














a)CppNetwork Programming Volume I,Mastering Complexity With ACE and Patterns
  注:ACE的基础入门书籍,主要讲解ACE提供的对各平台系统底层系统接口的包装(wrapper facade)。


这应该是你需要了解的第一本关于ACE的书,本书中提出了ACE作者对于网络问题的研究,分为四个设计空间:网络、并发、服务、配置。本书核心讲述网络和并发应用程序的开发,及其ACE与之对应的Wrapper Facade Class,并以一个日志服务器实例作为演示,使用多种方式实现该日志服务器(实例代码参见,ACE_Wrapper/examples/C++NPv1)。(关于Wrapper Facade 模式可以参考《POSA 卷2》,具体优缺点不在此赘述了)。

b)CppNetwork Programming Volume II, Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks


本书核心内容主要讲述《C++NPv1》中分出的四个设计空间中的:服务器设计空间和配置设计空间,及ACE基于Wrapper Facade的框架实现。如:Connector-Acceptor、Reactor、Proactor、Stream、Service Configurator等。对应于ACE的框架层。

c)ACE Programmer's Guide, The Practical Design Patterns for Network and Systems Programming


下面这些资料,都是网上一些热爱ACE的人整理的。因为ACE对于网络程序开发有非常大的影响,Douglas C. Schmidt及其ACE热爱者关于ACE也写了不少论文,同时使用ACE实作了很多的应用实例。(多数实例都可以在ACE的源码目录下example、app目录下找到)

  1. 上篇-ACE技术论文集
  2. 中篇-ACE程序员教程
  3. 下篇-ACE应用实例

e)Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume II: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects


2.如果你手里还没有ACE的源代码,可以从 获得最新版的源代码。


  解决了一个问题,偶尔回头翻开书,原来书上已经说得很清楚了, 只是以前看的时候,



7. ACE官方介绍

Overview of ACE

The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment(ACE) is a freely available, open-sourceobject-oriented (OO) framework that implements many core patterns for concurrent communicationsoftware. ACE provides a rich set of reusable C++ wrapper facades and frameworkcomponents that perform common communication software tasks across arange of OS platforms. The communication software tasks provided byACE include event demultiplexing andevent handler dispatching, signalhandling, serviceinitialization, interprocesscommunication, shared memory management, message routing, dynamic (re)configuration of distributedservices, concurrentexecution and synchronization.

ACE is targeted for developers of high-performance and real-timecommunication services and applications. It simplifies thedevelopment of OO network applications and services that utilizeinterprocess communication, event demultiplexing, explicit dynamiclinking, and concurrency. In addition, ACE automates systemconfiguration and reconfiguration by dynamically linking services intoapplications at run-time and executing these services in one or moreprocesses or threads.

ACE continues to improve and its futureis bright. ACE is supported commercially by multiple companies using an open-source business model. Inaddition, many members of the ACEdevelopment team are currently working on building The ACEORB (TAO).

Benefits of Using ACE?

Some of the many benefits of using ACE include:
  • Increased portability -- ACE components make it easy towrite concurrent networked applications on one OS platform and quicklyport them to manyother OS platforms. Moreover, because ACE is open source, free software, you never have to worryabout getting locked into a particular operating system platform orcompiler configuration.

  • Increased software quality -- ACE components are designedusing many key patterns that increasekey qualities, such as flexibility, extensibility, reusability, andmodularity, of communication software.

  • Increased efficiency and predictability -- ACE iscarefully designed to support a wide range of application quality ofservice (QoS) requirements, including low latency for delay-sensitiveapplications, high performance for bandwidth-intensive applications,and predictability for real-time applications.

  • Easier transition to standard higher-level middleware --ACE provides the reusable components and patterns used in The ACE ORB(TAO), which is an open-sourcestandard-compliant implementation of CORBA that's optimized forhigh-performance and real-time systems. Thus, ACE and TAO aredesigned to work well together in order to provide comprehensivemiddleware solutions.

The Structure and Functionality of ACE

The following diagram illustrates the key components in ACE and theirhierarchical relationships:
The structure and participants of the layers in this diagram aredescribed below.

The ACE OS Adapter Layer
This layer resides directly atop the native OS APIs that are writtenin C. It provides a smallfootprint, "POSIX-like" OS adaptation layer that shields the otherlayers and components in ACE from platform-specific dependenciesassociated with the following OS APIs:
  • Concurrency and synchronization -- ACE's adaptation layerencapsulates OS APIs for multi-threading, multi-processing, andsynchronization.

  • Interprocess communication (IPC) and shared memory --ACE's adaptation layer encapsulates OS APIs for local and remote IPCand shared memory.

  • Event demultiplexing mechanisms -- ACE's adaptation layerencapsulates OS APIs for synchronous and asynchronous demultiplexingI/O-based, timer-based, signal-based, and synchronization-basedevents.

  • Explicit dynamic linking -- ACE's adaptation layerencapsulates OS APIs for explicit dynamic linking, which allowsapplication services to be configured at installation-time orrun-time.

