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 5     <h:head>
 6         <title>Grant University</title>
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 8     <h:body>
 9         <table border="0" bgcolor="#808080" align="top" width="100%" style="height:100px">
10             <tr>
11                 <td bgcolor="#000080" align="center">
12 <font style="font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Gadget, sans-serif;" size="+4" color="#FFE4B5">GRANT UNIVERSITY</font>
13                 </td>
14                 <td bgcolor="666699" align="left" width="180">     <img alt=""  src="Images/education.jpg" width="180" height="120" align="right"/>
15                  </td>
16             </tr>
17         </table>
18         <table bgcolor="white"  border="1"  align="top" width="100%" style="height:470px">
19    <tr >
20                 <td bgcolor="#000080" width="20%" valign="top" align="center">
21                     <br/>   <br/>
22                     <h:form>
23                         <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="index" value="Home"></h:commandLink>
24                            <br/>   <br/>
25                           <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="AboutUs" value="About Us"></h:commandLink>
26                     <br/>   <br/>
27                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Registration" value="Registration"></h:commandLink>
28                     <br/>   <br/>
29                     <h:commandLink style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Admissions" value="Admissions"></h:commandLink>
30                     <br/>   <br/>
31                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="Contacts" value="Contact Us"></h:commandLink>
32                     </h:form>
33                     <br/>   <br/> <br/>   <br/>
34                     <table  cellspacing="0.5" border="1" align="center" width="100%" bgcolor="FFFFFF">
35                         <tr>
36                             <td bgcolor="#000080"><font  color="white">Account Login</font></td>
37                         </tr>
38                         <tr>
39                             <td bgcolor="#000080">
40        <table  border="0" align="center" width="100%" >
41         <h:form>
42               <tr>
43                 <td align="left"><font color="white"> Id: </font>
44                 </td>
45                 <td align="left"><h:inputText  size="8" ></h:inputText></td>
46               </tr>
47           <tr>
48                         <td align="left"><font color="white">Password:</font></td>
49                         <td align="left"><h:inputSecret size="10"></h:inputSecret></td>
50                     </tr>
51                       <tr>
53                           <td align="center">   <h:commandButton value="Submit"/></td>
54                           <td align="center"><h:commandButton value="Reset" type="reset"/></td>
55                     </tr>
56 </h:form>
57                     </table>
58                                 </td>
59                             </tr>
60                     </table>
61               </td>
62        <!-- Page specific content starts here  -->
63                 <td width="85%" valign="top" bgcolor="white">
64        <font color="darkblue">
65             <br/> <b>UNIVERSITY</b> <br/> <br/>
66 Grant University, was established in the year 1976 with a specific objective-
68 <br/><br/> "To establish and incorporate a teaching-cum-affiliating University at California for the encouragement of interdisciplinary higher education and research with special emphasis on studies of Life Sciences and Environmental and Ecological Sciences". During the last 26 years of its existence, the University has achieved a remarkable degree of success in its expansion programs, infrastructural developments, and academic excellence.
69 <br/><br/>There are 66 Boards of Studies for developing and designing courses in different disciplines.
71 <br/><br/>In addition to the main Campus, there are two satellite campuses - Regional Centre running post-graduate teaching at California and National Law College at Texas.
73 <br/><br/> As an affiliating University, it has 126 institutions and colleges under its control with an enrolment of about 170,000 students.
75 <br/><br/> Affiliated institutes of Grant University consist of a number of Engineering Colleges, Computer and Management Studies institutes, and Pharmaceutical Colleges.
