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Let's rock on code.

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原创 搬家了

搬家了, 去CSDN: http://blog.csdn.net/alexgreenbar

2013-01-09 13:06:53 150

原创 Investing in myself: Realizing my value as a programmer

Copy from: http://www.brianmcquay.com/investing-in-myself-realizing-my-value-as-a-programmer/437 Being a programmer, you have an invaluable skill that you need to learn to harness. Investors rea...

2012-01-11 11:13:10 156

原创 The best article on closure of Javascript


2011-02-18 13:42:51 126


Function is an important concept in javascript, and its invocation pattern is so hard to understand, fortunately, Douglas Crockford has greate explanation in his book "Javascript: the good part...

2011-01-28 17:19:43 126

VM arguments to start runtime workbench

-Xms40m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

2010-09-01 10:26:10 141


本来Mac上写Objective-C程序有非常好的XCode集成开发环境可以用,但不幸的是XCode 3.2后不支持Foundation类型的项目类型了,没办法,只好尝试在命令行手工进行。 hello.m 如下: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {...

2010-08-12 10:42:03 795

Mac 上软件的安装,卸载和运行

1. 如果软件包提供了Installer, 简单了,只需要按照Installer提供的步骤,一步步照做既可,比如XCode的安装就是这样.2. 通常Mac下的软件都会是一个*.dmg文件,这种文件类似iso文件,你可以把它当作一个镜像文件,在Finder下双击该文件,dmg文件就会自动mount, 这时你可以在桌面上发现一个新mount的设备,类似你mount的光盘,打开该设备,你会发现App...

2010-08-05 14:03:08 229

Macbookpro 初印象

1. 七年前, 我的老板用Mac, 羡慕,不敢尝试,太贵,而且不熟悉它的OS,安慰自己,只有老外用。2. 七年前,被老板逼迫用RedHat Linux做为开发环境,骗我说,国外的工程师都用Linux,你不会,没办法交流,于是乎,硬着头皮开始Linux之旅。3. 五年后,公司关闭Beijing的研发中心,跳槽到IBM,于是离开了Linux,离开了才真正开始想,怀念过去瑞士军刀在手的感...

2010-07-16 11:50:23 127


1. 与Rachel好的时候:soldier down...2. 最后一季和Phoeb帮Monica打包: can't work...

2010-07-16 11:47:13 255

原创 当你疲倦时,当你想放弃时,看看这个吧!


2010-07-13 00:04:05 137

A great technology is worth investigating

After one year hard work, RTC 2.0 and JF 1.0 have been released last month, it's worth investigating in any point of views: http:/jazz.netI have attached a simple introduction on them created by m...

2009-07-14 10:54:01 167

I'm back

It has been a long time that not update my blog because the organization changes of IONA Technologies which I served for in the last 5 years.IONA has closed its APAC R&D Center on Jan. 31th 2008. ...

2008-04-17 16:14:36 219

Books : I want to read


2008-02-29 18:05:37 161

buzzword of computer today


2007-12-21 18:18:40 132

Why Maven: Convention over Configuration

Convention is at the heart of Maven. Convention over configuration is a popular aphorism these days, and Maven fully embraces this concept. Convention over configuration is at the central philosophy o...

2007-12-21 17:54:11 119

The way of Buckminster (1)

http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/index.phpBuckminster is a pretty new project of Eclipse, its target is make software assembly and deployment very easily than before. It's not another build syst...

2007-12-13 17:39:00 93

create java Thread dump

生成Thread Dump在不同的操作系统中做起来也不同。在Windows中,是在JVM运行的控制台窗口中按下Ctrl-Break。对基于Linux和Unix的系统,则用kill命令将SIGQUIT发送到JVM。这可以通过命令kill – 3 完成,这里的pid是JVM的进程ID...

2007-12-12 13:17:51 168

TDD quick reference guide

A useful guide for TDD.

2007-12-11 11:16:05 101

FW: How to Shave Ten Hours Off Your Work Week

[url]http://www.michaelhyatt.com/fromwhereisit/2007/11/how-to-shave-te.html[/url]Almost everyone I know is working more time than they would like. That’s why a book like The 4-Hour Work Week by Ti...

