- class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
- def __init__(self, parent, title):
- wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent, title=title, size=(200,100))
- ...
- menuItem = filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "&About"," Information about this program")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, menuItem)
This means that, from now on, when the user selects the "About" menu item, the method self.OnAbout will be executed. wx.EVT_MENU is the "select menu item" event. wxWidgets understands many other events (see the full list). The self.OnAbout method has the general declaration:
- def OnAbout(self, event):
- ...
- <span style="font-family:Arial;BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">这里的event是wx.Event的实例。比如一个按钮单击事件-wx.EVT-BUTTON就是一个wx.Event的实例。</span>
- def OnButtonClick(self, event):
- if (some_condition):
- do_something()
- else:
- event.Skip()
- def OnEvent(self, event):
- '''''
- Created on 2012-6-29
- @author: Administrator
- '''
- import wx
- class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
- def __init__(self,parent,title):
- wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,title=title,size=(500,250))
- self.contrl = wx.TextCtrl(self,style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
- self.CreateStatusBar()
- filemenu = wx.Menu()
- menuAbout=filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT,"&About","about this program")
- filemenu.AppendSeparator()
- menuExit=filemenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT,"E&xit","Close program")
- menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
- menuBar.Append(filemenu,"&File")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout,menuAbout)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExit,menuExit)
- self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
- self.Show(True)
- def OnAbout(self,e):
- dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,"A small editor","about simple editor",wx.OK)
- dlg.ShowModal()
- dlg.Destroy()
- def OnExit(self,e):
- self.Close(True)
- app = wx.App(False)
- frame = MyFrame(None,"Small Editor")
- app.MainLoop()