sgu 110 射线关于球的反射光线

110. Dungeon

time limit per test: 0.25 sec. 
memory limit per test: 4096 KB


The mission of space explorers found on planet M the vast dungeon. One of the dungeon halls is fill with the bright spheres. The explorers find out that the light rays reflect from the surface of the spheres according the ordinary law (the incidence angle is equal to the reflectance angle, the incidence ray, the reflected ray and the perpendicular to the sphere surface lay in the one plane). The ancient legend says that if the light ray will reflect from the spheres in the proper order, than the door to the room with very precious ancient knowledge will open. You are not to guess the right sequence; your task is much simpler. You are given the positions and the radii of the spheres, the place where the laser shot was made and the direction of light propagation. And you must find out the sequence in which the light will be reflected from the spheres.



The first line of input contains the single integer n (1≤n≤50) - the amount of the spheres. The next n lines contain the coordinates and the radii of the spheres xi, yi, zi, ri (the integer numbers less or equal to 10000 by absolute value). The last line contains 6 real numbers - the coordinates of two points. The first one gives the coordinates of the place of laser shot, and the second gives the direction in which it was made (the second point is the point on the ray). The starting point of the ray lies strictly outside of any sphere.



Your program must output the sequence of sphere numbers (spheres are numbers from 1 as they was given in input), from which the light ray was reflected. If the ray will reflect more the 10 times, than you must output first 10, then a space and the word 'etc.' (without quotes). Notice: if the light ray goes at a tangent to the sphere you must assume that the ray was reflected by the sphere.


Sample Input 1

0 0 2 1 
0 0 0 0 0 1

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

0 0 2 1 
0 0 -2 1 
0 0 0 0 0 100

Sample Output 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 etc.