2007-12-04 15:05:17 150

学习 "老友记" 所得

chick : 小妞potato potato : 发音 pertayto pertato : 挑三捡四hot girl : 辣妹

2007-11-28 14:21:32 306

DB2 JDBC driver's bug?, Connection is closed

I use code(DB2 JDBC 4 type driver):[code]Connection conn = ...;Statement stat = conn.prepareCall(query);state.execute();...resultSet.getMetaData();[/code]and I get exception like:[...

2007-11-28 14:05:00 386

Did you meet this?


2007-11-28 13:16:39 111

Enable https for Subversion client

Subversion support protocol like:- For anonymous: http, svn- For committer: https, svn+sshBut as default, if you compile subversion client from source code, it only enable http, svn and svn+ss...

2007-11-26 16:58:00 112

Lesson: use *.tar.gz but *.zip under Unix

Today I want to reinstall my subversion client in my Linux box to enable SSL support, so I go to www.tigris.org and download subversion again, but unfortunately I download a zip file, then I fall into...

2007-11-23 18:01:00 112

a simple program reveal thread synchronization

Here's a simple program but reveal thread synchronization mechanism:- only one thread can enter critical region at a fix time- two thread enter critical region one by one, and loop- the time won...

2007-11-20 13:12:25 116

A good article on Eclipse Job


2007-11-20 10:02:19 89

XP or not : no utter software development methodology

I've practiced XP for about four years, and I believe it's a excellent methodology for developing robust software, but recently I doubt what I got from XP, it become even worse when I read "Code Compl...

2007-11-13 11:04:00 110

Four years in IONA

On Saturday this week, I will have joined IONA for [b][color=red]four years[/color][/b].Even somebody will think it's a long time to stay in one software company, but it's so short compare with my...

2007-10-24 10:29:34 143

Model is king: EMF will play a main role in Eclipse

If you have several years development experience in Eclipse plugin, then you will know that a good model is the key for a successful UI, even UI stuff is important, but the king is model behind it....

2007-10-22 14:01:00 120

We lost Beijing team kudos

Our Ireland GUI team has taken over Beijing's task, it's the first time since I joined, I felt so embarass!In a word, we lost Beijing team kudos.It's not to say that we can't do it well, but w...

2007-10-17 13:01:10 104

See out "Friends", so long...

Finally, I've seen out "Friends" now, it's a long TV play, but if you want to improve your English, see it, it's worth you to see, also, I must agree it's the best resource to practise English I've se...

2007-10-17 12:52:36 95

An excellent article on UDDI tModel

IMO, that's the only article which explain tModel in a simple but clear way. All of UDDI spces are bag of bull S.H.I.T.[url]http://www.codeproject.com/soap/understandingTModels.asp[/url]

2007-09-19 10:10:23 114

How to design your own extension-point for Eclipse

Eclipse allow you to extend its functionalities by implementing its extension-point. We often write a Eclipse plugin which implement some of Eclipse's existing extension-points, e.g. if we want to con...

2007-09-13 11:34:00 140

Is this a good/right way to use generic interface?

I have a generic interface like:[code]public interface Ia { public void add(E element); public E get();}[/code]I can implement it like:1.[code]public class A implements I...

2007-09-06 17:38:00 131

A simple sample show generic interface usage

generic class is common so far, but generic interface is a little bit confused, the program below make concept clearly:[code]public interface Ia { public void add(E element); public E ...

2007-09-06 17:12:53 147

So bad on book translation recently

I saw [url=http://www.china-pub.com/computers/common/info.asp?id=32561]Refactoring to Patterns[/url] in Haidian book store last Sunday, it's awful that its name has been translated as "重构与模式", :shock...

2007-09-03 16:36:00 84

Unit test help me find bug in class today

As always, GUI has few unit tests because limited time frame, but [color=red]unit test give me a good lesson[/color] today:- I define a new extension point in Eclipse, write a couple of classes wh...

2007-09-03 16:25:51 109

A good introduction for RPC and Create it quickly


2007-08-31 10:08:02 88

Slap the block

[img]http://www.pkblogs.com/images/pkblogs.gif[/img][url]http://www.pkblogs.com [/url]

2007-08-28 11:59:00 121

Maven: good or not


2007-08-27 11:41:11 103

Pro Java Clustering and Scalability

Java Clustering and Scalability, 学习如何基于Java构建集群和动态可扩展的系统。



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