Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Public Class PictureButtonMenu
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Private ChangeColor As Boolean
Private _BorderColor As Color = Color.Gold
Public Enum Layout
Left = 0
right = 1
up = 2
down = 3
middle = 4
End Enum
Private BackgroundImgColor As Color = Me.BackColor
Private PressedImgColor As Color = Color.SteelBlue
Public Pressed As Boolean = False
Public Moved As Boolean = False
Private TxtImgLayout As Layout = 1
Private BtnEnabled As Boolean = True
Private Ctext As String = "按钮文本按钮文本"
Public imageHeight As Integer = 16
Public imageWidth As Integer = 16
Public BtnWidth As Integer = 0
Public BtnHeight As Integer = 0
''' <summary>
''' 设置Icon图标的高度
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>设置Icon图标的高度</remarks>
''' <value>32</value>
Public Property setImageHeight() As Integer
Return Me.ImageHeight
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
Me.ImageHeight = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property SetTag() As Integer
Return MyBase.Tag
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
MyBase.Tag = value
End Set
End Property
Public BtnAppName As String = ""
Public Property SetAppName() As String
Return Me.BtnAppName
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
Me.BtnAppName = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property setImageWidth() As Integer
Return Me.ImageWidth
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
Me.ImageWidth = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property BackgroundImgColorValue() As Color
Return Me.BackgroundImgColor
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Color)
Me.BackgroundImgColor = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property PressedImageColorValue() As Color
Return Me.pressedImgColor
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Color)
Me.pressedImgColor = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Caption() As String
Return Me.Ctext
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
Me.Ctext = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property TextImageLayout() As Layout
Return Me.TxtImgLayout
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Layout)
Me.TxtImgLayout = Value
End Set
End Property
Private ControlSizeSet As Boolean = False
Public Property ControlSizeSetF() As Boolean
Return ControlSizeSet
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
Me.ControlSizeSet = value
End Set
End Property
Private bmpIconCount As Integer = 0
Private bmp As Image
Public Sub AddBmp(ByVal bmpSl As Image)
bmp = bmpSl
bmpIconCount = 1
End Sub
Private YNParentMenu As Boolean = False
Public Property SetParentMenu() As Boolean
Return YNParentMenu
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
YNParentMenu = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim gp As Graphics = e.Graphics
If ControlSizeSet = False Then
Select Case bmpIconCount
Case 0 '画背景
Dim backgroundImg As Image = MakeBitmap(BackgroundImgColor, Me.Width, Me.Height)
Dim pressedImg As Image = MakeBitmap(PressedImgColor, Me.Width, Me.Height)
If Me.Pressed AndAlso (pressedImg IsNot Nothing) Then
gp.DrawImage(pressedImg, 0, 0)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(_BorderColor), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width - 1, Me.Height - 1)
ElseIf Me.Moved AndAlso (pressedImg IsNot Nothing) Then
gp.DrawImage(pressedImg, 0, 0)
ElseIf Me.BtnEnabled = False Then
Dim UnenableImg As Image = MakeBitmap(Color.FromArgb(247, 247, 239), Me.Width, Me.Width)
gp.DrawImage(UnenableImg, 0, 0)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(206, 199, 189), 3), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width - 1, Me.Height - 1)
gp.DrawImage(backgroundImg, 0, 0)
' e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.Transparent), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
End If
If Me.Ctext.Length > 0 Then
Dim size As SizeF = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Me.Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.BtnEnabled = False Then
e.Graphics.DrawString(Me.Ctext, Me.Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156)), (Me.ClientSize.Width - size.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - size.Height) / 2)
e.Graphics.DrawString(Me.Ctext, Me.Font, New SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor), (Me.ClientSize.Width - size.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - size.Height) / 2)
End If
End If
Case 1 '画图像
Dim vsizef As SizeF
If Me.Pressed AndAlso (bmp IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Me.PressedImgColor)
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, ImageWidth, ImageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的Y坐标是(cHeight - ImageHeight) / 2
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.ImageWidth + 3, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
'图像的Y坐标是vsizef.Height + 4
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, ImageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(_BorderColor), Pen), 0, 0, Me.ClientSize.Width - 1, Me.ClientSize.Height - 1)
gp = Nothing
ElseIf Me.Moved AndAlso (bmp IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Me.PressedImgColor)
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的Y坐标是(cHeight - ImageHeight) / 2
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
'图像的Y坐标是vsizef.Height + 4
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
gp = Nothing
ElseIf Me.BtnEnabled = False Then
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156))
