arcgis api for flex 两种鹰眼的实现方法





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:esri="" xmlns:fx=""
   import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
   import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
   import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
   import com.esri.ags.layers.GraphicsLayer;
   import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
   import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleLineSymbol;
   public var mapXml:XML;
   private var overviewMode:String;
   private var graphicLineSym:SimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol("solid", 0xFF0000, 0.8, 3);
   private var graphicPolySym:SimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(null, 0xFF0000, 0.01, graphicLineSym);
   private var graphicsLayer:GraphicsLayer;
   private var ovGraphic:Graphic;
   private var xOff:Number;
   private var yOff:Number;
   public var map:Map=new Map();
   public  function  ini():void
    if (mapXml)
     var mapType:String=mapXml.@mapType;
     var mapUrl:String=mapXml.@url;
     var initextent:String=mapXml.@initextent;
     var fullextent:String=mapXml.@fullExtent;
     var cacheMap:CacheMap=new CacheMap();
     var extArr1:Array=fullextent.split(",");
     var extent:Extent=new Extent(Number(extArr1[0]), Number(extArr1[1]),
      Number(extArr1[2]), Number(extArr1[3]));
//     ovMap.zoomSliderVisible=true;
     graphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
     graphicsLayer.symbol = graphicPolySym;
     ovGraphic = new Graphic();
     ovGraphic.geometry = map.extent;
     ovGraphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
     ovGraphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
     map.addEventListener(ExtentEvent.EXTENT_CHANGE, setOverviewExtent);
   private function setOverviewExtent(event:ExtentEvent):void
    ovGraphic.geometry = map.extent;
    if (overviewMode == "dynamic")
     ovMap.extent = map.extent.expand(3);
   private function updateOverviewExtent():void
    ovGraphic.geometry = map.extent;
    if (overviewMode == "dynamic")
     ovMap.extent = map.extent.expand(3);
   private function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    var ext:Extent = ovGraphic.geometry as Extent;
    var mPt:MapPoint = ovMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);
    xOff = - mPt.x;
    yOff = - mPt.y;
    ovGraphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
   private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    var mPt:MapPoint = ovMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);
    var tempX:Number = mPt.x + xOff;
    var tempY:Number = mPt.y + yOff;
    var ext:Extent = ovGraphic.geometry as Extent;
    var newext:Extent = new Extent(tempX - ext.width / 2, tempY - ext.height/ 2, tempX + ext.width / 2, tempY + ext.height / 2);
    ovGraphic.geometry = newext;
    if (!event.buttonDown)
     ovGraphic.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
   private function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    map.extent = ovGraphic.geometry as Extent;
    ovGraphic.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);   
   private function widgetOpenedHandler(event:Event):void
    map.addEventListener(ExtentEvent.EXTENT_CHANGE, setOverviewExtent);
    setTimeout(updateOverviewExtent, 1000);
   private function widgetClosedHandler(event:Event):void
    map.removeEventListener(ExtentEvent.EXTENT_CHANGE, setOverviewExtent);
   private function widgetMinimizedHandler(event:Event):void
    map.removeEventListener(ExtentEvent.EXTENT_CHANGE, setOverviewExtent);
   private function mapclick(e:MapMouseEvent):void{
    var mPt:MapPoint = ovMap.toMapFromStage(e.stageX, e.stageY);
    var tempX:Number = mPt.x ;
    var tempY:Number = mPt.y ;
    var ext:Extent = ovGraphic.geometry as Extent;
    var newext:Extent = new Extent(tempX - ext.width / 2, tempY - ext.height/ 2, tempX + ext.width / 2, tempY + ext.height / 2);
    ovGraphic.geometry = newext;
    map.extent = ovGraphic.geometry as Extent;
 <esri:Map id       ="ovMap"
    width      ="100%"
    height      ="100%"
    panArrowsVisible   ="false"
    zoomSliderVisible   ="false"
    logoVisible     ="false"
    scaleBarVisible    ="false"
    panEnabled     ="false"
    clickRecenterEnabled  ="false"
    doubleClickZoomEnabled  ="false"
    keyboardNavigationEnabled ="false"
    rubberbandZoomEnabled  ="false"
    scrollWheelZoomEnabled  ="false">





package com.dse.common.gis
 import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
 import com.esri.ags.Map;
 import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
 import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
 import com.esri.ags.layers.GraphicsLayer;
 import com.esri.ags.symbols.LineSymbol;
 import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleLineSymbol;
 import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
 import com.esri.ags.symbols.FillSymbol;
 //  Other metadata
  * An overview map that extends the base Map component and provides a convenience
  * for linking the overview map to the main map.
 public class OverviewMap extends Map
  //  Constructor
   * Creates a new overview map instance.
