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转载 网页播放视频解决代码

有5种方法1.最通用的标签是: 其中文件名可以取任何一种多媒体文件格式,例如 "a.wma",就会在网页上显示一个 Windows Media Player 播放器(因为 wma 是 WMP 专用的),另如 "a.rm",就会在网页上显示一个 Real Player 播放器——当然,你的计算机上必须安装了 RealPlayer 才可以显示。 其实 embed 标签还可以显示 Flash 动画

2008-02-29 15:34:00 1316

转载 网页播放的视频代码

网页播放的视频代码 第一种是通过调用window media player进行播放诸如:wmv,asf等格式文件:   第二种是通过调用replayer进行播放诸如:rm,ram等格式文件 播放框: http://www.real.com"; width="356" height="285">   控制框:可紧跟播放框一起 第

2008-02-29 15:33:00 591

转载 ASP.NET的内置对象介绍

ASP.NET的内置对象介绍1.Response2.Request3.Server4.Application5.Session6.CookieRequest对象主要是让服务器取得客户端浏览器的一些数据,包括从HTML表单用Post或者GET方法传递的参数、Cookie和用户认证。因为Request对象是Page对象的成员之一,所以在程序中不需要做任何的声明即可直接使用;其类名为 HttpReque

2008-02-28 16:44:00 686

转载 Asp.net中Application Session Cookie ViewState Cache Hidden

Asp.net中Application Session Cookie ViewState Cache Hidden

2008-02-28 16:32:00 459

转载 URL rewrite

Tip/Trick: Url Rewriting with ASP.NET People often ask me for guidance on how they can dynamically "re-write" URLs and/or have the ability to publish cleaner URL end-points within their ASP.NE

2008-02-25 15:08:00 985

原创 ASP.NET 2.0 Treeview Checkboxes - Check All - Javascript

In the above TreeView declaration Code, you can find the property onclick="client_OnTreeNodeChecked();" event which actually is the JavaScript function which would accomplish this task.

2007-09-03 21:56:00 824

原创 如何得到当前页的地址


2007-09-03 17:21:00 845

原创 How to programmatically assign a SkinID to a control while using a master page in ASP.net 2.0

How to programmatically assign a SkinID to a control while using a master page in ASP.net 2.0 Using themes in ASP.net allows you to "skin" the look and feel of a web site, much like CSS, but with

2007-08-31 15:43:00 891

原创 The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. ).

Bummer. Ive been mucking around with some more custom databinding that integrates validation into the databinding process. One of the things the control does is automatically add notification ico

2007-08-31 11:38:00 4003

原创 AutoEventWireUp到底对页面有什么影响?


2007-08-30 14:35:00 2448 3

原创 CSS Caching Hack

If you change the HTML and the CSS of a page there is a decent chance that a user will get the new HTML but not the new CSS. This is especially true for sites with high usage and users that come back

2007-08-29 14:12:00 542

原创 menu StaticTemplate

I found my answer.  The code below allows me to click anywhere in the highlighted (yellow) area when hovering over the menu (not just on the text):                    ID="l1"        runat="server"    

2007-08-07 15:56:00 736

原创 Repeater control checkbox checked event


2007-08-06 15:49:00 653

原创 Control 'ctl00_Menu1' of type 'Menu' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

hi i am making a web site in VS 05 and when i add a menu i get this message when i rum the siteServer Error in /WNC Application. Control ctl00_Menu1 of type Menu must be placed inside a form

2007-08-01 17:04:00 3123

原创 Making Dynamic CSS content with ASP.Net

 I had the situation where there was a need to modify a css file on the fly.It is like the poor mans Theme but it is slightly different.Lets say you want the H1 background color to be configur

2007-08-01 15:17:00 869

原创 ASP.NET 2.0 Menu – MenuItemClick not posting back/firing event

 This can occur if you have set the MenuItems Text property to HTML. The behavior occurs due to the way that MenuItems end up being rendered into HTML. Each menu item has an link, so when