76                     </font>
77                 </td>
79        <!-- Page specific content ends here  -->
80            </tr>
81         </table>
82     </h:body>
83 </html>





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  6         <title>Grant University</title>
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  8     <h:body>
  9         <table border="0" bgcolor="#808080" align="top" width="100%" style="height:100px">
 10             <tr>
 11                 <td bgcolor="#000080" align="center">
 12 <font style="font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Gadget, sans-serif;" size="+4" color="#FFE4B5">GRANT UNIVERSITY</font>
 13                 </td>
 14                 <td bgcolor="666699" align="left" width="180">     <img alt=""  src="Images/education.jpg" width="180" height="120" align="right"/>
 15                  </td>
 16             </tr>
 17         </table>
 18         <table bgcolor="white"  border="1"  align="top" width="100%" style="height:470px">
 19    <tr >
 20                 <td bgcolor="#000080" width="20%" valign="top" align="center">
 21                     <br/>   <br/>
 22                     <h:form>
 23                         <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="index" value="Home"></h:commandLink>
 24                            <br/>   <br/>
 25                           <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="AboutUs" value="About Us"></h:commandLink>
 26                     <br/>   <br/>
 27                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Registration" value="Registration"></h:commandLink>
 28                     <br/>   <br/>
 29                     <h:commandLink style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Admissions" value="Admissions"></h:commandLink>
 30                     <br/>   <br/>
 31                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="Contacts" value="Contact Us"></h:commandLink>
 32                     </h:form>
 33                     <br/>   <br/> <br/>   <br/>
 34                     <table  cellspacing="0.5" border="1" align="center" width="100%" bgcolor="FFFFFF">
 35                         <tr>
 36                             <td bgcolor="#000080"><font  color="white">Account Login</font></td>
 37                         </tr>
 38                         <tr>
 39                             <td bgcolor="#000080">
 40        <table  border="0" align="center" width="100%" >
 41         <h:form>
 42               <tr>
 43                 <td align="left"><font color="white"> Id: </font>
 44                 </td>
 45                 <td align="left"><h:inputText  size="8" ></h:inputText></td>
 46               </tr>
 47           <tr>
 48                         <td align="left"><font color="white">Password:</font></td>
 49                         <td align="left"><h:inputSecret size="10"></h:inputSecret></td>
 50                     </tr>
 51                       <tr>
 53                           <td align="center">   <h:commandButton value="Submit"/></td>
 54                           <td align="center"><h:commandButton value="Reset" type="reset"/></td>
 55                     </tr>
 56 </h:form>
 57                     </table>
 58                                 </td>
 59                             </tr>
 60                     </table>
 61               </td>
 62        <!-- Page specific content starts here  -->
 63                 <td width="85%" valign="top" bgcolor="white">
 64                                         <font color="darkblue" size="+2"><br/>
 65        <center>Admission details for various courses:</center>
 66                </font> <br/>
 67                     <table border="1" width="70%" align="center" style="height: 100px">
 68                         <tr>
 69                             <td align="center"><b>S.No.</b></td>
 70                             <td align="center"><b>Courses Offered</b></td>
 71                             <td align="center"><b>Admissions Starting Date</b></td>
 72                             <td align="center"><b>Admissions Ending Date</b></td>
 73                         </tr>
 74                         <tr>
 75                           <td align="center"> 1 </td>
 76                           <td align="center">Science</td>
 77                           <td align="center">30/05/2011</td>
 78                           <td align="center">29/06/2011</td>
 79                         </tr>
 80                         <tr>
 81                           <td align="center">2</td>
 82                           <td align="center">Law</td>
 83                           <td align="center">20/05/2011</td>
 84                           <td align="center">14/06/2011</td>
 85                         </tr>
 86                         <tr>
 87                           <td align="center">3</td>
 88                           <td align="center">Business Management</td>
 89                           <td align="center">15/05/2011</td>
 90                           <td align="center">10/06/2011</td>
 91                         </tr>
 92                         <tr>
 93                           <td align="center">4</td>
 94                           <td align="center">Medical</td>
 95                           <td align="center">25/05/2011</td>
 96                           <td align="center">10/06/2011</td>
 97                         </tr>
 98                     </table>
 99                 </td>
101        <!-- Page specific content ends here  -->
102            </tr>
103         </table>
105     </h:body>
106 </html>




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 5     <h:head>