  • File system mechanisms -- ACE's adaptation layerencapsulates OS file system APIs for manipulating files anddirectories.

The portability of ACE's OS adaptation layer enables it to run on amany operating systems. ACE has been portedand tested on a wide range of OS platforms including Windows (i.e., WinNT 3.5.x, 4.x,2000, Embedded NT, XP, Win95/98, and WinCE using MSVC++, Borland C++Builder, and IBM's Visual Age on 32- and 64-bit Intel and Alphaplatforms), Mac OS X, mostversions of UNIX (e.g., Solaris onSPARC and Intel, SGI IRIX 5.x and6.x, DG/UX, HP-UX 10.x, and 11.x, Tru64UNIX 3.x and 4.x, AIX 3.x,4.x, 5.x, DG/UX, UnixWare, SCO, andfreely available UNIX implementations, such as Debian Linux 2.x, RedHat Linux 5.2, 6.x, 7.x, 8x, and9.x, as well as the various Enterprise editions, SUSE Linux 8.1and 9.2, Timesys Linux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD), real-time operating systems(e.g., LynxOS, VxWorks, ChorusOS, QnX Neutrino, RTEMS, OS9,and PSoS), OpenVMS, MVSOpenEdition, and CRAY UNICOS. A single sourcetree is used for all these platforms. There is also a Java version ofACE.

Because of the abstraction provided by ACE's OS adaptation layer, asingle sourcetree is used for all these platforms. This design greatlysimplies the portability and maintainability of ACE.

C++ Wrapper Facades for OS Interfaces
It is possible to program highly portable C++ applications directlyatop ACE's OS adaptation layer. However, most ACE developers use theC++ wrapper facade layer shown in the figure above. The ACE C++wrapper facades simplify application development by providing typesafeC++ interfaces that encapsulate and enhance the native OS concurrency,communication, memory management, event demultiplexing, dynamiclinking, and file system APIs. Applications can combine and composethese wrappers by selectively inheriting, aggregating, and/orinstantiating the following components:
  • Concurrency and synchronization components -- ACEabstracts native OS multi-threading and multi-processing mechanismslike mutexes and semaphores to create higher-level OO concurrency abstractions like ActiveObjects and Polymorphic Futures.

  • IPC and filesystem components -- The ACE C++ wrappersencapsulate local and/or remote IPCmechanisms, such as sockets, TLI, UNIX FIFOs and STREAM pipes, andWin32 Named Pipes. In addition, the ACE C++ wrappers encapsulate theOS filesystem APIs.

  • Memory management components -- The ACE memory managementcomponents provide a flexible and extensible abstraction for managingdynamic allocation and deallocation of interprocess shared memory andintraprocess heap memory.

The C++ wrappers provide many of the same features as the OSadaptation layer in ACE. However, these features are structured interms of C++ classes and objects, rather than stand-alone C functions.This OO packaging helps to reduce the effort required to learn and useACE correctly.

For instance, the use of C++ improves application robustness becausethe C++ wrappers are strongly typed. Therefore, compilers can detecttype system violations at compile-time rather than at run-time. Incontrast, it is not possible to detect typesystem violations forC-level OS APIs, such as sockets or filesystem I/O, until run-time.

ACE employs a number of techniques to minimize or eliminateperformance overhead. For instance, ACE uses C++ inlining extensivelyto eliminate method call overhead that would otherwise be incurredfrom the additional typesafety and levels of abstraction provided byits OS adaptation layer and the C++ wrappers In addition, ACE avoidsthe use of virtual methods for performance-critical wrappers, such assend/recv methods for socket and file I/O.

ACE also contains a higher-level network programming framework thatintegrates and enhances the lower-level C++ wrapper facades. Thisframework supports the dynamic configuration of concurrent distributedservices into applications. The framework portion of ACE contains thefollowing components:

  • Event demultiplexing components -- The ACEReactorand Proactorare extensible, object-oriented demultiplexers that dispatchapplication-specific handlers in response to various types ofI/O-based, timer-based, signal-based, and synchronization-basedevents.

  • Service initialization components -- The ACE Acceptor andConnector components decouple the active and passiveinitialization roles, respectively, from application-specific tasksthat communication services perform once initialization is complete.

  • Service configuration components -- The ACE ServiceConfigurator supports the configuration of applications whoseservices may be assembled dynamically at installation-time and/orrun-time.

  • Hierarchically-layered stream components -- The ACE Streamscomponents simplify the development of communication softwareapplications, such as user-level protocol stacks, that are composed ofhierarchically-layered services.

  • ORB adapter components -- ACE can be integrated seamlesslywith single-threaded and multi-threaded CORBAimplementations via its ORBadapters.

The ACE framework components facilitate the development ofcommunication software that can be updated and extended without theneed to modify, recompile, relink, or often restart runningapplications. This flexibility is achieved in ACE by combining (1)C++ language features, such as templates, inheritance, and dynamicbinding, (2) design patterns, such as Abstract Factory, Strategy, andService Configurator, and (3) OS mechanisms, such as explicit dynamiclinking and multi-threading.