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的Y坐标是(cHeight - ImageHeight) / 2
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
'图像的Y坐标是vsizef.Height + 4
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(206, 199, 189), 3), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width - 1, Me.Height - 1)
gp = Nothing
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor)
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的Y坐标是(cHeight - ImageHeight) / 2
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
'图像的Y坐标是vsizef.Height + 4
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.ClientSize.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
'e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.Transparent), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
gp = Nothing
End If
End Select
End If
'e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark), 0, 0, Me.ClientSize.Width + 1, Me.ClientSize.Height + 1)
If ControlSizeSet = True Then
Select Case bmpIconCount
Case 0 '画背景
Dim backgroundImg As Image = MakeBitmap(BackgroundImgColor, Me.Width, Me.Height)
Dim pressedImg As Image = MakeBitmap(PressedImgColor, Me.Width, Me.Height)
If Me.Pressed AndAlso (pressedImg IsNot Nothing) Then
gp.DrawImage(pressedImg, 0, 0)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(_BorderColor), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
ElseIf Me.Moved AndAlso (pressedImg IsNot Nothing) Then
gp.DrawImage(pressedImg, 0, 0)
ElseIf Me.BtnEnabled = False Then
Dim UnenableImg As Image = MakeBitmap(Color.FromArgb(247, 247, 239), Me.Width, Me.Width)
gp.DrawImage(UnenableImg, 0, 0)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(206, 199, 189), 3), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width - 1, Me.Height - 1)
gp.DrawImage(backgroundImg, 0, 0)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.Transparent), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
End If
If Me.Ctext.Length > 0 Then
Dim size As SizeF = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Me.Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.BtnEnabled = False Then
e.Graphics.DrawString(Me.Ctext, Me.Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156)), (Me.ClientSize.Width - size.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - size.Height) / 2)
e.Graphics.DrawString(Me.Ctext, Me.Font, New SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor), (Me.ClientSize.Width - size.Width) / 2, (Me.ClientSize.Height - size.Height) / 2)
End If
End If
Case 1 '画图像
Dim cHeight As Integer = 0
Dim cWidth As Integer = 0
Dim vsizef As SizeF
If Me.Pressed AndAlso (bmp IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Me.PressedImgColor)
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 8
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight + 2
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 12
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(_BorderColor), Pen), 0, 0, Me.ClientSize.Width - 1, Me.ClientSize.Height - 1)
gp = Nothing
ElseIf Me.Moved AndAlso (bmp IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Me.PressedImgColor)
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 8
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight + 2
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 12
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
gp = Nothing
ElseIf Me.BtnEnabled = False Then
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(173, 170, 156))
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 8
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight + 2
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 12
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(206, 199, 189), 3), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width - 1, Me.Height - 1)
gp = Nothing
Dim cbrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor)
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 8
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均8个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, 4, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
'图像的X坐标是vsizef.Width + 8
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(vsizef.Width + 8, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight + 2
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = imageWidth + vsizef.Width + 12
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, (cHeight - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
'虽然预留了8个像素 但是只平均6个像素
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, Me.imageWidth + 3, (cHeight - vsizef.Height) / 2)
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.ClientSize.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, 2)
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, vsizef.Height + 4, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = imageHeight + vsizef.Height + 4
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2 - 1, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2 - 1, imageHeight + 2)
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth
'图像的X坐标是(Me.Width - ImageWidth) / 2 - 1
Dim imgRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle((Me.Width - imageWidth) / 2, (Me.Height - imageHeight) / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight)
Dim imageAttr As New ImageAttributes
imageAttr.SetColorKey(BackgroundImageColor(bmp), BackgroundImageColor(bmp))
gp.DrawImage(bmp, imgRect, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr)
imgRect = Nothing
imageAttr = Nothing
