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原创 The Star Zoo——9、An animal is destroyed

Buff was asleep.I told the spaceship to take us to New Earth,the planet of the Star Council.I wasn't going back to my parents.I wanted to go to the top people.A few minutes later the spaceship was f

2013-06-30 23:17:49 1844

原创 The Star Zoo——8、An animal is made

Robot can do many different things from taking care of a baby to building a spaceship.It can do anything except think.The Star Zoo computer was the only one that could think.Well,our family robot co

2013-06-29 19:15:01 1391

原创 The Star Zoo——7、The answer is robots

I pushed Buff as he tried to shoot Hoo-Woo.The laser gun burnt a hole in the plastic wall,but it didn't hit Hoo-Woo.Buff was screaming and the whites of his eyes were showing.He fell on the ground a

2013-06-28 19:52:41 1185

原创 The Star Zoo——6、They don't believe me

Where was my spacesuit?Eee-Eee found it up in a tree where another squirrle was living in it.Eee-Eee told the squirrel to get out of my spacesuit.I was happy to wear the spacesuit.Hoo-Woo took me

2013-06-27 19:09:38 1117

原创 The Star Zoo——5、Waiting for fifteen thousand years

'It's too bright in here,'I said.'I can't see.'The light suddenly wasn't so bright and I could see again.I was in a round room,which was empty except for a large square computer.The computer didn'

2013-06-26 20:47:33 1311

原创 The Star Zoo——4、More monsters

There was a long black nose in front of my face.It was smelling me.At first I couldn't understand what was happening.Then I remembered.The monster with teeth!I tried to hit the nose buy my arm did

2013-06-25 19:44:52 13382

原创 The Star Zoo——3、Monsters

The was a door at the other end of the tunnel.I went through and...I was dreaming!I saw a big things that grew out of the ground.They were much taller than me with long brown arms covered with green

2013-06-24 22:19:30 1184

原创 The Star Zoo——2、A spaceship made of plastic

I couldn't believe what I'd done.I'd run away-me!I'm not very brave and I love my parents very much.I never thought I could ever disobey them.I was afraid.And I felt sad for my parents.Poor mother

2013-06-23 22:04:56 1134

原创 The Star Zoo——1、You must marry me

Nothing ever happens on Just Like Home-that's the name of the planet I live on.I get so bored!But tonight was Remembering Night and that's exciting.There's the big fire where everybody must put on s

2013-06-22 20:21:08 1933

原创 A Christmas Carol——5、The end of the story

Yes!and the bedpost was his own.The bed was his own,the room was his own.Best and and happiest of all,the future was his own,to change his life in!'I will remember the past,and think of the future,'

2013-06-21 21:48:56 1131

原创 A Christmas Carol——4、The last of the spirits

'The third spirit will come at midnight.'Scrooge suddenly remembered the words of Jacob Marley's ghost,and,lifting his eyes,saw a spirti,all in black,coming slowly towards him.It was a tall,silent fig

2013-06-20 20:26:46 2398

原创 A Christmas Carol——3、The second of the three spirits

When Scrooge woke up,he realized immediately that the church clock was just going to strike one.He felt sure that the second spirit would soon visit him.This time he wanted to be ready,so he pulled ba

2013-06-19 20:43:07 2197

原创 A Christmas Carol——2、The first of the three spirits

When Scrooge woke up,it was very dark in the room.He heard the church clock start striking,and listened to see what the time was.To his great surprise,the heavy bell went on striking up to twelve,then

2013-06-17 20:01:37 2321

原创 A Christmas Carol——1、Marley's ghost

It is important to remember that Jacob Marley was dead.Did Scrooge know that?Of course he did.Scrooge and Marley had been partners in London for many years,and excellent men of businesss they were,t

2013-06-16 12:11:55 2290

原创 Tales of Mystery and Imagination——5、The Tell-Tale Heart

It is true that I had been-and I ma-very nervous,but do you really think that I am mad?I could see and hear more clearly 7-not less,because of the disease.My hearing,more than anything,was excellent.I

