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Basic4android 最新 3.82 正式版本

Basic4android 是一个简单但功能强大的 Android 应用开发环境。Basic4android 语言跟 Visual Basic 予以类似,支持更多的对象。Basic4android 将代码编译成 Android 原生应用,无需其他运行环境的支持。该工具完全为了 Android 应用开发,不支持其他平台。


Basic4Android 库文件

大家好~这里分享我辛苦收集到 Basic4Android的库文件, 希望对大家有帮助。 :)


PB 12.5.2 Build 5550(含.Net)的不限时学习

PB 12.5.2 Build 5550(含.Net)的不限时学习


谷歌地图 delphi 封装库 2013 0.1.9 全面支持google maps api

一个老外(西班牙)编写的控件,封装了全部google maps api ,使用在DELPHI中使用谷歌地图变得非常简单 GMLib - Google Maps Library Send suggestions to gmlib@cadetill.com Supported Delphi version: Delphi 6, 7, 2007, 2010, XE2, XE3 Tested Windows Versions: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 Change History january 14, 2013 - Google Maps Library v0.1.9 - Improvement: Compatible with FMX framework. - Improvement: About all Geometry Library coded. - bug fixed: Some bugs fixes. - Attempt to do compatible with DCEF components. October 05, 2012 - Google Maps Library v0.1.8 - Improvement: Compiled under XE3 - Improvement: new component added, the TGMElevation. - bug fixed: General -> fixed all memory leaks found - bug fixed: TGMDirection -> the OnDirectionsChanged event was not triggered - Improvement: TBasePolyline -> class TLinePoints and TLinePoint is disassociated from TPolyline and they are transferred to GMClasses - Improvement: TBasePolyline -> implements ILinePoint interface September 11, 2012 - Google Maps Library v0.1.7 - bug fixed: some memory leaks fixed (there is still some) (thanks Donovan) - Improvement: TGMCircle -> modified all Set and ShowElements methods to use the new method ChangeProperties inherited from TLinkedComponent - Improvement: GMFunctions -> added new functions of transformation types - Improvement: TGMGeoCode-> added boolean property PaintMarkerFound. To true, all markers are automatically generated (if a TGMMarker is linked) (by Luis Joaquin Sencion) - Improvement: TGMGeoCode-> generated URL is encoded in UTF8 to avoid problems with special characters (? accents, ....) - Improvement: TGMMap.TNonVisualProp -> added MapMarker property. True if Map Maker tiles should be used instead of regular tiles. - Improvement: TLatLngEvent -> the events of this type now have a new parametre, X and Y, of Real type, with information of point (X,Y) - Improvement: TLinkedComponent -> added ShowInfoWinMouseOver boolean property. If true, show the InfoWindows when mouse is over the object. Now


pb 12.5.1 4595 破解(含.NET)

pb 12.5.1 4595 破解(含.NET) 替换同名文件即可



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