gp.DrawString(Ctext, Me.Font, cbrush, (Me.Width - vsizef.Width) / 2, (Me.Height - vsizef.Height) / 2)
End Select
cbrush = Nothing
'e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(DirectCast(New Pen(Color.Transparent), Pen), 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
gp = Nothing
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RefreshPicBtn()
Dim gp As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim cHeight As Integer = 0
Dim cWidth As Integer = 0
Dim vsizef As SizeF
Ctext = Caption
Select Case Me.TxtImgLayout
Case Layout.Left
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.ImageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.ImageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = ImageWidth + vsizef.Width + 8
Case Layout.right
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.ImageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.ImageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 预留8个像素
Me.Width = ImageWidth + vsizef.Width + 8
Case Layout.up
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.ImageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.ImageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = ImageHeight + vsizef.Height + 6
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
Case Layout.down
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.ImageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.ImageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
Me.Height = ImageHeight + vsizef.Height + 6
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth + 8
Case Layout.middle
vsizef = gp.MeasureString(Ctext, Me.Font)
If Me.imageWidth > vsizef.Width Then
cWidth = Me.imageWidth
cWidth = vsizef.Width
End If
If Me.imageHeight > vsizef.Height Then
cHeight = Me.imageHeight
cHeight = vsizef.Height
End If
Me.Height = cHeight
' 宽度取大的 预留8个像素
Me.Width = cWidth
End Select
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left AndAlso YNParentMenu = False Then
Me.Pressed = True
ChangeColor = True
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
Me.pressed = False
ChangeColor = False
End If
End Sub
Function MakeBitmap(ByVal ButtonColor As Color, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) As Bitmap
Dim bmpThis As New Bitmap(width, height)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpThis)
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(ButtonColor), 0, 0, bmpThis.Width, bmpThis.Height)
Return bmpThis
End Function
Public Sub DisposePictureButton()
End Sub
Public Sub New()
' 此调用是 Windows 窗体设计器所必需的。
' 在 InitializeComponent() 调用之后添加任何初始化。
Me.BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
End Sub
Private Function BackgroundImageColor(ByVal image As Image) As System.Drawing.Color
Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap(image)
Return bmp.GetPixel(0, 0)
End Function
Private Sub PictureButtonMenu_EnabledChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.EnabledChanged
If Me.Enabled = False Then
BtnEnabled = False
BtnEnabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PictureButton_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseMove
Me.Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Event ParentMenuMouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ParentMenuName As String)
Public Event ParentMenuMouseMoveInto(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ParentMenuName As String)
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.RectangleToScreen(Me.ClientRectangle)
If Moved = False AndAlso rect.Contains(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y) = True Then
Moved = True
If YNParentMenu = True Then
RaiseEvent ParentMenuMouseMoveInto(Me, Me.Caption)
End If
End If
If rect.Contains(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y) = False Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Moved = False
If YNParentMenu = True Then
RaiseEvent ParentMenuMouseLeave(Me, Me.Caption)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Imports PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu
Public Class FullyCustomizableMenu
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
''' <summary>
''' 按钮的单击事件(供平台监听)
''' </summary>
Public Event btnclick(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal AppName As String)
Public Event ParentMenuMouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ParentMenuName As String)
Public Event ParentMenuMouseMoveInto(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ParentMenuName As String)
Public HorVerFlag As Boolean = False
Public Property SetHorVerFlag() As Boolean
Return HorVerFlag
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
HorVerFlag = Value
End Set
End Property
Public MaxBtnWidth As Integer = 0
Public MaxBtnHeight As Integer = 0
Public CurBtnLayout As Integer = 1
''' <summary>
''' 根据传入的用户菜单的参数动态创建开始菜单所有父菜单的项目
''' </summary>
''' 生成菜单
''' ListInfo中元素的组成是:菜单名,菜单快捷访问符,父菜单(true时表示为父菜单,false表示为子菜单;只提供两级菜单),父菜单名
''' 是否添加到工具栏显示(true为在工具栏中显示),Imagelist对象,Imagelist中的index
Public Sub CreateParentMenu(ByRef ListInfo As List(Of List(Of Object)), ByRef imagelist1 As System.Windows.Forms.ImageList, ByVal PicTextLayout As Integer)
Dim t As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
MaxBtnWidth = 0
MaxBtnHeight = 0
If IsNothing(ListInfo) = False Then
If ListInfo.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To ListInfo.Count - 1
If CBool(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(3)) = True Then
Me.Controls.Add(New PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu)
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).SetParentMenu = True
