python snmp_cmds库snmpwalk 中文正常显示方法

修改python snmp_cmds库commands.py文件中调用snmpwalk命令中的参数选项,是命令输出带数据类型

'snmpwalk', '-OQfn', '-Pe', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v', '2c',

'snmpwalk', '-Pe', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v', '2c',

This module provides the individual SNMP commands for use in one-off 
situations, or situations where you would need to make a single SNMP request 
to many devices. If you plan on making multiple calls to the same device, you 
might want to check out instead.

# Standard Library imports
import csv
from subprocess import run, PIPE

# imports for type-hinting purposes
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict
from typing import Union as OneOf

# Internal module imports
from .exceptions import SNMPTableError, SNMPWriteError
from .helpers import validate_ip_address, check_for_timeout, \

def snmpget(ipaddress: str, oid: str, community: str = 'public',
            port: OneOf[int, str] = 161, timeout: OneOf[int, str] = 3
            ) -> Optional[str]:
    Wrapper around Net-SNMP's ``snmpget`` command
    Runs the equivalent of 
    '``snmpget -Oqv -Pe -t {timeout} -r 0 -v 2c -c {community} {host} {oid}``' 
    and parses the result. if the response from the server is a 
    ``No Such Object`` or a ``No Such Instance`` error, this function returns 
    :obj:`None`. Otherwise, it returns the value retrieved from the server
    :param community: the snmpv2 community string
    :param ipaddress: the IP address of the target SNMP server
    :param oid: the Object IDentifier to request from the target SNMP server
    :param port: the port on which SNMP is running on the target server
    :param timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from the 
        SNMP server  
    :return: the value stored at that OID on the target SNMP server if 
        successful, :obj:`None` otherwise
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPTimeout`: if the target SNMP server 
        fails to respond
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPInvalidAddress`: if the hostname or
        IP address supplied is not valid or cannot be resolved
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPError`: if the underlying 
        Net-SNMP command produces an unknown or unhandled error
    ipaddress = validate_ip_address(ipaddress)
    host = '{}:{}'.format(ipaddress, port)

    cmdargs = [
        'snmpget', '-Oqv', '-Pe', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v', '2c',
        '-c', community, host, oid]

    cmd = run(cmdargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    # Handle any errors that came up
    if cmd.returncode is not 0:
        check_for_timeout(cmd.stderr, host)

        # if previous check didn't generate an Error, this handler will be
        # called as a sort of catch-all
        handle_unknown_error(' '.join(cmdargs), cmd.stderr)
    # Process results
        # subprocess returns stdout from completed command as a single bytes
        # string. We'll convert it into a regular python string for easier
        # handling
        cmdoutput = cmd.stdout.decode('utf-8')
        # Check for no such instance
        if 'No Such Instance' in cmdoutput:
            return None
            return cmdoutput

def snmpgetsome(ipaddress: str, oids: List[str], community: str = 'public',
                port: OneOf[str, int] = 161, timeout: OneOf[int, str] = 3
                ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
    Warpper around Net-SNMP's 
    Runs Net-SNMP's 'snmpget' command on a list of OIDs, and returns a list 
    of tuples of the form (oid, result).
    :param community: the snmpv2 community string
    :param ipaddress: the IP address of the target SNMP server
    :param oids: a list of Object IDentifiers to request from the target 
        SNMP server
    :param port: the port on which SNMP is running on the target server
    :param timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from the 
        SNMP server 
    :return: a list of tuples of the form (oid, result)
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPTimeout`: if the target SNMP 
        fails to respond
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPInvalidAddress`: if the hostname or
        IP address supplied is not valid or cannot be resolved
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPError`: if the underlying 
        Net-SNMP command produces an unknown or unhandled error
    ipaddress = validate_ip_address(ipaddress)
    host = '{}:{}'.format(ipaddress, port)

    if type(oids) is not list:
        oids = [oids]

    cmdargs = [
        'snmpget', '-OQfn', '-Pe', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v', '2c',
        '-c', community, host, *oids

    cmd = run(cmdargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    # Handle any errors that came up
    if cmd.returncode is not 0:
        check_for_timeout(cmd.stderr, host)

        # if previous check didn't generate an Error, this handler will be
        # called as a sort of catch-all
        handle_unknown_error(' '.join(cmdargs), cmd.stderr)
    # Process results
        cmdoutput = cmd.stdout.splitlines()
        result = []
        for line in cmdoutput:
            # subprocess returns stdout from completed command as a bytes
            # string. We'll convert each line into a regular python string,
            # and separate the OID portion from the result portion
            item = line.decode('utf-8').split(' = ', 1)

