Form.DialogResult属性 (表示当窗体用作对话框时该窗体的结果。)
窗体的对话框结果是当窗体显示为模式对话框时,从该窗体返回的值。如果该窗体显示为对话框,用来自 DialogResult 枚举的值设置此属性可以为该窗体设置对话框结果的值、隐藏该模式对话框并将控件返回到调用窗体。此属性通常由窗体上 Button 控件的 DialogResult 属性设置。当用户单击 Button 控件时,分配给 Button 的 DialogResult 属性的值将分配给该窗体的 DialogResult 属性。
当窗体显示为模式对话框时,单击“关闭”按钮(窗体右上角带 X 的按钮)将使窗体隐藏,并使 DialogResult 属性设置为 DialogResult.Cancel。当用户单击对话框的“关闭”按钮或设置 DialogResult 属性的该值时,不自动调用 Close 方法。而是隐藏该窗体并可重新显示该窗体,而不用创建该对话框的新实例。因为此行为,所以当应用程序不再需要该窗体时,必须调用该窗体的 Dispose 方法。
注意 通过在窗体的 Closing 事件的事件处理程序中设置 DialogResult 属性,可以重写用户单击“关闭”按钮时分配给 DialogResult 属性的值。
注意 如果 Form 显示为无模式窗口,则 DialogResult 属性返回的值可能不返回分配给该窗体的值,因为关闭该窗体时将自动释放该窗体的资源。
1public void CreateMyForm()
2 ...{
3 // Create a new instance of the form.
4 Form form1 = new Form();
5 // Create two buttons to use as the accept and cancel buttons.
6 Button button1 = new Button ();
7 Button button2 = new Button ();
9 // Set the text of button1 to "OK".
10 button1.Text = "OK";
11 // Set the position of the button on the form.
12 button1.Location = new Point (10, 10);
13 // Set the text of button2 to "Cancel".
14 button2.Text = "Cancel";
15 // Set the position of the button based on the location of button1.
16 button2.Location
17 = new Point (button1.Left, button1.Height + button1.Top + 10);
18 // Make button1's dialog result OK.
19 button1.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
20 // Make button2's dialog result Cancel.
21 button2.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
22 // Set the caption bar text of the form.
23 form1.Text = "My Dialog Box";
25 // Define the border style of the form to a dialog box.
26 form1.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
27 // Set the accept button of the form to button1.
28 form1.AcceptButton = button1;
29 // Set the cancel button of the form to button2.
30 form1.CancelButton = button2;
31 // Set the start position of the form to the center of the screen.
32 form1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
34 // Add button1 to the form.
35 form1.Controls.Add(button1);
36 // Add button2 to the form.
37 form1.Controls.Add(button2);
39 // Display the form as a modal dialog box.
40 form1.ShowDialog();
42 // Determine if the OK button was clicked on the dialog box.
43 if (form1.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
44 ...{
45 // Display a message box indicating that the OK button was clicked.
46 MessageBox.Show("The OK button on the form was clicked.");
47 // Optional: Call the Dispose method when you are finished with the dialog box.
48 form1.Dispose();
49 }
50 else
51 ...{
52 // Display a message box indicating that the Cancel button was clicked.
53 MessageBox.Show("The Cancel button on the form was clicked.");
54 // Optional: Call the Dispose method when you are finished with the dialog box.
55 form1.Dispose();
56 }
57 }1[Visual Basic]
2Public Sub CreateMyForm()Sub CreateMyForm()
3 ' Create a new instance of the form.
4 Dim form1 As New Form()
5 ' Create two buttons to use as the accept and cancel buttons.
6 Dim button1 As New Button()
7 Dim button2 As New Button()
9 ' Set the text of button1 to "OK".
10 button1.Text = "OK"
11 ' Set the position of the button on the form.
12 button1.Location = New Point(10, 10)
13 ' Set the text of button2 to "Cancel".
14 button2.Text = "Cancel"
15 ' Set the position of the button based on the location of button1.
16 button2.Location = New Point(button1.Left, button1.Height + button1.Top + 10)
17 ' Make button1's dialog result OK.
18 button1.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
19 ' Make button2's dialog result Cancel.
20 button2.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
21 ' Set the caption bar text of the form.
22 form1.Text = "My Dialog Box"
24 ' Define the border style of the form to a dialog box.
25 form1.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
26 ' Set the accept button of the form to button1.
27 form1.AcceptButton = button1
28 ' Set the cancel button of the form to button2.
29 form1.CancelButton = button2
30 ' Set the start position of the form to the center of the screen.
31 form1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
33 ' Add button1 to the form.
34 form1.Controls.Add(button1)
35 ' Add button2 to the form.
36 form1.Controls.Add(button2)
38 ' Display the form as a modal dialog box.
39 form1.ShowDialog()
41 ' Determine if the OK button was clicked on the dialog box.
42 If form1.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK Then
43 ' Display a message box indicating that the OK button was clicked.
44 MessageBox.Show("The OK button on the form was clicked.")
45 ' Optional: Call the Dispose method when you are finished with the dialog box.
46 form1.Dispose
47 ' Display a message box indicating that the Cancel button was clicked.
48 Else
49 MessageBox.Show("The Cancel button on the form was clicked.")
50 ' Optional: Call the Dispose method when you are finished with the dialog box.
51 form1.Dispose
52 End If
53End Sub 'CreateMyForm
Activation 属性允许您指定用户激活 ListView 控件中的项的方式。激活 ListView 中的项与只选择项是不同的。当激活某个项时,通常会在 ItemActivate 事件的事件处理程序中执行一个操作。例如,当激活某个项时,您可能会打开一个文件或显示一个允许用户对项进行编辑的对话框。通常,项的激活是通过用户对它进行双击来实现的。如果 Activation 属性设置为 ItemActivation.OneClick,那么单击该项一次即可将其激活。将 Activation 属性设置为 ItemActivation.TwoClick 与标准的双击不同,这是因为两次单击之间的时间间隔可以是任意的。
注意 如果将 Activation 属性设置为 ItemActivation.OneClick 或 ItemActivation.TwoClick,则不管 LabelEdit 属性的值是什么,都不允许进行标签编辑。