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ControlSizeSetF = True
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).TextImageLayout = CType(PicTextLayout, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu.Layout)
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).AddBmp(imagelist1.Images(CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(6), Integer)))
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).SetAppName = ListInfo.Item(i).Item(7).ToString
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).SetTag = CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(1), Integer)
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Caption = CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(0), String)
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Text = t.ToString
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ControlSizeSetF = False
CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).RefreshPicBtn()
If CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Width > MaxBtnWidth Then
MaxBtnWidth = CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Width
End If
If CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Height > MaxBtnHeight Then
MaxBtnHeight = CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Height
End If
AddHandler CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ParentMenuMouseLeave, AddressOf ActiveMouseLeaveEvent
AddHandler CType(Me.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ParentMenuMouseMoveInto, AddressOf ActiveMouseMoveIntoEvent
t = t + 1
End If
' Me.BackColor = Me.BackColor
If HorVerFlag = False Then
Me.Width = Me.Controls.Count * MaxBtnWidth
Me.Height = MaxBtnHeight
Me.Width = MaxBtnWidth
Me.Height = Me.Controls.Count * MaxBtnHeight
End If
For j As Integer = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
CType(Me.Controls.Item(j), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Size = New System.Drawing.Size(MaxBtnWidth, MaxBtnHeight)
Dim xzb As Integer = 0
Dim yzb As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
If HorVerFlag = False Then
CType(Me.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Location = New Point(xzb, 0)
xzb = (CType(Me.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Width) + xzb
CType(Me.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Location = New Point(0, yzb)
yzb = (CType(Me.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Height) + yzb
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private ParentBhPanelDic As New Dictionary(Of String, System.Windows.Forms.Panel)
''' <summary>
''' 根据传入的用户菜单的参数动态创建开始菜单各个父菜单下面子菜单的项目
''' </summary>
''' 生成菜单
''' ListInfo中元素的组成是:菜单名,菜单快捷访问符,父菜单(true时表示为父菜单,false表示为子菜单;只提供两级菜单),父菜单名
''' 是否添加到工具栏显示(true为在工具栏中显示),Imagelist对象,Imagelist中的index
Public Sub CreateChildMenu(ByRef ListInfo As List(Of List(Of Object)), ByRef imagelist1 As System.Windows.Forms.ImageList, ByVal PicTextLayout As Integer)
HorVerFlag = True
Dim t As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim m As Integer = 0
If IsNothing(ListInfo) = False Then
If ListInfo.Count > 0 Then
Dim panelMenu As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Dim panelMenuFb As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
For m = 0 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
t = 0
MaxBtnWidth = 0
MaxBtnHeight = 0
For i = 0 To ListInfo.Count - 1
If CBool(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(3)) = False AndAlso CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(4), String) = CType(Me.Controls.Item(m), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Caption Then
If ParentBhPanelDic.TryGetValue(CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(4), String), panelMenuFb) = False Then
panelMenu = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
ParentBhPanelDic.Add(CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(4), String), panelMenu)
panelMenu = Nothing
End If
If ParentBhPanelDic.TryGetValue(CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(4), String), panelMenuFb) = True Then
panelmenufb.Controls.Add(New PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu)
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).SetParentMenu = False
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ControlSizeSetF = True
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).TextImageLayout = CType(PicTextLayout, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu.Layout)
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).AddBmp(imagelist1.Images(CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(6), Integer)))
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).SetAppName = ListInfo.Item(i).Item(7).ToString
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).SetTag = CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(1), Integer)
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Caption = CType(ListInfo.Item(i).Item(0), String)
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Text = t.ToString
CType(panelMenuFb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ControlSizeSetF = False
CType(panelMenuFb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).RefreshPicBtn()
If CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Width > MaxBtnWidth Then
MaxBtnWidth = CType(panelMenuFb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Width
End If
If CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Height > MaxBtnHeight Then
MaxBtnHeight = CType(panelMenuFb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Height
