

-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY
  is '二进制数据表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY.id_
  is '主键ID';
comment on column ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY.rev_
  is 'Version(版本)';
comment on column ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY.name_
  is '部署的文件名称,如:mail.bpmn、mail.png 、mail.bpmn20.xml';
comment on column ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY.deployment_id_
  is '部署表ID';
comment on column ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY.bytes_
  is '部署文件';
comment on column ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY.generated_
  is '0为用户生成 1为Activiti生成';

-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_GE_PROPERTY
  is '属性数据表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_GE_PROPERTY.name_
  is 'schema.version


comment on column ACT_GE_PROPERTY.value_
  is '5.*

comment on column ACT_GE_PROPERTY.rev_
  is 'version';
-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_ACTINST
  is '历史节点表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.act_id_
  is '节点ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.task_id_
  is '任务实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.call_proc_inst_id_
  is '调用外部的流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.act_name_
  is '节点名称';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.act_type_
  is '节点类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.assignee_
  is '签收人';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.start_time_
  is '开始时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.end_time_
  is '结束时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_ACTINST.duration_
  is '耗时';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT
  is '历史附件表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.user_id_
  is '用户ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.name_
  is '名称';
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.description_
  is '描述';
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.task_id_
  is '任务实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_ATTACHMENT.content_id_
  is '字节表的ID';

-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_COMMENT
  is '历史意见表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.time_
  is '填写时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.user_id_
  is '填写人';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.task_id_
  is '节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.action_
  is '行为类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.message_
  is '用于存放流程产生的信息,比如审批意见';
comment on column ACT_HI_COMMENT.full_msg_
  is '全部内容';
  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_DETAIL
  is '历史详情表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.task_id_
  is '任务实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.act_inst_id_
  is '节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.name_
  is '节点名称';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.var_type_
  is '参数类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.time_
  is '时间戳';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.bytearray_id_
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.double_
  is '存储变量类型为Double';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.long_
  is '存储变量类型为long';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.text_
  is '存储变量值类型为String';
comment on column ACT_HI_DETAIL.text2_
  is '此处存储的是JPA持久化对象时,才会有值。此值为对象ID';

-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK
  is '历史流程人员表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK.group_id_
  is '组ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK.user_id_
  is '用户ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK.task_id_
  is '节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_PROCINST
  is '历史流程实例表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.business_key_
  is '业务主键';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.start_time_
  is '开始时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.end_time_
  is '结束时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.duration_
  is '耗时';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.start_user_id_
  is '起草人';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.start_act_id_
  is '开始节点ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.end_act_id_
  is '结束节点ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.super_process_instance_id_
  is '父流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_PROCINST.delete_reason_
  is '删除原因';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_TASKINST
  is '历史任务实例表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.task_def_key_
  is '节点定义ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.parent_task_id_
  is '节点名称';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.name_
  is '父节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.description_
  is '描述';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.owner_
  is '实际签收人 任务的拥有者';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.assignee_
  is '签收人或被委托';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.start_time_
  is '开始时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.claim_time_
  is '提醒时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.end_time_
  is '结束时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.duration_
  is '耗时';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.delete_reason_
  is '删除原因';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.priority_
  is '优先级别';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.due_date_
  is '过期时间';
comment on column ACT_HI_TASKINST.form_key_
  is '节点定义的


-- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_HI_VARINST
  is '历史变量表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.task_id_
  is '任务实例ID';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.name_
  is '节点名称';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.var_type_
  is '参数类型';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.bytearray_id_
  is '字节表ID ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY表的主键';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.double_
  is '存储DoubleType类型的数据';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.long_
  is '存储LongType类型的数据';
comment on column ACT_HI_VARINST.text2_
  is '此处存储的是JPA持久化对象时,才会有值。此值为对象ID';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_ID_GROUP
  is '用户组信息表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_ID_GROUP.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_ID_GROUP.name_
  is '节点名称';
comment on column ACT_ID_GROUP.type_
  is '节点类型';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_ID_INFO
  is '用户扩展信息表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_ID_INFO.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_ID_INFO.user_id_
  is '用户ID';
comment on column ACT_ID_INFO.type_
  is '节点类型';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP
  is '用户与分组对应信息表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP.user_id_
  is '用户ID';
comment on column ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP.group_id_
  is '用户组ID';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_ID_USER
  is '用户信息表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_ID_USER.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_ID_USER.first_
  is '姓';
comment on column ACT_ID_USER.last_
  is '名';
comment on column ACT_ID_USER.email_
  is 'EMAIL_';
comment on column ACT_ID_USER.pwd_
  is '密码';
comment on column ACT_ID_USER.picture_id_
  is '图片ID';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT
  is '部署信息表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT.name_
  is '部署名称';
comment on column ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT.category_
  is '分类';
comment on column ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT.deploy_time_
  is '部署时间';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RE_MODEL
  is '流程设计模型部署表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.name_
  is '名称';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.key_
  is 'KEY_';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.category_
  is '分类';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.create_time_
  is '创建时间';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.last_update_time_
  is '最新修改时间';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.version_
  is '版本';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.meta_info_
  is '以json格式保存流程定义的信息';
comment on column ACT_RE_MODEL.deployment_id_
  is '部署ID';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RE_PROCDEF
  is '流程定义数据表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.category_
  is '分类';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.name_
  is '名称';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.key_
  is '定义的KEY';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.version_
  is '版本';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.deployment_id_
  is '部署表ID';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.resource_name_
  is 'bpmn文件名称';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.dgrm_resource_name_
  is 'png图片名称';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.description_
  is '描述';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.has_start_form_key_
  is '是否存在开始节点formKey';
comment on column ACT_RE_PROCDEF.suspension_state_
  is '是否挂起 1 激活 2挂起';

  -- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.rev_
  is '版本';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.event_type_
  is '事件类型';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.event_name_
  is '事件名称';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.activity_id_
  is '活动实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.configuration_
  is '配置';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.created_
  is '是否创建';
comment on column ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RU_EXECUTION
  is '运行时流程执行实例表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.business_key_
  is '业务主键ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.parent_id_
  is '父节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.super_exec_
  is 'SUPER_EXEC_';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.act_id_
  is '节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.is_active_
  is '是否激活';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.is_concurrent_
  is '是否并行';
comment on column ACT_RU_EXECUTION.suspension_state_
  is '是否挂起';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK
  is '运行时流程人员表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.group_id_
  is '组ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.user_id_
  is '用户ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.task_id_
  is '节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RU_JOB
  is '运行时定时任务数据表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.rev_
  is '版本';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.lock_exp_time_
  is '锁定释放时间';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.lock_owner_
  is '挂起者';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.process_instance_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.exception_stack_id_
  is '异常信息ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.exception_msg_
  is '异常信息';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.duedate_
  is '到期时间';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.repeat_
  is '重复';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.handler_type_
  is '处理类型';
comment on column ACT_RU_JOB.handler_cfg_
  is '标识';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RU_TASK
  is '运行时任务节点表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.proc_def_id_
  is '流程定义ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.name_
  is '节点定义名称';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.parent_task_id_
  is '父节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.description_
  is '节点定义描述';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.task_def_key_
  is '节点定义的KEY';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.owner_
  is '拥有者(一般情况下为空,只有在委托时才有值)';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.assignee_
  is '签收人或委托人';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.delegation_
  is '委托类型';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.priority_
  is '优先级别';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.create_time_
  is '创建时间';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.due_date_
  is '过期时间';
comment on column ACT_RU_TASK.suspension_state_
  is '是否挂起 1代表激活 2代表挂起';

  -- Add comments to the table 
comment on table ACT_RU_VARIABLE
  is '运行时流程变量数据表';
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.rev_
  is '乐观锁';
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.type_
  is '类型';
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.name_
  is '名称';
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.execution_id_
  is '执行实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.proc_inst_id_
  is '流程实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.task_id_
  is '节点实例ID';
comment on column ACT_RU_VARIABLE.bytearray_id_
  is '字节表ID';


评论 2




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