 6         <title>Grant University</title>
 7     </h:head>
 8     <h:body>
 9         <table border="0" bgcolor="#808080" align="top" width="100%" style="height:100px">
10             <tr>
11                 <td bgcolor="#000080" align="center">
12 <font style="font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Gadget, sans-serif;" size="+4" color="#FFE4B5">GRANT UNIVERSITY</font>
13                 </td>
14                 <td bgcolor="666699" align="left" width="180">     <img alt=""  src="Images/education.jpg" width="180" height="120" align="right"/>
15                  </td>
16             </tr>
17         </table>
18         <table bgcolor="white"  border="1"  align="top" width="100%" style="height:470px">
19    <tr >
20                 <td bgcolor="#000080" width="20%" valign="top" align="center">
21                     <br/>   <br/>
22                     <h:form>
23                         <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="index" value="Home"></h:commandLink>
24                            <br/>   <br/>
25                           <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="AboutUs" value="About Us"></h:commandLink>
26                     <br/>   <br/>
27                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Registration" value="Registration"></h:commandLink>
28                     <br/>   <br/>
29                     <h:commandLink style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Admissions" value="Admissions"></h:commandLink>
30                     <br/>   <br/>
31                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="Contacts" value="Contact Us"></h:commandLink>
32                     </h:form>
33                     <br/>   <br/> <br/>   <br/>
34                     <table  cellspacing="0.5" border="1" align="center" width="100%" bgcolor="FFFFFF">
35                         <tr>
36                             <td bgcolor="#000080"><font  color="white">Account Login</font></td>
37                         </tr>
38                         <tr>
39                             <td bgcolor="#000080">
40        <table  border="0" align="center" width="100%" >
41         <h:form>
42               <tr>
43                 <td align="left"><font color="white"> Id: </font>
44                 </td>
45                 <td align="left"><h:inputText  size="8" ></h:inputText></td>
46               </tr>
47           <tr>
48                         <td align="left"><font color="white">Password:</font></td>
49                         <td align="left"><h:inputSecret size="10"></h:inputSecret></td>
50                     </tr>
51                       <tr>
53                           <td align="center">   <h:commandButton value="Submit"/></td>
54                           <td align="center"><h:commandButton value="Reset" type="reset"/></td>
55                     </tr>
56 </h:form>
57                     </table>
58                                 </td>
59                             </tr>
60                     </table>
61               </td>
62        <!-- Page specific content starts here  -->
63                 <td width="85%" valign="top" bgcolor="white">
64                     <br/><font color="darkblue" size="+2"><center>Contact Us</center></font>
65                     <br/><br/><table border="0" width="60%" style="height:100px" align="center">
66                         <tr>
67                             <td>Address</td>
68                             <td width="20px">:</td>
69                             <td>214 Verbo Street, California</td>
70                         </tr>
71                         <tr>
72                             <td>Phone</td>
73                             <td>:</td>
74                             <td>009919214562</td>
75                         </tr>
76                         <tr>
77                             <td>Fax</td>
78                             <td>:</td>
79                             <td>009919214562</td>
80                         </tr>
81                         <tr>
82                             <td>E-mail</td>
83                             <td>:</td>
84                             <td>info@grantuniversity.com</td>
85                         </tr>
86                     </table>
87                 </td>
89        <!-- Page specific content ends here  -->
90            </tr>
91         </table>
93     </h:body>
94 </html>



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  7         <title>Grant University</title>
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  9     <h:body>
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 11             <tr>
 12                 <td bgcolor="#000080" align="center">
 13 <font style="font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Gadget, sans-serif;" size="+4" color="#FFE4B5">GRANT UNIVERSITY</font>
 14                 </td>
 15                 <td bgcolor="666699" align="left" width="180">     <img alt=""  src="Images/education.jpg" width="180" height="120" align="right"/>
 16                  </td>
 17             </tr>
 18         </table>
 19         <table bgcolor="white"  border="1"  align="top" width="100%" style="height:470px">
 20    <tr >
 21                 <td bgcolor="#000080" width="20%" valign="top" align="center">
 22                     <br/>   <br/>
 23                     <h:form>
 24                         <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="index" value="Home"></h:commandLink>
 25                            <br/>   <br/>
 26                           <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="AboutUs" value="About Us"></h:commandLink>
