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转载 Tuning SharePoint Workflow Engine

Please read though the following articles then come back here:http://www.synergyonline.com/Blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=224http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd441390(v=office.12).asp...

2019-01-16 09:38:00 202

转载 Open With Explorer

1.SP2010  转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/PeterHome/p/8360529.html

2018-01-26 17:14:00 278

转载 Download language packs for SharePoint 2013

I've been working with a customer recently to help them deploy a multi-lingual SharePoint 2013 environment. This can be a little time consuming, so I helped automate this process with PowerShell:...

2018-01-26 17:11:00 201

转载 Change Maximum Size For SharePoint List Template when Saving

  By default, Microsoft has restricted the download size of the list template as 10MB (10485760 bytes). If you are trying to save site/list template which are having more than 10MB size, you will...

2018-01-17 15:08:00 111

转载 Get Field Value Via JSOM

Field – How to Get\set itTitle – SP.ListItem.get_item(‘Title‘);ID – SP.ListItem.get_id();Url -SP.ListItem.get_item(‘urlfieldname‘).get_url()Description – SP.ListItem.get_item(‘descriptio...

2017-12-05 13:57:00 106

转载 Six ways to store settings in SharePoint

When developing applications or custom solutions for SharePoint you will on several occasions have to store settings for you application of some kind. When developing database driven or other cus...

2017-10-26 10:15:00 135

转载 SQL Database Transaction Log is too big.

SQL Server数据库可以工作在三种不同的Recovery mode下。不同的Recovery mode决定了可能的数据丢失程度。SQL Server使用transaction-log来记录用户对数据的所有操作(包括DML和DDL,另外log中还有一些数据库自动发生的事件,但不包含查询语句)。因此当发生事务回滚等情况时,SQL Server通过transaction-log中记录的数...

2017-08-31 13:28:00 312

转载 All Authenticated Users in SP10

To get claim for All Authenticated Users in PS you need to use:$claim = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -EncodedClaim "c:0(.s|true"for windows users (NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users):$claim = New-SP...

2017-07-12 15:33:00 103

转载 一次co-work

SharePoint Designer发布工作流:在此期间,SharePoint Designer会调用对应站点的Web Service将工作流定义以及配置上传到SharePoint站点的workflows隐藏列表中。然后,SharePoint Designer会继续调用Web Service将此工作流定义关联到相应的列表。如果此操作出现问题,可供分析的工具及日志如下:...

2017-06-21 19:03:00 104

转载 Newsfeed, SkyDrive and Sites-SharePoint 2013

1.Set user permission for use social function.  Enable users or groups to use personal and social featuresUse this procedure to configure the user permissions for personal and social f...

2017-06-19 15:24:00 94

转载 Complete basic operations using SharePoint client library code

Learn how to write code to perform basic operations with the SharePoint .NET Framework client object model (CSOM).NoteThe name "apps for SharePoint" is changing to "SharePoint Add-ins". During...

2017-06-14 17:28:00 211

转载 Get W3WP List when Debugging

Every since the entry into service of IIS 6 (which comes with Windows 2003) the notion of application pools was introduced. An application pool is a means of isolation a web-application, so that ...

2015-10-10 10:33:00 70

转载 SharePoint 2010 BI:Chart Web Part

reference:http://kb.cnblogs.com/page/88722/Sharepoint 2010增加很多BI的特性,Chart WebPart功能和asp.net的中chart控件基本一样,可以通过使用基于 Web 的配置向 SharePoint 网站添加丰富的图表,将图表连接到各种来源的数据,例如 SharePoint 列表、外部列表、业务数据服务、Exc...

2014-09-15 10:05:00 70

转载 Versioning SharePoint 2010 Workflow In VS

1.Keep old version dll  a.Create a folder named asversion1.0.0.0 in Bin  b.Copy existed workflowDLL from GAC(differnent between SP2010 and SP2013) to created folder  2. Modify old versi...

2014-09-12 13:47:00 78

转载 Multilingual User Interface (MUI) In SharePoint 2013

1.Language Architecture  2.User Interface Elements That Consume User ResourcesThe SharePoint Foundation object model has six classes that have properties that return an SPUserResource obj...

2014-09-02 13:11:00 162

转载 Create Custom Modification Form In VS 2012-Part1

Step1.Add EventHandlingScope ActivityUnder OnWorkflowActivatedStep2.Add SequenceActivity In EventHandlingScope ActivityStep3.Add EnableWorkflowModification Activity  a.Bind [ContextData] t...

2014-08-20 15:04:00 79

转载 Create Custom Modification Form In VS 2012-Part2

1.SPWorkflowModification ContextData is XMLSerialized as String.2.Get SPWorkflowModification ContextData in modification page  protected void GetContexData() { SPWeb curre...

2014-08-20 15:02:00 101

转载 Using the Windows Scheduler to run a SharePoint PowerShell Backup Script

ProblemSharePoint administrators need to run regular backups using PowerShell, the STSADM tool or in Central Administration. There is no "built in" way to automate these backups. Wouldn't it be...

