select 'A' flag,name tablename, 'table' mark into #table from A.dbo.sysobjects where type='U' and name not exists(select name from B.dbo.sysobjects where type='U')
union all
select 'B' flag,name tablename, 'table' mark from B.dbo.sysobjects where type='U' and name not exists(select name from A.dbo.sysobjects where type='U')
2、select a.* into #comm from A.dbo.sysobjects a, B.dbo.sysobjects b where a.type='U' and b.type='U' and a.name=b.name
select a.name,b.name tablename into #a from A.dbo.syscolumns a, #comm b a.id=object_id('A..'+b.name) order by b.name
select a.name, b.name tablename into #b from B.dbo.syscolumns a, #comm b a.id=object_id('B..'+b.name) order by b.name
select * into #field from (
select 'p' flag,a.tablename,'' mark from #a a where not exists(select * from #b where a.tablename=tablename and a.name=b.name)
union all
select 'p' flag,a.tablename,'' mark from #b a where not exists(select * from #a where a.tablename=tablename and a.name=b.name)
) a
select * from #table
union all
select * from #field
drop table #table
drop table #field
drop table #comm
drop table #a
drop table #b