Distributed Services and Components
In addition to its OS adaptation layer, C++ wrapper facades, andframework components, ACE provides a standard library of distributedservices that are packaged as self-contained components. Althoughthese service components are not strictly part of the ACE frameworklibrary, these service components play two roles in ACE:

  1. Factoring out reusable distributed application buildingblocks -- These service components provide reusableimplementations of common distributed application tasks such asnaming, event routing, logging, time synchronization, and networklocking.

  2. Demonstrating common use-cases of ACE components -- Thedistributed services also demonstrate how ACE components likeReactors, Service Configurators, Acceptors and Connectors, ActiveObjects, and IPC wrappers can be used effectively to develop flexible,efficient, and reliable communication software.

Higher-level Distributed Computing Middleware Components
Developing robust, extensible, and efficient communicationapplications is challenging, even when using a communication frameworklike ACE. In particular, developers must still master a number ofcomplex OS and communication concepts such as:

  • Network addressing and service identification.
  • Presentation conversions, such as encryption, compression,and network byte-ordering conversions between heterogeneousend-systems with alternative processor byte-orderings.
  • Process and thread creation and synchronization.
  • System call and library routine interfaces to local and remoteinterprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms.
It is possible to alleviate some of the complexity of developingcommunication applications by employing higher-level distributedcomputing middleware, such as CORBA, DCOM, or Java RMI. Higher-leveldistributed computing middleware resides between clients and serversand automates many tedious and error-prone aspects of distributedapplication development, including:

  • Authentication, authorization, and data security.
  • Service location and binding.
  • Service registration and activation.
  • Demultiplexing and dispatching in response to events.
  • Implementing message framing atop bytestream-orientedcommunication protocols like TCP.
  • Presentation conversion issues involving network byte-orderingand parameter marshaling.
To provide developers of communication software with these features,the following higher-level middleware applications are bundled withthe ACE release:

  1. The ACE ORB (TAO) -- TAO is areal-time implementation of CORBA built using the framework componentsand patterns provided by ACE. TAO contains the network interface, OS,communication protocol, and CORBA middleware components and features.TAO is based on the standard OMG CORBA reference model, with theenhancements designed to overcome the shortcomings of conventionalORBs for high-performance and real-time applications. TAO, like ACE,is freely available, opensource software.

  2. JAWS -- JAWS is ahigh-performance, adaptive Web server built using the frameworkcomponents and patterns provided by ACE. JAWS is structured as aframework of frameworks. The overall JAWS framework containsthe following components and frameworks: an Event Dispatcher,Concurrency Strategy, I/O Strategy, Protocol Pipeline, ProtocolHandlers, and Cached Virtual Filesystem. Each framework is structuredas a set of collaborating objects implemented by combining andextending components in ACE. JAW is also freely available,open-source software.

ACE程序员指南 [ Team LiB ] • Table of Contents ACE Programmer's Guide, The: Practical Design Patterns for Network and Systems Programming By Stephen D. Huston, James CE Johnson, Umar Syyid Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : November 14, 2003 ISBN : 0-201-69971-0 Pages : 544 "If you're designing software and systems that must be portable, flexible, extensible, predictable, reliable, and affordable, this book and the ACE toolkit will enable you to be more effective in all of these areas. Even after spending over a decade developing ACE and using it to build networked software applications, I find that I've learned a great deal from this book, and I'm confident that you will, too." -Douglas C. Schmidt, Inventor of ACE, from the Foreword "This book is a must-have for every ACE programmer. For the beginner, it explains step-by-step how to start using ACE. For the more experienced programmer, it explains in detail the features used daily, and is a perfect reference manual. It would have saved me a lot of time if this book had been available some years ago"! -Johnny Willemsen, Senior Software Engineer, Remedy IT, The Netherlands "With a large C++ code base, we rely on ACE to enable a cross-platform client-server framework for data quality and data integration. ACE has improved our design and smoothed over OS idiosyncrasies without sacrificing performance or flexibility. The combination of online reference materials and printed "big picture" guides is indispensable for us, and The ACE Programmer's Guide earns top-shelf status in my office." -John Lilley, Chief Scientist, DataLever Corporation "In SITA air-ground division, we are one of the major suppliers of communication services to the airline industry. We started using ACE about a year ago and are now moving most of our new communication-related development to it. I can say that using this toolkit can reduce the development and testing time by at least 50% in our type of application". -Jean Millo, Senior Architect, SITA The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an open-source software toolkit created to solve network programming challenges. Written in C++, with the help of 30 core developers and 1,700 contributors, this portable middleware has evolved to encapsulate and augment a wide range of native OS capabilities essential to support performance-driven software systems. The ACE Programmer's Guide is a practical, hands-on guide to ACE for C++ programmers building networked applications and next-generation middleware. The book first introduces ACE to beginners. It then explains how you can tap design patterns, frameworks, and ACE to produce effective, easily maintained software systems with less time and effort. The book features discussions of programming aids, interprocess communication (IPC) issues, process and thread management, shared memory, the ACE Service Configurator framework, timer management classes, the ACE Naming Service, and more. [ Team LiB ]




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