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原创 Lambda表达式原理简介

Lambda表达式原理简介一、前言java8中,Lambda表达式是匿名函数的一种语法糖,简化了匿名内部类的冗杂代码java8中,每一个Lambda表达式必须有一个函数式接口与之对应二、语法参数列表操作符代码体(表达式/代码块)(int x,int y)->x+y(x,y)->x+y(int x,int y)->...

2020-03-26 14:29:07 1268

原创 innodb(3)--应用

应用以上都是在原理层面对innodb进行了分析,基于此我们才能在日常工作中知道如何高效的使用innodb,而且知其然并知其所以然。数据库的应用分为两类:OLAP和OLTP。OLAP联机分析处理(Online Analytical Processing),也叫DSS(Decision Support System)决策支持系统,也就是数据仓库。作业内容是对某些历史数...

2020-03-09 17:34:00 143

原创 innodb(2)--索引


2020-03-09 17:28:18 263

原创 innodb(1)--存储

逻辑存储innodb的所有数据都被放在一个逻辑存储结构中,称作表空间(tablespace)。逻辑存储结构如下:表空间由段(segment)、区(extent)、页(page)、行(row)组成。段常使用的段有数据段、索引段、回滚段。 数据段:B+数的叶子节点 索引段:B+数的非叶子节点 回滚段: 可以存在ibdata中 ...

2020-03-09 00:18:08 171


Practice 1 Date: Monday, March 18th, 2013 We highly encourage being environment friendly and trying all problems on your own. Implement exercise 2.3-7. Implement priority queue. Implement Quicksort and answer the following questions. (1) How many comparisons will Quicksort do on a list of n elements that all have the same value? (2) What are the maximum and minimum number of comparisons will Quicksort do on a list of n elements, give an instance for maximum and minimum case respectively. Give a divide and conquer algorithm for the following problem: you are given two sorted lists of size m and n, and are allowed unit time access to the ith element of each list. Give an O(lg m + lgn) time algorithm for computing the kth largest element in the union of the two lists. (For simplicity, you can assume that the elements of the two lists are distinct). Practice 2 Date: Monday, April 1st, 2013 We highly encourage being environment friendly and trying all problems on your own. Matrix-chain product. The following are some instances. Longest Common Subsequence (LCS). The following are some instances. X: xzyzzyx Y: zxyyzxz X:MAEEEVAKLEKHLMLLRQEYVKLQKKLAETEKRCALLAAQANKESSSESFISRLLAIVAD Y:MAEEEVAKLEKHLMLLRQEYVKLQKKLAETEKRCTLLAAQANKENSNESFISRLLAIVAG Longest Common Substring. The following are some instances. X: xzyzzyx Y: zxyyzxz X:MAEEEVAKLEKHLMLLRQEYVKLQKKLAETEKRCALLAAQANKESSSESFISRLLAIVAD Y:MAEEEVAKLEKHLMLLRQEYVKLQKKLAETEKRCTLLAAQANKENSNESFISRLLAIVAG Max Sum. The following is an instance. (-2,11,-4,13,-5,-2) Shortest path in multistage graphs. Find the shortest path from 0 to 15 for the following graph.   A multistage graph is a graph (1) G=(V,E) with V partitioned into K >= 2 disjoint subsets such that if (a,b) is in E, then a is in Vi , and b is in Vi+1 for some subsets in the partition; and (2) | V1 | = | VK | = 1.     Practice 3 Date: Monday, April 15th, 2013 We highly encourage being environment friendly and trying all problems on your own. Knapsack Problem. There are 5 items that have a value and weight list below, the knapsack can contain at most 100 Lbs. Solve the problem both as fractional knapsack and 0/1 knapsack. A simple scheduling problem. We are given jobs j1, j2… jn, all with known running times t1, t2… tn, respectively. We have a single processor. What is the best way to schedule these jobs in order to minimize the average completion time. Assume that it is a nonpreemptive scheduling: once a job is started, it must run to completion. The following is an instance. (j1, j2, j3, j4) : (15,8,3,10) Single-source shortest paths. The following is the adjacency matrix, vertex A is the source.  A B C D E A -1 3 B 3 2 2 C D 1 5 E -3 All-pairs shortest paths. The adjacency matrix is as same as that of problem 3.(Use Floyd or Johnson’s algorithm)     Practice 4 Date: Monday, May 8th, 2013 We highly encourage being environment friendly and trying all problems on your own. 0/1 Knapsack Problem. There are 5 items that have a value and weight list below, the knapsack can contain at most 100 Lbs. Solve the problem using back-tracking algorithm and try to draw the tree generated. Solve the 8-Queen problem using back-tracking algorithm.    






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