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转载 The WPF Tab Control - Inside and Out

When it comes to the WinForms Tab Control, there was a lot left to be desired. If you had to make major design changes, you were better off just writing one from scratch. The WPF Tab Control makes ma

2008-02-28 16:44:00 3420 1

原创 Load 3D Model in OpenGL

Create your own 3D model, then convert to 3ds fromat. Use the view3ds.exe program in the command line to view the 3D model. When it shows, click the window and select "convert to Opengl c files" or pr

2008-02-26 21:37:00 1451 1

转载 电影《时空骇客》的科学:隐形传输和虫洞

 早上打开电脑,看见了这样一篇报道,让我再一次感悟到科学的神奇,让我更坚信了,在这样的一个世界中,"Nothig is Impossible".科学家说的隐形传输并不意味着跟这部新片里一样,物体从一个地方隐形传输到另一个地方。隐形传输也就是一个电子首先"缠上"两个电子,在这些粒子以某种特定的方式相互作用后,无论它们彼此如何影响,距离远近,都无关紧要,这就是爱因斯坦称之为"远距离幽灵

2008-02-19 11:35:00 1847

原创 Something abuot the Initialize() function of XNA Template

 Recently, I have been learning some article about using XNA Framework to develop games. I have dreamed to create a wonderful game long long ago. But at that time, I dont know how to do and where to

2008-02-17 23:43:00 875

转载 Beginning Game Development: Part V - Adding Units

  This is Part 5 of an introductory series on game programming using the Microsoft .NET Framework and managed DirectX 9.0. This article covers adding of 3D objects to th

2008-02-13 22:49:00 1562

翻译 WPF: IconButton

 原文链接:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/WPF-IconButton.aspx 下载 WpfIconButtonDemo - 278.43 KB 介绍我看到了许多使用Expression Blend创建十分漂亮的按钮(Button)的演示视频,但是却没有找到一个是详细讲解如何从一幅图片创建按钮的.这篇文章试图填补这一空白.Ico

2008-02-12 23:06:00 1868

转载 Webcast about C# 3.0 and LINQ

 Long time ago I promised to show LINQ in a demo, instead of just showing slides. Finally its online So to show you how much easier it is to write code in C# 3.0 than it was in C# 2.0, Ive created

2008-02-10 17:16:00 912

转载 Tired of querying in antiquated SQL?

Well, you dont have to!  LINQPad lets you interactively query SQL databases in a modern query language: LINQ.  Kiss goodbye to SQL Management Studio! LINQPad supports everything in C# 3.0 and Frame

2008-02-10 13:53:00 745

转载 Beginning Game Development: Part IV - DirectInput

This is Part 4 of an introductory series on game programming using the Microsoft .NET Framework and managed DirectX 9.0. This article covers the input device portion of D

2008-02-09 20:04:00 1443

转载 Beginning Game Development: Part III - DirectX II

  This is Part 3 of an introductory series on game programming using the Microsoft .NET Framework and managed DirectX 9.0. This article covers more advanced DirectX prin

2008-02-08 23:58:00 1584

转载 Beginning Game Development: Part II - Introduction to DirectX

This is Part 2 of an introductory series on game programming using the Microsoft .NET Framework and managed DirectX 9.0. This article covers the basics of DirectX.

2008-02-08 22:44:00 1575

转载 MSIL - the language of the CLR (Part 3)

IntroductionIn this the 3rd and final part of the MSIL series we will look at the various high level language constructs and how they are represented in MSIL via a series of practical examples.ILDasm.

2008-02-07 10:31:00 812

转载 Building a 3D Game in XNA From Scratch - Free Video Tutorial Series Now Available!

 After far too many hours of learning, teaching, recording, testing, video editing, and other glorious activities, I am ready to make available my massive collection of video tutorials for creatin

2008-02-07 10:13:00 225753 2

转载 MSIL - the language of the CLR (Part 2)

IntroductionIn this part I will briefly explain the compile time and runtime workflow of a managed assembly as well as analyzing MSIL with some example programs.The compilation and execution process o

2008-02-04 17:34:00 922

转载 MSIL - the language of the CLR (Part 1)

Introduction In this part I’m going to explain what MSIL is as well as the benefit of knowing it! Along the way (before we hit part 2) we will talk a little about what a managed module is composed o

2008-02-04 16:30:00 966

原创 Visual Studio 2008 Team Suit

 MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6ff3bc60-32c8-4c22-8591-a20bf8dff1a2&DisplayLang=zh-cnVisual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suitehttp://www.m

2008-02-03 14:08:00 831

原创 Using the DirectX Sample Framework

Using the DirectX Sample FrameworkWhen building the project in previous artical :Introduction, I got many errors. To solve that, fist, follow the instructions below:The Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for M

2008-02-02 22:45:00 786

转载 Beginning Game Development: Part I – Introduction

 Beginning Game Development: Part I – IntroductionPublished 02 November 06 10:51 PM | Coding4Fun    This is Part 1 of an introductory series on game

2008-02-02 22:17:00 1119

转载 All about Unsafe Code in C#

All about Unsafe Code in C#C# .net hides most of memory management, which makes it much easier for the developer. Thanks for the Garbage Collector and the use of references. But to make the language

2008-02-02 22:14:00 1120

转载 Using Unsafe Code in C#

Using Unsafe Code in C#Using Unsafe Code – Part 1C# .NET hides most of memory management, which makes it much easier for the developer. Thanks for the Garbage Collector and the use of references.

2008-02-02 22:11:00 1054

转载 Windows Presentation Foundation Soup to Nuts

Summary page for the WPF soup to nuts webcast series by Bill Steele, many of which were part of the top 10 webcast list for 2007.MSDN Webcast: Windows Presentation Foundation Soup to Nuts (Part 01 o

2008-02-01 22:19:00 825


Visual Studio 2008 Team Suit BT torrent


NeHe Lesson07

Opengl NeHe Lesson07,Visual Studio 2008 beta 2


NeHe Lesson01

NeHe OpenGL Lesson01 Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2


C++ Standard Library(cn)

C++ Standard Library(Chinese-traditional)


C++ Standard Library

C++ Standard Library









Linux C++ Compiler



C++ Complier






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