The Shawshank Redemption-13

He’s proud of you.
  • I don’t run the scams(玩诡计) Red, just process the profits(处理收益), fine line maybe, but also built that library, use it to help dozen guys get their high school diploma. Why you think the warden lets me do all that?

  • Keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets.

  • Well, I work cheap. That’s tradeoff(公平交易).

  • Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two-year stretch(2年徒刑) for B and E. That’s breaking and entering to you. Cops caught him sneaking TV sets out the back door of a J.C. Penney. Young punk(小流氓). Mr. Rock ‘n’ Roll, cocky as hell.

  • Hey, come on, old boys. Move like molasses(蜂蜜)! Make me look bad.

  • We liked him immediately.

  • So I’m backing out the door, right? And I got the TV like this. It’s a big old thing. I couldn’t see shit. Suddenly, here is this voice. “Freeze, kid, hands in the air(举起手来).”

  • Well, I stand there, holdin’ on that TV. So finally the voice says: You hear what I said, boy?” I say, " Yes, sir. I sure did. But if I drop this fucking thing, you got me on destruction of property too."

  • Hey, you done some stretch in Cashman, right?

  • Yeah, and that was an easy piece of time, let me tell you. Weekend furloughs(放假). Work programs. Not like here.

  • Perhaps it’s time you try a new profession. What I mean is you don’t seem be a very good thief. Maybe you should try something else.

  • Me? Lawyer fucked me. Everybody’s innocent in here. Don’t you know that?

  • As it turned out, Tommy had himself a young wife and a new baby girl. Maybe was the thought of them on the streets, or his child growing up not knowing her daddy. Whatever it was, something lit a fire(点火,这里指燃起斗志) under that boy’s ass.

  • Thinking maybe try for my high school equivalency here. You helped a couple of fellas with that.

  • Sounds like you done time(坐过牢) all over in New England.

  • Yeah, I’ve been in and out since I was 13. You name me place(你随便说一个地方), chances are(有可能) I’ve been there.

  • I don’t waste time with losers, Tommy.

  • I ain’t no goddamn loser.

  • You mean that?(你是认真的吗?)

  • Good. Because if we do this, we do it all the way(一直坚持), a hundred percent, nothing half-assed.(半途而废)

  • So Andy took Tommy under his wing(在他的庇佑下). Started walking him through(walk through详细传授某人) his ABC’s. Tommy took to(开始) it pretty well too. Boy found brains he never knew he had. Before long(不久之后), Andy started him on his course requirements.

  • He really liked the kid. Gave him a thrill(兴奋) to help a youngster crawl off the shitty(走出沼泽). But that wasn’t the only reason. Prison time is slow time. So you do what you can to keep going.

  • Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a library. Now he needed a new project. Tommy was it. It was the same reason he spent year shaping and polishing those rocks. The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall.

  • In prison, a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. By 1966, right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams, it was lovely Raquel.

  • It’s probably not as bad as you think.

  • Yeah, it’s worse. I didn’t get a fucking thing right. It might as well be in Chinese.

  • Let’s see how the score comes out.(结果)

  • Feel bad. I let him down.

  • Oh, that’s crap(胡话), kid. He’s proud of you. We’ve been friends a long time. So I know him as good as anybody.

  • Smart as they come. He used to be a banker on the outside.

  • What’s he in here for anyway?

  • You wouldn’t think it to look at the guy. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased them both.

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