
本文档详细介绍了如何设置TortoiseSVN,包括下载最新版本,并指导进行Revision 0的配置步骤。

 1.set up TortoiseSVN, download lastest version from

2.create repository:
     a)Open the windows explorer
     b)Create a new folder and name it e.g. SVNRepository
     c) Right-click on the newly created folder and select TortoiseSVNCreate Repository here....
        A repository is then created inside the new folder. Don't edit those files yourself!!!. If you get any errors make sure that the folder is empty and not write protected
,then set up it.
4.incorporate into apache
   a) Download the latest version of the Apache webserver from .
   b)Once you have the Apache2 installer you can doubleclick on it and it will guide you through the installation process. Make sure that you enter the server-URL correctly (if you don't have a dns name for your server just enter the ip-address). I recommend to install apache for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service. Note: if you already have IIS or any other program running which listens on port 80 the installation might fail. If that happens, go to the programs directory, /Apache Group/Apache2/conf and locate the file httpd.conf. Edit that file so that Listen 80 is changed to a free port, e.g. Listen 81. Then restart the installation - this time it should finish without problems.
   c)Now test if the Apache-webserver is running correctly by pointing your webbrowser to http://localhost/ - a preconfigured Website should show up.
   d) Using the windows explorer, go to the installation directory of Subversion (usually c:/program files/Subversion) and find the files /httpd/ and Copy these files to the Apache modules directory (usually c:/program files/apache group/apache2/modules ).
   e)Copy the file /bin/l.dll from the Subversion installation directory to the Apache modules directory.
   f) Edit Apache's configuration file (usually C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf) with         a    text editor such as Notepad and make the following changes:
     Uncomment (remove the '#' mark) the following lines:
     #LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
     #LoadModule dav_module modules/
     Add the following two lines to the end of the LoadModule section.
     LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
     LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/
   g)  At the end of the Config file add the following lines: 
       <Location /svn>
       DAV svn
       SVNListParentPath on
       SVNParentPath D:/SVN
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName "Subversion repositories"
       AuthUserFile passwd
       #AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile
       Require valid-user
       This configures Apache so that all your Subversion repositories are physically located below   D:/SVN.The repositories are served to the outside world from the URL: http://MyServer/svn/ . Access is restricted to known users/passwords listed in the passwd file.
    k)  To create the passwd file, open the command prompt (DOS-Box) again, change to the apache2 folder (usually c:/program files/apache group/apache2) and create the file by entering
          bin/htpasswd -c passwd <username>
          This will create a file with the name passwd which is used for authentication. Additional users can be added with
           bin/htpasswd passwd <username>
           Restart the Apache service again.
           Point your browser to http://MyServer/svn/MyNewRepository (where MyNewRepository is the name of the Subversion repository you created before). If all went well you should be prompted for a username and password, then you can see the contents of your repository.
if you succeed,you can finally see below:

Revision 0: /


Powered by Subversion version 1.4.6 (r28521).




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