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原创 Tech Interview Discuss

1. largest contiguous sub-arrayGiven an N-by-N array of black (1) and white (0) pixels, find the largest contiguous sub-array that consists of entirely black pixels. In the example below there is

2007-08-23 15:16:00 870 1

原创 Database System Concepts (4) -- Indexing and Hashing

 Indexing and Hashing    basic concepts       two basic kind of indices: ordered indices and hash indices       evaluating factors:          Access types          Access time          Insertio

2007-08-19 14:49:00 731

原创 Database System Concepts (1) -- Data Storage and Querying

Strorage and File Structure     File Organization       Fixed-Length Records          Difficult to delete a record from this structure          Some records will cross block boundaries       Var

2007-08-19 14:20:00 553

原创 Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns (5)

Graph and Graph Algorithms       Basic Concepts      Directed Graph (Digraph) and Undirected Graph              Vertices (nodes)              Edges (arcs)              Directed Arc, head, ta

2007-08-18 17:38:00 793

原创 Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns (4)

  Sort Algorithms        Insertion Sort              Straight Insertion Sort   best: O (n)      average: O (n^2)    worse: O (n^2)                     It is efficient for the almost sorted array

2007-08-17 15:16:00 616

原创 Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns (3)

 Algorithm Patterns       Brute-Force Algorithms              A Brute-Force Algorithm processes problem in the most simple, direct and obvious way. It can end up doing far more works to solve

2007-08-17 14:05:00 544

原创 Database System Concepts (2) -- SQL

 SQL stand for Structrue Query Language including:    Data-definition language (DDL): commands for defining relation schemas, deleting relations, and modifying relation schemas    Interactive data -ma

2007-08-16 22:05:00 565

原创 Database System Concepts (1) -- Data Models

Data Models    Entity-Relationship Model       Entity        Attribute          Simple Attribute          Composite Attribute          Single valued and Multivalued Attribute          Derived

2007-08-16 20:44:00 752

原创 Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns (2 -- under construction)

 Heap and Priority Queue       Priority Tree are often used to the implementation of algorithms. It can improve the performance of these algorithms including Backtracking, Sorting and Graph algori

2007-08-16 16:05:00 428

原创 Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns (1)

Array       Sort it using Quick Sort or Heap SortLinked List       Sort it using Merge SortDoubly Linked ListCircular ListOrdered ListSorted List Stack        FIFO, Push, PopAppl

2007-08-16 16:03:00 617

原创 面试j2ee问题 (zz)

zz from www.ad0.cn一、基础问答  1.下面哪些类可以被继承?   java.lang.Thread (T)   java.lang.Number (T)   java.lang.Double (F)   java.lang.Math  (F)   java.lang.Void  (F)         java.lang.Class  (F)   java.lang.Clas

2007-08-16 13:55:00 328

转载 面试java问题 2 (zz)

 zz from www.ad0.cnJava面试基础知识:1.C++或Java中的异常处理机制的简单原理和应用。当JAVA程序违反了JAVA的语义规则时,JAVA虚拟机就会将发生的错误表示为一个异常。违反语义规则包括2种情况。一种是JAVA类库内置的语义检查。例如数组下标越界,会引发IndexOutOfBoundsException;访问null的对象时会引发NullPointerExcep

2007-08-16 13:53:00 774

转载 面试java问题 1 (zz)

zz from www.ad0.cnJava基础方面: 1、作用域public,private,protected,以及不写时的区别 答:区别如下: 作用域 当前类 同一package 子孙类 其他package public √ √ √ √ protected √ √ √ × friendly √ √ × × private √ × × × 不写时默认为friendly2、ArrayList

2007-08-16 13:51:00 832

原创 面试算法问题(1)

1.链表和数组的区别在哪里? The elements in an array are stored in a continual space in memory. Its easy to get the value of any element on a specified position of an array. But the complexity of insertion and de

2007-08-15 23:42:00 578 1



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