2007-07-30 13:45:00 883

原创 Server Error in '/' Application caused by lack of IIS Application

When attempting to load Ultimate Survey Enterprise survey software, the application crashes with the following message:Server Error in / Application.-----------------------------------------------Co

2007-07-30 13:25:00 699

原创 如何让SiteMapPath使用指定路径指定名称的sitemap文件。

SiteMapPath控件默认情况下是使用根目录下的Web.sitemap作为数据源的,但是这是可以改变的,只要修改一下设置即可。1、在web.config文件中添加:    siteMap>      providers>        add siteMapFile="~/App_Data/Job.sitemap" name="JobXmlSiteMapProvider"         

2007-07-30 11:28:00 873

原创 Client Side Expand/Collapse All Nodes For ASP.NET 2.0

The asp.net treeview provieds a lot of features/functions, one of which is the Expand/Collapse All functionality on the server side. The Treeview Control has got two function for doing just that:TreeV

2007-07-27 10:32:00 872

原创 Client Side Expand/Collapse All Nodes For ASP.NET 2.0 Treeview

The asp.net treeview provieds a lot of features/functions, one of which is the Expand/Collapse All functionality on the server side. The Treeview Control has got two function for doing just that:TreeV

2007-07-27 10:31:00 1044

原创 js实现页面跳转的几种方式

第一种:    "javascript" type="text/javascript">           window.location.href="login.jsp?backurl="+window.location.href;     第二种:    "javascript">alert("返回");window.history.back(-1);   第三种:   "javascrip

2007-06-27 13:24:00 694

原创 使用C#编写一个计时器-.NET教程,C#语言

大家好!好久没有上来了!小生在此向各方豪杰问好! 今天温习了一下c#,解决了老大一个难题,以前总是搞不懂重载运算符,也不知道它有什么用处, 今天总算把它给用上了,真有种在深山老林里用上电得感觉,呵呵!我用它做了一个计时器,下面 我就把代码帖出来供大家玩乐一下也好!先把步骤说一下: 1.用.net建立一个windows应用程序 2.在项目下添加一个类命名为“time“ 3.编写“time“类得实现代

2007-06-26 16:27:00 1506

原创 汉字符到十六进制:

private string GetHex(string Word){int i=Word.Length;string temp;string end="";byte[] array = new byte[2];int i1 ,i2;for(int j=0;jtemp=Word.Substring(j,1);array = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes

2007-06-22 16:41:00 784

原创 Using the window.open method

  The syntax of the window.open method

2007-06-20 15:47:00 724

原创 DataBind

在前面的"模板中的数据绑定"部分中我们论述过,ASP.NET包含了一种宣告式的数据绑定语法,用于在数据绑定模板中把数据源字段与控件的属性相关联。你也可以在代码中使用<%# ... >语法来进行任意值的数据绑定,例如页面和控件属性、集合、表达式,

2007-06-20 12:53:00 2806

原创 什么是DIV+CSS

我们都知道,在网页上利用HTML定位文字和图象是一件“令人心痛”的事情。我们必须使用表格标签和隐式GIF图象,即使这样也不能保证定位的精确,因为浏览器和操作平台的不同会使显示的结果发生变化。  而CSS能使你看到希望的曙光。利用今天我们即将学到的CSS属性,你可以精确地设定要素的位置,还能将定位的要素叠放在彼此之上,还有...还有......你自己慢慢看吧!  Cascading Style

2007-06-20 11:39:00 1119

原创 Why do my secure pages say 'This page contains both secure and nonsecure items'?