  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <fstream>
  3 #include <sstream>
  4 #include <cstdlib>
  5 #include <cstdio>
  6 #include <cmath>
  7 #include <string>
  8 #include <cstring>
  9 #include <algorithm>
 10 #include <queue>
 11 #include <stack>
 12 #include <vector>
 13 #include <set>
 14 #include <map>
 15 #include <list>
 16 #include <iomanip>
 17 #include <cctype>
 18 #include <cassert>
 19 #include <bitset>
 20 #include <ctime>
 22 using namespace std;
 24 #define pau system("pause")
 25 #define ll long long
 26 #define pii pair<int, int>
 27 #define pb push_back
 28 #define mp make_pair
 29 #define mp make_pair
 30 #define pli pair<ll, int>
 31 #define pil pair<int, ll>
 32 #define clr(a, x) memset(a, x, sizeof(a))
 34 const double pi = acos(-1.0);
 35 const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
 36 const int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
 37 const double EPS = 1e-9;
 39 /*
 40 #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
 41 #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
 42 using namespace __gnu_pbds;
 43 #define TREE tree<pli, null_type, greater<pli>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>
 44 TREE T;
 45 */
 47 inline double p2(double x) {return x * x;}
 48 struct Point {
 49     double x, y, z;
 50     Point () {}
 51     Point (double x, double y, double z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
 52     Point operator - (const Point &p) const {
 53         return Point(x - p.x, y - p.y, z - p.z);
 54     }
 55     Point operator + (const Point &p) const {
 56         return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y, z + p.z);
 57     }
 58     Point operator * (const double &k) const {
 59         return Point(k * x, k * y, k * z);
 60     }
 61     double operator | (const Point &p) const {
 62         return x * p.x + y * p.y + z * p.z;
 63     }
 64     void input() {
 65         scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z);
 66     }
 67     void output() {
 68         printf("x = %.6f, y = %.6f, z = %.6f\n", x, y, z);
 69     }
 70     double len2() {
 71         return p2(x) + p2(y) + p2(z);
 72     }
 73     double len() {
 74         return sqrt(len2());
 75     }
 76 } s, e;
 77 struct Line {
 78     Point s, e;
 79     Line () {}
 80     Line (Point s, Point e) : s(s), e(e) {}
 81     void output() {
 82         printf("l.s = ");
 83         s.output();
 84         printf("l.e = ");
 85         e.output();
 86     }
 87 };
 88 struct Ball {
 89     double x, y, z, r;
 90     void input(int i) {
 91         scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z, &r);
 92     }
 93 } b[55];
 94 double solve(double a, double b, double c) {
 95     if (b > 0) return 1e18;
 96     double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
 97     if (delta < -EPS) return 1e18;
 98     if (delta < EPS) return -b / (2 * a);
 99     return (-b - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
100 }
101 Point reflect(Line l1, Line l2) {
102     double k = (l2.e - l2.s) | (l1.s - l1.e);
103     k = k * 2.0 / (l2.e - l2.s).len2();
104     return (l2.e - l2.s) * k + (l1.e - l1.s);
105 }
106 int n;
107 int main() {
108     scanf("%d", &n);
109     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
110         b[i].input(i);
111     }
112     s.input(), e.input();
113     int pre_id = 0;
114     vector<int> ans;
115     for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
116         double lambda = 1e18;
117         Point v = e - s;
118         int tid = pre_id;
119         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
120             if (j == pre_id) continue;
121             Point B = s - Point(b[j].x, b[j].y, b[j].z);
122             double res = solve(v.len2(), 2 * (v.x * B.x + v.y * B.y + v.z * B.z), B.len2() - b[j].r * b[j].r);
123             if (res < lambda) {
124                 lambda = res;
125                 tid = j;
126             }
127             //cout << "i = " << i << ' ' << res << endl;
128         }
129         if (tid == pre_id) break;
130         ans.pb(tid);
131         pre_id = tid;
132         Point pp = reflect(Line(s, e), Line(Point(b[tid].x, b[tid].y, b[tid].z), s + (e - s) * lambda));
133         //pp.output();
134         s = s + (e - s) * lambda;
135         //s.output();
136         e = s + pp;
137     }
138     for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); ++i) {
139         printf("%d ", ans[i]);
140     }
141     if (ans.size() == 10) {
142         Point v = e - s;
143         int tid = pre_id;
144         double lambda = 1e18;
145         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
146             if (i == pre_id) continue;
147             Point B = s - Point(b[i].x, b[i].y, b[i].z);
148             double res = solve(v.len2(), (v.x * B.x + v.y * B.y + v.z * B.z) * 2.0, B.len2() - b[i].r * b[i].r);
149             if (res < lambda) {
150                 lambda = res;
151                 tid = i;
152             }
153         }
154         if (tid != pre_id) puts("etc.");
155     }
156     return 0;
157 }
158 /*
159  * 2
160 0 0 0 1
161 1 3 0 1
162 -1 2 0 1 -1 0
163 */
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### 内容概要 《计算机试卷1》是一份综合性的计算机基础和应用测试卷,涵盖了计算机硬件、软件、操作系统、网络、多媒体技术等多个领域的知识点。试卷包括单选题和操作应用两大类,单选题部分测试学生对计算机基础知识的掌握,操作应用部分则评估学生对计算机应用软件的实际操作能力。 ### 适用人群 本试卷适用于: - 计算机专业或信息技术相关专业的学生,用于课程学习或考试复习。 - 准备计算机等级考试或职业资格认证的人士,作为实战演练材料。 - 对计算机操作有兴趣的自学者,用于提升个人计算机应用技能。 - 计算机基础教育工作者,作为教学资源或出题参考。 ### 使用场景及目标 1. **学习评估**:作为学校或教育机构对学生计算机基础知识和应用技能的评估工具。 2. **自学测试**:供个人自学者检验自己对计算机知识的掌握程度和操作熟练度。 3. **职业发展**:帮助职场人士通过实际操作练习,提升计算机应用能力,增强工作竞争力。 4. **教学资源**:教师可以用于课堂教学,作为教学内容的补充或学生的课后练习。 5. **竞赛准备**:适合准备计算机相关竞赛的学生,作为强化训练和技能检测的材料。 试卷的目标是通过系统性的题目设计,帮助学生全面复习和巩固计算机基础知识,同时通过实际操作题目,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。通过本试卷的学习与练习,学生将能够更加深入地理解计算机的工作原理,掌握常用软件的使用方法,为未来的学术或职业生涯打下坚实的基础。


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