottage!'
'But I'd like to meet your family,'Mary said.
Martha looked at the little girl for a moment.She remembered how disagreeable Mary had been when she first arrive.But now,Mary looked interested and friendly.
'I'll ask Mother,'said Martha.'She can always think of a good plan.She's senside and hardworking and kind-I know you'll like her.'
'I like Dickon,although I've never seen him.'
'I wonder what Dickon will think of you?'
'He won't like me,'said Mary.'No one does.'
'But do you like yourself?That's what Mother would ask.'
'No,not really.I've never thought of that.'
'Well,I must go now.It's my day off,so I'm going home to help Mother with the housework.Goodbye,miss.See you tomorrow.'
Mary felt lonelier than ever when Martha had goen,so she went outside.The sunshine made the gardens look different.And the change in the weather had even made Ben Weatherstaff easier to talk to.
'Can you smell spring in the ari?'he asked her.'Things are growing,deep down in the ground.Soon you'll see little green shoots coming up-young plants,they are.You watch them.'
'I'll replied Mary.'Oh,there's the robin!'The little bird hopped on to Ben's spade.'Are things growing in the garden where he lives?'
'What garden?'said Ben,in his badtempered voice.
'You know.the secret garden.Are the flowers dead there?'She really wanted to know the answer.
'Ask the robin,'said Ben crossly.'He's the only one who's been in there for the last ten years.'
Ten years was a long time,Mary thought.She had been born ten years ago.She walked away,thinking.She had begun to like the gardens,and the robin,and Martha and Dickon and their mother.Before she came to Yorkshire,she had not like anybody.
She was walking beside the long wall of the secret garden,when a most wonderful thing happened.She suddenly realized the robin was following her.She felt very pleased and excited by this,and cried out.'You like me,don't you?And I like you too!'As he hopped along beside her,she hopped and sang too,to show him that she was his friend.Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground.As Mary looked at the hole,she noticed something almost buried there.She put her hand in and pulled it out.It was an old key.
'Perhaps it's been buried for ten years,'she whispered to herself.'Perhaps it's the key to the secret garden!'
She looked at it for a long time.How lovely it would be to find the garden,and see what had happened to it in the past ten years!She could play in it all by herself,and nobody would know she was there.She put the key safely in her pocket.
The next morning Martha was back at Missselthwaite Manor,and told Mary all about her day with her family.
'I really enjoyed myself.I helped Mother with the whole week's washing and baking.And I told the children about you.They wanted to know about you servants,adn the ship that brought you to England,and everything!'
'I can tell you some more for next time,'offered Mary.'They'd like to hear about riding on elephants and camels,wouldn't they?'
'Oh,that would be kind of you,miss!And look,Mother was sent you a present!'
'A present!'repeated Mary.How could a family of fourteen hungry people give anyone a present!
'Mother bought it from a man who came to the door to sell things.She told me,"Marths,you've brought me your pay,like a good girl,and we need it all,but I'm going to buy something for that lonely child at the Manor,"and she bought one,and here it is!'
It was a skippingrope.Mary stared at it.
'What is it?'she asked.
'Don't they have skippingropes in India?Well,this is how you use it.Just watch me.'
Martha took the rope and ran into the middle of the room.She counted up to a hundred as she skipped.
'That looks lovely,'said Mary.'Your mother is very kind.Do you think I could ever skip like that?'
'Just try,'said Martha.'Mother says it'll make you strong and healthy.Skip outside in the fresh air.'
Mary put her coat on and took the skipping-rope.As she was opening the door,she thought of something and turned round.
'Martha,it was your money really.Thank you.'She never thanked people usually and she did not know to do it.So she held out her hand,because she knew that adults did that.
Martha shook her hand and laughed.'You're a strange child,'she said.'Like an old woman!Now run away and play!'
The skippingrope was wonderful.Mary counted and skipped,skipped and counted,until her face was hot and red.She was having more fun than she had ever had befoer.She skipped through the gardens until she found Ben Weatherstaff,who was digging and talking to his robin.She wanted them both to see her skip.'