 27                     <br/>   <br/>
 28                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Registration" value="Registration"></h:commandLink>
 29                     <br/>   <br/>
 30                     <h:commandLink style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Admissions" value="Admissions"></h:commandLink>
 31                     <br/>   <br/>
 32                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="Contacts" value="Contact Us"></h:commandLink>
 33                     </h:form>
 34                     <br/>   <br/> <br/>   <br/>
 35                     <table  cellspacing="0.5" border="1" align="center" width="100%" bgcolor="FFFFFF">
 36                         <tr>
 37                             <td bgcolor="#000080"><font  color="white">Account Login</font></td>
 38                         </tr>
 39                         <tr>
 40                             <td bgcolor="#000080">
 41        <table  border="0" align="center" width="100%" >
 42         <h:form>
 43               <tr>
 44                 <td align="left"><font color="white"> Id: </font>
 45                 </td>
 46                 <td align="left"><h:inputText  size="8" ></h:inputText></td>
 47               </tr>
 48           <tr>
 49                         <td align="left"><font color="white">Password:</font></td>
 50                         <td align="left"><h:inputSecret size="10"></h:inputSecret></td>
 51                     </tr>
 52                       <tr>
 54                           <td align="center">   <h:commandButton value="Submit"/></td>
 55                           <td align="center"><h:commandButton value="Reset" type="reset"/></td>
 56                     </tr>
 57 </h:form>
 58                     </table>
 59                                 </td>
 60                             </tr>
 61                     </table>
 62               </td>
 63        <!-- Page specific content starts here  -->
 64                 <td width="85%" valign="top" bgcolor="white">
 65                     <font color="darkblue" size="+2"><br/>
 66                       <center>Registration Form</center>
 67                     </font> <br/>
 68                     <table bgcolor="black" cellpadding="12px" border="1" width="60%" align="center"  style="height:120px">
 69                             <tr>
 70                                 <td bgcolor="white">
 71                     <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white" align="center" style="height: 100px">
 72  <h:form>
 73      <tr>
 74                             <td>First Name:</td>
 75                             <td><h:inputText value="#{registrationForm.firstName}"/></td>
 76     </tr>
 77                         <tr>
 78                             <td>Last Name:</td>
 79                             <td><h:inputText value="#{registrationForm.lastName}"/></td>
 80 </tr>
 81                         <tr>
 82                             <td>Select Gender:</td>
 83                             <td><h:selectOneRadio value="#{registrationForm.gender}">
 84                      <f:selectItem itemValue="m" itemLabel="Male" />
 85                     <f:selectItem itemValue="f" itemLabel="Female" />
 86                     </h:selectOneRadio>
 87                             </td>
 88 </tr>
 89                         <tr>
 90                             <td>Date of birth:</td>
 91                             <td><h:inputText/></td>
 92 </tr>
 93                           <tr>
 94                             <td>Address:</td>
 95                             <td><h:inputTextarea rows="3" value="#{registrationForm.address}"/></td>
 96 </tr>
 97                           <tr>
 98                             <td>Phone number:</td>
 99                             <td><h:inputText value="#{registrationForm.contactNumber}"/></td>
100 </tr>
101                          <tr>
102                             <td>Email Id:</td>
103                             <td><h:inputText value="#{registrationForm.emailID}"/></td>
104 </tr>
105                         <tr>
106                             <td>User Id:</td>
107                             <td><h:inputText  size="10" value="#{registrationForm.userID}"/>
108                             </td>
109                         </tr>
110                         <tr>
111                             <td>Password:</td>
112                             <td><h:inputSecret size="12" value="#{registrationForm.password}"/></td>
113 </tr>
114                         <tr>
115                             <td>Confirm password:</td>
116                             <td><h:inputSecret size="12" value="#{registrationForm.confirmPassword}"/></td>
117 </tr>
118                          <tr>
119                             <td align="right"><br/>
120                                 <h:commandButton value="Submit" />
121                             </td>
122                             <td align="left"><br/>
123                                 <h:commandButton value="Reset"  type="reset" />
124                             </td>
125 </tr>
126 </h:form>
127                     </table>
128                 </td>
129            </tr>
130                </table>
131                     </td>
132        <!-- Page specific content ends here  -->
133            </tr>
134         </table>
135     </h:body>
136 </html>



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 5     <h:head>
 6         <title> Success Page</title>
 7     </h:head>
 8     <h:body>
 9         <table border="0" bgcolor="#808080" align="top" width="100%" style="height: 100px">
10             <tr>
11                 <td bgcolor="#000080" align="center">