            # there is an unfortunate bug / oversight in the net-snmp
            # commands where newline characters within SNMP variables
            # returned from a server are not escaped before printing. if you
            # do an snmpget for 3 oids you'll get 3 lines of output printed (
            # which is what we want), but if one of those 3 variables
            # contains, say, 2 new-line chars in it, you'll get 5 lines of
            # output :(
            # our quick-n-dirty solution is to check each line to see if it
            # "looks" like an oid-value pair (meaning it has a " = " in it). if
            # it doesn't, we'll assume that this line is part of the last pair's
            # value and tack it on accordingly. When we run the .split()
            # function above, if the string did not have a " = " to split on,
            #  the function returns a list with one item: the original string
            if len(item) > 1:  # This is a normal oid-value pair
                # Check for no such instance
                if 'No Such Instance' in item[1]:
                    item[1] = None
                # add it to the results
            else:  # This line is a continuation of the last oid-value pair
                # make a copy of the last oid-value pair for us to edit
                prev_item = list(result[-1])
                # append the new line to it
                prev_item[1] += '\n' + item[0]
                # replace the original with the edited copy
                result[-1] = tuple(prev_item)

        return result

def snmpwalk(ipaddress: str, oid: str, community: str = 'public',
             port: OneOf[str, int] = 161, timeout: int = 3
             ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
    Runs Net-SNMP's 'snmpget' command on a list of OIDs, and returns a list 
    of tuples of the form (oid, result).
    :param community: the snmpv2 community string
    :param ipaddress: the IP address of the target SNMP server
    :param oid: the Object IDentifier to request from the target SNMP server
    :param port: the port on which SNMP is running on the target server
    :param timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from the 
        SNMP server 
    :return: a list of tuples of the form (oid, result)
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPTimeout`: if the target SNMP server 
        fails to respond
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPInvalidAddress`: if the hostname or
        IP address supplied is not valid or cannot be resolved
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPError`: if the underlying 
        Net-SNMP command produces an unknown or unhandled error
    ipaddress = validate_ip_address(ipaddress)
    host = '{}:{}'.format(ipaddress, port)

    cmdargs = [
        'snmpwalk', '-Pe', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v', '2c',
        '-c', community, host, oid

    cmd = run(cmdargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    # Handle any errors that came up
    if cmd.returncode is not 0:
        check_for_timeout(cmd.stderr, host)

        # if previous check didn't generate an Error, this handler will be
        # called as a sort of catch-all
        handle_unknown_error(' '.join(cmdargs), cmd.stderr)
    # Process results
        cmdoutput = cmd.stdout.splitlines()
        result = []
        for line in cmdoutput:
            # subprocess returns stdout from completed command as a bytes
            # string. We'll convert each line into a regular python string,
            # and separate the OID portion from the result portion
            item = line.decode('utf-8').split(' = ', 1)

            # there is an unfortunate bug / oversight in the net-snmp
            # commands where newline characters within SNMP variables
            # returned from a server are not escaped before printing. if you
            # do an snmpget for 3 oids you'll get 3 lines of output printed (
            # which is what we want), but if one of those 3 variables
            # contains, say, 2 new-line chars in it, you'll get 5 lines of
            # output :(
            # our quick-n-dirty solution is to check each line to see if it
            # "looks" like an oid-value pair (meaning it has a " = " in it). if
            # it doesn't, we'll assume that this line is part of the last pair's
            # value and tack it on accordingly. When we run the .split()
            # function above, if the string did not have a " = " to split on,
            #  the function returns a list with one item: the original string
            if len(item) > 1:  # This is a normal oid-value pair
                # Check for no such instance
                if 'No Such Instance' in item[1]:
                    item[1] = None
                # add it to the results
            else:  # This line is a continuation of the last oid-value pair
                # make a copy of the last oid-value pair for us to edit
                prev_item = list(result[-1])
                # append the new line to it
                prev_item[1] += '\n' + item[0]
                # replace the original with the edited copy
                result[-1] = tuple(prev_item)

        return result

def snmptable(ipaddress: str, oid: str, community: str = 'public',
              port: OneOf[str, int] = 161, timeout: int = 3,
              sortkey: Optional[str] = None
              ) -> OneOf[List[Dict[str, str]], Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
    Runs Net-SNMP's 'snmptable' command on a given OID, converts the results
    into a list of dictionaries, and optionally sorts the list by a given key.
    :param community: the snmpv2 community string
    :param ipaddress: the IP address of the target SNMP server
    :param oid: the Object IDentifier to request from the target SNMP server
    :param port: the port on which SNMP is running on the target server
    :param sortkey: the key within each dict upon which to sort the list of 
    :param timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from the 
        SNMP server
    :return: a list of dicts, one for each row of the table. The keys of the 
        dicts correspond to the column names of the table.
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPTimeout`: if the target SNMP server 
        fails to respond
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPInvalidAddress`: if the hostname or
        IP address supplied is not valid or cannot be resolved
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPError`: if the underlying 
        Net-SNMP command produces an unknown or unhandled error
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPTableError`: if the requested OID 
        is not a valid table

