[二分匹配]URAL1721Two Sides of the Same Coin

题意:给n个人,每个人都有3个参数,分别是名字,能做的事(a:statements  b:testdate  a、b都可以:anything),Rank

要求:一个人只能做一个事件,要两个人Rank相差2才能共同做a、b,问最多能做多少个a、b,并输出 做a人的名字  做b人的名字


很明显是二分匹配 稳定婚姻问题。

一开始按照 能做a的人->能做b的人 建图  怎么都过不了案例。。。



1 ab 4

2  a  2         

3  b  6


那么就会有两个匹配:1和3  以及  2和1


因为对于稳定婚姻而言 男的 女的 都分别有编号为1到n的人

因此1和3  以及  2和1的含义 (若用这样的建图 用稳定婚姻来解释的话 就是) 1号男人和3号女人  以及  2号男人以及1号女人 <这样看来确实两对>


而对于这个题目 很显然 男女是共用一个编号的

 若是按a->b这样建图  实际上来说 并没有“二分”






  比如Rank为2的为男  那么Rank为4的就要是女的  Rank为6的为男  那么Rank为8的就要是女

那这样分的话  要是规定Rank 6为女(即限制了4为男), 若之前已经规定了Rank 2为男(即限制了4为女)  那不就矛盾了吗?

于是先按照Rank来排个序 再来确定男女两个集合就没问题了~



a anything 2
b anything 4
c anything 4
d anything 4
e anything 6
f anything 6


代码:(因为是比赛中写的 所以巨丑...)

 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 struct node
 4 {
 5     string name;
 6     bool a, b;
 7     int Rank;
 8 }a[5005];
 9 bool cmp(node a, node b)
10 {
11     return a.Rank<b.Rank;
12 }
13 vector<int> v[5005];
14 int lef[5005];
15 bool t[5005];
16 int n;
17 int fa[5005];
18 bool match(int x)
19 {
20     for(int i=0;i<(int)v[x].size();i++)
21         if(t[v[x][i]]==0)
22         {
23             t[v[x][i]]=1;
24             if(lef[v[x][i]]==-1 || match(lef[v[x][i]]))
25             {
26                 fa[x]=-1, fa[fa[x]]=-1;
27                 fa[v[x][i]]=x, fa[x]=v[x][i];
28                 lef[v[x][i]]=x;
29                 return true;
30             }
31         }
32     return false;
33 }
34 int solve()
35 {
36     int ans=0;
37     memset(lef, -1, sizeof(lef));
38     memset(fa, -1, sizeof(fa));
39     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
40         if(v[i].size())
41         {
42             memset(t, 0, sizeof(t));
43             if(match(i))
44                 ans++;
45         }
46     return ans;
47 }
48 bool vis[5005];
49 bool zz[5005];
50 int main()
51 {
52     scanf("%d", &n);
53     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
54     {
55         string s;
56         cin>>a[i].name>>s;
57         if(s=="anything")
58             a[i].a=1, a[i].b=1;
59         else if(s=="statements")
60             a[i].a=1, a[i].b=0;
61         else
62             a[i].a=0, a[i].b=1;
63         scanf("%d", &a[i].Rank);
64     }
65     for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)
66         v[i].clear();
67     sort(a+1, a+n+1, cmp);
68     memset(zz, 0, sizeof(zz));
69     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
70     {
71         if(zz[a[i].Rank-2])
72             continue;
73         zz[a[i].Rank]=1;
74     }
75     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
76         for(int j=i+1;j<=n;j++)
77             if(abs(a[i].Rank-a[j].Rank)==2)
78                 if((a[i].a==1 && a[j].b==1) || (a[i].b==1 && a[j].a==1))
79                 {
80                     if(zz[a[i].Rank])
81                         v[i].push_back(j);
82                     else if(zz[a[j].Rank])
83                         v[j].push_back(i);
84                 }
85     printf("%d\n", solve());
86     memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
87     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
88         if(fa[i]!=-1 && fa[fa[i]]==i && !vis[i] && !vis[fa[i]])
89         {
90             if(a[i].b==1 && a[fa[i]].a==1)
91                 cout<<a[fa[i]].name<<" "<<a[i].name<<endl;
92             else
93                 cout<<a[i].name<<" "<<a[fa[i]].name<<endl;
94             vis[i]=1, vis[fa[i]]=1;
95         }
96     return 0;
97 }
URAL 1721



用代码解决这个问题The program committee of the school programming contests, which are often held at the Ural State University, is a big, joyful, and united team. In fact, they are so united that the time spent together at the university is not enough for them, so they often visit each other at their homes. In addition, they are quite athletic and like walking. Once the guardian of the traditions of the sports programming at the Ural State University decided that the members of the program committee spent too much time walking from home to home. They could have spent that time inventing and preparing new problems instead. To prove that, he wanted to calculate the average distance that the members of the program committee walked when they visited each other. The guardian took a map of Yekaterinburg, marked the houses of all the members of the program committee there, and wrote down their coordinates. However, there were so many coordinates that he wasn't able to solve that problem and asked for your help. The city of Yekaterinburg is a rectangle with the sides parallel to the coordinate axes. All the streets stretch from east to west or from north to south through the whole city, from one end to the other. The house of each member of the program committee is located strictly at the intersection of two orthogonal streets. It is known that all the members of the program committee walk only along the streets, because it is more pleasant to walk on sidewalks than on small courtyard paths. Of course, when walking from one house to another, they always choose the shortest way. All the members of the program committee visit each other equally often. Input The first line contains the number n of members of the program committee (2 ≤ n ≤ 105). The i-th of the following n lines contains space-separated coordinates xi, yi of the house of the i-th member of the program committee (1 ≤ xi, yi ≤ 106). All coordinates are integers. Output Output the average distance, rounded down to an integer, that a member of the program committee walks from his house to the house of his colleague.




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