12                     <font style="font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold',Gadget,sans-serif;" size="+4" color="#ffe4b5">
13                         GRANT UNIVERSITY
14                     </font>
16                 </td>
17                 <td bgcolor="666699" align="left" width="180">
18                     <img alt="" src="Images/education.jpg" width="180" height="120" align="right"/>
21                 </td>
22             </tr>
24         </table>
25         <h2>
26             Welcome <h:outputText id="o1" value="#{registrationForm.firstName}"/>
27             <h:outputText id="o2" value="#{registrationForm.lastName}"
28         </h2>
29         <h2>
30             You have successfully registered with our website .<br/>
31             Your User id is : <h:outputText id="o3" value="#{registrationForm.userID}"/>
32         </h2>
33         <table>
34             <tr>
35                 <td align="center">
36                     <h:form>
37                         <h:commandButton value="Home" action="index"/>
38                     </h:form>
39                 </td>
40             </tr>
41         </table>
42     </h:body>
43 </html>




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10             <tr>
11                 <td bgcolor="#000080" align="center">
12 <font style="font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', Gadget, sans-serif;" size="+4" color="#FFE4B5">GRANT UNIVERSITY</font>
13                 </td>
14                 <td bgcolor="666699" align="left" width="180">     <img alt=""  src="Images/education.jpg" width="180" height="120" align="right"/>
15                  </td>
16             </tr>
17         </table>
18         <table bgcolor="white"  border="1"  align="top" width="100%" style="height:470px">
19    <tr >
20                 <td bgcolor="#000080" width="20%" valign="top" align="center">
21                     <br/>   <br/>
22                     <h:form>
23                         <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="index" value="Home"></h:commandLink>
24                            <br/>   <br/>
25                           <h:commandLink   style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="AboutUs" value="About Us"></h:commandLink>
26                     <br/>   <br/>
27                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Registration" value="Registration"></h:commandLink>
28                     <br/>   <br/>
29                     <h:commandLink style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;" action="Admissions" value="Admissions"></h:commandLink>
30                     <br/>   <br/>
31                     <h:commandLink  style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: white;"  action="Contacts" value="Contact Us"></h:commandLink>
32                     </h:form>
33                     <br/>   <br/> <br/>   <br/>
34                     <table  cellspacing="0.5" border="1" align="center" width="100%" bgcolor="FFFFFF">
35                         <tr>
36                             <td bgcolor="#000080"><font  color="white">Account Login</font></td>
37                         </tr>
38                         <tr>
39                             <td bgcolor="#000080">
40        <table  border="0" align="center" width="100%" >
41         <h:form>
42               <tr>
43                 <td align="left"><font color="white"> Id: </font>
44                 </td>
45                 <td align="left"><h:inputText  size="8" ></h:inputText></td>
46               </tr>
47           <tr>
48                         <td align="left"><font color="white">Password:</font></td>
49                         <td align="left"><h:inputSecret size="10"></h:inputSecret></td>
50                     </tr>
51                       <tr>
53                           <td align="center">   <h:commandButton value="Submit"/></td>
54                           <td align="center"><h:commandButton value="Reset" type="reset"/></td>
55                     </tr>
56 </h:form>
57                     </table>
58                                 </td>
59                             </tr>
60                     </table>
61               </td>
62        <!-- Page specific content starts here  -->
63                 <td width="85%" valign="top" bgcolor="white">
64                     <font color="darkblue" size="+1">
65                      <br/>
66                      <font size="+2">
67                      <b>Welcome to Grant University </b>
68                     </font> <br/><br/>
69                      The Portal is committed to disseminate major information about the University for quick reference. <br/> <br/><br/>
70                     <font size="+2">VCs Message </font><br/>
71                     It gives us immense pleasure in welcoming you to the Web Portal of Grant University, California, and to extend our best wishes for success in all your academic endeavors.
72                     <font size="+2"><br/><br/> Mission Statement </font>
73                     <br/>Established and incorporated for the encouragement of inter-disciplinary higher Education and Research. <br/>Dedicated to spread the knowledge to every part of its jurisdiction. <br/>University is open to all races / classes / castes and creeds......
74                     </font>
75                 </td>
76        <!-- Page specific content ends here  -->
77            </tr>
78         </table>
79     </h:body>
80 </html>



  1 package pack;
  3 /*
  4  * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
  5  * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
  6  * and open the template in the editor.