End If
AddHandler CType(panelMenuFb.Controls.Item(t), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Click, AddressOf ActiveEvent
t = t + 1
End If
End If
If HorVerFlag = False Then
panelmenufb.Width = panelmenufb.Controls.Count * MaxBtnWidth
panelmenufb.Height = MaxBtnHeight
panelmenufb.Width = MaxBtnWidth
panelmenufb.Height = panelmenufb.Controls.Count * MaxBtnHeight
End If
For j As Integer = 0 To panelmenufb.Controls.Count - 1
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(j), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Size = New System.Drawing.Size(MaxBtnWidth, MaxBtnHeight)
Dim xzb As Integer = 0
Dim yzb As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To panelmenufb.Controls.Count - 1
If HorVerFlag = False Then
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Location = New Point(xzb, 0)
xzb = (CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Width) + xzb
CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Location = New Point(0, yzb)
yzb = (CType(panelmenufb.Controls.Item(k), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Height) + yzb
End If
panelmenufb.Visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' 销毁控件,以便于释放控件占用的资源
''' </summary>
''' 销毁按钮
''' 销毁工具栏
Public Sub DisposeToolbar()
Dim list As New List(Of System.Windows.Forms.Panel)
If ParentBhPanelDic.Count > 0 Then '
Dim keyvalue As KeyValuePair(Of String, System.Windows.Forms.Panel)
For Each keyvalue In ParentBhPanelDic
keyvalue = Nothing
ParentBhPanelDic = Nothing
For j As Integer = list.Count - 1 To 0
For index As Integer = list(j).Controls.Count - 1 To 0
RemoveHandler CType(list(j).Controls.Item(index), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Click, AddressOf ActiveEvent
CType(list(j).Controls.Item(index), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).DisposePictureButton()
CType(list(j).Controls.Item(index), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Dispose()
list = Nothing
End If
For i As Integer = Me.Controls.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
RemoveHandler CType(Me.Controls.Item(i), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ParentMenuMouseLeave, AddressOf ActiveMouseMoveIntoEvent
RemoveHandler CType(Me.Controls.Item(i), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ParentMenuMouseMoveInto, AddressOf ActiveMouseLeaveEvent
CType(Me.Controls.Item(i), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).DisposePictureButton()
CType(Me.Controls.Item(i), PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Dispose()
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' 对此工具栏控件的按下状态进行重置;同时激发按钮的按下自定义事件
''' </summary>
''' 激发事件处理函数
Private Sub ActiveEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim PicBtn As PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu
PicBtn = CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu)
If PicBtn.Pressed = True Then
PicBtn.Parent.Visible = False
RaiseEvent btnclick(CInt(PicBtn.Tag), CStr(PicBtn.BtnAppName))
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' 父菜单的鼠标滑过事件处理
''' </summary>
''' <param name="parentName"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub ActiveMouseMoveIntoEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal parentName As String)
Dim PanelMenuFb As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
If ParentBhPanelDic.TryGetValue(CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Caption, PanelMenuFb) Then
If CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Moved = True Then
Dim keyvalue As KeyValuePair(Of String, System.Windows.Forms.Panel)
For Each keyvalue In ParentBhPanelDic
keyvalue.Value.Visible = False
PanelMenuFb.Location = New Point(CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).RectangleToScreen(CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).ClientRectangle).Left, Me.RectangleToScreen(Me.ClientRectangle).Bottom)
PanelMenuFb.Visible = True
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' 父菜单的鼠标离开事件处理
''' </summary>
''' <param name="parentName"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Sub ActiveMouseLeaveEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal parentName As String)
Dim PanelMenuFb As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
If ParentBhPanelDic.TryGetValue(CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Caption, PanelMenuFb) Then
If CType(sender, PictureButtonMenu.PictureButtonMenu).Moved = False Then
Dim rect As Rectangle = Me.RectangleToScreen(Me.ClientRectangle)
If rect.Contains(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y) = True Then
PanelMenuFb.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public curDir As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase().ToString())
Public SystemLanguage As String = "zh-CN"
Private Sub Form1_Closed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed
End Sub
Dim ChildMenuPanelsDic As Dictionary(Of Integer, Panel)
Dim panelMenu As Panel
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim xmlPro As New XMLProcess(curDir, SystemLanguage)
Dim Result As New List(Of List(Of Object))
xmlPro.SelectShowMenu(Result, "Menus", "Menus")
If Result.Count > 0 Then
Me.FullyCustomizableMenu1.CreateParentMenu(Result, Me.ImageList1, 1)
Me.FullyCustomizableMenu1.CreateChildMenu(Result, Me.ImageList1, 1)
Result = Nothing
End If
xmlPro = Nothing
Me.FullyCustomizableMenu1.Location = New Point(0, 300)
End Sub
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Menu MenuName="菜单名" MenuId="菜单编号">
————-- 这里自己添加 ----------------------------------------------