  The following article explains the above error message. This message occurs when customers attempt to view a webpage using https that contains information linked using http. This happens when us

2007-06-19 11:21:00 871

原创 asp.net的页面生存周期

        当一个页面请求发送到WEB服务器时,不论该事件是由页面提交还是由页面重定向而激发的,页面在其被创建到释放的过程中都会运行一系列的事件。一个ASP.NET页面从被创建到释放的过程包含10个事件。 (1)       对象初始化Init事件:

2007-06-18 15:24:00 509

原创 Tree View works through VWD but not via local host or from a remote browser. /Server Error in '/' Application.

Tree View works through VWD but not via local host or from a remote browser. Running the application through visual web develope

2007-06-14 14:52:00 937

原创 Adding dynamic nodes to ASP.NET site maps at runtime by deriving from StaticSiteMapProvider

 Adding a static sitemap to an ASP.NET website is straightforward. Creating a dynamic sitemap is harder, but there are several articles that Google finds describing how. Adding dynamic items to

2007-06-14 11:18:00 2479 1

原创 SiteMap Controls: How to add a duplicate link in the web.sitemap

 One of the requirements for the sitemap provider is that you cannot have duplicate url attribute values in the web.sitemap. While this is understandable, it can be problematic but easily overcome.L

2007-06-14 10:24:00 884


在ASP.NET中重写URL [日期:2007-03-27] 来源:http://blog.joycode.com/scottgu/archive/2007/03/01  作者:scottgu [字体:大 中 小] 经常有人请我指

2007-06-01 18:29:00 642

原创 Request.ServerVariables 函数介绍

Request.ServerVariables(Url) 返回服务器地址Request.ServerVariables(Path_Info) 客户端提供的路径信息Request.ServerVariables(Appl_Physical_Path) 与应用程序元数据库路径相应的物理路径Request.ServerVariables(Path_Translated) 通过

2007-05-31 13:06:00 610

原创 CSS overflow

使用CSS来修饰滚动条       1.overflow内容溢出时的设置           overflow-x水平方向内容溢出时的设置           overflow-y垂直方向内容溢出时的设置           以上三个属性设置的值为visible(默认值)、scroll、hidden、auto。           2.scrollbar-3d-light-color立体滚动条

2007-05-30 10:20:00 2633

原创 Is it possible to make asp.net themes available to all sites on the sever?

By default ASP.NET 2.0 Themes include all Style Sheets found within the active Theme directory into the HEAD of the document. This severely limits many CSS features and in many cases makes things more

2007-05-28 13:16:00 588

原创 fix html markup

  using System;  using System.Reflection;3    ...4    public static void InitializeTitleTag()5    {6        Type type = typeof(HtmlTextWriter);7        FieldInfo field = type.GetField("_tagNameL

2007-05-25 17:17:00 578

原创 Creating custom headers and footers in Application level events using global.asax

IntroductionThis is a very simple example that shows how to use global.asax file to create custom header and footers for all your pages.BackgroundGlobal.asax file contains a number of events tha

2007-05-24 15:37:00 693

原创 Parser Error Message: The file '/MasterPage.master' does not exist.

用vs.net 2005打开一个存在于默认网站下,但是没有建立虚拟目录的Web Site,此站点存在一个依赖于母版页的简单的.aspx页面,在预览此页面时出现错误信息:Parser Error Message: The file /MasterPage.master does not exist.网上搜索了各种解决方法,一一试过后仍然没有解决。后来又在另外一个站点中建立了相同的母版页和依赖于母

2007-05-23 17:34:00 2657

原创 HTML中meta作用

meta是用来在HTML文档中模拟HTTP协议的响应头报文。meta 标签用于网页的与中,meta 标签的用处很多。meta 的属性有两种:name和http-equiv。name属性主要用于描述网页,对应于content(网页内容),以便于搜索引擎机器人查找、分类(目前几乎所有的搜索引擎都使用网上机器人自动查

2007-05-22 15:22:00 509

原创 how to display different title in one master page

The master page title does not override the titles on individual pages as the master page is just a user control. So if you set the titles on the pages thats the one that will show, if no title on th

2007-05-22 09:49:00 465



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