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转载 链表快排

func sortList(head *ListNode) *ListNode { slist(head,nil) return head } func slist(head *ListNode,tail *ListNode){ if head == nil || head.Next == nil || head == tail{ ...

2019-09-25 17:15:00 185

转载 并查集

一共两个函数 find()  查找根节点 union()  合并两个集合 根据树的高度合并两集合 定义一个rank[]数组,存储两个树的高度,比如rank[xroot] = 3 如果rank[xRoot] > rank{yRoot]的时候,就是x那个树比y那个树要高,所以合并的时候将y那个树的根节点给连接到x那个树的根节点下面。 如果rank[xRoot] = r...

2019-09-24 21:36:00 153

转载 二分查找

func findTarget(numbers [] int , target int ,left int) int{ right := len(numbers) - 1 result := -1 for left <= right{ mid := left + (right - left)/2 if numbe...

2019-09-23 09:06:00 171

转载 Go语言集合

ZERO.  数组 1.  创建 一个不固定大小的数组   var array [] int 2.  遍历 var nums1 = []int {1,6,7} for _, n := range nums1{ fmt.Println(n)    //输出结果为1,6,7 }for i, n:= range nums1{  fmt.Println(n)  ...

2019-09-20 19:49:00 439

转载 快排

func quickSort(nums []int,left int,right int ){ if left < right { p := park(nums,left,right) quickSort(nums,left,p-1) quickSort(nums,p+1,right) } }...

2019-09-20 19:12:00 100

转载 Mysql的一些问题

一.  安装mysql后root shell可以登录但是普通用户不能使用mysql -u root -p登录mysql 解决: 使用root登录 select user,host from mysql.user DROP USER 'root'@'localhost';   CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'zhuopeng'...

2019-09-10 09:02:00 90

转载 找到数组中重复的数字

解法1. : 解法2:  快慢指针,环 public int findDuplicate(int[] nums) { int slow = nums[0]; int fast = nums[nums[0]]; while (slow != fast) { s...

2019-09-09 10:53:00 75

转载 gradle

1.  gradle clean build 2.  gradle wrapper   执行完成这个命令后,会出现一个gradle文件夹,里面有gradle-wrapper.jar和gradle-wrapper.properties 执行完成这两个命令后就可以把   gradle     gradle-wrapper.jar     gradle-wrapper.proper...

2019-08-29 21:34:00 84

转载 1-NIO使用

1.FileChannel 和 Buffer package nio._Buffer; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.By...

2018-12-09 18:31:00 83

转载 处理非正常终止的错误

1.  最简单通过主动的内部函数的方法捕获 package concurrent._ThreadPool._UnnormalThread; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; //一种主动的方法捕获异常 public class D...

2018-12-03 10:17:00 213

转载 一个取消多生产者单消费者的日志线程池服务

package concurrent._ThreadPool.logService; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java....

2018-12-02 11:13:00 86

转载 executes()源码

/** * Executes the given task sometime in the future. The task * may execute in a new thread or in an existing pooled thread. * * If the task cannot be submitted fo...

2018-11-28 15:33:00 135

转载 死锁

死锁 1.通过锁的顺序来避免死锁的发生,比如使用System.identityHashCode()排序,或者源数据中就有可比较的键值,比如账户 package concurrent._deadLock; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { } //模...

2018-11-27 21:18:00 86

转载 CyclicBarrier使用

demo1: package concurrent._Barrier; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException; import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; public class Demo { pub...

2018-11-27 20:06:00 81

转载 Semaphore

一个有界的容器: /一个有界的集合Set class BoundedhashSet<T> { private final Set<T> set; private final Semaphore sem; public BoundedhashSet(int count) { this.sem = new S...

2018-11-27 19:05:00 82

转载 闭锁CountDownLatch

package concurrent._ReentrantLock; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; //一个关于Lock的最基本操作,...

2018-11-26 21:20:00 92

转载 LockSupport

是一个很简单的类: 底层通过CAS操作实现 public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ThreadA a = new ThreadA("a"); a.start(); Thread....

2018-11-26 18:32:00 83

转载 yield

线程的礼让: 当轮到一个线程执行任务,但是这个线程处理一个不是很重要的事情的时候,可以让大家来一次抢占的机会 程序: package concurrent._yield; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { ThreadA a = new ThreadA("a...

2018-11-26 11:35:00 54

转载 Condition

condition.await() condition.signalAll() package concurrent._Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.lo...