'Well!'said Ben.'You're looking fine and healthy today!Go on skipping.It's good for you.'
Mary skipped all the way to the secret garden wall.And there was the robin!He had followed her!Mary was very pleased.
'You showed me where the key was yesterday,'she laughed.'I've got it in my pocket.So you ought to show me the door today!'
The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the wall,and sang his most beautiful song.Suddenly the wind made the plant mover,and Mary saw something under the dark green leaves.The thick,hevey plant was covering a door.Mary's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the keyhole.She took the key out of her pocket,and it fittd the hole.Using both hands,she managed to unlock the door.Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching.But there was no one,so she pushed the door,which opened,slowly,for the first time in ten years.She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her.At last she was inside the secret garden!
It was the loveliest,most exciting place she had ever see.There were old rose trees everywhere,and the walls were covered with climbing roses.She looked carefully at the grey branches.Were the rose still alive?Ben would know.She hoped they weren't all dead.But she was inside the wonderful garden,in a world of her own.It seemed very strange and silent,but she did not feel lonly at all.Then she noticed some small green shoots coming up through the grass.So something was growing in the garden after all!When she found a lot more shoots in different places,she decided they needed more air and light,so she began to pull out the thick grass around them.She worked away,clearing the ground,for two or three hours,and had to take her coat off because she got so hot.The robin hopped around,pleased to see someone gardening.
She almost forgot about lunch,and when she arrived back in her room,she was very hungry and ate twice as much as usual.'Martha,'she said as she was eating,'I've been thinking.This is a big,lonely house,and there isn't much for me to do.Do you think,if I buy a little spade,I can make my own garden?'
'That's just what Mother said,'replied Martha.'You'd enjoy digging and watching plants growing.Dickon can get you a spade,and some seeds to plant,if you like.'
'Oh,thank you,Martha!I've got some money that Mrs Medlock gave me.Will you write and ask Dickon to buy them for me?'
'I wiil.And he will bring them to you himself.'
'Oh!Then I'll see him.'Mary looked very excited.Then she remembered something.'I heard that cry in the house again,Martha.It wasn't the wind this time.I've heard it three times now.Who is it?'
