Introduction to TCP/IP– Introduction

Introduction to TCP/IP– Introduction


Author    Catalyst Development


Catalyst Development is a recognized leader in Internet component software whose award-winning products are used by thousands of corporate, government and independent developers around the world.


With the acceptance of TCP/IP as a standard platform-independent network protocol, and the explosive growth of the Internet, the Windows Sockets API (application program interface) has emerged as the standard for network programming in the Windows environment. This document will introduce the basic concepts behind Windows Sockets programming and get you started with your first application created with SocketWrench.

SocketWrench is part of a package developed by Catalyst called the SocketTools Visual Edition. SocketTools includes components and libraries for many of the popular Internet application protocols, such as FTP, POP3, SMTP and HTTP. For more information about the complete SocketTools package, visit the Catalyst website at It is assumed that the reader is familiar with Visual Basic and has installed the SocketWrench control.If you're already familiar with sockets programming, feel free to skip this section.

There are two general approaches that you can take when creating a program that uses Windows Sockets. One is to code directly against the API. The other is to use a component which provides a higher-level interface to the library by setting properties and responding to events. This can provide a more "natural" programming interface, and it allows you to avoid much of the error-prone drudgery commonly associated with sockets programming. By including the control in a project, setting some properties and responding to events, you can quickly and easily write an Internet-enabled application. SocketWrench provides a comprehensive interface to the Windows Sockets library and will be used to build a simple client-server application in the next section of this document. Before we get started with the control, however, we'll cover the basic terminology and concepts behind sockets programming in general.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

When two computers wish to exchange information over a network, there are several components that must be in place before the data can actually be sent and received. Of course, the physical hardware must exist, which is typically either a network interface card (NIC) or a serial communications port for dial-up networking connections. Beyond this physical connection, however, computers also need to use a protocol which defines the parameters of the communication between them. In short, a protocol defines the "rules of the road" that each computer must follow so that all of the systems in the network can exchange data. One of the most popular protocols in use today is TCP/IP, which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

By convention, TCP/IP is used to refer to a suite of protocols, all based on the Internet Protocol (IP). Unlike a single local network, where every system is directly connected to each other, an internet is a collection of networks, combined into a single, virtual network. The Internet Protocol provides the means by which any system on any network can communicate with another as easily as if they were on the same physical network. Each system, commonly referred to as a host, is assigned a unique 32-bit number which can be used to identify it over the network. Typically, this address is broken into four 8-bit numbers separated by periods. This is called dot-notation, and looks something like "". Some parts of the address are used to identify the network that the system is connected to, and the remainder identifies the system itself. Without going into the minutia of the Internet addressing scheme, just be aware that there are three "classes" of addresses, referred to as "A", "B" and "C". The rule of thumb is that class "A" addresses are assigned to very large networks, class "B" addresses are assigned to medium sized networks, and class "C" addresses are assigned to smaller networks (networks with less than approximately 250 hosts).

When a system sends data over the network using the Internet Protocol, it is sent in discrete units called datagrams, also commonly referred to as packets. A datagram consists of a header followed by application-defined data. The header contains the addressing information which is used to deliver the datagram to it's destination, much like an envelope is used to address and contain postal mail. And like postal mail, there is no guarantee that a datagram will actually arrive at it's destination. In fact, datagrams may be lost, duplicated or delivered out of order during their travels over the network. Needless to say, this kind of unreliability can cause a lot of problems for software developers. What's really needed is a reliable, straight-forward way to exchange data without having to worry about lost packets or jumbled data.

To fill this need, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was developed. Built on top of IP, TCP offers a reliable, full-duplex byte stream which may be read and written to in a fashion similar to reading and writing a file. The advantages to this are obvious: the application programmer doesn't need to write code to handle dropped or out-of-order datagrams, and instead can focus on the application itself. And because the data is presented as a stream of bytes, existing code can be easily adopted and modified to use TCP.

TCP is known as a connection-oriented protocol. In other words, before two programs can begin to exchange data they must establish a "connection" with each other. This is done with a three-way handshake in which both sides exchange packets and establish the initial packet sequence numbers (the sequence number is important because, as mentioned above, datagrams can arrive out of order; this number is used to ensure that data is received in the order that it was sent). When establishing a connection, one program must assume the role of the client, and the other the server. The client is responsible for initiating the connection, while the server's responsibility is to wait, listen and respond to incoming connections. Once the connection has been established, both sides may send and receive data until the connection is closed.

User Datagram Protocol

Unlike TCP, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) does not present data as a stream of bytes, nor does it require that you establish a connection with another program in order to exchange information. Data is exchanged in discrete units called datagrams, which are similar to IP datagrams. In fact, the only features that UDP offers over raw IP datagrams are port numbers and an optional checksum.

UDP is sometimes referred to as an unreliable protocol because when a program sends a UDP datagram over the network, there is no way for it to know that it actually arrived at it's destination. This means that the sender and receiver must typically implement their own application protocol on top of UDP. Much of the work that TCP does transparently (such as generating checksums, acknowledging the receipt of packets, retransmitting lost packets and so on) must be performed by the application itself.

With the limitations of UDP, you might wonder why it's used at all. UDP has the advantage over TCP in two critical areas: speed and packet overhead. Because TCP is a reliable protocol, it goes through great lengths to insure that data arrives at it's destination intact, and as a result it exchanges a fairly high number of packets over the network. UDP doesn't have this overhead, and is considerably faster than TCP. In those situations where speed is paramount, or the number of packets sent over the network must be kept to a minimum, UDP is the solution.


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