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转载 面试百问


2009-01-20 21:25:00 159

转载 o,1的感悟

现在每天用着高级语言编写着业务软件,渐渐感觉远离0,1了。不懂0,1一样写的很好的程序,但时常感觉心里很空,以前都是冲低级语言向高级语言。最近有种由高向低的进发,今天写个小程序纪念下:这个程序实现了对一个整数某位的判断,这里用了C#的索引。using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;...

2008-04-08 20:48:00 146

转载 公司内部推荐

我这是给公司内部推荐,把你推荐成功我有伯乐奖,到时候别眼红就行。简历发到这:billgatesnomoney@gmail.com 下面是要求:Beijing Positions:1. Sr. Software Engineer Location: BeijingRESPONSIBILITIES:Contributing to Subscrib...

2007-11-30 14:21:00 1576

转载 debain

水木社区 → Linux系统与应用 → 阅读文章LinuxApp 版 con,392,405810[上一篇] [下一篇] [同主题上篇] [同主题下篇]发信人: Dieken (风催草低), 信区: LinuxApp标 题: debian的一句话问答【2007-04-23】发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Sep 20 12:46:26 2006), 站内...

2007-10-18 20:32:00 170

转载 猎头职位

水木社区 → 招聘信息发布 → 阅读文章Career_POST 版 con,943,49430[上一篇] [下一篇] [同主题上篇] [同主题下篇]发信人: BarbieBeetle (HR), 信区: Career_POST标 题: 猎头公司为多家500强聘JAVA/.NET/C++//SAP/Oracle ERP/对日高管精英发信站: 水木社区 (Tue...

2007-10-17 09:17:00 124

转载 oracle

Job Type:Fulltime Contact:shu.ping.gao@oracle.comPlease submit both of your Chinese and English resumes and specify which position want to apply. Attention 1.Exte...

2007-10-16 15:43:00 254

转载 insert method

voidInsertMethod(char[] la, int n){for(int i=2; i<n; i++){//watch outla[0]=la[i];//if(la[i]<la[i-1]){...

2007-09-26 17:07:00 158

转载 a linked list, find the node that the last node point to.

_______| | 1-->2-->3-->42 is the node that we want.struct node *FindNode(struct node **La){...

2007-09-25 14:30:00 128

转载 Get balance noe

a[0],a[1],a[2],a[1],a[1]1 2 3 4 5balance noe is 3C:int BalanceNode(int *a, int length){int *begin=a, *end=a+length;int leftsum=0, rightsum=0;i...

2007-09-24 21:31:00 63

转载 Memory

"Everyone has a photographic memory. Some people just don't have film."— Mel Brooks转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenjiefree/archive/2007/09/24/903793.html

2007-09-24 09:20:00 54

转载 ShuffleMerge---microsoft's interview question

Given two lists, merge their nodes together to make one list, taking nodes alternatelybetween the two lists. So ShuffleMerge() with {1, 2, 3} and {7, 13, 1} should yield {1, 7,2, 13, 3, 1}. I...

2007-09-23 12:02:00 125

转载 新手开始学习linux

有网友提到基本配置文件,字体,输入法,驱动安装,我都觉得这些不是一开始使用Linux需要学习的东西,比如我现在对字体配置还不明白,呵呵,学习下面这些东西最好就在虚拟终端下,不要弄 X 界面了。谢谢cathayan, roy, analyz, potator等网友的建议!==============================================...

2007-09-22 20:03:00 202

转载 print all Permutation of a string

void permutation(char *Pbegin, char *Pend){if(!Pbegin || !Pend)return;/////////////////////////if Pbegin equal to Pend//this round is finished//printi...

2007-09-21 22:46:00 117

转载 An funy question!

Q: An int array, devide an array of integers into two parts, odd in the first part, and even in the second part.We need some sub Function:1: IsEven(int n) // n is Even or not2: void Reord...

2007-09-21 22:05:00 91

转载 Google, hire me

Working for Google is an aspiration for some. For other it’s the possibility of lucrative stock options, incredible snack bars or cool offices that lure them. A lot of people out there would li...

2007-09-21 17:51:00 101

转载 How to interview a programmer?

Writing Better CodeHow to Interview a Programmerby Bill VennersFebruary 24, 2003SummaryRecognizing good programmers among job applicants is not easy. This article contains interview...

2007-09-19 22:28:00 555

转载 Binary search tree convert to double linked list.

This is a question from Microsoft, in general, recurtion is first tip on binary tree.Convert a Binary search tree to double linked list, and no new point, only change pointer.for example:...

2007-09-19 17:22:00 212

转载 Search in Binary tree

/* Given a binary tree, return true if a node with the target data is found in the tree. Recurs down the tree, chooses the left or right branch by comparing the target to each node. ...

2007-09-19 09:05:00 57

转载 spilt a list

spilt a list and become two sublistsvoid spilt(struct node *source, struct node** front, struct code** back){int len = count(source);int i;struct node* current =source;i...

2007-09-18 21:12:00 101

转载 wirte a function for counting a linked list length

I know it's very simple but not easy.I decieded that I write it by hand. its similar to strLen funtionMaybe i am a dummy.I use C.version 1int Count(char *s){int n=0;while(*s)...

2007-09-18 20:05:00 75

转载 Remove repeat char from a string

i search in google to find the solution remove repeat char from a string, but failed. so write it by myselft....i use C.char * RemoveRepeatChar(char *S){char *temp=S, *move;//1. base ==...

2007-09-18 15:13:00 101

转载 change poisition of two word in a string

string manipulated is very common task in daily programm. you can creat a million of quesiton about string if you want. here i post a string question : change position of two words in a string. ...

2007-09-13 13:34:00 94

转载 Revers a list

//reverse a list//this question are frequently asked in interview. hope it can help you.static void Reverse(struct node** node){ // don't tell me you can't understand the **//1. declare t...

2007-09-10 15:01:00 46

转载 reverse string word by word

String is key part of interview. here is reverse string : Write code to reverse a string such that the words are reversed as in "We apologise for the inconvenience" becomes "inconvenience the...

2007-09-08 00:02:00 144

转载 通过Web Services上传和下载文件

通过Web Services上传和下载文件 作者:未知 来源:月光软件站 加入时间:2005-2-2...

2007-04-04 15:23:00 53

转载 JAVA开发者应该去的20个英文网站

JAVA开发者应该去的20个英文网站 http://www.javaalmanac.com Java开发者年鉴一书的在线版本. 要想快速查到某种Java技巧的用法及示例代码, 这是一个不错的去处. http://www.onjava.comO'Reilly的Java网站. 每周都有新文http...

2006-06-08 13:14:00 97



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