   * @param map The main map that is linked to this overview map.
  public function OverviewMap( mainMap:Map = null )
   this.mainMap = mainMap;
   // Disable map navigation
   mapNavigationEnabled = false;
   // Hide the map controls
   logoVisible = false;
   panArrowsVisible = false;
   scaleBarVisible = false;
   zoomSliderVisible = false;
   addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onOverviewClick);
  //  Constants
   * Overview mode in which the overview map's extent remains constant.
  public static const STATIC_MODE:String = "static";
   * Overview mode in which the overview map's extent changes to track the extent
   * of the associated main map.  This is the default overview mode.
  public static const DYNAMIC_MODE:String = "dynamic";
  //  Variables
  private var _mainMap:Map;
  private var _extentBox:Graphic;
  private var _graphicsLayer:GraphicsLayer;
  private var _boxFillSymbol:FillSymbol;
  private var _dragging:Boolean = false;
  private var _dragStartPoint:MapPoint;
  private var _dragStartExtent:Extent;
  //  Property:  mainMap
   * The main map that is linked to this overview map.
  public function get mainMap():Map
   return _mainMap;
   * @private
  public function set mainMap( value:Map ):void
   if (value !== _mainMap)
    _mainMap = value;
    dispatchEvent(new Event("mainMapChanged"));
  //  Property:  overviewMode
  [Inspectable(category="Mapping", enumeration="dynamic,static", defaultValue="dynamic")]
   * The display mode of the overview.
   * Use STATIC_MODE to lock the overview map at its current extent.
   * Use DYNAMIC_MODE to allow the overview map extent to change in relation to
   * the main map's extent.
   * @default dynamic
  public var overviewMode:String = DYNAMIC_MODE;
  //  Property:  overviewClickRecenterEnabled
  [Inspectable(category="Mapping", defaultValue="true")]
   * Enables clicking on the overview map to recenter the main map to the clicked location.
   * @default true
  public var overviewClickRecenterEnabled:Boolean = true;
  //  Property:  overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled
  private var _overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled:Boolean = true;
  [Inspectable(category="Mapping", defaultValue="true")]
   * Enables dragging the overview indicator box to recenter the main map.
   * @default true
  public function get overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled():Boolean
   return _overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled;
   * @private
  public function set overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled( value:Boolean ):void
   _overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled = value;
   if (_extentBox)
    _extentBox.buttonMode = _overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled;
    _extentBox.useHandCursor = _overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled;
  //  Property:  boxFillSymbol
   * The fill symbol that is used to draw the indicator box that signifies the main map extent.
  public function get boxFillSymbol():com.esri.ags.symbols.FillSymbol
   return _boxFillSymbol;
   * @private
  public function set boxFillSymbol( value:com.esri.ags.symbols.FillSymbol ):void
   _boxFillSymbol = value;
   // Apply the new symbol if the graphics layer is already created
   if (_graphicsLayer)
    _graphicsLayer.symbol = effectiveBoxFillSymbol();
   dispatchEvent(new Event("boxFillSymbolChanged"));
  //  Methods
   * @private
  override protected function createChildren():void
   // Create a graphics layer to display the extent box of the main map
   _graphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
   _graphicsLayer.symbol = effectiveBoxFillSymbol();
   // Create the extent indicator box
   _extentBox = new Graphic();
   _extentBox.buttonMode = overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled;
   _extentBox.useHandCursor = overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled;
   _extentBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onBoxDragStart);
   _extentBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBoxClick);
   if (mainMap && mainMap.loaded)
  private function addMapListeners():void
   if (mainMap)
    if (mainMap.loaded)
     mainMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.LOAD, onMainMapLoad, false, 0, true);
    mainMap.addEventListener(ExtentEvent.EXTENT_CHANGE, onMainMapExtentChange, false, 0, true);
  private function removeMapListeners():void
   if (mainMap)
    mainMap.removeEventListener(MapEvent.LOAD, onMainMapLoad);
    mainMap.removeEventListener(ExtentEvent.EXTENT_CHANGE, onMainMapExtentChange);
  private function onMainMapLoad( event:MapEvent ):void
  {, onMainMapLoad);
  private function onMainMapExtentChange( event:ExtentEvent ):void