2018-11-26 10:49:00 67

转载 AQS的不公平锁源码

同步器节点的waitStatus解释 CANCELLED 取消状态 SIGNAL -1 等待触发状态,前节点可能是head或者前节点为取消状态CANCELLED CONDITION -2 等待条件状态,在等待队列中 PROPAGATE -3 状态需要向后传播 //不公平锁的lock函数 static final class NonfairSync ex...

2018-11-23 21:23:00 71

转载 wait()和notify()

package concurrent._wait_notify; public class Demo1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ThreadA a = new ThreadA("A"); synchronized (...

2018-11-23 14:30:00 73

转载 ReentrantLock的使用

package concurrent._ReentrantLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; //一个关于Lock的最基本操作,lock.lock()与lock.unlock() public class MyRee...

2018-11-23 11:03:00 87

转载 生产者消费者模式ArrayBlockingQueue

package concurrent._interrupt; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; public class Demo3 { ...

2018-11-22 11:06:00 90

转载 interrupt

一个检查isinterrupted的程序 package concurrent._interrupt; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Demo2 { private static int c ...

2018-11-22 10:07:00 94

转载 join()

代码: package concurrent._join; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ThreadA threadA = new ThreadA(); ThreadB thread...

2018-11-22 09:13:00 72

转载 LongAdder

add操作 public void add(long x) { Cell[] as; long b, v; int m; Cell a; //想要add一个元素的时候,先看一下cells数组是否为空,如果是空的就尝试去看能不能直接加到base上面,如果线程竞争很小就加到base上面了,函数结束 //如果cells是空的,...

2018-11-20 20:52:00 177

转载 ConcurrentHashMap源码

putval源码 final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) { //判断参数是否合格 if (key == null || value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); int hash = spread(k...

2018-11-17 18:50:00 78

转载 HashMap源码

putval方法 final V putVal(int hash, K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent, boolean evict) { Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> p; int n, i; //查看是否是第一次p...

2018-11-17 10:04:00 75

转载 MapReduce单表关联

数据:找出孩子的爷爷奶奶姥姥老爷 child parentTom LucyTom JackJone LucyJone JackLucy MarryLucy JesseJack AliceJack JesseTerry AliceTerry JessePhilip TerryPhilip AlmaMark TerryMark Alma 结果: Jone Alic...

2018-11-08 18:12:00 158

转载 AtomicStampedReference

重要的参考博客: https://blog.csdn.net/zhaozhirongfree1111/article/details/72781758 package _AtomicStampedReference; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicMarkableReference; import java.uti...

2018-11-07 08:50:00 90

转载 SequenceFile

产生一个SequenceFile文件 package _SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; ...

2018-11-05 19:12:00 59

转载 WordCount

1.  一个mapper package MapReduce; import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import java.io.IOException;...

2018-11-05 16:10:00 58

转载 IntUnaryOperator

将函数,变为,参数传入 1.  是一个接口,就是将一个对int类型的操作当一个参数传入进来。   关键函数:applyAsInt(int operand)   对一个参数operand进行一些操作,最后返回个int类型。 package _4; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; public class MyI...

2018-11-03 09:15:00 623

转载 java复制

一个基本类: package ddemo; public class A { private String str; private int count; public A(String str,int count){ this.str = str; this.count = count; } ...

2018-11-02 10:37:00 77

转载 代理模式

1.  反射机制   标准: package _1._Agent.Reflect._DynamicLoading; public interface OfficeAble { void start(); }   标准实现: package _1._Agent.Reflect._DynamicLoading; public class Word ...

2018-11-02 08:42:00 54

转载 文件相关API

package HDFS; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutput...

2018-10-25 10:40:00 87

转载 阻塞队列-生产者与消费者模式

public class PC { public static void main(String[] args) { BlockingQueue<Integer> bq = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(5); for(int i = 0 ;i < 4 ; i +...

2018-10-22 16:20:00 68

转载 线程池2

ExecutorCompletionService有三个成员变量:   executor:执行task的线程池,创建CompletionService必须指定;   aes:主要用于创建待执行task;   completionQueue:存储已完成状态的task,默认是基于链表结构的阻塞队列LinkedBlockingQueue。 ...

2018-10-20 15:50:00 65

转载 线程池1

任务类: package com._ThreadPool; public class MyTask implements Runnable { private int taskId; public MyTask(int id){ this.taskId = id; } @Override public voi...

2018-10-20 14:53:00 55

转载 一个高速的结果缓存

public interface Computable<A,V> { V compute(A arg) throws InterruptedException; } 实现一个计算接口 package com._resultCache; import java.math.BigInteger; /** * 一个很花费时间的计算 * ...

2018-10-18 15:21:00 64



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