    # We want our delimiter to be something that would never show up in the
    # wild, so we'll use the non-printable ascii character RS (Record Separator)
    delimiter = '\x1E'

    ipaddress = validate_ip_address(ipaddress)
    host = '{}:{}'.format(ipaddress, port)

    cmdargs = [
        'snmptable', '-m', 'ALL', '-Pe', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v',
        '2c', '-Cif', delimiter, '-c', community, host, oid

    cmd = run(cmdargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    # Handle any errors that came up
    if cmd.returncode is not 0:
        check_for_timeout(cmd.stderr, host)

        if b'Was that a table?' in cmd.stderr:
            raise SNMPTableError(oid)
            handle_unknown_error(' '.join(cmdargs), cmd.stderr)
    # Process results
        # subprocess returns stdout from completed command as a single bytes
        # string. we'll split it into a list of bytes strings, and convert
        # each into a standard python string which the csv reader can handle
        cmdoutput = cmd.stdout.splitlines()
        cmdoutput = [item.decode('utf-8') for item in cmdoutput]

        # Strip the table name and the blank line following it from the output,
        # so all that remains is the table itself
        cmdoutput = cmdoutput[2:]
        table_parser = csv.DictReader(cmdoutput, delimiter=delimiter)
        results = [element for element in table_parser]
        if sortkey:
            results.sort(key=lambda i: i[sortkey])
        return results

def snmpset(ipaddress: str, oid: str, value_type: str, value: str,
            community: str = 'private', port: OneOf[int, str] = 161,
            timeout: OneOf[int, str] = 3
            ) -> str:
    Runs Net-SNMP's 'snmpset' command on a given OID, and returns the result 
    if successful.
    :param community: the snmpv2 community string
    :param ipaddress: the IP address of the target SNMP server
    :param oid: the Object IDentifier to request from the target SNMP server
    :param value_type: the SNMP value type to set. can be one of 
    :param value: the value to set
    :param port: the port on which SNMP is running on the target server
    :param timeout: the number of seconds to wait for a response from the 
        SNMP server  
    :return: the value that was set on the SNMP target
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPTimeout`: if the target SNMP server 
        fails to respond
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPInvalidAddress`: if the hostname or
        IP address supplied is not valid or cannot be resolved
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPError`: if the underlying 
        Net-SNMP command produces an unknown or unhandled error
    :raises `~snmp_cmds.exceptions.SNMPWriteError`: if the snmpset 
        operation failed for a known reason. The message associated with this 
        error should always contain information regarding the reason for the 
    ipaddress = validate_ip_address(ipaddress)
    host = '{}:{}'.format(ipaddress, port)

    # snmpset type checking
    valid_types = ['i', 'u', 't', 'a', 'o', 's', 'x', 'd', 'b']
    for type_code in valid_types:
        if value_type == type_code:
            # the type argument is one of snmpset's accepted type codes
        # type didn't match any type code accepted by snmpset
        raise SNMPWriteError(
            "The type value you specified does not match one of the accepted "
            "type codes.\nValid type codes are one of ({})"

    cmdargs = [
        'snmpset', '-OQfn', '-t', str(timeout), '-r', '0', '-v', '2c', '-c',
        community, host, oid, value_type, value]

    cmd = run(cmdargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

    # Handle any errors that came up
    if cmd.returncode is not 0:
        check_for_timeout(cmd.stderr, host)

        # Check for write errors
        for errormsg in [b'Bad variable type', b'Value out of range']:
            if errormsg in cmd.stderr:
                raise SNMPWriteError(cmd.stderr)

        # if previous check didn't generate an Error, this handler will be
        # called as a sort of catch-all
        handle_unknown_error(' '.join(cmdargs), cmd.stderr)
    # Process results
        # subprocess returns stdout from completed command as a single bytes
        # string. We'll convert it into a regular python string for easier
        # handling
        cmdoutput = cmd.stdout.decode('utf-8')
        # Check for no such instance
        if 'No Such Instance' in cmdoutput:
            raise SNMPWriteError(
                "We've received a 'No Such Instance' error from the server. "
                "This can be caused by a number of things. Most likely, your "
                "SNMP write community is incorrect, the OID you specified "
                "doesn't exist on your target device, or your target device "
                "doesn't support writing to this writeable field")
            return cmdoutput


from snmp_cmds import snmpwalk
import re

def bitstring_to_bytes(s):
    v = int(s, 2)
    b = bytearray()
    while v:
        b.append(v & 0xff)
        v >>= 8
    return bytes(b[::-1])

res = snmpwalk(

for row in res:
    split = row[1].split(':', 2);
    if split[0] == 'Hex-STRING':
        temp = split[1].replace('\n', '')
        temp = temp.replace(' ', '')
        hex = re.sub('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '', temp)
        bstr = "{0:08b}".format(int(hex, 16))






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