  private function onBoxDragStart( event:MouseEvent ):void
   // Check if this map interaction is enabled
   if (!overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled)
   if (!_dragging && loaded)
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onBoxDragUpdate);
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onBoxDragEnd);
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_onBoxDragEnd);
    // Start dragging the extent box
    var mapPoint:MapPoint = toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);
    _dragStartPoint = mapPoint;
    _dragStartExtent = Extent(_extentBox.geometry);
    _dragging = true;
  private function onBoxDragUpdate( event:MouseEvent ):void
   if (_dragging && loaded)
    // Calculate the drag delta and reposition the extent box
    var mapPoint:MapPoint = toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);
    var dx:Number = mapPoint.x - _dragStartPoint.x;
    var dy:Number = mapPoint.y - _dragStartPoint.y;
    var newExtent:Extent = _dragStartExtent.offset(dx, dy);
  private function onBoxDragEnd( event:MouseEvent ):void
   if (_dragging && loaded)
    removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onBoxDragUpdate);
    removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onBoxDragEnd);
    stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_onBoxDragEnd);
    // Calculate the drag delta and reposition the extent box
    var mapPoint:MapPoint = toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);
    var dx:Number = mapPoint.x - _dragStartPoint.x;
    var dy:Number = mapPoint.y - _dragStartPoint.y;
    var newExtent:Extent = _dragStartExtent.offset(dx, dy);
    // Update the extent of the main map when dragging has finished
    if (mainMap)
     mainMap.extent = newExtent;
    _dragStartPoint = null;
    _dragStartExtent = null;
    _dragging = false;
  private function stage_onBoxDragEnd( event:MouseEvent ):void
   if (_dragging && loaded)
    removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onBoxDragUpdate);
    removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onBoxDragEnd);
    stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_onBoxDragEnd);
    // Use the previously set extent box location (from onBoxDragUpdate)
    // rather than calculating the delta based on the current mouse coordinates.
    // This is because the mouse is now outside the overview map and we don't
    // want to move the extent box to some far off location.
    var newExtent:Extent = _extentBox.geometry as Extent;
    // Update the extent of the main map when dragging has finished
    if (mainMap)
     mainMap.extent = newExtent;
    _dragStartPoint = null;
    _dragStartExtent = null;
    _dragging = false;
  private function onBoxClick( event:MouseEvent ):void
   if (overviewDragExtentBoxEnabled)
    // Prevent the click event from bubbling up to the map.
    // Otherwise the drag-end action is interfered with.
  private function onOverviewClick( event:MouseEvent ):void
   // Check if this map interaction is enabled
   if (!overviewClickRecenterEnabled)
   if (!_dragging && loaded)
    var mapPoint:MapPoint = toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY);
    // Recenter the extent box
    if (_extentBox && _extentBox.geometry)
     var newExtent:Extent = Extent(_extentBox.geometry).centerAt(mapPoint);
    // Recenter the main map on the click point
    if (mainMap && mainMap.loaded)
   * Updates the geometry of the map extent indicator box to the specified extent.
   * If the specified extent is null, then the extent of the main map is used.
   * If this overview map is in dynamic overview mode, then the extent of this
   * overview is updated to track the main map's extent.
  private function updateOverviewExtent( mainMapExtent:Extent = null ):void
   if (!mainMapExtent)
    mainMapExtent = mainMap.extent;
   // Set the location of the extent indicator box
   if (overviewMode == DYNAMIC_MODE)
    // Set the extent of this overview map to be 9 times larger (3x3) than the main map extent
    super.extent = mainMapExtent.expand(2);
   * Updates the geometry of the map extent indicator box.
  private function updateExtentBox( extent:Extent ):void
   if (_extentBox)
    _extentBox.geometry = extent;
   * Returns the actual fill symbol to use for the extent indicator box.
  private function effectiveBoxFillSymbol():FillSymbol
   if (_boxFillSymbol)
    return _boxFillSymbol;
   // Default fill symbol, similar to the Map rubberband zoom box style
   return new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, 0x666666, 0.4,
    new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, 0xFF0000, 1.0, 2)


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