2013-06-15 20:01:32 1564

原创 Tales of Mystery and Imagination——4、William Wilson

William Wilson is not my name.But I shall use it in this story because my real name is too well known,too hated in every corner of the world.My evil crimes have made sure of that.And as the day of my

2013-06-14 20:59:47 1950

原创 Tales of Mystery and Imagination——3、 The Masque of the Red Death

The Red Death had been in the country for many,many years.No disease had ever been so deadly.People called it the Red Death because it left blood,red horrible blood,on the body and face of each person

2013-06-13 20:30:21 1335

原创 Tales of Mystery and Imagination——2、The Black Cat

I know you will not believe this story.Only a madman could hope that you would believe it-and I am not mad.But as I am going to die tomorrow,I would like to tell my story to the world today.Perhaps so

2013-06-12 14:40:59 1555

原创 Tales of Mystery and Imagination——1、The Fall of the house of Usher

It was a grey autumn day and the sky was full of large black clouds.All day I had ridden through flat and uninteresting countryside,but at last,as it began to grow dark,I saw the end of my journey.T

2013-06-11 23:12:18 2317

原创 The Secret Garden——8、Mr Craven comes home

While the secret garden was returning to life,a man with high,crooked shoulders was wandering round the most beautiful places in Europe.For ten years he had lived this lonely life,his heart full of sa

2013-06-10 22:43:19 2669

原创 The Secret Garden——7、Colin and the garden

Of course,it was most important that no one should see Colin,Mary,or Dickon entering the secret garden.So Colin gave orders to the gardeners that they must all keep away from that part of the garden i

2013-06-09 19:43:12 2252

原创 The Secret Garden——6、Colin is afraid

Because it rained all the next week.Mary went to talk to Colin every day instead of visiting the garden.But she woke early one morning to see the sun shining into her room,and she ran out to the secre

2013-06-08 20:15:38 1793

原创 The Secret Garden——5、Meeting Colin

In the middle of the night Mary woke up.Heavy rain had stared falling again,and the wind was blowing violently round the walls of the old house.Suddenly she heard crying again.This time she decided to

2013-06-08 19:30:21 1281

原创 The Secret Garden——4、Meeting Dickon

Mary spent nearly a week working in the secret garden.Each day she found new shoots coming out of the ground.Soon,there would be flowers everywhere-thousands of them.It was an exciting game to her.Whe

2013-06-07 12:14:28 5660

原创 The Secret Garden——3、Finding the secret garden

When Mary woke up two days later,the wind and rain had all disappeared,and the sky was a beautiful blue.'Spring will be here soon,'said Martha happily.'You'll love the moor then,when it's full of flow

2013-06-05 23:51:29 1519

原创 The Secret Garden——2、Mary in Yorkshire

They arrived at a very large old house.It looked dark and unfriendly from the outside.Inside,Mary looked around the big shadowy hall,and felt very small and lost.They went straight upstairs.Mary was s

2013-06-04 21:09:13 2035

原创 The Secret Garden——1、Little Miss Mary

Nobody seemd to care about Mary.She was born in India,where her father was a British official.He was busy with his work,and her mother,who was very beautiful,spent all her time going to parties.So an

2013-06-03 20:29:42 2113

原创 ASP.NET程序中常用的三十三种代码

1. 打开新的窗口并传送参数:   (1):传送参数:        response.write("<script>window.open(’*.aspx?id="+this.DropDownList1.SelectIndex+"&id1="+...+"’)</script>")   (2):接收参数:        string a = Request.Quer

2013-06-02 22:26:10 609

原创 Chemical Secret——12、The future

Six months later,John Duncan was living in a small flat near the sea.He had lost his job,and had had to sell his expensive house.He couldn't afford th payments on it.From a window in his flat,he cou

2013-06-02 21:22:56 1215

原创 Chemical Secret——11、The Public Enquiry

Two days later,the Enquiry began.Scientists came from London to ask questions about the disease that was killing the seals.Before he had gone to Scotland,John had been to see David Wilson about the En

2013-06-01 19:44:10 1141























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