Martha looked uncomfortable.'You mustn't go wandering around the house,you know.Mr Craven wouldn't like it.Now I must go and help the others downstairs.I'll see you at teatime.'
As the door closed behind Martha,Mary thought of herself.'This really is the stangest house that anyone ever lived it.'
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基于Tensorflow、OpenAI搭建的强化学习框架,训练机器自动操盘 强化学习(Reinforcement Learning, RL),又称再励学习、评价学习或增强学习,是机器学习的范式和方法论之一。它主要用于描述和解决智能体(agent)在与环境的交互过程中通过学习策略以达成回报最大化或实现特定目标的问题。强化学习的特点在于没有监督数据,只有奖励信号。 强化学习的常见模型是标准的马尔可夫决策过程(Markov Decision Process, MDP)。按给定条件,强化学习可分为基于模式的强化学习(model-based RL)和无模式强化学习(model-free RL),以及主动强化学习(active RL)和被动强化学习(passive RL)。强化学习的变体包括逆向强化学习、阶层强化学习和部分可观测系统的强化学习。求解强化学习问题所使用的算法可分为策略搜索算法和值函数(value function)算法两类。 强化学习理论受到行为主义心理学启发,侧重在线学习并试图在探索-利用(exploration-exploitation)间保持平衡。不同于监督学习和非监督学习,强化学习不要求预先给定任何数据,而是通过接收环境对动作的奖励(反馈)获得学习信息并更新模型参数。强化学习问题在信息论、博弈论、自动控制等领域有得到讨论,被用于解释有限理性条件下的平衡态、设计推荐系统和机器人交互系统。一些复杂的强化学习算法在一定程度上具备解决复杂问题的通用智能,可以在围棋和电子游戏中达到人类水平。 强化学习在工程领域的应用也相当广泛。例如,Facebook提出了开源强化学习平台Horizon,该平台利用强化学习来优化大规模生产系统。在医疗保健领域,RL系统能够为患者提供治疗策略,该系统能够利用以往的经验找到最优的策略,而无需生物系统的数学模型等先验信息,这使得基于RL的系统具有更广泛的适用性。 总的来说,强化学习是一种通过智能体与环境交互,以最大化累积奖励为目标的学习过程。它在许多领域都展现出了强大的应用潜力。
尝试用基于值函数逼近的强化学习方法玩经典的马里奥游戏,取得了一定成果 强化学习(Reinforcement Learning, RL),又称再励学习、评价学习或增强学习,是机器学习的范式和方法论之一。它主要用于描述和解决智能体(agent)在与环境的交互过程中通过学习策略以达成回报最大化或实现特定目标的问题。强化学习的特点在于没有监督数据,只有奖励信号。 强化学习的常见模型是标准的马尔可夫决策过程(Markov Decision Process, MDP)。按给定条件,强化学习可分为基于模式的强化学习(model-based RL)和无模式强化学习(model-free RL),以及主动强化学习(active RL)和被动强化学习(passive RL)。强化学习的变体包括逆向强化学习、阶层强化学习和部分可观测系统的强化学习。求解强化学习问题所使用的算法可分为策略搜索算法和值函数(value function)算法两类。 强化学习理论受到行为主义心理学启发,侧重在线学习并试图在探索-利用(exploration-exploitation)间保持平衡。不同于监督学习和非监督学习,强化学习不要求预先给定任何数据,而是通过接收环境对动作的奖励(反馈)获得学习信息并更新模型参数。强化学习问题在信息论、博弈论、自动控制等领域有得到讨论,被用于解释有限理性条件下的平衡态、设计推荐系统和机器人交互系统。一些复杂的强化学习算法在一定程度上具备解决复杂问题的通用智能,可以在围棋和电子游戏中达到人类水平。 强化学习在工程领域的应用也相当广泛。例如,Facebook提出了开源强化学习平台Horizon,该平台利用强化学习来优化大规模生产系统。在医疗保健领域,RL系统能够为患者提供治疗策略,该系统能够利用以往的经验找到最优的策略,而无需生物系统的数学模型等先验信息,这使得基于RL的系统具有更广泛的适用性。 总的来说,强化学习是一种通过智能体与环境交互,以最大化累积奖励为目标的学习过程。它在许多领域都展现出了强大的应用潜力。
GPT, 通常指的是“Generative Pre-trained Transformer”(生成式预训练转换器),是一个在自然语言处理(NLP)领域非常流行的深度学习模型架构。GPT模型由OpenAI公司开发,并在多个NLP任务上取得了显著的性能提升。 GPT模型的核心是一个多层Transformer解码器结构,它通过在海量的文本数据上进行预训练来学习语言的规律。这种预训练方式使得GPT模型能够捕捉到丰富的上下文信息,并生成流畅、自然的文本。 GPT模型的训练过程可以分为两个阶段: 预训练阶段:在这个阶段,模型会接触到大量的文本数据,并通过无监督学习的方式学习语言的结构和规律。具体来说,模型会尝试预测文本序列中的下一个词或短语,从而学习到语言的语法、语义和上下文信息。 微调阶段(也称为下游任务训练):在预训练完成后,模型会被应用到具体的NLP任务中,如文本分类、机器翻译、问答系统等。在这个阶段,模型会使用有标签的数据进行微调,以适应特定任务的需求。通过微调,模型能够学习到与任务相关的特定知识,并进一步提高在该任务上的性能。 GPT模型的优势在于其强大的生成能力和对上下文信息的捕捉能力。这使得GPT模型在自然语言生成、文本摘要、对话系统等领域具有广泛的应用前景。同时,GPT模型也面临一些挑战,如计算资源消耗大、训练时间长等问题。为了解决这些问题,研究人员不断提出新的优化方法和扩展模型架构,如GPT-2、GPT-3等,以进一步提高模型的性能和效率。


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