  7  */
  9 import javax.annotation.ManagedBean;
 10 //import javax.inject.Named;
 11 import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
 12 @ManagedBean("registrationForm")
 13 @RequestScoped
 14 public class RegistrationForm{
 15     private String firstName;
 16     private String lastName;
 17     private String gender;
 18     private String address;
 19     private String contactNumber;
 20     private String emailID;
 21     private String userID;
 22     private String password;
 23     private String confirmPassword;
 25     /*Create a new instance of RegistrationForm*/
 26     public RegistrationForm(){
 27         }
 29     public String getFirstName() {
 30         return firstName;
 31     }
 33     public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
 34         this.firstName = firstName;
 35     }
 37     public String getLastName() {
 38         return lastName;
 39     }
 41     public void setLastName(String lastName) {
 42         this.lastName = lastName;
 43     }
 45     public String getGender() {
 46         return gender;
 47     }
 49     public void setGender(String gender) {
 50         this.gender = gender;
 51     }
 53     public String getAddress() {
 54         return address;
 55     }
 57     public void setAddress(String address) {
 58         this.address = address;
 59     }
 61     public String getContactNumber() {
 62         return contactNumber;
 63     }
 65     public void setContactNumber(String contactNumber) {
 66         this.contactNumber = contactNumber;
 67     }
 69     public String getEmailID() {
 70         return emailID;
 71     }
 73     public void setEmailID(String emailID) {
 74         this.emailID = emailID;
 75     }
 77     public String getUserID() {
 78         return userID;
 79     }
 81     public void setUserID(String userID) {
 82         this.userID = userID;
 83     }
 85     public String getPassword() {
 86         return password;
 87     }
 89     public void setPassword(String password) {
 90         this.password = password;
 91     }
 93     public String getConfirmPassword() {
 94         return confirmPassword;
 95     }
 97     public void setConfirmPassword(String confirmPassword) {
 98         this.confirmPassword = confirmPassword;
 99     }
101 }




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### 回答1: DDAW认证是以数字化型设计、制造、加工和测试为重点的认证项目,主要针对国内的数字化设计、制造、加工和测试从业人员和企业。递交材料模板是DDAW认证的一项重要内容,以下是有关递交材料模板的详细解释。 递交材料模板是指DDAW认证申请人需要递交的文件和资料所使用的模板。该模板包含多种材料和文件,其中最重要的是申请材料清单、身份证明、工作经历证明、需求评估报告、技术能力自评表、资料缴费收据、合同及协议、工作成果展示等。所有递交材料模板需要申请人根据具体要求进行填写,材料提交时需要按照模板的要求进行分类、整理、打包,确保提交的材料完整、准确、规范。 在提交递交材料模板之前,申请人需要先了解DDAW认证的审核标准和要求,根据要求准备各项材料。提交递交材料模板的过程需要十分注意细节,任何一项材料不符合标准都可能导致其被拒绝。因此,申请人需要认真填写每项材料,确保其符合DDAW认证的审核标准。 总之,递交材料模板是DDAW认证申请人需要提供的必要文件和资料的模板,其准确、规范的填写将对申请人的认证结果产生极大的影响。因此,申请人需要认真评估自己的能力和材料,仔细准备递交材料模板,确保通过DDAW认证。 ### 回答2: DDAW认证递交材料模板主要包括以下内容: 1. 企业基本信息:包括企业名称、注册地址、法定代表人、组织机构代码、企业规模等。 2. 产品信息:提供企业所生产的产品的基本信息,包括产品名称、规格、型号、产地等。 3. 生产工艺流程:详细描述企业产品的生产工艺流程,包括原材料采购、生产过程以及质检等。 4. 产品质量控制:说明企业产品质量控制的关键环节和控制措施,包括质量检测设备、质量检测标准以及质检人员的资质等。 5. 资质证明:提供企业所获得的相关资质证明文件,包括《营业执照》、ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书等。 6. 产品质量报告:提供企业产品的质量报告,包括质量指标、质量检测结果以及合格证明等。 7. 企业经营情况:描述企业的经营情况,包括近年来的销售额、市场份额、客户群体等。 8. 诚信记录:提供企业的诚信记录,包括无重大质量问题投诉、无严重生产事故等。 9. 其他补充材料:根据需要,可以提供其他相关的补充材料,如客户满意度调查报告、企业发展规划等。 总体来说,DDAW认证递交材料模板主要是为了展示企业产品的质量控制体系和经营情况,以及企业的诚信经营记录。企业应根据模板要求,提供真实、完整的材料,以保证申请成为DDAW认证的顺利进行。


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