2014-08-20 13:25:00 98

转载 Completely Empty the SharePoint Recycle Bin

If you have lots of stuff in your SharePoint Recycle Bin and want to empty it all, here’s a quick tip:Navigate to the recycle bin page (e.g., http://localhost/_layouts/recyclebin.aspx)In ...

2014-08-20 09:43:00 126

转载 Refer Javascript or CSS in sharepoint


2014-04-18 11:59:00 87

转载 Install and config workflow platform for sharepoint 2013

1.Reffernce:  http://blog.cloudshare.com/2013/01/15/how-to-install-and-configure-workflow-infrastructure-in-sharepoint-2013/  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj163276(v=office....

2014-04-02 17:06:00 82

转载 Build Sharepoint 2013 Farm

1.Sharepoint 2013resources for IT Pros  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/fp142366 http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sharepoint/fp142376.aspx2.Install Sharepoint 2013  Re...

2014-04-02 16:53:00 61

转载 Failed to open document library with windows explorer

1.you should start WebClient service of your computer.  Go to Administration Tools --> Services. and check WebClient service is running or not. If not then please do start it.2.the version...

2014-03-13 16:24:00 145

转载 Skydrive Pro Sync failed

我无法上载文件或文件夹。原因解决方案文件或文件夹名称具有无效字符,例如:~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }。重命名文件或文件夹以删除无效字符。该文件类型被 SharePoint Online 阻止。从同步的文件夹中删除文件。请参阅不能添加到列表或库的文件的类型。与其他人发生文件编辑冲...

2014-02-20 13:15:00 104

转载 转:SharePoint 2013 显示用户Lync是否在线(集成Lync)

原文:http://blog.csdn.net/abrahamcheng/article/details/9990355本文讲述如何在SharePoint 2013 中显示用户Lync的状态(是否在线等)。一共五种显示模式:显示模式Lync的状态用户名用户照片DefaultRenderYesYesNoWithPi...

2013-11-04 09:33:00 55

转载 转:Get List schema

Getting XML Data From a SharePoint List – The Easy WaySilverlight: The easiest method to get SharePoint list dataTony Bierman (MVP for WSS) shows what he considers to be (and I think I agre...

2013-10-24 13:39:00 71

转载 How to Create Multilingual Webpart in SharePoint 2010 (C# 方式)

原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/xzwen/archive/2012/05/03/2480681.htmlWhat is Localization/Multilingual and Globalization? The term "Localization" defined as "Process of translating resources for a sp...

2013-10-15 18:05:00 264

转载 转:一步一步教你从SharePoint2007迁移到SharePoint2010


2013-10-14 16:25:00 79

转载 转:SharePoint 2013: Create a Metro Live Tile Programmatically

原文:http://www.howtosp.com/blog/2012/10/14/sharepoint-2013-create-a-metro-live-tile-programmatically/SharePoint is going metro.. keeping up with the styling of Windows 8. Just create a new team ...

2013-10-11 12:47:00 90

转载 (转)Refer Scripts and CSS Style Sheet in SharePoint 2013 Visual Web Part and Master Page

原文:http://www.ashokraja.me/post/Refer-Scripts-and-CSS-Style-Sheet-in-SharePoint-2013-Visual-Web-Part-and-Master-Page.aspxThis article on how to refer JavaScript and CSS Style Sheet in SharePo...

2013-10-11 09:44:00 109

转载 获取不同语言版本的任务状态

1.Strings 字段 (Microsoft.SharePoint)  2.获取对应字段    以此类推,很多系统本身的属性都可以这样获取在当前语系的对应值转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/PeterHome/p/3359486.html...

2013-10-09 16:26:00 56

转载 转:系统架构师-基础到企业应用架构


2013-09-24 15:10:00 75

转载 转:SharePoint【Site Definition 系列】


2013-09-24 15:05:00 76

转载 转:SharePoint【ECMAScript对象模型系列】


2013-09-24 15:02:00 64

转载 转:SharePoint【Ribbon系列】


2013-09-24 14:59:00 49

转载 SharaPoint Farm Administrator密码变换及管理员转换


2013-09-12 19:20:00 113

转载 转:Programming with Features(操作Feature)

原文:http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=758415&seqNum=2SharePoint includes a robust object model for working with Features that allows developers to enumerate installed and activ...

2013-09-02 13:58:00 123

转载 Active/Deactive feature for sharepoint

原文链接:http://www.sharepointdiary.com/2012/07/activate-deactivate-features-programmatically.htmlSPSite oSPSite =newSPSite(SiteURL);//Get the Feature to ActivateS...

2013-08-30 13:14:00 171

转载 Membership in caml

<Or> <Membership Type=\"CurrentUserGroups\"> <FieldRef Name=\"AssignedTo\"/> </Membership> <Eq> <FieldRef Name=\"AssignedTo\"></FieldRef> &lt...

2013-08-28 15:13:00 95

转载 转:如何将域中的AD数据导入SharePoint

原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/wallis0922/archive/2010/09/29/1838292.html1.打开管理中心sharepoint是通过“用户配置文件同步服务”来实现同步,所以第一步要开启这个服务。方法:进入 系统设置---管理服务器上的服务(如下图:)2. 请注意下图最后一个服务,现在处于停止状态。好了,那我们就启...

2013-08-14 10:02:00 89



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